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Focus Group LocationPriceChanging trend: Quality Easy accessethical vs unethicalpost behaviour crime or notIqbal town Price of product is main factor of purchasing counterfeit product, price of original brand is high and some time is out of range only few people afford or buy original product or you can say upper class of society purchase branded products and price of counterfeit products is low and in rang every one can afford it. justifies using counterfeits is that the fast changing trend that they dont want to make expensive purchases because the style or the trend quickly changes with time then they have to buy new product.there is hell of difference between quality of original and counterfeit product you can use counterfeit product for 5 or 6 months but you can use original or branded products for 3 or 4 years. conuterfeit products are easily availabe products, now people open their own shops and they sell other branded counterfeit products. Every person answer this question in this manner why we feel guilty we are paying for it. Thats why its ethical GIFT University we found that low price is an important factor motivating demand for counterfeit products Consumers want to purchase original brands but only some of them can pay for them. Stuff and quality of original and replica product is different. Quality of original product is good and quality of replica product is not so good. Counterfeit is easily available in Pakistan and very common in use. buying counterfeit is unethical becusae a brnad doing a lot of expenses to bulid image. Iqbal town Low priced counterfeits meet the needs who cannot afford original brands and this opportunity is provided by the premium prices original brands. Low price has been witnessed to inspire demand for counterfeitsYes, design is very important factor because mens design is very trendy fashion in shlwar qameez, embroidery and handmade designs, self printing of suit these are all important factors in cotton suit we consider as a customer while purchasingYou cannot differentiate original and counterfeit product on the basis of look but when you wear you can easily differentiate which one is original and which one is counterfeit. Many major sites are also selling counterfeits like Amazon. So, easy availability is also a common factor of consumers justification.

civil line Because of the availability of counterfeits in market at low price, consumers favor counterfeits over original brands.Brand name is the important thing when we purchase counterfeit product because brand always represt quality. Counterfeit products are easily available products in every mall in every market you can easily purchase counterfeit products. In our city there are less original branded products shops and more counterfeit products shops. jahangir(sajid ali1)price difference is about to 70% so I prefer to buy the countefiet.trend is rapdily changing so this is one factor which restrict my behaviour to not buy orignal brands.quality is a main element which create the difference between orignal and counterfiet there is a diffreence of about regidity we can use orignal brand for many years but cant use counterfiet for even many months.counterfiet are easily available in pakistan at every corner shop it is not ethical according to my thinking because you are demaging the image of other brand.I am extreamly satisfied after buying adidas shoes. jahnagir (Sufyan sajad 2)price iof counterfiet is approachable for me as compare to orignal brands I spend 15000 in return I can have 25 jeans but in orignal I can get only 5 jeans maximum.quality of copy is not acceptable in b class its a+ is good but its too expensive as compare to b copyour region copy band is available in every corner shop in every bazaar in every mall even pace which is in Gujranwala this is a mall of copy everything is copy there so I usually buy from pace and from city bazaars. buying counterfiet is ethical because it give approach to low class to buy the status.I am not satisfied my jeans quality is not aceptable .it is a crime to buy the copy brand because it effect the sales of original brand and no counterfeit supply should be allowed to export the copy brands and there should be the heavy fines for copy products producersjahangir (imran khan 3)I spent 10000 in a year ,price for me is less expensive because in counterfiet my buying power increases.I found that there is no word loyalty exists because in counterfeit new designs come on monthly basis in numerous brands so people rapidly switch from it.I mostly use the orignal A+ copy so it is similar to orignal brand so I am satisfied of this.I cant find my desired designs from here so for that I prefer to go Lahore it is unethical to buy the copy brand but it impact the sales of original brand I am satisfied with copy purchaseit is a crime to buy the copy brand mugni ( usman 1)Price of counterfeit product is low as compare to orignal product. orignal brand price is so much high as compare to counterfiet product.Trend is rapidly changing and I can not afford branded products price of branded product is high.I feel there is huge difference in the quality of orignal and counterfiet product. Quality of orignal is high and counterfiet is low. Counterfeit products are easily available products it available in every mall.when I purchasae product by paying specific amount then how some one say it is not unethical, mugni(interview 2 ahmed ) price of counterfeit products is relatively low and people cannot afford branded products thats why they prefer to purchase counterfeit products.yes of course there is too much difference in the quality of original and in the quality of counterfeit products. Brand always provide good quality products and counterfeit provide less quality products. .

