





Student Number: 0844887

Tarbiyah DepartmentEnglish Education Program



1434 H / 2012 M






Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

For Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S. Pd. I)

In English Education Study Program

Written By:


Student Number: 0844887

Tarbiyah Department

English Education Program



1434 H / 2012 M






Para siswa sulit memahami teks bacaan disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor sepertikurangnya strategi dan teknik dalam membaca, di samping itu banyak siswa yangtidak tertarik terhadap topik ysng disampaikan karena mereka merasa topik-topiktersebut sangat sulit untuk dipahami. Untuk mencapai ini semua guru harusmemiliki strategi bagus untuk mengatasi masalah ini, salah satu strategi yangdapat digunakan adalah pre-questioning. Pre-questioning itu sendiri dapatmembangun ketertarikan dan motivasi siswa sebelum mereka membaca tekssecara keseluruhan.

Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah 20 siswa kelas 8 SMP Muhammmadiyah 4Metro tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakankelas. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, setiap siklus telahdilaksanakan dalam tiga pertemuan. Dalam penelitian ini siswa diberikan tes awal(pre-test) sebelum melakukan treatment and tes akhir (post-test) setelahmelakukan treatment.

Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan pre-questioningdapat meningkatkan partisipasi siswa dalam membaca teks naratif. Metodepengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, tes, dan dokumentasi.Ada seorang kolaborator yang mengamati proses pembelajaran dan pengumpulandata. Observasi digunakan untuk mendapatkan data tentang penguasaan siswadalam pemahaman membaca. Tujuan dari tes awal dan tes akhir adalah untukmengetahui sejauh mana pemahaman membaca siswa sebelum dan sesudahdiberikan treatment. Kriteria siswa yang telah tuntas yaitu siswa yang mndapatkannilai minimal 65.

Hasil dalam siklus 1 menunjukan bahwa rata-rata nilai pada pre-tes 1 adalah57,5% atau 11 siswa tuntas dan pada pos-tes 1 adalah 66,25% atau 18 siswatuntas. Hal yang sama pun terjadi pada sikus 2, terjadi kenaikan nilai yangsiknifikan. Rata-rata nilai pada pos-tes 2 adalah 79% atau 20 siswa tuntas. Faktaini menunjukan bahwa pengajaran Bahasa Inggris melalui strategi pre-questioningdapat meningkatkan pemahaman membaca pada teks narasi.








The students difficulties in understanding reading text caused by some factorssuch as the low strategy and technique in reading. Beside it most of the studentsnot interested to the topics because they feel that the topics are very difficult to beunderstood. To reach it the teacher must having good strategy in solves theseproblems, one of strategies that can be used is pre-questioning. Pre-questioningitself can build the students’ interest and motivation before they read the wholetext.

The object this research was twenty students of eighth grade of Junior HighSchool Muhammadiyah 4 Metro in academic year 2012/2013. The design of thisresearch was a classroom action research. It was conducted in two cycles; eachcycle was done in three meetings. In this research the students were given pre-testbefore treatment and post-test after treatment. This research aimed to find out whether the use of pre-questioning strategy couldincrease the students’ participation and students’ mastery in readingcomprehenison on narrative texts. The data collection method in this research wasobservations, test, and documentations. There was a collaborator who observedlearning process and collecting the data. The observation was used to get the dataof student mastery in learning reading comprehension. The purpose of pre-test andpost test are to know how far the students have reading comprehension before andafter being given treatment. The criteria of the students’ pass that got minimumscore 65. The result in cycle 1 showed that the average of pre-test 1 score was 57,5% or 11students was pass and in the post-test 1 average score was 66,25% or 18 studentswas pass. It is same in the cycle 2 having significant up score. The average ofpost-test 2 average score was 79% or 20 students as pass. This fact show thatteaching English by using pre-questioning strategy can increase the students’reading comprehension on narrative texts.







Name : Cicilia Novayeri

Student Number : 0844887

Study Program : English department

Department : Tarbiyah


To being examined (Munaqosyah) in Tarbiyah Department State Islamic Collage (STAIN) of Jurai Siwo Metro.

Sponsor Co. Sponsor

D rs. Kuryani, M. Pd Yusti Arini , M. Pd NIP. 19620215 199503 1 001 NIP. 19750829 200312 2 002





Jl. Ki. Hajar Dewantara Kampus 15 A Iringmulyo Kota Metro Lampung 34111 Telp. (0725)41507, Fax. (0725) 47296 e-mail: [email protected], Website:


The undergraduate thesis entitled “INCREASING THE STUDENTS’ READINGCOMPREHENSION ON NARRATIVE TEXTS THROUGH THE USE OFPRE-QUESTIONING STRATEGY”, written by Cicilia Novayeri, NPM 0844887,English Education Program, has been examined (Munaqosyah) in TarbiyahDepartment on Friday, December 28th 2012


Chairperson : Drs. Kuryani, M. Pd ( )

Examiner 1 : Dr. H. Zainal Abidin, M.Ag ( )

Examiner 2 : Yusti Arini, M. Pd ( )

Secretary : Syahreni Siregar, M.Hum ( )


Prof. Dr. Edi Kusnadi, M. Pd

NIP. 19630711 199003 1 003



Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Cicilia Novayeri

NPM : 0844887

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Menyatakan bahwa skripsi ini keseluruhan adalah hasil penelitian saya, kecuali

bagian-bagian tertentu yang dirujuk dari sumbernya dan disebutkan dalam daftar


Metro, September 2012Yang menyatakan

Cicilia Novayeri



The undersigned:

Name : Cicilia novayeri

Student Number : 084887

Study Program : English education

State that this undergraduate thesis is original, except certain parts of it quoted from

the bibliography mentioned.

Metro, September 2012

Cicilia Novayeri



Allah Won’t Change The Destiny of Human Until TheyChange If by Themselves



This pieces of work is dedicated to:

My beloved parent Bp. Sudarno and Ibu rukiyah (I know you will be always be

there when I need your aboulder to rely on and thanks for your support, love,

and care).

My beloved sisters (Rizky Kurniaty, Nur Hidayati Anjani, Ayunda Pramudia

Swari, who given motivation and thanks for your care).

My sponsor and co sponsor was guiding and was given me motivation

My best friends, Fera Melisa, Maria, Anggar, Desima, Eni, Sella, Zuliya, April

thanks for your care.

My beloved friends and almamater STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro

My beloved schools SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Metro.



In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. Praise is to Allah,

the lord of world whom without His mercy and blessing, none of this world is

possible. May peace will not stop to be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has

led us from the darkness to the lightness. Thank to Allah the writer could finish the

undergraduate thesis.

The writer cannot stand alone, there were many persons who contributed their

meaningful hands in accomplishing her undergraduate thesis that the writer could not

mention one by one. The writer thanks to Mr. Prof. Dr. Edi Kusnadi, M. Pd as the

Principal of STAIN JURAI SIWO METRO and Mr. M. Hariplish, MA as the Dean of

Tarbiyah. The writer thanks to Mr. Drs. Kuryani, M.Pd as the first advisor who has

contributed her expertise and idea to assist the writer. The writer also wishes to

express her thanks to Mrs.Yusti Arini, M. Pd as the second advisor who has given

knowledge and experience in finishing this undergraduate thesis. Therefore, critique

and suggestion are needed to build up this undergraduate thesis to be better.

Metro, September 2012

Cicilia Novayeri0844887







APPROVAL PAGE......................................................................................

RATIFICATION PAGE..............................................................................

ORISINALITAS PENELITIAN.................................................................

STATEMENT OF RESEARCH ORIGINALITY.....................................


DEDICATION PAGE..................................................................................


TABLE OF CONTENT...............................................................................

LIST OF TABLE..........................................................................................

LIST OF FIGURE........................................................................................

LIST OF APPENDICES...............................................................................

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION....................................................................A. Background of the Problem..........................................................

B. Problem Identification..................................................................

C. Problem Formulation....................................................................

D. Objectives of the Study.................................................................

E. Benefits of the Study....................................................................

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE RELATED THEORIES. . .........................

