Page 1: Analysis of a pop music video (iggy

Analysis of a pop music video (Iggy Azalea, Fancy) Choose relevant video for main task product and identify 7 key frames to analyse, camera work, mise en scene, and editing if relevant.

Also consider how each image relates to conventions of genre (typical for pop music video) and form (typical for music video).

Page 2: Analysis of a pop music video (iggy

Camera workAn over the shoulder shot is used in this shot to represent that the singer is looking at the device; this shows her looking at a clothes website. This connotes that she is fashionable and feminine, which is stereotypical for females and the target audience so is therefore appealing to them. The composition of this shot also emphasises that she is signified to be fashionable and youthful as the device with the clothing website takes the main part of the shot. This is appealing to the target audience as shopping is a hobby they would typically enjoy. The camera angle used in this is a high angle, the point of this is to show what the individual in the video is looking at, this signifies that she is a teenager as it connotes that she enjoys shopping and also enjoys using devices which is typical for teenagers which is the target audience of the video.

Mis-en-sceneThere are certain props specifically used in this shot to represent certain things about the video. In this shot there is a pair of sun glasses, which are an accessory which are appealing to female teenagers. This signifies that the female in the video is fashionable and feminine which is conventional for a music video as this is one way of appealing to the audience as they also will be interested in fashion and accessories. This therefore represents the female in the video to be a stereotypical female for her age and also means that the audience can idolise her due to her fashion sense. Another prop which is used is a device, this signifies again that the female in the video is a typical teenager as devices like this are often used mainly by the target audience, this is a way of appealing to the target audience as they have used props which will interest the target audience as they will come into contact with these devices on a regular bases. The device also signifies that the individual is fashionable and care how she looks as it shows her to be on a clothing website looking at an outfit. This would again appeal to the audience as they care how they look at their age and like to be fashionable. It is conventional for fashionable clothing is conventional for a pop music video because for the same reasoning that this would appeal to the target audience as they are generally fashionable or idolise others who are fashionable. High key lighting is also used in this shot; this is conventional for a pop music video. This is conventional as typically pop music videos are upbeat songs, with happy lyrics and by using high key lighting this connotes happiness and therefore is conventional.

EditingBetween this shot and the shot before the editing technique of an action match is used, it cuts from a wide shot to an over the shoulder shot. The reason for this is to show the individuals facial expression about the outfit shown on the devise she is using and also so all of her clothing can be shown in the background. This signifies that she is extremely fashionable and takes pride in her appearance. This is conventional for a pop music video as the costumes and props usually represent the individuals in the video to be fashionable and youthful. This is appealing to the target audience as they take pride in their appearing and therefore may idolise the singer for her youthful and up to date fashion sense.

Conventions of the genre• High key lighting • Fashionable clothing• Appropriate props (device and

sun glasses) • Modern/ up to date

Conventions of the form (music videos) • Range of shot types• Editing techniques • Mise-en-scene considered • Angles of camera considered

Page 3: Analysis of a pop music video (iggy

Camera workIn this shot a wide mid shot is used, this reason for this is so the mise-en-scene can be easily seen as it represents many things about the music song and video. The setting here demonstrates that the singer of this song is at an education setting, this allows the target audience to relate with the singer as the target audience are generally still at school. The clothing that the singer is where within the education setting signifies that she is rebellious as the length of the skirt can be seen as inappropriate in this setting. This is appealing to the target audience as they generally have negative opinions about school and will try to be rebellious at this point in their lives. The male in this shot who seems to be the teacher looks unhappy with the situation, this is stereotypical as not many pupils get along well with their teachers. This shot also was done so the other students in the classes can be in it, this represents them to be bored which signifies they are not interested in what is happening at the front of the class. This is again stereotypical because at this age most teenagers will care more about other things such as friendships rather than their education. Therefore the target audience can again relate to this because they may be less interested in their education than they are with other things such as friendships.

Mise-en-sceneThe setting in this shot is slightly unconventional as not many pop music videos are set in an education setting as schools are usually seen to be boring places however a conventional setting for a pop music video would be a setting which signifies fun, such as a beach. However the costume of which the singer is wearing signifies that she is rebellious, enabling the target audience to relate with the video. This type of rebelliousness would not be able to have been represented without using this type of setting. However high key lighting is used in this shot, which is conventional because is connotes happiness's and enjoyment which is conventional. The high key lighting is mainly focused on the artist to signify that she is having fun and enjoying herself, this will make the audience happy also as they like seeing their idol being happy.

Editing Cross cutting is used from the shot before this to this shot. The shot before is of the individual looking on the internet at the outfit which she now is wearing in this shot. This emphasises that the individual can get what she wants as it signifies she is wealthy as she can buy outfits which she likes with out waiting to save money. This makes the audience idolise her as they are also typically fashionable and may envy the fact she has enough money to buy outfits as and when she likes.