In Pakistan Counterfeit products are easily available products you can find less branded shops and more counterfeit products shops its mean you canbuy easily counterfeit products. In every mall in every market you can easily purchase counterfeit products.According to business point of view it is unethical because brand advertises heavily and makes other expenses to stand so it is unethical according to business point of view. mugni(interview 3)Low priced counterfeits meet the needs who cannot afford original brandsBrand name is the important thing when we purchase counterfeit product because brand always represt quality. Counterfeit is easily available in Pakistan and very common in use. according to customer point of view it is ethical because they have the right to buy anything.sufyan (adil interview 1)price matters for me.i will buy 500 jeans of copy brand instead of 5000I will go with the trend ,design and the changing style ,because I m aperson with uptodate personality. yess I want to wear quality but pricing effect this factor too but quality does matter .i wear normal quality things,in other sense yeah it will be compromisedcounterfeit products are easily accessable every where and I dont have to go outside the city for the shopping ,thats why I love itIn my point of view its not about ethical unethical its all about buying power ,what if I m not so wealthy so I can't buy original brand instead of it I buy counterfeit so what is unethical in that .sufyan (ali interview 2)Mostly price doesn't matters for me ,I love brands and I m status concious and I want to walk with the society with pride so price really don't matters for meFor me trend changing every single day and I want to be upgraded every day and I m with the changing trendQuality does matters.quality must be good and high .If I buy 7000 rupees jeans it must be go on for like two three years so it worth it yeah I noticed that replicas are easy available ,but for those who love brands doesn't care about access ,I can even go to china to buy my brand if it is not accessable in my countryThe thing is it is unethical for the makers of replicas not for the public the manufacturer who are making these products are doing the crime public is not involved in unethical thing.sufyan (interview 3)price is a matter of fact is important ,most people buy products after seeing the price tag ,they usually compromise with the productssociety changing it values and culture day by day so in order to be with the culture people wants to purchase brands in order to fullfill the society requirements people compromise on quality,as I mentioned earlier that people buy things after reading the price tagsyeah may be I didnt notice because I mostly prefer brands and for those whose values are brand they have very little information about replica'sit is unethical in my point of view,The brand who is launching its product after so much expense and we are just insulting them by buying counterfeit products so it is unethicalhumza(interview 1 sunny)If we distinguished between the counterfeit product with the origional one then there is huge price different.Price of branded product is high so people mostly prefer like to buy counterfeit as compared to origional oneI thing there is not enough different in the quality of counterfeit with branded product mostly product are of same quality e.t.c electronic productNow counterfeit product are available everywhere. If you want to buy repilca of any brand you can easily buy it through your nearest shopping place.customer point of view it is ethical but the companies who make that replica is unethical. humza(interview 2 arslan) Price of counterfeit products is very low I seen the quality of product if the quality is 70-80 same to origional one then I will buy it,Huge price different trend change rapidlyI seen the quality as well as prices of that specific product which I want to buy. If the quality is not 70% to the origional one I cannot buy that specific product.

Counterfeit products are easily available products it available in every mall local street every where u seen the accessebility of counterfeit product.The brand who is launching its product after hard work and we without their permission make same copy of that thing so it is wrong and unethical.humza(interview 3 umer) People who can't afford to buy origional brand they can buy copy of that specific brand to built their status in the mind of otherTrend of buying counterfeit product is rapidily increase due to high prices of the origional one brand.there is huge difference in the quality of orignal and counterfiet product. Quality of orignal is high and counterfiet is low. Everywhere you see counterfeit. Now counterfeit is become a part of our is totally unethical because counterfeit mean cheat so it a cheating. Tayyab's (Interview 1)For me buying expensive pants is foolishness while you can get the same looking pants in counterfeit and I dont buy expensive pants because of high prices issue.I don't think so or buy so.When it comes to quality,quality matters.There are also several qualities in counterfeits I do look for qualities too and there is a huge difference in quality of counterfeits and geniune products.Easy access is also another reason for buying counterfeits obviously when they won't be easyily available you won't buy much then you can find counterfeit of every product in almost every local shopIts not unethical you are paying to buy it you ain't getting it for free if you are paying price then you are getting the quality accordingly.its not crime we pay for it and its sold on less price with different quality.Tayyab's (Interview 2)I buy counterfeits because I can't afford the price of geniune branded products I wish to purchase for me price is the biggest factor I don't think people buy counter feit because of changing trend atleast I won't buy for that reason I guess.Quality matters a lot for me it was a really bad experience with quality when I bought my