A. Theoretical Review.......................................................................

1. Reading Comprehension.........................................................

a. The Concept of Reading...................................................


b. The Concept of Reading Comprehension.........................


c. The Model of Reading......................................................

d. Levels of Profiencies in Reading......................................

e. Factors influencing the Students’ Reading Comprehension 14

2. Narrative Text.........................................................................

3. Pre-Questioning......................................................................

a. Questioning Strategy........................................................

b. Pre-Questioning................................................................

c. Kinds of Pre-Questioning.................................................

d. Kinds of Question in Reading Comprehension................ 24

e. English Syllabus for Reading...........................................

B. Action Hypothesis........................................................................

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................

A. Object of the Study.......................................................................

B. Location Setting and Subject of the Study...................................

C. Data Collecting Method................................................................

D. Data Analysis Method..................................................................


A. Result of the Research..................................................................

B. Interpretation................................................................................

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION....................................


A. Conclusion....................................................................................

B. Suggestion....................................................................................






Table 1. The Data of Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text................... 3

Table 2. Teacher and Staff Names...................................................................

Table 3. The Number of Students....................................................................

Table 4. The Students’ Score at Pre-test 1.......................................................

Table 5. The Frequency of Students’ at Pre-test 1..........................................

Table 6. The Result of Observation Sheet.......................................................

Table 7. The Frequency of Observation Sheet................................................

Table 8. Result of the Students’ Post-test 1.....................................................

Table 9. The Frequency of Students’ at Post-test 1.........................................

Table 10. The Result of Observation Sheet Cycle 2.......................................

Table 11. The Frequency of Observation Sheet Cycle 2................................

Table 12. Result of the Students’ Post-test 2..................................................

Table 13. The Frequency of Students’ at Post-test 2......................................

Table 14. The Percentage of Students’ Activities in Cycle 1 and

2.......................................................................................................... 55

Table 15. The Result Score of Students’ Pre-test and Post-test 1



Table 16. The Result Score of Students’ Post-test 1 and Post-test 2



Figure 1. The Map of Smp Muhammadiyah 4 Metro........................ 36

Figure 2. The Structure Organization of Smp Muhammadiyah 4 Metro

................................................................................................................ 38

Figure 3. Graph of the Result of Pre-test and Post-test.......................... 59



Appendix 1. Syllabus

Appendix 2. Lesson Plan

Appendix 3. Pre-test and Post-test in cycle I and cycle II

Appendix 4. The Answer Key

Appendix 5. The Observation Sheet

Appendix 6. Permission of Research from State Islamic College

Appendix 7. Letter has been Conducted the Research from Smp Muhammadiyah 4

Appendix 8. The Consultation Card of Undergraduate Thesis from Sponsor

Appendix 9. The Consultation Card of Undergraduate Thesis from Co-Sponsor





A. Background of the Problem

Language is an essential means of communication. Human being is

language as a means in expressing his ideas, feeling and expectation to the other

in interaction. The goal of language learning process is the students have

capability of the language well.

English is one of the language in the world, English is very important role

in communication process among many countries at many sectors, like economy,

politics and education. English is taught in Indonesia as a foreign language. It is

taught for students of Elementary school up to the University. The objective of

the foreign instruction is the students have the ability to use English for

communication, either in spoken or written form. They are prepared to be able to

read, listen, speak and write well. But in fact, this goal seems difficult to be

reached because the students often discouraged and low interest when they find

the foreign language study is just like other subject, learning from the book only

without any practice.

In addition, one of the English skill is reading. Reading is one of

important ways to improve general language skills in English. It takes a very

significant role in teaching English as a foreign or second language. By reading


the students can gain the information and expand their knowledge. Furthermore

H. Douglas Brown explain that reading ability will be developed the association

with writing, listening and speaking activities.1 Therefore, there are four types

reading. One of them is reading on narrative text.

Reading is also something crucial and indispensable for the students

because the success of their study depends on the greater part of their ability to

read. If their reading skill is poor they are very likely to fail in their study or at

least they will have difficulty in making progress. On the other hand, if they have

a good ability in reading, they will have a better chance to succed in their study.

In reading, to comprehending the text the readers should be able to

manage every part of the text, because it is easy to gain the comprehension in

reading when the readers are able to organize the text. Sometimes, they may find

form of pre-questioning and it is important for them to comprehend a reading text

with having knowledge in general view of the text. Theoretically, pre-questioning

itself can build the student’s interest and motivation before students read the

whole text. Moreover, the students can predict what will be discussed on the text.

In line with this study, students may improve their reading comprehension if they

know about pre-questioning and it is very important to understand about pre-

questioning in order to get comprehension in reading.

1 H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principle, San Francisco: San Francisco state University, 2001, p. 308


The subject of this researcher is the eighth grade of Junior High School of

Muhammadiyah 4 Metro at May 2nd 2012 because they do not have sufficiency of

reading comprehension on narrative text and after doing the pra-survey get the

result of bellow:

Table I

The Result Students of Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text

No ScoreTotal of the

Students Percentage Interpretation

1 ≥ 65 8 40% Complete

2 < 65 12 60% Not Complete

Source: The writers archives, the taken on May 2nd 2012

It indicates that the mastery of their reading comprehension on narrative

text needs to be increased. Because there were 12 students out of 20 students who

got score under 65 as standard of minimum requirement in the Junior High

School Muhammadiyah 4 Metro.

Based the explanation above, it can be known that the students’ reading

comprehension is low, and after having an interview with the teacher and the

students, the researcher find some cases in teaching English especially on reading

subject. The main factor the increasing students not interest with the topic

because they feel that very difficult to be understood.


Based on previous explanation, the researcher purpose “INCREASING THE




METRO” as the title of the classroom action research.

B. Problem Identification

Based on the background above, the problems are identified as follows:

1. The students have difficulties to get information from the text.

2. The students need a long time to get accurate information from the text.

3. The less interest and motivation students in reading the text.

4. Most of the students have lowest in reading comprehension.

C. Problem Formulation

Based on the background above, the writer would like to formulate the

problem as follow: Whether through the use of pre-questioning strategy can

increase reading comprehension on narrative text?

D. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem above, objective of the research is to know whether

pre-questioning strategy can increase the student’s reading comprehension on

narartive text.


E. Benefits of the Study

The result of the research are expected to be benefecial for several sides

a. For the students

This classroom action research is implemented to help the students’ in

reading comprehension on narrative text.

b. For the teacher

This classroom action give contribution to the English teacher of Junior

High School Muhammadiyah 4 Metro about how to increase the students’ in

reading, especially in reading comprehension on narrrative text.

c. For the school

To Junior High School Muhammadiyah 4 Metro, this classroom action

research is implemented to give information in improving learning English in the





A. Theoretical Review

1. Reading Comprehension

a. The Concept of Reading

Anthony, Pearson, and Raphael in Thomas book state that “Reading is the

process of constructing meaning through the dynamic interaction among the

reader’s existing knowledge, the information suggested by the written language,

and the context of the reading situation.1

Terminologically, there are many expert that have different definition for

reading, but here to writer will take several definition according to the experts as

follows. The first statement from Sanggam Siahaan, he state that “receptive

written language skill is called reading. It is the skill of reader a group of reader

to interpret information transferred by a writer.”2

Reading English text is important for us, because by reading the students

get knowledge and information. But, for having as good reading is not easy thing

the students more understanding about main idea of the reading. It can be found

1 Thomas SC Farell, Planning Lesson for a Reading Class (Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, 2002), p. 1

2 Sanggam Siahaan, The English Paragraph (Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu. 2008), p. 3


that there are many expert who defined reading based on their own research.

Reading is the meaningful interpretation of printed or written verbal symbols.3

Based on that statement above reading is not only read,but needs thinking

and our language skills. Moreover, reading (especially for English text) without

using that skill. someone will get misunderstanding in comprehending what the

another message on the reading.

