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THE JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY*In the 1820’s and 1830’s, many states began eliminating property ownership as a requirement for voting, so more white men gained the right to vote.*In addition, many political parties began holding public nominating conventions.

*Nominating Conventions were meetings to choose a party’s presidential and vice-presidential candidates.*This helped voters become more active in politics and increased their influence over who was elected president.*This democratic expansion is the “Jacksonian Democracy.”*The Jacksonian Democracy caused white men to gain greater political power, but caused women and African Americans to lose all voting rights.

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TARIFF OF ABOMINATIONS*Tariffs are taxes on imports or exports.*Southerners opposed protective tariffs because the region had little industry and relied heavily on imported good.*In 1828, Congress passed a new tariff.*The southerners who opposed this nicknamed it the “Tariff of Abominations.”*Some southerners saw this tariff as another example of the federal government’s power over the states.

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THE BLACK HAWK WAR*In 1827, the government of Illinois decided to end years of conflict between American Indians and American settlers by ordering the removal of all Indians from the state.

*Black Hawk and his followers ignored the removal policy and refused to leave their land.

*In May 1832, Black Hawk and 40 other Sauk Indians observed a force of about 275 militia approaching their camp, so the war began.

*Black Hawk returned attack so fiercely that the troops retreated, but lost about 300 lives and ended up surrendering leadership of the Sauk.*Black Hawk’s victory inspired other Indian tribes to resist removal too.

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INDIAN REMOVAL ACT*The government wanted Indians in the Southeast to move to lands in the West.*In 1830, under constant pressure from Jackson, Congress passed the “Indian Removal Act.”*The Indian Removal Act authorized the removal of Indians who lived east of the Mississippi River.*Congress then established “Indian Territory.”*The Indian Territory was an area covering most of present-day Oklahoma to which most American Indians in the Southeast were forced to move to.

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FIVE FACTS:1. The Jacksonian Democracy caused white men to gain greater political power, but caused women and African Americans to lose all voting rights.2. In 1828, Jackson and his vice-presidential running mate, John C. Calhoun, beat President Adams in the election by a record number of popular votes.3. In 1828, Congress passed a new tariff. The southerners who opposed this nicknamed it the “Tariff of Abominations.”4. In 1830, under constant pressure from Jackson, Congress passed the “Indian Removal Act.” The Indian Removal Act authorized the removal of Indians who lived east of the Mississippi River.5. The Indian Territory was an area covering most of present day Oklahoma to which most American Indians in the Southwest were forced to move to.

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