  • You Are The Original Siren…

    The 3 DESIRES

    That Will Reclaim Your Siren Power AND

    Bring You What You WANT!

    Rori Raye

  • Once upon a time, we were all girls.

    We played, we dressed up,

    we did our own versions of

    what we saw our mothers


    We were all about what

    makes us Sirens right

    now: DESIRE…

    And then - we really began to

    see what our mothers did,

    didn't or couldn't do.

    We began to see and feel everything. All the hidden things beyond the dressing

    up and cooking.

    We saw work that was there or not, happy or not.

    We saw how the men around our mothers reacted to the work our mothers

    did and didn't do.

    We saw how what our mothers did, said, didn't do, didn't say - affected


    So, we saw, too, how what she did, said, didn't do, didn't say - affected the

    romance in her life.

    We saw how she felt from day to day. We saw how her life was.

    Then we copied that, too.


    … we refused to copy that.

    All through every day, we experienced how the good and icky feelings our mother

    experienced filtered down to us.

  • We experienced how her seemingly limited choices determined our

    choices, and affected our feelings, wants, desires. How they affected what

    WE did, said, didn't do, didn't say.

    We saw a very confusing choice between having the limited yet "dressed

    up" life of a "girl," and having an unbridled, carefree life as a boy.

    Those of us who could, who refused to

    simply "copy" what we saw, chose the

    carefree option and hung with the boys.

    Then we discovered how that backfired

    on us when we had crushes and boys

    wanted “more feminine” girls, backfired

    on us when grownups "rolled their eyes"

    and dismissed the seriousness of our

    desire for an unbridled and carefree life

    (and then pushed us into whatever "role"

    THEY felt most comfortable with us in).

    Those of us (like me) who felt constrained

    and conditioned to follow all rules, roles,

    laid out paths, admonitions, warnings,

    advice, and who were (like me) deeply

    troubled by adult authority "eye rolling" -

    chose to be little ladies, have tea parties,

    dream of marriage and lives as wives and


    (IMPORTANT: neither one of these “end-of-the-scale” extremes (tomboy or little

    lady) is better than the other. The important thing to know is that both were

    dictated by others - not created by us from desire.)

    Things are different now. Your daughters and mine now see the world open to

    them. They have role models of successful powerful women to follow - women

    who look beautiful, have devoted men at their sides, and look happy and fulfilled.

    What's missing is this:

  • The PATH to what these women have. The HOW To.

    Because, in the day-to-day for most of us - nothing feels changed.

    We still feel afraid of men on a basic physical level, afraid of the power of men in

    the workplace, and still feel dictated by the roles and rules we grew up with.

    And we still pass that down to our daughters. If

    we don’t pass it down with "eye-rolling" - we do

    it with our own, hard-to-disguise fear.

    It's easy to talk about what to do about "fear."

    To try to “push it aside, step past it, go around it,

    squash it down, roll over it, put it in a box and

    send it far away.”

    Yet, that clearly doesn't work for any kind of


    Pushing away fear of love and intimacy

    doesn't work.

    Pushing away fear of public speaking

    doesn't work.

    Pushing away the self-sabotaging fear of abandonment in love because of

    success in the world doesn't work.

    The Business Siren Protocols DO work.

    The Business Siren Protocol: “Fall In Love With It” teaches you how to

    “Fall In Love With Fear” in a way that makes it fade…..

    I knew that as a girl, I had to meet certain expectations of beauty, attractiveness,

    and some kind of accomplishment.

    For my father, it was grades. For my mother, it was that I be “taken care of.”

  • I know I needed to meet certain acceptable standards of appearance, yet, I don’t

    remember any help in the beauty department.

    I remember horrible haircut

    suggestions (cut it short!),

    cover-up dresses, poor food

    choices, and the constant

    reminder that my mother was

    a beauty with a great figure,

    while I was chubby with curly,

    kinky hair.

    I believe she was trying to

    "spare" me from the seeming

    sexual nature of beauty.

    I believe both my parents were

    trying to keep me young, keep

    me relatively neutral, and perhaps neutered.


    AND - it was not their fault! It was what THEY were taught, and they were chiefly

    taught to protect me at all costs (very reasonable, I’ve felt that way about my own

    daughter. Keeping your daughters as asexual as possible always seems like the

    safest thing to do…).