The purpose of reading activity is looking at the text and trying to

understand to message, so the reader catch the explicit and implicit information

from the reading text the complex. Process individual in reading comprehending

are devided into there catagories. The catagories involved vocabulary interaction,

text comprehending instruction, teacher preparation and comprehending strategies


In fact to gain the aim of reading comprehension is not done by the

students and but the English teacher have to play a part a expectator and

motivation guide the students is to comprehend the English reading passage that

is through by teacher because it is impossible for the students do matter this

ability without helping from the English teacher. Therefore, English teachers

should provide a step by step to facilitate the reading of complex reading


3 Albert J. Harris and Edward R. Sipay, 1984, How to Increase Reading Ability, p. 12


Reading has been considered only as a visual activity, because we do with

the eyes, Reading is also active process of predicting what is likely to come next.

Our brain processes the visual information from our eyes, rapidly forming and

revising hyphotesis about the form and content of what you are reading.

Thomas SC Farell states that “Prediction creates anticipation and gets

students thinking about previous experiences the may have had about the topic

before they read about it.”4 The purpose in using prediction is to motivate the

students to increase their comprehension. Thus, In this study the writer concluded

that pre-questioning as the strategy to build up and to rise the students state in

predicting what will face by then in the whole text.

b. The Concept of Reading Comprehension

It is necessary for the students of Junior High School to comprehend

reading Comprehension is a process where the reader construct meaning by

interacting with the text.

Jean Wallace and Charles Temple states the comprehension is

“understanding new information in light of what we already know.”5 In reading

comprehension, a reader should have knowledge about understanding the reading

4 Thomas SC Farel, Planning Lesson for a Reading Class (Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, 2002), p. 27

5 Jean Wallace Gillet Charles Temple, Understanding Reading Problems, United State of America, Harper Collins College Publisher, 1984, p. 35


passage. The common question on the passages are primary about the main ideas,

details, and inference that can be drawn from the passages.

According to Harris and Sipay, Reading (comprehending) is a result of the

interaction between the perception of the graphic symbols that the represent

language, and the readers language skills, cognitive skills, and knowledge of the

world.”6 It can be known that reading comprehension is a process of interaction

between the reader with the text and the reader relates the idea from the text to

price experiences and their knowledge.

Based on the statement above, reading is not only, but also needs mind to

think what we read and our language skills, without using that skills, someone

will get misunderstanding in comprehending what the author message on the

reading text. In comprehending a topic, the readers a interacts with the text relates

to the pre-questioning of the text to prior knowledge of construct meaning which

can be found in the text skimming.

1) Skimming

Skimming is reading strategy that involves students looking through the

text rapidly for the general meaning of an article. Skimming means getting the

main point or gist before reads for details. The idea of skimming is not only to get

main idea of a passage but also increase the speed the reading.7 6 Albert J.Harris and Edward Sipay, Op. Cit, p. 127 Thomas SC Farel, Planning Lesson for a Reading Class (Singapore: SEAMEO Regional

Language Centre, 2002), p. 28


Thus, in skimming the text, a reader needs to practice in order to he or she

can learn the key word and phrases which can cover all the material he or she is

reading. To do the skimming, the reader should go through a passage quickly,

jumping over parts of it, in order to get a general idea of what it is about.

2) Scanning

Scanning is “reading strategy that involves students reading a text in

order to find specific information, it is a slower process that skimming.”8 It can be

known that the students can learn that they do not have to read every word in the

text in order to obtain specific information. To enable the students to scan

effectively, he or she should know what kinds of information he or she need, also

he or she should have the strong belief where he or she will find such information

needed from the text. Scanning are two very useful strategies that will help the

reader become a better reader.

c. The Model of Reading

1) Top-Down Model

8 Ibid, p. 29


The top-down model argues that readers bring prior knowledge and

experiences to the text and that they continue to read as long as the text confirms

their expectation.

2) Bottom-Up Model

The bottom-up model suggest that a reader reads the words, a sentences

and looks at the organization of the text (without relating it to experiences or

prior knowledge) in order to construct meaning from that was written text,

meaning depends both on knowledge of vocabulary plus syntax.

3) Interactive Model

The interactive model argues that both top-down and bottom-up a process

occur when a person reads a text.9

Models of reading above used by reader when the trying to understand the

meaning of reading text, they use their previous knowledge and experiences of the

topic when the trying to understand the meaning a passages.

d. Levels of Proficiencies in Reading

9 Ibid, p. 2


Following are readers of four different levels of proficiencies according to

Allice C. Omagio in Siahaan’s book, there are:

1) Novice-Level readers

Novice-level readers are able to recognize the writing symbols,words, and

expressions used in some texts containing in general topics of their common

experiences, such as basic classroom objects, colors numbers clothing telling the

times, to read recombined short narrative and dialouges with a comprehension at

minimal except for simple memorized material.

2) Intermediate-Level readers

Intermediate levels readers are able to get main gist, key ideas and some

supporting details of narrative text types on familiar topics such as simple

instructions, personal information, money matters, meeting arrangements, well

with some common misunderstanding of finer points.

3) Advanced level readers

Advanced level readers are able to comprehend main ideas, most

supporting details of the abstract and factual topics with familiar contexts in

descriptions, narrations and technical prose which contain newspaper accounts,

instructions, directions, routine reports, non-technical prose, academic texts

current events, press, politics, economics, etc, with an enchancement of detail


comprehension but not still totally precise. point pre-questioning before reading

can help the students to comprehend the content of the text.

4) Superior level readers

Superior level readers are able to comprehend most materials on concrete

an abstract topics, get main idea and most of the supporting details, understand

new vocabulary in context through contextual guessing strategies which are

written and lengthy narratives and descriptions of all types of newspaper

accounts, technical report, literary text the containts most practical, social

abstract and professional topics in special fields of competence and particular

areas of interest.10

Based on the explanation above the student of Junior High School

included in intermediate level readers, they are must be able to get main gist, key

ideas and some supporting details of report, persuation or descriptive text type

one familiar topics such as simple instruction, personal information, money

matters, meeting arrangement, well with some common misunderstanding of


e. Factors influencing the Students’ Reading Comprehension

10 Sanggam Siahaan Issue In Linguistic, Graha Ilmu Yogyakarta, 2008, p. 106-107


1) Prior knowledge

Prior knowledge may be defined “as all the information an individual has

in her or his long-term memory.”11 Prior knowledge or usually called background

knowledge is important to create new knowledge, for without prior knowledge

written material would be meaningless. The more knowledge the students can

bring to bear, prior knowledge must be activated to be useful, the more likely it is

that material will be understood. Prior knowledge helps the students to

comprehend what is written and making inferences or predictions about the text.

2) Schema Theory

Schema Theory attempts to explain how is “represented in the mind and

how those representations facilitate the use of knowledge.”12 A schema includes

other information related to the concept and how this knowledge is to be used.

Schema allow the students to understand far beyond what is stated in the text.

There are two catagories of schemata, as follow:

a) Content Schemata include what we know about people, the world, culture,

and the universe.

b) Formal Schemata consist of our knowledge about discourse structure.

In line with the explanation above, the writer conclude that the use of pre-

questioning is to build reader’s content schemata which are related to the

11 Albert J. Harris and Edward Sipay, 1984, How to Increase Reading Ability, p. 48012 Ibid, p. 481


background of knowledge. There are two factors that influence reading

comprehension achievement and they are related one another they are: internal

factor and external factor.

1. The internal factor

The internal factor means the factor which come from the factor the

students himself or usually known as personal factor, because the factor has

existed. This factor dealt with self-motivation and interest.

a. Motivation

For success in language learning process, motivation factor is mean

key.”13 Motivation is some kind of internal of internal drive which pushes

someone to do things in order to achieve something.”14 Motivation plays an

important role in comprehending the text. The students will be motivated to read

when they fell that they need something from the text. Brown divided the

motivation theory into two kinds, they are: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Edward Deci in Brown’s book defined intrinsic motivation, as follow:

13 Http:// doc14 Harmer Jeremy, The Practice of English Language Teaching, New York: Longman. Inc, Tt,

p. 98


Intrinsically motivated activities are ones for which there is no apparent

reward except the activity itself. People seem to engage in the activties for

their own sake and not because they lead to an extrinsic reward. . .

Intrinsically motivated behaviours are aimed at bringing about certain

internally rewarding consequences, namely, feelings of competence and self-


On the other one, extrinsic motivation defined by him as extrinsically

motivated behaviors that carried out in anticipation of reward from outside and

beyond the self. Such as: money prizes, grades and even certain of positive


b. Interest

Interest is being one of the important factors in order to increasing the

students’ comprehension achievement in reading. If one has interest to read, it

means that he or she will get a good achievement. On other side, if the reader

has no any interest to read, it can influence his or her achievement.

