
Product information It is neither practical, nor desirable, to keep everything that people touch constantly

disinfected. Focus should be given to effective disinfection of the places where infections

most breed, and where infection is most transmitted. Biocides and virucides should always

be used responsibly. They perform a vital defense against spread of infection, but,

unnecessary over-use can reduce effectiveness. Their use should be coupled with actions to instate good hygienic practices for your staff and visitors.

How Antimicro EpiCoat® works

The real benefit of Antimicro EpiCoat® disinfectant is that, if integrated into

established disinfection procedures, it ensures significantly higher safety against the

spreading of germs and viruses, which reduces re-infection. The usual disinfectant used

has a biocidal action lasting under 1 hour. Unless this disinfectant is applied every hour,

bacteria re-establishes. The time between disinfections over 1 hour apart is "the hygiene gap" when there is time for bacteria and viruses to recolonize the treated surface.

The disinfection problem

Humans have been creating disinfectants for millennia and of course some are more

effective than others; for example, the move from vinegar to bleach (Sodium

hypochlorite), both of which have served mankind very well. Over recent years. alcohol,

iodine and hydrogen peroxide have been used to disinfect surfaces, but, the problem with

these disinfectants is that they are good at disinfecting, at the time when they are wiped

over a surface, but they offer no residual on-going benefits. Their active period is less than ONE hour.

For example, imagine the process of disinfecting a hospital room. A person starts cleaning

the surfaces on the left hand side of the room, by the time that they have reached the

right hand side of the room the freshly cleaned surfaces may have been re-colonized

by pathogens - bacteria, viruses and fungi.

This period without full infection control between the disinfectant action ending and the

next disinfection is known as the Hygiene Gap.

This is clearly a completely unsatisfactory process risking infection

transmission from people touching infected surfaces passing the pathogens they pick

up to another surface or person, and wasting cost and effort of the disinfection


Any facility that brings people together in a manner where infections can be passed

through skin contact from one person to another, and obviously, where medical processes are carried out, needs to find a solution to this problem.

The solution lay in creating a disinfectant which combined


with longer term residual protection.

The solution became Antimicro EpiCoat®

While disinfection is essential in conditions defined on this page to prevent transmission

from one to another, it is neither practical nor recommended to disinfect all you touch. To

do so would prevent our immune systems from being effective at fighting infection. It would create bacteria evolving into resistant strains.

Antimicro EpiCoat® is NOT an anti-bacterial product as is commonly found as hand

washes, soaps. It does not use the chemical that is recently considered responsible for

promoting strains of resistant bacteria. Antimicro EpiCoat® is a different class of

product - an anti-microbial disinfectant that uses different compounds and technology

Transforming infection control with Crystalusion Plus®

Antimicro EpiCoat® closes the hygiene gap that arises from cycles of usual

disinfectant application to the same area or surface.

Without Antimicro EpiCoat® , high disinfection frequency for the many infection

risk areas in most types of business is required:

To maintain a constant infection free region or surface,

Where the usual disinfectants have a biocidal action lasting under 1 hour,

To stop bacteria and viruses which can quickly recolonize the previously

disinfected surface.

Using Antimicro EpiCoat® with its continual 7 to 10-day anti-microbial action

after an application, creates constant active infection control for this extended period.

Repeated applications of Antimicro EpiCoat® increase the effectiveness of the

anti-microbial micro-layer surface created. It has a pleasant smell and reduces odours

caused by bacteria.

Where do pathogen infections come from

Pathogens are everywhere. Harmful pathogens (bacteria, viruses and fungi) happily exist

inside and on all living creatures - nothing can live without many of them. We need them.

They live in our gut and urinary systems, in all our moist body openings, some are in our

blood. They thrive in decaying food, organic material and waste.

These pathogens can become virulent and overwhelm when our immune systems.

Normally healthy people’s immune systems effectively resist them until you are tired, or

are fighting another illness, or encounter a more virulent pathogen . . . or a new outbreak

such as the latest MRSA virus.

Pathogen spread is also driven by the ease of, and ever increasing desire of people to

travel to countries where bacteria and virus based illnesses are well established, and where

poor quality water, deprived living conditions, and lack of proper waste handling and storage, provides reservoirs of pathogens.

Travelers unknowingly make skin or clothing contact with infected surfaces and within a

few hours, can be in another country or back home inside the time that the infection can remain valid on their skin, or have already infected them.

The respected medical journal The Lancet provides the report from which this quote is


"Air, sea and land transport networks continue to expand in reach, speed of travel

and volume of passengers and goods carried. Pathogens and their vectors can now

move further, faster and in greater numbers than ever before. Three important

consequences of global transport network expansion are infectious disease

pandemics, vector invasion events and vector-borne pathogen importation. “

The Health Protection Agency reports

“A worrying development is the continued rise in carbapenem-resistant organisms.

We have also started to see local outbreaks around the UK . . . these recent, and in

some cases prolonged, outbreaks suggest that the organisms are becoming

established in the UK, in the community as well as in our hospitals.”

