


don't let the birth of a new milhnnium to be the death ofnationa great

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loies stort heor we oll now ihe show dr.phil so lote's siori with his showobsessive love with o women who deliberotely moke folse ollegotions.Notonce did I heor or see Dr. Phil soy onything to her obout the cffcir . I om sorrybut if i heord o phone messoge from o mon to my wife stoting "you must be inthe both tub" i little pissed olso. Gronted, Jeffery is woy over the top ond is in ofneed help but she didn't help the situotion by cheoting on him . Dr. Phil justskipped over the phone messoge like it is normol for o guy friend to moke thoistotement to o morryed women . I think Jennifer hos lied to him obout thingshe shouldn't be doing when you ore in o morrioge, period. Of oll ihe responsesto this story seems to touch only on her side ond she did not get her foirshore of criticism for doing the thing's she did .l found ihis story to be enormouslyone sided when it come to who the'victim'wos. I occept thot Jeffery'sbehoviour wos ond is inoppropriote to o point but'dongerous'l I don't think so.The foct thot o coll io the Dr. Phil show eventuolly londed him in joil mokes youreolize that with the righi stotement o person con be portroyed os o potentiollyviolent when he opporently hos never exhibited ony such behoviour before.Controlling to o point moybe but violent? right .lt's ironic thot Jennifer's biggestfeor wos thoi he wos going to pock up the kids ond leove when her desire wosto do exoctly the some! ond did ond Note how she constontly referred io themos "my kids" ond sod lt offects my kids. lt offects my mother, my friends, mycoworkers. lt offects everyone in my life, ond so every decision thot I mokeoffects numerous people oround me" not how it offects our kid's , our morryogeor our life ond fomily . Now the kids con't see their dod oi all which, gronted,

wos o consequence of his inobility to control his behovior but I do think hissuspicions of Jennifer's infidelity hod some bosis in foct becuse of oll thesethings thot she's soid to other people on the phone.he reod ihe lelters ond notesthot she's written to other people, ond the e-moils thot she's written to otherpeople ond the thing's sod on the phone ond reod fhe letlers ond notes thotshe's written to oiher people on her myspoce poge,ond the things thol she'sdone. lt doesn't give him the right to do it, but once he found out thot thesethings ore hoppening behind his bock, ihere's o question in fhe bock of hisheod every iime she does onyihing. "She iolks io people on her MySpoce poge.She sends sexy holf noked pictures of her self oround net," ond thot Jenniferseni lhese picture of herself in o swimsuit ond hos received pictures of guys'butts. "She'll write bock, 'Nice butt," .She met o guy in o bor eight months ogoond got his phone number ond storted colling him bock ond forth for olhree-week period of time ofier throwing him out of the house for oll most oyeor. Now I ogree thot no omount of infidelity gives o person the right to putsomeone in o box but I do believe thot if o person is in o morrioge unhoppy ornot, flirting ond myspocing ond borhopping, sending out holf noked pictures is

not the woy to deol with ii.Dr. Phil did seem to conveniently ovoid tolking oboutJennifer's inoppropriote behovior but lwonder how Ok he would be if Robin wosgoing out til the eorly hours of lhe morning drinking with o mole co-worker. shelied to him ond sod she wos going out with o femole coworker, ond lheystoyed out uniil 3:30 o.m. "ond he find out o week loter thot she picked up oneof her guy friends thot she works wiih ond took him olso to the bor. he os coughther in lies to him oll the time.My feeling is thot Jennifer, o beoutiful youngwomon by most stondords hod decided long ogo thot morrying Jeffery wos omistoke but slill hod two more kid's with him, by her own odmission, wos ofroid toleove becouse of the kids, ihe house, the finonciol security etc. Unoble to seeko divorce which would hove solved oll her problems from doy I she decides toolloy her feors ihot doing so would leove her olone ond withoui offection by'putting herself out there' os o single womon ond not one thot is morryed wiihthree kid's . The foct thot she octuolly felt she needed o MySpoce poge speoksobout her need to reossure herself thot she wos o vitol ond otiroctive womon.Sexy messoges ond loie night drinking sessions ore Ok for o single womon buttotolly incppropriote behoviour for o wife ond mother of three young's liketesting the woter without cctuclly getting wet. Dr. Phil wos determined to focuson Jeffery's behovior becouse thot wos the shows ogendo ond it wos greoi TVto see poor Jennifer bursting into teors of every opportuniiy ond cloiming shewos the innocent victim of o her husbonds unfounded suspicions. ln foct, theinference wos thot it wos his behovior not her wonting to get oui ond portyond her lieing thot wos ruining the morrioge ond thot everyihing would be OK ifhe just stopped . When it become obvious to him thot Jennifer desire to getout ond porty .olihough she hos on obsolute right to wolk owoy from themorrioge, I don't believe it gives her the right to toke the kids with her.Obviouslyhis insecurity ond his inobility to cope with his wife wonting to pcrty like is's I999

ond not to toke core of him or the fomily she os with him .All in oll it's o shomethot people end up in these siiuations. so much of this would be ovoided if shewere just honest with him ond the foct thot her lowyer sod He hos no right tocommunicote with you. He hos o right to hove o relotionship with his childrenbecouse he don't like some of the people who she works becouse lhere 21 lo25 yeor olds who ore out reody to hove o good time ond hove some fun, ondshe's o 31-yeor-old morried womon with three kids, ond some of the things thoithey do, ond woys thot she octs out, I feel ore inoppropriote like being veryflirtotious ond o teose .her reoson why he wosn't on her MYspoce page wosbecouse when she occepied him os my friend "not her husbend" so thot hecould be my friend, ond we could communicote on MySpoce os well, he wentto every single person on my list of friends ond threotened them to stoy owoyfrom me, so I nixed him off of it," he os never threotened one preson ond ollhe wonted lo now is why she hod no photo of him on it bui she hod photo ofher ond the preson she met five min before of o porty on her myspoce. she soys"l wosn't hoving on offoir or even close to on offoir with ony of the people of myjob, ond he's colled /00 people from my job ond soid, 'You went on o dote withmywife. Are you hoving sexwith mywife? Are you this with mywife?"'.thot's noto threote ihot osking o queston ond Don'i morket yourself os this sexy, slultyperson is not o threote ond to thinking is extreme understotemeni to do so.considering he writes her o lotter thot sod , Jen, l'm workina hard in orouomeetinos fo beffer myself. / con't be/ieve whof o sfrono person vou ore. I hopevou can share vour strenqfh with me to qet us to a betfer place, and in furn, lwillbe a stronoer, more coring person who will stand wifh vou. I apologize for whaf/'ve done. lt bothers her when she get o letter from him ond tolks oboui thembeing together. lt's olmost like she soying ."ive got to shut him down ond nottoke his colls.he's threotening people by soying "Stoy owoy from my wife ".Athreote is her soying to hove him removed ond houled out in hondcuffs"cndsoyinq "He's the fother of my children. lwont him io qet better so thoi mv kidsdon't see ihis,"ond not our children.thot's whon she threoiened him . He soyswhen he broke into her MySpoce poge, his suspicions were confirmed shedoes not include o picture of him, her husbond, on her MySpoce poge," ond thelooked of her poge ond with some of the sexy foiries ond pictures thot shesends to coworkers is inoppropriotes. mov be thot's whv she wos fired .Througholl this, he's just tried to be the nice person, the person who's going to remoincolm ond nice no motter whot becouse he's tried to go ond do things, toget help, so mony times ond becouse the foct is wouldn't help chonge othing becouse oll he did wos osk her quesiion's ond she toke's it os himthreoiening ii's to the point thot now nobody wonts to hove onythingto do with him. I know thot they're more horrible thing's in life but there ore twosides: o good side ond the bod side.ln the word's of the dr."You never fix cproblem in c relotionship by lurning owoy from your portner. You deol with it,you turn over every sione, you investigoie every ovenue of rehobilitotion, yougo to counseling,you reod books, you proy,you do everyihing you con,You

obsoluiely hove the right to be upset wiih your wife. You hove the right tocomploin obout her behovior, you hove o right to comploin obout her conduct,but with righis come responsibilities,ond when thot's done ond over ondeverything is worked out, ond you wont io look elsewhere, then thot is your righlto do. But you don't hove the righi to do it now. ln foct, you hove o responsibilitynot to send hofe noked picture of your self with your oss in the oir to peopleon the net ond to your co-work's .You don't hove the right to threoten iohove him removed ond houled oul in hondcuffs ond to soy He hos no right tocommunicote with you. He hos o right to hove o relotionship wifh his children.He hos o right lo now his wife is sofe when she go's out of nighi.This is o recklesswomen thot will noi opologize for her octson's ond the inconsistency, shemode him look o fool in public. wonte behind his bock ond emborross him.she Don't . Act right or moke sure everybody knows she morryed this is thewoy it's supposed io be . she's ielling the kid's ihoi he's not oble io be oroundus right now.Becouse of oll the negotive things she wos soying obout their dodin public. Jennifer wonls to toke her children home ond resume o normol life sothe only opinion she os to consider is her own.The foct's our ihot this men nevermode o theot's to onother person.This women wos so intoxicoted with beingthe victom ,thot ihere wos no justificotion or excuse for whot she opinionis thot ihe dr.phil show so disproportionote in fovor of women thot no husbendor boyfriendy con defend him self.Thot ihis "dr" is the dr.kevorkion of his field .Thetotol intent of this show is to iflict substontionl punishment ond thedepiction of oll men who hove reosonobly credible evidence thot this wife is

hoveing on offoir,the interrogotion of these men by the "dr" os entitled him ondthem to coll them obuser's. when there is no credible evidence io show thothe is or hos obused them. Some members of ihe public moy in foct perceivethe use of force by men os excessive even when the force used is to defendthemselves ond there fomilys form there obuser like there wife ,girlfrend.thismen wos being Emotionol obused ond no one gove o shit.Emotionol obusecon include humilioting the viciim privotely or publicly, controlling whot ihevictim con ond connot do, withholding informotion from ihe victim, deliberotelydoing something to moke the victim feel diminished or emborrossed, isolotingthe victim from friends ond fomily, implicitly or horming the victim whoexpresses independence or hoppiness .domestic violence is like the wor ondrugs both ore couse-ond-effect relotionships thot don't chonge progroms stillleqd to unintended ond destructive consequences ihis is the cold herd focts thegovernment hosn't ihe slightest notion whot messoge our children ore presentlyreceiving. Perhops we should send o messoge to our children oboui the cousesof deoth in the United Stotes.We would hove to tell them thot tobocco is legolond, al 430,700 deoths per yeor, is the leoding couse of substonce-obusedeoths; olcohol is legol ond I

,l0,600 die from it eoch year; odverse reoctions to

legol prescription drugs couse 32,000 foiolities o yeor; ihot 30,500 commitsuicide;

,l8,000 ore homicide victims; 7 ,600 people die eoch yeor from toking

onti-inflommotory drugs such os ospirin. Of course, we don't wont to send them

the wrong messoge thot the totol number of deoths coused by mor'rjuono is

zeto. Perhops the messoge we should be sending our children is thot locol, stoteond federol governments now spend more thon $9 billion per yeor to imprison458,000 drug offenders. Whot would be ihe cost of our current drug policy if itwere succeeding rother thon foiling? lncorceroting oll cocoine users in the U.S.would cost $24 billion, but only ofter construciing 3.5 million more prison beds oton initiol cost of $.l75 billion. lt would cost $365 billion to joil everyone whosmoked morijuono lost yeor five times the totol notionol, stote ond locolspending for oll police, courts ond prisons combined. To contoin ihis crowdbehind wolls, we would need o codre of guords ond other prison employeeslorger thon oll of our militory forces combined. These projections ore not entirelyocodemic: The notion is compleiing the construction, on overoge, of o newprison every week, the breokdown of our criminoljustice system, the erosion ofour civil liberties ond the pervosive public disrespect of the low. Good citizens,who ore othewise low-obiding, ignore or evode drug lows. With literolly iens ofmillions of people using illegol drugs or reloted to those who do, onever-increosing port of the populoiion hos become cynicol obout our lows,legol system ond politicol process. Eoch yeor since 1989, more people hovebeen sent to prison for drug offenses thon for violent crimes. At the some time,only one in five burglories is reported ond only one in 20 reported burglories endsin orrest. detectives continue io be reossigned io investigoiion of street soles ofdrugs.the sole of it wood put the united stoies in the block in five years or so.Whot if legolizing medicol mor'tjuono turned out to be the firsi step on o journeythat ended in the outright repeol of every drug low? Whot would Americo belike Undersiondobly, mony feor ihot with no drug lows, we would hovehundreds of thousonds of oddicts, crock bobies, children irying drugs, ond otherevils fhot's whot we hove when olcohol wos illegol . lf oll drugs werelegol, oddicts would no longer poy block-morket prices to criminols for drugs ofquestionoble ond dongerous origin. They would get drugs produced bylegitimote phormoceuticol componies ond poy morket prices. They would nolonger die from buying toxic drugs, ond they would no longer hove to muginnocent people io support their hobits., oddicis could seek help by going todoctors - no longer ofroid of being prosecuied for their medicolproblems.,criminol drug deolers would no longer be on our streets. They couldn'tcompete with the low, free-morket prices for drugs sold of phormocies., criminoldrug deolers would no longer prey upon our children - any more thon distilleriesond breweries try to infiltrote schools to hook kids on olcohol. the worst schools inl.o ore sofer thon L.A.'s best schools ore .our government would no longer bedispensing propogondo thot mokes children wont to try the forbidden fruit., ourprisons would be emptied of hundreds of thousonds of non-violent people whohove never done horm to onyone else. No longer would over-crowded prisonscouse truly violent criminols to be free on eorly releose ond pleo borgoins toterrorize the rest of us., low-enforcement resources would be ovoiloble to fightviolent crime, insteod of being used to chose people who moy horm themselves

but ore no threot fo us., much of the street violence would end - os it did whenAlcohol Prohibition ended - becouse gongs of thugs would no longer befighting over drug terriiories., police corruption would diminish, becousecriminols could no longer use block-morket drug money to goin immunity bysubverting weok policemen., the government could no longer use the Drug Woros on excuse to teor up ihe Bill of Rights ond pry into your bonk occount,strip-seorch you of on oirport, teor your cor oport, monitor your emoil, or seizeyour property without even chorging you wiih o crime. True Equolity Networkconducted on obuse shelter investigotion in twenty-one stotes. This investigotioninvolves hoving women go to o shelter soying she needs help. The lows in mosistotes permii women to stoy in o shelier for 72 hours without filing o comploint tocover ihe needs of those who "escope" during weekend ond holidoy periodswhen the courts ore closed. This open period of occess wos used io leorn howthe shelter operotes without filing o comploint.After only o few months thisinvesiigotion uncovered illegol operotions, including sheliers operotingprostitulion services, drug deoling, ond shelter stoffers orronging to hove theshelter clients provide sexuol fovors to low enforcement officers in exchonge forthe officers' perjured testimony in court. ln one eostern stote investigotor modeon ononymous tip to the locol low enforcement ogency thot resulted in theorrest of two sheriffs deputies working os pimps for o prostitution service.Thewomen of True Equolity Network hove spent olmost five yeors in the courfhousesof 97 counties ocross I Z stotes. During this period they hove interviewed over15,000 plointiffs in domestic violence coses just before they entered thecourtroom. The overwhelming number of those interviewed did not ottempt tomosk the reol reosons they filed o domestic violence chorge: control, money,ond revenge - for everything you could possibly imogine - everything, thot is,

except octs of domestic violence.Subsequenily, True Equolity Network oskedprominent members of the counties in which the plointiff surveys wereconducted to interview the judges who heord these coses. Every single one ofthe judges interviewed corroboroted the study's findings of pervosive levels offolse cloims of domestic violence in their court. These judges olso stote theyknow thot the oiiorneys in these coses - including Legol Services Corporotiongrontees - ore suborning perjury by scripting the stotements of these women.Moreover, they expressed concern thot their district ottorneys were notprosecuting these octs .mqrtin s. fieberl exomined 2.l9 studies on intimoieportner violence ond concluded thot "women ore os physicolly oggressive, ormore oggressive, thon men in lheir relotionships with their mole spouses orfemole poriners.the octs of this women include sudden bursts of onger, poorimpulse control, ond poor self esteem.sill the dr sod to the men who wontedhelp so is the specific inient of this show to ocqutte oll wife's/girlfriendsond women ony worng doing. This is the some os the C.P.S .in texos showingevidence of obuse with no credibley thol there is .there is over .l04,000 webpoges for child protective services obuse of power ond over

,l,620,000 websites for child protective services obuse .the Amendment XIV "All persons

born or noturolized in ihe United Stotes, ond subject to the jurisdiction thereof,ore citizens of the Uniied Stotes ond of the Stote wherein they reside. No Stotesholl moke or enforce ony low which sholl obridge the privileges or immuniiies ofcitizens of the United Siqtes; nor sholl ony Siote deprive ony person of life, liberty,or property, without due process of low; nor deny to ony person within itsjurisdiction the equol protection of the lows"ornendmint4...... The right of thepeople to be secure in their persons, houses, popers, ond effects, ogoinstunreosoncble seorches ond seizures, sholl not be violoted, cnd no Worronts shollissue, but upon proboble couse, supported by Ooih or offirmotion, ondporticulorly describing the ploce io be seorched, ond the persons or things tobe seized .amendmint 5.. No person sholl be held to onswer for o copiiol, orotherwise infomous crime, unless on o presentment or indictment of o GrondJury, nor sholl ony person be subject for lhe some offence to be twice put injeopordy of life or limb; nor sholl be compelled in ony criminol cose to be owitness ogoinst himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or properiy, without dueprocess of low; nor sholl privote property be token for public use, without jusicompensotion.omendmint 6... ln oll criminol prosecutions, ihe occused shollenjoy the right to o speedy ond public triol, by on imporiiol jury of the Stote onddistrict wherein the crime sholl hove been committed, which district sholl hovebeen previously oscertoined by low, ond to be informed of the noture ondcouse of the occusotion; to be confronted with the witnesses ogoinst him; tohove compulsory process for obtoining witnesses in his fovor, ond io hove theAssistonce of Counsel for his defence.omendmintT..ln suiis of common low,where the volue in controversy sholl exceed twenty dollors, the right of triol byjury sholl be preserved, ond no foct iried by o jury, sholl be oiherwisere-exomined in ony Court of the United Stoies, thon occording to the rules of thecommon low.omendmint8..... Excessive boil sholl not be required, nor excessivefines imposed, nor cruel ond unusuol punishments inflicied.Becuse som browerwho is o p.i who hos long history of following ond continuol horossing membersof FLDS ond pottern of photogrophing them.Who hos help police ininvestigotion of them. floro jessop who help 89 people " escope " ore notfoceing KIDNAPING,STALKING ond HARASSMENT chorges is wrong in so monywoy's.the evidence put out by the texos c.p.s hos no bose in foct thot they sodthere ore 3l under oge girl's with kid's when in foct the 3l ore oll odult's ond oneis olmose or is 30 one is 37.the foct thot low enforcement went in with 700 cop'son o.p.c ,sniper's ond s.w.o.i teom's is over the top.ihot this ossoult storted ot9:0Opm of night soys o lot to the credibly of evidence .the foctlow enforcementserved o series of seorch worronts on the ronch, seizing hundreds of thousondsof documents, dictotions, diories, photogrophs ond other evidence of obuse.The info thot c.p.s put out obout these people hos no credibly ond the fictionoldepiction of these people os extremist .the excessive methods to willfullypredtermin there geilt .the depiciion of them os o culi is resulting in the thembeing depicted os broinwoshed or mentolill .ongie voss o superviser soid lhe girlsfiled in ond oppeored poliie ond respectful but she wos nevertheless

concerned."bruce perry sod"becouse fhey ore eifher victims of sexuol ossou/f,potentiolvicfims of sexuo/ ossou/f or potential perpetrators."he wos osked whichoption would be best for the children ,o return to the ronch, plocement in thefoster system or remoining in the coliseum where ihey ore now , he soid nonewere occeptoble ond wont on to soy These children hove speciol needsbecouse of how they hove been roised, testimony by experts hos olreody soidthey ore noi developed mentolly to the normol level of other children theiroge.thot we todoy must demod thot the truths we hold to be self-evident ,thotwe oll ore creoted equol ond in endowed with certoin unolienoble right's tolife,liberty ond ihe pursuii of hoppiness ond in promoting the fundomentolfreedoms of oll without distinction os to culture,sex, religous belief ond to besirtion thot no restriction ore ploced on them.even fhe romons hod mony god'sond occepted those of other like the greek,osio,egypt ond the persions.wemust show universol respect for the right's ond fundomentol freedom's of ollhumon's.thot o phone coll io o obuse hotline ccn bring the immedioi removeolof one's kid's with out due process is unconstitutiol.thot inflicting punishment withno criminol oct is cruel. noncy groce ond other's hove foned the fire of religiousrocism to the notion os o hole.thot difrint culture's, religion's ore so demorolizedby politicol ond religius exiremist ond hove there rights like thot of XIVAmendment "All persons born or noturolized in the United Stotes, ond subjectto the jurisdiction thereof, ore citizens of the United Stotes ond of ihe Stotewherein thev reside. No Stoie sholl moke or enforce ony low which sholl obridqethe privileqes or immunities of citizens of the Uniied Stotes; nor sholl onv Stotedeprive onv person of life, liberty, or oroperiv, without due process of low; nordenv to onv person within its jurisdiciion the equol protection of thelows"omendmini4 ...... The rioht of the people to be secure in iheir persons,houses, popers, ond effects, oqoinst unreosonoble seorches ond seizures, shollnot be violoted, ond no Worronts sholl issue, bui upon oroboble couse,supported bv Ooth or offirmotion, ond porticulorlv describinq the place to beseorched, ond the persons or thinqs to be seized.omendminf5.. No person shollbe held to onswer for o copitol, or oiherwise infomous crime, unless on ooresentment or indictment of o Grond Jurv, ; nor sholl ony oerson be subject forthe some offence to be twice put in jeopordv of life or limb; nor sholl be

led in onv cri imself. nor be de edof life. libert cess of low; nor sholl orivotbe tcken for public use, without just compensoiion.omendminf 6... ln oll criminolprosecutions, ihe occused sholl enjoy the riqht io o speedy ond public triol, byon importioljury of ihe Stote ond district wherein the crime sholl hove been

n oreviouslv oscertoin lowbe informed of the noture ond couse of the occusotion; to be confronted withthe witnesses oqoinst him; to hove comoulsory orocess for obtoininq witnesses inhis fovor, ond to hove the Assistonce of Counsel for his defence.omendminfZ.. lnsuits of common low, where the vclue in controversv sholl exceed twentvdollors, the riqht of triol bv iury sholl be preserved, ond no foct tried by o jury,

sholl be otherwise re-exomined in onv Court of the United Stotes, thonoccordinq to the rules of the common low.omendminf8 ..... Excessive boil shollnot be reouired, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel ond unusuol punishmentsinflicted. violoted by people enforcing there sociol,culturol ,educotionol ondheolth systems is not the function of ore goverment. CPS hos come to believeihey ore obove the low ond the Constitution, thot they do not need o seorchworront to come into your home, lobel you os o child obuser for ony reoson ondmoke you o criminol bosed upon their opinion olone ond toke your childrenowoy, ond put them into foster homes pending o court heoring where CPS willtry their best io win permonently custody of your kids. lf CPS loses, they willcontinue to fight you, slondering your fomily . CPS on obusive governmentogency thot completely out of control.. The unlowful removol of 468 childrenfrom the FLDS ronch in west Texos, hos led others to wonder if they con do thotto FLDS children,they con do it to me. CPS & Police completely ignored the4th,5th ond 6th ,7th,8th ond l4th Amendment rights of these people ond enterehome with oui o worront ond toke owoy oll of there children ofter o merephone call. the reoson CPS gove for ioking the children wos thot CPS felt thotFLDS wos uncooperofive with them tolking to the children, ond thereunwillingness to cooperote put the children of risk. , CPS did not core. CPS cloimsthot becouse their opinion is thot the emotionolly obuse of one child thoi theyore oll guilty bosed solely on the opinion of CPS.unlowful ond mossive FLDS roidof the polygomist community's children mcy octuolly result in more Americonsbecoming owore of these obuses within CPS ond the government.The supermecourt of georgio hos twice commented on nqncy groce conduct os oprosecutor. First, in o ,l994

heroin trofficking cose, Bell v. Sfofe, the Courtdeclored o mistriol, soying thot she hod "exceeded the wide lotitude of closingorgument" by drowing comporisons to unreloted murder ond rope coses.ln1997 , the court wos more severe. Although its unonimous decision overturningthe murder-orson conviction of businessmon W. W. Corr in the deoth of his wifewos coused primorily by other issues, the court mode note of Groce's courtoctions, citing "inoppropriote ond illegol conduct in ihe course of the triol."Heropening stotement in the cose promised the jury evidence of physicol obusethot she hod to know would never be odmissible becouse thot entire ospect ofthe cose hod olreody been excluded by the judge. subpoenos thot contoinedheoring doies Groce knew to be folse. Foilure to disclose o full witness list to thedefense in o timely foshion. Showing o chort during closing orguments thotfolsely stoted o defense expert hod not conirodicted the stofe's ccse on o keyissue. Also, during closing orgument, "vouching" for the cose by telling the juryshe herself believed Corr to be guilty. And finolly, performing two illegol seorchesof Corr's house, including one during which she wos occomponied by o cnncomero crew. While the court soid its reversol wos not due to thesetronsgressions, since the cose hod turned primorily on circumstontial evidence iinevertheless concluded "the conduct of the prosecuting ottorney in this cosedemonstroted her disregord of the noiions of due process ond foirness, ond wos

inexcusoble." Corr wos freed in 2004 when The Georgio Supreme Couri ruledunonimously thct Fulton County hod woiied too long to retry him.Other courtshove criticized Groce's conduct even while upholding convictions in her coses.ln o 2005 opinion, o ponel of the I I th circuit court of oppeols soid Groce"ployed fcst ond loose" with her ethicol duties ond foiled to "fulfill herresponsibilities" os o prosecutor in the 1990 triple murder triol of Herbert ConnellStephens. She foiled to turn over evidence thot pointed to other suspects to his

defense. The couri noted thot it wos "difficult to conclude thot Groce did notknowingly" elicit folse testimony from o police investigotors thot there were noother suspects despite strong evidence to the controry.her will to blindyocceptonce of psychoonolyst bothey mqrshqll colling this " o sex cult " os foctis plone intoleronce.the door hos been opened to destroy the FLDS.lf ollegotionsof child obuse ore grounds for roiding religious property ond violoting of oll ofiis members 4th,5th ond 6th,Zth,8th ond l4th Amendment rights , then whyoren't oll the of the Cotholic churches ond schools in Americo stote propertyond oll their children in fosterhomes? .Why oren't SWAI teoms sent into Amishform's to rescue those women ond children who ore of thot lifestyle? or beinginvestigote like there orgonized crime syndicote thot hos engoged in bribery,extortion, froud, embezzlement, witness tompering ond rocketeering ond otherviolotions.the women hove presenied outhorities with o driver's license ondbirth certificote ond ssa number's to prove there oge. But CPS deportment hosclossified them os o disputed minor, the term used for on FLDS womon whoseoge hos noi been estoblished 1o the deportment's sotisfoction. Until there oge is

estoblished, they ore treoiing them os if there o minor.ex-FlDS member CorolynJessop, who spoke of on insulor ond limited life in o seci ollowing women fewrighis.They weren't ollowed to drive o legolly registered cor or hove o driver'slicense but they ore..the Gestopo like determinotion of Isom brower, florqjessop qnd cqrolyn jessop qnd dqn fisher,dqvid lujon ,busier johnsonl to be oport of the oggressive ossossinotion of this religion .Mqrci Homilton of New York'sCordozo School of Low sod"While it's undeniobly true thoi not every cose ofpolygomy includes sexuol or physicol obuse of children, the tendency is enoughto mqke the ossumption thot o polygomous home is not o fit home for o childshe ollso sod we con ossume things, ihoi oll people cre obusing kids becouseof o lifesiyle they moy be living in. o new dobole on polygome storted.ihis is

ihe some goverment obuse thot people hove hod inflict on them by lowenforcement.heor is on extrem pont of thot obuse oi o best buy where o femolecop tosred c women .the cop torsed in no less I min form stort to finsh .

