Page 1: Annex 1 agenda vertebralcue_saopaulo

Wednesday 10th of March 2010 08:30-09:00 Welcome Coffee

9:00-9:40 Openning session USP – POLI

9:40-10:00 VertebrALCUE: Some reflections on what has been done and main future activities for year 2010

Plenary session by Giorgio Alberti UNIBO

10:00-10:30 Coffee Break


ALCUE Units Action Plan: Presentation by each partner on the activities already realized and to be realized for the establishment and launching of their ALCUE Units. 10 minutes per .ppt presentation on:

_Work done _Action plan

_Difficulties and proposed solutions

3 Parallel Sessions chaired by WP4 coordinators and PCG by UAM, UCA, UNA, SCIENTER, UNIBO

12:00-13:30 Lunch Break

13:30-15:00 ALCUE Units Action Plan:

Open discussion on the material presented within each sub-group

3 Parallel Sessions chaired by WP4 coordinators and PCG by UAM, UCA, UNA, SCIENTER, UNIBO

15:00-15:30 Coffee Break


ALCUE Units Action Plan Reporting on the discussion of the three groups in plenary session Conclusions and next actions.

Plenary Session. Rapporteurs by the chair person of each sub-group

17:00-18:00 National ALCUE Coordination Units by ANUIES, ASCUN, IEP, PUCP

18:00-18:15 Closing session USP - POLI

Thursday 11th of March 2010 09:00-09:15 Welcome Coffee

09:15-09:30 City of Knowledge PRO-Ideal / USP


Thematic Networks (T.N.) Introduction Partners’ interests, some criteria for members participation in T.N., expected results from T.N.

Plenary Session by UNIBO, Graz, FUEIB, UPV

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break


Thematic Networks matching interests of the members of the Consortium Proposal of initial compositions and first draft action plans for t T.N.

Plenary Session UNIBO, Graz, FUEIB, UPV All participants

13:00 – 15:00 Lunch Break

15:00-16:00 Local Evaluation and Stakeholders Seminars UNA, Scienter

16:00-17:00 Training Session on Dissemination, Visibility and Communication SCIENTER

17:00 – 17:30 Coffee Break

17:30-18:00 Synthesis and Closing Remarks UNIBO SCIENTER UNA

VertebrALCUE Project Meeting 4 - São Paulo - 10th & 11th of March 2010

CCE - Centro de Computação Eletrônica da USP Auditório Oswaldo Fadigas Fontes Torres

Av. Professor Luciano Gualberto, travessa 3, 71 São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil

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