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The salamander is a specie amphibian family urodelo Salamandridae.Adults aged 18 to 25 cm including the tail, with females slightly larger. In exceptional cases may reach 28 or 30 cm. Thick body and short tail, no dorsal or caudal crest.


It is a nocturnal animal, but may be active during the day if the relative humidity is

high, on rainy days or foggy, and when the temperature is cool but more than 3 ° C. By

day takes refuge under leaf litter, fallen trees or under rocks.

Larvae are found in streams and clean water sources.


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MALVASÍA CARIBLANCAIts preferred Habitat are the gaps of freshwater or brackish (generally of less than 2 meters deep), with wide belt of vegetation surrounding and vegetation.

Su hábitat preferido son las lagunas de agua dulce o salobre (generalmente de menos de 2 metros de profundidad), con ancho cinturón de vegetación perilagunar y vegetación semisumergida.

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The Malvasía bald is an anátida from 43 to 48 cm in length, with a wingspan of 62 to 70 cm. His body is plump; his head is large and stiff tail, which maintains vertical frequently. The male has a white head with a narrow black Crown, neck and brown body and a long tail at wedding time generally upright.

La Malvasía cabeciblanca es una anátida de 43 a 48 cm de largo, con una envergadura alar de 62 a 70 cm. Su cuerpo es rechoncho; su cabeza es grande y su cola tiesa, que mantiene vertical frecuentemente. El macho tiene la cabeza blanca con un estrecho píleo negro, el cuello y cuerpo pardusco, y una cola larga que en época nupcial suele llevar erguida.

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One of the main threats for the species is hybridization with the cinnamon Malvasia, American species introduced to Great Britain and other countries in Northern Europe and is growing both in number and in the area of reproduction.Una de las principales amenazas de la especie es la hibridación con la malvasía canela, especie americana introducida en Gran Bretaña y otros países del norte de Europa y que está en expansión tanto en número como en su área de reproducción.

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Name: Gypaetus barbatus

Eat: It's a vulture than other birds of prey like.It is named for its habit of tracing bones and shells to great heights to release, split them against the rocks and to eat them for food.

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Live:Today you can see in the Cantabrian Mountains and Pyrenees.The osprey live in mountainous and rugged, equipped with large ravines or cliffs from which to throw their catch to feed them.

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The Bustards (Otididae) are a family of birds including the

bustards Gruiformes and little bustards.

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How are they?The bustards are omnivorous and

nest on the ground. They walk upright on its strong legs and big toes. Their

wings are long.Females lay three to five dark and mottled eggs in an area dug in the

ground where the hatch on their own.

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its large size makes the big fishing boats are attracted to the trade by the valuable species SPECIES

CONSUMPTION OF THAT MAKES START DISAPPEAR! For example, have been sold and other countries, more

than 173,000 euros for tuna of 200 kilos.

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Where you live?red tuna live mainly in the pelagic ecosystem of the North Atlanticand adjacent seas, particularly in

the Mediterranean Sea.

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Its scientific name is …Thunnus albacares

FEATURES...His flesh is pink and has a capacity to carry oxygen higher than other fish species.

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The Iberian ibex is a species with strong sexual dimorphism,

like many other cattle. The females are about 1.20 meters long and 60 tall at the withers, weighing between 30 and 45 kilos. It has horns very short and closely resembles a domestic goat, domestic goat but would have its origin in the bezoar goat

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La cabra montesa es una especie con fuerte dimorfismo sexual, al igual que muchos otros bóvidos. Las hembras miden unos 1,20 metros de largo y otros 60 de altura en la cruz, pesando entre 30 y 45 kilos. Tiene cuernos bastante cortos y se parece bastante a una cabra doméstica, aunque la cabra doméstica tendría su origen en la cabra bezoar

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