Page 1: Anatomy of Nerve Entrapment Sites in the Upper Quarter · BRACHIAL PLEXUS The brachial plexus (Figure 1) begins in the posterior cervical triangle and extends into the axilla where

Anatomy of Nerve Entrapment Sites in theUpper Quarter

Neal Pratt, PhD, PTDepartment of Rehabilitation SciencesDrexel UniversityPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania

The purpose of this article is to review theanatomical courses of the brachial plexus and itsmajor terminal nerves, and to indicate the specificanatomical points at which the nerve trunks andnerves are potentially susceptible to entrapment. Thesites presented in this article are based on theliterature and the logical correlation of symptomol-ogy and anatomy. The anatomical course of eachstructure is described from proximal to distal; inaddition, any potential entrapment points (PEP) aredescribed. It should be noted that the term ‘‘entrap-ment’’ is interpreted in the widest sense in thisdiscussion. At the points of entrapment described,the nervesmay be subjected to compression, tension/stretch, friction, or any combination thereof.


The brachial plexus (Figure 1) begins in theposterior cervical triangle and extends into the axillawhere the major peripheral nerves of the upper limbare formed. In both the posterior triangle and theaxilla, smaller nerves branch from the plexus. Thesenerves supply the muscles of the shoulder region.

The brachial plexus is formed by the ventral( primary) rami of spinal nerves C5 through T1.

Correspondence and reprint requests to Neal Pratt, PhD, PT, 624Susquehanna Road, Ambler, PA 19002; e-mail: <[email protected]>.



ABSTRACT: The purpose of this article is to review theanatomical features of the most common nerve entrapment sitesof the brachial plexus and major peripheral nerves of the upperlimb. In this account, the term ‘‘entrapment’’ is considered to becaused by compression, tension, or friction, or any combination ofthese factors. The anatomy, including important relationships ofthe brachial plexus, is reviewed and the points of potentialentrapment of the plexus are described. Entrapment of thesuprascapular and long thoracic nerves is also included. Particularattention is paid to the fivemajor peripheral nerves that result fromthe brachial plexus and supply the peripheral aspect of the upperlimb, i.e., the median, ulnar, musculocutaneous, radial, andaxillary nerves. In each case, the nerve’s course is described andthe anatomical details of the entrapment points described. Wherepossible, the sites of entrapment are illustrated in cadavericphotographs.

J HAND THER. 2005;18:216–229.

(Anatomically, these rami are called the roots of theplexus which can be confusing because the spinalnerves are formed by the dorsal and ventral roots ofthe spinal cord.) These ventral rami enter the poste-rior cervical triangle by passing between the anteriorand middle scalene muscles and superior to the firstrib. This interval is referred to as either the scalenegroove or triangle. With the exception of T1, theserami pass horizontally or descend through thegroove. Ramus T1 ascends from the thorax and curlsaround the anterior surface of the first rib, passingthrough the superior thoracic aperture, to reach theposterior triangle. Rami C5 and C6 form the superiortrunk, C7 continues as the middle trunk, and C8 andT1 unite to form the inferior trunk. Only the mostproximal portion of the brachial plexus, the rami andparts of the trunks, is found in the posterior triangle.The trunks enter the axilla by passing between theclavicle and first rib, close to the sternoclavicularjoint.

Each trunk divides into an anterior and a posteriordivision. The anterior divisions of the superior andmiddle trunks combine to form the lateral cord. Theanterior division of the inferior trunk continues as themedial cord and all three posterior divisions unite toform the posterior cord. The cords are named by theirrelationships with the second part of the axillaryartery, which is posterior to the pectoralis minormuscle. As the divisions and cords are formed, thebrachial plexus and axillary vessels become enclosedby a sleeve of fibrous tissue called the axillary sheath.

Page 2: Anatomy of Nerve Entrapment Sites in the Upper Quarter · BRACHIAL PLEXUS The brachial plexus (Figure 1) begins in the posterior cervical triangle and extends into the axilla where

FIGURE 1. Cadaver specimen: anterior view of the left brachial plexus distal to the point where the cords are formed. Thetrunks and divisions are obscured by the demonstrator’s hand.

The end result of the plexus is the formation of thelarge peripheral nerves that supply most of the upperlimb. These nerves are all formed in the axillaryregion. The median nerve is formed by contributionsfrom both the medial and lateral cords. The muscu-locutaneous nerve is the continuation of the lateralcord; the ulnar is the continuation of the medial cord.The posterior cord gives rise to the axillary nerve andthe much larger radial nerve. There are many po-tential variant fibrous bands and muscle slips thatcan occur in the axillary region where these nervesare formed. By and large these variations are rare;and even though some can potentially interfere with

some of the nerves, their descriptions are omitted inthis discussion.