How do infections pass from one to another - cross infection?

Infections mostly pass from one to another through people touching pathogen infected

surfaces. Pathogens pass to their skin which then that contacts other people, or surfaces

that they then touch. Normally the following pose small risk UNLESS correct procedures

are NOT followed, or dirty habits are practices, or is in a high risk area such as medical

and food preparation. Unfortunately, correct procedures are often ignored or mis-understood.

Infection passes from contact with surfaces that have deposits of:

Body fluids, body waste, sweat, nasal mucus, fungal growths from the moist skin

folds - feet, armpits, groin - and more.

From sneezing, coughing, saliva spray, spitting, picking noses, and other

undesirable habits many people have.

Blood and moisture from meat and other dead body tissue that has started to


Uncontained moisture from foul waste handling, refuse disposal.

Sharing of unwashed clothing/socks/shoes/bedding outside the immediate family


Infected blood and body fluids on nurses, doctors, dentists and other treatment


Every day, everybody touches contaminated surfaces.

The microfiber cloth debacle - good at cleaning bacteria, and

spreading bacteria

The microfiber cloth.

Due to the serious issues connected with bacterial cleaning using microfiber cloths, the topic is given detail.

1. Their unquestionable benefit

There is no question that these cloths are extremely effective at removing dirt and

deposits from a surface with their electrostatic action and their tiny filament fibers

which of which thousands in a 150mm square pad scour the surface and pick up

almost everything there - including pathogens, fluids and dirt. Their effectiveness

and efficiency has been widely recognized, from hospitals to supermarkets to the

home. They have been hailed by many as the low cost solution to infection control

without understanding how they should be used.

2. Their evidenced and serious disadvantage

The effectiveness of the microfiber cloth is also their downfall in infection control,

along with how they are promoted and misunderstanding of users on how they

should be used - which is in part due to some of the sales promotion wording for

some sellers of these cloths.

The cloths are so effective at

cleaning up bacteria that they

quickly become laden with bacteria

and dirt. The image to the left

shows how the nature of their

thousands of mini filament fibers

(one filament is shown end-on)

collects dirt and pathogens. It is this storage of the pathogens which makes it

difficult to remove, even in an ordinary machine wash - see reports and clinical

studies below.

Consequently, these cloths can become highly effective

bacteria distributors, with their users believing they are

removing infection when in fact they are often moving bacteria to where it was not before.

More than that, bacteria grow once lodged in the fiber

filaments as this image courtesy of Norwex mop

systems illustrates. The increase in bacteria over 24

hours is dramatically shown.

Below the list of key facts are some clinical studies which evidence this serious problem.

Key facts surrounding the use of these cloths:

Many users do not realise there are different grades of

cloths, designed for specific uses. Users often buy low cost general purpose ones

that can be poor quality and low absorbency, but, believe they are using cloths

effective for cleaning up bacteria.

It is not low cost if using the correct grade microfiber cloths in the correct

way for cleaning bacteria.

There is a special washing process for the cloths to remove all

adherence of pathogens. The domestic washing machine is not sufficient. They

should go to a commercial laundry that knows how to wash them to remove the

electrostatic attraction of pathogens.

Wash processes can degrade the microfiber structure and they

become ineffective.

A cloth folded in eighths or 16 fold is the recommended way

of use, with each of the 16 folds being used to clean and each fold being used for

one small area, and wipe in one direction only.

Use once and on one surface area only then dispose is use

method for bacteria cleaning recommended by the CDC (Centre for Disease Control

and Prevention). The CDC must be regarded as the definite source of infection


Best used in conjunction with bleach is a further recommendation of

the CDC for complete pathogen removal. However, the CDC note that bleach will

likely destroy the cloth fibers. There are some grades that are bleach compatible.

Labour intensive and costly. Far from being a low cost bacterial

cleaning, the method of use required for infection control, the right grade of cloth,

training staff in correct use, cost of replacing cloths frequently and the cost of

correct washing them, makes using microfibers far from low cost.

The overriding concern

The main concern as far as infection control is concerned is NOT the list of points above.

When using a disinfectant there is operational confidence that wherever the disinfectant is

applied, the surface will be infection free, even if that is only for the approximate 40

minutes that 97% of disinfectants remain active for (Antimicro EpiCoat® remains

continually biocidal active for 10 days after application).

When using microfiber cloths alone for bacterial cleaning, the level of confidence in

achieving effective infection control drops substantially due to the

number of uncertainties and causes of error in correct use - will cleaners use them only for

a small area before re-folding; is the correct grade being used; are they being used when

the cloths have been degraded by washing; are the cloths clean, or did the cleaner take

contaminated ones because they could not find a clean set; have the cleaners been

properly trained in their use; who is checking the washed cloths to ensure they are still

performing effectively; and more.

Reports and clinical studies

A selection of links (from many) to clinical studies and authoritative advice.