    Most important was what my mother passed down to me without

    meaning to: she was taught from the beginning of her life that her own

    desires and wants were meaningless, so whatever she might have SAID

    to me, her inner conflicts won.

    The fears and admonitions and squelching from her subconscious were what I


    My mother was told to go with whatever strengths she had, take whatever was

    offered, and get safety and security above all else.

    Love wasn't even on the table for my mother.

  • Security was the important thing, and then she discovered way too late that

    security wasn't guaranteed, either.

    She rebelled in her own way, and paid the price in keeping secret thoughts,

    desires, wants and actions complete with guilt and self-loathing.

    I was so regimented and focused on


    “someone that everybody could agree on…” …I lost touch with any kind of creativity I possessed.

    I often copied other people's art work in art class and during tests. Ashamed to

    say it, yes, and the other kids knew it.

    I was a copier.

    And - I didn't need to copy! I was smart, clever, AND creative!

    I simply didn't

    believe I was any of

    those things, and I

    DID believe I could

    not, would never,

    have an original

    thought in my head.

    Everything came down

    to an iron will search

    for security, solidness,

    sureness, and the

    “responsible” path.

    If any of this strikes a chord with you – it's because you're a woman.

    Yes many men have been railroaded down the path their families have

    taken before them.

  • Coal miner's sons are still discouraged from going to college, becoming

    artists, actors, writers, business owners. Traditions hold fast for men, too.

    Yes, many men's desires were and are ignored, just as yours were.

    Yet - it's not the same, pervasive incubator we women have stepped into from

    the moment we were born.

    We women can be bought and sold by


    We can be arranged into marriage

    without consent, we can have rules on

    our heads that men don't have, we

    have traditions and paths laid out for

    us that include ALL of us, not just our

    singular family tradition.

    We have the world's traditions to

    answer to.

    And those traditions are chiefly built

    around "Men are in charge."

    That, though Earth is a “Mother” – men

    are in charge of her!

    In trying to break that tradition (both

    outward, in cemented-in workplace bureaucracies, and internally, in the inbred

    idea we women carry in our heads that men are "better leaders," "better chefs,

    artists, fashion designers, CEO's, lawyers, doctors...") - we have no model but


    We have no path but the masculine!

    We don't have demonstrated, anywhere, what it looks like to be powerful, in

    charge, and in feminine energy!

  • We have no model for being a great leader, great CEO, great lawyer

    that includes being an emotional creature, being transparently open,

    speaking from a personal and feeling place inside us, and staying loose

    and unrestricted in our physical, sensual, even sexual selves.

    Now - you have Business Siren. A new path, a new idea, a new concept, yes - and

    most important - a HOW TO!

    It's not enough to WANT. To DESIRE. We have to learn, like a new baby, in true

    baby-steps, the HOW to retrain our minds and our bodies to listen to our own

    hearts - instead of to the thousands of voices in our heads trying to make us into

    “someone everyone can agree on."

    Whoever taught you how to be a woman, whenever you saw around you, that

    was the roadmap you followed.

    You may have rebelled against that road map, or like me, you might have

    followed it - to the letter.

    You may have hoped, like me, that somebody would notice what a good map

    reader and follower you were.

    Now, fast forward to present day.

    #Metoo, #timesup, have all begun to bring woman's power to the forefront. This

    is said to be “our moment.”

    Only, it's not what anybody prepared for. It’s a rush, a crunch, a revolution.

    It's not orderly. It's not sweet.

    It's "Girl Power" for real, with no map-like directions provided.

    It's a "for the first time" walkabout.

    It's the shock of just getting let out of a box, and not knowing where to put

    a foot next.

    And for many of us, the lure of climbing back into the box is very strong.

  • I know I wasn't the only one taught to put Safety and Security above all else.

    The “someone everyone could agree on” who was taught to deny desires and

    wants as childish, immature, inappropriate and impossible.

    If your experiences and feelings, from reading this, are anything like mine were -

    the thing to know is this:

    You and I are different from men.

    And as “Women Power” begins to blossom, this is the one thing nobody counted

    on, prepared for, thought about, took note of, or considered.