In line with the explanation of motivation and interest above, in this

study the writer interested to use pre-questioning to build up the students

motivation and interest, and also want to see the effect of using pre-

questioning relationship with the students’ reading comprehension

15 Douglas Brown, Teaching By Principle San Fransisco, State University, Person Education, 2001, p. 76


achievements. students’ reading comprehension achievement. Because, it is

impossible for the students to understand the text if he or she has no interest

and motivation to read. So, it can be concluded that the good interest and

motivation result the good achievement of the students.

2. The External Factor

The external factor has a close relationship to reading material and

teacher of reading.They are related one another.

a) Reading Material

Other approaches in which learners are given choice in selecting

reading material offer a degree of intrinsic motivation.”16 The students’

achievements’ in reading depends on the level of the difficulty of the text.

Thus, it can increase students’ achievement if the text given is not at the right

level of the difficulty of the readers or the students.

b) Teacher of Reading

16 Ibid, p. 313


The teacher of reading should be careful in choosing the text and

giving the tasks because they are related to the students’ reading

comprehension achievements.

2. Narrative Text

a. The Concept of Narrative Text

Sanggam Siahaan states that in composition a narration is considered

as a text.17 Whereas according to gorys keraf, narration is one of texts that

describe clearly to the reader about past event.18 It purpose to amuse and

sometimes it can be have to give the moral education to the reader. This is the

challenge of students to study narrative text. It happens because in the

narrative there are some elements that commonly used in the narrative text. It

is called plot. Narrative text can not be separated from plot. Plot is the

organized pattern or sequence of events that make up story. That is why using

plot is the key to make students understand to the narrative text.

There are five most commonly used elements of narrative text which is known

as plot, there are:

1) Orientation

17 Sanggam Siahaan, The English Paragraph. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu. 2008, p. 109-11018 Gorys Keraf, Argumentasi dan Narasi: Gramedia, 2003, p. 136


This sets the scene, creating visual picture of the setting, atmosphere and time

of the story. Characters are introduction and clues are set in place for the

coming complication.

2) Complication

This resolves around conflicts or problems that effect the setting, time or

characters. The hero prevented from reaching his or her goals.

3) Series of events

The story continues through a series of expected and unexpected events.

4) Resolution

A solution found for the problem or challenge.

5) Re-orientation / Coda

Sets the scene again an located the characters in it.19

Narrative text can be about biographies, autobiographies, historical

events, instruction and processes.20 In other word kinds of narrative text are

figure, novels, short story, legend, history, biograpies and autobiographies.21

Narrative can include stories such as: fairy tales, fables, short stories, fantasy,

legend, mystery, science fiction, biographies and autobiographies to name a few.

Teaching purposes as we know is to develop students' reading ability.22 In this

19 John Barwick, Targeting text: narrative, poetry, drama, Singapore: Green Giant Press, 1998, p. 4-5

20 Sanggam Siahaan,Op. Cit, p. 10921 Gorys Keraf, Op. Cit, p. 14022 Furqanul Azies dan A. Chaedar Alwasiah, Pengajaran Bahasa dan Komunikatif Teori dan

Praktek.Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 1996, p. 108


research, the researcher used fables. It could be more interesting to the students

because fable is a story about the behavior of animal that usually has conflict

with each other. Fables are one of the examples of narrative text that have some

messages that can give moral education. Narrative also can explain as the reasons

behind human behavior. That is why our moral choices are developed by our

internal self-experiences. Narrative should be used to model the principles and

general actions of moralities. According to explanation of narrative, we can

conclude the characteristic of narrative is a story of human experience. It has a

conflict, solving problem, and systematic.

3. Pre-Questioning

a. Questioning Strategy

Strategy used to describe a specific technique. Douglas Brown states

that “the most important key to create an interactive learning is the initiation

of interaction from the teacher by using question.23 “Larsen-freeman state:

“teacher must uses only the target language in the classroom.”24 Participation

could be increased if teacher would increase the wait time between asking

question and expecting respons.

Appropiate questioning can fulfill a number of different functions, such as:

23 Douglas Brown, Teaching By Principle San Fransisco, state University, Person Education, 2001, p. 169

24 Larsen-Freeman, Techniques and principle in Language Teaching, Cambridge University Press, 1986, p. 40


1) Teacher question give the students the opportunity to produce language

comfortably without having to risk initiating language themselves. It is very

scary for the students to have to initiate conversation or topics for discussion.

2) Teacher question can serve to initiate a chain reaction of students interaction

among themselves.

3) Teacher question giving immediate feedback about students comprehension.

4) Teacher question provide students with opportunities to find out what they

think. As they are nudged into responding to question about, say, a reading,

they can discover what their own opinion and reaction are. This self-discover

can be especially useful for a pre-reading activity.

Perhaps the simplest way to conceptualize the posibilities is to think of a

range of questions beginning with display question, that attempt to elicit

information already known by the teacher and the students, In this study the

researcher interested to use pre-questioning in order to make the general frame the


b. Pre-Questioning

Based on Brown’s explanation above defined pre-questioning implicitly

as some question which are provide before the students read the whole text, in

order to build the students interest and motivation, also their cognitive factors

and pre-questioning is very useful to activate the shcemata, thus the students can

predict what will be faced them in the reading text.


“Pre-Questioning involves presenting. Students with a set of written

question or having students general. Their own question on the topic of the

reading passage.”25 It can develop the students prior knowledge and schemata.

The aim of the activity is two-fold, they are:

1) Pre-questioning function to motivate students to read what follows for a

purpose, that is to gain the requisite information to answer the question.Being

motivated is one of the most important factors that can help students in the

process of reading, the more students look forward to reading and anticipate in

their minds what the text could hold in store for them, the easier it will be to

grasp the main points of the passage.

2) Pre-questioning also function to get students to predict within a context area

what the text will be about, before studying the text. They make students

ware of what they wish to learn about the topic, since these question set

purpose for reading.

c. Kinds of Pre-Questioning

According to Harmer in Mahdalena’s thesis, there are some kinds pre

questioning, they are: Pre Questioning before reading to confirm expectations,

Pre Questioning before reading to extract specific information, pre-

questioning before reading for general comprehension, and pre-questioning

before reading for detail comprehension. The explanation are as following:

25 Http://, The effect of Pre reading Activities on ELT Trainer Teachers Comprehension of Short Stories. Ttp


1) Pre-questioning before reading to confirm expectation

The use of pre-questioning as a tool for placing great emphasis on

the lead-in stage (where students are encouraged to become interested in

the subject matter of the text), encourages students to predict the content

of the text, and gives them an interesting and motivating purpose for


2) Pre-questioning before reading to extract specific information

Pre-questioning as a tool to force the students to extract specific

information from the the text. There are going to answer before reading

the text. If they do this is will be possible for them to read in the required

way, they should seen the text only to extract the information the

questions demand.

3) Pre-questioning before reading for general comprehension

In this case pre-questioning used to build up the students prior


4) Pre-questioning before reading for detail comprehension


This kind for pre-questioning intends to give the students some

detailed information that be found by them in the whole of the text.26

Based on explanation above, in this study the researcher only concern

two kinds pre-questioning, they are: Pre-questioning before reading for

general comprehension and the pre-questioning before reading to confirm

expectation. Related to this study, the researcher use pre-questioning with

Indonesian version, because the form of pre-questioning is only to deal the

students’ background knowledge. Thus, the students can be predict easily

what will be discussed on the text, after the read and answer the pre-


d. Kinds of Questions in Reading Comprehension

According to lougheed and TOEFL Information Bulletin in

Djiwandono, usually the questions in reading comprehension tests are about:

1) Main idea

2) Supporting details

3) Inferring meanings

4) Passage structure

5) Author’s aim

6) Knowledge about certain vocabulary

26Http://, The effects of Pre-Questioning on the Reading Comprehension Achievement in Teaching English


7) Defining vocabulary based on the text.27

In this study, the researcher only concerns on main idea and

supporting details, because two kinds of reading comprehension text above

are most important specific comprehension skills.

a. Main ideas

The questions about main idea asks and the reader to determine the

main idea or topic from a reading text, and commonly it is signed by words

such as: main point, mainly discussed, main ideas, best tittle, main purpose,

mainly concerned, main topic.

