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Page 1: ana test

1. Complete each sentence with a preposition/ particle:

a. He was laughed..... when he was a child.b. I threw a glance..... her and left in a hurry.c. I can’t dance ....... such music.d. I usually sit..... my desk and have a cup of tea.e. My brother is very skilled........taking photos.f. Could you go and buy some milk? We have just run......... of it.g. He took me...... his new English teacher.h. The police has to look..... the matter. Something is not clear.i. He doesn’t seem to like her. He isn’t very polite...... her.j. My sister is keen....... going out with friend.k. Keep....... the grass!l. He used to make...... a lot of interesting stories.

2. Correct the mistakes:

a. The cooker laid the mug on the table.b. The train is leaving at 7 in the morning.c. Did you ever went to this institution?d. I think of moving with my classmate.e. In spite his misbehaviour everyone appreciates him.

3. Translate into English:

1. Thailandezii sunt oameni prietenosi, cu o vointa puternica.2. Ea are putin peste 30 ani.3. Ma urcam in autobuz cand am vazut-o pe Maria care astepta pe cineva.4. Ce faci in seara asta? De ce nu mergi cu noi la cinema?5. Stii sa canti colinde de Craciun in engleza? Nu, nu stiu.6. El era prea timid ca sa reuseasca in cariera.7. Imi era teama sa-i spun adevarul.

Page 2: ana test

8. Mananca pisica ta doar carne?9. Eu imi faceam tema, in timp ce fratele meu se uita la televizor.10. Noi ne-am cunoscut in 1990 si ne-am casatorit 3 luni mai tarziu.11. Cheltui tu multi bani in fiecare luni?12. Vorbeam cu mama cand a sunat telefonul.

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