PEP: The superior thoracic aperture1 (Figure 2) is thejunctional region between the neck and mediasti-num. The boundary consists of the manubrium ofthe sternum, first ribs, and body of the first (orsecond) thoracic vertebra. This area is packed withsoft-tissue structures including the lungs, esopha-gus, trachea, and a variety of neurovascular struc-tures. The ventral ramus of T1 arises inferior to thefirst rib and must ascend and wrap around therather sharp anterior surface of the first rib to getto the posterior cervical triangle (Figure 3). The

FIGURE 2. Cadaver specimen: anterosuperior view of the superior thoracic aperture and right scalene triangle. Note theviscera and neurovascular structures passing through the aperture and the brachial plexus and subclavian artery passingthrough the triangle.

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Page 3: Anatomy of Nerve Entrapment Sites in the Upper Quarter · BRACHIAL PLEXUS The brachial plexus (Figure 1) begins in the posterior cervical triangle and extends into the axilla where

FIGURE 3. Cadaver specimen: anterior view of the lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebra and the posterior aspects ofright ribs 1–3. The ventral rami of spinal nerves C6, C7, C8, and T1 are also shown. Notice T1 ascending to cross theanterior aspect of the fist rib as it exits from the thorax and joins C8 to form the inferior trunk.


aperture is packed with soft-tissue structures, andany increase inpressure, perhaps caused by a spacetaking lesion, could potentially compress root T1against the first rib.PEP:The scalene triangle,1–7 (Figure 2) formedby theanterior and middle scalene muscles together withthe first rib, typically has a narrow base and highsides; hence, the term groove is quite appropriate.Even so, the shape of the triangle varies consider-ably with body build and can range from a tall thintriangle to onewith awide base and short sides. Thesize of the triangle or the characteristics of itsboundaries can be changed by a variety of anatom-ical variations. The floor ( first rib) can be elevatedby the existence of a cervical rib. It is interesting tonote that a cervical rib,whichdevelops fromanlagethat also gives rise to all other connective tissues,can also exist in a fibrous form. The geometry of thetriangle can also bemodified by a variety of fibrousbands8 as well as hypertrophy of the scalenemuscles, hence the term ‘‘scalene syndrome.’’ Amuscular variation, the ‘‘scalene minimus,’’(Figure 4) can pass across the opening and alsoreduce the space for the nerve trunks.PEP: The costoclavicular interval (nutcracker)1,3,5,9,10

(Figure 5) is formed by the medial aspects of theclavicle and first rib just lateral to their articulationswith the manubrium of the sternum. Even thoughboth of these bones are curved, the effect of theirrelationship resembles a nutcracker since the twobones articulate very close to one another on themanubrium. Depression of the shoulder and hencethe clavicle, as well as elevation of the first rib,reduces the space between the bones. Since theclosest structure to the sternum is the axillary veinit perhaps is the structure most vulnerable to com-pression.PEP: The coracoid/pectoralis minor loop1,3,5,11,12

(Figure 5) is formed by the pectoralis minormuscle


inserting on the coracoid process. Posterior to themuscle the cords of the brachial plexus and theaxillary vessels form aneurovascular bundle that istightly enclosed by a sleeve of fascia called theaxillary sheath.With the upper limb at the side, theneurovascular bundle would appear to be in nojeopardy at this point. With the arm elevated andexternally rotated, however, the bundle is held in

FIGURE 4. Cadaver specimen: lateral view of the leftscalene triangle. Note how the scalene minimus musclecrosses the scalene triangle and separates components ofthe brachial plexus.

Page 4: Anatomy of Nerve Entrapment Sites in the Upper Quarter · BRACHIAL PLEXUS The brachial plexus (Figure 1) begins in the posterior cervical triangle and extends into the axilla where

FIGURE 5. Cadaver specimen: anterior view of the left posterior cervical triangle and axillary region. The brachial plexusand axillary vessels can be seen emerging from the scalene triangle, passing between the clavicle and first rib and passinginferior to the coracoid process and posterior the pectoralis minor muscle. Note also the position of the humeral head relativeto the coracoid process and neurovascular bundle.

place by the loopand stretchedaround the coracoidprocess.PEP: The head of the humerus (Figure 5) is positionedjust lateral and posterior to the coracoid process;the neurovascular bundle passes just below thehumeral head. This potential point of entrapmentseems directly related to the coracoid-pectoralisminor loop. As the arm is elevated and externallyrotated the neurovascular bundle is held in placeby the loop, ensuring that the bundle must passaround the head and thus be further stretched.