Study by Environmental Laboratory, University College London Hospitals -

extract - "These cloths were able to spread 103 -104 (C-Difficile) spores to four further

surfaces during cleaning (1st to 4th wipe)-the same as when no disinfectant was used


Cleaning Hygiene Today - Report from the American Journal for

Infection Control - extract " Laundering practices were insufficient for removing potentially harmful bacteria from reusable cloth and

microfiber towels commonly used to clean hospital rooms.

Of the total number of towels tested, 93 per cent contained viable bacteria including E. coli

(causes gastroenteritis), total coliforms (bacteria indicative of faecal matter) and Klebsiella

(causes pneumonia, UTIs and other infections)."

From Infection Control Today - "How are microfiber products washed? If

microfiber products are washed with cotton materials, cotton fibers will infiltrate the

microfiber – limiting its ability to collect and retain the dangerous microbes it is intended to

remove. The use of bleach is also important. While the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

recommends the use of bleach to effectively remove bacteria and spores when cleaning

microfiber, many microfiber products do not allow the use of bleach during the cleaning


From Virox Technologies - As Gareth Williams (at the Cardiff University’s School of

Pharmacy), the lead researcher for the study, stated, “We found the most effective way to

prevent the risk of MRSA spread in hospital wards is to ensure the wipe is used only once on one surface.”

This should not come as a shock to anyone. Best practices for infection

control recommend exactly this and this is how Environmental Services staff are trained.

All staff within a healthcare facility need to understand how to appropriately use

antimicrobial wipes."

From Hospital Health Australia - extract - "Microfiber is, by design, a superior

cleaning agent that attracts and holds onto a variety of organic and inorganic soils. If these

contaminants are not effectively removed by the laundering process, there will be a rapid

deterioration in cleaning efficacy and increased risk for staff and building occupants.

Microfiber cloths can act as an ideal breeding ground for bacteria growth and cross


Antimicro EpiCoat® - effective infection control for Diabetic foot


The following informative and well explained entry is taken from the "Diabetic Foot

Infection" section in the American Family Physician. Antimicro EpiCoat® which is

best sprayed into footwear and socks, gives a constant protection against infections for 7

days after application and is specifically formulated for foot infections. Let Antimicro EpiCoat® keep your feet safe from this condition and avoid infections becoming as

serious as these images


"Foot infections are common in patients with diabetes and are associated with high

morbidity and risk of lower extremity amputation. Diabetic foot infections are classified as

mild, moderate, or severe. Gram-positive bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus and

beta-hemolytic streptococci, are the most common pathogens in previously untreated mild and moderate infection........

......In patients with diabetes, any foot infection is potentially serious. Diabetic foot

infections range in severity from superficial paronychia to deep infection involving bone.

Types of infection include cellulitis, myositis, abscesses, necrotizing fasciitis, septic

arthritis, tendinitis, and osteomyelitis. Foot infections are among the most common and

serious complications of diabetes mellitus. They are associated with increased frequency

and length of hospitalization and risk of lower extremity amputation. Foot ulceration and

infection are the leading risk factors for amputation. Prevention and prompt diagnosis and

treatment are necessary to prevent morbidity, especially amputation."

Within 4 hrs. a virus can spread through a building

In September 2014 the University of Arizona Tuscan released its research for a new study

on viral contamination, presenting their findings at the 54th Interscience Conference on

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) in September 2014. To quote from a

report on this:

"To determine the speed and extent of virus contamination in health care facilities, office

buildings and hotels, the University of Arizona research team examined the transmission of

a tracer virus that is similar to the human norovirus in terms of its shape, size and

resistance to disinfectants. The researchers applied the bacteriophage to one or two

commonly touched surfaces, such as a doorknob or tabletop, at the beginning of the day.

Then at various intervals throughout the day, they sampled dozens of surfaces (including

light switches, countertops, handles, phones and computer equipment) to see if the virus

was present. Their findings showed that within two to four hours, the

virus had contaminated between 40 to 60% of the sampled surfaces".

“Infectious diseases spread rapidly through health care facilities, offices, schools, hotels

and mass transportation. The [University of Arizona] study has proven that widespread

contamination can occur in just a couple of hours,” said Clearstream CEO Jim Praechtl.

“These findings underscore the importance of preventative

measures in halting the spread of viruses and bacteria.”

Praechtl emphasized the role of intervention, explaining, “Proper hand washing is essential

for individuals to protect themselves from contagions; however, organizations

also have a responsibility to protect their customers and the public

by doing all they can to help reduce the surface transmission of viral, bacterial, and fungal cross-contamination.”

With its 7 to 10-day continuous infection prevention after application and other unique

advantages, Antimicro EpiCoat® is the only one-stop solution to control the

workplace and public gathering access building environment. If this hospital had used

Antimicro EpiCoat® they almost certainly would not have had to close wards in

October 2014.

