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Ipswich Branch Newsletter

Autumn 2011 No. 120

The IWA may not agree with the opinions expressed in this publication. They are, however, published as

a matter of interest to our members and readers. Nothing printed can be construed as policy or an official announcement unless stated.

The IWA accepts no liability for any matter in this publication.


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Chard Wadley

[email protected]

Secretary & Anglia Cuttings Editor -

Charles Stride

[email protected]

[email protected]


Spencer Greystrong

[email protected]


Clive Saville

[email protected]


Brian Holt

[email protected]

Social Secretary

Diana Holt

[email protected]

River Gipping Trust

Lewis Tyler

[email protected]

River Stour Trust

Sue Brown

[email protected]

Pickerel Project Brian Cornell

[email protected]


Gerry Crease

[email protected]

*************************** IWA Ipswich -


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I have always wanted to do the ‘Grand

Ring’, South Oxford, Thames and Grand

Union, but not in a rush, so when the

opportunity came for a four week

voyage, and after persuading Pauline that

it was not such a long time, we set off at

the end of August. BW were threatening

that the Oxford would run out of water in

three weeks so we set off that way round.

Their lock restrictions and advice had

frightened off all the hire boats so we

almost had the canal to ourselves, and no

problem with water levels! Even the

middle section of the Thames was quiet,

we did not have to share a lock until we

got to Reading. There were some low

pounds on the Grand Union from Milton

Keynes northwards, but BW had

recommended the GU for hire boats!!



Part of the fascination of the Thames was

the sheer variety of different types and

styles of craft spotted, and a few examples

can be seen below and scattered

throughout this edition.

The southern Grand Union also surprised

us as to how attractive it is, We had not

ventured there before (in over 30 years of

boating!!) and expected much more

urbanisation. It is worth visiting, although

you do need some energy with all the

locks. (The Editor lost some weight!)

I don’t think Chris Coburn has taken Nb

‘Progress’ to the Mediterranean yet, so we

are going on a slightly larger vessel but do

hope to have the opportunity of taking a

few ‘canal’ photos in Venice. Watch this

space. Charles

This edition of Anglian Cuttings is being finalised in a short period between the

Editors return from nearly a month navigating the ‘Grand Ring’ and a departure

to the Eastern Mediterranean, including Venice, so perhaps a few pictures of their

canals next time!! So a special thanks to all the Contributors who sent their

information in promptly. The Cuttings does depend on Contributors so if you have

a story or items of interest please send them in.

Thames River Craft

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The Braunston Working Boat Rally was

held on the weekend of 25th and 26th

June 2011 and Carolyn and I went along

on the Saturday to what was a very good

event. There was a procession of over

100 old working boats cruising through

the marina from one end to the other and

then back up the canal; it was certainly a

sight to see and can highly recommend

to anyone, who has not been, to give it a

look next year.

Carolyn and I attended the National

Waterways Festival in Burton on Trent

at the end of July and had a very

enjoyable day. It is one of the best we

have attended of late with many more

interesting stands, a very good sight

layout and a bonus of exceptionally good

weather. We filled the whole day with

things to see and do which was not the

case last year when we felt we had seen

everything by midday. Members of the

IWA working on site were very pleased

with the event and hopefully this has

encouraged new members to the IWA.

There are no plans for a festival in 2012

as it is felt that with the Olympics taking

place it was better to leave 2012 free and

hold the next one in 2013.

At the beginning of July we attended the

Australian Canal Society’s gathering at

the Blue Lias, Stockton. Although we

got very wet on the boat coming down

Stockton locks on the Friday the

Saturday and Sunday were sunny and

warm. (see Charles’ report).

The winter programme is now fast

approaching and I look forward to seeing

you on the 14 October when we are

having a talk on The Suffolk Punch



Welcome to another Anglian Cuttings. Hope you have all made the most of the

Summer; I must say the weather has been fairly varied and although it is nice not

to have too much rain it is playing havoc with the water levels in the canal. Are

we never satisfied!


Doug Tomlinson was a member of Ipswich Branch for many years and had

spent several years cruising the canals on Hotel boats. He was also very

keen on model railways and many of you may remember him giving us a talk

with his friend Brian Wilkinson with a model railway on an ironing board.

