

Protocol: Remote Energy Clearing Using GEMFormulas Clearing Sprays _________________________________________________

OVERVIEWYou call in the Energy Clearing (ECL) and Electromagnetic Radiation Protection (EMR) mandalas to help clear energies that a client is ready to release. Then 7-color-ray Diamond Spray droplets are called in to clear unwanted energies that stand in the way of the Blueprints.

SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE REQUIREDTo do this procedure it is essential to have:

The knowledge of what the ECL and EMR mandalas look like.

A sense of what the energies of the ECL and EMR mandalas feel like.

An understanding of the effects of the ECL and EMR mandalas.

Remote skills of palpating energy flows with hand movements.

Another essential skill is the ability to appreciate that when working remotely, size makes absolutely no difference. You should be able to palpate your client’s entire aura between your hands. (Then in the next moment, you can watch the red blood cells move through the veins.)

EFFECTSWhile releases prompted by gemandala clearing are usually superficial—because you invite the client to release unwanted energies they’re ready to let go of—that isn’t always the case. Sometimes the origins can be quite deep.

This clearing removes unwanted energies that the body is ready, willing, and able to release. This allows you to:

Copyright © 2018 Gemstone Therapy Institute Isabelle Morton

Connect more closely with your client. Get access to more deeply-seated unwanted energies, which

may require other clearing techniques. Get a sense of how ready, willing, and able your client’s energy

field is to release unwanted energies, and how deep the unwanted energies may be rooted. This is determined by the quality and the heaviness of the sponge that you create with the mandala.

o If the sponge feels heavy quickly, it can mean a lot has been released and the client was ready to release it.

o If the sponge feels both heavy and tightly concentrated, it suggests you’ve accessed something relatively deep.

o When the sponge feels present, but not necessarily heavy, it probably represents a concentration of ‘dust on the furniture’ type of unwanted energy.

o When the sponge is reluctant to fill, it can suggest the client isn’t ready to let go, or the client is too depleted or unable to let go. You may have to stop the clearing, do another procedure, and then come back to it.

It takes practice to learn the differences.

DISCUSSION__________CALLING IN GEMSTONE MANDALASTo do this procedure, you’ll be calling in the ECL and EMR mandalas.

The mechanism for calling them in is the same whether you’re working with gemstones, Therapy Diamonds, individual stones, or symbiotic pairs. On one hand it can feel as though the thought or the need comes to mind first, and then you ask the gemstones to appear. However, if you look back and dissect the timeline, you may notice that the thought to use these gemstones comes in moments after the gemstones have already appeared.

This can make you wonder, philosophically speaking, do we really call them in? It’s something to ponder and consider. That being said, during a session, it’s easy to say “We’re calling in Rose Quartz, Red Spinel,” or “We’re calling in the Energy Clearing mandala.” The words roll off the tongue. It’s more accurate to say, “Rose Quartz, Red Spinel are coming in, followed by the Energy Clearing mandala.”

Copyright © 2018 Gemstone Therapy Institute Isabelle Morton


It is not accurate to say “I am calling in [such and such a gemstone].” As a matter of detail, always use the word “we” because within that you can find integrity. “We” includes the body’s intelligence as well as whatever intelligence is found within the gems themselves. It also includes the Blueprint intelligence, and all the intelligence centers that are involved in the clearing.

When the mandala appears, you should allow, assume, expect and in-tend that the mandala becomes a multi-dimensional sponge and will reach as many layers of the aura and levels of manifestation as is needed.

THE RIVER OF LIFEDuring the procedure, you will say, “We invite the River of Life off to the side.” This river is viewed as coming from the Ocean of Eternity. The ocean forms a river, and that river passes along side of your session space, and then it flows back into the Ocean of Eternity.

Anything that you put into that river is being responsibly dispersed, and returned to where it came from in the Earth or Heavens. This is not an act of pollution. Energy is inherently neutral. Energy is unwanted only when it’s in the wrong place at the wrong time, such as in your body when your body no longer resonates with it. Then the energy causes disharmony. Spare the judgment, because that same energy for someone else may be instructive.

I have a hanging plant at home that I just love, and we have this amazing relationship. Sometimes, when I take off a necklace, it will say, “I’ll clear that for you.” When this happens, I drape the necklace through its leaves. The plant helps clear the necklace. The energies that were unwanted to me nourish the plant. But not all of them. I have to be respectful of the plant and only give her the necklaces that have collected energies she can handle.