Here are some examples of questions to ask about main idea: 1) what

is the main idea of the passage? 2) With which of the following is the passage

mainly concerned? 3) What is the main part of the passage? 4) Which of the

following would be the tittle?28

b. Supporting details

The questions about supporting details ask the reader to find detail

information that is printed explicity in the text. It is commonly signed by

words such as: according to the author...: according to the passage...; who,

what, where, why, how, which.

27 Djiwandono, P. I. Strategi Membaca Bahasa Inggris, Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka, p. 9728 Ibid, p. 98


Here are some examples of question to ask about supporting details: 1)

Which of the following questions does the passage answer? 2) According to

the passage, which statement is true? 3) When did ‘something’ happen? 4)

Who did ‘something’?29

Based on the concept above the researcher try to investigate the

increasing the students reading comprehension on narrative text through pre-

questioning and take the result from the research.

4. English Syllabus for Reading

The standard competency of the eighth grade in this Junior high school

is understanding the meaning of short functional text and essay form of a

narrative, spoof and hortatory exposition in the context of everyday life and to

access knowledge. The basic competency is responding meaning and

rhetorical steps in the essay that uses written language diversity accurately,

fluently and acceptable in the context of everyday life and to access

knowledge in the form of a narrative, spoof, and hortatory exposition. The

content of material is short functional text in form of narrative text (fable

story). The learning activities is Review the characteristic of narrative text

B. Action Hypothesis

29 Ibid, p. 99


Based on the theoretical review and the problem, the hypothesis

formulated is the use of pre-questioning can increase the students’ reading

comprehension on narrative text.




A. Object of the Study

The object of the research is to know whether using pre-questioning of

narrative text can increase the students’ Reading Comprehension at the eight

graders in the first semester of Junior High Scool Muhammadiyah 4 in the

academic year 2012/2013.

This research used the classroom action research wanted to apply a

theory in action. According to Yogesh Kumar action research is method for

Improving and modifying the working system of a classroom in school.1

While according to Suharsimi Arikunto classroom action research that done in

the class by purpose to repair or increase quality of learning practice.2 This

classroom action research uses the model of Arikunto.

It can be expressed the description of the class action research starting

from the cycle 1. In cycle 1 there is a dynamic (planning, acting, observing,

and reflecting). The main step in this clasroom action research can be

described as follow:

1 Yogesh Kumar Singh, Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics (new age International). 2006, p. 261

2 Suharsimi Arikunto dkk, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Bumi aksara. 2007), p. 58



The cycle of the classroom action research by Suharsimi Arikunto 2007.3

1. Research Procedure

The researcher conducted based on the pre-test and post-test design

researcher took at the eighth class. The action research will do in four

steps. They are planning, acting, observing and reflecting.

3 Ibid, p. 74

Problems Planning I Acting I

Observing IReflecting ICycle I

Problem of theresult of reflection Planning I Action II

Observing IReflectingII

Cycle II

If the problem have not finished The next cycle. . .


a. Cycle 1

1. Planning

Planning was the first step of this teaching context and it was prepared

before the researcher did the action. Planning that was conducted by

the researcher. In this step the researcher prepared the lesson plan,

narrative text, test, and observation sheet.

2. The Implementation Action

Before the treatment was done, the researcher did the pretest to the

students. And it is done for one meeting. In the implementation of

action, the teaching learning process was done in the eighth graders of

Junior High School Muhammadiyah 4 Metro that related to the

schedule in this grade. the researcher did the implementation in 3

activities there are:

1. Pre Teaching Activities

a. Greeting, prays, and check the present or absent students

b. Give the students motivation

2. While Teaching Activities

a. The researcher divide some worksheet of students

b. The researcher give simple question to the students about the


c. The researcher visiting the students to check their worksheet


3. Post Teaching Activities

a. The researcher asks the students about difficulties of the lesson

b. Making conclusion together

After the students were given the treatment in the cycle 1 they will be

given the post test. The instrument that that use is different mode with

the instrument that will be give in the pre test.

3. Observing

The observation is done together with the implementation of action.

The focusing of the observation is the students' activity in the learning

process. After the activity finished, the teacher evaluators all the

activities have been done to find out the advantages or disadvantages

of using Pre-questioning to increase students reading comprehension

on narrative text.

4. Reflecting

Reflecting will be the last step in this process. The researcher analyzes

and discusses observation and test result during teaching learning

process. In this step the researcher uses the data for evaluation to make

improvement for the second cycle. And the cycle 2 is conducted mark

up from cycle 1.


b. Cycle 2

1. Planning

In this step the researcher prepared the lesson plan, narrative text, test

and observation.

2. Acting

The research applies the action plan 2

3. Observing

The collaborator will be observed and will be collect the data when the

learning process will be doing.

4. Reflecting

Reflecting the result of cycle 1 will be used to repair and develop

action in cycle 2. By reflection, after that, the researcher analyze the

test result (pre-test and post test). After scoring the students work

finished, the writer wants to know. “Is there any improve after

treatment, if the students have higher score in their post-test, it means

that using pre-questioning of narrative text to increase reading


B. Location Setting and Subject of the Study

This classroom action research took place in Junior High School

Muhammadiyah 4 Metro, it is located in Dr. Sutomo Street no. 35 Metro in

the academic year of 2012/2013 on the first semester. The research chooses

the eighth class because the writer fined the problem in the class has the


lowest reading comprehension is prove by the pra-survey result. In this

research, the researcher have collaborated to help in this action research. She

is Mrs. Heni Noviana S.Pd, an English teacher too.

C. Data Collection Methods

In collection the data, the researcher will be used to test and observation. Test

as the instrument consists of pre-test and post test in narrative text.

1. Test

Test is amount of question or statement that are used to measure the skill,

knowledge, intelligence, or talent which is process by individual or group.4

a) Pre-test

Pre-test is doing to know how far the student’s ability in reading

comprehension before treatment. The material of pre-test is some English

reading text. The pre-test is doing before they are using pre-questioning of

narrative text. The pre-test will administer in 30 minutes.

b) The post-test was conducted after the treatments and it was administered

in 30 minutes. It will be done to know the students reading comprehension

on narrative text after they reading through pre-questioning.

2. Observation

Observation can be defined as elecection, modification, regristration, and

coding series of action and situation connecting with organism which is

4 Edi Kusnadi, Metodology Penelitian, (Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri), p .90


suitable with empiric purposes.5 In this research took the data from the school

about profile of the school and others which related with the research.

3. Documentation

Edi Kusnadi defined documentation as the method which is used to get

information from written language or document the written source or

document (example: books, magazine, rule, note, and others).6

D. Data Analysis Methods

Data analysis was conducted by step by taking the average score of the pre

test and post test, furthermore to know the gain, the researcher will compare

between pre test and post test. Then the result is matched by the minimum

standard in this school at least 65 for English lesson. Tabulating the result of

the test and finding the mean of pre test and post test of each student’s. The

mean will be calculated applying by the following formula:


Notes: X = Mean

X ƩX = the total of source

N = number of student.7

5Ibid, p. 98

6Ibid, p. 1027 Burhan Nurgiyantoro, Gunawan, Marzuki, Statistik Terapan, p. 64




A. Result of the Research

1. The History of State Junior High School Muhammadiyah 4 Metro

State Junior High School was built on 25 February 1984. State Junior High

School Muhammadiyah 4 Metro has changed leader in three times. The first

headmaster was Mr. Jasmin from 1981 until 1989. The second headmaster

was Mr. Surani from 1989 until 2007. And the last headmaster was Mr.

Mislan from 2007 until now.