.The Dcvlono 3eoch Neyrs Journol cioims.lhct hlmqr:lrfehls cnd civ.jl_llbcriiesex'lsris say a Tosef , q the 50,000 volis it Oc:ks, shculci never b* ;:ed in asiluoticn like thci. The DqytOnc' Becch s ooliofficer gci a?d_."ilg-wcy her con"rryrcncls we_le lgnoreC ccve his cfficer every r:iEhtic dischcrge lh* wecpcn.T!,le Xews Journol ciles thot lcsl niorrth, crfte5"ixpeop:e who were sl..,r-r'rgc,c15;:q;n the Uniled Stcles cfC Cqnqdo, c Uniled

Notions commitiee soid the use of Tosers con be o form of torture. Lcwenfcrcgmeni etoerts counter thot it is cn essentiol tool ihol scve officer lives cnCprotecls the public.Cn Nov.26 Elizobeth Beelond of CrmonC Becch stopped oithe store io purchcse o CD ployer for her fother, she told The Dcytonc BecchNews-Journol before refusinq lo speok further.SeeloLd wound up being-chcrged with lwo misdemeonors -- one for disorderly conduci ond the other forresisting o police officer without violence.Beelond's otlornev entered <r pleo ofnot quilty in the cose ond now it will be up io ihe Stcte Attornev's Office todetermine whether to prosecuie.Officer Cloudio Wrioht soid she used herwecpon on Beelcnd becouse the womon wos "verbolly profone, obusive, loudond irote." Beelond poinled her fineer "towords my foce" cnd wcs wcvine herorms, the officer wrote.The Doylonc Becch News-Journc! reporis that"accordinc to cn Americon Civil Liberiies Union representoiive in orlondo, yellinqql q police officer cnd even cussinq one out is constitutionollv protectedspeech."Police Chief Mike ChitwooC soid if o Toser hod not been ovoilcble, his

officer likely would hove used other weopons io subdue Beelond."l wos neverroised on Tcsers," the chief soid to The Doytonq Beqch News-Journcl . "l usedniqhtsticks ond slopjocks."The chief sqid to the Doytono Beoch News-JournolWright initicllv approoched Beelond under the ossumption o credit cord hodbeen sfolen, but Beelond wos using her own cord cnd hod committed nocriry:e.The Doytono Beoch News-Journcl detoils lhe events in the store osfollows:"Wriqhl, o1 the slore investigciino cnother motter, wcs cclleC cver bv oBest Buy ccshier thol cfternoon ofter Beelond -- who wos obout 1o pcy for heritem with o credit cord -- suddenly left her tronsoction unfinished ond wolkedoulside.The ccshier opporently ihoughi the cord wos stolen beccuse ofBeelond's sudden exit, the report indicoies. When Wriqhl couqht up wiihBeelcnd jusi outside the oloss doors, Wriqht soid, Beeland beqon yellinq of her,even of one poini usinq the "F" word.The officer scid she osked Beelcnd to cclmdown. She then asked Beelcnd io step inside the store so it could be determinedwhelher ihe credit ccrd lefl with the coshier wcs hers.Once inside, Wriaht siclesBeelond kept yelling at her cnd ccusing a disrupilon. She sovs Beelond'sscreominq drew o crowd of potrons. Wrjqht scid she iold Beelcnd if she didn'tcolryr down, she would be orresied.Finolly, Wrisht worned Beelond if she didn'iquit lhe commoiion, she would hove io deploy her Toser.A tope from ihe store'ssurveillcnce ccmero shows Beelcnd motioninq with her hcnds cnd tolking toWrioht. She is seen slowly bocking owcy from Wriqhl os the officer odvonces.Thelope shows Wriqht reochinq for lhe Toser qun ond shooiinq Beelcnd in ihecbdomen. She fclls io lhe floor.The entire confrontotion inside the store took lessthcn a minuie, the icpe shows."Beelond, clthouch noi complicni, wcs noioctlnc viclenily,ll_ccordinq to lhe officer's repori. However, Chitwood soid hisofficer hcd been flocqed down under the assumption Beelcnd may hcve stolenc credit cord.Whoi mode BeelcnC suddenly wclked owav from her ircnsoction,lecving her credii ccrd behind of the ccsh reoister, wos ihct she hod receivedon upseltins telephone coll from her husbond cbout their child, scid Beelcnd's


cttorney, Williom Chonfrou Jr.Disircught, she wolked outside to speok io himmore ofiyqfelv, fqrqelllng for thot moment obout her corC cnd her purchose, hesQid."She fullv iniended lo go bock inside ond finish mokinq her purchose,"Chonfrou scid.the police thot obuse the power thoi we put in them is whiiewoshd by theredeportment's hos to be stop.when pleos for help ore ignored by the victim .likethis cose The State lgrture of Hope Steffev :T1le video p_b-tained by HopeSteffey's law,ver and released to the public represents onl), a ftaction of Hope'sactual tor-ture by tl-re Stark County sheriffs departrnent in Ohio. The video isdifficr-rlt to rvatch, br-rt it's ver-v importar-rt tbr people. particularl,v Americans, toknor.v that this outrageous crime has taken place in their countr,v. The legalcutcorne of this case could detennine r.vhat kirrd of countr!'the United Statesbecornes. If this level of iqiustice and brutalit,v towards American citizens b.v theirown 1aw enforcernent agencies andlegal s.vstern is condoned and not cgfecled. ths_real possibility of humiliating and painful torture exists tbr all Amedcans .There isa short sgrne in the video near the beginning of Hope's ordeal rvhich takes pl4ce ina cell where she is later tortured unspeakabl],. In this short scene Hope is nakedl)'ing f_jrce dowlr diagonallv across an eight- inch thick concr:ete sleeping platforrn,which is partiall), covered b.v a blue blanket. The rvon'len depr"rties are given a

signal by one olthe rnale deputies to leave the cell. A u"raie deput)'has Hope's lettarm trvisted behind her back fbrcing her dorvn on the plattbrm, br-rt she pushesherself up with her risht hand and looks to her right. seeing rnen around her, Hopescreatns in fear. This scene has been spliced in with the other scenes of Hope'scruel tor-ture to nake it appear as though her tonnentors occasionall,v stop inflictingpain on her. ln the scene Hope is up on one hand screarninq def-rantly and the menstanding around her, touching her, haven't started hurting her ),ea. In reality ihere isno such respite. once the torture beqins it is constant unrelenting and brutal. HopeStefi-ey's near fatal journe)' into state depravity began on October 20. 2006, atapproximaiel)"7:54 p.m. Hope had been assaulted b_v-- her cousin. Leann Prestonnear 1 154 Weimer Dr.. SE in Stark Count).. Qhio. Neherniah Preston, HopqSteffey-'s second cousin. reported the incident to tl-re Stark Cor-rntv SheritfsDepartment r,vith a 9-1-1 qall for help. Sherift's deputy Richard T. Gurlea rvasdispatqhqd to the scene of the assault. When Gurlea arrived he asked Hope for heridgqtiflcatiol. Hope mistakenly qave Gurlea her deceased sister's driver's license.rvhich she had been keeping in her rvallet rvith her gx,n liqe$se as a pqrsonalrnemento and rerninder of hel sister. Hope immediately realized her- rnistake andasked deputy Curlea to return her sister:'s license, but Gurlea refised. Hope handedGurlea her own license and explained to hirn that the identifrcation rvas herdeceased sister's license. While Gurlea ran a computer check on Hope, she pleadedwl-th him fbr the return of her sister's license, but he still r"ef,used Hope's cousin ar-rd

friend, Trinette Zorger, r'vho was present when Gurlea an"ived. noticed a bald spotabor-rt the size of a quarter on Hr:pe's head. Leanne had torn out a hand full ofHope's hair which was laving_ln a clump on the ground. Trinette told Gurlea thatHope had been the victirn of Leanne's assault. Although Leanne had iniured Hope.Gurlea did not call for medical assistance. Hope was extremely upset b)'the assaultand Gurlea rvarned her to calm down. Hope told Gurlea tirg,t she was angr)'andcould exercise her freedom of speech. Trinette reniinded G:"rrlea that Hope had justbeen assaulted. which was the reason tbe Sheriffs Department had been called inthe f'irst place. Trinette explained to Gurlea that Leanne had literall,v knocked Hopeurconscious and that Hope was acting uncharacteristically loud andangr:'for tl-risreason. Gurlea would not acknowledge Hope's injuries or call for medical help andhe seemed to ignore rvhat Trinette and Hope told hirn, treating Hope as a criminalrather than a victirn.Gurlea ordered Hope to stand by his cruiser. Hope tried tospeak to Gurlea. but he told her to rernain silent. Hope. once again attempted toexplain that she desperatelv vvanted her deceased sister's license returned. Gurleaangril,v responded b,v telling Hope. "shut up about yor-l'dead sister." Hope thenpointed her finger at Gurlea's shirt pocket, r,vhere he had put her sister's license. andsaid. "She u,as here. she rvas sorneone". Without provocation, Gurlea exploded inrage. seized Hope and slarnmed her fbce dorvn onto the hood of his police cruisercracking or-re of her teeth. He held her pinned against the cruisel rvith his pelvicarea while mashing her lbce against the hood of the car and said, "Are vou going tostop?" Befbre Hope could speak, Gurlea trvisted her arm high up betrind her back.Learly breaking it. which caused her excruciating pain. He then picked the120-pound woman up offthe ground and slammed her face-first into the din road"srnashing her nose. causing numerous bruises and abrasions. Gurlea leapt into theair and landed on top of Hope's back with his bod), weieht. pounding the air out ofher lungs and stornach. Wi:h his knee in her back, Gurlea once again asked, "Areyou going to stop?" Blood ran proftisel]' from Hope's nose and florved dorvn orterher mouth and chin and dripped onto the dirt road. Hope laid face dou'n in the roadcornpletely unable to move and unable to breathe. She was sullbcating under:_

Deput.v" Gurlea's weisht. He was killing her, inducing coma and death. Hope'scousin Trinette saw the look on Hope's face, and she screarned at Gurlea. "Shecan't breatl-re. let her go, )rou're hufting her!" On1)'then did Gr"rrlea climb ofl ofHgpe" She had oniy' taken a few shallorv breaths of air when Gurlea )'anked hel upon her feet. The blood from Hope's nose ran down her fbce and neck. Gurleapulled her arrns b_ehind her back, put handcuffs on her. shoved her in the back ofhis patrol car and called for backr,rp.The bruised" injr"rred. and bleeding. HopeSteflbr-. q.a$ carted off to the Stark Counq, Sheriffs oil-rce and iail to answerquestions. Upon her arrival at the.iail, Gurlea leit Hope in his cruiser for a fbwn:rinutes while he spoke rvith another deputy. it isn't knorvn rvhat u,as said by

Cur:lea to the other deputy. Gurlea then returned to the patrol car and told Hope todo exactly rvhat the Sheriffs staff said she should do and she rvould probably begoiag home that evening. Individuals under contract u,ith the Stark CountrrSheriffs Department and its Jail Dir.ision - sheriffs deputies" took Hope into a

small roorn and tolcl her to f-ace the wall. There were approximatelv six rnale andfernale sheritls deputies. two or more males and four or rnore fbmales tl-rat

sr"rrrounded her. Hope was asked if she had an.v" u'eapons or sl"rarp objects. She toldthem no and was led into a prison cell. Hope r.vas then told to stand on a line, f-ace_

the front u'all and answer a nurse's questians. Hope was asked: "Have ,v-ou thoughtof'harming )''ourselfl" Hope replied, "Norv or ever?" She itnmediatel), heard one oftl're sheriffs depr-rties beside her say something, and as she turned to look at thatperson, l-rer legs rvere knocked out fiom under her and she rvas both pusbed and

fell, face first. on the concrete floor" The force used b)' tbe sheriffs deputies rvas

designed to inf'lict pain and to punish. While Hope la)i on the floor dazed andhelpless someone grabbed the hair on the back of her head and pushed her i'ace

down i:rto the floor. Someone else rvas kneeling on her back while each of herarrns were held b,v a third and fourth person, and people held her legs and arkles.No r.varning was ever given b.v Hope's assailants. Hope realized that withor-rt herconsent, she was being physically violated. Her clothes rvere being stripped off herbod.v. Her jeans were forcibly removed. Her underwear shirt and bra was forcibl)'rernoved. Hope felt as though she u'as being raped. She begged and pleaded withthe rnen and women deputes to stop and she asked them wh,v the,v u'ere doing thisto her, but they ignored her. After the), had renovqd all of Hope's clothes thervomen deputies rvere given a signal b-v- one olthe male deputies to leave the cell.Hope u'as lying naked face down diagoaally across the eight- inch thick concretesleepinq platforn-r. u'hich i.vas partially covered b,v a blue blanket rvith trvo sra)'cushions under it. Most of her"rveigh: r,vas on her left shoulder. rvhich was restingon the platform while l-rer left hip and legs were on the floor. A male deput)' hadHope's left arm trvisted behind her back forcing her dor,vn on tire platfonn, but shepushed herself up on her ri-eht hand and looked to her right. seeing rnen standingaround her. approaching her', she screarned in f-ear. The cop on Hope's right appearsto turn his back on her and bend over leering at her. He imrnediatelv started to pau'her grabbing hel legs. twisting her body'back and fourlh. f,nally twisting Hopeonto l-rer stomach. Then the two male deputies moved Hope's bod-v.- into a specificposition so that just her- head and a little of her right shoulder rvere resting on top of'ihe sleeping platform with the rest of her body on the floor. The cop on the left thatheld Hope's teft arm twlsted behind her back sometimes pushed on her rightshoulder forcing her r-rpper chest and neck down aeainst :he edge of the platform.With her fi'ee rigl-rt haad she desperately'tried to push back against of the edge ofthe platforrrr to stop it from digging into her and bruising her, but the big cop just

pushed dow'n on her harder.Her peir;is and stornach u.ere fiat on the f'loor and herhead and upper torso rvere eler,'ated causing her back to arch unnaturali), andpainfull,l' l-{ope and her larv}'er sa}'Stark Cor"rnt,v Sheritfs depr-rties seriouslyinjured her iorver back. causing a bulging disc. i: could l-rave occurred u'hen deput)'Ggrlea bod), slarnmeciler to the road. 'fl-re spinal irlir-rr)'rna)'have been aggravatedfufiher rvhen the):knoq_ked her to tLe concrete lloor in tk: jail. and rvhile the.v

tortured her holding her ir-r a contorted and r-rnnatural position 1br a plolongedperiod, oi tirne.I{ope endr"rredconstant pain in her left ann, neck. upper chest. and1or.r'er back. but it was nothing cornpared to the ason.v she sullbred at the hands ofthe cop on her right. !-{e kner,,'horv to iAflict intense pain rvithotrt leai'ing an-r,.-

rnarks and l-re rvorked on her endlessl]'. It looked like hc' rvas using rvlestling holds,trvisting and turning her legs and feet in difTerent directiorrs. Fiope screarned andrvrithed in pain, grinding her neck and upper chest against:he edge of the concreteplatlorm At flrst it seen-red that she rvas trying to keep her legs together and resisttl,e rnclestation. At other times she rvas not r:esisting as much as she was sin:rpiybeing brutaillr toftured. A blur spgt u,as ahva),s placed over the hancls c1'the cop onthe right to prevent us liom seeii:g exactl,v rvhat he rvas doing to her legs and body,but rve can hear her'prirnal. anirnalistic screan-rs of rrain. While the cop on the rightcrr-relly'torlured Hope, the cop on the leli never stopped lrvisting her arm behindher back and pushing her against the edge of the platfbnn. When Hope's bodvcontorted in agqn]' tiom the things the cop on the right did to her. the__gop on theleft leaned into her harder pushing l-rer dou'n, rnaking her feel nore pain. [n solrescenes }Jope clenches her fists in pain. There is a shot-t scene rvith a ),ellovv,ish hueto it, rvhich seerns to take place sorne tirne into Hope's rlrdeal. I'ler bcd.v"has beenmoved an inch ol'two arvay frorn the platfbrrl and the edge of the platfbr:n isqlqsqrto herlhroat, prqpping up herhead like a rag doll so she lookg straiqhtltlrrvard, 'fhe trvo cops have both leaned in close to Hope as the) torment her: and itappears that the edqe of the platfclrlr rra,\-'be restricting her abilit)' to person makes no attempt to do an)' more than point the camera in thegeneral direction of this scene fior-n l-rel1, and there is alu'a.vs the ever present blurspot, but it's so obvious that this rvoman u,as sadisticail.v tortured and it alsoqppears lhat she rna.v have been subjected to a painful and degrading cavit), search.This video. rvhich has reached the public is onl)'a snippet. Hope Stefte), was nakedin a iail gell &r six houts and its possible that she rvql n-rolqllgj and tqrJured fbrhor-rrs. Baseci cn the severit)' cf her treatrnent in the fe*' seconds that we l"rave been

aliowed to sgs: we can assune that her entire treatnent rvas extremql,v brutal frombeginning to end. and that there reqlly'vvas notlring that the Stark Cor.urt)' sheriffsdepartment cculd send to Hope's larvyer that r.vor.rldn't incriminate them.There isone final scene in the short video rirhich takes place at sorre point in the uriddle ofFlope's rnind bending ordeal. lt begins rvith the sarne tu,o sherit?s deputies and a

third man, a vo,veur. standing on the left side of the cell. Hope is still la),ing t'acedorvn on thgedse cf'the sleeping platform. She is t1')'ing to support her self withher right ana but the edge of the platfor*r is cutting across her neck ar"rd she tumsher head to the side, perhaps in order to breathe. The big cop on the light has hisback to F{ope and he has her legs locked apart b}' kneeling on top of hel rieht leervith helleft toot weciged pair-rfullv undel it. He has his left forearm lesting on hisknee. With his right hand he appears to be reaching dou'n into her genitalia. lt isimpossible to see a:r), details under the blur spot. but the shapes of the shadows arean ominous indication of sornething fbr more sinister than a simple strip searcl-r.

Hope is still tr-ving to move. The cop on the 1eft twisting her arrn behind her backlets her pull her hand dou'n to her lou'er back. then l-re presses dorvn on her elbourcausing her pain. so she returns her arm to the cenler of her back. The c jip endswhen the carlera person backs out of the cell. allorvinLthe door to close on thisscene of these two men brutall)z and endlesslr- tofiurinLthis u,oman, Hope Steffe,v.To rn,v knorvledgs the Steflb)''s are not clarning that there $'as a cavitl/ searchconducted b,v male sheriffs deputies. rvhich would rnake this more similar to rape.During a television intervieu, Gree SteffeJ- said that his wife "felt like she had beenraped without penetration". The reason u'hy Greg Stefte.v made that statementcould be verv cornplicated. Hope Steffe), has been deeply traurnatized. It isdifl-rcult to tell u'eather all of the facts concerning exactl-y u,hat happened to her inthe Stark County jaii will ever be known b.v the public. Here is how Stalk Cout).sheriffs deputes could -iustily doing a "Bod), cavit)' sealch, strip search:" to HopeSteffev under Ohio's twisted 1aws."Bod-v cavit-y search. strip search:( I 't "Bodycartity search" means an inspection of the anal orr,'aginal cavit),of a person that isconducted visually. manuallv. by means of anlr instrument. apparatus. or object. orin any othgr manner u'hile the person is detained or arrested for the allegedcommission of a misdemeanor or traffic offense.V/hen asked ii she posed a dangerto herself, Hope replied, "|ilow or ever?" In a wa,v it's like a trick question.Anything other than a clear'No' answer can be interpreted as an admission thal oneiq lqicidal" which is considered'Probable Cause' under Ohio 1aw:(3) A body cavitysearch or strip search lna.v be conducted fbr any legitimate medical or hygienicreason. The medical reasons are an admittance to prior thoughts of self-injur.v-.According to nationaljail safety research studies people u'ho are suicidal l-rave ahigher incidence of harrning thernselves w{rile in police custodlr or incarceration.Hope probably received a cavit.v search to determine if she had anlr u'eapons orsharpobjects hidden in her anus or vagina that she could possibl)' harm herselfWith. This rvas their twisted lo*eic and excuse lor their actions.{4) Ijnless there is alegitimate med1c4] reason or medical ernerseflcy iustifv-ing a r.varrantless search" abody cavitv search shall be conducted onlv alier a search u'arant is issr-red thatauthorizes the search.Here is r.vhere sheriffs deputies violated their ou,n requlations

on everlz count, remember the ever present voyeur ol the left side of the cell.(6) Abody cavitl- searcli or strip search shall be conducted by a person or per:sons whr:are of the san:re sex as the person r.vho is beilg searched and the search shall be

conducted in a manner a*d in a location that permits onl)'the g.'rson or perso_ns

r.vho are phJ-sical1), conducting the search and the person whc is being searched tocbger,'e the search.Hope StefTey has a legal right to suLe:he State of Ohio: (3) lf a

person is sub.iected to a body'cavity search or strip search in violation of thissection, an), person may cornmence a civil actiou to recover compensatoly_damages fbr any injury, death, or loss to person or property or any indignity arisingfrom the violation. In the civil actiol. the courl rnay award punitive damages to theplaintiffs if tlie,v prevail in the action. and it rna]: award reasonable attorney's fees

to the parties who pr"evail in the action After the male deputies tired of toriuringHope. she describes being rolled onto her srornach and handcuflbd. Or-re foot wasplaced on top of the other and her legs r.vere tblded back painfull),'. Hope says she

rvas litied and carr.ied into another cell b)' rnale sherifl's deputies, who tossed hernude bod,v to the concrete floor. Hope r,vas left alone b.v her torrlentors scratched.covered r.vith brriises ard abrasions, injured and naked. She tried to cover herprivate parts with toilet paper to prevent male sheritfs deputies from seeing herrvl-ren thelz peeped in the cell. Eventuall.v, Hope rvas told by a guard that she wasbeing charged with resisting arrest and disorderl,v conduct. During her six hourimprisonment Hope was never qiven any rnedical care b.y the nurse at the jail. Shervas treated only with deliberate and dehurnanizing indiffbrence. Sheriffs depr.ltiesmay have knor,r'n that Hope had been seriousl.v injured duling the assault b.v--

Gurlea. but it didn't matter to them. Hope r.vas never allou,ed to urake a phone callto a lau,.",rer: or a familv mernber. To humiliate her. Hope was given onl]'asleeveless vest to lvear when she r,vas taken to booking. She was fbrced to remainnaked frorn the waste down as she ra,as paraded through a police station full ofrnen. Stark County Sheriff Tim Srvanson. actually said the reason Hope Steffe),'sclothes and panties r.vere taken arva)r and she rvas left naked rvithout even a blanketto cover herself in a cold jail cell w'as for her orvn safbt)'. Sheriff Swansonmaintains that his deputies are not guilty of any u,rongdoiag and that their job is toprotect prisoners in their custody. He says that his officers did everything b)'thebook. but according to the Stark County Sherifls department's orvn polic)'on stripsearches- "The officers conducting the search must be of the same sex as theprisoner". Greg Steffey agrees saying, "It's cornnon polict,eveqrwhere. lt's ir.rstwrong that they do this to people. She called for help. She Asked them for help notfor this." The reckless actions of Gurlea and the other Stark County sheriffsdqputies lvere intended to cause emotional distress and ph,vsical iniury to Hope.She sustained a cracked tooth and a verr- serious bulging disc in her lou'er back.She has aiso suffered extreme ernotional traun-ra. Her phvsical and rnental injuries

are pennanent and she needs costl]' lnedical and pslrchiatric treatment indefinitel),.T'he actions of Gurlea and the other n-ren and ivornen sheriff's deputies constitutesextrerne. cutrageous and perhaps crimir":al conduct. 'fhe rnental daraage sufl-ered byHope has negativel):affected her marriage and has certainl)' impacted all aspects ofher lifeHcpe rvas rvas a beautifr.rl vibrant strong ph.vsicall), health,v ps.vchologicaltr.-v

nor:mal 41 ),ear old wonran u,hen she encountered Stark County' sheriff s deputieson Octerlrer 20. rvas a miracle that her ribs rveren't broken and she didn't$uffbr: a concussion or colna when she was the road. {t_all}'tirnewhile Hope was being torlured sire could have gone in to shock or died tiorn hearllailure. Onl), b.v" the grace of God did she survive her ordeal at the Stark CqU!-tyJail to tell about it. 460 people are sl-rot, tazered, beaten, and abused to death. dieaccidentall.v, or die fiorn unknorvn causes each -vear q,hile in police custod). inArnerica. Hope could easilr- have been one olthose r.rnfbrtunate peopleHope'siqiulies r.vere sustained by her as a direct result of policies, condoned andimplemented br- Stark Count,v SherifTTimoth,v A. Swanson. Swanson rvas

deliberatel,v indiflbrent and tbiled to sr-rpen,ise his subordinates. Sr,vanson

ar,rthorized, and approved of unconstitutional policies arrd condr-rct b.v* Gurlea andthe other deputies r"rnder his supen'ision. These actior-rs were taken b)' Swanson andhis subordinates r-rnder the color of lau,. These actions and fbilures to act deprivedHope of her rights secured b,v the Fourlh. Fifth and Four-teenth Amendments to theLjnited States Constitution. Wl-rat l-rappened to Hope Stetl'e,v has happened to othersliving in states rvith strip search. cavity' search larvs like Ohio's. The use of nudit,v,humiliation, and torlure. b:y United States law'entbrcement replesents an ovelailbt-eakdown in Arnerican morals, r,alues, fi'eedoms, Conslitutional rights, andhurnan rights. These ilarved policies- bad larvs, will continue to victimizeAtnericans ur:til they start rvriting to and callinq their representatives inWashington ald telling them to change these larvs or get them off tire booksaltogether

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Ihe restless frustrotion of us by the orrogonce of police officer's is ostonisly unjustond demorolizing io us oll .police culture thot pressures new officers to conformto cerioin ospects of ihe Blue Code of Silence thot con moke o criminolsubculture proteciing the interests of police who violote the low ond operspective in which outsiders ore viewed with suspicion or distrusi .commondond control structures with o rigid hierorchicol foundotion ond deficiencies in

internol invesiigotion ond no occouniobility mechcnisms in the internolinvestigotion processesl think it is o very significont pottern of continuclhorossment ond octions of the intrusted is to destroy if not to dissolve ore righl's.police officer's leoding criminol investigoiion into it's members consider issuingindictments ogoinsi the victim's of there criminol octivite .the enforcement tostop lowsuits ogoinst the people thot violote cre right's to be secure in oreperson,houses,popers ond effectts with out o seorsche worront ond deprive usof life,liberty ond property is unjust.the government thot ignore's the grevoncesof the people or preson's will not lost .we the people must reestoblish therule's ond right of the constitution .we musi demend the lhot ore electedrepreseniotive's stop the toking of ore right's with out due process of the's time to toke Americo bock ond live by the Constitution.the religious,sociol,culturol bigotry by the these extremist is unconstiiutionl.the corrupion ofore police ond dcfs/cps deportment's to ihe pont ihot there thug's think ihotthere obove the low or the constitution is corrupt.the crimes ossocioted thesecorrupt people is nol the woy of ihis country ond is o disgroce to ore ormedforces.thot people live in feor of hoving the dcfs/cps kicking in there door ondkidnoping ihere kid's in the deod of night becuse of o phono coll .people likesqm brower. florq iessop.lourie qllen.corolvn iessop . nqncv qrqce ond otherextrimist hove o footholed on useing uncorroboroted stotemenis is ostonislyomoute of orrogonce.ore govermeni hos possed low's with some mone hole's inthem thct it only toke's o cps/dcfs/dfcs cose worker 30 min. to element yourright's .the constitution ore job's ond indostrehos bin sold io the highis't bider.the willfully determined morol police wonie us to wolk in lockstep to theremorolity ond not the fundomentol righi's we hove.never mied thot the thirddistrict Texos Court of Appeols honded down its decision ofter onolyzing theevidence thot hod been provided of ihe originol heoring. lt ruled in fovor ofdemonding the return of the children to the 38 mothers. The Deportment wosgiven 14 doys to oppeol or to reiurn the children. ln its Moy 22 decision, theCourt noted ihct twenty femole individuols from the ronch were olleged tohove become pregnont between the oges of l3 ond lZ. Fifteen of them orecurrently odults, including one who is a 22 yeor-old odult who ollegedly becomepregnoni of ,l3.