Increased importance of preventing Flue cross infection

The news item in the 'Infection News' column on the right called ‘’Flue found to cause

diarrhea havoc " reports on a new study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine

that Flu infection has long-ranging effects beyond the lung that can wreak havoc in the gut and cause a dreaded symptom, diarrhea.

In testing carried out, they found that ".... flu infection prompts responding immune cells

in the lung to alter their homing receptors, causing them to migrate to the gut. Once there,

they produce the antiviral mediator IFN-γ, which alters the natural composition of gut

bacteria. In turn, the bacterial changes lead to inflammation that promotes tissue injury and diarrhea"

Flue is so common that it is given little regard by most people, although it kills many

elderly, infirm and the very young. In fact, Influenza is a more threatening virus than

Ebola. In the USA alone, over 36,000 deaths a year are attributed to Flu. Many, many times that number are ill and poorly for a week or more from the symptoms of Flue.

Given this new information on the extended effects of Flue and the harm it can cause,

increasing the risk of death, increased attention should be given to reducing cross infection

from Flue which most commonly occurs where people are in close proximity with each

other where there is a Flue infected person.

Coughing, sneezing, saliva spray in the air and landing on surfaces, hands touching the

nose and then other surfaces, all spreads the virus in public transport, ships, coaches,

places where people gather as crowds such as arenas, conferences, theatres, cinemas, offices etc., and the home.

Antimicro EpiCoat® is the only disinfectant that can give continuous infection

control to surfaces it is applied to for 10 days after application. Surfaces subject to high

wear would need re-treatment each 5 to 7 days until the micro-layer it creates has built up

a multi-layer strength over 3 or 4 applications. Thereafter every 10 days. Surfaces of

visible very high infection contamination should always be treated when the contamination is seen.

What conditions at work and at home harbour or contain infections

Pathogens exist and thrive in a wide variety of situations. Beyond decaying organic

material and living creatures, bacteria will be harboured in areas/surfaces that are warm

and damp/moist, poorly cleaned, cracked, poor joints, around leaky drain joints, storage area for soiled laundry.

At work - various business types

Around and under toilets, washbasins, sinks and washing machines.

Around shower floors, corners and angles between wall and floor.

Changing room tiled walls/floors with recessed joints, textured surfaces.

Dirty/soiled gym and sport clothes and boots/socks left in lockers.

Changing room benches and walls.

Cleaning equipment store rooms.

Privacy curtains, sluice rooms, sanitary areas.

Higher surfaces where circulating air drops infection contaminated dust.

Clothing passed between patients and visitors.

Surfaces and equipment in food preparation areas.

Soiled linen and work-wear containers, storage areas.

Musty damp cupboards, and cleaning equipment / food storage areas.

Water storage units, pumping equipment for spas, air conditioning units.

Textured/cracked surfaces and dirty equipment in food preparation.

At Home

Around unclean shower trays, toilets and washbasins.

Around and under leaking washing machines and sinks.

Leaking drains and waste traps.

Refuse bins that smell.

Sharing sweaty/soiled gym and sport clothes and boots/shoes/socks.

Walls and corners that grow mould.

Cracks and loose tile and surface joints in/next to food preparation surfaces.

How Antimicro EpiCoat® works in your business

"How Antimicro EpiCoat® works in your business" gives specific

business/industry type the infections and viruses usually affecting each and which transfer

to customers and staff using news and reports that verify this from 'The Health

Protection Agency' (now called PHE 'Public Health England') and other formal

organizations, on the real risk and continuing increase of viral, bacterial and fungal spread of infection.

Where the infections come from,

where the high risk areas are for attention, and

how it passes from one person to another.

How Antimicro EpiCoat® will bring significant advantages for:

Health protection and Health & Safety compliance,

continual control of spread of infection risk.

Cost reduction and increased operational efficiency.

Antimicro EpiCoat® for universities, colleges, schools,

child care & crèches

Do you believe there is a present infection risk in universities, colleges, schools and

child/infant care facilities? A quick Google search will show numerous outbreaks

that occur, and their increase. Can you allow the serious illness that some will

suffer? Can you afford the resulting closure of the college/school or

childcare/crèche facility, and along with severe disruption for the establishment,

student's study and parents? The document link on the right gives greater detail

of the risks.

The news item on right "school hit by MRSA 3rd time" shows how use of usual

disinfectants of which 98% are effective for under 30 minutes after application, gives no

background continuance of infection control. With Antimicro EpiCoat® a continual

infection control can be given AND it greatly reduces the volume of disinfectant used and

reaching the drains. Disinfection should only focus on the areas of high risk of infection


Antimicro EpiCoat® with its 7 to 10-day lasting biocidal action gives a

constant infection protection against bacteria, viruses and fungi at a fraction of the cost

of the usual disinfection whose short-term effect lets bacteria and viruses re-establish in under 1 hour.

Antimicro EpiCoat® increases health safety and reduces cost - can you

afford not to use it

It is neither practical, nor desirable, to keep everything that

people touch constantly disinfected. Focus should be given to

effective disinfection of the places where infections most breed,

and where infection is most transmitted.