The suprascapular nerve arises from the superiortrunk of the plexus and passes laterally and a bitinferiorly toward the coracoid process. Just medial tothe coracoid, it passes through the suprascapularforamen which is formed by the suprascapular notchand transverse scapular ligament. It supplies thesuprascapular muscle in the suprascapular fossa,then curves around the spinoglenoid notch to supplythe infraspinatus muscle. The spinoglenoid notch issometimes converted into the spinoglenoid foramenby the presence of an inferior transverse scapularligament.

PEP: The suprascapular foramen (Figure 6) andspinoglenoid notch are anatomically close pointsof entrapment.3,13–17 Suprascapular neuropa-thies have been documented in such athletes as

pitchers and volleyball players. The nerve is shortand under some tension and presumably is sub-jected to friction and perhaps increased tensionduring significant scapular excursion. Anotherinteresting consideration is the role the nervemightplay in the formation of capsulitis of the gleno-humeral joint. In addition to innervating the twomuscles, the suprascapular nerve supplies theposterior and superior aspects of the shoulder jointcapsule but has no cutaneous distribution.Entrapment of the nerve could presumablyproduce deep shoulder pain with motion, andthus lead to reduced shoulder activity and perhapscapsulitis.

The long thoracic nerve begins as separatebranches of roots C5, C6, and C7. These branchesunite to form the nerve posterior to the brachialplexus. The nerve descends on the lateral aspect ofthe rib cage, providing a branch to each of thedigitations of origin of the serratus anterior muscle.

PEP: A specific anatomical point of entrapment isdifficult to identify for the long thoracic nerve.3,18–22

Unlike most nerves it is anchored at regular andshort intervals throughout its course, whichgreatly limits its potential to lengthen or glide.As a result, it is vulnerable to extreme excursionsof the shoulder girdle and to prolonged staticsituations where the shoulder girdle might beelevated for extended periods. For example, ifsomeone were to fall asleep for a protracted periodwith his/her shoulder draped over the back of a

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Page 5: Anatomy of Nerve Entrapment Sites in the Upper Quarter · BRACHIAL PLEXUS The brachial plexus (Figure 1) begins in the posterior cervical triangle and extends into the axilla where

FIGURE 6. Cadaver specimen: anterior view of the left axillary and shoulder regions. Note the suprascapular nerve as itarises from the superior trunk of the brachial plexus then passes laterally through the suprascapular foramen.

chair, the nerve could be subjected to an extendedstretch (Saturday night palsy). The nerve is super-ficial and hence vulnerable to external compres-sion; it also crosses the field of a number of surgicalapproaches.


The radial nerve is the larger terminal branch of theposterior cord (Figure 1). It arises proximal to thelower border of the subscapularis muscle and theninclines obliquely laterally and posteriorly, passinginferior to the latissimus dorsi and teres muscles asthey insert into the humerus. The nerve then passesobliquely around the posterior aspect of the midshaftof the humerus in the spiral or radial groove, andbetween the origins of the medial and lateral heads ofthe triceps brachii muscle. While in this groove, thenerve is accompanied by the deep brachial vesselsand all structures are immediately adjacent to thebone. The groove ends just distal to the deltoidtuberosity, on the lateral aspect of the humerus. Atthat point the radial nerve enters the anterior com-partment of the arm by passing through the fibrouslateral intermuscular septum.

PEP:The radial nerve and deep brachial vessels arevulnerable to injury secondary to fracture as theypass around the humerus in the spiral groove. Thenerve can potentially become entrapped in callusformation during the healing process. As the nerveleaves the spiral groove, and the interval betweenthe origins of the lateral and medial heads of thetriceps, it passes through the fibrous lateral inter-muscular septum of the arm. The literature sup-ports the notion that the radial nerve can beentrapped by the lateral head of the triceps.23,24

Because the lateral head of the triceps attaches to


the lateral intermuscular septum and to the hu-merus, the reported point of entrapment closelycoincides to the point where the nerve passesthrough the septum (Figure 7). As it passesthrough the septum, the nerve is both directly onthe bone and superficially positioned so it is vul-nerable to external compression, e.g., tourniquet.

The radial nerve enters the anterior compartmentof the arm in a deep position between the brachior-adialis and brachialis muscles. As it continues todescend, it is related superficially to the extensorcarpi radialis longus and brevis along with thebrachioradialis (mobile wad); its deep relationshipbecomes the most lateral aspect of the capsule of theelbow joint. This part of its course is sometimesreferred to as the radial tunnel. At about the level ofthe elbow joint line, the nerve divides into itssuperficial and deep branches. The superficial branch(radial sensory nerve) continues through the forearmdeep to the brachioradialis muscle; in the distal thirdof the forearm it enters the subcutaneous tissue andprovides the cutaneous innervation to the dorsolat-eral hand. The deep branch, clinically called theposterior interosseous, curves around the neck ofthe radius between the two layers of the supinatormuscle. It emerges from the supinator muscle asmultiple branches, most of which supply the deepposterior muscles of the forearm. The posteriorinterosseous branch (anatomical designation) de-scends to the wrist joint that it supplies.