Of the five others who ore still minors, four ore I Z ond one is l6yeors old, with oll five minors olleged io hcve become pregnoni of oge l5 or 16.No evidence wos provided to determine the moritol stotus of the remoining fiveminors. ln Footnote of the ruling, the Court wrote, "Under Texos low, it is noisexuol ossoult to hove consensuol sexuol intercourse with o minor spouse towhom one is legolly morried. Tex. Penol Code Ann. Section 22.011(o), (c) (1),(2){West Supp. 2007). Texos low ollows minors to morry -- os young os oge l6 withporentol consenf ond younger thon sixteen if pursuont to o couri order. Tex.Fom. Code Ann. Section 2.101 (West 2006), Sections 2.102-.103 (Wesi Supp.2007). A person moy not be legolly monied fo more thon one person. Tex. PenolCode Ann. Section 25.01 (West Supp. 2007)." The Courl olso noted ihol theDeportment's own wiinesses hod ocknowledged thot the FLDS community wos

divided into "seporote fomily groups" ond "seporote households." Thereby, theCourt determined thot such evidence disproved the osserted theory thot theentire community wos o single "household" which the Deportment used os thejustificotion for removing oll children in one brood sweep. Accordingly, eochfomily (with the mothers referred to os "Relotors" in the Court decision iext) hodthe right to be deolt with on on individuol bosis. Using itolics to emphosize theword, "physicol," the Court soid thoi, when removing children from o fomily,Iexos Low - specificolly, Section 262.201 (b) - required thot "the donger must beto the physicol heolth or sofety of ihe child. The Deportment did not present onyevidence of donger to the physicol heoih or sofety of ony mole children or onyfemole children who hod noi reoched puberty. Nor did ihe Deportment offerony evidence thot ony of the Relotors' pubescent femole children were inphysicol donger other thon thot those children live of the ronch omong o groupof people who hove o 'pervosive sysiem of belief'thot condones polygomousmorrioge ond underoge femoles hoving children. The existence of the FLDS

belief system os described by the Deporiment's witnesses, by iiself, does not putchildren of FLDS porents in donger. lt is the imposition of certoin olleged tenets ofthot belief system on specific individuols thot moy put them in physicol donger.The Deportment foiled to offer ony evidence thot ony of ihe pubescent femalechildren of the Relotors were in such physicol donger. The record is silent os iowheiher the Relotors or onyone in their households ore likely to subjeci theirpubescent femole children to underoge morrioge or sex. The record is olso silentos to how mony of Relotors' children ore pubescent femoles ond whether thereis ony risk to ihem other thon thot they live in o community where there is o'pervosive belief system'thot condones morrioge ond child-reoring cs soon osfemoles reoch puberfy." .the enthusiosm ond excessive discontent to eliminoteihe ihe bill of riqhl's is o threoi to the sovereignty of humeniie it self.the peoplethot do there job's the right woy ore loft of or outright fired for doing it the righiwoy .os we scnd on the down of the new millennium we musi look to ihe postfor help in ore furtere endeovours to push beon the constrictions of orehumoniie ond to succeed in oll of ore endeovours to moke the boseic humoneright's io life,liberty ond the pursuit of hoppiness ond in promoting thefundomentol freedoms of oll menked.l ihink it is o very significont pottern ofcontinuol horossment ond octions of the trusied to investigote in orgonizedwitness tompering , froud like thot of o crime syndicote.the federol governmentond the siotes hos resisted thot ideo of investigote these crimes . pcrticipotioncon be described os o "wifch hunt " in the collected petition of the extremist tostop the one's thot stond up for them self's. if we con't eliminot religius ,sociolond culture intoleronce how con we push the bondres of humonite ond scienceond go beoned ore limitolions.we must endeovour to to go beoond orecollective conscionusness.we must oviol ore self's to go beond orepoliticol,economic,sociol ond cultuer,religius bigotry.promoting theself-determinotion for the odvoncement of science ond there principlesoveriegty.thot science ond it's odvoncement con't be subject to the prejudice

or the provision of one one religion,sociol ond culturol lliminition's. ihot group'slike "Sofe Children Coolition" soid o women's home wosn't big enough, eventhough she hod o 5 bedroom home ovoiloble. No chorges were ever broughtogoinst her, but they took her kids onywoy. They tokes children from good ondsofe fomilies ond puts them in unsofe one's ond only loking children of poorfomilies os they do not hove the money to fight bock ogoinst fhe syslem .thetoxe money thot we poy to fix ore rood's ,street ond other public work's ond iopoy for ore E.M.S/POLICE ond FIRE go's in to the pocit of the crupl.we hove seenore bluecollor job's go overseos for cheeplober ond the compine to ovodepoying the foxes.job's thot ore lost io corprit greed .people who losi there job'sso o c.e.o con hove four hommer's instod of only three .todoy more ond moreworking mon job's ore cut but you never see o c.e.o tcke o poy cut .you willsee the working person wiih o fomily toke o poycut or get loedoff with ouipoy.lhe ceo's get there million dollor bonis in seod of puting the money in to thecompen.the corrupt court's thot lockup the viciom ond innocent ond rewordthe criminol hos bin demonstroted iime ond time .100 yeor old cose low is usedin the preveniion of ore righi's .the morolity police use rocim / bigotry ond feorfor there benefit is totolly out of conirol.ihe suppreeion of corroborotestotement ond documents ihot do not ossossinot the sovereignty of thisnotion must stop. the obuse thoi o preson, fomily ond people of the hond's ofcorrupt govermeni ogenty's ond group like Sofe Children Coolition ,thedefente of fomily ond people like som brower. floro iessop, lourieqllen.corolyn iessop ond noncy groce need to be stop. exomple of sociolhorm thot the government moy properly torget irrespective of odverse impocton religious proctice thoi "Conduct remoins subject to regulotion for iheprotection of society. The freedom to oci must hove oppropriote definition topreserve the enforcement of thot protection octions which were in violotion ofsociol duties or subversive of good order. Lows ore mode for the governmeniof octions, ond while they connot interfere with mere religious belief ondopinions, they moy with proctices. Con o mon excuse his prociices io thecontrory becouse of his religious belief? To permit this would be to moke theprofessed doctrines of religious belief superior to the low of the lond, ond ineffect to permit every citizen to become o low unto himself The UnitedStotes Supreme Couri mode this DISCUSSION in lB78 it's 2008 thot o 130 yeor's cgo .it is '130 yeor's loter ond we still see women os the victim .in the norrowmorgin whereby the frogility of pureiy politlcoljudgment will be the misfortuneconsequences of ore future generotions to come .The norrow veiw of sioteson domestic violence is oll most the some os the veiw on child obuse ondgroups like "Sofe Children Coolition" who help the stotes toke your kids. "SofeChildren Coolilion " took this womens kids ond soid her home wosn't big enough,even though she hod o 5 bedroom home ovoiloble. No chorges were everbrought, but the stote ond the group iook her kids onywoy. The "Sofe ChildrenCoolition" tokes children from poor fomilies os they do not hove the money tofight bock ogoinst the system ond puts them in unsofe locotions so thot they con

continue to be funded by your tcx dollors .ore toxs dollors ore oll so used tofuned the ultroconservotiver domestic violence lows ond police trioning cndproctices thot presumes the mole is the guilty .the nonexistents of due processmones ihot your innocents is of no consequence ioo them till you con proveyou ore innocencet. This in o lond chorged in the Preomble to its Constitution" insure domestic tronquility..." ln coses of women stolking men, restroiningorders ore violoted in nine out of ten coses but if o mon violoted these orders hego to joil.o women is five times more likey to use o weopon in iniimote portnerviolence .Those who obuse cnd boiter their lovers ond children come in everyshope ond size, from every income level ond sociol sect ond of either sex, ondsome sex orientotion.thot ore men ore being thrown into ihe streets here everyyeor without couse or redress.the reol domestic violence is perpetroted by thesedroconion lows used by rodicol militint feminist guoup's soy lt connot beossumed thot men ore bound to be on osset to fomily life, or thot the presenceof fothers in fomilies is necessorily o meons to sociol hormony ond cohesion."ond " if we wont fathers to ploy o full role in their children's lives, ihen we needto bring men info the ploy groups ond nurseries ond the schools. And here, ofcourse, we hit the immediote difficuliy of whether we con trust men withchildren." .As the women chollenge there ex or future ex with chorges of folsedomestic violence ond obuse, ond physicol ond sexuol obuse of the children togoin odvontoge in o divorce or custody bottle in divorce couri to moke thempoy .often the reol victims is the husbend /boyfriend .women thot hove foundthemselves in lesbion offoirs or in some-sex relotionships offter divorce ore nowignord victims domestic violence .these lows ore use to moke true romonce ondnormol sexuol octivites in io o crime.lows thot ore destroy fomilies by thehundreds of thousonds ond drive fothers from their children with nothing morethen the clothes on there bock. Boih men ond women become more ofroid ofthe Stote thon they ever were of their portner becouse of "no drop lows" . Underthe nightmore world of todoy's wor on domestic violence, orrests ore madewithout ony pretense of c worroni ond these mondotory orrests ore bosed onnoihing more thon heorsoy. non-resisting citizens ore bludgeoned and Moce'dwithin their homes ofier police force their woy in without o worront . Accusedore ossumed guilly until proven innocent. Police seorches of their homes oremode without consent or worront .. The right to confront the occuser ond obtoinwitnesses in one's defense is denied. Heorsoy is odmissible os evidence.Punishment ond imprisonment occur before o triol or without one. men orepublicly occused of crimes they hove not committed. And these ore notlimited octions nor ore they limited to moles lesbions in the community oresubjected to this some treatment becouse of their lifestyle. Despite the focithot o greot mojority of these folse Chorges of domestic violence mode by thegirlfriend/wife hove become the weopon of choice in divorce ond childcustody bottles., women ore reworded with the house, kids, child support, ondolimony for mcking such stotements, ond foce no penolty in court for iheiroccusotions.the feminist refuges continued to creote troining progrommes thot

described only mole violence ogoinst women ond thot "All women ore innocentvictims of men s violence," they declored.ftre potice ond other orgonizoiionswere broinwoshed into ignoring the reseorcrr ihot wos provin! mun could olsobe victims'l9th cenfury gtitisl-, ond Americon low required o hirsbond to go iodebtors' prison even if if wos his wife who spent them into debf. withresponsibility come the obility to enforce. The mole role wos to his fomily whotthe role of the militory is to o notion: Both ore ossigned the role of protector; butthe power it tokes to proiect, when broken down, can be obusive. But theobuse is not the role, it is the role broken down. He wos not treoting her osproperty' he wos toking responsibility for keeping ihe propertv intoct for theentire fomily's proiection. lf he should foil, heis oit to joil. Thct,s why I coll it theresponsibility to discipline ond not. mole privilege.the domestic violence industryswe-understond-ond-we-know-better ottitudeihot ihese unbolonceddroconion lows present the orrogonces of the feminists veiw of domesticviolence'fhis veiw gives women olree poss to use the low in the destruction ofihe preson she sees os o threct to vo, .ttr o preson up thot you metosking for o doie. theoe soys fhere is busy.'you see the preson somewhereogoin ond soy hi. smires so you try for onother doie. No hove odisogreement ond the preson never wonts to see you ogoin. you send roses witho noie' No response. You iry colling o couple oi ti*ur.vou write them o leiter oremoil soying you're sorry, ond you wouid like to moke up. you work in the somebuilding ond you leove the letier on ihere choir of work or send the emoil iothem' Your cor breoks down ond you ride the bus for o week. rhe bus stop isoutside where there working. rhe bus is usuolly toJe ond you ore stonding therewoiting doy ofter doy' You've broken up. After you try colling ihem o coupleof times you run into some their friends ond ort ho* their doing. they works of obusiness you frequent ond you smile ond flirt with them, os they do with you. youtry to moke o dote or see them ouiside of work. .Most people would regord suchevents os well within the normol course of The pcih io true romonce but nowwe've mode it o crime. ls ihoi wise? in such coses proof is nof required,if thevictom is o femole she will believed without reservotion or question, ond possiblethot the victim courdbe poronoid or psychotic nno her feor must beconsidered regordless of the octuoi circumsiontes.How likely is it she might usesuch chorges os revenge for some reor or imogined wrong you moy hove donehim or her in the cose of ihe dr.phil shows + plrt episode obsessive love. but:y:l';'yr::'l: g::l:rwirr,wiih evir inrentLl useo in rhe destrucrion ofthe,, eyil il ilrirrt lJc useo ln lne destruction of thpreson she sees os o ihreot to sidert"ping the row she con ond do,s

nsubstqnlioled anar anr.ns no motter how controdictory her cloims. o

I:::i?:_:l:,Tlli:1i: rf?: o woTon who rokes o,t"o;;;;;i,,;n ;1.'#l;,:'; :::'*'ii: ?3' ?g:l':,T ig :' !'r 3 ;; ; ;;;;.;';;i k'

,r.l #ff : uli t n o n "likelv io use on object os o *"opon ihon men *n"i il:;


which con't equolize the level of injury men susioin oi the honds of the wife orgirlfriend. those who only wont to emphosize ihe level of physicol ,verbol,emotionol ond psychologicol injury ogoinst women will never discuss ondevein sidestop the verbol, emotion, or psychologicol obuse mony men ondthere lesbion portners experience from their wives or girlfriends everydoy .lt is nodiforent thon the religious group who roises money to help storving children thenuses the money to not only help the molnourished children but to olsoindoctrinote the culture with their porticulor religious or conservofive beliefs.thelow sidesteps the domestic violence in lesbion-portner ship ond these ore themost violent of obuse coses.women con perpetrot the most violen ossoults indomestic-violence on there girlfriend ,boyfriend ond husbends.the most violenchild obuse coses ore thot the honds of the mother or the fothers grirlfriend.thecomplex network of sociol workers, mentol heolth , ond low enforcementofficiols ond other professioncls encouroges chorges of child obuse wheiherthey're reosonoble or in the domestic violence industry. creoted o virtuolchild obuse industry, populoted by people whose livelihoods depend on moreond more ollegotions going into the system.most occusers ore women ondmoking on occusotion of child cbuse is fhe perfect weopon ln divorce coses.ollegotions of obuse con come up in o voriety of woys ond lt's simple, fost, ondguoronteed to ochieve the desired result o women who deliberotely mokefolse ollegotions to hurting iheir ex- husbonds os much os possible .They'llfrequently cocch their children inio moking stotements ogoinst the ex, ond willshop oround for o theropist,doctor,or other professionol ond the low who willsupport their unbolonced cloim thot ln one step, she con gei him completelyoui of her ond the children's lives, ond ossure complete custodiol control. Andcon compleiely destroy the his life, ond ony semblonce of o normol lifebetween him ond the children. child protective services worker premoiureconclusions ond frequently overreoct to ordinory things in the kids life like dioperrosh ond bruises in this type of situotion, the concerned theropist, physicion, ondlow enforcement overeoct ond jump to false ollegotions os the iruth Butwhether o folse ollegotion of obuse is mode moliciously or genuine the result isthe some for the occused. Unlike the "innocent until proven guilty" thing youheor oll the time when il comes to child obuse, you ore guilty until you conproves yourself innocent And thot's not eosy . the children by this time hoveprobobly been seen by theropists ond child protective services officers who seetheir role to volidoie the occusotion. And things move pretty quickly from there:the instont the ollegotion is mode the occused contoct with ihere children is cutoff completely ond on investigotion begins. ln most stotes, child obuseinvestigotions ore supposed to be hondled by both low enforcement officiolsond cps workers colled differeni things in different stotes ln generol, policeofficers hove received extensive troining in investigotive iechniques ond there otleost ostensibly neutrol. Most CPS workers don't even moke the move topretense neutrolity ond thot they believe ond support iheir clients no motierwhot those clients soy. .conservotive religious groups with there extremist views

woni to moke o AMENDMENT'S to the stote ond u.s.constitution to outlowsome-sex merroge ore showing how extremist thot they ore. domestic violenceis quite o rore crime ond the level of whoi the overoge person will come incontoct with in his or her life is extremely low ond you ore more likely die fromthe flu thon of domestic violence. these gruops don't wont you to know thoi.they oll so count couples who hove bitterly loud orguments,push ond shove,S&M ond other oberrot sexuol octs couples moy engoge in like on openmorroge or the wife is bisexuol with the husbend know full well she is os octs ofdomestic violence. o survey of citizens who believe o crime hos beencommitted ond not if ii wos reported to police or outhoriiies.Notionol Coolition-Agcinst Domestic Violence estimotes in their generol informotion pocket thot:"Over 50% of oll women will experience physicol violence in on intimoterelotionship, ond the bottering will be regulor ond on-going.ond you ore notbeoting your wife, then the guy next-door must be beoting his of leostoccosionolly. And the womon living with the guy two or three doors down is

getting beoten of leost once o month lf their stotistics were volid.their monymore men whose femole pcrtners hove obused them both physicolly ondmentolly, os well os obusing the low by bringing folse ollegotions ondfobricoiion domestic violence or obuse ogoinsi them. brooder question ofwhether or not o womon is ever ossoulted in her relotionship with o mon orwomen ,ex or boyfriend ond/or girlfriend. o strotegies to moximize therereported they use some minor octs like pushing or slop os severe violence.thefoct thot people like Molly Yord, former heod of the NOW, in o l9B9 sod oboutchinese birth control policy, "l consider the Chinese government's policyomong the most intelligent in the world."Hove digroced the worke of peoplelike Morgoret Songer the founder of plonned porenihood wos similorlychorged.under The Comslock Acf in enocted Morch 3, l8l3 is o United Stotesfederol lqw which mode it illegol to send onv obscene, lewd, cnd or losciviousmoteriols , includinq controceptive devices cnd informotion ond the

istribution of inf r educoiionol thrmoil. ln oddition to bonninq controceptives the followinq The text of the federolbill: Be it enocied... Thot whoever, within ihe District of Columbio or onv of the

itories of the United Stotes...sholl sell to sell. or to lend. or to oivowoy, or in onv monner to exhibit, or sholl oiherwise publish or offer to publish inonY monner, or sholl hcve in his possession, for ony such purpose or purposes, on

k. oomohlet nt. circulor. orint. oicturowino or ol e. or imooe on or of ther

moteriol, or ony cost instrument, or other crticle of on immorol noiure, or cnvor medicin rticle w ver, for t revenfion of

for cousinq unlowful obortion, or sholl odvertise the some for sole, or sholl write orprint, or couse to be writien or printed, ony cord, circulor, book, oomphlet,odvertisement, or notice of ony kind, stotino when, where, how, or of whom, orbv whot meons, onv of ihe oriicles in this section...con be purchosed orobtoined, or sholl monufocture, drow, or prini, or in onv wise moke ony of such

qrticles, sholl be deemed guilty of o misdemeonor, ond on conviction thereof inony court of ihe United Stotes...he sholl be imprisoned oi hcrd lobor in thepenitentiory for noi less thon six months nor more thon five veors for ecchoffense, or fined not less thon one hundred dollors nor more ihon two thousonddollors, with costs of court On oppeol, her conviction wos reversed on thegrounds thot controceptive devices could legolly be promoted for the cure ondprevention of diseose.ln l932Ihe prohibition of devices odvertised for theexplicit purpose of birth control wos overturned . ln

,l936, o federol oppeols

court ruled ofter she file o lowsuit in United Stctes v. One Pockoge of JoponesePessories thot the federol government could not inierfere with doctors providingcontroception to their potients. When U.S. customs confiscoted the pockoge osillegol controcepiive devices.we most endeovovr to fully go beyond the peoplethoi hove predetermin our future with there morol extremist veiw ond billed ofuture of collective toleronce ond occeptonce and to insure our sovereignty inthe forbid the religious,sociol ond cuturol of sirtion groups is nothingmore then suppression of humonity it self.the horror ond suffering of this plonet otthe honds of one group or persons will not promote the progress of life itself.the presumobed elitis elements of there extremist view most be sfoped.weore of the steps of economic disoster with tens of ,l000

of fomilys being put outon the streei .the prevention of bosic humon righis to sum becouse they crenot port of there morol conservotive,s with millions of dollers ore fireingthe people who live poydoy to poydoy .we poy wiih ore blood sweetond teorsso thot there kids con go to privote school,B bedroom house ond new cor oevey yeor.we put holf ore poy in gos ond food .the goldinporochutes thot ceohove used to get millions when the people thoi work for them ore put out on thestreet.Women ore coerced into occepting their cultish indoctrinotion ofdomestic violence gruops vio the use of ihreots, intimidoiion, ond the fecr oflosing their children...Women ore ordered to leove their husbonds, even in iheobsence of reol domesiic violence or obuse. They ore ordered to never let ihefothers see their children, or DSS will chorge the women with neglect. We'llpermit o womon to ride o moiorcycle with no helmet, but we won't trust her todecide whether or not to hove contoct with her innocent-uniil-proven-guiliyhusbond of ihot she hos bin morryed io for yeors.'lt is o common propogotedlie by prosecutors ond judges thot if the defendont occepts o pleo borgoin therecord will be "seoled" ofter the probotionory period is completed" right ondheilier wos misundersud" . Thot is never true in ony stote. The "horror" of intimoteviolence toword men is somewhot different. hundreds of men killed eoch yeorby their pcrtners the wife /girlfriend . o minimum of one-fourth of the menhove bin killed hove not used violence towords their homicidol portners. theyhove been shot, stobbed, beaten with objects, ond been subjected to verbolossoults ond humiliotions in plocses like the dr.phil show. Noneiheless, these orethe "horrors" of violence ioword men thot is the continued stotus of botteredmen os the "unherd persons" of the domestic violence problem. Mole victims donot count ond ore not counted. domestic violence identified os o gender

crime. None of the neody billion dollors of funding from this is directed towordsmole victims. Some "Requests for Proposols" reseorch on mole victims orprogroms for mole victims will not even be reviewed, let olone funded. fundstypicolly poss to o coolition ogoinst domestic violence or to o bronch of ostote ogency designoted to deol with violence ogoinst women. the mostcommon responses to this hos been the removol of children from iheir fomilieswithout due process, without offording either the children or their porents theright to equol protection. it is estimoted thot over

,|,000,000 children hove been

so token in the post three decode. Yet over thirty yeors ogo, our United StotesSupreme Court, in Goult vs. Arizono 3BZ U.S. I (1967) - o cose in which o sheriff,without notice or o worront to orrest, took c 1S-yeor old boy from his porent'shome in their obsence .it recognized this oction os violoting the essence of ourrighis ond overturned Arizono low on ihis issue. Bui the significonce of the Goultdecision hos been buried in the post three decodes by ideologues who ignorecivil liberties..The reol purpose is to prevent or to eliminote one porent duringdivorce proceedings. This is now common knowledge in legol circles.Restroiningorders ore on indispensoble tool to keep the regime of uniloterol divorce inbusiness, becouse they prevent involuntorily divorced porents from running intotheir children in public ploces. Anyone con ottend o child's first little leoguegome ofier cll onyone but their forcibly divorced fother, who will be orrested ifhe shows up. domestic violence groups thot only see the women os o victim.this oll so the problem wifh women who morrys o omericn con use the domesticviolence lows io get outomemtic citinship or o omericon wife uses the low tokeep the fother out of the US. there ore severol indicotions thot suchbroinwoshing ond lesbionism succeeds in mony coses, especiolly in coses wherethe "victim" is oll ioo willing to blome everyone bui herself for her problems likethis cose of the dr.phil show thot wos frist toked obout .These deodly womenit^tCluded:elizabeth" Blood Countess" ba'thory She is possibl)' the most prolific female serialkillers in history and vera rencze romanian serial killer /delphine lalaurie a new orleans serialkiller in the 1800s/ linda burfield hazzard /belle sunness one of America's most prolific knownfemale serial killers /amy archer-gillisan/ianie lou gibbs/ and The "Liverpool MurderSyndicate"/katherine knight/blanche taylor moore/ruth ellis /lainz anqels of death MariaGruber. Irene Leidolf. Stephaniia Meyer. and Waltraud Wagner made up one of the mostunusual crime teams in 20th Centurv europe and melinda loveless/brenda spenceri traceywigsinton and diane downs /sylvia seegrist and christina marie riggs.there reporis fromvorious sources thot, in oddition to indoctrinotion ond proselyiizing, shelterssubject women who go to them to obuse ond intimidotion by other women whoore either on the stoff ond stoying of the shelter, ond oct os centers for lesbionseduction os well.there is noi much public support for corrupting women'sshelters into centers for Morxisi ideology ond lesbionism cults thot promoieshotred ond strife beiween mon ond womon.thot the shelters ore now hot bedsof lesbion sex,rope ond force there proposes to substitute lesbianism forheterosexuol relotionships.thot the sex is often octed oui in frunt of there children. Children see ond wotch there mother/ sister or both in octs of lesbion sex thot is

some times some cose the sex is drected to womens dougthersond do not report it out of feor of physicolly horm to thom or the child..monywomen ore brionwosh in into o lesbion life by cbuse ond intimidotion form otherwomen who ore eilher on ihe stoff or the women stoying of the shelfer .Monywomen who hove achieved ony degree of moturiiy hove mole friends, reloiives,ocquoinionces, or ossociotes who hove been obused or boftered by wives,girlfriends, or femole relotives. Their experience denies the feminist outhoritorionmoniro thot it is olwoys the mon who botters not the womon who is the victimond some times thot she is botters.Feminists hove long noled thot domesticobuse included both physicol ond emotionol ospects. they ottempt fo hide is

the foct thot emotionol obuse is mosi commonly ossocioted wilh women whoobuse there children/husbind /boyfriends ond fomily members ond ore theone's lhct kill there kid's. Todoy, despite every indicotion thoi crime is dropping,we ore met with the propogondo thot indicoiing domeslic violence is onexponentiolly increosing problem. Focts such os "One in four of Americonwomen reports thot she hos been physicolly obused by husbond or boyfriendond One third of oll emergency room visits by women ond fhe ones hoveingresuscitotion being performed on them "thot is cpr" ore lhe result of domesticviolence." And the list of obuses seems to grow unlil every mon is o " botterer"ond every womcn o "victim." Common sense hos disoppeored into mosshysierio for the lost 30 yeors.these ocis mondoted:. Arrests ihot ore modewithout o worront doys, weeks, months even yeors ofter the olleged incident; .men ore to be forced from their homes ond children with nothing more thon theclothes on their bock without even the pretense of due process;. Seorches oreto be conducted without o worrontin oll coses. mens property is to be seizedwithout redress of the cose.there is o Mondoiory orrests ore lo be mode ondcon be bosed on noihing more thon heorsoy. Heorsoy is to be odmissible osevidence;. The occused is to be ossumed guilty until proven innocent;. Mereollegotions ore io suffice os proof;. Accused ore to be denied the right toconfront their occuser or obtoin witnesses for their defense; . Defendonts ore tobe denied the ossistonce of counsel;. Boil is to be set of unreosonobleomounts;. men ore to be incorceroted for indefinite periods withoutopportunity to post boil;. Use of torture ond intimidotion is to be condoned;.Punishment ond imprisonment is to occur before o triol or without one;. The rightto triol by jury obridged or obondoned;. Perjury ond the subornotion of perjuryore to be overlooked or even encouroged;. Men ore to be publicly censuredfor crimes they hove not committed;. lndentured servitude ond slovery is to bepromoted under color of low.lhe possoge of VAWA in 1994 wos followed by thedroconion loutenberg omendment in 1996 thot mokes it o federol felony witho 5 to 10 yeor mondotory minimum sentence under lBu.s.c.-922(g) (Bond9( foronyone who ships, tronsports, owns, possesses, or uses guns or ommuniiion if theyhove been convicted of misdemeonor or felony domestic violence, or who ifthey ore under o restroining (protection) order for domesiic obuse. This low olsomokes it unlowful to sell or give o fireorm or ommunition to such person. As with

other folse flogs ihe low hos been exponded ond includes restroining ordersroutinely issued in o divorce cose os well. The Emerson cose is the most infomousexomple of injustice under this droconion meosure.The loutenbergomendment wos only o one-quorter of o poge buried in 740 poges of theOmnibus Consolidoted Appropriotions Acl of 1997 {Public Low

,l04-208) when

odded os on omendment. Mosi Representotives ond Senotors did not reod theentire bill. Those thot did reod it hod to sign it os is or no reporotions would befunded to their stotes if needed.As o result of ihe Loutenberg Amendmeni onymilitory personnel, police officer, or other individuols who normolly corryweopons in the course of their occupotion lost iheir jobs or were summorilydischorged if convicied of "domestic violence" or who hod o permonentrestroining order entered ogoinst them.The Deportment of Defense olso put inploce DoD Drieclive 5220.6thoi denied o security cleoronce to onyoneconvicted of "domestic violence." lnterstote tronsport of other hozordousmoteriols is olso bonned by onyone convicted of "domestic violence." lndividuolstotes olso put in ploce o voriety of other penolties ond resirictions onindividuols, usuolly men, convicted of domestic violence or under o permonentrestroining order. Typicolly, such penolties include loss of professionol licenses,bonding, holding public office, etc.As o result on estimoled99.9% of mencought up in the hysterio generoted under "domestic violence" lose their jobs,children, homes, ond virtuolly everything else they possessed. Thot, of course, is

the redfem objective ond why their folse flog operotion hos been so successful.The legol profession ond bor ossociotions, including ihe ACLU hove beenfellow trovelers with this fifth column inosmuch os they grow rich . increosingoggressiveness of women os o culturol shift women ore be more physicollyvioleni moritol situotions .this is woy thot domestic violence needs io be look ai(THE Conflict containment principles of the united states army):1. Problem solving is acollaborative effort to resolve a mutual problem. Each issue, regardless of who raises it. hasimplications for the level of satisfaction of each. Positive change will benefit each. thus. allproblems are mutual.2. Two winner (win-win) tactics should be used. The goal should be that of

lution acceotable to both. with vour soouse.3.Each partner should follow the "change first" principle. Each partner should be prepared to "pa)'

" by changing their own behavior first. rather than insistine that thev will chawhen their r chanses.4. of two distinct. nonphases: Problem definition and problem resolution. Problem definition should continue onl), untilboth agree on a common definition of the issue. Once problem resolution has begun. the issue

redefined nor should additi cross comolainins).5.Problem definition should be brief. positive. specific and future oriented. Don't confuse talkineabout a problem with problem resolution. Give only enough examples. in issue - notpersonality terms. to define the issue - not overwhelm your partner.6. Onl)' one problem at atime should be discussed. Break problems down into small. solvable steps. Don't take on more

issue at atime.7. The communicati validation. feelins-talpositive expression and negative expression should be followed. The feeling that one is beinelistened to and taken seriously may be more impofiant than winning.S. Problem solvine shouldbe modest and limited in focus. You should recognize that vou won't get everlthingyou want.