One application of Antimicro EpiCoat® every

7 to 10 days continually protects against infections in the high risk areas listed below.

Where does the infection come from?

Parents, students, staff bring infections into school from their work, home etc.

People returning/visiting from countries where infections are more common.

Visitors bring infections from other schools, their work, home, elsewhere.

Where does infection most breed - high risk areas?

Toilets, washbasins and washroom floors.

Around and under shower trays, washing machines, sinks.

Corners and wall /floor angles in changing rooms.

Under mattresses and bed frames/boxes in sleeping quarters.

Dirty/soiled gym and sport clothes and boots/shoes/socks.

Tile and surface joints and equipment in food preparation.

How does infection cross over from one to another?

Pupils transmit infection by skin contact with desks, toys, and shared resources.

Janitorial staff cleaning cloths spread bacteria from infected surfaces.

Eating and dining areas - communal touch of tables, chairs, implements on


Those returning to communal touch items after toilet and wash basin use.

Changing rooms, benches and showers.

Food prep areas - touch / handle infected surfaces & food served.

Antimicro EpiCoat® use in therapy and clinic rooms,

dentists, GP surgeries, hospitals and clinical procedure rooms.

Antimicro EpiCoat® continued biocidal action after application ends the hygiene gap

that is created by the usual short term disinfectants. It is certified as a Class 2A Medical

Device and is used in hospitals. Its effectiveness has been proven to stringent clinical

standards, see the top menu bar "Product Certification". The Health Protection Agency reports (as in the document link on the right) that:

"A worrying development is the continued rise in carbapenem-resistant organisms. We

have also started to see local outbreaks around the UK; in the past many

sporadic occurrences were directly traceable to incidents of importation, but

these recent, and in some cases prolonged, outbreaks suggest that the

organisms are becoming established in the UK, in the community as well as in our hospitals."

Infection transmission risk areas also include the thousands of treatment and

consulting rooms and clinics, from dentists to physiotherapy to acupuncture. See the NHS

document, and the dentist whose lack of correct procedures and surface cleaning caused 22,000 past patients to be at risk of infection.

What if you could improve health safety by disinfecting every 7 days instead

of daily? Antimicro EpiCoat® maintains continual surface infection control.

Would you say NO to increasing safety and efficiency while lowering cost?

Antimicro EpiCoat® with its 7 to 10-day lasting biocidal action gives a constant

infection protection against bacteria, viruses and fungi at a fraction of the cost of the usual

disinfection that is only effective for under 1 hour.

The durable micro layer that an application of Antimicro EpiCoat® creates, contains lasting biocides that kill pathogens which

contact the surface of the layer. The water shell that always exists around the

pathogen microbes causes the biocide release.

It can be used as an end of wash additive when washing sheets, clothing

or any other attire. The unique formulation of the micro-layer coats the

material fibers with the same lasting biocidal effect. Uniforms worn

throughout the day, healthcare visitors travelling from one patient to another,

and soiled uniforms and work-wear in collection areas present high cross

infection risk. Antimicro EpiCoat® washed into work-wear provides a

continual biocidal coverage while being worn and after.

The certification page shows that it has been certified as non-irritant to the skin. A

championship football club has verified that it has not affected the colors or material attributes for their team's football kit, nor affects wear-ability.

Antimicro EpiCoat® increases health safety and reduces cost - can you

afford not to use it?

End the disruption of daily and multiple per day

disinfections- for medical areas, 1 application of

Antimicro EpiCoat® every 7 days gives continual

biocidal control of the infection risk areas listed below. Where

there is a high clinical infection risk, such as operating theatres, application every 5 days is advised.

The micro-layer that an application of Antimicro EpiCoat® creates provides a

durable easy clean surface during its 7 to 10-day

life. With each application of Antimicro EpiCoat® a more and more durable biocidal layer builds up giving lasting

infection control. More detail is given in the "Product Information" page.

One person using the Nebulizer can completely disinfect an entire room and its contents leaving dry ready to use surfaces. It's so cost-effective!

Whether it is general disinfection of floors, bed-frames,

cupboards and tables, or operating tables, clinical

equipment, or a clinic with treatment tables and chairs,

or all the surfaces a patient / visitor holds and

breathes against, Antimicro EpiCoat® is the

answer for infection control.

As added benefits, the nature of the

micro-layer makes it harder for microbes

and dust to cling to the surface. In water

areas such as showers it reduces scale

formation. After application, it leaves a pleasant natural clean smelling aroma.

Where does the infection come from?

Patients and visitors bring infections in from their work, home, elsewhere.

People returning/visiting from countries where infections are more common.

Staff in contact with other patients create cross infection.

Contaminated toilet floors, visitors spread fluids as they walk out of the room.

Places where infection breeds such as damp storage cupboards, behind wall coverings over old damp walls and musty decaying wood

Where does infection most breed - high risk areas?

Floors, privacy curtains, treatment rooms, sluice rooms, sanitary areas.

