
Oriental College of Management, Bhopal

Anti Ragging Committee & Anti Ragging Squad

Meeting Minutes

Meeting of the faculty members of OCM was held on ragging free environment on Tuesday 16th June 2015 at 11:00 a.m. in the college. The meeting was chaired by Dr. P. K. Chopra, Director, Oriental College of Management as Chairman Anti Ragging Committee. Dr. P. K. Chopra congratulated all the faculty members for their efforts in maintaining ragging free environment in the hostel as well as in the college campus for the session 2015 16. He explained about the rules and regulations as per UGC guidelines and Supreme Court judgment CA no. 887 of 2009. The Director also suggested the measures to maintain zero incidence of ragging.

After the thorough discussion the following decisions were taken to maintain zero incidence of ragging in the hostels, buses, all hotspots and college.

1. A professional counselor will be engaged for freshers especially hostlers preparing them for peaceful & enjoyable stay in hostels.

2. Joint (freshers & seniors) sensitization programme shall be organized immediately after the new session starts.

3. Orientation programme shall be in place to inaugurate the new session.

4. Cultural, sports & other activities shall be arranged in the form of Welcome program by seniors, which includes formal introduction session also.

5. The chief warden would be requested to address all students in the presence of Tutor Guardians (TG) from the college,

6. Faculty members would be requested to dine with students from time to time in the initial two months.

7. Anti ragging Committee would be reconstituted along with an anti ragging squad, as per Supreme Court & UGC guidelines.

8. A request letter will be sent to the collector for a nominee member from district administration and to Superintendent Police for a nominee member from Police Services.

9. A media member from sections of press or TV shall also be nominated.

10. A professor would also be nominated in this committee.

11. A member from NGO working for youth would be invited to be a member.

12. Representatives of parents & students freshers as well as seniors would be nominated on the committee list.

13. Representatives of faculty members & non-teaching staff would be members.

14. Anti ragging squad would be assigned to keep vigil & surprise raids and check on hostels and other hotspots & places of potential ragging.

15. All matters of discipline within teaching institutions, must be resolved within the Campus except those impinging on law & order or breech of peace or public tranquility.

16. Undertaking from parents & students to abstain from ragging and willingness to be penalized for violations shall be procured.

17. Wardens must be accessible at all hours; phone numbers must be displayed prominently on the college notice board.

18. A leaflet on ragging should be distributed to all students on prevention and methods of redress.

19. To keep a vigil and report any incidence of ragging outside campuses and en-route in buses, flying squad members will be deployed.

20. In fact any employee of the college who comes in contact with the students should be apprised of the evil of ragging and should be sensitized. An undertaking to this effect would be taken from them.

21. Freshers would be assigned a T.G. who will discuss with each one about any problem / difficulties and would keep a record in diary.

22. There shall be fortnightly (or as required) meetings of Anti ragging Committee and Squad, to keep updated and review of the execution of decisions taken to prevent the possibility of ragging if any.

23. The purpose of the whole exercise of Anti ragging Campaign would primarily focus on prevention & publicity for awareness among students that ragging is a social evil & it damages the psyche of future builders of the nation.

24. The college committee shall facilitate & provide all the necessary details to the University monitoring cell as and when asked / required.

25. The meeting was concluded with a resolve that there would be a zero tolerance policy against ragging and Oriental College of Management would continue to be a ragging free college always.

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