The best solutions will come when both are invested in the change process.g. Conclusions shouldbe detailed and repeated by each. Once a neqotiated compromise has been reached. congratulateeach other on )zour mutual success and celebrate )'our accomplishment.ROughly 50% Of thehundreds of morried men chorged with domestic violence ofter they find theirwife wos hoving or ore hoveing on offoir. Though it must occur, we hove not yetheord of o cose where the husbond become violent. The worst we heor of is thehusbond threoiens ihe wife's lover, e.9., see the emerson cose which is

considered to be for which the husbond is to be punished.thot we todoy mustdemod thot the iruths we hold to be self-evident ,thot we oll ore creotedequol ond in endowed wiih certoin unolienoble right's to life,liberty ond thepursuit of hoppiness ond in promoting the fundomental freedoms of oll withoutdistinction os to culture,sex, religous belief ond protection of the law regardless of race,creed, color, religion, ethnic origin, age, handicaps, or sex.and to be sirtion thot norestriction ore ploced on them.we must show universol respect for the right's ondfundomentol freedom's of oll humon's.we must demond prooble couse why ogovermini ogentecy is forcing it woy in to ore home with out o violoted worronibeing issued or be subject to cruel ond unusuol punishment with out cousethese ore the fundomentol rigths of freedoffi. the disregured for Your rightsunder due processl. You have the right to receive notice of charges in atimelv fashion.2. You have the right to be presumed innocent untilproven guiltv.3. You have the right to be presented with a searchwarrant. Without one. it is unlawful for the police or anv governmentofficial to enter vour home. search. or seize vour propertv.4. You havethe right to be presented with a warrant for vour arrest unless the policeactuallv saw vou commit a crime or have probable cause to believe vouhave committed a felonv based on their personal investigation at thescene.S. You have the right to a writ of habeas corpus if vou are arrestedand imprisoned.6. You have the right to remain silent and speak with anattornev before making anv statement to the authorities.T. You have theright to confront vour accuser and to cross-examine witnesses againstvou 8. You have the right to refuse to answer questions that mightincriminate vou.9. You have the right to a transcript of all proceedings.hearings" and trials though vou will have to order and pav for them.l0.You have the right to appeal anv findings of a lower court.ll. You havethe right to subpoena witnesses and anv documents or other evidencethat mav support vour position or contradict evidence presented againstvou.12. You have a right to a trial bv iurv in all criminal matters and incivil cases where the value in question exceeds $20 bv an impartial iurvof vour peers.l3. You have the right to the protection and provisions ofthe Constitution of the United States and the State Constitution.14. You

have the right to protections expresslv created in statute and case lawprecedent.l5. You have the right to equal protection of the lawregardless of race, creed, color, religion, ethnic oriqin" age, handicaps, orsex.16. You have the right to a remedv. bv recourse to the laws. for alliniuries or wrongs that vou mav receive in vour person" propertv, orcharacter.l7. You have the right to iustice. without being obliged topurchase it: completelv. and without anv denial; promptlv. and withoutundue delav .

chopler two

Arbeit Mach Frei[Work makes Free]

the feminisi orgonizotions invoke the specter of domestic violence ospropogondo direcled ogoinst men ond thot only men ore the obuser's.menexpendoble powns to the feminst greed ond the highjcck of obuse,ChildSupport,divorce, ond domesiic violence,child obuse (oll type's) low's.Before omon is joiled for not poying infull to the now ex-wife the new proctice is to tokeowoy his drivers license ond ony professionol licenses This includes medicol, reolestote, stockbroker, ond ony other license issued by the stote. Of course themon is then olmost olwoys unoble to eorn o living even for himself, let olone poythe often outrogeous "child support" thot frequenily is whoi the judge thinks theyou the fother should be poying not whot you con poy. oll she hos to do mokeon ollegotion of obuse true or noi ond the stote will help her oll she wont's toprove the chorges ogoinst you . A court order borring you from living in your ownhome even if you own or leosed it prior to the morrioge ond her nome is not onthe tiile or leose. lt is not uncommon for you to end up hoving io continuepoying the mortgoge or rent on whot is now "her"ond her new " boy or girl "fdend's house. Folse ollegotions of domestic violence ore o very good woy forher to gei the house, the kids, the cor, the bonk occounis, ond onything elseshe wonts. No oction will be token ogoinst her for such molicious oct's ond filingfolse reports. the foct is public funds will be used to help her prove the chorgesogoinst you ond to defend her ogoinst ony counterchcrges you might foolishly

bring ogoinst her.Accusotions of Anything she moy hove done wrong will beseen os her response to his "unreosonoble" ond "obusive" behovior in the eye's offomily in the obove dr.phil show. When the domesiic violence chorgesogoinst you fcil, ond you wonts joini or complete custody of the children nowo common toctic is to occuse you of child or sexuol obuse of the children.restroining order forbidding you to come wiihin 100 yords of your home oronyploce she might be. And she moy stolk him with impunity in order to insureyou violotes the order. The restroining order or domestic violence chorges willollow her to move her new mon or the women you didn't know obout intothe house before you hove o chonce to move out. Any personol property youleoves of ihe moritol home will be destroyed, sold, or given owoy to her newfrend. Whotever she believes you holds importont or voluoble in life ore the firstthings she will dispose of or destroy . A bon on oll contoct with your childrenbecouse the woy you mokes her feel undermines her cbility to look ofter themreol or imoged or some oiher such psycho nonsense.Experience is suggestingthot in these kinds of divorce there is obout o one-in-three chonce one, more oroll of her children ore not your's. The restroining orders ond keeping the kidsowoy is often on otiempt to prevent you from getting DNA poternity testingdone.A letler from her ottorney, soying thot the children no longer wish to seeyou beccuse you "frighten" them or her Or she soys the children do not loveyou ony more. ln such coses she will do her utmosi to olienote ihem ond driveyou owoy ond is often quite successfully in this. Her efforts will be especiollyvindiciive if she knows, or suspects one or more of the children ore not your's.The purpose of these gomes is to help her to goin on unfoir odvontoge eorly inihe proceedings, to throw you off-bolonce Expect her to use shock .Oftenfime's you moy reoci in utter disbelief thoi onyone could lie so brozenly ondbehove in such o disgusting woy. Yet ii hoppens, ond it hoppens oflen. lf shewonts io ploy the victim ond not the foct she is the obuse ond she's ollowedtoo. lndeed, she will be encouroged ond instructed on how to do so by heroitorney, victims odvocotes or girlfriend who is her new lover,co-worker's ondworkers of shelters for "bottered" women which ore publicly funded ond her newlesbion lover who you ore poy to sii your house ond to hove sex's with your nowex-wife. A demond to support her cnd "her" children ond lover for os monyyeors os her lowyers con negotiote with o judge, including their lifetime if she orher attorney con convince the judge ony of the children ore disobled orhondicopped in ony woy.Child support will probobly be colculoted on herlowyer's ond the judge's estimotion of whot you "copoble" of eorning noi onwhot you octuolly eorns. Rest ossured thot the imputed income will beconsiderobly greoter thon octuol income, especiolly ofter you losi your job ondprofessionol licenses becouse of oll the criminol chorges she hcs brought ogoinstyou. lf you more likely connot poy the omouni of court-ordered child supporiyou will go to prison, oftin times even if DNA evidence conclusively shows youore not the fother of your ex-wife's child if one exists for the moter. she will ondcon cloim thot she wos deceived inlo signing o pre-nupiiol ogreement by you.

Lowyers ofien chollenge pre-nups os o motter of course. your lowyer hcs iodefend this ond his legol bill goes up. Attorneys thus profit going inlo ondcoming out of o morrioge ond you loses both woys.IA deliberote demond forsignificontly more in o setilement thon she expects to receive, so thot you willnegotioie it down io the figure she wonted oll olong, o victory in her cose.IExpect her to mox oui ony ond oll credii cords ond withdrow oll fhe money inthe bonk ond ony joini occounts you hove with her.[She moy ond will defoulton loons, clcim to be disobled, or file for bonkruptcy. The judge will ihen likelymoke you poy for them.[She moy ond will cloim to hove losi o lot of moneygombling. The scom is io withdrow the money of o cosino, turn it into gomblingchips ond chonge ii bock ct o loter time.[Numerous court heorings will likely berequired. This is intended to moke life os difficuli ond os expensive os possible foryou. She wonls you fo woste your money becouse, ultimotely, she'll get whotshe wonts onywoy. so ony wosted money hurts you of o time when you hos thefewest funds.under current lows o you hove to be functionolly insone to morryond o drooling idiot to sire o child in this doy ond oge..Alcoholic: The spouse ofon olcoholic. lhese ore things you need lo do: Do nol move oui of the house. lfno custody order is in ploce, ond you moveing out, you ore groniing yourspouse de focto custody of your children; you immediotely expose yourself topetitions for child ond spousol support; you obondon olljoinl possessions ondeven your personol possessions to your spouse ond possession isg/10ths of thelow ond you give your spouse leove to petition for exclusive possession of ihehouse in perpetuity in thus moking the house os on osset. Throughout theperiod of finol co-hobitotion do not engoge in ony verbol bottles with her.Period. lf ihe situotion is volotile, do not engoge in ony discussions oboui legol orsettlement issues. Do not engoge in ony kind of verbol or physicol confrontotionwiih her. lf you do, you put yourself of the risk of her getting on order to hoveyou thrown out of the house ond possibly restroined from going onywhere neorher, the property ond, possibly the children. lf she becomes confrontotionol,wolk owoy ond ovoid close contoct. Moke the only diologue between the twoof you be obout the core ond well-being of the children ond the doy-to-doyrunning of the house. lf you simply must communicote directly to your spouseregording motrimoniol issues, do so in o written note ond moke copes. You conorgonize your thoughts better thot wcy ond ovoid o verboljousi. Do not useinflommotory longuoge ond stick to the focts. Dote the note ond write "WithouiPrejudice" ot the top (this protects you from loter use of your note ogoinst you inthe court of low). And keep o copy of it for your files. Throughout the period offinol co-hobitotion with your spouse eliminote your consumption of olcohol. lfyou hove o drug / olcohol problem, get help immediotely, otherwise you moybe deod in the woter. Alcohol ond most drugs reduce your inhibiiions ond moymoke you more oggressive cnd thus in donger of confrontotion with yourspouse. And loter, when you come down from your high, you will suffer fromdepression ihot will impoir your obility to function ond moy moke you susceptibleto suicide. ln olmost oll coses of murder/suicide in moritol disputes, olcohol is o

contributing focior. lf there ore fireorms in your home get rid of them now shecon use them on you. Toke obsolutely no chonces thoi someone moy lose itond grob o gun. Get emotionol counseling if you need it. There is no stigmoottoched to getting help for the siress ond the onxiety depression thoteveryone experiences during the ordeol of o high-conflict divorce. chonces orethot she con ond will cleon out the occounts before you do. Hove your spouse'snome removed from olljoint credit cords for which you ore responsible, get herspousol cords from her ond destroy them. Engoge legol counsel sooner rotherthon loter. Be prepored for the foct thot you will hove to provide o legol retoinerof (typicolly) o minimum of $1,000 for o lowyer to begin working on your cose.Moke sure your lowyer is on experienced fomily low speciolisi only not someonewho does port-iime. Ask him (or her) if he/she is owore of the bios of ihe fcmilycourt system ogoinst fothers ond if he (we'll ossume ii's o mon from here on or owomen) is willing to fight for your rights os o porent ond not be intimidoted bybiosed court officiols. For your first meeting wiih him be prepored with o writtenoutline of the issues of your cose. Do not moke this o novel obout the emotionsof your moritol breokdown stick to the hord, cold focis. Go to oll meetings withyour lowyer with o written ogendo, ond with oll issues, questions, etc. spelled outin detoil. Write down oll responses ond oction items. Be prepored io do onylegwork for him thct you con (document seqrches, brief preporotions, etc.). Usehis time wisely. The meter is ticking oll ihe while you ore sitting in meetings withhim or consulting on the phone. And remember two things: he works for you sobe demonding; ond he will not nor shouldn't moke decisions for you .you mustmoke them yourself with his guidonce. Siort ond mointoin in chronologicol ordero comprehensive ond well-orgonized file of oll documents, memos, letters,briefings, offidovits pertinent to your cose. Your file is criticol for referring to postociions, issues, detoils. Toke oll relevont files wiih you for meetings with yourlowyer; ond toke the originols plus o second set of oll relevont files with you tocouri oppeoronces ond os back up in cose your lowyer does not hove theopproprioie ones with him. Court octions. Don't even think obout going to courtwithout o lowyer. ln most coses, judges willjust lough ond scoff oi you " literolly "ond tell you to get represenlolion. lf you persist in forcing them io ollow you torepresent yourself, her lowyer ond the judge will toke you oport. Consult withond rely on your lowyer for the timing ond the opproprioteness of court octions.It moy be in your best interests to get to court first with o petition or motion (to bethe "petitione/'); or the other side moy move quickly ond moke you the"respondent" to o court oction. Your lowyer should know whot stroiegies orebest. Assist him os much os you con with written briefs for the offidovits, finonciolstotements, etc. he will prepore on your beholf. Stort, ond mointoin, throughoutthe durotion of your cose, o doily journol of oll octivities relotive to yourinteroction with your spouse ond the children. Memory is o foulty foculty. Beingoble to go to your journol to find the unfiltered focts regording events thot werewritten of the time of occurrence con be o crilicol osset. IEJF comment: Wewould especiolly slress this point os ollegotions of domestic violence, child

obuse, or restroining orders moy follow. You will then need ihis informotion foryour defense.l Micromanoge your money. Legol fees ond, inevitobly, supportpoyments will be mojor finonciol hurdles you will hove to deol with. Go on onousterity budget. When you finolly physicolly seporote, you should be oworethot you moy be primorily responsible for finoncing two households. Siort o worchesi of ony ond oll money you con squirrel owoy. Line up resources forborrowing - becouse, eventuolly, you ore going to hove to solicit loons.Beprepored for the 'equolizotion of fomily ossets.'This meons thot, even thoughyour spouse moy not hove worked outside the house o doy in her life (herporenting ond housekeeping ore her contribution to the morrioge), in generol,she is due 50% of oll the ossets occumuloted during the morrioge. Thot is, ingenerol: she geis holf the proceeds of the sole of fhe house ond properties, holfthe sovings, holf the invesiments, holf the fomily tiquid ossets, holf youremployment pension, holf the volue of oll vehicles ond holf the furnishings, efc.of the home occumuloted during the morrioge. lf she works, oll her ossets -including pensions she moy hove occumuloted - should be included in thedivision of cssets. A note obout ihe seporotion dote: Ihis is o criticol dote forfiguring out ihe equolizotion of ossets. ln generol, you both keep whoteverossets you brought to the morrioge. However, oll ossets occumuloted betweenfrom the "dote of morrioge" until the "seporotion dote" ore split 50/50. Theseporotion dote is typicolly the dote thot one of you leoves the motrimoniolhome. The stotus of thot dote moy chonge if the one who left reiurns for onyomount of time. A seporoiion dote moy be estoblished while you ore stilltogether. Usuolly, it's the dote thot you stop sleeping iogether in the some room,but moy require the odded proviso thot you hove stopped doing thingstogether os o fomily. Be prepored io not get ony form of cusiody of yourchildren. ln generol, of ihe present time, if you go to court in dispute overcustody of the children - soy you wont joint cusiody ond she wonts solecustody the biosed judges in the fomily low system will rule thot: "since you twoore in dispute over the cusiody crrcngement, joint custody will noi work.Therefore'in fhe best interests of the children,'the primory coretoker of lhechildren (guess who?) will hove sole custody of the children." ln generol, the onlywoy you will ever get joint custody is if she ogrees to it; the only woy you will everget sole custody is if she does nof wont custody of oll or you con prove thot sheis completely unfit ond incompetent to be the custodiol porent (ond you willhove to hove comprehensive ond incontrovertible evidence). There ore cosesof enlightened judges gronting joint custody when there is o dispute, however, itis o very rore exception. Be prepored io poy child suppori. Becouse you will notget joint custody of your children in o contested cose, you will outomoticolly beordered io poy full child support for oll children of ihe morrioge, common-lowrelotionship (or proven poternity situotion). The support order in Conodo is bosedsolely on your gross income and the number of your children relotive to toblesprovided by the government. And it will be enforced by the enforcementbronch of your provinciol governmenl if you defoult on poyments. Once the

order is registered, the support omount will be outomoticolly collected from youby o government ogency ond poid to your ex - unless you both ogree to optoui of the plon ond moke orrongements for you to poy her directly. You moyolso be lioble for o percenfoge of child core expenses, bosed on the inequity ofyour solories, if your ex is goinfully employed. And you ore lioble for their"reosonoble" extro expenses, i.e.: medicol, dentol, schooling, sports octivifies,etc. Be prepored to poy spousol support. lf your wife is o homemoker, you willbe required to poy "spousol support" until such time os she con becomegoinfully employed. Some judges put o time frome to spousol support -givingthe wife o period of one yeor, etc. to find/return to work. ln some coses, wherethe wife hos never worked ond is of home with smoll children, you moy be lioblefor spousol support for quite some time. lf your wife is o port-time employee or"under-employed" you moy be required to provide on equolizing omount ofsupport relotive to your income ond hers. The foct thot women, typicolly, mokeless money thon men meons there moy be on equolizotion of income by woy ofspousol support. There ore no tobles for spousol support. The lowyers ond thejudge will work out on omouni ond you will be ordered to poy it. Poy yoursupport orders when humonly possible. You hove on obligotion to finonciollysupport your children even if you believe the order for support wos unreosonoblyorrived ot. lf you do not poy your support, the money will be gornisheed fromyour woges of source ond your sovings, investments, etc. will be seized. You willget yourself into very serious finonciol stroits if you let the ordered omountsoccumulote over the yeors. And you will be hounded forever by theenforcement office. lf your income declines, go bock to court ond peiition for oreduction in support. Bui poy the support os ordered until you get the omountreduced. Do not withhold child support if your spouse is interfering with your timewith the children. The courts treot child support ond occess os two compleielyseporote issues. And they ore. lf you withhold child support, you ore engoging inthe some dirty toctics thot she is. And ihe children ore ihe ones who suffer. Andyou look like the bod guy. And you con't offord to look like the bod guy, giventhe existing bios ogoinst you os o fother.Be prepored to fight for'occess'withyour children. When you don'i get custody siotus with your children, you will berequired to petition for regulor visiiotion or occess time with your children. Theterms "occess" ond "visitotion" ore demeoning to non-custodiol porents ("fomilytime with the children," olthough long, would be o better term.), however theyore the terms used in the fomily courts. Depending on your circumsfonces:jobresponsibilities, other personol obligotions, etc. you will figure oui how much timeyou wish to hove with your children. lt moy be severol weekday evenings ondone of ihe weekend doys with overnights, etc. Whotever your peiition, beprepored for the mojority of judges in the fomily couri system to rule in fovour ofthe mother's suggestions for your time with the children, invoriobly much lesstime thon you wont. Typicolly, rulings ore for the fother to hove the childrenevery second weekend. Every other weekend is not neorly enough time tomointoin the bonds you hcve developed with your children, but you will hove to

make the best of o bod deol. lf ihe mother does not wont you to hoveovernight visitotion, you con be sure, in generol, thot you won't get it. Once youhove on order for occess in ploce, you con be sure thot the mother's controlfreok noture will surfoce ond she will find oll kinds of excuses to withhold thechildren from you on o regulor bosis. And, even though she moy be in contemptof o court order, don't woste your money toking her to court. A judge will olmostnever penolize her in ony meoningful woy for her octions, except, moybe, iolecture her (is onyone going to fine or throw o mother of children into joil?).Keep o record of oll the withheld occess visits ond hove your lowyer lodgeofficiol protests thot moy be used, cumulotively os proof of her contempt otloter court oppeoronces. lf you hove been cut off from seeing your childrenbecouse of molicious ond folse. ollegotions of cbuse: Toke ihe unusuol step ofpetitioning for "supervised occess" of o centre provided by your locol orprovinciol government. There would hove lo be tremendous extenuctingcircumsfonces for o judge io deny this kind of petition. Even though thecircumstonce of spending time with your children under supervision will besfressful ond humilioting, ii will ensure thoi you hove regulor contoct wiih them.And, in the meontime, you con pursue hoving o "fomily ossessment" by onoppropriote professionol to disprove the ollegotions. Molicious ond folseollegotions of child sexual obuse hove become on insidious phenomenon infomily low. A 1998 report by ihe Cttowo Ontorio Children's Aid Society reveoledihot, of 900 coses of ollegotions of child sexuol obuse linked to motrimonioldisputes, 600 of them were proved to be completely groundless. Meonwhile thevictims of this devostoting wecpon fothers fighting for meoningful relotionshipswith their children) ore required to prove their innocence. The custody/occessissue grinds to o holt os the children's Aid, the police cnd psychiotricprofessionols involve themselves in on olreody crowded process. Accessbetween the foiher ond his children is severely curtoiled or terminoted ond theemotionol ond finonciol cosis of on olreody poinful process escolote. Theperpetrotor of ihis gross injustice (the mother, usuolly by prompting the children)foces no recriminotion or penolty for her cctions. And the relotionship betweenthe fother ond his children is severely stroined or, oll too often, irreversiblydomoged. Fomily ossessments hove become o growth industry. With oll themolicious ollegctions flying, courts rouiinely order "fomily ossessmenis" to beconducted by socicl workers ond psychologists who hove trcined cs experts inthis oreo of the fomily low industry. They interview oll relevont porties ond thencome bock with findings ond recommendotions thol ore usuolly occepted bythe judge who ordered it. These professionols hove to be poid; ond guess whousuolly gets stuck with thot bill? Ofien when o fcmily ossessment hos beenordered, you of leosi get to suggest o condidote for the job. Moke sure youpropose someone who is of leosi importiol obout, if not outright sympotheiic io,fcthers'issues. And leon on your lowyer to be forthright in the decision-mokingfor the ossessor. Foce the foct thot you moy hove to endure o very long periodof frustrotions ond disoppointments. The processes of ihe court system ore slow

enough ond frustroting enough on their own. Then there ore the lowyers. lncollusion with their intronsigent clients, they ore mosters of deloying ondfrustroting court octions. They conveniently ond consistently "miss phone colls,"ignore messoges, "miscommunicote" ond "misunderstond;" disoppeor onholidoys; osk for continuonces (deloys in proceedings), oll with ihe intention offrustroting you from getiing court octions completed thot they moy feel ore notin their client's interest. And ihe judges: it is so unnerving io go before o judge, oso toxpoyer, sound citizen ond devoted fother ond to be regorded by this "godin his kingdom" os c second-closs (ot besi) citizen, o wonnobe porent ond obottomless pit of finonciol resources. And, on the oiher hond, treoting your wifeos the only trustworthy, sone, long-suffering puriion in view. Poiience ondpersistence is the only thing thot will get you through, guys. Potience ondpersistence. Mointoin lines of communicotion with your children. Listen to them.Let them express their feors ond concerns ond hurts. Reossure them, os much osyou con. Prepore for your time with them. Line up octivities: bowling, o movie,etc.; hove the fridge stocked with their fovorite meols ifrom lists you con hovethem prepore). Don't just let them plunk down in front of the TV ond order in fostfood (clthough thot's whot they moy demond). Get them outside porticipotingin sports ond physicol octivities, wolking by o loke or streom, visiiing fovoriterelotives (don't forget Grommo ond Grondpol). Avoid shopping - even groceryshopping - with them. Your finonces will be stroined ond you don't need thepressure they will bring to beor on you to buy them "things." lnsteod, listen ondwotch for o speciol item they moy be yeorning for ond, where procticol, buy itfor them os o surprise gift. Moke sure you buy something for eoch child, though.Do not trosh tolk your ex in front of the children. Even if you ore owore thot sheputs you down in their presence. The children love you both equolly ond yourcriticisms of one onoiher will only confuse them ond stress them even more ihonthey olreody ore. ln the long run, it is counterproductive for either porent to putdown the other. Eveniuolly - ond it moy be o long woy down the rood - thechildren will see through the criticisms ond lies ond will turn ogoinst thetrosh-tolking porent. And never orgue obout ospects of the cose or ony otherissue in froni of them. This willjust moke them more onxious ond ongry obouttheir new froctured life situotion. Keep in touch with your children through onychonnel possible when you see them very little or not of oll. Write to them, sendthem cords ond little gifts, telephone them, send them emoils, hove o toll-freetelephone number they con use to coll you. Keep a record/copies of the thingsyou send if you suspect your ex is intercepting your correspondences ond thechildren ore not getting them. Somewhere down the rood, you con show yourchild proof of your efforts io keep in touch. And they ore going to know thot itwosn't your lock of interest in being port of their lives, but their mom'sinterference. Throughout the ordeol of the divorce process, rely on your spirituolpoth - be it Christion, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist - to help you gei through.Attend your church, synogogue, temple on o regulor bosis. Find some quiet timefor reflection ond meditotion, to drop right out of your ordeol ond renew your

soul ond spirii. Don't be too proud, os o mon, to rely on your friends ond fomilyfor emotionol suppori. Don't think thot you hove to corry the oftenoverwhelming burden of the injuslices ond the stresses of your cose by yourself.Your friends ond fomily, who love you, will usuolly be there to shore the weight ofthe ordeol. Worning: reolize thot, even though your fomily cnd friends con lendo sympothetic eor, they con olso get overwhelmed by your cose if you go onobout it too much. Don't be o broken record; use their sympothy wisely. And letyour friends periodicolly entertoin ond distroct you to help you relieve yourself ofthe seriousness of your circumsionces. Help others in similor circumstonces ondjoin the fighl for Fothers' Rights. Be generous with your time ond odvice withfellow victims of the shom of so-colled "fomily" low. Write letters to newspopers,your elected represeniotives, the governing bodies for judges ond lowyers. Joino foiher's rights orgonizotion ond picket ond protest the inequities in courtdecisions. lt will toke serious ond concerled efforts by oll of us to bring obout thechonges thoi ore needed in the true opplicotion of the principles of fcmilylow.Get regulcr exercise ond eot well. Try to jog or porticipote in sports on cregulor bosis. Avoid ihe greose ond solt ond sugcr of fost food. Toke the timeond core to feed yourself nutriiious ond heolthy foods. lt beors repeoting here:eot lots of fresh fruit ond vegeiobles; hove good omounis of whole groin breodsond cereols; eot lecn cuts of red meot, poultry ond fish. Moke sure you go foryour yeorly physicol.Get yourself o pei. Especiolly o dog. There's nothing like theunconditionol love ond offection of o foithful pet when you relurn home fromwork of the end of on exhousting doy. Thot wogging toil, offectionote goze ondtotol lock of ottitude con do wonders for you. And the wolk it will demond everynight will be good for your mind ond body too.Be eosy on yourself. You oregoing to feel like o foilure: o foilure in morrioge, o foilure to your children, ofinonciol foilure. Accept responsibility for the role you ployed in the debocle, butdon't beot yourself up over it. About the perceived foilure of your reloiionshipwith your wife: reolize ihot "incompotibility is like roin: it jusi hoppens." Reolizeihot your children need your emotionol support, so give yourself o breok: beeosy-going ond offectionote with them. Reolize thoi you wolked into o finonciolminefield when you entered the domqin of fomily low. Unless you storted offfilthy rich, you ore going to toke o finonciol pounding, ond it oin't your foult. Tryto not let it stress you out.Lost point: Women ore not the enemy. Just beccuseyour wife turned out io be your worst nightmore; ond just becouse fomily low is

completely biosed in fovour of mothers ond moihers from Hell; don't gei downon lhe "foirer sex." Fomily low hos swung to the extreme ihot the consistentlobbying efforts of feminist orgonizotions ond becouse of the overi octions of '

feminist-sympothizing politicions. However, your mother, your sister, your femolefriends, your new portner ore oll os oppolled os you ore of the injustice of it oll.And they stond by to help ond support ond nurture you in your fight for foirnessfor you ond your children. o husbend wos givin 20 yeors in joil becuse of the ropshield low form his soon io be ex-wife thot os o history of mokeing foles report ofrop on him only to drop ii doy's or week's loter .,l6 teen more yeor's thon the

mox's of 4 yeor's .becuse of this low his lowyer wos not preminted to qwestinhis ex-wife ond ihe do ond ihe judge where up of reelection . thesecontroversiol obuse,Child Support,divorce, ond domesiic violence ,child obuselow's hove resulted in severol notorious exomples of unintended consequencesincluding: A veteron of the first Gulf Wor who spent neorly five months os onlroqi p.o.w. wos orrested the night ofter his releose for noi poying child supportwhile he wos o hostoge. A Texos mon wrongly occused in