PEP: The radial tunnel (Figure 8) and arcade of Frohse(Figure 9) are combined because they are anatom-ically continuous and contain a series of hazardsthat potentially can affect the radial nerve.25–29 Theliterature is a bit unclear as to whether the arcadeof Frohse, which is the proximal portion of the

Page 6: Anatomy of Nerve Entrapment Sites in the Upper Quarter · BRACHIAL PLEXUS The brachial plexus (Figure 1) begins in the posterior cervical triangle and extends into the axilla where

FIGURE 7. Cadaver specimen: lateral view of the left mid-arm region. The radial nerve can be seen as it passes through thelateral intermuscular septum to go from the posterior to the anterior compartment. To expose the radial nerve in theposterior compartment the lateral head of the triceps brachii had to be separated from the lateral intermuscular septum.

superficial layer of the supinatormuscle, should beincluded in the radial tunnel. The radial tunnel hasbeen described as extending from several centi-meters proximal to the elbow to either the arcade ofFrohse or to the distal edge of the supinatormuscle.The important point is that there are a number ofanatomical hazards that can potentially affect theradial nerve along this part of its course. The first isa fibrous band that passes superficial to the nerve atabout the level of the radial head. The second is theradial recurrent artery that crosses the nerve on itsway to supplying the muscles of the mobile wad.

This vessel frequently is represented as multiplevessels that form a sheet of vessels (leash of Henry)that crosses the nerve. The third is the tendinousedge of the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle.This tendinous edge, like other tendinous edges, isquite variable in development so it can be veryprominent or barely present. The arcade of Frohse isa prominent hazard. This layer of tissue has beendescribed as tendinous in 30% of the population.30

Finally, there is the course of the nerve within thesupinator and the distal edge of the muscle wherethe nerve emerges. The distal edge can be tendinous

FIGURE 8. Cadaver specimen: anterolateral view of the left elbow region. The radial nerve is shown passing through thedistal aspect of the arm, crossing the elbow joint line and branching into its superficial and deep branches. Part or all of thiscourse is considered the radial tunnel.

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Page 7: Anatomy of Nerve Entrapment Sites in the Upper Quarter · BRACHIAL PLEXUS The brachial plexus (Figure 1) begins in the posterior cervical triangle and extends into the axilla where

FIGURE 9. Cadaver specimen: anterolateral view of the left proximal forearm. The mobile wad of muscles (brachioradialis,extensors carpi radialis longus and brevis) is retracted to show the deep branch of the radial nerve as it wraps around theneck of the radius between layers of the supinator muscle. The superficial tendinous layer is called the arcade of Frohse.


and fibrous bands have been described within themuscle.PEP: The superficial radial nerve enters the sub-cutaneous tissue in the dorsolateral aspect of thedistal third of the forearm (Figure 10). It does so bypassing between the tendons of the brachioradialisand extensor carpi radialis longus muscles thenthrough the antebrachial fascia. This passage isconsidered a point of entrapment.31,32 The nervethen continues distally, branching across the dor-solateral wrist and hand. This part of its course iswithin the subcutaneous tissue where the nerve isvery close to the underlying radius and just beneaththe skin because there is only minimal subcutane-ous tissue. Furthermore, it is just superficial to thetendons of the extrinsic thumb and radial extensor


muscles of the forearm.Along this part of its courseit is vulnerable to external compression, injuryduring surgery and entrapment during healingafter trauma or surgery.32–34


The axillary nerve is the smaller of the terminalbranches of the posterior cord (Figure 1) and theshortest of the major terminal nerves of the brachialplexus. From its origin on the ventral aspect of thesubscapularis muscle, the nerve passes laterally to-ward the inferior aspect of the shoulder joint. Itpasses just inferior to the head of the humerus andabove the tendons of the latissimus dorsi and teres

FIGURE 10. Cadaver specimen: medial view of the left distal forearm and wrist. The superficial branch of the radial nervecan be seen as it enters the subcutaneous tissue by passing through the investing fascia and between the tendons of thebrachioradialis and extensor carpi radialis longus muscles.

Page 8: Anatomy of Nerve Entrapment Sites in the Upper Quarter · BRACHIAL PLEXUS The brachial plexus (Figure 1) begins in the posterior cervical triangle and extends into the axilla where

major; it then passes through the quadrangular spacewhich is bounded medially by the humerus andlaterally by the long head of the triceps muscle, andsuperiorly and inferiorly by the teres minor and teresmajor respectively. It then wraps horizontally aroundthe posterior aspect of the surgical neck of thehumerus, accompanied by the deep brachial vessels,and enters the deltoid muscle which it supplies. Italso supplies the teres minor muscle and has a cuta-neous branch which curves around the posterioraspect of the deltoid and supplies the skin in thearea of the deltoid tuberosity.