2. The Building Condition of Junior High School Muhammadiyah 4 Metro

State Junior High School Muhammadiyah 4 Metro has building consist of:

a. 1 headmaster office

b. 1 teacher office

c. 1 laboratory

d. 1 library

e. 1 mosque

f. 3 toilets

g. 3 classrooms

h. 3 new class

3. The Condition of Junior High School Muhammadiyah 4 Metro

a. The name of school : Junior High School Muhammadiyah 4 Metro


New Building



Headmaster room

Teacher Office

New Building

New Building










Well Toilet Toilet Toilet


b. The address of school : Dr.Sutomo 28 Purwosari, Metro

c. The Status : State

Figure 1

The Map of Smp Muhammadiyah 4 Metro


d. Teacher and Staff Names

Table 2

Teacher and Staff Names

No Name Education Position

1. Mislan PGSMTP Headmaster

2. Surani, S.Pd S1 Vice of Headmaster

3. Suharyono. S.Pd S1 Teacher

4. Suratno, S.Ag S1 Teacher

5. Rusparmi PGSMTP Teacher

6. Dra. Y. Iswati S1 Teacher

7. Dwi Hastuti SP. S1 Teacher

8. Triwidiarti S.Pd S1 Teacher

9. M. Irfanuddin S. Kom S1 Teacher

10. Hadi Pronoto ST. S1 Teacher

11. Tri Lestari A.Ma. D2 Teacher

12. Eti Yuniarti D3 Staff

13. Heni Noviana S.Pd S1 Teacher



e. The Structural School’s Organization

Figure 2

The Structure Organization of Smp Muhammadiyah 4 Metro






Class teacher



Vice of Headmasterof “Humas”

Vice of HeadmaterCuriculum

Vice of Headmaster

Surani, S.Pd



f. The number of Students’

Table 3

The Number of Students’

No Class Male Female Total1 VII 12 5 172 VIII 11 9 203 IX 13 2 15

Total 36 16 52

4. Description of finding

This research was conducted in 2 cycles. Action in cycle 1

and cycle 2 were conducted about three meetings in each

cycle and each meeting in these cycles took 2 X 40 minutes.

It was mentioned before, each cycle consists of planning,

acting, observing, and reflecting. In planning writer made

lesson plan and writer would teach the students by using

these lesson plan. The material of this research was reading

comprehension on narartive text through the use of pre-


a) Cycle I

The cycle 1 of this CAR was began on Saturday, September 17 at 10.25

until 11.45. All students were ready to have subject and some of them looked

curios and asked to their friends why I was in their class. After that the leader

of the class led for praying, then I greeted the students and they answered. I


introduced my self to the students and explained that I would be their in a

class to do a research during English lesson for a month.

To know the ability of the students before giving the action, in the first

meeting all of the students were given pre-test that must be done individually.

I asked them to read a narrative texts of fable story using pre-questioning by

given headline with the title “The Lion and The Mouse”. The time given 60

minutes. In this test the students seemed difficult to read the text. But I

encouraged them to continue their work because it was done to know their

ability in reading on narrative texts.

When the time finished, I asked the students to collect their work, there

were many students complain that is very difficult and some of them haven’t

finished their work yet. In around 5 minutes I gave a little explanation about

the material it would be discussed in the next meeting.

Table 4

The Students’ Score at Pre-test I

No Name Score Pre-test

1 AB 602 AL 503 BL 504 EK 505 FJ 656 FD 507 FR 508 HE 559 HF 6010 HN 70


11 HR 5012 IF 5513 IB 6014 NN 7015 PP 5016 RD 6517 ST 5018 SL 5019 ZH 7020 ZF 70

Total 1150Average 57,5

Table 5

The Frequency of Students’ Score at pre-test

No Students’score



1 90 – 100 - -2 80 – 89 - -3 60 – 79 9 45%4 50 – 59 11 55%

Total 20 100%

Based on the result of pre-test 1, we could can see that there were 9

students (45%) gained score 60-79 and 11 students (55%) gained score

50-59. The students’ must complete the standard of minimum requirement

of Junior High School Muhammadiyah 4 Metro, 65. And from the result

of pre-test, the researcher got average 57,5%. It was the reason why the

researcher used pre-questioning as an alternative strategy to increase the

students’ reading comprehension on narrative texts.


1. Planning

In planning, the researcher and collaborator (Mrs.Heni Noviana)

prepared the items test of pre-test and post- test, lesson, and narrative text

and observation sheets. The observation sheets was used to make some

notes of the important things that happen either teacher or students’

activities on situation and condition of class while teaching and learning

process. In this research, the researcher acted as a teacher who

implemented the pre-questioning in treatment. The researcher prepared

the material of this research were include or all about fable story “The

Lion and The Mouse”.

2. Acting

The implementation of this cycle was done in three meetings. The

first meeting was done on Monday, September 17, 2012 at 10.45 am. This

meeting was started by greeting, praying, checking attendance list. At the

beginning of teaching-learning process. I greeted the students by saying.

“Good morning,” and all of the students answered by saying, “Good

morning miss,” I that they did yesterday and students gave various answer

but using Indonesian and the teacher translation it into good english.

I began to teach by saying “what is narrative text?” only few students

could answer it by using Indonesian. This happened because their teacher


seldom gave the explanation about narrative text. Firstly, the teacher

explained about plot in narrative text. The teacher gave

explanation about the component of plot and definition of

it. “Plot is the organized pattern or sequnce of events that make up

story”, meanwhile the component of plot are:

1. Orientation

This sets the scene, creating a visual picture of the setting, atmosphere

and time of the story. Characters are introduced and clues are set in

place for the coming complication.

2. Complication

This revolves arounds conflicts or problems that affect the setting,

time or characters. The hero is prevented from reaching his or her


3. Series of events

The story continues through a series of expected and unexpected


4. Resolution

A solution is found for the problem or challenge.

5. Re-orientation/Coda

Sets the scene again and locates the characters in it.


The second meeting was done on Saturday, September 22, 2012 at

12.30 am. The activity in the second meeting was relatively active. All of

students were in the class and ready to have a subject. I greeted the

students and they answered. Then I checked the students’ attendance. I

gave a little explanation and reminded the students about about narrative

text and plot of narrative text by giving example in order to be understood

easily by the students. There were and very enthusiastic and some of them

were very curious about narrative text.

The teacher asked the students whether they had question. Some

students said that English was very difficult because they didn’t know the

vocabulary of narrative text.The students tried to identify the sentences

based on the text. At the ends of learning process reading on narrative

texts review about the plot of narrative text. The teacher showed pre-

questioning sheet and they gave information about the material daily

activities and the students watched to the teacher explanation. The next

stage the teacher describe the from of narrative texts by using pre-

questioning. At the end of the learning process the students work in

reading on narrative texts individual assignment.

The third meeting was done on Monday, september 24, 2012 at

09.10 am. The teacher gave the post-test reading narartive

texts by using pre-questioning which consists twenty


exercises, seven essay and twenty multiple choices.

Teacher asking the students to finish them individually.

Thirty minutes to done twenty seven exercises. Before the

closing teacher asked the students studied at home and

always gave motivation.

3. Observing

The researcher presented 3 meetings in cycle 1. the

researcher presented 3 meeting in cycle 1 of reading comprehension. In

the first meeting, the researcher gave pre test, and second meeting the

researcher was given the material about narrative text especially fable

story. And in the third meeting, the researcher gave the material more

complex of fable. The students who got score ≥ 65 were 11 students of 20

students. Some students felt so happy and enjoyable with

the situation of classroom whenever there are some

students make condition of the class be noise. Here the

explanation of the result students’ observation and post-

test 1 score, as follow:

a) Learning Process

The result score of student’s observation sheet, as follows:


Table 6

Table of the Result of Observation Sheet

No. Name Score ofStudentsActivities


1 AB 2 50 %2 AL 2 50 %3 BL 2 50 %4 EK 2 50 %5 FJ 4 100 %6 FD 3 75 %7 FR 2 50 %8 HE 2 50 %9 HF 3 75 %10 HN 4 100 %11 HR 2 50 %12 IF 2 50 %13 IB 2 50 %14 NN 4 100 %15 PP 2 50 %16 RD 2 50 %17 ST 2 50 %18 SL 2 50 %19 ZH 4 100 %20 ZF 4 100%