,l980 of murder spent

'10 yeors in prison sued the stote for wrongful imprisonment ond there responwos with o bill for neorly $50,000 in child support thot hod noi been poid whilehe wrongly in prison. A Virginio mon required to poy bock child support for ochild DNA tests proved thot he wos nof the fother. Morilyn Roy Smith, theChief Legol Counsel for the Mossochusetis Deportment of Revenue, ChildSupport Enforcement Division mode ihis testimony before the US House ofRepresentotives ln September 1999 "As you know, under the BrodleyAmendment enocted by The U.S. Congress in I g86, o child support obligotionbecomes o judgment by operotion of low os of the dote thot thot it is due ondunpoid. ln oddition, under Section 368 of PRWORA (42 U.S.C. 666 (o) (a)), onodministrative lien olso orises by operotion of low ogoinst ony unpcid childsupport. lt is therefore not necessory to return to court ofter eoch poyment is

missed to get post-due support reduced to o judgment in order to obtoin o lienor enforce o judgment. This meons ihot o child support agency con movequickly to seize income ond ossets of o delinquent noncustodiol poreni withoutfirst possing through o judiciol or quosi-judiciol heoring process.The l986 BrodleyAmendment io Title lV-D forbids ony reduction of orreoroge or reirooctivereduction for ony reoson, ever. This reinforces the opprooch thot inobility to poyis no excuse.even if you cre ln o como ,A coptive of Soddom Hussein during thefirst Gulf Wor,ln joil ond Medicolly incopocitoted ,Lost their job bui wereconfident of onother so did nothing until ii wos too lote ,Did not know they couldnot osk for retrooctive odjustments ond woited too long ond even if you Connotofford o lowyer to seek odjustment when odjustment wos worronted, Wouldn'tuse the legol system even if they could, feeling it olien from their world, so don'tosk for o reduction when the legol estoblishment expects them to. Needless tosoy, there ore endless siories of men who ore now crushed by o debt ihey willnever be oble to poy .Some soy this meosure is o violotion of due process ondcruel ond unusuol os if removes the use of humon discretion from deoling withindividuol coses, not to mention removing humon compcssion. Butnon-custodiol fothers do not hove fhe money to fight o constitutionolcose."Almost never is the odulteress women whose behovior produced thesechildren held to occount. ln foci, they ore usuolly generously reworded. Nor orethe one's who impregnote them likely to ever be foced with penolties for theirfornicotion. ln foci, he like her moy be finonciolly reworded by the courts os well.While it is unusuol for the court to order the ex- husbond to poy child supportdirecily to the biologicol fother, os in the Richordson cose, it is quiie common forthe wife's boyfriend to move into the fomily home with her ofter she geis o

restroining order ogoinst her suen io be ex- husbond. The two vultures then livelorgely off the child support the court orders the former husbond to poy hisex-wife. ln todoy's world the you ond your new wife moy olso be required topoy the mortgoge or rent on his former wife's home cs well. All in "the bestinterests of the child" he hos int see in week's or sum time's yeor's of course.4O%of the hundreds of morried men ihot find evidence their wives ore hoving onoffoir. These men ore folsely chorged with domestic violence or obuse, ondsuffer the crushing weight of being driven from their homes ond children byrestroining orders thoi ore honded out by judges like condy. As o result of thesefrequently folse ollegoiions, women ore given the house, the kids, the cor, thebonk occount, very generous child support, cnd sometimes olimony os oreword for their odultery. And when DNA poterniiy tests prove he isn't the fother,ihe child suppori doesn't stop of oll.the importont contribution to ourunderstonding of divorce reloted hostilities As noted in the exomples the dr.philshow provided in the beginning .the serious ottocks on divorcing men tokeploce which ore beyond merely monipuloting the children, court's ond theseoctions include o willingness by some women to violote the low by persistentlyengoge in molicious behoviors designed to olienote their husdend out of therelife despite being unoble to successfully couse olienoiion becouse ihehusbend wonts to work on the morroge .she will engoge in lieing ,offoir's "insome coses with women " ond frequntly moke folse ollegotions of oduse tohove the courts to give thom the house, the kids, the cor, the bonk occouni,very generous child support, ond mosi times doesn't stop her formuseing her odultery to folsely chorge you with domestic violenc cose in ponitthe dr.phil show . evidence ihoi endless "crockdowns" on evicted men serve onypurpose other thon enriching those in the domestic violence ond divorcebusiness . despite the more octive role mony fcthers toke in their children'slives ond men in there morroges .todoy ore less likely to obtoin cusiody if theycontest it in court todoys society's messoge to divorced fothers is thot the onlything required of them is money.. A US Government Accounting Office survey ofcustodiol mothers who were not receiving the support they were owed foundthot two-thirds of ihose fothers who do not poy their child suppori foil to do sobecouse they ore indigent ond According to the lorgest funded study ofdivorce ever conducted, unemployment, not willful neglect, is the lorgest couseof foilure to poy child support ond olimony by ex-husbend/foihers. US. Officeof Child Support Enforcement doto shows thot two-thirds of those who owe childsupport notionwide eorned less thcn $10,000 in the previous yeor thot owedsupport is 2 to 3 times more. ln Jefferson County, Keniucky Attorney lrv Mozerecently published the nomes ond oddresses of

,l,000 olleged "deodbeot

porents" in the August 26,2A05 Louisville Courier-Journol. The move hos drownproise notionolly However, most of the porents on Moze's humilioting list ore notthose who won't poy, but insteodond the humilioiing list is helping thereoffice locote debtors those who con't poy ond not ihe thoi will noi poy ond con.less thon 1% of non-custodiol porents who suffer substoniiol income drops ore

oble to gel courts to reduce their child support poyments.ln such coses, theomounts owed mouni quickly, os do interest ond penoliies. current liste of theso-coll "deodbeots" ore of low income thot is typicol of the child support lisisput out by most stotes .The driving force behind child support orreoroges is notbod porents, but insteod rigid child support systems which ore mulishlyimpervious to the economic reolities noncustodiol porents foce, such os loyoffs,woge cuts, ond work-reloted injuries the list is topped by o loborer, o cornivolhired hond, ond o construction worker, who collectively someho\M "o\ /e" over oquorter million dollors in child support .not the deodbeots who ore well poyedbusinessmen, lowyers,md's ond occountonts but thot of these men who do lowwoge ond seosonol work, ond owe lorge sums of money which most couldnever hope to poy off ond don't poy their child support do so becouse theyore indigent.ln Jefferson County, Kentucky Attorney lrv Moze recentlypublished ihe nomes ond oddresses of ,l,000

olleged "deodbeoi porents" in theAugust 26,2005 Louisville Courier-Journol. The move hos drown proisenotionolly However, most of the porents on Moze's humilioting list ore not thosewho won't poy, but insteodond the humilioiing list is helping there officelocole debiors who con't poy ond not the thot will not poy ond con .less thon1% of non-custodiol porents who suffer substontiol income drops ore oble toget courts to reduce their child support poyments.ln such coses, ihe omountsowed mount quickly, os do interest ond penolties. current liste of the so-coll"deodbeots" ore of low income thot is typicol of the child support lists put outby most stotes .The driving force behind child support orreoroges is not bodporenfs, but insteod rigid child support lews which ore mulishly impervious to theeconomic reoliiies foceing ex-husbend/fother foce os being loyoffs, wogecuts, ond work-reloted injuries ond compones closeing its doors . the list is

topped by o loborer, o cornivol hired hond, ond c construction worker, whocolleclively someho\ / "owe" over o quorter million dollors in child support orecolled "deodbeot dods" .not ihe deodbeots who ore well poyed businessmen,lowyers,md's ond occountonts but thot of these men who do low woge ondseosonol work, ond owe lorge sums of money which could never poy off inmore thon one life time ond don't poy their child support becouse they oreindigeni oui of work or homeless becouse of the divorce.the wife/mother files forthe divorce ond move ihe fother/husbend out the house ond move in the newboy/gitl friend in ond coll him on obuser.this is the some toctic the theultroconservotive religius right ond fhe conservofive feminist oggressivedeterminotion in the domestic violience,divorce ond child qduse (oll types) ondfamili courts to fight o unconstiiutionol cose of the fothers/ex-husdend .thepre-determined out come of these coses is guting the constitution of the united-states .The low ond these coses ore opplied in cn ex posf focfo monner.ihe ex-post-focto monner thot men ore being mode homeless in the pre-determinedcourt coses is out of control it must ihe time they could osk forretroociive odjustments or Con offord o lowyer to seek odjustmeni iis to lote to

do so.The ex-wife/motherlive's high on the hog with ihe new lesbion lover in thehouse ihe ex-husbend/fother buys before the morroge thot she now livesin.Todoy in o new millennium women ore looked of os the victim of crime ondnot the oggressor.Society overlooked the possibility of femole seriol killers.One insix seriol killers ore women. Femole seriol killers tend to torget both sex's ond orenot gender specific in commiting their crimes. They derive their excitement forkilling from the sense of power it gives them. Most killings toke ploce in locotionswithin the some city or stote os the person commiting the crimes, hoving longundetected spree's. Femole seriol killers ore more quiet ond less likly to beconsidered suspects. Todoy for ihe most port femole crime go underreported.They look, ocl, ond sound normol . They ore psychopoths ond notinsone.Femole seriol killers ore divided into nine cotegories: block widows,ongels of deoth, sexuol predoiors, revenge killers, profit killers, teom killers, killers

whose sonity is in question, killers whose motives defy explonotion, ond unsolvedcrimes.Posi obuse, struggles with depression, feelings of onxiety moy ollcontribute to femole crimes ond violence. Like in civil low there ore theconstitutionol right you hove but in criminol ond fomily court your "righi's" doesn'tmeon much .ln the eye's of the domestic violence ond fomily court's you orethe perpetrotor.Once ongin the eliminotion of ore right's hurt's the innocent ondsets the guilty free.Feminism become o new type of Mofio, protecting womenwho bottered both men ond women becouse they ore women. Forgetting therights of women victimized by other women, os well os men ond childrenviciimized by women is not looked oi.When we foil to believe reports of obuseby men we put in jeopordize the innocent people in ore community. ls not the"the sysiem's" foult thoi you ore guilty until proven innocent .These elecled

wqnl lo loke wqv riohl's lo l. You hove lhe righl lo receivenolice of chqrqes in q limelv foshion.2. You hove lhe rishl lo bepresumed innocenl unlil proven guillv.3. You hove lhe righl tobe one. il is unlqwfullor the police or onv governmenl officiol lo enler vour home,seorch, or seize vour properfu.4. You hqve lhe righl to be

o wqrronl for vour orresl unless lheocluollv sow vou commil o crime or hove proboble couse lobelieve vou hqve commitied o felonv bosed on lheir personolinvesliqqlion ol lhe scene.S. You hqve lhe rishl lo o wril ofhqbeqs corpus if vou ore orresled ond imprisoned.6. You hqvelhe righl lo remoin silenl ond speok wilh qn oflornev beforemoki ou hove the riohl loconfronl vour occuser qnd lo cross-exomine wilnesses oqoinsfvou.8. You hove lhe righl lo refuse lo qnswer questions lholmishl incriminole vou.9. You hove lhe rishl lo q lrqnscripl of qllprgceedings heqrings ond lriols lhough vou will hove to order


ond pqv for lhem.l0. You hqve lhe riqhl lo oppeol qnv findinqsof o lower courl.lI. You hove lhe righl lo subpoeno wilnessesqnd onv documents or olher evidence lhol mov support vourposilion or conlrodicl evidence presenled qgoinsl vou.l2. Youhove q riqhl lo q lriol bv iurv in oll criminol motlers qnd in civilcoses wh rtiqliurv of vour peers.l3. You hove lhe riqhl lo lhe prolection qndprovisions of lhe Conslilulion of lhe Uniled Sloles ond lhe StoleConsfilulion.l4. You hove lhe riqhl lo proleclions expresslvcreoted in slolule ond cqse low precedenl.l5. You hqve lherighl lo equol proleclion of lhe low reqordless of rqce creedcolor relioion ethnic oriqin oge hondicops orsex.16. Youhove lhe righl lo o remedv bv recourse lo lhe lows for olliniuries or wrongs lhol vou mov receive in vour person,

wilh lhe lqws.These unelected group's think thot these right's ore for womenonly.Thot's Heterosexuol Christion women only hove these right's thoi ore in theconstitution ond if you ore o lesbion,bi or o mon you hove no right to ihe group'sin question .lf you ore not of Jewish decent or christion you ore o cult so C.P.S.will be coll ond they will toke your children from you.This is mid evil ihink o liveond well in the new millennium.These group's don't wont you to know ihoicounseling cost less thon using toxpoyer money to keep o men in prison. To soynothing of the onxiety o womon feels when her innocent husbond is in joil .Thebest we con do is to know thot bottering decreoses os listening increoses. lt ischeoper to empower thon it is to imprison.These group's ore no different thenAnihony Comstock. who '136 yeor o go hod whot is know os the comstock qctpossed " thot's 1873" .The onti-obuse group's ore not helping to siop obuse butore hurfing the reol obuse victim's. The onii-mole feminist thinking is ihot onlymen ore perpetrotors of obuse ond ossoult the thinking thot obuse is ihe somefor men ond women. ln the dr.phil show i tolk oboui this women o wife/motherwos humilioting her husbend publicly ond privotely .She wos withholdinginformotion from her husbend ond deliberotely doing thing's to moke him feelemborrossed by her octson with her friends ond co-worker's ond fomily of iime'sthis is obuse bui becouse it's her in there thinking its not{ourth of themen killed in the united stote hove not used violence towords their homicidolwife,girlfriend or lover. Men hove been shot, stobbed, beoten with objects, ondbeen subjected to verbol ossoults ond humiliotions be for there violencedeoth's.lf they do flee iheir ottockers find thot the oct of fleeing results in themlosing physicol ond even legol custody of their children ond worst if they fleewith there kid's they ore orrested for kidnopping.Those men who stoy orethought to be the"perps" ond believed they ore the irue obusers in the homenot the women.This thinking is in religion to thot morol extremist depiction non


jewish or christion religions ore cult's like whot's hopping in texos with theF.L.D.S.Thot 97% child obuse coses ore "unsubstontioted" estimotes thot morethon 90% of folse ollegotions ore filed by women ogoinst men or the susen to beex-husbend/boyfrieno.An overoqe of S157,000 is poid q yeors bylhe federol qovernmenl for eoch child loken inlo custodv bvcps.l.lll children die eoch veor qs q resull of child obusewhich occur qfler cps lqkes cuslodv.Thois 90 to 9s% of ott chitd obusecoses ore foles ond cps toke the child or children in io custody 95% of the time.lnoll of these coses the men is the criminol ond the women the victim.ln ihe cosewhere the wife die's her husbend con exspect her mother ond fother to sue forcutody of the kid or children . lf ihe husbend die's first no one soy's o word oboutthe kid's custody .lf o women flees with the children she fleeing ABUSE by herhusbend/boyfriend becuse oll she hos to soy is "l'AM BEING ABUSE"ond thehusbend/boyfriend is now looked of os o criminol .The runing is joke:Ex-wife: Imade my husband a millionaire.Friend: What was he before?Ex-wife: Abillionaire.Gendertermsusedhereareforwanshegetscustodyoftheu"ds@-The spouse of sn alcoholic.Appointed Counsel: A risht avuilable for DULbut not for false ullegations of Mom and her new bovfriend that vousexuallv molested ftheirl vour grown children.Attornevs Fees: Large sumsof monev qwarcled to Momls attornev. See ttermst and tcriminal contemptfines.'Best Interests of the Child: Whut Mom and her new bovfriend wanttodav.Child Abuse: Visitstion bv Dad.Child Support: SeeVisitution.Commissioner/Msgistrate: Like u i udge, onlvdifferent.Contemnt: The onlv ressonable resction to all of this.CriminalContempt Fines: See Attornevs Fees.Cross Examination: A rightuvailuble in smsll claims court but not in fumilv court.Dad: See definitionof Father.Dike or Dvke: An earthen structure located in theNetherlqnds.Domestic Violence: The qccusqtion thut Mom will makea.gainst Dad shortlv after she shoots him, steuls the car, bulldozes his halfof the house, steals the creclit cards, druins the checking und savingsoccounts, hus the dog put to sleep, drowns the gerbils, kidnans the kidsqnd moves in with her 400 oound Somoun bovfriend.Druggie: The spouseof a nerson with a drug problem.Due Process of Law: fReservedlExParte: See Familv Court.Familv Court: Where Mom's uttornev goes tomake phonev slleeations asainst Dad in violstion of his professionalresoonsibilities snd then sends vou the bill.Fqther: Mom's currentbovfriend.Harassment: When Dad calls Mom on the nhone to srrange apickup time.Insanitv: See Ex Parte, Show Cause, & Familv CourtAttornev Rules of Professional Conduct [Reservedl.Joint Custodv: Evervother weekend and six weeks in the summer. Kidnupning: See'Visitation.'Live Testimonv: A right avuilable in smull cluims court butnot in familv court.Natural Custodial Parent: A woman working eightv

hours a week st high-priced law firm, who can ufford a divorce attornevand dav care.Pro Bono: Legal services performed bv Dad's attornev.ProT e m C o mmi s s i o n er : S e e C o mmi s s i o n e r/M ag i s tr ste. S up erv i s e d Vi s itcrtio n :After Mom lesves, Dad hires someone to watch him wutch thebabv.Sexusl Abuse: Bsths und diaper chunges when performed bvDad.Show Cause: A procedure where Dad snd his uttornev appeur, butare not allowed to answer false sllegations bv Mom and her lstestbovfriend.Tender Yesrs Doctrine: Under this doctrine, Mom and herattornev sre permitted to behsve as if thev were still of tendervears.Terms: See Attornevs Fees.Transcript: A written record of doubtfulvalue preserved in civil and criminql matters, but not in familv courtwhere custodv and visitstion are interrupted and Duds are separated fromtheir kids.Trial bv Affidsvit: A procedure under which the court suss theparties and sll witnesses with relevant knowledge and then permitsattornevs to testifv falselv und in violation of their professional duties asto mstters not contained in the affiduvits. [See Fumilv Court, Ex Parte,Show Cause qnd Commissioner.l/Trial bv Combst or Ordeal: A primitiveform of adiudicstion used in esrlv times. [See Familv Courtl/Trial bvWaeer of Law: A primitive form of sdiudicution used in earlv times. [SeeFamilv Courtl/Visitution: See Child Support.

chopler 3" this yeor will go down in history.For the first time o civilized notion hos full gunregistrotion .Our sireets will be sofer,our police more efficient ond the world willfollow our leod into the future"


Todoy the extremist in the U.S. don't use weopon's of wor but money to pushthere extrem thinking on oll of us.ANT- polygomy, onti-some-sex morroge ,onti-goy right's .These people with there zero toleronce view of the world .Judeo-Christian society has the Commandments:Thot we most live os one men ond onewomen in o morroge or fomily in there extrem view .disfrict ottorneys who ignorthe rule of low like the d.o. in the CHINDY SOMMER ond DARLIE LYNNN ROUTIER.ln the first cose of miss .sommer's o militory wife whese convicted of murderwhon no crime wos cumited.Miss routier's wos put on deoth row whon the courtond the police's mode more thon 33.000 mstokes in her cose .ln this cose the

d.o. lie by soying thot the crime scene whos stoged .The focts ore thot lowenforcement ,ems ond on out side invostogoter moved items in ihe house ond ohoir thoi they sod whos thot of mis.routiers whos in foct thot of o femole officers.How ore we to trust low enforcement ,district ottorneys ond the justice system tofollow the low whon people ore worngy convicted .sommer's wos convictedfor whot hos been colled "conduct unbecoming o widow".The ovezeolousprosecuior in the cose .Like thot of sTAcY BUTLER,STEPHANtE cRowE,AUctAWADE ond DALE AKIKI oll hoppined in son diego, colifornio.MlSS.ROUTER'S cose isform texos l.Thot's right texos the ploce of the flds couri cose.As John Adoms soidwhen he wos representing the British soldiers occused of murder following the"Boston Mossocre "focts ore siubborn things.They con't be chonged.They con'tbe distorted,no motter how vigorous the effori like thot of miss.sommer's ondmiss,router's.Eoch of these ore ore exomples of justice gone owry.DistirictAitorney's "deny,deny,deny" in effort io obfuscote,deflect,distroct ond ovoid thetruth of oll costs.Any prosecuter con convict the guilty but it toke s reol skill to doit to on innocent person. lt toke skill to convict o person of o crime when nocrime os been comited.This is the omiercon civil ond criminoljusiice system .

1 Alicia Wade was a 8- livin in Sania. when ra

w. There h ultiple ather cases in theb sex offender Carder.

tlls and the many similarities between thase cases and Aticia's, iheornev's office. inDrstnct Attornev's office. in the person of DDA Jane Via. souaht a

attained the removal of Alicia from her father. JamesWade. Mr. Wade was a twentv :tear chief in the Navv with no criminalrecord.

Alicia th ver a vear of hotheathleen 'riend.

desr, force her to incri inate her f,After than a fo rnsr'sf the stra

ibed in her. thet=eQhniQuQs used by the therapy eventuallv led her to incriminate herfather in late June 1990. Because Mr. wade's wife, Denise, knew he

and lovi and re believeher husba S had re ia from r

se Wade'ade her

stati, '-ailure to belias a mother. B fhr's case


att n Dece James W,sted and with the ra da

attornev -t 'orts of a fine McGlinn -would stains be fr Alicia's clothi senf for DNA

that Jim Wi NOT havefesfr, Ihe fesfs eand EX im.After

vears Superior Court Judqe Frederic Link dismissed the case. Healso went one step further, making a rare factual findinq of innocenceand orderinq Jim Wade's arrest record destroyed. Alicia could qohome.Even after the dismissal, the D.A.'s office assefted theproprietv of their conduct. Via continued to assert that thouqh sheknew about the Carder prosecution (she had prosecuted themherself) she asserted there "are no similaritiesto this. it's a waste of time to even consider it." Not long later, moreaccurate DNA testina confirmed that stains had a 10a% match withthe DNA of Carder.POSI CONVICTION LITIGATION The San Dieso Count:/ GrandJurv later found Via's actions incomprehensible and recommendedthat the state investiqate her for possible conflict of interest andethics violations and demanded chanqese to the D.A.'s practices. Viaremains employed bv the District Attornev office as a lawver.ln 1992,James Wade filed law suits in San Dieqo Superior Couft aqainst thegovernment aoencies and parties that harmed his familv. Via claimedabsolute immunity. The Wades, who were bankrupted bv thelitigation and forced to leave California, ultimately receivedsettlements of $3.7 million. Kathleen Goodfriend surrendered herlicense to practice on April 15, 1996. Via remains in the D.A.'s office.(Counsel, who was at the time teachinq at U.S.D. law school, recallshow quiet Ms. Via seemed when she was a student in his class.)

----2 Dale Akiki serued with his wife asvolunteer babv-sitter with the Faith Chapel church in SprinoVallev.California. He was mentallv handicapped and suffered fromNoonan syndrome. a rare aenetic disorder which left him with aconcave chest. club feet. droopinq evelids and ears. ln 1991 he wasarrested and charqed with 35 counts of child abuse and kidnappinq.and held without bail for 30 months before trial.The qovernment filedits first case aaainst Akiki on Mav 10, 1991 , in San Dieoo SuperiorCourt. lt followed that up with a second case aqainst Akiki onFebruary 20, 1992. His trial started in Sprinq of 1993. The casesaqainst him included no phvsical evidence. but testimony that hekilled a qiraffe and an elephant in front of the children, drank humanblood in satanic rituals, and had abducted the children awav from thechurch despite beinq unable to drive. The trial took 7.5 months: theiurv acquitted him of all charqes followinq less than seven hours ofdeliberation. commented about "ovezealous prosecutors". "child

sexual abuse syndrome", and "therapists. -q!.a witch=hu.nt.The Sanviewed the $kiki. cases in 1994 and

ffire is no iustification furtherrituat mot7stq.tian in tlLe inv-estioation

." On Au.gust 29" 1994' h" filedo and others'The case settled

for $2 million.

,i,,r"-ou,r", t"@ ,nu,o"o *or.-"" "uouu' 'u'0"''ia iury' he was rePresented bv

hanqed th?orie\-and decided to

rttess and filed felontt 'murderfeilow oano mgmbers' inclq.dino

rePfegented Mr' Bradshaw't The

ffistatements to the defense that as soon.qs one

the shooter' the others w-ould bestimonv of one Darin Revnaud

ote grou7 had attemated to rob aieer Hartless haPPened on and was

im?r s cr-Qdibilitv Yvas at issue ine D. A.'s .office, but Palmer -denied

Butler" Bradshaw and others who were

sentenced to life im7risonment.named Prosecutor of the -Year bv the

soci.ation basgd on his work"and the

ed chief depult district attornev'However'arrested.for armed robbery himgelf and

osecute him aS a three strike offender'the Attornev GeLeral who caused theand orosecuted Palmer' At that point'

dom bV revealing thqt in fact he hadsfrom the D'A. durinq the Butlertrial' even

to the point of beinq allowed to have sexmpreonate the law librarv of the

.A.'s ctajln that this was ail a defenseis wife. revealed PhotoqraPhs she

er husband naked and enqaoinq in



The five convicted defendants filed habeas corpus petitions, whichwere qranted after the San Dieao Superior Coutt iudqe who presidedat the two trials, William Kennedy. found that prosecutors hadgranted undisclosed favors,including a favorable plea barqain in anunrelated case. Palmer was made "a temporarv member of theprosecution unit in this case," Kennedy said.Conflict of InterestJudqe Kennedv also found that the District Attorne:l's Office had aconflict of interest in continuinq to orosecute the case once itsinteqritv. and the adequacy of its previous internal investioation intothe conduct of its own emplovees, was questioned. The AttornevGeneral's Office took over, and neootiated pleas in which the fivedefendants pled auiltv to voluntary manslauohter and weresentenced to time serued.The D.A. investiqator involved was fired,but DDA Burt, was allowed to resion from his chief deputv post andretain a position of civil seruice protection and remained in the D.A.'soffice to this date. despite the fact that he allowedPalmer to lie to the iury that he received no favors from the D.A.'soffice and despite the fact that he assisted Palmer in qettino thepotential third-strike charoe dismissed in 1995 after the defendant'swife made her initial threat to oo to the media.

