
Performance tips & techniques

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quick introduction

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Nir Kaufman

Head of AngularJS development department @

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all examples and reference code are written in ES6

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It’s really easy to abuse AngularJS

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no conventions. very easy to start to much opinions out there using angular blindly (magic)


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so, those angular has built-in performance issues?

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just like any other framework. (if you don’t understand what’s going

on under the curtain)

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when you encounter a performance issue, what do you do?

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stack overflow google angular documents source code

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how can we avoid angular performance issues?

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read the source code.

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rewrite the source code!

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optimise compilation

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what’s compile mean in angular?

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The compilation is a process of walking the DOM tree and matching

DOM elements to directives.

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TIP# 1 set the debugInfoEnabled to false

with $compileProvider

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why? AngularJS attaches information about scopes to DOM nodes, and adds CSS

classes to data-bound elements.

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how? production.module.js : 13

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TIP# 2 split your code between compile

and link in custom directives

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why? Angular runs the compile function at

loading, but only once. the link function will run each time the directive is inserted

to the DOM

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how? heavy-lifting.directive.js

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TIP# 3 prefer using ng-if/switch directive

instead of ng-show/hide

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why? The ng-if directive removes or recreates a portion of the DOM. which means that the content won’t be compiled until it visible.

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how? compile.tmpl.html

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optimise the digest cycle

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digest cycleuser event (ng-click)

tick event (interval)

server response

apply or digest call

start from root


check all watchers on scope

value changed

no changemore


switch to scope and continue checking

all doneupdate


angular source code, line 13991

TIP# 4 reduce the number of digests cycles with ng-model-options

why? by default, angular triggers the digest

cycle every time the value changes

how? digest.tmpl.html : 35

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TIP# 5 when make sense, use $digest

instead of $apply

why? $apply calls digest from the rootScope

which may not be necessary

how? digest.tmpl.html : 60

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TIP# 5 prefer DOM manipulation in custom directives when not related to model

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why? the built-in DOM manipulation

directives adds watchers to the scope

how? digest.tmpl.html : 44

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TIP# 6 reduce the number of watchers with oneTimeBinding feature

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why? angular invoke all the watchers that registered on the scope on

each digest

how? digest.tmpl.html : 75

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optimise ng-repeat

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TIP# 7 always use ‘track by’ in ngRepeat

to maximise performance

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why? ng-repeat destroy an recreate DOM

nodes when the data is refreshing

how? repeater.tmpl.html : 20

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TIP# 8 use ng-hide when filtering the

repeated items

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why? ng-repeat removes DOM nodes from

your HTML and recreate them on filtering

how? repeater.tmpl.html : 82

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TIP# 9 use ng-if to link DOM elements on demand

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why? ng-if removes nodes from the

DOM so the list will render faster

how? repeater.tmpl.html : 54

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going to production

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TIP# 10 decorate AngularJS

$exceptionHandler with your own logic

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why? uncaught exceptions in angular

expressions is delegated to this service

how? exception-handler.decorator.js

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TIP# 11 always use $log service for

you debug logs

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why? you can switch the $log

service debug method off on production

how? production.module.js : 12

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TIP# 12 bootstrap in strictDi mode

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why? even if you use automated tools to guarantee implicit strict-di mode will backup you by throwing exceptions

how? main.module.js : 25

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TIP# 13 cache your templates

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why? angular loads templates

dynamically using http when they requested for the first time

how? gulpfile.js

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grab the code

Thank you!

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