Total 52 65%Source: Obsevation Sheet


1) Indicators of the student’s activities are:

a. Pay attention to the teacher explanation

b. Encourage to answer question

c. Being able to perform the task

d. Ask the teacher about the story


Based on the table above, it classified category of

the student’s activity as follow:

Table 7

Table of the result of student’s activities


Interval Total Percentages


1 3 – 4 7 35% Verygood

2 1 – 2 13 65% Good Total 20 100 %

Source : Table of the result of observation sheet

Based on table above, it can be inferred that the

learning process has done well. It looked on there are

65% of the students on good categories and 35% on

very good categories.

b) The result score of student’s post test 1

After the treatment process has done on

September 24, 2012. So that, the researcher was take

the post-test score for to know whether the use of pre-

questioning are able to increase reading

comprehension on narrative texts of the students. The

result score of post-test 1, as follow:

Table 8

Result of Students’ Post-test 1


No Name Score Post-test

1 AB 702 AL 553 BL 604 EK 605 FJ 706 FD 657 FR 558 HE 609 HF 7010 HN 7511 HR 6512 IF 6013 IB 6514 NN 8015 PP 6016 RD 7017 ST 6518 SL 6519 ZH 7520 ZF 80

Total 1325Average 66,25

Table 9

The Frequency of Students’ Score at Post-test 1



Frequency Percentages(%)

1 90 – 100 - -2 80 – 89 2 10 %3 60 – 79 16 80 %4 50 – 59 2 10 %

Total 20 100


Based on the result of Post-test 1, we could see that there were 2

students (10%) gained score 80-89, 16 students (80%) gained score 60-

79, and 2 students (10%) gained score 50-59. It was higher than the result

of pre test. The criteria of students’ who were successful in mastering the

material was the students’ who get score higher than minimum

requirement of Junior High School Muhammadiyah 4 Metro, and the

minimum requirement was 65. The fact showed that the result was


4. Reflecting

From the result of observation learning in cycle 1, it can be

conducted that in learning process by pre-questioning has not achieved

minimum requirement (KKM) of the research yet. The research found

that there were many students that having problem in understanding about

plot of narrative text, encouraging to more active, and being be able to

understanding text a narrative text.

b) Cycle 2

1. Planning

In the planning in cycle 2, the researcher and the collaborator, Mrs.

Heni Noviana, S.Pd. Plans the material all about Plot of narartive text.

The researcher prepared the item test, narrative text related the material,


identifying the students’ problem in teaching learning of English lesson,

find the causes of the problem, and finishing that problem of the students.

2. Acting

The action in the cycle 2 consistent of three meeting, two meeting for

the action and one meeting for the post test 2. The first meeting in cycle 2

was done on Monday, Oktober 1, 2012 at morning, before began the

learning process the writer prepared the class like gretting, praying. And

checking attendance list. Then the writer began to ask the students about

the plot of the narrative text. Some of them still confused to remembering

that. So the teacher explained the plot of narrative text and simple past

tense because most narrative used past tense. After that the writer gave

the students text by the title “ The Smartest Parrot” and the students read

silently. Then the writer asked the students to identify from the plot of

narrative text and the simple past. The writer and the students corrected

together. And the teacher explained about the simple past. Then the

students tried to found the good verb type, match the verb into simple

past. In the end of learning process the writer asked the students to

remember plot in narrative text and used simple past.

In the second meeting in cycle 2 that had done on Saturday, Oktober

6, 2012 at evening, the teacher began the lesson by prepared the class

with say hello and checking attendance list. The writer review the last

material shortly. After the researcher explained the reading narrative text


by using pre-questioning as strategy. The students are more enthusiasm

with this meeting because they more understanding about reading by

using pre-questioning.

The third meeting was done on Saturday, Oktober 6, 2012 at 09.45

until 11.45.This meeting by started greeting, praying, and checking

attendance list. After that I gave the students post-test 2 by asking them to

reading narrative text by using pre-questioning. I gave them “The Turtle

and A two couple ducks”.

3. Observing

In observation in this meeting, the researcher presented three

meetings in teaching reading comprehension by using pre-questioning as

a strategy. In first meeting the research gave the pre-test about narrative

text. In the second meeting the research explained about feature of

narrative text by using pre-questioning as a strategy. And the last meeting

the research gave post-test 2 to students.

a) Learning Process

The result score of student’s observation sheet, as follows:

Table 10

Table of the Result of Observation Sheet

No. Name Score ofStudentsActivities


1 AB 3 75 %2 AL 3 75 %


3 BL 4 100 %4 EK 2 50 %5 FJ 4 100 %6 FD 4 100 %7 FR 3 75 %8 HE 3 75 %9 HF 4 100 %10 HN 4 100 %11 HR 3 75 %12 IF 4 100 %13 IB 4 100 %14 NN 4 100 %15 PP 3 75 %16 RD 4 100 %17 ST 3 75 %18 SL 3 75 %19 ZH 4 100 %20 ZF 4 100%

Total 70 86,25% Source: Obsevation Sheet


1) Indicators of the student’s activities are:

a. Pay attention to the teacher explanation

b. Encourage to answer question

c. Being able to perform the task

d. Ask the teacher about the story

Based on the table above, it classified category of

the student’s activity as follow:


Table 11

Table of the result of student’s activities


Interval Total Percentages


1. 3 – 4 19 95% Verygood

2. 1 – 2 1 5% Good Total 20 100 %

Source : Table of the result of observation sheet

Based on table above, it can be inferred that the

learning process has done well. It looked on there are

5% of the students on good categories and 95% on

very good categories.

b) The result score of student’s post test 2

The researcher was take the post-test score for to

know whether the use of pre-questioning are able to

increase reading comprehension on narrative texts.

The result score of post-test 2, as follow:

Table 12

Result of the Students’ Post-test 2

No Name Score Post-test

1 AB 802 AL 703 BL 80


4 EK 705 FJ 856 FD 757 FR 658 HE 709 HF 8010 HN 7511 HR 7512 IF 7013 IB 8014 NN 10015 PP 7016 RD 8017 ST 7518 SL 8019 ZH 10020 ZF 100

Total 1580Average 79

The post test was give to see the students’ reading narrative

texts in cycle 2. The researcher gave post-test 2, after finishing the

material of cycle 2. It was done because the researcher wants to know

how increase the students score after giving all material.

Table 13

The Frequency of Students’ Score at Post-test 2



Frequency Percentages(%)

1. 90 – 100 3 15 %


2. 80 – 89 7 35 %3. 60 – 79 10 50 %4 50 – 59 -

Total 20 100 %

Based on the result of post-test 2, we could see that the were 10

students (50%) gained score 60-79, 7 students (35%) gained score 80-89,

3 students (15%) gained score 90-100, and 0 students gained score 50-59.

4. Reflecting

Based on the result of observation in cycle 2, it can be say that the

teaching learning process reading narrative text by using pre-questioning

as strategy has achieved the minimum requirement of the research.

Because the researcher has revised and improve the teaching learning

process in the cycle 1, making successful. And in the cycle 2 the students

were also active and interest to do the task than before. They felt have

motivation in each doing the test. So the result was the narrative text as

media can increase their reading comprehension especially narrative texts

(fable story).

B. Interpretation


In this session, the researcher will be discussed the interpretation of

the result of the research. The researcher would like explain the result score

by comparing the data, as follow:

1) Students Result Data

The student’s activities data is gotten from the

percentage of active students on observation sheet.

The table improvement of it as follow:

Table 14

Table of the Percentage of Student’s Active in Cycle 1

and 2


Criteria Cycle 1 Cycle 2

1. Student activity 52 70

2.Percentage ofactive students

65% 86,25%

Source : Table of the Result of Observation Sheet

Based on the data above, it can be concluded that

students felt comfortable with the learning process.

Firstly, there are many students felt uncomfortable with

the media of the teacher use. It looked on the result of

observation sheet when cycle 1 that are 52 with 65 %.

In addition, the result of observation when cycle 2 are

70 with 86,25 %.


