

Exam 1 is Wednesday

Review session:Tuesday 5:00-6:00

Location TBA – check web page


Caryophyllaceae Opuntia (Cactaceae)



Amaranthaceae - Amaranth family(includes Chenopodiaceae)

Key featuresIn Montana: 17 genera, <50 species (most in Chenopodium)

Habit: mostly herbs, some shrubs

Often in disturbed areas, poor soils (e.g. Atriplex)

Atriplex (Saltbush)Chenopodiumsalt glands

Amaranthaceae - Amaranth familylots of crops




amaranth seeds

Habit: herbs, very branchy

Stems: ridged, angular

Leaves: alternate, simple


Chenopodium - Goosefoot, Lamb’s Quarters

leaf shape variableoften w/white undersides

C. album

FlowersMostly bisexual; radial; reduced

Arranged in dense, “mealy” spikes

Sepals: 5

Petals: 0 or 5

Stamens: 2-5

Pistil: 1 superior ovary, 2-3 stylesAgrostemma

Chenopodium - Goosefoot

Kochia scoparia (burning bush or summer-cypress)

PolygonalesNepenthaceae -

tropical pitcher plantsDroseraceae -

sundews and venus flytraps

Drosera - 2 species in Montana

Carnivorous plants -- get nutrients from trapped insects as well as soil

Polygonaceae - Buckwheat family

In Montana: 12th largest -- 5 genera, ~55 species

Habit: mostly herbs, some shrubs

Leaves: simple; alternate or basal

Eriogonum Rumex

Polygonaceae - Buckwheat family

Sheathing stipule (ocrea)

Polygonaceae - Buckwheat family

Inflorescences: variable

Flowers: regular, often bisexual

Tepals: 3 - 6 (look like sepals)

Stamens: 3 - 9

Gynoecium:1 pistil, 1-3 stylessuperior ovary

Polygonaceae - Buckwheat family Fruit type: achene- usually triangular Rumex

Polygonum - Knotweeds

~20 species in Montana

several non-native/invasive

- tiny flowers - sheathing stipules at nodes

Eriogonum - Buckwheats E. flavum ~20 species in Montana

>50 species in Rockies!

Habit: perennial herbs

- often mat-like or creeping

- taproot/woody root crown

Leaves: basal, simple, entire

- often hairy/fuzzy- no ocreas

Eriogonum - Buckwheats Inflorescence:compound umbel w/involucres(bracty cup at base)

umbel compound umbel

involucre = cup of bracts at base of inflorescence


Flowers:regular, bisexual

Tepals: 6, connate or distinct

Stamens: 9

Gynoecium:1 pistil, 3 styles

Color: very variable, even within species (white, pink, yellow)

Fruit: 3-angled achene

Plant life historiesDifferent means to the same end:

survival & reproduction

Lifespan and timing of reproduction

Ideal plant strategy: 1) live forever2) make lots of seeds every year

Why not?

Lifespan and timing of reproduction

Ideal plant strategy: 1) live forever2) make lots of seeds every year

Why not?Limited resources (light, nutrients, water etc.)

tradeoff between survival/growth and reproduction (usually...)

Lifespan and timing of reproduction

Life history strategieshigh adult mortality --> reproduce now!

ex. weeds, vernal pool plants

high seedling mortality --> just survive!

ex. trees, grassland forbs

Lifespan and timing of reproduction: herbs(woody trees and shrubs are all perennial by definition)

Annual 1st year: flowers, dies

Biennial 1st year: makes rosette 2nd year: flowers, dies

Perennial Lives for multiple years May or may not flower in

any year

Mimulus douglasii Oenothera biennis Balsamorhiza and Lupinus

Lifespan and timing of reproduction

iteroparity - reproduce repeatedly

semelparity- reproduce once, then die


Lifespan and timing of reproduction

Agave (Century Plant)extreme semelparity

Roots (and other below-ground structures) anchoring water and nutrient absorption water and carbohydrate storage

Taproot Fibrousroots


Storage roots


Modified stemsrhizome = horizontal, rootlike stem





tuber(extra-starchy rhizome)

Modified stemsstolon = an aboveground horizontal stem with long internodes




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