Doug left a donation to the branch in his will and it was felt by the committee

that we would like to remember Doug by putting a bench seat in a position by

the River Gipping as it was somewhere Doug would have enjoyed spending a

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This is one of those subjects that tend to

go round in circles, it being far easier to

identify the problem, and analyse the

reasons, than come up with solutions.

One of the best ways to interest people

you meet on and around the waterways

is to talk to them, mention some thing

that IWA/WRG has done locally.

Remind them of the Festival or a river

event, and in order to help the job along,

IWA have produced a credit card sized

list of 10 reasons to join the IWA. These

can be obtained from H.O. and through

the Branch, and are a good way to spread

the word. (They are also listed on the

back page.—Editor) We do need new


Welches Dam/River Cam

The Welches Dam saga rumbles on. On

the Cam the plans by the conservators to

raise money have not gone away, GOBA

are surveying their members with a

range of options and will doubtless put

the findings to the conservators. Let us

hope they are more receptive than E.A.


Regarding the NWC, work is being done

mostly “ behind the scenes” to continue

to get as good a deal for the waterways

as possible. Funding continues to be a

concern, as is the decision that E.A.

won’t be included until later, by which

time any number of things, good or bad,

could have happened. Personally, and I

do stress Personally, I would like to have

seen the Agency dragged in from day

one. Then at least we would have been

dealing with one body, as it is nothing

will change in Eastern Region for a

while yet.

Alastair Chambers

The subject of recruiting and perhaps more importantly, retaining members has

been the topic of a number of discussions. It is no secret that our membership is

not growing, sadly quite the opposite, and is also, without wishing to be rude,

generally those retired. There is a serious shortage of young new blood.

few hours. The bench seat has

been put by the river at Hawks

Mill, Needham Market and

displays a commemorative

plaque. We felt it was

appropriate to invite his good

friend Brian Wilkinson along to

Hawks Mill to unveil the bench.

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On the 10th and 11th of September the River Gipping Trust had two very

successful days demonstrating our local activities to the wider public. Separate

reports are included below. Both days took a lot of volunteer time and

organisation and our thanks go to all those concerned—Editor

Suffolk Local History Council

On 10th September the River Gipping Trust hosted a members’ day for the Suffolk

Local History Council.

The day began by Spencer Greystrong, Lewis and Mitzi Tyler meeting Local History

members at the Needham lakes car park, having sorted out the logistics of the mini bus

transport for the end of the afternoon As ever all good plans sometimes do not follow

the intended path. What we had not reckoned on was a massive car boot sale with

traffic arriving like there was no tomorrow! Trying to identify SLHC members and

direct them to the meeting place was somewhat difficult. However, once folk arrived

they were escorted in three groups to the start of the walk.

First it was a look at Bosmere lock with its attendant stop plank store, where we

learned how the Ipswich branch of the IWA had been responsible for the restoration

work from 1993 to 1996. Then after braving the traffic to reach the river footpath, it

was a gentle amble along the river on what is now known as the Aggregate Trail.

Beautiful water meadows and flooded gravel

pits made for relaxing scenery as we

approached Creeting Lock. Work started

here in 1997 and finished in 2004. It was the

site of six WRG camps during that period.

Members admired the extensive repairs to

the accommodation bridge, and were told

how both lock walls had been restored.

Onward then to Pipps Ford lock which we

learned had originally been restored by the

National Rivers Authority (fore runner of

the EA) to the original plans for this lock as

set out in 1790.

Our eventual destination was Baylham lock where River Gipping Trust members

awaited with coffee. After a short rest, members were given a tour of the lock with

explanations of how much work had been done, and what was still to be achieved.

Home made soup, thanks to Gerry Crease, was then available to have with picnic

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lunches. (and very good it was too)

The afternoon continued with a Power Point Presentation by Spencer on the history of

the River Gipping, as well as there being a display of photographs recording work

achieved. This was comfortably enjoyed in the marquee and followed by tea and cakes.

Then it was time to return guests by minibus to their cars.

All agreed that it had been most enjoyable and informative day.