Surfaces where patients exhale/hold onto surfaces, treatment tables, seats.

Crevices, angles and joints in surfaces.

Higher surfaces where circulating air drops infection contaminated dust.

Toilets, washbasins, shower and washroom floors, walls and seats.

Clothing passed between staff and from visitors bringing items in.

Shared surfaces and equipment in cafeteria areas.

How does infection cross over from one to another?

People transmit infection by skin contact with shared surfaces and items.

Janitorial staff cleaning cloths spread bacteria between infected surfaces.

Communal touch of tables, chairs, implements in cafeterias.

Those returning to communal areas after toilet and wash basin use.

Changing rooms, benches and showers.

Shared clothing, gloves, gowns, dust covers.

Antimicro EpiCoat® for Aircraft, Trains, Coaches,

Passenger Ships, Ferries & Car Hire

Antimicro EpiCoat® is much more than a very effective anti-microbial treatment to

kill bacteria and viruses (pathogens). Antimicro EpiCoat® continues to kill and

protect when other biocidal solutions stop their anti-microbial effect shortly after their

application. The ‘’ How rapidly flue transmits’’ article on the right how ONE person with

Flue on an airplane infected 75% of the occupants while the ventilation system was off

- transmission was by surface contact. It is much the same for other viruses and bacteria.

Which of your passengers have just come from countries where endemic pathogens have

transferred to their skin and base-layer clothing? How many passengers sneeze, cough and

emit other body fluids on to surfaces that other passengers commonly touch, or do not

wash after toilet use and then touch common surfaces. Flue, E-Coli, Norovirus and most

other pathogens are transmitted in this way between customers and your staff.

Antimicro EpiCoat® biocidal micro-layer goes further

and prevents surfaces from becoming infected, as well as killing it for 7 to

10 days after each application. Plus, this layer creates an easier to clean

surface that resists adherence of body oil, grease and dirt.

What is the point in spending costly time disinfecting a passenger

carrier if, 1 hour after the disinfection, pathogens harboured in corners, joint

crevices and textured surfaces can readily re-infect surfaces. Antimicro

EpiCoat® resolves this problem - called the hygiene gap. It

continues to kill pathogens that contact the micro-layer that Antimicro EpiCoat® creates, keeping the passenger area surfaces infection free.

Antimicro EpiCoat® protects your staff, customers and your business

from the consequences of cross-infection outbreak - can you afford not to?

Vehicles, ships and planes bring people into close

proximity with each other, where shared contact

surfaces, from seats to handles, controls and grab

rails, allow skin contact transmission of

bacteria and viruses from an infected

person to others. With ever easier travel

taking people to many infection ridden

regions, transport operators have a

legal duty of care to their passengers to minimize this well-known cross-infection risk.

The respected medical journal The Lancet provides

the report linked on the right from which this

opening quote is taken: "Air, sea and land transport

networks continue to expand in reach, speed of

travel and volume of passengers and goods carried.

Pathogens and their vectors can now move further,

faster and in greater numbers than ever before.

Three important consequences of global transport

network expansion are infectious disease pandemics, vector invasion events and vector-borne pathogen importation."

Antimicro EpiCoat® with its ability to give lasting and continuous control

of infection makes it an ideal solution for the travel and public transport industries.

Passenger carriers are notoriously difficult to disinfect, so many surfaces and

hard to reach areas, and cleaning staff under time pressure neglecting the

'out-of-sight' parts in order to complete the job quickly.

The Antimicro EpiCoat® Nebulizer resolves this problem.

Switch it on and watch it totally disinfect an entire cabin or area leaving it dry and ready to

go back into service. 1 person can fully disinfect all surfaces in a 10m x 10m area and leave it ready to use inside 90 minutes.

Antimicro EpiCoat® has added benefits:

reduces bad odour,

it reduces water scale formation,

it leaves a pleasant clean smell,

and it creates an easy clean surface, and

it can be used to control infection around water storage, and in air conditioning


Where does the infection come from?

Staff bring infections from home, children at school, and places visited.

Passengers carry them from places visited, especially from overseas.

Water reservoirs and air conditioning that attract bacteria.

Where does infection most breed in offices and homes - high risk areas?

Toilets, washbasins, washroom floors, shower walls and trays.

Clogged basin/bath traps and leaky soiled water plumbing connections.

Uncleaned areas under seats, food serving and waste areas.

Musty damp cupboards, and cleaning equipment / food storage areas.

Cracked / dirty crevices on surfaces and equipment in food serving.

How does infection cross over from one to another?

People transmit infection by skin contact with shared items and surfaces.

Cleaning cloths spread bacteria from infected surfaces to others.

Communal touch of tables, chairs, implements on tables.

Those returning to communal areas after toilet and wash basin use.

Transmission of body fluids - spit, sneezing, coughs, and in toilet areas.

Food preparation areas - staff touch infected surfaces and food served.