Conventions of the genre• Fashionable• high key lighting• Relatable for audience • Bright/ light colours

Conventions of the form (music video)• Mise-en-scene considered• Editing techniques used• Camera shots considered

Page 4: Analysis of a pop music video (iggy

Camera workThis shot is a wide shot, this has been used to ensure all of the females are in the shot. This shot signifies that they are sporty due to the background and costume, this will help the audience relate to the video as they are likely to enjoy sports at their age. There body language in this shot represents that they are confident and happy as they are dancing, this signifies that they have a good friendship with each other which is shown through them being so close together as a group. This is conventional because in pop music videos the artist is usually represented as popular and confidence as this is appealing to the target audience for a number of reasons as for example they may idolise these factors of the artist.

Mise-en-sceneThe mise-en-scene in this shot signifies the artist and her friends as energetic, this is through the use of the costume and setting. The mise-en-scene in this shot represents they are sporty this is stereotypical for their age and will therefore appeal to the target audience. This is also conventional for a pop music video as the individuals in the videos are usually seen to be popular, which people who partake in sport are usually also seen as being popular. Also the mise-en-scene is also conventional as the individuals are being energetic and enthusiastic which is the norm for pop music videos as the target audience are able to related to this.

Editing An action match editing technique is used in this shot, this is to signify again that she is energetic and sporty, the mise-en-scene costume and editing action match as well as the close up on the trainers in this shot work together to emphasis that she is popular as she is wearing trainers connoting she enjoys sports. This is conventional for a pop music video as sport usually represents someone as being popular, which is conventional for a pop music video as the target audience care a lot about their friends meaning they can relate to artist in music videos if they are shown as being popular with a group of friends.

Page 5: Analysis of a pop music video (iggy

Camera workA wide mid shot is used in this shot, the reason this has been done is so the two artists are in the center of the shot so most of the attention are on them. This shot is also purposefully done to signify that the artists are important, as they are in the center of the shot and there is others around it connotes that are the most important in this shot. This shot enables all of the setting and the costumes to be within the shot to signify the artists are fun as they are at a party setting which is conventional for a music video as this enables the audience to relate with the artist as they will also be experiencing these types of experiences. This demonstrates the mise-en-scene and camera work, the two technical areas working together to ensure a shot is conventional for a pop music video.

Mise-en-sceneThe costume of which the two artist are wearing in this shot is very reveling, this is conventional for the genre as it represents them as ‘sexy’ which is appealing for the target audience, it also signifies that they are extremely confident, again this is conventional for the genre as this is appealing for the target audience as they idolise them. The low key lighting in the shot signifies the youth of the artists and creates a party atmosphere as it represents that they are at a house party late at night, this is conventional as many of the target audience will be experiencing going to house parties at nights. Also the use of props in this shot, the red cups. These signify that the individuals at the party my be under the influence of alcohol, therefore the low key lighting works with the props to emphasis they are are a party which is conventional for the genre as they are having fun and enjoying themselves.

EditingFast paced editing is used throughout this scene in the music video, this signifies the artist are having fun and enjoying them selves as it represents that time may be going fast, this is conventional for the genre as they usually enjoy being at parties and this allows the audience to relate to them. Cross cutting is also used to show other at the party but it mainly focuses of the two artist, again connoting that they are the most important and this is conventional for the genre as the artists are usually popular and important as they are idolised by their target audience.

Page 6: Analysis of a pop music video (iggy

Camera workThis mid wide shot focuses on the artist in the center, connoting that she is important. This is emphasised by others being in the shot but only in the background. The way she is walking through the middle of everyone signifies that she is confident and maybe slightly arrogant as she feels she should be the center of attention. This represents her to be confident which is conventional for this genre as it is something to be idolised.

Mise-en-scene The phone prop is conventional for this genre as this is appealing to the audience as it signifies that she enjoys the same type of activities others her age do. As the setting is a school this represents her youth and by using her phone in this setting it may connote she is rebellious. The costume in this has been purposefully done so the artist is in bright clothing and the others are wearing dark clothing, this signifies that the artist is important and emphasises that she is center of attention in this shot. This is conventional as the artist is usually the main focus of a pop music video.

Page 7: Analysis of a pop music video (iggy

Camera work This long shot connotes that the artist is wealthy as she is in a car which looks expensive which is unconventional for individuals of her age but conventional for a pop music video, this is another reason the target audience may idolise the artist. The composition in this shot is done to emphasis the power of the artist as it shows she is in a small vehicle with a much larger one behind them, this connotes some danger also but signifies they are careless as they are not bother about this other vehicle.

Mise-en-sceneThis prop of the expensive vehicle connotes the artists wealth, and the larger one behind them connotes danger and that they are careless about this other vehicle. This is conventional as many of the target audience may be fairly careless about many things and enjoy a bit of danger and therefore enables the audience to relate to the artist in some way. As all of the vehicles around the car which the artist is in are dark colours this is again to signify the artists importance and represents her as confident which is also conventional for the genre.

Editing Fast paced editing is used in this shot to connote the danger within the scene and representing that the individuals in the care are young and reckless. This is conventional as they are being careless which enables the target audience to relate to this shot as they will be at the age where they are driving with their friends and being careless stereotypically. Therefore this is conventional as it is a way of intriguing and addressing the audience.

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