    DESIRE #1 – To Be Seen

    It’s not enough to be “in the


    It’s not enough to work hard,

    have a lot of the things we

    want, still yearn for so much

    more, and walk through life

    as the only person who truly

    “gets” us.

    We search for a love that

    “gets” us, a man (or woman)

    who “sees” us.

    And yet – at bottom – do we really “See” ourselves?

    So, let’s start here: What is it you “SEE” when you think of yourself, talk to

    yourself, catch yourself in a mirror, look in someone’s eyes…?

    Another huge part of being “seen” is what we “call” ourselves. What others call

    us. Essentially – how we’re labelled.

  • This could be as simple as your job title. As complex as what you are to a man

    (friend, lover, girlfriend, fiancé, wife, significant other, live-in girlfriend…) And as

    huge as what society and civilization label you (your gender, your sexual

    preferences, your marital status, your economic status…and on and on).

    So, let’s boil all of this down to one label, one “reference” to all of us that

    complicates how we “see” ourselves:

    Is it “Girl” Or “Woman”?

    This is highly important to me: the

    words. I have seen whole long essays

    written by women saying how much

    they don’t like being called “girl” and

    want to be called “women.”

    In shock at these remarks, here’s my


    The word woman can be thought of in

    several ways. In many dictionaries

    and research documents. BOTH “man”

    and “woman” are derived from the

    word “human” which can be

    considered genderless. However,

    “man” has ruled planet earth and all

    its science and research for so long,

    it’s hard not to see how things have gone – and I personally long for something


    The legend that Eve, the first woman, was created from Adam, the first man’s rib

    is enough to lend a certain “connotation” to the word “woman.”

    Same for the words “female” and “male,” though they may have both been

    created at the same time.

    The word “Girl” has its own problems. It’s best known as a derogatory term used

    to describe a grown woman with lower status than ours.

  • So - can we just remake one of the words and call it “powerful”?

    I like “girl.” Why? It feels fresh, renewable, young (which is one of its dictionary

    meanings and presumably the first one) and new!

    I remember “Girl Power” superhero dolls when my daughter was young. I

    remember shouting “girl power” and feeling better about it than I did “woman”

    which, regardless of its origin, feels like some subset of “man” in the flesh, as we

    see him now, rather than as a subset of the genderless “mankind” that may have

    been the original.

    On the other hand - I like “Wonder Woman” better than “Supergirl.”

    So – a choice. Hmmmmm…..Let’s go with GIRL!!!!! Renew it!

    Let’s call “girl” the feminine.

    Let’s call “girl” – the “feminine, the original, the origin, the chaos, the

    natural, the organic, the emotional” energy of being.

    Let’s call “girl” the place inside us where we don’t try to figure stuff out

    with our heads, like the masculine inside us all does- but, instead, let it

    come to the surface as an inspiration, a “hit,” an intuition. A message from

    inside us that we now call “important” and listen to.

    Let’s call “girl” the origin of our intense, powerful, gorgeous DESIRE!

    In my whole professional life as a relationship expert, I have made it my life's

    work to help woman tune into their feminine energy and live from there.

    And now's your moment to "be a girl" (with all the power that a "girl" naturally

    possesses) in every part of your life, at every moment, no matter what.

    So what exactly is feminine energy? What is it to "be a girl"?

  • For one thing, feminine energy is

    filled with the things that we

    think we're not supposed to

    cheer for.

    Not things we're supposed to be

    proud of.

    Not things that are supposed to

    get us ahead or give us what we


    Not things that are supposed to

    create independence and respect.

    What I remember, is being afraid.

    Being always afraid of how my being smarter than most of the boys

    around me would turn out.

    Wanting to be noticed, wanting to get the lead in the play, get elected to

    office, afraid of wanting those things and sure about failing at them, and

    mostly hoping someone would ask me on a date.

    At the same time, being terrified of even a kiss.

    And now, it's out in the open, what we've known all along.

    If we wear lipstick and high heels and skirts to work, we are likely to get

    hit on in a very unhappy way. We are likely to not to be taken

    seriously. We are likely to stand up in front of the room and give a

    presentation and have people look at our boobs instead of being

    captivated by our creativity and powerful presence.

