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Anand Trivedi

Cell: 9974440547

Email ID:[email protected]

Career Objective

To improve my development skills, and to complete the expectation of client by my development skills.

Software Programming

Operating System: Windows XP/Vista, Linux administration, Solaris Oracle/J2ee Technologies : C++, CORE JAVA, ADV JAVA, (JDBC, SERVLETS, RMI), RMI ,

EJB3.0 , JSP , JSTLHibernate , Struts ,Spring Basics ,JSF 2.0 Microsoft Technologies: C sharp 3.5 , 4.0 Ado, MVC 4,Entity Framework

Razor Framework ,LINQ ,Web APIJquery UI, I text , , JavaScript , Ajax ,JQuery SQL SERVER 2012,SQL SERVER Reporting

Mobile UI Development : Json Webservices , Networking ,Sockets , Hardware (Camera, Wifi, BlueTooth, Telephony,Sms Manager ) , Sql Lite Connectivity , Android CV (Integration with open cv ), Barcode Readers ,Google Wallet ,Speech API ,Gps and Location Api ,Google Maps

Php , Mysql, Jquery ,Joomla template development,plugin development, Code Igniter Web Client Side Technologies JavaScript Ui Development ,Jquery , React Js Android Ui

Development Web UI Development : Angular JS , Ext Js Automated White Box Testing :Automated Testing for mobile and Web using Selenium and

Selendroid , Windows Automation Framework


Red Hat certified (2011) Ethical hacking Certified 2009


Shiva Software / (As a Team Lead and Project Manager) (August 2010 till date) working as main developer, I developed 12 products as a single person team.

Worked as freelancer Heaps App for 6 months since October 2015.


1.Heaps Application (Mobile Devices , Restful Services , JavaScript , React Js )

It is Social Networking Application popular in Europe ,

Roles and Responsibilities:

Responsible for Complete Android and JavaScript UI , That should run on All Mobile Devices Uniformly

Server Upgrades for Restful Services JavaScript Applications Automation testing Scripts Researching new Technologies and implementing them in Application Scrum Project Management Participation and Daily Task Lifecycle Management

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2.Virtual Yoga ( 4.5 , Sql Server 2008 , JavaScript Jquery )

User can Schedule his/her yoga classes as per his demand , Live Yoga classes can given on live conference , User can also buy Yoga books and medicines online , Shopping Cart.

Roles :Software Development and Project Lead

Managing the complete Life Cycle of Project With Scrum Management Daily Team Work Checks and Integration (Git ) Active Software Development with Team Deployment and Writing Test Scripts

3.CRM Client : (Android Sockets , Wi-Fi , Camera , Sms Manager, SQLite, Webforms , Sqlserver 2008 )

Worked as Team lead, leading a team of 4 people and also as a developer:

It is Android client for a Crm that is used for distributors helping them to integrate all sub applications

It tracks the Location of all employees and sends coordinated to server on regular interval Employees can make invoice from voice commands also Employees can get to know the live Stock Invoice SMS and Email is automatically send

If there is no internet Invoice are saved in SQLite

On availability of internet it automatically synchs to server. Managers can Allot Tasks to Employees from Web interface Task status and meeting can be updates and synch with android client and server . Time Tracking and Form Submission (Android, Gps, Message Ape,Sockets,and Webservices)

Role: Worked as a developer

4.Application is for GSM sim cards retailers ( Web forms,Sql Server 2008 ).

Application automatically coordinates with server removing all the manual job of a retailer to activate a sim card and to deliver the form with soft copy and hard copy of customer document .

It Performs all the Message receiving , Reading message in it and replying as per the commands in the message

Keeps track of Delivery boy who is responsible for delivery of Forms , automatically sends reminder to him

5.VSD SELECTOR (Android , SQL LITE , android synch api, Restful Services )

Role: Developer

Application is used by Electrical companies to perform various calculations of their electrical equipment.

6.A Generic Identity and Hotels App(Android ,PHP , SQLite , sockets , web services ):

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Role : Currently Leading a team of 4 members and also as developer

Application aims at providing a general application for all hotels

Same application can be used for Check In to any hotel Checking table status of hotels around you Searching menu of hotels around Book a table /queue in any hotel When customer reaches hotel he can see all the menus on mobile Menu ordering using same application Bill Payment Review

7.Supply Chain And Distribution Management CRM 4.0 MVC , Linq , Entity Framework , Itext ,Sql Server 2008,Mobile Connectivity ,GPS )

Worked as a project lead and Project Architect , Managing The Complete Lifecycle , Optimizing Project Perfromance , Managing Security for Secure Online Transactions., Schedluling , GPS TRACKING

Technologies:J2ee,Hibernate,jsp,servlets,Swings , Jquery , Jquery ui , javascript ,mysql, struts , EH cache , java mail, Webservices ,Android

Roles and responsibilities:

Employers can post their job requirement Candidate will sign up/register /upload resume Candidate can give test to verify the skills he has listed Candidate can upload their video to define their interpersonal skills. Candidate can upload all information about their projects Employers can easily see all the project of candidates Employers can finance projects

Android client is also available .

9.Hospital Mid Size Application :

( , swings ,MySQL, sockets ) a complete management solution for hospitals , its a mind size erp, will all the report , and networking solutions , it can work on network or as a standalone or on the web

Audio Video conferencing solution: (java swings, sockets , c++ , mysql ) This is a solution that is similar to skype , developed for a client so that client can get all the Features in one software as

Video Conferencing, Desktop sharing, Blocking a user group discussion, this solution was developed using open CV and java technology and Web Platform Using

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Technologies:PHP,mysql,javascript,Jquery,jquery Ui)

This is an travel planning application that includes some features of social networking also , like adding friends , sending messages to friends , and sharing the travel plans with friends

Sales, Inventory and Lead Management and CRM:

( 3.5)

This is a sales and lead management applications , along with it it manages all the inventory of the client. Currently used by two clients in baroda gidc

11.Hotelier : Android ,php, Soap, ,Sql Server 2008. Restful Services

This is an android application that searches all the hotels in the city , along with it can book hotels for the users as well as it provides a control panel developed by php that can be used by hotels to manage thier menus and booking oprders

12.Object recognition and identification

(Android research based project )

This project i have developed as my own hobby , it identifies the person in front of the camera, even by calling out its name , can be used in various places as in security places

13.New York Dating Application:

(PHP,mysql,javascript Jquery )

This is online dating application developed for usa clinet from company , it includes dating , and online payment and displays the information of night parties in new york city

14.Real Pictures of India (Android Application on google play )

An application for photographers , where photographers can upload thier pics online and users can see and manipulate them using android application

15.Manufacturing Management

( web forms, JavaScript , jquery , Sql Server 2008 )

Manufacturing module of ERP for a process based manufacturing , where processes can be alerted

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