PEP: This point of ‘‘entrapment,’’ caused by a repo-sitioning of the head of the humerus, is secondary tothe trauma of an anterior shoulder dislocation.35,36

The axillary nerve is short, under some tension, andcrosses the infraclavicular fossa before passing closeto the anteroinferior aspect of thehumeral head. Thehumeral head typically moves into the infraclavic-ular fossa when it dislocates; the nerve can bestretched anteriorly around the head of the hu-merus. This, perhaps, is not a true example of anentrapment, but the damage to the nerve can becaused by tension.PEP: The quadrangular space37–40 (Figure 11) wouldappear to be a questionable potential point ofentrapment because the literature is sparse andsomewhat equivocal. This space can contain a vari-ety of fibrous bands that may interfere with bothvascular and nerve function in certain positions ofthe upper limb. The size of the space is reducedwith the arm in abduction and external rotation andthe soft-tissue structures that form the boundariesare stretched considerably. This position is alsoconsidered to be a provocative test for the repro-duction of the symptoms. Even though the cause of

entrapment is not well documented, the axillarynerve and deep brachial vessels passing throughthe space may be vulnerable to compression fromvariant fibrous bands or perhaps the structures thatform the boundaries.


The median nerve is formed by contributions fromboth the medial and lateral cords (Figure 1). Itdescends in the medial neurovascular bundle of thearm, along with the ulnar nerve and the brachialartery. At about the distal third of the arm it inclinesa bit laterally to enter the cubital fossa where it ispositioned lateral to the brachial artery and superfi-cial to the brachialis muscle. It passes deep to thebicipital aponeurosis (lacertus fibrosus), which isa strong fibrous band between the biceps brachiitendon and the investing fascia. Either in the cubitalfossa or a bit distally, it has an anterior interosseousbranchwhich is muscular and supplies the radial halfof the flexor digitorum profundus (index and middlefingers), flexor pollicis longus, and pronator quad-ratus. The median exits the cubital fossa by passingbetween the two heads of the pronator teres muscle,and just distal to that point it passes deep to thefibrous arch between the two heads of origin (medialhumeral epicondyle and radius) of the flexor digito-rum superficialis (sublimis bridge [old name is ‘‘sub-limus’’]). The median nerve appears to be vulnerableto a variety of potential hazards in the region of theelbow.

PEP: The ligament of Struthers and supracondylarprocess41–44 (Figure 12) are reported to be found inthe distal third of the medial aspect of the arm.

FIGURE 11. Cadaver specimen: posterior view of the left shoulder region. The axillary nerve is seen as it wraps around theposterior aspect of the surgical neck of the humerus and enters the deltoid muscle. Only three boundaries of thequadrangular space, the humerus and teres major and minor muscles, are visible because the long head of the triceps brachiimuscle has been removed above the X.

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Page 9: Anatomy of Nerve Entrapment Sites in the Upper Quarter · BRACHIAL PLEXUS The brachial plexus (Figure 1) begins in the posterior cervical triangle and extends into the axilla where

FIGURE 12. Cadaver specimen: anteromedial view of left arm, elbow and forearm. The courses of both the median and ulnarnerves through the distal arm are visible. Both nerves are in the medial neuromuscular bundle at the mid-arm level. Themedian then inclines anteriorly and laterally into the cubital fossa; the ulnar enters the posterior compartment and occupiesa groove in the medial head of the triceps muscle as it passes toward the posterior aspect of the medial epicondyle of thehumerus.


Their presence in man, a rare legacy from lowerforms, is reported to interfere with the normalcourse of the median nerve. The anatomical causesof this entrapment occur in the medial supra-condylar region of the humerus where the mediannerve inclines laterally to enter the cubital fossa.The supracondylar process is a bony hook whichsprings from the supracondylar area of the hu-merus; the ligament of Struthers extends from themedial epicondyle of the humerus to the supra-condylar area of the humerus. These structures canbe present at the same time and be continuous orthey can occur separately. In either case the courseof the nerve could be altered around either theligament or the bony process, perhaps introducinga friction-generating angle.PEP: The median nerve passes deep to the bicipitalaponeurosis41,45 (Figure 12) and superficial to thebrachialis muscle, which is a massive muscle andthe major flexor of the forearm in any position. Thebicipital aponeurosis is a very strong fibrousstructure. Strongly resisted flexion of the forearmmay compress the nerve between the underlyingmuscle and sharply edged aponeurosis.PEP: The two heads of origin of the pronator teresmuscle46,47 (Figure 13), between which the mediannerve passes, are quite different in structure. Thesuperficial head (lateral humeral epicondyle) islarge and typically only minimally tendinous. Thedeep head (radius) is much smaller and rather flatand usually has a sharp tendinous edge. As theforearm is pronated, the two heads are approxi-mated and the median nerve can be compressed.