Mitzi Tyler


RGT –Heritage Open Day

The long-range forecast was dire, the short-range not much better but Sunday, 11th

September 2011 dawned bright and sunny and so it continued all day. Which was good

as we were taking part in the national Heritage Open Day for the first time by opening

and manning Baylham Lock.

Lewis Tyler adopted a ‘Meeting and Greeting’ stance on the river bridge and welcomed

our visitors – they then watched the continuous PowerPoint Presentation and had a look

at the static display of photographs, old and new. After which Chard Wadley, Spencer

Greystrong and Colin Turner explained the workings and work being carried out on the


During the course of the day, in excess of 75

attended from as far afield as Felixstowe and

Newmarket and included the Deputy Mayor

of Needham Market, Kay Oakes and County

Councillor Julia Truelove.

Various members of the Trust, including

Brian Annis, Don & Shirley Brazinski and

Trevor Chatting were in attendance during

the day and the general consensus of opinion

was that it was an excellent event and well

worthwhile the effort. We are also grateful

to Mark Murphy of Radio Suffolk who

broadcast an interview and details of the day

which helped to draw visitors in.

Perhaps it should become a regular fixture

for the Trust? LewisTyler

See Pages 10/11 for Restoration News

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In order to reach our destination from the

previous stop at Victoria Falls we had to

pass through three sets of African Border

Posts, and they still use paper forms out

there! The last stretch of our journey was

by launch until the ‘Zambezi Queen’

appeared round a corner of the river. We

were welcomed on board with traditional

African singing by the crew.

At this time of year it is the end of the

wet season for central Africa and the

Chobe is in full flood and spread over

miles of water meadows on either side,

so the ‘ZQ’ itself does not move very

far; in the dry season she sails further up

river to a second base. The river in this

area borders a major National Park and

provides water for a huge variety and

number of Africa’s wildlife. Most of our

viewing was done from the launches and

an excerpt from our travel diary

illustrates this clearly:

‘A late lunch/high tea and then we set

out on our first ‘Sundowner Cruise’.

Charles sat on the roof of the launch as

we spotted




Giraffes, Kudus,

and scores of

birds of many

colours such as


African Fish

Eagles, Egret,





Earlier this year in March Pauline and I set off on a return trip to Southern

Africa. Pauline had spent much of her early years in Northern Rhodesia and my

first job was on the Union Castle mail boats to South and East Africa. We had

been back in 1999, but when our friends decided to pay their first visit , this gave

us the opportunity to return once again to this fascinating continent. Parts of the

trip took us to new destinations including three nights on the Riverboat ‘Zambezi

Queen’ based on the Chobe river, where the four countries of Zambia, Zimbabwe,

Botswana and Namibia meet, and before it flows into the mighty Zambezi above

Victoria Falls.

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Heron and Oxpeckers. Beer, G & T’s,

etc. served. Returned to the ZQ at sunset

for a superb dinner.’

We had a ‘Sundowner’ Cruise every

evening and each time the number and

variety of animals differed. On one

morning we battled our way back

through two sets of immigration, (more

paper!) to undertake a Game Drive in the

National Park in Botswana. More variety

of animals seen and photographs taken,

of the rare Sable Antelope, Impala, baby

Crocodiles, Warthogs, Mongooses, more

Giraffe and many more Elephants, but

no ‘Big Cats’. In the wet season they use

the waterholes further inland and usually

only appear at the riverside in the dry

season, but we had many memories and

photos of them from our previous visit.

On another morning we travelled

upstream to visit the local village of

Kaseru in Namibia. The village is built

on mounds just above the river flood

levels around a large Baobab tree. We

were shown around the huts, mud walled

with tin or thatched roofs: the Chief’s

hut did have a generator and a satellite

television! The river provides the access

route, to and from, with the villagers

mainly using canoes, and the children all

travel down river to the school by boat

each Monday, returning on Friday.

The other spectacular sights on the river

are the African Sunrises and Sunsets, as

well as the cloud formations when an

afternoon storm passed around us

This was a superb return trip to Africa,

providing us with many more memories

and photographs of old and new places

to bring back, and this river safari on the

Chobe river was certainly one of the


Charles & Pauline

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Our Grey Wagtail family fledged quite

early, and so we were able to return to

pumping out the lock in June, which let

us put scaffolding against the wall and

get on with replacing the damaged outer

brickwork skin.

