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Analysis of House Music

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Feed the Dada – Camera A more conventional shot shows a teenager partying away in the chorus of the song.

On Wikipedia, ‘Dada’ is said on the website as ‘prizing nonsense, irrationality, intuition’ In the video there are some unconventional shots being taken place for this type of genre.

This close up of one of the artists shows his facial expressions in detail, his mouth movements are in rhythm with the song.

This medium shot is a more conventional shot as we see people partying towards the end. In house music this is what we tend to see.

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Feed the Dada – Camera A shot of uncertainty is used as the establishing shot. Inside the box is an IPod and a note stating to play the track.

A close-up shows that the track the audience is listening to the on-screen characters are listening to it to.

Below you see two contrasting shots of one person dancing erratically and the girl relaxing or sleeping.

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Feed The Dada – Editing

From this shot, we can see that time is slowed down once the chorus come into play.

As well as condensed time, we see that the boy is shaking his head repeatedly and slowly.

We see the singer slowly singing the track with an extreme close-up shot. Wee see a contrast between fast-paced music and slow mouth movements

As the song nears an end, we see people flying into the air. This has the effect as it coincides with the fast-paced music at the end.

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Feed The Dada – Editing

Slow motion is again used to correspond to the music which is being played. Everyone is dancing to the music at the same time.

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Related Theories

One of Andrew Goodwin’s three words to describe visuals were Illustrate. Feed the Dada uses a set of images to illustrate the lyrics which are being sung. ‘Feed the Dada’ happens towards the end of the video.

Another theory which is related to this song is the electronic shaman. We see different movements in this video which are not normal. We se people magically floating into the air without anyone’s help.

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At first we see a man and girl at home calmly staring at a box uncertain whether to open it or not. Although the genre is house and a buzzing theme, this is a conventional start.

There is a bit of a contrast between the man and girl. The girl is wearing more up market clothing as well as jewelry. Her hair as well is nicely brushed and she is wearing make-up. Compared to the man, he is wearing a plain white t-shirt and some jeans and his hair is a bit messy.


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Feed the Dada – Mise-en-Scene

The Ipod and speakers symbolises that a party may be about to start or some form of dancing is going to take place.

The logo on the box which the IPod is in is the same logo which is on Dada Life’s website.

The artists are wearing unconventional outfits, plain white. As a hose genre, you would expect them to have more up market clothing.

Why are there two people wearing strange costumes?

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Feed the Dada – Dada Life

‘So come and feed the Da Da Da Da Da’ The bald men are the Dada, they are producers.

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Eric Pydz – Pjanoo The establishing shot of this video show us a man, possibly the artist, running away from something which we do not find out. The video starts up with an ELS of the man running along a railway track, followed by a low angle CU then a birds eye view from the side.

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Pjanoo – Camera

The purpose of the ELS is to set the scene of the man running away from somewhere. We see that it is in the middle of the American wilderness; Cowboy like land, dry land and dry grass with an abandoned railway track perhaps.

The CU of the plants give gives us another indication of how dry the land is. We can see that the plants have not touched water for months.

The long shot seen here of the barn shows us that it has not been in use for months, possibly years with old chairs and dusty tables and bottles.

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Pjanoo – Editing

We see a close-up of the piano key being pressed down and the camera shot instantly changes when the rythem of the music changes.

At the beginning of the video we see the music video being introduced to us in a red font as well as the song title.

Another editing technique used is a hedgehog which then turns into a little man.

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Pjanoo – Editing

Various editing techniques are used at once, fading, we see money fall down as well as the man’s face when a location is fading out.

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Pjanoo – Mise-en-Scene

As I have mentioned before, the ELS at the beginning of the video shows us the wilderness and state a man is going through. He is running along a railway track that is probably not in use.

Right we also see the exact detail of how dry the wilderness is with dry plants in shot.

Once the man enters the barn, we see that the glasses, chairs and bottles are covered in dust. It is also a darkened room, with the only light coming from outside.

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Pjanoo – Mise-en-Scene

Here we can see that a man encounters a little man, possibly from a tribe. He is wearing a costume that is made out of things from the bush.

From this shot we can get a good look on how the man is looking. From what it looks like he is a stereotype of a cowboy, but no guns. He is wearing jeans, a rolled-up collard t-shirt and an Indiana Jones hat. He is also carrying a bag which looks like a bag cowboys carry with money in it.

We can make out that it is money, an American dollar note

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Pjanoo – Mise-en-Scene

My final analysis of the man is that we an see he is wearing cowboy like boots when he walks into the barn

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Nervo – You’re Gonna Love Again

For the song to start, it takes twenty seconds to happen. A range of close-ups and medium shots are used in the first 25 seconds of the video.

This close-up shows us that the women in the car is looking at a picture, but then screws it up. Is this related to the song, ‘..Love Again’

It’s conventional for any song to set the message early and carry on throughout the song.

The extreme close-up shows the detail into how much she is screwing up the picture.

Once the song gets into the chorus, the conventional part of the song begins as we see people dancing around to the song. At this point we see a range of fast-paced camera shots being used of different parts of the body on different people.

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Camera – You’re Gonna Love Again Once the song gets into the chorus, the conventional part of the song begins as we see people dancing around to the song. At this point we see a range of fast-paced camera shots being used of different parts of the body on different people.

Once the tempo of the music slowed down, slower camera shots we used and close-ups were directed at people’s faces.

As the music gathered pace, there is a long-shot used to show everyone having fun and dancing around.

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Editing – You’re Gonna Love Again

One logo shown here is used form the video and the other one from Nevro’s website. They are the same font and same style. The purpose of this is to symbolize the artist.

As you see this close up from behind, time is condensed as the music being played at the time is slower than it normally is.

The close-up here is darkened to give the shot more of an effect.

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Editing – You’re Gonna Love Again

Another editing technique used by the production company is that we see the man floating in the air. Again, this gives it more of an effect.

The same is done to a girl who falls of a ledge, but then starts floating above other dancers as the are dancing.

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Related Theories – You’re Gonna Love Again

I believe that there are two theories related to this song. One of which is the electronic shaman. It is very unusual to see people floating in the air.

Another theory related to this video I think is the commercial exhibitionist. The two singers promote themselves by there indie style look. One of the woman has their hair spiked up which is unusual for a lady and she also has dark eyeliner on her eyelashes and eyebrows. The girl on the left however has a more basic look about herself. With a black hat and long blond hair.

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