
H2O.aiMachine Intelligence

H2O.aiMachine Intelligence

Rule-based Model

Feature-based Model

Pure Data Driven Model

H2O.aiMachine Intelligence

Alerts from rule-based system

Analytical Inputs:1. LexisNexis2. Accounts Database3. Transaction Database4. Card Database

Alert Decision: Suspicious

Alert Decision: Not Suspicious

H2O.aiMachine Intelligence

1. Manual analysis by an investigator

2. Dispersed datasets

3. Subjective and inconsistent

4. Time consuming

5. High false positive rate

H2O.aiMachine Intelligence

Rule-based Model

Feature-based Model

Pure Data Driven Model

H2O.aiMachine Intelligence

1. Features are meta data (Extracted from the data)

2. They help algorithms capture information from the data.

3. Feature engineering is a form of language translation: Between raw data

and the algorithm.

H2O.aiMachine Intelligence

1. Transactions - or payments databases

2. Account Information - customer focused database

3. Alerts - AML alerts database.

H2O.aiMachine Intelligence

average balance of last 7 days

7 Days

H2O.aiMachine Intelligence

1. Designed Features Highlight Transactional Behaviour

2. Features Continuously Track Transactional Behaviour of an account

3. Rules Variables can only Identify Threshold Changes

H2O.aiMachine Intelligence

Alerts from rule-based system

Alert Decision: Not Suspicious

H2O Machine Learning Algorithm

Alert Decision: Suspicious

Analytical Inputs:1. Transaction Data2. Account Data3. Card Data etc.

H2O.aiMachine Intelligence

1. Uses AI - artificial intelligence

2. AI with features uses a consistent and objective approach

3. Quick classification

4. Low false positive rate - tweaked based on risk appetite.

H2O.aiMachine Intelligence

Alerts from rule-based system

Alert Decision: Not Suspicious

H2O Machine Learning Algorithm

Alert Decision: Suspicious

Analytical Inputs:1. Transaction Data2. Account Data3. Card Data etc.

AML Analyst

Alert decision sampling by the analyst

Algorithm tuning by analyst after alert decision sampling

H2O.aiMachine Intelligence

1. AI model will learn and improve from the analyst’s feedback

2. The analyst has one single interface

3. Unified interface for dispersed datasets

H2O.aiMachine Intelligence

Rule-based Model

Feature-based Model

Pure Data Driven Model

H2O.aiMachine Intelligence

Not a suspicious transaction

H2O Machine Learning - Deep

Learning Algorithm

Suspicious Transaction

Transaction Data

Alert Data

Card Data

Account Data

H2O.aiMachine Intelligence

1. The algorithm understands malicious behaviour through data

2. Algorithm is smart to work without features - metadata

3. Does not need alerts for training

4. Helps in identifying any kind of anomalous behaviour

5. Deeper insights about customer

H2O.aiMachine Intelligence

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