PEP: The sublimis bridge48 (Figure 14) is variable indevelopment. Sometimes it is very difficult toidentify and other times it is quite prominent andtendinous. As the nerve reaches this arch it ispassing posteriorly to pass deep to this arch andassume its position between the flexors digitorum

FIGURE 13. Cadaver specimen: anterior view of the elbowregion. This is a deep dissection showing the median nerveas it passes between the superficial and deep heads of thepronator teres muscle. Note the sharp proximal edge of thedeep head.

Page 10: Anatomy of Nerve Entrapment Sites in the Upper Quarter · BRACHIAL PLEXUS The brachial plexus (Figure 1) begins in the posterior cervical triangle and extends into the axilla where

superficialis and profundus muscles, the course itfollows until it reaches the wrist.PEP: It is important to note that the anteriorinterosseous nerve49–51 (Figure 14), the largest branchof median in the forearm, can branch from themedian either before the pronator teres or after thesublimis bridge. As a result, either the anteriorinterosseous or the median or both could beentrapped at either place. In addition, there areother anatomical structures, mostly variant, thathave been implicated. The forearm is a particularlyfertile location for the occurrence of extraneousfibrous bands and extra muscles, usually rathersmall. These fibrous bands are usually offshoots ofexisting fibrous structures that cross the longitudi-nally oriented nerves and vessels obliquely or evenhorizontally. The variant muscles are usually slipsof existing muscles (e.g., Gantzer’s muscle is anaccessory head of the flexor pollicis longus) thatcan also cross neurovascular structures.

The course of the median nerve through most ofthe forearm is in a deep position, between the flexordigitorum superficialis and the flexor digitorumprofundus muscles. Just proximal to the wrist themedian nerve curves around the lateral aspect of thetendons of the flexor digitorum superficialis andassumes a position on the volar surface of thatmuscle’s tendons. There it is relatively deep andpositioned between the tendons of the palmarislongus and flexor carpi radialis muscles. In the distalthird of the forearm, the superficial palmar nerve

FIGURE 14. Cadaver specimen: anterior view of theproximal forearm and elbow. This deep dissection showsthe median nerve as it passes deep to the arch (sublimisbridge) between the two heads of origin of the flexordigitorum superficialis. Also visible is the anteriorinterosseous nerve as it branches from the posterior aspectof the median nerve.

branches from the nerve; this branch is cutaneous,does not pass through the carpal tunnel, and suppliesthe skin at the base of the thenar eminence. Themedian nerve passes through the carpal tunnel as themost volar structure on the radial side, crammedbetween the long digital flexor tendons and thetransverse carpal ligament.

The carpal tunnel has two distinct parts; the moredistal segment is the smaller. The proximal segmentis at the level of the pisiform and tubercle of thescaphoid. The transverse carpal ligament is thin andslack and the transverse area of the tunnel is large.The distal segment is between hamulus (hook) of thehamate and tubercle of the trapezium. Here thetransverse carpal ligament is much thicker andtauter, and the transverse area is smaller thanproximally.

PEP: The carpal tunnel52–54 (Figure 15) very likely isthe best known point of nerve entrapment in theupper limb. The literature is massive, at times a bitconfusing, but very informative on the issues. Thedistal half of the tunnel would appear to be thepoint where the nerve is most vulnerable, partic-ularly given its position between the thick and tauttransverse carpal ligament and the underlyingtendons. The contents of the canal, in addition tothe nerve, consist of the nine tendons of the flexorsdigitorum superficialis and profundus along withthat of the flexor pollicis longus. The radial andulnar bursae, the synovial tendon sheaths of thesemuscles, are commonly omitted as contents of thetunnel but they extend from the hand into thedistal forearm. The potential causes of entrapmentseem endless. I think the bottom line is simply thatthe structures passing through this tunnel are very

FIGURE 15. Cadaver specimen: cross section through thedistal part of the carpal tunnel. The transverse carpalligament (deep part of flexor retinaculum) is seenattaching to the hook of the hamate and the tubercle ofthe trapezium. Note the position of the median nerve justdeep to transverse carpal ligament on the radial side of thetunnel. Note also how tightly the structures are packed inthe tunnel.

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Page 11: Anatomy of Nerve Entrapment Sites in the Upper Quarter · BRACHIAL PLEXUS The brachial plexus (Figure 1) begins in the posterior cervical triangle and extends into the axilla where

tightly packed and any addition to that space canaffect the median nerve. It is the ‘‘softest’’ structureand frequently its cross-sectional shape indicates itis squeezed into whatever space is available.