Using Antimicro EpiCoat® in catering and food


Protecting against infection outbreaks requires constant vigilance and disinfection

procedures. Failure to do so can result in serious ill-health and possible death for

customers and destruction of your business. Bacteria contaminated surfaces and

equipment are a ready source of cross contamination.

The reports that

"Norovirus is the most common cause of infectious diarrhea and

vomiting in the community. The virus can often cause outbreaks, especially in

closed or semi-closed communities. As it affects the gut, norovirus can be

transmitted through: person-to-person transmission; from contaminated

environments; eating food contaminated at source or by infected food


Antimicro EpiCoat® with its 7** day lasting biocidal action gives a

constant infection protection against this and most other bacteria, viruses and fungi at

a fraction of the cost of the usual disinfection that is only effective for under 1 hour.

** Using Antimicro EpiCoat® every 7 days is advised for food preparation areas.

What if you could improve health safety by disinfecting every 7 days instead of daily? Would you say no to increasing, safety, efficiency while lowering


Disinfection focus should be given to

effective disinfection of the places where

infections most breed, and where infection is

most transmitted when an infection outbreak


When Antimicro

EpiCoat® is applied, it

creates a washable lasting dry

micro-layer containing biocides.

As well as killing any bacteria

and viruses present when it is applied, the biocides act on any bacterial

pathogens that come into contact with the micro-layer during its active 7 to 10-day

period. Subsequent applications build up an increasing durable and cleanable surface.

The Antimicro EpiCoat® Nebulizer gives rapid highly cost effective

infection control. Using this process, 1 person can sit back and watch a Nebulizer disinfect all surfaces in

a 10m x 10m room in about 1 hour, leaving a dry ready to use biocidal micro-layer

protecting those surfaces from re-infection. Total protection, total control.

Antimicro EpiCoat® increases health safety and reduces cost - can you

afford not to use it?

1 application of Antimicro EpiCoat® every 7 to 10 days continually

protects the high risk areas listed below. The 'Product Certification' gives

access to the extensive testing and approvals which includes approval as a




EpiCoat® has

added benefits. It is

certified as non-

irritant and can be

added to clothing

wash cycles giving

the same micro

layer protection to

material fibers. And,

generally it:

it reduces odour,

it creates a pleasant smell,

prevents water scale,

it creates an easier to clean surface that resists adherence of oils and dust.

Where does the infection come from?

Staff bring infections into the working environment from home and


Bacteria enters the premises, encourage by defective drains and waste


People returning/visiting from countries where infections are more


Customers bring infections from places they have come from.

Around / under poorly cleaned sinks, sluice areas and dishwasher regions.

Kitchen floors / wall tiling with joints; angles between walls / floors /


Food prep surfaces with abrasions.

Soiled clothing and work-wear dump areas.

Mops and cleaning equipment that is left soiled.

Damp / dirty cleaning and mop storage rooms.

Surfaces and equipment in food preparation and serving.

How does infection cross over from one to another?

Skin contact with shared equipment and resources.

Cleaning cloths spread bacteria from infected surfaces to infect others.

Communal touch of tables, chairs, implements / condiments on tables.

Those returning to communal areas after toilet and wash basin use.

Infected staff constantly touch / handle surfaces and food served.

Antimicro EpiCoat® for sport clubs, leisure & gym

facilities & school sport

As can be seen in the attached report on infection outbreaks in sport (in the right-hand

panel) from the North West Health Protection Agency (now Public Health England),

there is an increasing incidence of sport related infection outbreaks arising from skin

contact which also occurs through touch of communal and shared surfaces. Other reliable information sources on sport related infections are linked to on the right.

In this section will be seen references to serious infection transfer that takes place in sport.

With commonplace infections such as E-Coli, C-Difficile, Norovirus, Influenza and

others now becoming antibiotic resistant, these infections present in every toilet and

workplace have the ability to cause serious illness and in some cases death. What was

once easily treated and given little thought over, is now a serious health issue.

Antimicro EpiCoat® with its 7

to 10-day lasting biocidal action

giving the same highest level of

efficacy on day 10 as after 1

hour (using the industry standard ASTM

E2180 test protocols) gives a constant

infection protection against bacteria,

viruses and fungi at a fraction of the

cost of the usual disinfection that is only

effective for under 1 hour.

Focus should be given to effective

disinfection of the places where

infections most breed, and where

infection is most transmitted. The listed

points below show where and how infections risk is likely in sport.

Rugby is a well-recognized sport for PVL MSSA infection (as is wrestling) as the close

contact and ‘turf burns’ from artificial grass can abrade the skin allowing the bacteria to

multiply and get into the body. This occurs in other sports. Between August 2013 and

February 2014 the Public Health England team in the South Midlands carried out an investigation into cases of PVL-MSSA.

Most active infections present as recurrent boils and abscesses but it can lead to serious

infections which can cause the skin and tissues to die (necrotizing fasciitis), and may be

life threatening. 1 application of Antimicro EpiCoat® every 7 to 10 days gives

continual protection against infections in these high risk areas.