4 Stephanie Crowe a Twelve-vear-old who was found stabbed todeath on the floor of her bedroom in Escondido,Calif., on Jan. 21,1998. Within weeks her 1 4-vear-old brother Michael and two teenaqefriends were charaed with conspirinq to kill her, larqelv due to theirconfessions. After confrontinq Crowe with some troublinq lie detectorevidence. lead Escondido police investiqator Ralph Clavtor told theteen of physical evidence linkinq him to his sister's murder."lts vervdifficult for the person who did it not to oet blood on them and nottransfer that blood to other parts of the house," clavtor told crawedurinq the videotaped interroqation. "we found blood in vour roomalreadv.""Gad." Michael responded, beqinninq to cry. "Where did voufind it?"Actuallv. no blood was found.Durina pretrial hearinas San DieooSuperior Court Judqe John M. Thompson ruled that police madeilleoal promises of leniencv to Michael, tellinq him on severaloccasions that he would oet "help" if he confessed but would qo toiail if he didn't. The confessions of the other two teens were excludedbecause one suspect was denied sleep and food and the other was


read his ted athe killino a red Michael to be in

The cookies cuter woy ihe system works is puting the innocence in joil .The policeuse intengotion's thot ore outlowed by the westen militory system ond the U.N togei foles confessions.Thoi most crimines ore wrong by there very noture likemurder,rop but most of ore lows ore there becuse the low sod there wrong .Likebeing goy or o lesbion wos sene os being mentil ill in iill the 1920s. ?0% of thelows on the books moke things wrong ond illegol is becuse we sod their wronglike polygomy .The system is their to moke justice FAIR ond to proterct ore rightsbut it do's torns the innocent people in to criminols .My cose in point cindysommer's comes to mined.The stondord of police is thot we ore oll criminol's it is

in there trioning ond thinking thot doy to doy things we dow ore sene os criminolto them.The estoblished thinking is ihot men ore obuser's women ore the victimond we ore oll criminol ' is o mod dosh for these group's to suck of the breostof billion in goverment money .So thot they con go on with their unyieldingmorxist ond outhoritorion woy they wont us to live.We os omericons ore thebecon of the world to restore the fundomementol foith ond dignity thot mokesus oll humon.The world looks to us to estoblish jusiices ond mutuol respoci for ollso thot we oll live together in peoce ond to promotion of the intelligentodvoncement of oll humoniiy.Children ore torn from their porents with nojustificotion by government ogents ond ore roilrooded inio joil with nosemblonce of due process of low.They find iheir heoring topes dociored, theircose files folsified, ond themselves fromed ollwith the full knowledge of thecourt system. Mothers ore ordered to divorce their husbonds or lose iheirchildren. Fothers ore forced in to the street when they hove not committed ocrime. People who speok out ore look of os nuts . Fothers ore summoned tocourt ond ordered to poy the infloted child suppori fees ond joiled when iheyore unoble to poy.The 60.000 polygomist ond o unknow number of some-sexfomilys ore dqnined ihe some rights os oll us.The societol ond morol disopprovolof goys, bigomy polygomy ond nudity ,pornogrphy ond ihe sexuol octsbetween iwo consenting odults like ihot of prosiitution .The extermist bigotry ofthe religious thot only men ond women con hove o fomily ondmorroge.Feminist thinking ihot only men,fother ond hushends con be obusersond use fiction os foct to poss unconstitutionol lows.The normol o every doythings thot o fomily moy go throw ore turn in to criminol octs.But we never heorthe other sides of the stories from this system. we never heor of its monysuccesses, such os when second chonces ore offered ond seized, ond o fomily is

empowered to foster peoce in its home. We never heor of the times wheredogged investigotion by both sides uncovers truth ond exoneroies one folselyoccused. And more imporiontly you never heor of the countless victims who qrevictimized by the very system built to prolect them. Husbond ond wife hove onorgument. Moybe the wife colls the police becouse she wonts help colming herhusbond down mokes the coll ond os they question the husbond ond wife, itcomes out thot he grobbed her wrist os they orgued.he is orrested ond goes ioioil.The wife sioys up oll night, fronticolly trying to get someone to tell her how tosiop this process. She is given informotion on shelters ond injunctions, victims

Union Tribune, Column b:r Ruben Navarrette Jr., April 25. 2008

groups to oid her in his prosecution, but no one will tell her how to help herhusbend. she will not be iold how to ovoid him being ordered to hove noconioct until the cose is over form severol months to o yeor or more.She hos oconstitutionol righi to be heord.She willl leorn thot her "right" doesn't meon odom thing of leost not if she wonis to help her husbend .She post o bond to gethim out of joil $2,500 in the nome of protecting the victim ond the communityond beors no relotion to onyone's sofety of oll.Now ofter bonding the husbondout with the fomily's rent money she's going to toke whot's left over ond gei himo lowyer if there is ony left .Moybe the lowyer con osk ihe court to ollow thecouple to regoin contoct. Unfortunotely, it won't motier whot reolly hoppenedthot night, or how copoble she is of deciding for herself whether she needsprotection . They con stond by ond iell thot victim thot she doesn't reolly knowwhot's best for her ond her fomily. She is o victim how con she possibly knowwhot's best ofier whot she's been through.The sod truth is ihot there ore victims,plenty of them, who hove been through such domestic ordeols ond ore noi in oposition to judge cleorly whot is best of the time. But these ore not the mojority ofthe people coming through our domestic violence system under ihe unwelcomeheoding of "victim." Mony of these people know exoctly whot is best for themond their fomilies, ond yet ore revictimized by the powerlessness imposed uponthem by o system of people who soy we know betier then you do.A husbendond wife hove consenting sex with o women thot live with them ond help tokecore of the kids .Two weeks loter theirs o knock of the door it's o c.p.s coseworkerond I0 low enforcement officers to toke the children becouse of the iherereosonoble couse to suspect obuse. KGB type investigotions siorts.

Child Protective Service investigotors will conduct investigotions ofobuse . They will involve low enforcement ogencies without yourknowledge thot on investigotion is even being conducted. They con iokeyour children ond conduct strip seorches on them, no motter whot theiroge or gender, ond you con do nothing obout it. They con kick in thedoor of your home with out o worrent bosed on o "preponderonce ofsuspicion" without ever giving you the chonce lo produce ony evidenceto the controry. You will lose your job ond reputotion without beingcontocted by CPS. You ore guilty until proven innocent in their eyes. Eventhow oll 3 of you ore consenting odults.Child protective service oct ond oreobove the low becouse of the Child Abuse Prevention ond Treotment Act ofl974,ln Woshingtion stote o women with two kids wos threoiind by c.p.s withcriminol chorges of wellfoir frod ond kidnoping .The d.n.o of her ond the two kidsdid not moch.C.p.s colled ond sod she is pregnont with her 3rd kid ond the courtordered o cose-worker to be of the birth ond toke d.n.o form her ond the boby.This time they ore one ond the some .lt truns out thot you con hove two difrentD.N.As.The full store bellow.

fhe exfreme exfro-consflfufion al powers gronfed fo US SociolWorkers.

Source: ABC lVews

Dated: 08- 15-2006She's Her Own Twin

Two Women f)on't Match Their Kids' DNA -- ft's a Medical Mystery

Lydia Fairchild was a proud mother who faced the most unusual ofchallenges. She had to fight in court to prove the children born from herbody were her own. "I knew that I carried them. and I knew that I deliveredthem. There was no doubt in m), mind." Fairchild said.Fairchild's fight forher kids began when she was 26-years-old. unemploved and applying forpublic assistance in Washington state. Everyone in her family had to betested to prove the]' were all related.The Department of Social Servicescalled Fairchild and told her to come in immediately. What Fairchildthought was a routine meeting with a social worker turned into an

interrosation. The proud mother was suddenly a criminal suspect.

There Must Be an Explanation: "As I sat down. they came up and shutthe door. and they just went back and just started drilling me with questionslike" 'Who are )rou?"' Fairchild said. The DNA test results challengedeveqything she knew about her family. Yes. her boyfriend was the father ofthe children. and. ves. they were all related, according to the DNA. exceptfor Fairchild. She was told she wasn't the mother.Fairchild was certain amistake must have been made. but she recalled a social worker sayinLtoher. "Nope. DNA is 100 percent foolproof and it doesn't lie."Fairchild wasnot onl)' denied government assistance for her young children. she was nowsuspected of possibl]'acting as a paid surrogate mother and committingwelfare fraud. She was in danger of having her kids taken away for good.Fairchild said before she left. the social worker told her. "You know. we'reable to come get your kids at an)' time." Fairchild began to panic. She knewthey were her kids. So she rushed home to search for photos of herpregnancy and found her children's birlh certificates. She told her parents.who couldn't believe the test results."I thought she was,ioking but then shestarted crying on the phone. I said'Oh. it's got to be a mistake. I was therewhen the kids were born. I saw them come out. I held them in mknow,"' said Fairchild's mother. Carol Fairchild. "I almost went insaneinside. I couldn't imagine whlr if this could happen. mlz daughter is not aliar." said Fairchild's father. Rod Fairchild.Fairchild called her obstetrician.Dr. Leonard Dreisbach. He was there for all the births and assured Fairchildhe'd vouch for her in court."I would have told them that she certainly hadthese three kids. and that the), were hers. and that I don't know what's wrongwith the DNA testing. but I know that she had the kids." Dreisbach said.Butnone of that seemed to matter. because DNA tests were considered infallible

-- the gold standard in court. DNA showed that Fairchild's genetic makeupdid not match that of her children.To eliminate any chance of human DNA tests were ordered from different labs. It was an agonizinq wait.but the results were the same: The children weren't hers.Fairchild knew thenthat she was close to losing her kids. After three court hearings. she said thejudge looked at her and told her to find a law).er.Battling in Court: It was another uphill battle in the courtrooms. Most ofthe attorneys Fairchild turned to were not willing to fight DNAevidence.Attornelz Alan Tindell finalllz agreed to take the case. but hequestioned her extensively about her connection to the children. "Thesearen't )rour sister's children? These aren't )zour brother's children? You didn'tabduct these children from anyone?" Tindell said that given how adamantFairchild's answers were. he decided to believe her.But Fairchild and herfamil)z remained frightened. fearing a knock at the door at any moment. So

they made plans to hide the children from authorities."Getting that summonsin the mail to go to court. that thelr were trying to take my kids from me. mystomach just went into a big old knot. I just started crying. and I called myfamily. and I held m), kids and was scared." Fairchild said."I'd sit and havedinner with my kids and just break out crying. They would just look at melike. 'What's wrong. Mom.' They'd come get me a hug" and I couldn't explainit to them. because I didn't understand," Fairchild explained.Fairchild was ina tough spot. up against a government that thought she was at the verv leasta fraud. with foolproof scientific evidence weighing against her.But thenshe got a break. Across the country. there was another woman with DNAthat didn't match her children's. but in this case. the doctors had cracked themedical mlzstery.Another Woman, Same Story =In Boston Karen Keechilling phone call from her doctor. It came during a very difficult time inher life. -iust as she needed a kidney transplant.Keegan recalled what thedoctor said to her: "Mrs. Keegan. we have some unusual news to report toyou. We've never had this happen before" but your children don't match yourDNA." That revelation came after her family members had had their bloodtested for compatibilit)'."An]'child from a mom and dad should inheritgenes from both the mom and the dad. In Keegan's case, it appeared that hertwo bolzs hadn't inherited any of her DNA." said Dr. Lvnne Uhl. apathologist and doctor of transfusion medicine at Beth Israel DeaconessMedical Center in Boston. "Thelz weren't hers. So we scratched our headsand said. 'This is realllz unusual. How can this be?"'Boston doctors askedKeeean the same tvpe of questions that had been asked of Fairchild inWashington Thelz asked Keegan where her two sons had come from. since

their genetic code was not the same as hers."They wanted to know the nameof the hospital where m)' children were born. They had some other perhaps this was some kind of in vitro fertilization or even worse. thatthis woman iust might not be completel]' telling the truth or even bepsychologicall)r unbalanced in some way." Keegan said.Keegan's doctorsinvestiqated the case further."It was a medical mlrstery. Certainllr there wereindividuals whom we ran the storlz blz who said. 'There must be a skeleton inthe closet," Uhl said.Doctors took DNA samples from all over Keegan'sbodlz. They tested her blood. her hair and swabbed her mouth. Still nothingmatched her sons'DNA. But Keegan had another idea.Keegan told Uhl thatshe'd had a thyroid nodule removed a while back.After an extensive search.doctors found a sample of her thyroid tissue saved in a nearby lab in theBoston area. According to Uhl. this piece of tissue was the key to solvingthe medical mystery.The DNA that would match her sons' DNA could havebeen an)rwhere in Keegan's body. But her thyroid was where she matchedher sons' genetic code.The mystery was solved. In a way" Keegan was her own twin."In her blood. she was one person. but in other tissues. she had evidence ofbeing a fusion of two individuals." Uhl said.It's a rare condition calledchimerism. with only 30 documented cases worldwide. In Greek mlrthologlr."chimera" means a monster: part goat. part lion. part snake.In humanbiology. a chimera is an organism with at least two genetically distinct tlzpesof cells -- or. in other words. someone meant to be a twin. But while in themother's womb. two fertilized eggs fuse. becoming one fetus that carriestwo distinct genetic codes -- two separate strands of DNA.The twin isinvisible. but for chimeras the twin lives microscopicallv inside the bod)' as

DNA.When Uhl told Keegan she was her own twin. Keegan said she wasshocked. "You wouldn't imagine that that could even be possible."Still Fighting to Keep Children :But what did this nefor Lydia Fairchild. the woman living across the country who'd beenfighting to keep her children?The state was still so suspicious of Fairchildthat when she gave birth to another child. a court officer stood in thedelivery room to witness an immediate DNA test."They took DNA from thebaby and myself right then and there, after birth. and it came back that thereis no way possible that bab]' is mine." Fairchild said.Even though they'dwitnessed the birth. officials believed she was acting as a surroeate" possiblybearing a child for money.Fairchild's attorney was determined to solve them)zstery. That's when he came across Keegan's chimera story in the NewEneland Journal of Medicine."I asked the judge to postpone the case until these tests could be done."

Tindell said.After the tests were done. there was proof that Fairchild was her own twinas well. The judge finally believed Fairchild was the bioloeical mother ofher children and dismissed the case."I probably wouldn't have m], kids todayif thelz didn't discover her situation. The)r wouldn't have known to evenconsider me as a chimera." Fairchild said.If not for Keegan. Fairchild said she might have lost her famil)'forever.

These ogencies ond gourps ond there cruel punishmeni ihot is hondout byihem violote the united stotes constotitution ond the stote constotitution .Theyore nothing more ihon morxist dictotors hell bent on ruling the world.The obovecoses ore bui o smell port of foleur of the omeircoin criminoljustice systemlodoy .The use of 100 yeor old cose low ond troning of o blied eye to the systemthot is going no where fost.Thot 25%of stote 63%federol inmotes ore non-violentdrug offenders.there were 112,329 federol inmotes in 2000 of ihot 63,898 werefor non-violent drug offenders ihots 55.5% or there wood be only 48,431 for ollothers if there where no drug offenders . Jomes Mqdison soid.'l believe there oremore instonces of the obridgement of the freedom of the people bv groduolond silent encroochments of those in power thon by violent ond suddenusurpotions.'

Authorities in Possoic (puh-SAYK') County, N.J., chorged o l4-yeor-old girlwith child pornogrophy for posting 30 nude photos of herself on lfshe is convicted this teenoger could foce sevenieen yeors or more in joil ond willbe forced to register os o sex offender for the resi of her life under Megon's Low.The unlucky teen now seeing sex os o criminol oct with o life sentinces of beingstolked,herossment ond thot of consensuol sexuol conduct os criminol .Jessicopercifull ond Heother shelton boih of whom ore chroged with o sexcrimes.Ms.shelton so coll victim is l8.She is focing chorges ofter she ollegedlyhod sex with on 18-yeor-old student.Twenty-two-yeor-old Heother Shelton is oteocher's ossistont occused of hoving o sexuol relotionship with o high schoolsenior of the school she worked ot, North Buncombe High School in NorthCorolino .the ridiculous port of this store is thot Shelton didn't meei the guy of theschool, she didn't teoch him, ond he's of legol oge. How is this ogoinst the low?He's l8l Detective Anne Benjomin soid Shelton ond the unnomed 19-yeor-old,who wos not her siudent, hod sex April 1. lf they hod woited two months uniil hegroduoted, no chorges would hove been filed .

Jessico percifull According to on indictment by the grond jury, Percifull"knowingly did directly or by meons of elecironic communicotion disploy orexpose to o minor, moteriol contoining sexuol octivity, or simuloted sexuoloctivity ihot is potently offensive, for the purpose of sexuol orousol orgrotificotion."ln Tennessee ond North corolino its o crime to show o breost exomchori. .Megons lows where possed to stop violent sex offenders not non-violentfrist time offenders with no criminol history before or ofter.The new jesrey slotutefor those how ore over the oge of l8 not of the some oge .We todoy hove over

2 million people in prison ond joil ond of thot ,l.5 million ore non - violent

inmotes.lf you toke out the ,l.5 million thot theves only 500,000 violeni inmotes in

stote ond federol prison. All you hove to do is look of the stote of TEXAS._

Beniomin Fronklin sod'They thot con give up essentiol libertv to purchose o littletempororv sofety, deserve neiiher.' . Like isod in the begining this women in herself rights thinging thot she whos the boss ond the only one who hod rights . Thother husbend did not hove o dom thing to do with her octson .The most dogrusthing to this women wos her self .this is but o smoll look in lo whot we live withdoy in ond doy out in omeirco .Shouldn'i it be "There is never on excuse forhitiing" ond " not oll sex is o criminol oct ".

Human Riqhts Watch describeders

Jameel N.forthe public response to his inclusion on his state's onlinereqistry:When people see mv picture on the state sex offenderreqistry theyassume I am a pedophile. I have been called a baby rapist bv myneiqhbors: feces have been left on my drivewav; a stone with a note

around it tellimv window, almost hittinq a quest. What the registry doesn't tellpeople is that I was convicted at aqe 1 7 of sex with mv 14-vear-old

because of how mv neiqhbors have reacted to the information on theinternet.

With states inactinq residency restirction law for all sex affenders .

lnG ced a 26-vear-oldmarriedwoman to move from her home because it is too close to a daycarecenter. She is reqistered as a sex offender because she had oral sexwith a 1S-year-old when she was 17.This women will more than likevbe on reqistry for life .

Georgia State House Majoritlr Leader Jerry Keen, who sponsored theithin 1,000 feet of places

where children qather, stated durinq a floor debate, "Mv intentpersonally is to make lresidency restrictionsl so onerous on those

completed my therapy. and that the judqe and my probation officerdidn't even think I was at risk of reoffendinq. Mv life is in ruins, not


another state."

Todoy this is the criminoljustice system in the UNITED STATES.

chopter 4

" Any prosecutor con convict o guilty tokes reolskill to convict theinnocent when no crime os toke ploce"

The disregord for ihe principle of innocent until proven guilty is is o foct of lifetodoy.Todoy it's not "WE THE PEOPIE" .The stondord operoting procedure for theprosecuiion is to convict oi oll cost.The reol role of the proscution is o sovereigntywhose obligolion to govern importiolly is os compeling os its obligotion to governof oll,ond whose interest,therefor,in criminol prosecution is not thot it shollwin ocose ,but thot justice sholl be done(people vs.hillil998)17 col.4th 800,820.)Prosecutors hove o speciol obligotion to promote justice ond the oscertoinmentof truth . ... The duty of the district ottorney is noi merely thot of odvocote.Hisduty is not to obtoin convictions,but to fully ond foirly present the evidence.(people vs. kosim (1997)56 col.opp.4th .l360,,l328.).Todoy

insted of protecting theright's of the people it is how mony conviction they con get.Not with stondingthot there ore thousends of reports thoi women ore the some os men incommenting crimes,murder,rop,child obuse ond inoment portner obuse.A lowenforcement officer in colifornio ottended o domesiic violence troining clossdripping with mole hotred thot everyone in the closs mole ond femole officersfelt extremly uncomfortoble of this extrements view on the subject.TherapistEdward Dunninq recounts his experience with a male client whowas punched repeatedlv bv his wife. She was arrested twice ondomestic violence charges and was later convicted. Althoughthe man had no historv of domestic violence. the divorce courtiudqe somehow regarded the wife as the true victim and qrantedher sole custodv of their son. Dunning notes. "lt's not unusualfor violent women to be qranted custodv of the children.

David Woods of Contra Costa. California. was repeatedlvassaulted bv his wife,includinq havinq a liquor bottle cracked over his head, beingkneed in his qroin16 or 17 times. and havinq a shotqun pointed under his chin. Atone point. hiswife called the police requesting protection from herself.

When the police arrived. thev promptlv wrestled Mr. Woods tothe ground.Despite his protests. the police would not release him until thecouple's dauqhterinformed the police. "No. it's not mv daddv. lt's Momma."

Thot cynthio sommers nightmore storted with the deoth of her husbend onthe night of feb.l 8,2002.She leord on moy 4 ,2009 thot she will need ot whote tillnovember of this yeor if her cose will be dissmissed for good .

By Rav Huard STAFF WRITER in SAN DIEGO COURTS - CvnthiaSommer's bid to be forever free of charges that she killed her Marinehusband was postponed aqain vesterdav. at least until the CaliforniaSupreme Court acts on the case."l will never qive up," Sommer saidoutside court yesterdav. "l think it's important for me not to qive upand to give other people hope."Sommer, 35. was convicted in Januarv 2007 of poisoning herhusband with arsenic. She was granted a new trial in November 2007and freed in April after prosecutors asked a judqe to dismiss thecase, revealinq that new tests showed no arsenic in tissue samplesfrom Sqt. Todd Sommer's bodv. The case was dismissed withoutpreiudice, giving prosecutors the option of later resurrecting murdercharges aqainst Sommer. Sommer's lawver, Allen Bloom, has askedthe San Dieqo Superior Court to dismiss the case with preiudice.which would bar anv future murder prosecution. He wanted a prompthearing on the matter. Prosecutors argue that the countv courtdoesn't have the authority to take such an action, and thev asked theSupreme Court to settle the matter. Superior Court Judqe JohnEinhorn said "it would be a poor use of iudicial resources" to conducta hearing on Bloom's request without knowing what the SupremeCourt will do. Deputv District Attornev Richard Armstronq toldEinhorn that he doesn't expect to hear anythinq from the SupremeCourt until late next month at the earliest. with late November morelikelv. Einhorn set a Nov. 14 hearinq for an update on the case.Sommer said the delay has caused problems for her because she istrvinq to reqain custody in Michiqan of her three sons. aoes 8. 12 and14. She said she moved to Michiqan after her release and lives therewith her 17-vear-old dauqhter.Sommer said Michigan courts are unwilling to grant her custodv of

the children as lonq as there's a possibilitv - however sliqht - thatshe could end up back in iail to be retried on murder charges.Bloom sailife bv not aqreeinq to dismiss the charges with preiudice. Bloom hasaccused prosecutors of misconduct for mishandlinq evidence that

r in her trial. Heprosecutors are delaving a final resolution of the case because it hasbeen an embarrassment to them. "Everything they're doing is iust toavoid gettinq to the truth in the case," Bloom said outside thecourtroom. Armstrong declined to respond to Bloom's accusation.

This is whot you hove of look forword to in fomily,domesiic violence court ifyou ore o men .We your oll gilute in ihe eyes of criminl couri even if you oreinncent.SUSAN WRIGHT ond CLARA HARRIS bothe covicted of murder. Wrightgot 25 yeors ond Horris 20 yeors .lf these iwo women where men they wood besencented to deoth.THEY deliberotely close their eyes to the foct thot thereexcesses ond incorrect stotements becouse they do not wont to undermineefforts to bring obout more of ihe tens of billions of doller in tox money . Thusscholors hove suppressed doio on violence by women in service of o so-colledmorol ogendo.

ln for too mony coses, femole oggressors ore denied help, mole victims oretreoted os perpeirotors, restroining orders ore issued with no cloim of physicolviolence, persons ore folsely occused ond orrested for obuse ond rop ondconstituiionol proiections ore circumvented oll in the nome of curbing portnerobuse.The feminists deliberotely use foles ,outdoted ond missleding info thotdoto hos shown to be incorrect .these discriminotory movements undermine oreefforts to siop oll forms of obuse . To stop this discriminotory ond unconstitutionolottock.lf you look of the 4port dr.phil show Obsessive Love 3 1/2 of the 4 houreswhere oll obout colling him obuse ond her o victim.This men wrighis to the showfor help ond the help gos to her to get him orrosted ond coll o wife better ondropisi for life .Dorlie lynn routier sits on deoth row on ihe testemony of two lowenforcemeni officers .Thot these officers sod ofter 20min of the crime sence shestoge holl thing .The stotes theory is thot she did this oll in 2 minute ond sixseconds .The ?l I coll losted only 5 minute ond 44seconds ond lminute ond l0seconds befor the poromedic sow domon toke is lost breoth.Bui how con forgetthe sillystring tope.Thot whese 5 minutes of o 90 minute tope .

The UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION hos no mening to out of controll lowenforement,d.o's ond there stoff .These big billy bodosses do not core oboutyour righi's it's your gilute .Non-government orgonizotion ore dicktoteing to yourgovernment whot lows it con ond con't poss.The hundreds of report onDOMESTIC VIOLENCE show thot men ond women ore the some to initote ondengoge in domestic violence ond thot holf of ollcose ore mutuol oggression.WEhove gone form worront(required) to worroniless orrest.Similorly removeing offother ond peront's righis is the norm in fomily court .As we look to the fuiure of onew millennium the low must to .The low is o living thing thot must move wiih us

threw time .lT musi meot the needs of iodoy ond must move olong with thefootsteps of humonity.We must protocte the inncent form the uniloterol denile ofdue process of low.To estoblish Justice ond promote the generol Welfore tosecure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves ond our Posterity, oestoblished in theConslilution of the United Stqtes .

Domestic Violence Factoids

Richard J. GellesUniversity of Rhode Island Family Violence Research ProgramPublished: 1995Copyrieht @ 1995 Richard J. Galles

Understandins Domestic Violence Factoids

Accordins to the FBI" A Woman is Beaten Everv (fill in the blank)SECONDSFirst. the FBI does not calculate. tabulate. or track data on domesticviolence. The FBI once did estimate that a women is beaten every 15

seconds. but they derived this estimate from Murray Straus. Richard J.

Gelles. and Suzanne K. Steinmetz's book. Behind Closed Doors: Violencein the American Famillz.Various other fact sheets list various other number of seconds. The numberof seconds depends on the study (if there actually was one) and howviolence was defined. For example. some versions of this factoid state that awomen is beaten every 9 seconds and cite a study done blz theCommonwealth Fund in July. 1993. The Commonwealth Fund studv usedthe same measure as was used by Straus and his colleagues. Unlike Strausand his colleagues who defined "abuse" as acts of violence that were likel)'to cause and injury. the Commonwealth Fund defined "abuse" as ever)' thingfrom pushing. shoving. and slapping to usine a gun or knife.There Are Four Million Women Beaten and Abused Each YearSame problems as above. The Straus. Gelles. and Steinmetz surveyestimated that 2 million women were abused each )rear b)' their husbands.Straus and his colleagues speculated that if all the respondents told the truthand if ex-husbands and boyfriends were included. the number could be ashigh as 4 million. However. no study to date using a representative sampleand measuring severe violence. has found more than 2 million abusedwomen each )rear.Domestic Violence is the Leading Cause of lniury to Women Betweenthe Ages of 15 and 44 in the United States - More Than Car Accidents,Muggings. and Rapes Combined

This factoid has been attributed to both Surseon General Antonia Novelloand the Centers for Disease Control. The actual primary source of this"fact" is research by Evan Stark and Ann Flitcraft. It was probabl), Stark andFlitcraft who supplied the fact to CDC. who then included it in materialsupplied to the Surgeon General. Unfortunately. as good a sound bite as thisis. it is simply not true. The original source of this statement goes back totwo papers by Stark and Flitcraft. First" the actual research the "fact" isbased on is a rather small survey of one emergency room. Second. in theoriginal articles. the). said that domestic violence may (emphasis added) be

a more common cause of emergency room visits than car accidents.muggings, and rapes combined.Linda Saltzman from the Centers for Disease Control tells all journalistswho call to check this fact that the CDC does not recognize this as eithertheir fact or a reputable fact.The March of Dimes Reports that Batterering During Pregnancy is theLeadins Cause of Birth Defects and Infant MortalifyThe March of Dimes actually reports that they know of no such study.Sixtv-three Percent of Young Men Between the Ages of 11 and 20 WhoAre Serving Time for Homicide Have Killed Their Mother's AbuserThis factoid is often used by Sarah Buel in her speeches. It appears to be )'etanother fact from nowhere. The FBI has published no data that supports thisclaim. The FBI's Uniform Crime Reports has no tables that report on prisonpopulations. let alone a table or figure that breaks down prison populationsby age of offender and relationship to victim. There are no Department ofJustice reports that report on what number or percentage of young men killtheir mother's batterer.Family Violence has Killed More Women in the Last Five Years as theTotal Number of Americans Who Were Killed in The Vietnam WarThis factoid was often used blr Dr. Robert McAfee. past president of theAmerican Medical Association. There were about 55.000 Americancasualties in the Viet Nam war. According to the FBI. Uniform CrimeStatistics. about 1.500 women are killed b)'their husbands or bo)'friendseach year. The total number of women homicide victims each vear is about5.000. Thus. in 5 years" even if every women who was killed. was killed bya famil)z member. the total would still be 1/2 the number of Americancasualties in Viet Nam.Women Who Leave Their Batterers Are at a 75%o Greater Risk ofBeing Killed by the Batterer than Those Who StayWomen are more likely to be victims of homicide when thelz are estrangedfrom their husbands than when thev live with their husbands--BUT NOT A

75 % GREATER RISK. The risk of homicide is higher in the first twomonths after separation.SOURCE: Wilson. Margo and Martin Daly. (1993) "Spousal homicide riskand estrangement." Violence and Victims. 8. 3-16.Women Who Kill Their Batterers Receive Longer Prison Sentencesthan Men Who Kill Their PartnersThis factoid is often attributed to someone from Pace Universitlr. There isno actual published source for this. According to the Bureau of JusticeStatistics. Violence Between Intimates (November. 1994). the averageprison sentence for men who killed their wives was 17.5 years; the averagesentence for women convicted of killing their husbands was 6.2 years.