counterfeit product it was shoes and they almost injured my feet there is a lot of difference in quality.Yes easy access is a major component of usage of counter feits you can easily even buy counterfeits online almost all major sites like amazon do sell is unethical to copy someone's name and sell products in name of other brands its like was an awful experience because of quality I ain't gnna buy any counterfeit againits a crime it should be banned in PakistanTayyab's ( interview 3)For me price is not a big issue I just buy counter feit which is good in looks in name of a good brand.Changing trend doesn't have to do anything with buying counterfeitsThere is a lot of difference in quality counterfeits doesn't last long while geniune do give you many years for usage.i do prefer using A copy if found.Counterfeits are easily available in every local market that's also a reason I do buy it I prefer buying bags and I can easily find them in marketits unethical I guess its a crime , its banned in US and many other places Govt. should take steps to ban it.its a crime and should be banned I spoils the value of original brands(sufyan)Interview 4 ZainAs we all know price is very much reasonable of counterfeit product so mostly people just buy because of low priceYess every one want to fit in the society and I can say that counterfeit products are helping a lot to those who cannot afford to buy originalsQuality do matter but price also do,I can wear jeans for like three months not for three years because trend is changing so qulaity matters but with the trend tooIt is available in every where ,in shopping malls in market(bazar) in the shops,its everywhere.I have analyzed that it is not unethical ,what is unethical in that if a person cannot afford original .(sufyan)Interview 5 FareedPrice is relatively very low as compared to original ,every one can fulfill their wish by buying counterfeiting productsIt is changing every single minute so who can buy original again and again by competing with the trend,so counterfeit helping us.We can say that yes it is important but price factor matter more than the quality in our culture .it's available all over the places like in the every corner of country ,it's very easy to access any counterfeit shopIt is not really unethical,yes to some extent it is unethical for the original makers but it is not for the cutomers(mugni)interview 4 haris To much price different in counterfeit and the original one. Orignal product price is high and counterfiet is low trend is rapidely changing and I can not afford expensive products thats why I prefered to purchase counterfiet product. Because replica products is less expensive and I can afford it. when you wear you can easily differentiate which one is original and which one is counterfeit. Brand always provide good quality products and counterfeit provide less quality products. Counterfeit products are easily available products in every mall in every market you can easily purchaaccording to my point of view buying counterfiet is ethical because when I pay for some thing then how it become unethical.(mugni)intervieew 5 Ahsan price of original brand is high and some time is out of range only few people afford and price of counterfeit products is low and in rang every one can afford it. you can use counterfeit product for 5 or 6 months but you can use original or branded products for 3 or 4 years. Because quality of orignal product is high.Counterfeit is easily available in Pakistan and very common in use. You can find counterfeit easily from every placewhen I purchasae product by paying specific amount then how some one say it is not unethical.Tayyab's (interview 4)for me its not a very big issue I do buy things which are way too much expensive.I dont buy counterfeit thinking of changing trend of somethingThere is a real difference between quality of counter feit and real products I usualy buy watches so its durability is less.yes I do buy counterfeit watches becaue of easy access otherwise I might have to buy original products.its not ethical we way to get things we don't get it freeits going good for me so far it is even un recorganizable.Selling counterfeits is somhow crime or may b not I m not very so sure about it.Tayyab's (Interview 5)yes for me high prices of branded producs is the major issue that's why I go for banded named counterfeits in low prices.none I don't buy thinking like that on changing trend.I dont find much quality difference may a little bit but I'm fine ith the quality of counterfeits.yes access of counter feits branded products is also a reason I buy them.otherwise I my not by something with branded name on it.its not ethical we are paying for it.I'm satisfied buying counterfeits and I will buy it in the future tooits not crime if its crime why it is sold wthout any restriction.So its not a crimeinterview 4 zeshaanprice of counterfeit is very low as compared to origional one. Price matter the quality sometime quality is same in both counterfeit and origional.If anyone wearing countetfeit and other people can"t imagened it counterfeit or origional then they also prefer to counterfeit as compared to origional.regard some people quality is the main factor if the quality is better then there give long term benefit.counterfeit is know everywhere in every shopping mall you can easily find replica of each and every a crime and inlegal activity for seller not for buyer. interview 5 abdullahprice matter if price is high in countetrfeit as well then I like to buy origional one. sometime quality dosen't matter people prefer to buy countetrfeit due to high price different.there is huge difference in quality of counterfeit and origional sometime we cant distinguish between the counterfeit and the origional one.know a days you can easily access copy of every product in a lot variety and degsin. it is unethical because you can make replica of origional product and it's a crime.



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