
ANCIENT INDIASection 5: Indian Achievements


The people of ancient India

made great contributions to

the arts and sciences.


Indian artists created great

works of religious art.


Both the Mauryan and Guptan empires unified India and created a stable environment where artists, writers, scholars, and scientists could


Their works are still admired today. Much of the Indian art from this period was religious, inspired

by both Hindu and Buddhist teachings.

Many beautiful temples were built during this time and decorated with

elaborate wood and stone carvings.


How did religion influence ancient

Indian art? (SUMMARIZING)


Sanskrit literature flourished

during the Gupta period.


Great works of literature were written in Sanskrit, the ancient Aryan language, during the Gupta Dynasty.

The best-known works are two religious epics called the Mahabharta (muh-HAH-BAH- ruh-tuh) and the Ramayana (Rah- MAH-yuh-nuh).

The Mahabharata (composed between 300 BC and 300 AD) has the honor of being the longest epic in world literature, 100,000 2-line stanzas (although the most recent critical edition edits

this down to about 88,000), making it eight times as long as Homer's Iliad and Odyssey together, and over 3 times as long as the Bible.

1st Epic

The name Mahabharata is sometimes referred to as “the great story of India.”It is a story about the struggle between two families for control of a kingdom - it is divided

into 18 books (concerning an 18-day war among 18 armies).

The most famous passage- in the

Mahabharata - is call the Bhagavad Gita (BUGuhvuhd-


He also had to rescue his wife, a princess named Sita.

For centuries, the characters of THE RAMAYANA, have been seen as models for how Indians should behave.

Rama is seen as the ideal ruler, and his relationship with Sita as the ideal marriage.


What types of literature did writer

of ancient India create?



The Indians made scientific

advances in metal working,

medicine, and other sciences.


Scientific and scholarly work also blossomed during the early Indian empires.

Most prominent was the development of metallurgy,

They also invented processes for creating alloys. Alloys, such as steel or bronze, may be stronger or more useful than pure metals like iron or copper.

Alloy - A mixture of two or more metals

Indian technicians and engineers made stronger tools

and weapons. Indian iron was hard and pure

making it a valuable trade item.

Hindu-Arabic Numerals,- The number system we use today; it was

created by Indian scholars during the

Gupta Dynasty

They also created the concept of zero, upon

which all modern math is based.

Other sciences also benefited from the period of Indian history. In medicine,

Indians developed the technique of inoculation,

Inoculation - Injecting a person with a small dose of a virus to help build up defenses to a disease

Doctors could even perform certain


India’s fascination with astronomy, also lead to the discovery of seven of the planets in our solar system.

Astronomy - The study of stars and planets

The game of Snakes & Ladders was created by a 13th century Indian poet. It was originally called ‘Mokshapat’. The ladders in the game represented virtues and the snakes indicated vices. The game was played with shells

and dices. In time, the game underwent several modifications, but its meaning remained the same, i.e. good deeds take people to heaven and

evil to a cycle of re-births.


What were two Indian achievements in

mathematics?(FINDING MAIN IDEAS)

SUMMARY: From a group of cities on

the Indus River, India grew into a major empire whose people made great


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