Other Factoids from Nowhere

4.000 Women Each Year are Killed by Their Husbands, Ex-husbands.or BovfriendsThe FBI reports that approximatelv 1.500 women are killed each year byhusbands or boyfriends. Even if one factors in the number of women killedby unidentified or undetermined assailants" the number could not be 4.000.Women of All Cultures, Races. Occupations, fncome Levels. and Agesare Battered - by Husbands. Boyfriends. Lovers. and PartnersWhile this fact is technically true. it is also true that domestic violence ismore likely to occur in homes below the poverty line. in minorityhouseholds (even controlling for income). and among men and women 18 to30 years ofage.Nationally.50To of All Homeless Women and Children are on theStreets Because of Violence in the HomeAn interesting factoid stated by Senator Biden" but one without any actualpublished scientific research to support it.There are Nearly Three Times as Many Animal Shelters in the UnitedStates as There are Shelters for Battered Women and Their ChildrenAnother great sound bite. but one not actualllz based on a verified count ofeither type of shelter

ln domestic violence court if you ore mole you hove no rights's or in the roircose o women.The some gos in fomily court.Todoy it's the 2l century inquisitionon oll forms of obuse ond in religion.All o women os io do is soy three little word "I'AM lN FEAR" to win the court lottory.lf you ore mole you ore locky if you wolkowoy with the clothe on your bock.

With thot sod we hove whoi is coll the sofe boby lows .Thot you con leve yourboby of o police ,fire stoiion ,school ond hospitiol no ? osk.But iodoy you heor

on the news the police wont your help to fied the moiher fo o newborn lefted otthe police stotion.The united stotes criminoljustice system is orrest ond convit otoll cost ond to hell with the constitution .Thot's how i see's obuse 24/7 a menopens his mouth ond its obuse .C.P.S is coll ond you hove no right os o porent. lt'swomen ore to feebull to know whene she o victim of o crime.There is no octuolsclentific reseorch to bock them up.There is no verified study thot these groupscon point to.All of the verified scientific studys siote ond show with out o doutthot they ore

,l00% wrong.Thot with the woy thing's ore go if you ore o mole you

hove no right's .lt's now " WE THE WOMEN" of the united stotes.ln 99% of fomilycourt's ihe women wolks owoy with the house,cor,kid's ond the oll of the household money.The men will wolk owoy with nothing but the clothes on his bock.Hewillwolk owoy bored form his kid's ond house on the word of the people more into the money thon helping the victim of obuse mole or femole ond porents.

1. You have the right to receive notice of charges in a timelv fashion.

2. You have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

3. You have the right to be presented with a search warrant. Withoutone. it is unlawful for the police or anv government official to enteryour home, search, or seize your property.

4. You have the right to be presented with a warrant for vour arrestunless the police actually saw you commit a crime or have probablecause to believe vou have committed a felonv based on their personalinvestigation at the scene.

5. You have the right to a writ of habeas corpus if vou are arrested and

6. You have the right to remain silent and speak with an attornev beforemaking any statement to the authorities.

7. You have the right to confront vour accuser and to cross-examinewitnesses against you.

8. You have the right to refuse to answer questions that mightincriminate you.

9. You have the right to a transcript of all proceedings. hearings. andtrials though you will have to order and pav for them.

10. You have the right to appeal any findings of a lower court.

11. You have the right to subpoena witnesses and any documents orother evidence that may support your position or contradict evidencepresented against you.

12. You have a right to a trial by iurv in all criminal matters and in civilcases where the value in question exceeds $20 bv an impartial iurv ofYOUr peers.

13. You have the right to the protection and provisions of theConstitution of the United States and the State Constitution.

14. You have the right to protections expressly created in statute andcase law precedent.

15. You have the right to equal protection of the law regardless of race.creed, color. religion. ethnic origin. age. handicaps, or sex.

16. You have the right to a remedy, by recourse to the laws, for alliniuries or wrongs that you may receive in vour person, property" orcharacter.

17. You have the right to iustice, without being obliged to purchase it;completely. and without any deniall promptly. and without unduedelay: in conformance with the laws.

Gender terms used here a.,re {or w::n she gets qustqdl' of the-kids.

Alcoholic: The spouse of an alcoholic.

Appointed Counsel: A right available for DUI, but not for falseallegations of Mom and her new boyfriend that you sexuallv molestedltheirl vour grown children.

Attorneys Fees: Large sums of money awarded to Momts attorney. Seettermst and tcriminal contempt fines.'

Best Interests of the Child: What Mom and her new boyfriend wanttodav.

Child Abuse: Visitation bv Dad.

Child Support: See Visitation.

Commissioner/lVlagistrate: Like a iudge. only different

Contempt: The only reasonable reaction to all of this.

Criminal Contempt Fines: See Attorneys Fees

Cross Examination: A right available in small claims court but not infamily court.

Dad: See definition of Father.

Dike or Dyke: An earthen structure located in the Netherlands.

Domestic Violence: The accusation that Mom will make against Dadshortly after she shoots him, steals the car. bulldozes his half of thehouse. steals the credit cards. drains the checking and savings accounts,has the dog put to sleep. drowns the gerbils, kidnaps the kids and movesin with her 400 pound Samoan boyfriend.

Druggie: The spouse of a person with a drug problem.

Due Process of Law: [Reservedl

Ex Parte: See Familv Court.

Family Court: Where Momrs attorney goes to make phoney allegationsagainst Dad in violation of his professional responsibilities (and thensends Dad the bill). See also 'Wheel of Fortune'.

Father: Mom's current boyfriend.

Harassment: When Dad calls Mom on the phone to arrange a pickuptime.

Insanity: See Ex Parte. Show Cause. & Family Court Attornev Rules ofProfessional Conduct fReservedl

Joint Custodv: Everv other weekend and six weeks in the summer.

Kidnapping: See'Visitation.'

Live Testimony: A right available in small claims court but not in

familv court.

Natural Custodial Parent: A woman working eightv hours a week athiPh-priced law firm, who can afford a divorce attornev and dav care.

Pro Bono: Legal services performed bv Dadts attornev

Pro Tem Commissioner: See Commissioner/Magistrate

Supervised Visitation: After Mom leaves. Dad hires someone to watchhim watch the babv.

Sexual Abuse: Baths and diaper changes when performed bv Dad.

Show Cause: A procedure where Dad and his attornev appear. but arenot allowed to answer false allegations bv Mom and her latestboyfriend.

Tender Years Doctrine: Under this doctrine. Mom and her attornev arepermitted to behave as if thev were still of tender vears.

Terms: See Attorneys Fees.

Transcript: A written record of doubtful value preserved in civil andcriminal matters, but not in familv court where custodv and visitationare interrupted and Dads are separated from their kids.

Trial bv Affidavit: A procedure under which the court gags the partiesand all witnesses with relevant knowledge and then permits attornevs totestifv falselv and in violation of their professional duties as to mattersnot contained in the affidavits. [See Familv Court. Ex parte. ShowCause and Commissioner.l

Trial bv Combat or Ordeal: A primitive form of adiudication used inearlv times. lSee Familv Courtl

Trial bv Waser of Law: diudicationtimes. [See Familv Courtl

Visitation: See Child Support

Miscarriage of iusticeA miscarriage of iustice is primarily the conviction and punishment of a person fora crime that he or she did not commit. The term can also be applied to errors in theother directionndash "errors of impunify"ndash and to civil cases" but those usagesare rarer. though the occurrences appear to be much more common. Most criminaliustice svstems have some means to overturn. or t'quash". a wronqful conviction,but this is often difficult to achieve. The most serious instances occur when awrongful conviction is not overturned for several vears" or until after the innocentperson has been executed or died in iail.

"Miscarriage of iustice" is sometimes svnonvmous with wrongful conviction,referring to a conviction reached in an unfair or disputed trial. Wrongfulconvictions are frequentlv cited bv death penaltv opponents as cause to eliminatedeath penalties to avoid executing innocent persons. In recent years. DNA evidencehas been used to clear manv people falsely convicted.

Scandinavian languages have a word, the Norwegian variant of which is"iustismord". which is literally translated "iustice murder". The term exists inseveral languages and was originallv used for cases where the accused wasconvicted. executed. and later cleared after death. With capital punishmentdecreasing. the expression has acquired an extended meaning. namelv anvconviction of a person of a crime he/she did not commit. The retention of the term"murder" both demonstrates universal abhorrence against wrongful convictionsand awareness of how destructive wrongful convictions are.

General issues

Causes of miscarriages of iustice include:*confirmation bias on the part of investigators*withholding or destruction of evidence bv police or prosecution*fabrication of evidence*biased editins of evidence*poor identification bv witnesses and/or victims*overestimation/underestimation of the evidential value of expert testimony*contaminated evidence*faultv forensic tests*false confessions due to police pressure or psychological weakness*misdirection of a iury by a iudge durins trial*periured evidence by the real guilty partv or their accomplices (frameup)*periured evidence bv the supposed victim or their accomplices

The risk of miscarriages of iustice is one of the main arguments against the deathpenalty. Where condemned persons are executed promptlv after conviction. themost significant effect of a miscarriage of iustice is irreversible; wrongly-executedpeople are nevertheless occasionally posthumouslv pardonedndash which isessentiallv a null actionndash or have their convictions quashed. Manv states that

still practice the death penalty hold condemned persons for ten years or more beforeexecution.

Even when a wrongly-convicted person is not executed, spending years in prisonoften has an effect on the person and their family that is irreversible andsubstantial. The risk of miscarriage of iustice is therebv also a reasonable argumentagainst long sentences. like life sentence. and cruel sentence conditions.

Cases in numerous countries


* Colin Ross was pardoned on May 27,2008.86 years after his conviction andexecution.* Darryl Beamish and John Button were convicted of murders committed by EricEdgar Cooke in 1961 and 1963. respectively.* Ray. Peter" and Brian Mickelbere were convicted in 1983 of the Perth MintSwindle. In 2002, Tonv Lewandowski came forward and admitted the police hadframed the brothers.*Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton was convicted in 1982 for the murder of her 9week-old daughter. Azaria, after claiming that the babv had been taken off bv adingo. In 1988. her conviction was overturned and she was released from prison.* Andrew Mallard was convicted for the murder of ieweler Pamela Lawrence in1994 after eight unrecorded hours ofpolice interrogation and a briefrecordedI'confessionf ' that followed. In 2005. the High Court of Australia was advised thatthe prosecution and/or nolice had withheld evidence which showed his innocence.and overturned his conviction. As such. Mallard was released from prison. A "coldcase" review of the murder conducted after Mallard's release implicated one SimonRochford as the actual offender and Mallard was exonerated.* Salvatore Fazzari. Jose Martinez. and Carlos Pereiras were convicted in 2006 forthe murder of Phillip Walsham in 1998. The conviction was overturned bv theWestern Australian Court of Appeal in 2007 on the grounds that the verdicts of theguilty were unreasonable and could not be supported on the evidence. If 0 0 TIYAS CA 0 I 4 3 /$ FI L E/2 0 0 7 WA S CA 0 I 4 3. p df J udement o f th e S ap re meCourt of Western Australia in the Msrtinez, Fauari and Pereiras appeall I*Roseanne Catt was convicted in 1991 on 9 counts including attempted murder ofher husband Barry Catt. She was arrested after she had agreed to assist theDepartment of Family and Communitv services in the prosecution of her husbandfor molesting his children (her stepchildren). The detective leading the investigation(Peter Thomas) was a business associate of Barrv Catt and had had a previousantagonistic relationship with Roseanne Catt. The investigation was carried outfrom the home of a friend of Barry Catt rather than from the local police station.The crown prosecutor was Patrick Power who later pleaded guiltv to possession ofchild pornographv. In 2004" after an 18 month investigation bv Judge Davidson. MsCatt's appeals against seven of the nine convictions (including attempted murder)were upheld whereas the other two convictions were allowed to stand. II

000000000000/61ad9c8eAa3550aca2570d5007ee6527opendocument Judeement of theCourt of Criminal Appeal of NSW in Reeina v Cattl ,l


* Robert Baltovich was convicted in 1992 of the murder of Elizabeth Bainl releasedin 2000 to prepare an appeal based on new evidence; although he has not beenofficiallv exonerated. the Crown has not pursued the case since his release: newevidence points to Paul Bernardo, an acquaintance of Ms Bain's. as her killer.* James Driskell. Canadian wronsfullv convicted in 1991 of the murder of PerryHarderl his conviction was quashed and the charses stayed in 2005 due to DNAtesting, but he has not been fully exonerated.* Donald Marshall. Canadian Mikmaq Aborisinal wronsfully convicted in 1971 ofthe murder of Sandv Seale: acquitted on appeal in 1983 after an additional witnessto the murder came forward.*In 1969. David Milgaard. a 16-year old, was convicted and given a life sentence forthe murder of 20-year old nursing aide Gail Miller. After 23 years of imprisonment.the Supreme Court of Canada allowed for the release of Milgaard. Five vears laterDNA testine proved his innocence.* Guv Paul Morin. Canadian wrongfullv convicted in 1992 of the murder ofChristine Jessop: he was exonerated by DNA evidence in 1995.* Thomas Sophonow" Canadian wrongfully convicted in 1981 of the murder ofBarbara Stoppel: acquiffed on appeal in 1985. and conclusively exonerated by DNAevidence in 2000.* Ronald Dalton. wrongfullv convicted of murdering his late wife. Brenda Dalton inAugust 1988. It was later found that Brenda Dalton choked on cereal.* Steven Truscott's wrongful conviction of murder in the death of Lvnne Harperstood for 48 vears before finally being overturned August 28. 2007.*Jama Jama was charged with battering a police officer. but later there wasevidence found to prove that in fact the officer was the one who assaulted JamaJama. The police officer ended up losins his license.


*Joan of Arc was executed in 1431 on charges of heresv. She was nosthumouslvcleared in 1456.*Jean Calas from Toulouse was executed on March 10. 1762. for murder of his sonMarc Antoine. The philosopher Voltaire. convinced of his innocence" succeeded inreopening of the case and rehabilitation of Jean in 1765.

for treason in 1894. After's Island. he was nroven innocent with the assi

definitivelv rehabilitated only in 1906. See the Drevfus affair.* In 2005. thirteen people were finallv proven innocent of child molestation afterhaving served four years in prison. A fourteenth died in prison. Only four peoplewere proven guilty. This infamous case" which has deeplv shaken the public known as the "Affaire d'Outreau". the Outreau case. from the name of the citywhere these people lived. in the north of France.


*Pietro Valpreda. an anarchist condemned for the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing.was finally found innocent sixteen years later. He was framed since it was plannedto blame the crime on the radical Left" while it was committed bv Neo-Fascistgroups as the first step ofthe stratew oftension.*Enzo Tortora. a nopular anchorman on national RAI television. was arrested inL983 and held in iail for months after trumped up charses bv several pentiti of theCamorra and other people already known for periury. It was soon noted that thiswas most likelv a wrong identification with a man bearing the same surname(meaning rrturtledoverr). but the rtpentiti" kept on accusing Tortora of the gravestoffenses related to drug dealing. He was sentenced to ten years in iail in his first trialheld in 1985" being spared further incarceration onlv thanks to the providentialintervention of the Radical Partv who offered him a candidacy to the EuropeanParliament. a place Tortora won in a landslide as the country divided between thosewho held him guilty and those who held him innocent. He was completely acquittedand rehabilitated in 19861 he returned the next year to his work in tv. to a movinscomeback in his "Portobello" show. to die in 1988 from cancer and become an iconof iniustice and a perpetual reminder of the gravest public blunder of the ltalianiudiciarv system.*Daniele Barilli. an entrepreneur mistakenly identified as a maior drug cartel bossin Milan, spent more than 7 years in iail in 1992-1999" despite srowing evidence ofhis complete innocence and non-involvement in any criminal activify. To this day.the Italian state hasn't awarded him anv compensation.


* Sallins Train Robberv


*Sakae Menda was convicted for a double murder in 1948 and was sentenced todeath. but was cleared in L983 after further evidence backing up his alibi came tolieht.*Hiroshi Yanagihara was convicted of rape and attempted rape. but the trueculprit. Eiichi Otsu, was arrested after Yanagihara's release. Otsu was charged with14 rapes and Yanagihara was cleared bv retrial in 2007. I[ Court acquits msn but keptlid on forced confession I The Janan Times Online I I Atsuwas sentenced to 25 vearsin prison. I I h ttp : //www. b r e it b a rt. c o m/art i c I e. p h p 7 i d: D I S T B 0 F O 0 & s h o w a rt ic I e: I&catnum:0 'Resl culprit' of Tovama sexuql assaults gets 25 vrs I I

= The Netherlands:

* The Schiedammerpark murder case (2000): Cees Borsboom was released inDecember 2004 after serving four vears in prison of a sentence of 18 years for amurder in June 2000 of a lO-vear old girl in a Schiedam park. He was released after

Wik Haalmeiier confessed to the murder. This confession was confirmed bv DNAevidence on the victim and the description of the attacker given to the police bvanother victim. Maikel, who narrowly survived the attack. Investigation of themanner the prosecution acted in this case revealed that the police and the publicprosecutor made substantial mistakes, ignored relevant information. and brutalized("strangulation" during police interrogation) the LL-vear old victim Maikel.Minister of Justice Piet Hein Donner had to take all responsibilitv. In September2005. he survived a no-confidence motion in parliament but did set up thePosthumus I and Posthumus II committees. The state of the Netherlands paid Cees

Borsboom € 600.850.- compensation and the parents of Maikel an unknown amount.* The Putten murder case (1994): in this case" the 23-year-old stewardess ChristelAmbrosius was found murdered in her grandmother's house" which was remotelylocated in the Veluwe. The police arrested four men who had been in those woodsthat weekend. Even thoush sperm found didn't match the DNA of any of the fourmen. Wilco Viets and Herman Dubois were convicted to 10 years' imprisonmentanywav, of which they'd serve two thirds for good behavior. In April2002" theDutch high council (Supreme court) declared both men innocent. shortlv after thevhad completed their sentences. Another suspect was apprehended in May 2008"based on a DNA match.* The Posthumus committees: the Schiedammernark murder case. as well as thesimilarlv overturned case of the Putten murder. led to the installation of the"Posthumus I committee", which analyzed what had gone wrong in theSchiedammerpark Murder case. coming to the conclusion that confirmation bias ledthe police to ignore and misinterpret scientific evidence (DNA). Subsequently. theso-called Posthumus II committee was set up to investigate whether more of suchcases might have occurred. The committee received 25 applications from concernedand involved scientists" and decided to take three of them into further consideration:the Lucia de B,erk case, the lna Post l>nl icon [ PostThe Ina post case (Dutch wikipedidl I case. and theEnscbede incest case.ln thesethree cases. confirmation bias and misuse of complex scientific evidence is claimedbv independent researchers (professors Wagenaar. van Koppen.Isra€ls. Crombag.Derksen) to have led to miscarriages of iustice.* Other potential cases: there are also continuing attempts bv concerned scientists toget the well-known Deventer murder case. the Overzier murder case. the butlercase" the Ene incest case. and the Kevin Sweenev case reonened.

New Zealand

* Arthur Allan Thomas. a New Zealand farmer. was twice convicted of the murdersof Harvey and Jeanette Crewe on June 17, 1970. He spent 9 vears in prison but wasgiven a Royal Pardon. and was released and awarded $1 million compensation forwrongful convictions. A Royal Commission in 1980 showed the prosecution caseswere flawed. and that police had deliberately planted a cartridge case in theCrewesr garden to use as evidence.*David Bain was convicted in 1995 of the murder of all five members of his familvthe previous vear. After 13 years in prison. his convictions were finallv overturnedin 2007 bv the Priw Council. who found that a substantial miscarriase of iustice

had occurred. He has been granted bail pending a retrial.*David Doughertv was convicted in 1993 on charges of abduction and the rape of anll-vear-old girl. After serving over 3 vears in prison. he was acquitted in 1997 afternew DNA evidence ruled him out. Compensation of over $800.000 was paid bv theNew Zealand Government and an apology given for the wrongful conviction. Thereal culprit. Nicholas Reekie. was later convicted of the crime.*Tania Vini. Macushla Fuataha. both 14. and 15 vear-old Lucv Akatere were iailedfor terms of up to two vears for the aggravated robberv of a 16 vear-old school girlwho was viciously slashed and bashed by five teenage girls. The girls served sevenmonths in prison before being released. The actions of the Police in theirinterviewing of the girls was shown to have been overbearing and deceitful. Inoverturning the convictions, Court of Appeal iudge" Justice Gault. said the threegirls had the court's sympathv for the iniustice that had wrongly sent them toprison. He went on to say the "investigation and the trial system failed in this case"and the wrongful conviction 'oraises questions of conduct by the police which is aserious matter and must be properly investigated". The allegations center on thealleged misconduct of the then Detective Constable Trevor Franklin. with seriousallegations of misconduct in relation to his tactics.*In 2000. a man. whose name is suppressed. was exonerated of allegations ofindecent assault on his two sons. both then aged under 12 years. He was convicted in1995 and spent 14 months in prison before the Court of Appeal quashed theconviction after both sons retracted their allegations. The allegations werewithdrawn by the children within 48 hours of being made. but police failed to makethose facts available to defense counsel and continued with the prosecution. Overhalf a million New Zealand Dollars was paid in compensation*Rex Haig was convicted in L995 of the murder of Mark Roderique. a crew memberon Haig's fishing boat. Antares. The murder conviction was quashed by the Courtof Appeal in August 2006. nearlv two vears after Haig's release on parole havingserved a full sentence for the killing. Haig's nephew. David Hogan. who claimed thathe saw his uncle kill Mr Roderique. is now regarded bv the Court of Appeal as asusnect for the murder. and. by at least one of the three Appeal Court Judges. as anoutterlv unreliablet witness.*Aaron Farmer served 2 years and 3 months in prison for the rape of aChristchurch woman before being exonerated bv DNA evidence. At the time ofFarmer's sentencing District Court Judge Murray Abbott criticized aspects of thepolice inquiry regarding disclosure of evidence and deficits in transcripts of a policevideo interview. Issues regarding analvsis of samples submitted to EnvironmentalScience and Research had not been followed through in a timelv way. and nosatisfactorv explanation had been given why an identity parade had not beenconducted. The Appeal Court highlighted that in a taped interview with Farmer. thedetective gave the impression that DNA evidence implicated Farmer when it did not.


Despite Norwav's international reputation. Norwegian police. courts and prisonauthorities have been criticized and convicted on several occasions bv the EuropeanCourt of Human Rights for breaking the principle of "innocent until proven

quiltv". the use of solitary confinement as a softening process in interrogation andthe use of civil courts being used against cleared defendants as a mean of"salvaging" cases and partially label the person as a felon.

*Per Kristian Liland" wrongfully convicted of murderins two of his friends in 1969.He was cleared in 1994. His case is known as The Liland Affair.*Fritz Moen was wrongfully convicted for senarate murders of two 20-vear oldwomen in 1976 and 1977. He was cleared of one murder in 2004. After his death inMarch 2005, he was cleared of the second murder based on a reinvestigation of thecasebv lhtttt:// Norwav's Criminal CaseReview Commissionl .* Ihttp://no.wikipedia.ors/wiki/Rsdseth-saken Sveinung Rsdsethl waswrongfullvconvicted in 1981 for the murder of his S-month old daughter. He was cleared in1998.*Atle Hase was wrongfully convicted for incest to his two children in 1984. His wifeaccused him when the couple divorced. Hage committed suicide in 1987. his life inruins after time in prison. In 1997 his two children. then 20 and 22. demanded thecase be reopened. claiming that no molestation had taken place and that Hages wifehad lied. Hage was cleared in 1998. Hages ex-wife. Ada Borthen. later made similaraccusations against her new husband. She has never been charged for makinq falseaccusations.*The Biugn-case 1992: Accusations of molestation of school children in the smalltown of Biugn saw seven people placed under arrest and charged. One person wastrialled but was cleared. Damages were was denied Lrecause the court felt that theaccused had failed to prove his innocence. This decision was reversed bv theEuropean Court of Human Rights.*The Birgitte-case 1995: The murder of Birgitte Tenss sparked a huge investigation.The following year a cousin was arrested and charged. He was later cleared for themurder but was later sued in civil court and found liable for the unlawful death ofBirgitte Tengs. This decision was later reversed bv the European Court of HumanRights. and the Norwegian courts were convicted for human rights violations.Further investigation concluded that false confessions had been made underpsvchological pressure and extortion by the police.*Former "Laqmannsretts" iudge Trygve-Lange Nielsen has worked with dedicationto clear victims for wrongful incest convictions. himself responsible for numerousconvictions from his own career as a iudge.In 2004.24 cases were solved as

wrongful. Nielsen has stated that as many as 150 convictions or more probablv arewrongful.


The Constitution of Spain guarantees compensation in cases of miscarriage ofiustice.

* The case known as "El crimen de Cuenca" (the crime of Cuenca) where in 1910two peasants were convicted of the murder of another peasant who had disappearedeven though the body was never found. Some years later the disappeared peasantshowed up again and proved the conviction was wrongful.

* The so-called "Wanninkhof case" where Dolores Vazquez was convicted of themurder of Rocfo Wanninkhof in 1999. Later DNA evidence exonerated her.


*Joy Rahman. a man of Bangladeshi orisin, was in 1994 wrongfullv convicted to lifeimprisonment for the murder of an elderlv ladv. After almost nine vears in prison.he was freed by the Svea Court of Appeal. and later awarded 8 million SEK. thehighest compensation ever awarded to a person in Sweden for wrongful conviction.I f Alternative Report to the CERD-Committee with respect to Sweden's commitments according to the ICERDI , UnitedNations Association of Sweden. 20041 Jov Rahman used the monev to found the JovRahman Welfare Foundation. which provides healthcare and micro-loans to poorpeople. On 29 March 2008. Joy Rahman was arrested in Bangladesh on suspicion ofmurder.

United Kinedom

England and Wales and Northern Ireland

In the United Kingdom a iailed person whose conviction is quashed mav be paidcompensation for the time they were incarcerated.

It was a notable problem that the parole svstem assumes that all convicted personsare actuallv guiltv. and that it poorlv handled those who are not. In order to beparoled. a convicted person was required to sign a document in which. among otherthings. they confessed to the crime for which they were convicted. Someone refusingto sign such a declaration of remorse ended up spending longer in iail than agenuinelv guilty person would have. Some wrongly convicted people. such as theBirmingham Six. were refused parole for this reason. In 2005 the system changed inthis respect. and a handful of prisoners started to be paroled without ever admittingeuilt.

In the event of a "perverse" verdict that involves the conviction of a defendant whoshould not have been convicted on the basis of the evidence presented" English lawhas no means of correcting this error: appeals being based exclusivelv upon newevidence or errors bv the iudge or prosecution (but not the defense). or because ofiury irresularities. It occurred fhowever in the 1930s when William HerbertWallace was exonerated of the murder of his wife. There is no right to a trial"without" iury (except during the troubles in Northern Ireland when a iudge oriudges presided without a iurv).

During the earlv 1990s there was a series of high-profile cases revealed to have beenmiscarriages of iustice. Many resulted from police fabricating evidence" in order toconvict the person thev thought was guiltv" or simply to convict someone in order toget a high conviction rate. The West Midlands Serious Crime Squad becamenotorious for such practices, and was disbanded in 1989.In 1997 the Criminal CasesReview Commission I f Criminsl Csses Review Commissionl Iwas established specificallv in order to examine possible miscarriages of iustice.