REPEATING THE CLEARINGYou may repeat the ECL or EMR clearing once. Any more than that will require nourishment to give the client the resources to handle more of this type of release. However, additional gemandala clearing is usually not necessary. Continue with the session and more focused clearing if needed will be given either with White Beryl/Turquoise or Diamond clearing techniques.

After you’ve cleared the whole body and aura, you may repeat the pro-cedure at a target area or one level of manifestation.

Copyright © 2018 Gemstone Therapy Institute Isabelle Morton

Sometimes I call it “The River of Light.” Either one is fine. I believe

which term rolls off your tongue may depend upon the circumstances or

client who’s listening.

WHEN TO APPLYThis procedure is commonly performed at the beginning of a remote Diamond or Gemstone Therapy session, though it can come up anytime during it.

Start the session as usual, following the opening steps of the Diamond or Gemstone Therapy remote protocol you are using.


1. Introduce the ECL clearing.2. Invite the ECL mandala to encompass the body and aura.3. Hold the ECL sponge in your hands.4. Release the full sponge into the River of Life.

5. Introduce the EMR clearing.6. Invite the EMR mandala to encompass the body and aura. 7. Hold the EMR sponge in your hands. 8. Release the full sponge into the River of Life.

9. Invite thousands of tiny Diamonds like scrub brushes throughout the body and aura.

10.Observe and complete the clearing.

Copyright © 2018 Gemstone Therapy Institute Isabelle Morton



Here’s the procedure with suggested wording.

First, tune into the client by palpating their rhythms. You’ll know that you are connected when you sense them. They may be imperfect, too fast, slow, or sticky. If you at least feel some version of them, you know you are in connection with the client and can continue.

1. Introduce the clearing. You would say:

2. Begin the clearing.

It’s important to say “at this time” to help contain and give boundaries and limits to what gets released.

3. Observe the clearing.

Hold your hands in front of you as though you’re holding the bottom of a basket. (Your hands should be in front upright position as described in the Energy Awareness Exercises course.) You’re really holding the bottom of the mandala sponge. As the sponge absorbs unwanted energy, you’ll feel a sense of increasing heaviness in your hands.

Copyright © 2018 Gemstone Therapy Institute Isabelle Morton

“Let’s start with a clearing. We’re going to use the Energy Clearing mandala that’s used to make the GEMFormulas’ Energy Clearing aura spray. “

“The sponge is getting heavy. Let’s invite [or acknowledge] the River of Life off to the side.”

“Let’s invite the Energy Clearing mandala to come in really big, encompassing your body and aura. Let it be thick like a sponge, absorbing all the unwanted energies that you’re ready and able to release at this time, throughout all dimensions and levels of your being.”

Figure 1: The Energy Clearing mandala surrounding the body and aura.

At some point, you’ll feel as though the sponge is heavy enough. Say:

Grab hold of the bottom of the basket, lift it up, turn to the side, and lower your hands while releasing the sponge into the River of Life. The unwanted energy dissipates as it goes.

If you feel a clear dissipation of energy, continue to Step 4.

If you sense the energy sits like a big lump in the middle of the River of Life, check the central chakra channel. Likely there’s a constriction that prevents easy dissipation of unwanted energies. Correct the central chakra channel constriction using either Diamond or Gemstone Therapy methods. Repeat the clearing, and the unwanted energies will release.

4. Evaluate the clearing so far.

Return your attention to the client’s energy field and decide if you should repeat Steps 2-3 (once more only), or proceed to EMR clearing.

The choice is made to repeat the ECL clearing.

Copyright © 2018 Gemstone Therapy Institute Isabelle Morton

“Now I’m going to lift up the sponge, and place it into the River of Life, and off it goes.”

“That sponge was really heavy, so let’s repeat the procedure.”


“Now let’s clear harmful electromagnetic radiation, such as the energies your body might pick up from cell phones, computer screens, and overhead lights.”

Let’s bring in the Energy Clearing mandala once again, really big, encompassing your body and aura. Thick like a sponge. Able to absorb all of the unwanted energies that you’re ready to release at this time.”

