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Ancient JapanBy: Samin Ghaemian




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Map&timeframe.The Jomon Period (through 300 B.C.E.)

The Yayoi Period (300 B.C.E.-300 C.E.)

The Kofun or Yamato Period (300-680 C.E.)

The Asuka Period (645-710 C.E.)

The Nara Period (710-794 C.E.)

The Heian Period (794-1185 C.E.)


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BackgroundThe first signs of human development in Japan were in 12,000 BC. From there it grew more and more into a society. People in Japan started recognizing living patterns around that time. They took a little longer to learn how to weave then some other places, so they made their clothes out of fur. The Japanese people were more of in the hunter/gather society then others. Some of the Jomon people started to discover how to make clay vessels that were decorated with patterns. Some very old pottery was made in this period. The Jomon people started to build their own houses in 5000 BC. When the Yayoi period began, people started learning the basic skills of weaving, growing rice etc.


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Social StructureThe social structure of ancient Japan were divided into different categories.

Samurai - The samurai people were Japanese warriors they were sent out on dangerous missions to fight for their country. They became very important providing security to the people of their kind. They made the choices of life and death for outsiders and rule breakers. They also wore two swords to show off their power and warn people that they are in charge. They took their job very seriously and if they were to fail, they would commit suicide.

Farmers – The Japanese farmers were the people that provided food for the area. They would all work together to build a society in Japan. The farmers were the people in charge of growing the rice and vegetables to supply them to the villagers. But of course, not for free, the villagers would have to trade something of there's (for example: some fur) for what they needed.

Artisans – An artisan in ancient Japan is a craftsperson that is very skilled in handcrafts. These people are very talented in creating many things. They are skilled workmen.

Merchants – A merchant is someone who is experienced in trading/marketing. Their job would be to buy something at wholesale and then sell it again individually at retail prices.

Peasants – A peasant is someone who is in the class of a normal in a group of people that are farmers, etc Or considered as someone who is boorish. PICTURE ON NEXT SLIDE

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Pictures for Social StructureA B

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HousingIn Japan there were two different kinds of common houses made. There was one where you wig dig a hole into the ground, and the outside would be surrounded by a handmade tent like structure.

And then there was another one that was basically lifted from the ground by these logs and placed/built on that surface.

During the eleventh century, people started bringing some culture into their houses that were called shinden-zukuri. These houses were designed to show the “beauty of nature”




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FoodDuring the time 7000 BC, in ancient Japan they would eat plants, nuts, animal meat, seafood, and rice. But rice did not come into the Japanese foods until 400 BC. It is one of the most common foods in Japan, still today. Rice brought on eating a main dish, as well as a side dish and more . It made the “menu” expand to more food products. As then, and still now, Japanese food is one of the healthiest cuisines in the world. In today's time, Since Japan is surrounded by so much of the ocean, it has a wide access to lots of seafood and that is why sushi is the most common Japanese food today. Other countries as in China, Korea etc influenced their food as well.


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Family LifeChildren – Children in ancient Japan would learn the way of life/ the job they are needed to do when they grow older. The girls would learn how to sew, cook, and wash while boys figured out how to lean their fathers trade or got sent off to learn the trade of one of his friends. During summer/spring, many of the kids would go hunting for crickets and fireflies. While in the winter, family’s would spend more time together by reading, playing games, going to special events, etc. The children were also taught how to read and write and know how to do “arithmetic” if the school was attached to a temple. (Which they usually are)

Men- The men in a normal family life would be the providers even if the woman controls the family finances. Since the wife takes care of the money/bills, she would usually accuse her husband of wasting the family’s money a lot. But to men, that does not matter because they feel they can do whatever they like as if they are the “king” of that household.