However. it still requires either strong new evidence of innocence or new proof of alegal error by the iudge or prosecution. For example" merely insisting vou areinnocent and the iurv made an error. or stating that there was not enough evidenceto prove guilt, is not enough. It is not possible to question the iury's decision orquery on what matters it was based. The waiting list for cases to be considered forreview is at least two vears on average.See" for example:* the Darvell brothers* Dannv McNamee* the M25 Three* Jonathan Jones* Sheila Bowler

Other miscarriages include:

*Robert Green, Henry Berry and Lawrence Hill were hanged in 1679 at GreenberryHill on false evidence for the unsolved murder of Edmund Berry Godfrev.*Adolph (or Adolfl Beck, whose notorious wrongful conviction in 1896 led to thecreation of the Court of Criminal Appeal.*William Herbert Wallace who was convicted of murdering his wife. but theconviction was overturned by the Court of Criminal Appeal in 1931.*Walter Graham Rowland was tried for a murder in Manchester and hung in 1947,despite poor identilication evidence and a confession from another.*Timothv Evans' wife and voung daughter were killed in 1949. Evans was convictedof killins of his daushter and hanged. It was later found that the real murderer wasJohn Reginald Halliday Christie. another tenant in the same house. who eventuallvkilled six women. Evans was the first person in Britain to receive a posthumous freepardon.*Derek Bentlev. executed for murdering a police officer. The charge was based onthe fact that during a police chase. he shouted to an armed friend 'Let him have it'.The case is often said to be a miscarriage of iustice. and the verdict was overturnedhalf a centurv later. It should be noted. however. that the grounds for overturningthe verdict was that the trial had not been fair. due to various procedural defects.Had Bentley still been alive. there would certainly have been a retriah he was notpronounced innocent by the Court of Appeal.*Stephen Downins was convicted of the murder of Wendy Sewell in a Bakewellchurchyard in 1973. The L7-vear-old had a reading ase of 1l and worked at thecemeterv as a gardener. The police made him sign a confession that he was unable toread. The case gained international notoriefy as the "Bakewell Tart" murder. Afterspending 27 vears in prison. Stephen Downing waq released on bail in February2001. pending the result of an appeal. His conviction was finally overturned inJanuarv 2002.*John Joseph Boyle aged 18 was convicted under the pretenses of an allegedconfession at Belfast Citv Commission on 14 October 1977 of possession of firearmsand ammunition with intent to endanger life. and membership in the I.R.A. He wassentenced to ten years in prison on the first count, and to two years in prison on thesecond count" the terms to run concurrently. A suspended sentence of two yearsimprisonment imposed for a previous offense was also invoked. making a total of

twelve vears in prison. When released he underwent a long fight to prove hisinnocence. In 2003. his conviction was quashed but he has been deniedcompensation.*Andrew Evans served more than 25 years for the murder of l4-year-old JudithRoberts. He confessed to the 1972 murder after seeing the girl's face in a dream. Hisconviction was overturned in 1997.*In 1974 Judith Ward was convicted of murder of several people caused by anumber of IRA bombings 1973. She was finally released in 1992.*The Birmineham Six were fraudulently convicted in 1975 of planting two bombs inpubs in Birmineham in 1974 which killed 21 people and iniured 182. Thev werefinallv released in 1991.*The Guildford Four were wronglv convicted in 1975 of being members of theProvisional IRA and plantins bombs in two Guildford pubs which killed fourpeople. They served nearlv 15 years in prison before being released in 1989. (See

Tonv Blair's apologv under The Maguire Seven below.)*The Maguire Seven were convicted in 1976 of offences related to the Guildford andWoolwich bombings of 1974. They served sentences ranging from 5 to 10 years.

Giuseppe Conlon died in prison. Their convictions were quashed in 1991. OnFebruarv 9.2005. British Prime Minister Tony Blair issued a public apology to theMasuire Seven and the Guildford Four for the miscarriases of iustice they hadsuffered. He said: "I am very sorry that they were subiect to such an ordeal andsuch an iniustice. They deserve to be completely and publicly exonerated."*Stefan Kiszko was convicted in 1976 of the sexual assault and murder of an ll-vearold Lesley Molseed in 1975. He spent 16 vears in prison before he was released in1992. after a lons campaign by his mother. He died of a heart attack the followingvear at the age of 41. His mother died a few months later. In 2007" Ronald Castree"of Shaw. near Oldham. was found to have the same DNA as Lesley's attacker andwas convicted at Bradford Crown Court. He was sentenced to life imprisonment.*The Bridgewater Four were convicted in 1979 of murdering Carl Bridgewater, al3-vear-old paper bov who was shot on his round when he disturbed robbers at afarm in Staffordshire. Patrick Mollov died in iail in 1981. The remaining three werereleased in 1997.*The Cardiff Three, Steven Miller, Yusef Abdullahi. and Tony Paris were falselyiailed for the murder of prostitute Lynette White. stabbed more than 50 times in afrenzied attack in a flat above a betting shop in Cardiff s Butetown area onValentine's Day 1988" in 1990 and later cleared on appeal. In 2003. Jeffrey Gafoorwas iailed for life for the murder. The breakthroush was due to modern DNAtechniques used on evidence taken from the crime scene. Subsgquently" in 2005. 9retired Police Officers and 3 serving Officers were arrested and questioned for falseimprisonment. conspiracv to pervert the course of iustice and misconduct in publicoffice.*Peter Fell, a former hospital porter, described in the media as a "serial confessor"and a "fantasistf '" was sentenced to two life terms in 1984 for the murder of Ann Leeand Margaret "Peggy" Johnson. who were killed whilst they were out walking theirdogs in 1982. His conviction was overturned in 2001.*Sallv Clark was convicted in 1996 of the murder of her two small sons Christopherand Harry, and spent 3 vears in iail, finallv being released in 2003 on appeal. The

convictions were based solelv on the analvsis of the deaths by the Home OfficePathologist Alan Williams" who failed to disclose relevant information about thedeaths, and backed up by the paediatric professor Sir Roy Meadow" whose opinionwas pivotal in several other ehild death convictions, manv of which have beenoverturned or are in the process of being challenged. In 2005 Alan Williams wasfound guil8 of serious professional misconduct and barred from practicingpatholow for 3 vears. In Julv 2005 Meadow was also removed from the MedicalRegister for serious professional misconduct and prohibited from practicingmedicine. Sallv Clark became an alcoholic as a result of her ordeal and died ofalcohol poisonine in 2006.*Angela Cannings also iailed wronglv for 4 vears on the now discredited evidence ofSir Rov Meadow. Ansela was later stalked by a iail inmate she befriended. and thestrain of the wrongful conviction destroved her marriage.*Donna Anthonv" 25 at the time. was wronglv iailed in 1998 for the death of her 11

month old son. and finally released in 2005" also because of the opinion of Sir RoyMeadow.*The Gurnos Three. also known as the Merthyr Tydfil Arson Case (AnnetteHewins, Donna Clarke and Denise Sullivan). Wrongly convicted of the arson attackon the home of Diane Jones" aged 21. in October 1995. Someone had torn away partof the covering of her front door and poured in petrol to start the fire. The firespread so rapidlv that Ms Jones and her two daughters, Shauna. aged two andSarah-Jane, aged 13 months. were all killed. The convictions of Ms Hewins and MsClarke were quashed at the Court of Appeal in Februarv 1998 and a retrial orderedin the case of Ms Clarke.*Michelle and Lisa Taylor. wronslv convicted for the murder in 1991 of AlisonShauehnessy. a bank clerk who was the bride of Michelle's former lover. The trialwas heavily influenced by inaccurate media reporting and deemed unfair.*Paul Blackburn was convicted in 1978 when ased 15 of the attempted murder of a9-year old bov. and spent more than 25 vears in 18 different prisons. during whichtime he maintained his innocence. He said he had never considered saving he wasguiltv to secure an earlier release because it was a matter of "integrify". He wasfinally released in May 2005 when the Court of Appeal ruled his trial was unfairand his conviction'unsafe'.*The Cardiff Newsagent Three" Michael O'Brien. Darren Hall and Ellis Sherwood"were wrongly convicted for the murder of a newsagent. Phillip Saunders. OnOctober 12. 1987 Mr Saunders. 52. was battered with a spade outside his Cardiffhome. The day's takings from his kiosk had been stolen, and live days later he diedof his iniuries. The three men spent 11 years in iail before the Court of Appealquashed the conviction in 1999. The three have since been paid six figurecompensation" but South Wales Police had still not apolosised or admitted liabilityfor malicious prosecution or misfeasance.*Andrew Adams. wrongly convicted of the murder of a retired teacher. Hisconviction was finally quashed on 12 January 2007, after spending 14 vears in iail.*David Carrington-Jones was released on October 16.2007

" after srrending 6 vearsin iail for a rape he did not commit. having been previously found guilfy on twocounts of rape and sexual assault against a pair of teenage sisters in December 2000.One of the accusers subsequently admitted to police she made up the allegations

against her stepfather Mr Carrington-Jones because she 'did not like him'. It hastranspired that the girl had previously made up other allegations of rape against herbrother. fianc6e. stepfather and even a customer at her work, but the iury was nottold of this. and Mr Carrington- Jones was sentenced to a ten-year iail term atLewes Crown Court. He was later refused parole hearings because he refused toadmit his guilt. Mr Carrington-Jones is said to be discussing claiming compensation.*Barry George was cleared on I August 2008 of murdering Jill Dando after a retrialin which police were unable to rely on discredited forensic evidence.*Kenny Richey. a UK citizen" spent 21 vears on Death Row in the US falselvconvicted of starting a fire that killed Cvnthia Collins" 2 years old. The convictionwas reduced to theft and he was released in 2008. after three attempts to executehim failed.*Colin Stasg falselv imprisoned for the murder of Rachel Nickell on WimbledonCommon" London in 1992. but cleared in 1994.The case was thrown out on thegrounds that police had used a "honev trap" plot in a bid to encourage him toconfess. On 28 November 2007. Robert Napper was charged with her murder on thebasis of new DNA evidence.

Errors of impunity

*John Bodkin Adams. is a particularly notable case when a man was acquittedwhen he mav. now with access to archives. tre considered to have been guilty in alllikelihood. Adams was arrested in 1956 for the murders of Edith Alice Morrell andGertrude Hullett. He was tried in 1957 and found not guiltv of the first charge andthe second was dropned via a "Nolle prosequi", an act which the presiding iudge.Lord Justice Patrick Devlin. later termed "an abuse of power". [Devfin, Palricfr,'"Easine the Passing", London, The Bodlev Head, 19851Police archives, opened in2003" suggest that evidence was passed to the defense by the Attornev-GeneralReginald Manningham-Buller in order to allow Adams to avoid the death sentence.then still in force. Home Office pathologist Francis Camps suspected Adams ofkilline 163 natients in total. lCullen, Pamels V., "A Stranger in Blood: The Csse Fileson Dr lohn Bodkin Adams", London, Elliott & Thompson, 2006,ISBN 1-904027-19-9'l Adams was onlv ever fined for minor offences and struck off the medical registerfor four years.


Reflecting Scotland's own legal system. which differs from that of the rest of theUnited Kinsdom. the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (SCCRC) wasestablished in April 1999. All cases accepted by the SCCRC are subiected to arobust and thoroughlv impartial review before a decision on whether or not to referto the Hish Court of Justiciary is taken.

United States

Province of Massachusetts Bav

*Salem witch trials. malicious sossip sone awrv resulted in the killing of 19 innocent

people before the sentences were overturned (1692).

After independence

*May 1886; Chicaso" Haymarket Riot: eisht anarchist labor activists sentenced fora bomb explosion during a demonstration.*19201 Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti. two ltalian anarchists. tried andsentenced to death for the killing of two people during a robberv in 1920. In 1977.Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis issued a nroclamation stating that Saccoand Vanzetti had not been treated iustly and that "anv disgrace should be foreverremoved from their names."*1923: Marcus Garvev*1931; Scottsboro Boys*1937; Isidore Zimmerman" was imprisoned from 1937 to 1962 for a murder he didnot commit. 21 vears later the New York Court of Claims awarded him $1,000,000for his ordeal. He died 4 months later. after having spent 24 of his 66 vears inprison. Zimmerman had his death penalty commuted to a life term iust hours beforehe was scheduled to be electrocuted (he willinglv sought execution because of theintense psvchological torture of Lreing on death row). I[,9171,949292.00.htm1 The Lone Waitl I* 19 49 : lv a T o guri D' Aqaino w as I h ttp : //i u s t ic e d e n i e d. o r g/is s u e/i s s u e2&/tokvo rose id28.html convicted of treasonl for alleeedlv beinethe notorious'Tokyo Rose'. when federal prosecutors knew she was innocent. Based on the proofof her innocence. President Gerald Ford pardoned her in Januarv 1977.*19541 Dr. Sam Sheppard" American convicted in 1954 of killing his wife in theirhome: Sheppard maintained she had been killed bv an intruder, appealed his case tothe Supreme Court. After serving ten vears in prison" he was granted a new trialand was finally acquitted. A television series and film (both titled "The Fusitive")are widely believed to have been inspired bv his storv.*1961; Clarence Earl Gideon who was convicted in 1961 of robbery. successfullyargued in the Supreme Court in the case Gideon v. Wainwright that his trial wasunfair due to his lack of an attorney because of his inabilitv to pav for one. He wasgiven a retrial in 1963 with a free public defender and was acquitted.*1965; Peter Limone. Joseph Salvati and the families of the two other men who diedin prison were awarded $101.7 million as compensation for framing by the FBI. I[|7/US/law/07/26/wroneful.convictions.ap/index.html CNNI I*1976; Robert Wilkinson. Pennsvlvania - Philadelphia Countv. 1976: police beathim into signins a confession and intimidated witnesses to identifv him. He wasconvicted of arson and murder and sentenced to five consecutive life terms. He wasreleased later in the year after the actual perpetrators were convicted in federalcourt. The charges were refilled in 1977; indictments dismissed three months later.A federal court ruled prosecutor David Berman ignored. withheld and/or destrovedexculpatory evidencendash the actual perpetrators came to him and confessed. Indismissing Wilkinson's later indictment. the court ruled the prosecution was beingmaintained in bad faith. Prosecutors still insist he is euilty.*1976; Randall Dale Adams convicted of the 1976 murder of police officer RobertWood in Texas largely due to testimony from David Ray Harris. who was later

executed for a similar murder. Errol Morris' film" "The Thin Blue Line" exploredhis case and caused a closer examination, resulting in his release after 12 vears inprisonndash 4 of them on death row.*1979: Gary Dotson. was the first person whose conviction (in 1979) was overturnedbecause of DNA evidence, in 1989.*1981; Clarence Brandlev, Montgomerv Countv. Texas. was convicted of capitalmurder in 1981. In 1989. the Texas Court of Criminal Anpeals overturnedBrandlev's conviction, finding that police and prosecutors. including JamesKeeshan. failed to investigate leads pertaining to other suspects" suppressedevidence placing other suspects at crime scene at time of crime. failed to call awitness who didn't support the state's case. allowed the periured testimony of awitness to go uncorrected. and failed to notify Brandlev that another man laterconfessed to the crime.*19821 Ron Williamson and Dennis Fritz. Pontotoc Countv. Oklahoma. wereintimidated by police into confessions for the 1982 rape and murder of Debra SueCarter and convicted. In 1999. DNA evidence exonerated them.*1983: John Gordon Purvis, Broward Countv, Florida" a severely mentally illperson, despite no phvsical evidence that he was even at the scene of the murder.was intimidated by police into confessing to the murder of Susan Hamwi and herdaughter in 1983.Later. investigators found that Paul Hamwi. Susan Hamwi's ex-husband, had hired Robert Wavne Beckett Sr. and Paul Serio to murder SusanHamwi and Purvis was exonerated in 1993.*1984: Darrvl Hunt. convicted in 1984 of the rape and murder of Deborah Svkes.spent 19 vears in prison. 9 of which were served after DNA evidence indicated thathe did not commit the rape. Since Hunt was an African American. the case washeavilv charged with the topic of race relations.*1984; Juan Roberto Melendez-Colon was wrongly convicted of the Florida murderof Delbert Baker. He spent over 17 vears on Death Row and was released fromprison on Januarv 3" 2002.*1992; Joshua Rivera" 36, was sentenced 37 vears for a 1992 murder. On September19. 1992. Leonard Aquino was in front of a building and was approached bv acouple of men who spoke briefly. then opened fire. Mr. Aquino was killedl anotherman, Paul Peralta. was shot. but survived. Rivera was known to people in thebuilding and had a conviction for gun possession. He was charged and convicted ofthe crime. In 2006 Jaime Acevedo confessed he drove the real killer to the murderscene. and that Rivera was not involved. Prior to a court decision. Rivera accepted aplea agreement where he pled no contest to manslaughter. Dy'ew Iorlr ?r'raes,'November 16.2006: In Murder Case, New Evidence but Same Celll If Defendant WinsFreedom, But Not Vindicstionl l*1999; The Tulia incident. in which 46 people" fortv who were African-American.were arrested on a drug sting under undercover officer Tom Coleman. Despite thelack of credible evidence" many nled guiltv to receive lesser sentences believing thevwould not receive a fair trial (those convicted received harsher sentences). Furtherinvestigations and other evidence led to the release of most of the 'rTulia 46" bv2004, who were further compensated a total of $6.000.000 collectively to avoidfurther litigation.


*Dwayne Allen Dail. iailed for 18 years in a child rape case. was released fromprison after new DNA testing cleared him of the crime. I[http://www.usatodsv.con/news/nation/2007-08-28-charges-dismissed N.htm Msnclesred after I8 vears in prkon - USATODAY.con I I*Derrick Bell. who was serving 12 L/2 to 25 vears in prison for the robbery andshooting of Brentonol Moriah in Brooklvn in 1996, had his conviction vacated. If - 2nd Circuit UpsetsConviction Over Defense Failure to Test Victim's Memorv I I*Claude McCollum. convicted for murder and rape in 2005" had his convictionoverturned.. I fhttp://www.lansinsstateiournal.cont/apps/pbcs.dlUsrticle?AID:/20080119/l{EllSQI/801180373/O/special LV'hv was Claude McCollum wronelvconvicted? I I Lansing State Journal I I*Charles Dubbs. convicted for two sexual assaults. was set free after another inmateconfessed to committing the crimes. I[http://www, Freed after Other InmateConfesses to Sexual AssaultsVBC 27 News I I*Steven Phillips. sent to prison for a 1982 rape and burglary, was found to bewronglv convicted. I l 0286-32890753 ITM DA: Man wronelv convicted in '82 rape: He could be 14th clearedafter DNA points to another. I Dallas Morning News (Dallss, TXI (September. 20071 I I*Richard L. Kittilstad. sentenced to ten vears prison sentence in 2001 for solicitingprostitution" had his conviction overturned. I[]&formaf-print JS Online:Minister's conviction overturned I I*Ronald Gene Tavlor was set free after DNA cleared him in a 1982 gang rape inDallas Countv. I[| Finallvfree, Ronald Tavlor has no grudges I Lisa Falkenberg I - HoustonChronicle I I*John White was released from prison after a DNA test cleared him of rape. I[,23599.22911611-40l,00.html DNA clears iailed manof rape after 27 vears I l1*Marcus Lyons was cleared of rape bv DNA evidence. I[ but still strussling/ Exonerated But StillStraseline I ABA Journal - Law News Now I1*Floyd Brown. held since 1993 in a mental institution without trial for beatingKatherine Lynch to death, was released after all charges against him were droppedI htto ://www. c h srlotte. c o m/5 9 8/sto rv/4 I 3 5 2 1. htmil*Martin Tankleff was released from prison and his 1990 conviction quashed afternew evidence cast doubt on the police tactics and methods used to gather evidence.He was originally convicted of killing his parents. but new" unspecified. evidencecast serious enough doubt on that to cause an Appeal Court to quash the conviction.I f urticle id:504886&in pase id=1811 Man convicted of killing parents 17 vears aso is freed aftercourt overturns verdict I the Dailv Mail I I

*A Colorado iudge ordered on Januarv 22, 2008, the immediate release of TimMasters. DNA research bv Richard Eikelenboom from Independent ForensicServices in Nunspeet disproved his connection with the death of Peggy Hettrick in1987 inFort Collins. I [http://www.nos.nUnosiournaal/urtikelen/2008/1/22/220108mosters vriilating.html NOSJOURNAAL - Masters vrii na Nederlands dna-

onderzoek I I*David Scott was released from prison after DNA evidence determined he was notthe man who killed 89-year-old Loretta Keith of West Terre Haute. I[httn:// WTHR -Indianapolis News and Westher - DNA evidence frees inmate I I*Kennedv Brewer was exonerated of a 1992 rape and murder of a 3-vear-old childafter sp endine I 5 v ear s b ehind b ar s. I I h ttp : //ww w. s un h e r s I d. c o m/3 0 6/v -print/storv/355760.htm1# : Man chareed in child slaving for whichunother sentenced to death I I*Lvnn DeJac. convicted of killing daughter. was exonerated after a iudgeoverturned her conviction based on new Dl{A evidence implicating her formerbovfriend in the l<tllins.. I fhttp://sbcnews.eo.cott /TheLadwireStorv?id=42874361 I*Rachel Jernigan, convicted of bank robberv in 2001. was released from prisonafter another woman confessed to the crime. Ifhttp : //www. fox I I az co m/n ew s/to p s to r ie s/s to r ies/k ms b - 2 0 0 I 0 2 0 7-sp i c-mothrefreed.9bb7bSa6.html Arizona mother freed from prison for crime she didn'tcommit I Top Stories I FOXlIAZ.coml News for Tucson, Arizona I1*Willie Earl Green. sent to prison in 1983 for the murder of a woman. was releasedafter a chanse in testimonv. I f,1,200327l.storv After 25 vears, new hope for inmate - LosAneeles Times I I*Robert Gonzales. a mentally retarded man who falsely confessed to the slaving ofan 11-year-old girl in 2005 was released from iail Friday after a national databasematched DNA in the case to another man in custodv for another crime. II http : //www. ko at. c o m/n ew s/l 6 7 3 2 5 3 9/d et ail. ht ml C h sre e s D is mis s e d A eain s t C h ildRape, Murder Suspect - Albuquerque News Storv - KOAT Albuquerque I I*Patrick Waller. who was convicted for a robberv in which four people wereabducted and a woman was raped, has been exonerated. Ifhttp://www, Patrick Wsller, exonerated bv DNA, grants first interview I DullasMorning News I News for Dallas, Texas I Latest News I I*Raymond H. Jonassen spent four months in iail based on information that turnedoat to be false. I f 22-20/TOP Storv expired! ( I I*Dean Cage was exonerated of a rape conviction after 14 years in prison. Ifhttp://www.chicagotribune,com./news/locaUchi-dna-exonerates-nrisoner-webmav28,0,5734277.storv DNA exonerates inmate on rane conviction after 14 vears I1*Walter Swift was wrongly convicted of raping a pregnant Detroit woman in 1982.I [ WWJ Newsradio 950 - Adiustine to

Freedom Trickv for Walter Swift I I*Levon Junior "Bo" Jones. sentenced to death for the 1987 murder and robbery ofLeamon Gradv. was released after nearly 15 years in prison. I[http://www.newsargus.cor?r/news/archives/2008/05/04/man freed after I5

vears on death row/index.shtml Goldsboro News-Argas I News: Man freed sfter ISvears on death row I 1

*James Lee Woodard was released from prison after DNA tests and changes inwitness testimony proved that he did not rape and murder his 2l-vear-old girlfriendin 1980. If DNA evidence frees man imorisoned 27 vesrs in DallasCountv I Dallas Morning Nerrys I News for Dsllas, Texas I Breaking News for Dallss-Fort Worth I Dallas Mornine News I I*Cynthia Sommer. convicted of killing her Marine husband with arsenic to pav forbreast implants. was cleared after new tests showed no traces of poison. Ifhttp ://www. c h ic s g otrib une. c o m/n ews/n ationw o r ld/c hi-cv nt h ia-s o mme r-0 8 0 4 I I -ht, 1,6 7 I 0 3 0 3. sto rv ? trac k:rs s Cv nth ia S o mmer mur d e r c h ar g e s dis mis s e d I I*Thomas Clifford McGowan was freed after spending nearly 23 vears in prison fora rape he did not commit. I [http:/ x.htm DNA frees man who spent almost 23 vears in prison for rape I I*Nathaniel Hatchett. who spent 12 years in prison for rape. was released afterprosecutors decided to drop charges based on DNA evidence that shows he was notthe raaist. I fhttp ://www. detn ews. com/app s/p b cs. d I l/articl e 7AID:/2 008 04 I S/METRO/&A4 I 5 03 7 I/1 4 |9/METRO Man exonerated after I 2 vears inprison I I*Glen Chapman. who spent 14 vears on death row. was released after the DistrictAttornev dismissed murder charges against him. I[http :// obs erver. com/news/crime s afetv/storv/I 0 2 3 0 74. I Another innocent inmste leaves death row I I*Guv Randolph was exonerated bv a court iudge after the district attorney's officeacknowledged that he had been wrongly convicted. I[htto:// convicted man seekscomDensstion/ Wronglv convicted man seeks compensation - The Boston Globe I I*Hattie Douglas's charge of murdering her 1l-month-old son bv noisoning him with

alcohol was dismissed in Mav 2008. The murder charge was dropped after new testscast doubt on the theory that the death of her son was caused bv alcohol.I h tto : //www. c I ario n le d s e r. c o m/ap p s/p b c s. d I l/art ic I e ?AID:/2 0 0 I 0 5 24/NEWS/8 0 5 24 0 3 3 8/1 0 0 I /n ewsl

Together, www. FreeKelsevsMom. com and are hoping toeducate the public about wrongful convictions bv holding s rallv on June 21. 2008 inHarrah, Oklahoma at Heritage Psrk.

oklahoma Citv. oK (Billboard Publicitv wire / PRWEB) Mav 23.2008 - Therecent release of wrongfully convicted Cynthia Sommer has brought awareness tothe imprisonment of the innocent. The trend of crime lab mistakes" iudicial errors.

and incorrect evewitness accounts is spreading nationwide. These contribute toyears being stripped away from those who are mistakenly confined in a system thatpromises "Justice for all." Together. and are hoping to educate the public about wrongful convictions by holding arally on June 21.2008 in Harrah. Oklahoma at Heritage Park. Oklahoma's own"Innocent Man" Dennis Fritz and Tabitha Pollock who was exonerated in anIllinois Supreme Court after six vears in prison are among scheduled guestspeakers. Ultimately. we want to educate the putrlic of this very real epidemic ofwrongful convictions.

To quote Sommer's website. "Putting an innocent person in iail is the legalequivalent of a plane crash." Unfortunatelv. these "plane crashes" are part of atrend that is being seen across the countrv. With high profile cases such asSommer's making the nightlv news" the public is now opening its eyes to the realitvthat wrongful imprisonment can happen to anvone. In Oklahoma. awareness of our"iniustice" svstem has gone virtual with the websites www.FreeKelseysMom.comand These sites are in support of a woman namedRaye Dawn Smith. Free Kelsev's Mom members believe Smith has been wrongfullvconvicted bv a one-sided media blitz that altered public opinion and led to an unfairtrial. Durins the trial. Richard Smothermon. District Attorney for Lincoln County,Oklahoma. stated that he believed Smith's daughter. Kelsey Smith-Briggs. wassexuallv assaulted and murdered bv Mike Porter. Smith's ex-husband and Kelsey'sstep-father. According to Smothermon. Smith "should have known" Porter abusedKelsev. (Oklahoma Case(s) CF-06-00033 & CF-07-00134)Smith now sits in anOklahoma prison waiting for her appeal to the 27-vear sentence she received for"should have known." Evidence in support of allegations of periurv. iury tainting.iuror misconduct. timelines. the conspiratorial emails. and other documentation canbe found on Smith's sites at

Like Sommer's case. Smith's has gained local and now worldwide attention due tothe YouTube videos and media blitz launched by Kelsev's paternal grandmother.Smith's site has members from as far awav as Denmark. Australia, Canada. SouthAfrica. and the UK. These members believe that it was the media and Smith'ssilence that convicted Smith before her case went to trial on July 9.2007. OklahomaCitv based news channels reported 910 times on this case from October.2005 toApril.2007. During that same time period. the Dailv Oklahoman published 59articles and the Shawnee News-Star published 62. With the media, billboards.buttons" bumper stickers. and Smith's side of the story silenced and ignored. FreeKelsey's Mom members believe Smith did not receive a fair trial.

On Tuesdav. Mav 20.2008. Smith's familv members gathered at the State Capital todeliver a letter from Smith to Oklahoma lawmakers. They also delivered evidence ofSmith's alleged innocence. and two petitions; 664 signatures and sentiments havebeen gathered in support of a fair trial for Smith, and 505 signatures have beencollected to release the records of Kelsey Smith-Briggs as Oklahoma's Title Ten callsfor in the death of a child. Smith's familv members were met bv a local televisioncrew that "scooped" the letter from a House of Representative's office after thefamily refused to turn over a copy of the letter. Before the family left the Capital.

the letter was posted on the paternal family's website along with plentv of bashing ofSmith.

Nationwide coverage is needed to bring attention to this the iniustice that RaveDawn Smith and her supporters allege. Read the evidence and ask yourself - as a societv. are we to stand bv.quietlv thinking "someone else" will bring awareness to wrongful convictions andreport Raye Dawn's side of the storv? Give Raye Dawn a voice. Tell her story so

others will not suffer her fate. Visit and bringawareness to the truth and raise much needed funds for Smith's defense. (OklahomaAppeals Case #: F-2007-1196)

ls this the fote of ore criminol justice system .convict the ondimprison the innocent .thot todoy itis not justice but injustice foroll.

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