Antimicro EpiCoat® increases health safety and reduces cost - can you

afford not to use it

Athletes Foot and other foot infections

As reported the Marshfield Clinic 15 March 2015

"Gyms (and sport club changing rooms) are an ideal breeding ground for infectious

diseases. Maintaining proper hygiene and clean equipment, gear and clothing can

reduce the potential spread of fungal, viral and bacterial infectious diseases at the

gym or in the locker room. Don't let these skin infections derail your fitness program or sideline you from competition."

One of the high infection cross-over risks is shared socks

and footwear. This difficult to prevent sharing is an open

door for bacterial and fungal organisms to pass between

people. The 'Foot Fungus' link on the right shows why this infection should not be ignored.

Foot fungal infections (Athletes Foot) can be serious, as this image

shows. It can lead to complete foot skin

loss. The fungal growth contains a small

ringworm which can migrate through

unwashed hands to other parts of

the body and infect other moist areas such as the groin,

armpits and into head and other hair. It easily passes from

person to person within families and close communities. Look out for the sign of ringworm as the image on the right.

A personal infection can take months to eradicate, and when it

infects the nails, it is difficult to treat. For sports people, it can

seriously affect their ability to complete. For clubs, an infected key player can cause the loss a much needed game win.

Antimicro EpiCoat® specially formulated with its

10-day continuous protection after spraying on socks and/or into shoes can

effectively prevent fungal infections being transmitted in your club, gym, leisure center and school/university

Antimicro EpiCoat® is designed to stop this fungal infection before it infects the skin.

It is certified as non-irritant and easily sprayed into socks on footwear and provides the

same lasting biocidal action. Other products with their effective but short-term action,

do not give control of the infection passing to your other body regions and to shared users of the infected footwear.

Shared sport and gym clothing is common cause of cross-infection.

Antimicro EpiCoat® provides effective control of clothing cross-

infection transmission. It can be used as a wash final rinse additive. It is

certified as non-irritant to the skin and does not affect clothing coloring or

comfort of wear. It coats the material fibers with the same type of micro-

layer containing biocides and maintains infection transmission prevention

between each wash. Due to friction between fibers and during wear, a 5-day re-application is advised.

Antimicro EpiCoat® has added benefits:

it reduces the formation of bad odour,

rapidly dries leaving a pleasant clean smelling aroma

inhibits water scale formation, and

creates an easy clean surface which aids the usual cleaning routines.

Antimicro EpiCoat® was successfully trialed by Crawley Town Football Club teams.

Repeated applications of Antimicro EpiCoat® build up the micro-layer into a more

and more durable cleaning, and biocidal, surface. For medical treatment

areas, therapy and treatment tables, and floor mats which may absorb sweat

and body fluids, it is advisable to apply Antimicro EpiCoat® every 5 to

7 days. For swimming pool and therapy pool surrounds and pavings.

Contact in sport passes serious infections between players

As reported in October 2014, College (and other) athletes in contact sports more likely to carry MRSA and pass it to team mates during contact. As noted in the report:

"The annual meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, the Society for

Healthcare Epidemiology of America, the HIV Medicine Association and the Pediatric

Infectious Diseases Society at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, researchers

unveiled their findings that college athletes in contact sports are more likely to carry

the superbug methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) than those in non-contact sports as well as those in the general population.

This study is the first to observe college athletes outside of an actual outbreak of

MRSA. What researchers found was that even if they don’t show signs of infection,

these athletes are more likely to carry MRSA (called colonization) usually in their

noses and throats, which increases their chance for an infection later, as well as the likelihood that they will spread it to others."

Antimicro EpiCoat® provides the essential long-term protection with surfaces and

equipment treated with Antimicro EpiCoat® continuously killing infections that touch

it over the 10-day period after spray-on or mop-on application. This includes clothing with

the fibers of Antimicro EpiCoat® washed material (sportswear and any other


Where does the infection come from?

Customers and staff bring infections from their work, home and places visited.

People returning/visiting from countries where infections are more common.

Therapy treatment, physio and medical staff unknowingly bring infections from treatment on other people and other places they work in.

Where does infection most breed - high risk areas?

Around and under toilets, washbasins, sinks and washing machines.

Around shower floors, corners and angles between wall and floor.

Changing room tiled walls/floors with recessed joints, textured surfaces.

Dirty/soiled gym and sport clothes and boots/socks left in lockers.

Textured/cracked surfaces and dirty equipment in food preparation.

How does infection cross over from one to another?

People transmit infection by skin contact with items and resources they share.

Sport & gym clothing shared and lent to one another.

Shared boots/gym shoes and socks transmit fungal foot infections.

Janitorial staff cleaning cloths spread bacteria from infected surfaces.

Eating and dining areas - communal touch of tables, chairs, implements on


Those returning to communal touch surfaces after toilet and wash basin use.

Changing rooms, benches and showers.

Food preparation areas - staff touch infected surfaces and food served.

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