Distal to the carpal tunnel, the median nervetypically branches into its terminal branches. Itusually has the recurrent (thenar, muscular) branchto the thenar muscles, a single proper palmar digitalnerve to the radial side of the index finger and threecommon palmar digital nerves to the thumb, index,middle and ring fingers. (Common digital nervesbranch into two proper digital nerves.) The recurrentbranch passes laterally to supply the thenar musclesand can either wrap around the distal aspect of thetransverse carpal ligament or pierce the ligament. Thedigital nerves are predominantly cutaneous tothe lateral (radial) three and a half digits. The com-mon digital nerves to the index, middle, and ringfingers pass toward theweb spaceswhere they divideintoproperdigital nerves. Proximal to theweb spaces,at the level of the metacarpal heads (distal volarpalmar crease), these nerves are sandwiched betweenthe superficial and deep transverse ligaments.

PEP: The recurrent branch of the median nerve55,56 isvulnerable to entrapment when it either pierces thetransverse carpal ligament or recurs around itsdistal edge. In either case the nerve can be com-pressed against the ligament and produce muscu-lar symptoms.PEP: The intervals throughwhich the digital nervesto the index, middle and ring pass, between themetacarpal heads, are referred to as the metacarpaltunnels.57,58 The floor of each tunnel is the strong,deep transverse metacarpal ligament whichinterconnects the volar plates of adjacent metacar-pophalangeal joints. The roof is the less-well-developed superficial transverse metacarpalligament. When the digits are extended at themetacarpophalangeal joints, the digital nerves areforced against the deep transverse metacarpalligaments. In this position blunt trauma is thoughtto affect the nerves as is chronic use of vibratingtools such as jackhammers. Digital neuropathiescan also occur in musicians, again presumably bychronic compression.


The ulnar nerve begins in the axilla as the contin-uation of the medial cord of the brachial plexus(Figure 1). It descends through the proximal half ofthe arm in the medial neurovascular bundle andenters the posterior compartment in the distal third.It enters the posterior compartment by passingthrough the medial intermuscular septum; it de-scends along the supracondylar area just posterior


to themedial intermuscular septum in a groove in themedial head of the triceps brachii muscle. It is heldfirmly in this groove by the investing (brachial) fasciaof the arm which blends with the triceps fascia andattaches firmly to the intermuscular septum. Sincethe nerve is held firmly in the groove, it presumablyhas little ability to slide proximally and distally.

The nerve crosses the posterior aspect of the elbowin a groove (condylar groove) in the posterior anddistal aspects of the medial epicondyle. It continuesinto the forearm by passing between the medialepicondyle and olecranon and then passes deep toa fibrous connection (arcuate ligament) between thetwo heads of origin (ulna and medial epicondyle) ofthe flexor carpi ulnaris muscle.

PEP: The arcade of Struthers59,60 is found along thesupracondylar course of the nerve just distal towhere the nerve enters the posterior compartmentand is anchored in the groove in the medial headof the triceps muscle (Figure 12). At that pointa portion of the investing fascia that interconnectsthe intermuscular septumand the triceps fascia canbe thickened and perhaps produce a constrictingpoint in the nerve’s course.PEP: It could be argued with good cause that thecondylar groove61–64 (Figure 16) is a point where thenerve is vulnerable to trauma rather than entrap-ment. It is included here because the nerve ispassing directly on bone and has a superficialposition and thus is subjected to chronic low-levelcompression insults, and thus is likely to exist ina state of chronic inflammation. In addition, the

FIGURE 16. Cadaver specimen: medial view of the leftelbow. The ulnar nerve is seen in the condylar groove andas it enters the cubital tunnel. The roof of the cubitaltunnel is formed by a fibrous arch that stretches betweenthe humeral and ulnar heads of origin of the flexor carpiulnaris muscle.

Page 12: Anatomy of Nerve Entrapment Sites in the Upper Quarter · BRACHIAL PLEXUS The brachial plexus (Figure 1) begins in the posterior cervical triangle and extends into the axilla where

