Page 1: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

Annual Program Review

Page 2: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

Today’s ObjectivesDemonstrate scope and progress

of LWMP work

Review problem, causes and solutions

Recognize significance of community

Affirm the difficult decisions close at hand

Page 3: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

A Brief History of Lake Whatcom ManagementA working watershed – the first 150 years

Contemporary timeline – 1992 to 2007

Accomplishments – 2008

Page 4: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

First efforts to cooperatively manage watershed

First stormwater retrofit project

Lake Whatcom declared a sensitive water body, Interlocal Agreement for joint management formalizes Lake Whatcom Management Program (LWMP)

Impervious surface limited for new construction

Nutrient control required for large developments

Stormwater retention and treatment required for new construction and renovation

First 5-year Management Plan is adopted

Created Silver Beach Ordinance and Watershed/Stormwater Overlays

The 1990’s

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Placed moratorium on land divisions smaller than five


Permanently restricted building on over 1,200 lots in

Sudden Valley

1,400 potential dwelling units eliminated by downzone

Clearing standards adopted for unincorporated areas

Initiated TDR program moving 100 development

Adopted second LWMP 5-Year Management Plan

Banned 2-cycle boat motors

P-fertilizer banned on residential lawns and public


Invested in capital improvements to reduce pollutant


Infiltration required for new construction and


The 21st Century

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ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2008Purchased three watershed properties from


Pursued re-conveyance of over 8,000 acres of forest land

Finalized Agate Bay Preserve conservation easement

Implemented City and County Stormwater Plans

Coordinated a watershed build-out analysis and developed a consistent methodology for future analysis

Coordinated household hazardous waste collection resulting in over 11 tons of toxics removed

Page 7: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2008Collected and presented monitoring data

Chronicled land-use regulations that improve water quality

Implemented new septic system maintenance regulations

Surveyed illicit discharges

Responded to Total Maximum Daily Load Technical Report

Completed Northridge retrofit and Northshore Drive projectEstablished/extended moratoria on subdivisions and buildingInitiated pilot projects on P-Best Management Practices

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Turning Plans into Action

Cable Street Vault Installation Retention Pit Installation in Sudden Valley

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Northridge sand filter / detention pond

Turning Plans into Action

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North Shore Drive pervious bike lane

Cable Street infiltration swale

City/County Capital Expenditures:$5M over last six years$9M next six years

Cost of Stormwater Infrastructure

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Page 12: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

The Problemsphosphorus, algal blooms,

dissolved oxygen, bacteria, metals, petroleum products, dissolved solids

&Silver Beach Creek 09/27/07 storm samples












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TP SRP BLI rain level

amount and timing of runoff

Page 13: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community
Page 14: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

The Causesanimal waste, failing septics,

yard waste, P-fertilizer, detergents, erosion, improper land-disturbance, atmospheric deposition, impervious surfaces, inadequate facilities…

Page 15: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

The Solutionsstormwater management plans

LWMP Annual Work Plan

TMDL Implementation Plan• land-use compliance

• targeted land acquisition

• incentive programs

• outreach, outreach, outreach

Page 16: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

TMDL: What is it and what does it mean?Department of Ecology determined that Lake Whatcom

suffers from chronically low dissolved oxygen and elevated fecal coliform bacteria.

Total Maximum Daily Load are the amounts of P and FC that the lake can receive and still meet water quality standards.

An implementation plan must be prepared, approved and acted on.

Insufficient action means non-compliance with State permits, fines and exposure to litigation.

Page 17: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

What is success?

Removing pollutant sources

AND appropriately converting

storm water conveyance to


A cleaner and more

predictable water





Page 18: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

Success isconvincing people that things must

change in order that our expectations for future quality of life can remain the same…

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Management Tools 1:Source Reduction

P-Fertilizer use (P) Animal waste (P, FC) Yard waste/compost (P) Cleaning products (P) Failing Septics (P, FC) Stream bank stabilization (P) Shoreline management (P, FC) Exposed soil (P)

Page 20: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

Management Tools 2a:Stormwater Management

For the Homeowner and Developer:

•Residential LID options

•Homeowner retrofit programs


•Outreach, outreach, outreach

Page 21: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

Management Tools 2b:

North Shore Drive Pervious Bike Lane

Cable Street Bio-infiltration Swale

Stormwater Infrastructure

Page 22: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

Management Tools 3People

Governments can build infrastructure and create incentives, but ultimately the effort MUST HAVE COMMUNITY BUY IN

Conduct targeted outreach Empower community champions Provide technical assistance Develop incentives

Page 23: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

Executive Management

TeamCity CouncilCounty CouncilWater & Sewer District Commissioners

ICT &Staff Teams

• OSS inspection

• Water Supply

• Waste Water

• Solid Waste

• Lake Whatcom website

• Pledge Program

• Stewardship Incentives

• Sudden Valley education &


• COB Stormwater Plan

• WC Stormwater Plan

• LID Programs

• Watershed Enforcement

•Permit Review

• Development Tracking

• Transportation Planning

• WC & State Health, WC PW, COB PW, DOE, WWU

• Development Rights Programs

• City Acquisition Program)

• Reconveyance

Utilities and Waste Management

Land Preservation

Stormwater Management

Urbanization & Land Development

Data Mgmt

Community Outreach


• Urbanization/Development Team

• Enforcement Team• Data Management Team

• Stormwater Team•Transportation Team

•Education Team

Page 24: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

2009 LWMP WORK PLAN1) Prepare TMDL Implementation Plan2) Implement stormwater plans3) Advance programmatic efforts4) Secure funding

New 2010-2014 LWMP 5-yr Management Plan will be developed in 2009. It will reflect early actions of TMDL response plan.

Page 25: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

Work Plan Additions 2009Silver Beach Creek Phosphorus Reduction Pilot

ProjectInteragency review of raingarden efficacy Refine Low Impact Development programPursue animal waste management through

Conservation Program on Agricultural Lands (CPAL) and outreach

Refine education and community outreach strategy, techniques and messages

Enhance compliance program for septic system maintenance

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2009 HighlightSilver Beach Creek Pilot ProjectShowcase key management tools in the

highest priority urban watershedPromote community acceptance of

stormwater facilities and stewardship messages

Demonstrate rapid, scaleable deployment of stormwater programs

Stimulate public dialog about benefits of stormwater management

Page 27: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

Project ComponentsBio-infiltration facility at Lahti DriveRetention pond retrofitSilver Beach Creek bank stabilizationTargeted homeowner Low Impact Development

(LID) and retrofit optionsCompliance /education program for regulated

phosphorus and bacterial sourcesMonitor water quality improvements in Silver Beach

Creek and Lake Whatcom

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The Long ViewTMDL response will renew focus on: Stewardship changes (animal waste, car washing,

composting, LID, incentives…) Existing storm water plans Land-use regulations (e.g., zoning, redevelopment,

retrofits) Engineering standards (private and public

construction) Capital facilities Funding Community champions Cooperation and collaboration Leadership

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Page 30: Annual Program Review. Today’s Objectives Demonstrate scope and progress of LWMP work Review problem, causes and solutions Recognize significance of community

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