“The sponge is getting heavy once again. We’re going to lift it up, place it in the River of Life, and off it goes.”



Figure 2: Left: The EMR Clearing Mandala covering the body and aura. Center: The EMR Clearing Mandala focusing on the torso. Right: The mandala focusing on a certain type of cells.

Always do the ECL clearing first, even if just one time. I’ve tried starting with the EMR mandala clearing, and it doesn’t work as well. Better to clear random energies first before getting specific with the EMR clearing.

Here’s the procedure with suggested wording.

1. Introduce the clearing.

2. Begin the clearing.

3. Observe the clearing.

Copyright © 2018 Gemstone Therapy Institute Isabelle Morton

“Let’s invite the Electromagnetic Radiation Clearing mandala. Let it encompass your body and as much of the aura as needed. Let it be thick like a sponge, absorbing all of the harmful electromagnetic radiation that may have gotten caught in your tissues instead of passing harmlessly through.”

“Now let’s clear harmful electromagnetic radiation, such as the energies your body might pick up from cell phones, computer screens, and overhead fluorescent lights.” . “

Hold your hands in front of you as though you’re holding the bottom of a basket.

At some point, you’ll feel as though the sponge is heavy enough. Say:

Grab hold of the lower portion of the sponge that’s in your hands. Lift it up, turn to the side, and lower your hands while releasing the sponge into the River of Life. The unwanted energy dissipates as it goes.

4. Evaluate the clearing so far.

Return your attention to the client’s energy field and decide if you should repeat Steps 2-3 (one time only), or proceed to the Diamond clearing.

Copyright © 2018 Gemstone Therapy Institute Isabelle Morton

“The sponge is getting heavy. Let’s invite [or acknowledge] the River of Life off to the side.”

“Now I’m going to lift up the sponge, and place it into the River of Life. And off it goes.”



Since Diamond isn’t a mandala, we take the image of the colorful Diamond that’s on the label of the 7 Color-Ray Diamond Spray and envision that, with a slight variation:

Instead of one Diamond, you acknowl-edge thousands of them.

1. Introduce and begin the clearing. You would say:

2. Observe and complete the clearing.

Hold your hands in front of you as though you’re holding the bottom of a basket. As the scrub brushes get dirty they get heavy and fall into it.

3. Palpate the client’s energy field until you become aware of what you’ll be doing next.

PROCEDURE: THE POULTICE VARIATION_________________________________________________

Copyright © 2018 Gemstone Therapy Institute Isabelle Morton

“Now let’s invite thousands of tiny little diamonds, like scrub brushes, clearing away all that stands between you and your blueprints, so that you can get the best and the most from this Gemstone and Diamond Therapy session.

“Now let’s collect the dirty scrub brushes and place them into the River of Life.”

Figure 3: Thousands of tiny diamond spectrum “scrub

brushes” surround the body and aura.

THE EMR POULTICEWhat if you have a strong sense that the client needs an EMR clear-ing, or that the client herself has told you she has symptoms of EMR poisoning, yet the sponge doesn’t absorb much. In fact, it feels as though the body is unable to release the harmful EMR it is holding?

In this case, you want to use the EMR Clearing mandala as a poul-tice.

The gemstones in the EMR clearing mandala—their properties, ge-ometries, and numerologies—are encoded with information that can teach our bodies how to become resilient to EMR. This means how to allow harmful electromagnetic radiation to pass harmlessly through our body.

In order to survive, we have to call upon that genetic information, and that Blueprint information within us, that can teach our bodies how to become resilient to the EMR that is all around us.

The problem is, sometimes the cells, molecules and organs see this foreign EMR energy and they get curious, worried, concerned, or afraid of it. This makes them contract, and in the motion of contrac-tion the unwanted EMR frequencies become embedded in the body.

When you bring in the EMR clearing mandala as a sponge, it’s at-tracted to those areas that are holding the EMR and draws the EMR frequencies out. When you bring in the mandala as a poultice, the mandala educates the body, and teaches it how to let the EMR go.

To use the EMR clearing mandala as a poultice you imagine the man-dala turns itself inside-out. You may not be able to see what this looks like or how it occurs, but you can feel it. The turning inside-out changes the mandala from one that absorbs, to one that gives (as in giving education and information). Instructions below.