    And most of all, we were terrified that if we actually were taken seriously,

    actually were appreciated for our creativity and powerful presence, that no man

    would ever look at us as a romantic partner.

  • That we would be passed over for the girls who were not interested in higher rank

    and work fulfillment.

    And perhaps, if you're one of the girls who were pegged as not interested in higher

    rank and work fulfillment, you were stuck in a different way.

    No matter how you look at it, we were navigating the maze of being a woman in a

    man's designed world. So, what did we do?

    We started wearing pants suits. We cut our hair. We took lessons in how

    to ask for a raise. We began businesses and networking.

    The only thing is, those of us who did that, we felt like

    we left our girlhood lives behind forever.

    And we began to feel that we would always be

    intimidating to men, and therefore never find love.

    We adopted many personas. Some wore high heels,

    red lipstick, adopted a man-eater persona. Almost all

    of us were very angry, and we still are.

    And here is why I created Business Siren:

    All of us women are afraid of consequences.

    We are afraid of stepping out of our careful roles -

    whatever we were trained to make them.

    We are afraid of not be able to make enough money

    to support ourselves and our families, and because we have never been

    taught the full power of femininity and womanhood, we just dump that in

    the trash can, put on our pantsuits and pretend to be men.

    We try to join the old boys’ networks as neutered women wearing pants


  • Or, we went in the other direction, and went for the femme fatale persona.

    We are now at a moment in this world, where we can take the reins of our society

    in our hands and turn it away from the masculine concept of conflict, power

    games, hierarchy, order at all costs, and mental everything over emotional


    We now have the opportunity to take off the pantsuits. We can rewrite the

    codes. We do not have to act like a man, dress like a man, think like a man, keep

    order like a man.

    We can finally stop trying to fit in.

    We can finally stop trying to get noticed at the same time as we're trying to not

    get noticed.

    • We can finally stop dividing ourselves in half.

    • We can finally stop dividing ourselves into masculine and feminine.

    • We can finally start discovering that who we are. Each of us. Really. And I

    mean, down deep, who we really are and what we really want.

    DESIRE #2: The Signpost For A Woman Reads: Emotion!

    The one thing that

    society has hoped to

    keep hidden, under

    wraps, and away

    from the centers of


    When I was an

    actress, a singer, and

    a dancer, I had so

    many men around

    me to please my

    head was spinning.

  • Some wanted me skinnier, some wanted me prettier, some wanted me to speak

    up, some didn't like what I said or did no matter what.

    I was so busy trying to come up with a Rori that everybody could agree on, for

    most of my life I had no idea what was actually inside this creation everyone

    called “Rori.”

    And if this feels like you, too, you know

    that all of a sudden, now that people

    are talking about “authenticity”

    (whatever that means to them,

    specifically) - we can't find it.

    The entire Rori Raye method to help

    you with love and relationship applies

    to all of your life.

    *It applies to what you do and feel and

    desire from the moment you wake up

    to the moment you fall asleep at night.

    *It applies to the men you’re attracted

    to and attract, it applies to the jobs

    you’re interested in and succeed at, it

    applies to what you do in your spare

    time, and it applies hugely to how you talk about yourself in your own head.

    And it works truly fast in the world of love, romance and relationship.

    And then, what happens in the rest of your life?

    What happens when you’re out selling something to someone, or building

    something, or working, or at a luncheon, or in a meeting with a boss, or watching

    TV, or eating and cooking and taking care of yourself (or not).

    This is the missing piece. And this is what Business Siren is here to fill in for you.

  • Being a Business Siren is pretty simple. It means actually applying everything

    you've learned as a Modern Siren for love to everything about your everyday life.

    It means learning how to fall in love with the world - every piece of it - no

    matter how you’ve been trained to react to it.

    It means learning how to fall in love with yourself - every piece of you - no

    matter how you’ve been trained to judge, assess, think and feel about

    everything about you.

    It means wearing the pantsuit if you really feel like it - and wearing a skirt

    if that's what you feel like. And - most important - it means being able to

    tell which you most desire at any given moment!

    So, now we come again to the core concept of Business Siren: Desire.

    Desire in every sense of the word.