nerve is stretched every time the forearm is flexed.In this groove the ulnar nerve is subject toentrapment; the insult happens to come fromexternal compression rather than internal. Itshould be noted that in a large number of cadav-ers, my estimate is 80% or more, the ulnar nerve isenlarged in the condylar groove and where itenters the cubital tunnel. This could be an in-dication of chronic inflammation.PEP: The cubital tunnel61–64 (Figure 16) unquestion-ably is a well-documented point of entrapment.The roof (superficial boundary) of the tunnel isformedby the fibrous arch (arcuate ligament) of theflexor carpi ulnaris described earlier. The floor isthe medial (ulnar) collateral ligament of the elbowjoint. This ligament is triangular; its apex is prox-imal and attaches to the medial humeral epicon-dyle; its base is distal and attaches from the medialaspect of the coronoidprocess to the olecranon. Theimportant point is that both the flexor carpi ulnarisand parts of themedial collateral ligament attach tosimilar areas. These points of attachment are fartherapart when the forearm is flexed than when it isextended. The result is tightening of both roof andfloor of the tunnel. Furthermore, the trochlea(spool) of the humerus is just deep to the medialcollateral ligament. This spool is not symmetrical.As the forearm is flexed, awider part of the trochlearotates under the medial collateral ligament andthus further tightens the ligament and elevates thefloor of the ulnar tunnel. The potential for com-pression of the ulnar nerve with forearm flexion isanatomically rational; its compression if inflamedseems unquestionable.

The ulnar nerve passes through the entire forearmdeep to the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, and justproximal to the wrist it is deep to that muscle’stendon. As the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnarisattaches to the pisiform, the nerve passes lateral tothat bone, crosses the pisohamate ligament and thenpasses medial to the hamulus (hook) of the hamate.Superficial to the nerve at this point is the variablydeveloped palmaris brevis muscle, which is withinthe subcutaneous tissue at the base of the hypothenareminence. This part of the nerve’s course is referredto as Guyon’s canal or the ulnar tunnel. In the canalthe nerve branches into its superficial and deep parts.The superficial branch is cutaneous, branching intoone proper and one common digital nerve to supplythe little and ulnar half of the ring fingers. The deepbranch is muscular. It passes dorsally through thehypothenar muscles and then crosses the deep palm,alongwith the deep palmar arterial arch, to end in theadductor pollicis muscle. In the distal third of theforearm there is a dorsal cutaneous branch whichcrosses the medial aspect of the wrist and suppliesthe dorsomedial hand.

PEP: In Guyon’s canal (ulnar tunnel),65–69 the nervecrosses the very strong pisohamate ligament and issuperficial in position, covered only by the palmarisbrevis muscle and subcutaneous tissue. As thehand is extended the nerve is stretched aroundthe ligament, which becomes more taut. In thatposition the nerve is particularly vulnerable toexternal compression because of the rigid base itcrosses. Of course, it is also vulnerable to lacera-tion for the same reason. Because there are severalpoints at which the nerve can be entrapped in thisregion, the entire nerve or either the superficial ordeep branch could be affected individually.PEP: There is a tendinous arch of the adductor pollicismuscle70 that extends between its transverse andoblique heads of origin, and the deep branch of theulnar nerve passes deep to that arch. Because thenerve is superficial to the base of the third meta-carpal, it passes througha kindof tunnel as it entersthe adductor pollicis muscle. The nerve is thoughtto be vulnerable to chronic external compressionwhere it passes through this tunnel.


The musculocutaneous nerve is the continuationof the lateral cord of the brachial plexus (Figure 1). Itbegins in the axilla and inclines immediately laterallytoward the coracobrachialis muscle, which it piercesand supplies. It then continues its oblique coursethrough the arm between the brachialis and bicepsbrachii muscles, which it also supplies. In the cubitalfossa, just lateral to the tendon of the biceps brachiiandmedial to the brachioradialis muscle, it enters thesubcutaneous tissue by passing through the investing(brachial) fascia. Its name changes to the lateralantebrachial cutaneous nerve, and it descends alongthe lateral aspect of the forearm to provide thecutaneous innervation to that area. Even thoughreports of musculocutaneous nerve entrapment arerare, there are two points at which the nerve appearsvulnerable.

PEP: Themost likely point of entrapment proximalto the elbow is the coracobrachialis muscle71,72

(Figure 1) itself or perhaps just distal to thatmuscle.Because the nerve passes through the muscle andthe muscular symptoms usually include only thebiceps brachii and brachialis, the coracobrachialismuscle seems the likely cause. Even though theinitial course of the musculocutaneous is quitevariable, it tends to be more variable when anoccasional variant muscle slip, a third head of thebiceps brachii, is present. Perhaps there is a relation-ship between the nerve’s vulnerability to entrap-ment in this area and the presence of that variation.PEP: The lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve73,74

seems to be vulnerable where it passes between

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Page 13: Anatomy of Nerve Entrapment Sites in the Upper Quarter · BRACHIAL PLEXUS The brachial plexus (Figure 1) begins in the posterior cervical triangle and extends into the axilla where

the tendon of the biceps brachii and the brachior-adialis muscle then immediately pierces the in-vesting fascia. It can be affected by external forcesthat compress the nerve against the biceps tendon.There are also reports indicating its vulnerabilityduring repetitive and forceful upper-limb exercise.


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