Our survey report , carried out a few

years ago now, had indicated that the

brick skin had become detached from the

structure in just a few discrete areas,

and recommended patching and pointing

below the coping stones. Once we had

taken out the patches of brickwork

With the return of a number of regular members of our team from various

cruises and holidays we have been pressing on with the repair of the west wall of

Baylham Lock.

identified in the report however, it

became obvious that the problem was

more widespread, and by process of

taking out brickwork around the few

sound areas we quickly realised most of

the facing would have to come down.

In turn this meant that it would have

been unsafe to continue working with the

coping stones in place, and what had

started off as a simple patching operation

ended with the coping stones removed,

and the outer skin pretty much stripped

off for a depth of 6 feet along three

quarters of the lock.

With the good weather through the

summer however, we have made

significant progress in re-building the

skin and tying it back in to the main wall

structure to the point where at the time of

writing we are now ready to replace the

coping stones. We even remembered to

make a nesting space in the new

brickwork for our Grey Wagtail family.

Unfortunately when we moved the

stones at the start of the operation we

discovered that two had been split by

frost damage, and these will need to be

repaired or replaced.

As a bit of light relief from wall building

and brick cleaning, our work group on

Wednesday 7th September used the day

to clear part of the footpath between

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Pipps Ford and Baylham, in preparation

for the weekend walk by the Suffolk

Local History Council planned for the

following Saturday. We were a bit

surprised to be overtaken in our efforts

by a guy from the council pushing a

mower! Apparently they had the same

idea, but I’m not sure how he was going

to cope with the 8 foot high nettles,

brambles and burdock that were

blocking the route.

We think the work on the lock chamber

will take another three to four sessions to

complete, and we will then be moving

below the bridge to secure the bank and

re-lay the paved area we discovered last

spring. The Land owner also has asked

us to investigate replacing the sluice

mechanism above the mill. If we get the

go-ahead for this work, we will be at

Baylham for a little while yet.

Martin Bird


Thames River Craft

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On July 10th the Australian Canal Society Flag flew over the Grand Union Canal at

the ‘Blue Lias’ for the 9th biannual UK meeting. A total of 50 ACS Members from

Australia and the UK attended. The Australian contingent were once again led by their

very enthusiastic and hardworking President Jan Roden, ably supported by John

Colville, Membership Secretary for ACS, and his wife Anne. Sonia Rolt was the very

welcome Guest of Honour.

Ipswich Branch Boats were well represented with ‘Bruizer’, Chard & Carolyn;

‘Fringilla’, John & Joan; ‘Treivalic’, Rita & Clive; and ‘Tixal’, David & Mary

Following the Gathering Lunch Roger Squires gave a very interesting update on the

proposed BW Charity changes and Colin Edwards gave a fascinating presentation on

the 2012 Olympics site and the effects on the surrounding waterways.

The main UK organisers for the event were Chard and Carolyn, who put in a lot of

work prior to and on the day to ensure another very successful occasion, and now we

all look forward to the 10th Anniversary Meeting in July 2013.

Charles Stride

Formed in May 1988, The Australian Canal Society (ACS) is a society of people with an

enthusiasm for canals and other inland waterways around the world, particularly those of

the UK and Europe. Many of our members cruise canals and inland waterways whilst

overseas. The unique ACS was established to develop this interest in canals. It offers very

different experiences for Australians when they travel in other parts of the world. The

ACS welcomes all who are curious, fascinated, addicted, or who just wish to reminisce or

dream about waterways!

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Although you can just browse the site by

going to if you

would like to go further, as an IWA

member you can login using a name and

password. If you haven’t yet registered

on the site you can click on Login at the

top of the page and then choose

‘Register here’. Put a tick in the box

marked ‘I am an existing member’ and

choose your Membership type from the

drop down box. It will say how much

your membership costs but you don’t

have to pay again! Click Continue and

you’ll be asked to enter a few details

about yourself on the next 2 pages. Don’t

forget to record your user name and

password before moving on. Once

you’ve completed the login procedure

you will get an email from HQ

confirming your login details.