THE ECL POULTICE The Energy Clearing poultice, like the EMR poultice, is educational. The mandala’s gemstones, geometry, numerology, and the energy incorporated into it, teaches the body about the information incorporated into that particular mandala. In the case of the ECL, it’s how to let go unwanted energies.

The ECL poultice, also nourishes the body with its gemstone energies, feeding it with the energy it needs to let go.

Copyright © 2018 Gemstone Therapy Institute Isabelle Morton


When presenting the ECL mandala as a poultice, you may sense the client’s body drinking it up. Know, allow, and observe the Energy Clearing mandala refueling itself so that it may supply as much as the client needs.

DIRECTIONS: HOW TO MAKE AND USE A MANDALA POULTICEWhen you’ve called for an ECL or EMR mandala as a sponge, and it feels stuck and unable to absorb anything, you may decide to work with the mandala as a poultice first. Then perform the clearing.

1. Connect with the mandala between your hands. Note its vitaliz-ing rhythm.

2. Declare that the mandala turns itself inside out.

In doing so, the sponge becomes the poultice. While the poul-tice is feeding and educating the targeted area, the rhythms may slow down or stop.


After a while the vitalizing rhythms will return, and you will know the client has had enough. The education has been received. Now you can declare,

Copyright © 2018 Gemstone Therapy Institute Isabelle Morton

“It appears the area isn’t ready to release at this time, so let’s invite the Energy Clearing mandala to reveal itself as a poultice, rather than a sponge. This will be very nourishing and uplifting and will further prepare the area for a cleansing.”

To turn a mandala inside out to reveal its poultice proper-ties:

1. Feel the mandala’s rounded presence between your hands.

2. Use your thumbs, a) connect with center of mandalab) move them down decisively as you “open” the mandala

3. Turn your wrists to turn the mandala’s energy field inside out. You may feel a release of energy.

4. Palpate the presence of the poultice and sense the effects of its nourishment.

“Now it’s time for the clearing. The mandala has finished nourishing you and teaching your energy field how to let go unwanted energies. The poultice becomes a sponge, and we invite all the unwanted energies in your body and aura, that are ready to be released, to let go and be absorbed into the sponge.”


You drop the sponge into the River of Life, but it feels as though there’s more sponge left.

Turn back to center, reconnect with the rest of the sponge. Wait a little while longer until it fills. Turn and release it into the River of Life. Rarely do you need to do this a third time.

You drop the sponge into the River of Life, but it doesn’t move. It sits there like a lump.

This was discussed above. Evaluate and treat the central chakra channel. A constraint in the channel is prohibiting the body from releasing unwanted energies.

You drop the complete sponge into the River of Life, but it feels as though there’s more unwanted energies to release.

Repeat the sponge with the same mandala.

You present the mandala but it feels as though the body doesn’t have the energy to release anything.

One option is to use the ECL mandala as a poultice first. Then use it as a sponge. In most cases, the release should happen easily.

Copyright © 2018 Gemstone Therapy Institute Isabelle Morton

To turn a mandala inside out to reveal its sponge-like prop-erties:

1. Feel the mandala’s rounded presence between your hands.

2. Use your thumbs, a) connect with center of mandalab) move them down decisively as you “open” the mandala

3. Turn your wrists to turn the mandala’s energy field inside out. You may feel a release of energy.

4. Palpate the presence of the sponge and sense its absorptive ef-fects.


You’re working with a target area, and you intuit that it’s time to do the mandala clearing. You find this curious because you have other, more effective clearing techniques.

Follow your guidance, of course. There’s a reason this particu-lar procedure was chosen. It can give you a good sense of how ready, willing, and able your client’s energy field is to release the unwanted energies, and how deeply rooted they may be. This information may be helpful to intelligence centers in the remainder of the session.

When working with Target Areas, the clearing will be more effective if you do a whole body/aura clearing first. Then invite a smaller version of the mandala to cover just the target area.

You’re in a public place and suddenly find the need to practice a clear-ing technique on yourself or a loved one:

It is possible to do this technique only in your attention, without moving your hands.

Try to remember to clear the whole body first, and then the area that hurts.

In a crisis: find out if the Foundation Five balancing should hap-pen first. Often the body needs to be balanced first before it can let go of unwanted energies.

Copyright © 2018 Gemstone Therapy Institute Isabelle Morton

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