    Want, thrill, excitement, sex, sensual, inspired, juicy, physical, fluid, wet,

    passionate - and the most dreaded word of all: EMOTIONAL.

    We’ve been taught to think our way through things.

    That is the way men do stuff.

    But the signature way a woman in her feminine energy

    than does or says anything is by feeling her way


    So - how do you feel your way through top level business

    where money is at stake, reputations are at stake, and

    men are running the show?

    How do you do this like a girl? How do you put your girl

    self out there without pushing, thinking, doing? How do

    you get anything done from this "girl" state?

    That's the secret of Business Siren. The key to it all.

  • *Every moment of every day, I find myself caught. Caught between a

    thought and a feeling.

    I instinctively, reflexively toss out the feeling and go for the thought.

    AND - because I'm a Siren, a woman who draws men, money and the world

    IN, rather than chasing after what I want with barely disguised grasping

    hands, I've taught myself to hear the little flicker in my heart every time

    that happens.

    I've taught myself to consider what voice, what sound, what sensation I'm

    going to listen to and follow in the next moment.

    I've taught myself to choose – not between love and work, not between ALL

    the things I love and want and desire – but between my conflicting

    thoughts, impulses, feelings, and deeper sensibilities.

    I’ve taught myself to choose to LOVE whatever’s going on, instead of trying

    to judge it and push it away.

    I’ve taught myself to make decisions in each moment just by how each

    possibility FEELS to me in that moment.

    The Business Siren Protocols will teach you how to make these constant choices in

    the most peaceful, most fulfilling, least stressful way possible.

    *How to teach yourself this new world of feminine energy power we never

    knew existed.

    *How to make choices instead of blindly following the cues we've all been

    trained to follow.

    DESIRE #3 - And Here's The Last Piece Of The

    Feminine Puzzle: Safety.

  • We are still, rightly, concerned about safety.

    If we're as powerful as we truly are, if we're as emotion-based as we

    can be, if we embrace the feminine energy of Chaos, allow order to

    gather together in an organic way, consider ourselves the origin of

    creativity just because we're women, and suddenly see all the rules

    we've grown up with as silly and inconsequential - will we still be loved?

    Will we still get traditional love and marriage – if that’s what we desire?

    Will we be unacceptable in the workplace because we don't exactly fit in?

    I consider myself - and so many of my powerful women friends - to be the proof

    you need.

    We've created businesses, run

    businesses, work hard - and still

    have lovely marriages where we

    never have to lift a masculine

    finger. We have desire.

    You have the same desire,

    somewhere inside, even if it's

    been stuffed down and held

    tight by the bonds of your life-

    long training as a woman.

    When you find it and let it go

    and do what it wants, express

    itself as it likes - you'll find yourself feeling happy the way I do.

    Happy to get up in the morning, walk my dog, write blog posts and articles in my

    phone as I make breakfast, and snuggle with my man all through the day.

    You can also, if you desire, change the world.

  • Women really are changing the world

    right now, and it's not a "masculine"

    kind of “orderly” change.

    It's a "sea" change, where the

    blanket of softness, of emotion, of

    femininity is beginning to bring sense

    into what has been a poorly

    arranged, violent world.

    The answer isn't to join an activist

    group (though that might be your

    desire – so go girl!).

    The answer is to find YOU.

    It's to find the you that


    If it's money you want,

    travel, meaningful work, nice

    things - you get to feel good

    about wanting those things.

    You get to want to have them, and you get to have them.

    If it's love, relationship, home, partnership you want - you don't have to

    skip a beat, pretend to be different, stop your projects and desires. You will

    attract and be attracted to a man who can now SEE the real you.

    And, every day at work (and we ALL work!) you can show up as yourself - with all

    your wants and desires and talents.

    You don't have to settle.

    And you don't have to choose between love and work.

  • Love, romance, money and success all blend together, and all are drawn TO your

    feminine energy as it expresses itself.

    You are a work of art. Flowing, open, intuitive, creative, emotional.

    Yes, you can "do business" this way. You can "get stuff done" this way. You can

    live this way.

    You are many facets, yet you are all one piece called "you."

    Download the “10 Business Siren Paths To Having It All” here

    for free and get started learning how you can, step-by-step,

    begin “doing” everything from your feminine energy->

    Your next step is building a life around your DESIRES.