Now you’ve done the boring bit it’s time

to have a look our own part of the

website. You can either click on Regions

& Branches followed by Eastern and

finally Ipswich or you can type in

Our Home page has three columns – on

the left are links to the rest of our site

and in the centre are the plans for our

winter meetings. Most of the links on the

right hand side will take you to a brief

history of the various waterways in our

area. The link to the Broads will open to

a more detailed view.

The links in the left hand column will

take you to a wide and varied view of

what we’ve been up to in the Ipswich

branch, particularly the ones headed

Anglian Cuttings, Branch Awards, and

Weekend Breaks.

For something a little different, try the

two called Audio Links and Video

Links. The Audio page has a recording

of the radio play ‘A Maidens Trip’

which tells of a journey in a working

narrow boat and butty during the 2nd

World War.

The Video page has links to ‘The Golden

Age of Canals’ and ‘Julia Bradbury’s

Canal Walks’.

Please enjoy your browsing around our

web site.

Spencer Greystrong

IWA and the Internet

I’m sure many of you will be aware that the IWA have a web site and I hope you

know about your own branch’s contribution to that site. For those of you who

may not have seen either, perhaps this article might tempt you to have a look.


River Craft



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Notice is hereby given that the

AGM of the Ipswich Branch of the Inland Waterways


will be held at the Needham Market Community Centre,

School Street, Needham Market at

8pm on Friday 10th February, 2012


1) Apologies for absence

2) Approval of the 2011 AGM Minutes

3) Matters arising from those minutes

4) Chairman’s report

5) Treasurer’s report and presentation of accounts

6) Adoption of the accounts

7) Statement of committee size

8) Election of Committee members

9) Regional Chairman’s report

The AGM will be followed by an Illustrated Talk


Francis Hart


MEMBERSHIP UPDATE We gladly welcome all our new members

From Norfolk: Mr J Sharples

From Suffolk: Mr & Mrs B Arnkels-Webb; Mr & Mrs J Robinson;

Mr & Mrs M & E Fish; Mr & Mrs A & N Breen; Mr & Mrs B & S

Phillpotts; Mr & Mrs P & S King; Mr & Mrs R & J Spencer;

Mr R Thurlow; Mr & Mrs J & L Grainger; Mr G Talbot & Ms M Allen.

From Essex: Mr & Mrs F B & H Wilkinson; Mr A Southgate;

34th Colchester Scout Group Clive Saville

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for your


WORKING PARTY DATES Working Parties are held by the River Gipping Trust at Baylham Lock

from 0900 to 1700 every Wednesday and on the first Saturday of each

month, unless that Saturday is a Bank Holiday in which case it will then be

held on the second Saturday of that month.

For further information and to confirm dates contact Martin Bird

Tel: 01394 380765 Email: [email protected]




Branch Meetings held at the Community Centre, School St., Needham Market

At 7.30, unless otherwise stated.


Talk by Chris Miller—The Suffolk Punch Trust


Talk by Brian Cornell—The River Thames


Illustrated talk by Hugh Turner—Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation


Members Evening


AGM/Illustrated Talk by Francis Hart—Venice Past & Present


Annual Lunch - Compasses Holbrook

Pre-Booking with Chard Wadley


River Stour Trust Events commence again in March 2011

See their Website

There will be no IWA National Festival in 2012

due to the Olympics and Queens Jubilee Events

It will be back in 2013

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The Inland Waterways Association is a non-profit distribution company limited by guarantee.

Registered Office; Island House, Moor Road, Chesham, Buckinghamshire. HP5 1WA Tel: 01494 783453 Web:

Registered in England No. 612245. Registered as a Charity No. 212342


Waterway Recovery Group -

River Gipping Trust -

River Stour Trust - East Anglian Waterways Association –

Aylsham Navigation -

IWA Peterborough Branch - The Broads Society -

The Australian Canal Society -

British Waterways/Waterscape - Waterways Trust -

DEFRA Dept. for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs -


Campaigns for properly funded waterways

Provides a voice for you

Helps improve your local waterways

Monitors planning applications

Supports waterways restoration

Provides expert advice on restoration

Organises restoration holidays for young people

Provides over 5000 days of volunteer labour per year

Arranges affordable insurance for waterway societies

Educates people about the waterways

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