Woman- A woman's job in a ancient Japanese house is very important. They are expected to do the cooking, cleaning ( with the help of servants if they could afford them ) They would also serve dinner to there husbands. When a Japanese woman has free time, she is able to run business’s or shops. They would then pass this lifestyle on to their daughter to learn for when she grows up. ( if they have one ) FAMILY LIFE PICTURES; NEXT SLIDE ------->

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Pictures for Family Life


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MarriageJapanese marriage’s are either planned or are made by having a “love match” where I assume people answer questions to see which one has more in common and based on the answers they would get married. They believe that the bride should be covered in white from head to toe to symbolize her maiden status to the gods. Details are taken very seriously when you get married in the Shinto shrine. The Japanese people focus very closely to them.

In the Edo period the only way you could be divorced was if your husband wrote you a letter saying so. Back then, woman weren’t allowed to get divorced to their husbands if they wanted too, it was their husbands choice to do so.

Causes of divorce:

Extra-marital affairs - 27%

Emotional/physical abuse - 17%

Mid-life crisis - 13%

Addictions, e.g. alcoholism and gambling - 6%

Workaholism - 6%


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ChildhoodIn the life of a Japanese child, basically their purpose was to play and then learn the ways of their parents to become like them when they are older. They look forward to many events during the years, but New Year mostly. They liked new year a lot because of how there was many fun activities and games to play. Girls like “battledore “ or “shuttlecock” as their New Years present. They enjoyed this game. ( no information at all could be found about how children in Japan were treated. )



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EducationJapanese education was first followed on by China’s. From there, it grew into it’s own unique kind that it is today. Japan had basically the same kind of school we have today except for in the ancient days, things weren’t as developed and improved as now. They would usually sit on rocks and have something to write/draw with. These were usually sticks. Their classroom would basically be a tent made out of natural things found on the land. They would be taught all about the Japanese way of life, the culture, the language, etc. The hard part was that they did this without all the improvements we have made in our society today.




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ReligionMost people in Japan have a religion called “Buddhism” but the country provides freedom to any religion they would like to have. This takes up 51% of Japans population. This religion began in India in 528 BC. It is based on the “enlightened one” a.k.a Siddhartha Gautama. He believed that people should not have hope because they get disappointed so often. He tried to teach relaxation through meditation. He is very famous for his work, he has gone through Asia, China, and Japan when he visited the Buddhist monk in 552 A. D. People were inspired by him so they decided to learn his way and went to Buddhism school. There is this other religion associated with it too, it’s called Shinto. Shinto means “the way of the gods” and it was the first religion practiced in Japan. The religion shows the love for nature and worship of the spirits. ( Known as kami ) These gods were known to cause diseases if they were to be angry or ignored. All the people would honour these people by leaving them drinks and foods in their shrines.


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ClothingThe Japanese people would wear these long bathrobe shaped gowns that usually have flower patterns on them. They would wear different things based on different seasons. Many bright colors and floral patters are used in this unique and one of a kind gowns. These very elegant robes are considered average day wear for the Japanese. It’s also worn to represent their age status and material.


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Art&Music.The Japanese were very interested in music. They enjoyed playing the drums and other instruments. The art includes ancient pottery, and sculpturing. Usually Japanese paintings try to show an important message. Some of them show the gods being evil or kind. Or a great warrior vanishing a evil minion. In music, Japan is very much known for it’s interest in drums. The ancient Japanese used to use the drums for many things, like sending out messages.



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ConclusionIn conclusion, the ancient Japanese people lived a very long, and healthy life. With their family’s, their great foods, they built upon a lifestyle that Is perfect for them, and with that they have created an amazing culture upon today. Japan is now known all over the world for its amazing seafood, it’s creative and luxurious houses, and most importantly, it’s huge development in technology. It’s hard to believe it started out almost all the ancient places did and you can see how it has grown into such a fantastic society. Thank you for watching my PowerPoint. I hope you enjoyed it~ - Samin Ghaemian



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Information Bibliography Continued.

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Book Bibliography

Kuniyoshi, Utagawa . Life In ancient Japan. Canada: Crabtree Publishing Company, 2005

Haslam, Andrew. Old Japan. United States: Two- Can Publishing, 1995.

Lewis, Brenda Ralph . Samurai Japan. London: Batsford Academic And Educational Ltd, 1981.




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Picture Bibliography (continued)

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