    If you’re already in business for yourself, an entrepreneur, and you

    feel all alone out there and bouncing from one business coach to

    another without enough to show for it – contact Melanie to set up an

    interview for us.

    Among your many ways to work with me and Business Siren Master

    Coach Teachers - no matter where you are in your work life - are these:

    1. “BIZ” will get you and your business completely set up online, with

    a complete Client/Customer “Funnel”: website,

    “freebie offer,” automated follow-up newsletters for

    solid marketing, all social media, all you need to get

    going, without having to spend your money at THIS


    *This set up stage should NOT cost you thousands in

    webdesigners and assistants – in BIZ, we teach you HOW to

    Do-It-Yourself, and we hands-on HELP you DO IT as we

    teach you.

  • *If you need to hire help, we’ll help you find it and know what to tell them

    to do - rather than them taking charge of the business you so want to be


    Here’s more about BIZ->

    2. Gurugenius is the follow-up program to BIZ, where we focus on

    program and product creation, and basic old-school, “content”

    promotion and marketing.

    If you’re already set up online with a complete

    “Client/Customer Funnel” – GuruGenius is where

    you’ll begin.

    In our experience training coaches – it’s the

    “getting going” that strangles most beginning

    coaches. Not everyone can do “everything”!

    If you’re a creative, an artist, a healer, a dreamer,

    a visionary – you may not enjoy the nuts-and-

    bolts of online marketing and software. You may

    recoil from all the stuff out there you have to navigate.

    That’s why, in Business Siren programs; BIZ, Gurugenius and RRRCT – the idea is

    to find a way YOU can enjoy “the work.”

    We focus on creating “content” – not because it’s easy and old-fashioned, but

    because it is the HARDEST, BEST and FASTEST way for you to discover your

    DESIRES, your WANTS, your voice your message, and your PUBLIC out there!

    If what you do does not come from deep inside yourself, from the organic,

    chaotic, original Siren you already are – you won’t love doing it.

    And we can teach you to love doing what you DESIRE to do – and to make THAT

    be your powerful promotion and marketing.

    It won’t look like anyone else’s promotion and marketing – it’ll look like YOURS.

    And that’s how you bring in clients, customers, fun, money, and GET TRULY SEEN.

  • I’ve been successful for a very long time, and I know, no matter what anyone tells

    you out there, that “advertising” – no matter how “simple” they make it look – is

    quite complex and scary.

    It takes KNOWING your message, getting your “voice,” understanding what about

    YOU interests clients and customers out there…

    AND – while we work with you to get all that in place, flowing and feeling truly

    comfortable for you as an expression of your powerful DESIRE –

    …You’ll be able to get your feet wet in the more complex promotional

    arenas available out there now (and those arenas change every month!).

    You can find BIZ, Gurugenius and RRRCT programs and detailed information

    about what you’ll get from enrolling in them at – and….

    … because everything we do together requires a pre-acceptance interview –

    schedule one with me or a Master Coach Teacher!

    We’ll not only let you know what to expect, we’ll take that huge DESIRE you have

    and put it into a structure and framework that lets you see the HOW of how this

    will happen for you.

    3. If you’ve always wanted to be a coach, and just can’t decide who to

    study with, talk with me about how RRRCT - Rori

    Raye Relationship Coach Training – can make that

    dream real for you.

    Go here to learn about becoming a professional coach

    (WITH a full business set up!) with me and RRRCT Master

    Coach Teachers Helena Hart and Michelle Manley->



  • We all work. We all live. We all want love, belonging, partnership,

    financial abundance and happiness.

    And we all need to know that love and romance and work and money and

    everyday life can go together, in harmony and synergy.

    AND – we all need to know HOW to “do” it. How to “get stuff done” and still be in

    your feminine, “girl” energy.

    Let me know how the Business Siren Protocols work for you…

    To schedule an interview with me for RRRCT, BIZ or Gurugenius – please simply

    email me at [email protected], or fill out a contact form anywhere on Melanie, the administrator for all Business Siren and

    Siren School Live programs, will get right back to you and set us up!

    Love, Rori

    mailto:[email protected]://

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