2) The Result of Cycle 1

In cycle 1, English learning process was

successfully, whenever the student’s average score is

low. Nevertheless, there is an improvement score of the

students post-test 1 than pre test score. This is the table

of illustration score in cycle 1, as follow:

Table 15

Table of the Result Score of Student’s Pre-test and Post-test 1

No NameScore

Pre-test 1


Post-test 1Note

1 AB 60 70 Increase2 AL 50 55 Increase3 BL 50 60 Increase4 EK 50 60 Increase5 FJ 65 70 Increase6 FD 50 65 Increase7 FR 50 55 Increase8 HE 55 60 Increase9 HF 60 70 Increase10 HN 70 75 Increase11 HR 50 65 Increase12 IF 55 60 Increase13 IB 60 65 Increase14 NN 70 80 Increase15 PP 50 60 Increase16 RD 65 70 Increase17 ST 50 65 Increase


18 SL 50 65 Increase19 ZH 70 75 Increase20 ZF 70 80 Increase

Total 1150 1325Average 57,5 66,25

Source: Table of the Result of Students Pre-test and Post test I

In this research pre-test and post-test was

individually. It was aimed at knowing the ability of the

students before and having a treatment. From the result

of pre-test and post-test, it is known that there was an

increasing from the students result score. It can be seen

from the average 57,5% becomes 66,25%. From the

analysis conducted by writer, the students’ result in pre-

test found that most students had difficulties in reading.

Beside, from the pos-test cycle 1 score, it can be

seen that there was increasing because the writer had

given more explanation about the problem in pre-test

and more explanation about narrative text.

3) The Result of Cycle 2

In cycle 2, process of teaching, and learning stay on

climax situation, there are very grateful progresses of

students. Here are the result score of student’s post-test

1 and post-test 2.


Table 16

Table of the Result Score of Student’s Post-test 1 andPost-test 2

No NameScore

Post-test 1


Post-test 2Note

1 AB 70 80 Increase2 AL 55 70 Increase3 BL 60 80 Increase4 EK 60 70 Increase5 FJ 70 85 Increase6 FD 65 75 Increase7 FR 55 65 Increase8 HE 60 70 Increase9 HF 70 80 Increase10 HN 75 75 Increase11 HR 65 75 Increase12 IF 60 70 Increase13 IB 65 80 Increase14 NN 80 100 Increase15 PP 60 70 Increase16 RD 70 80 Increase17 ST 65 75 Increase18 SL 65 80 Increase19 ZH 75 100 Increase20 ZF 80 100 Increase

Total 1325 1580Average 66,25 79

Source: Table of the Result of Students Pos-test I and Post-test II

After looking at the result post-test 1 and post-test 2, it could be

said that there were increase 12,75 points. And from the table above

showing that the result of post test 2 can fulfill that minimum mastery

of criteria (KKM). Because of students had understood about reading


in narrative text, they could impore their ability. It proved that

applying Pre-questioning strategy in increasing the students’ reading

comprehension on narrative text is the best way in learning reading. It

means that the students could achieve target.

4) The Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test

After looking at teh result pre-test, it can be said

that there was an increasing the student’s reading

comprehension on narrative texts the use of pre-

questioning strategy. There was progress from 57,5 to 66,25 and

from 66,25 to 79. The researcher shows the graph of the

result pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2, as follow:

Figure 3

Graph of the Result of Pre-test and Post-test


Pre-Test 1 Post-test 1 Post-test 20













Source: Table of the Result Score of Student’s Pre-test 1, Post-test 1, and Post-test 2

Based on the table above, it can be inferred that of pre-

questioning can increase the students reading

comprehension on narrative text. The increasing is caused by

using pre-questioning in teaching and learning process where the

students are directly related and does activity in the learning process.

Therefore, Pre-questioning has positive effect in teaching and learning

process especially reading narrative text.




A. Conclusion

1. The writer has finished and analyzed the data of this Classrroom Action

Research. She concludes that pre-questioning strategy can increase

reading comprehension on narrative text especially of fable story at the

eighth grade students of Junior High School Muhammadiyah 4 Metro.

2. It can be seen from the students’ score. At the Pre-test students gained

average score 57,5, consist of 9 students’ gained score 60-79 and 11

students’ gained score 50-59. At the Post-test 1 students gained score

66,25, consist of 2 students’ gained score 80-89, 16 students’ gained score

60-79, and 2 students gained score 50-59. At the Post-test 2 students

gained score 79, consist of were 10 students’ gained score 60-79, 7

students’ gained score 80-89, 3 students’ gained score 90-100, and 0

students’ gained score 50-59.

3. Teaching reading comprehension on narrative text through the use of pre-

questioning strategy can make the students’ interested in reading learning

process because they have new experience in learning.

B. Suggestion

Referring to the data and the discussion in the previous chapter, the

researcher finally comes to the following suggestion:


1. The students

The students must be active in teaching learning activity, because the

successful of learning depend on the students themselves. Reading is one of

four skills that must be mastered. By reading, the students will have

experience and knowledge. Now, there many materials of reading can be read

by students, so the students can read not only at school, but also in

everywhere and every time. This Pre-questioning can increase their idea in

reading on narrative text. It is also increase reading result. The students are

suggested to learn reading especially in narrative text by using Pre-

questioning. And it is line with the basic competency in syllabus.

2. The teacher

The teacher should be active and creative in teaching learning process, one

detailed more for gave the information, on of them is by using Pre-

Questioning have been proved appropiate be applied in teaching narrative text

and should prepare lesson plan to make the students have ability, so they can

be increase their english. The teacher should be able to handle the students

when they start to say I’m bored. As a teacher we should be able to make our

lesson interest. We must follow them, because they are in base level. We

should not to press them, follow them and understand them, try to accompany

our students to speak English slowly.


3. For the School

The School should support the English learning process by preparing the

facilitation and instrument of English learning completely.

For the headmaster of the School, give more motivation to the students on

learning English.


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Petunjuk pengerjaan:

1. Isilah nama dan kelas di lembar jawaban dengan benar2. Jawablah pertanyaan essay (pre-questioning) yang ada di atas teks bacaan

dengan singkat dan jelas.3. Bacalah teks bacaan yang tersedia dengan seksama lalu jawablah

pertanyaan pilihan ganda yang ada di bawah teks bacaan tersebut denganmemilih jawaban yang dianggap paling benar.Contoh :

D adalah jawaban yang benar

Jika anda ingin meralat jawaban anda berilah tanda ‘=’ pada jawabansebelumnya

A adalah jawaban yang benar

4. Jawablah soal tersebut dilembar jawaban yang telah disediakan

5. Alokasi waktu = 2 x 30 menit

Jumlah butir soal:1. 22 soal untuk essay 2. 60 soal untuk pilihan ganda

Pertanyaan pembuka untuk pre test I

1. Pernahkah kamu pergi ke kebun binatang? (ya/tidak) jika ya, binatang apa saja

yang kamu lihat!

2. Menurutmu, kenapa singa disebut raja hutan? Apa alasanmu!

3. Dimanakah anda dapat menemukan singa?

4. Sebutkan apa saja yang singa makan?

5. Disebut sebagai apakah hewan tikus?

6. Bagaimanakah cara tikus hidup/bergerak?

7. Kenapa sebagai makhluk hidup kita harus saling membantu? Jelaskan alasanmu?



Reading text 1

The Lion and The Mouse

Once when a Lion was asleep a little Mouse began running up and down on

his face; this soon wakened the Lion, who placed his huge paw upon him, and opened

his big jaws to swallow him.

"Pardon, O King," cried the little Mouse: "forgive me this time, I shall never

forget it: who knows but I may be able to do you a turn someday?" The Lion was so

tickled at the idea of the Mouse being able to help him that he lifted up his paw and

let him go.

Sometime after the Lion was caught in a net, and the hunters who desired to

carry him alive to the King, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to

carry him on. Just then the little Mouse happened to pass by, and seeing the Lion in

the net she went up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound the King of

the Beasts, and then she said, "Was I not right?"

1. What problem did the little mouse have?

a. She was trapped in a net b. The lion caught her c. She gnawed the ropes d. She was caught by hunters e. She didn’t have food

2. What problem did the lion have?

a. The mouse awakened him b. He was killed by some hunters’ c. He couldn’t get the moused. He was caught in a net e. The mouse gnawed the ropes

3. What did the mouse mean when he said, “who knows but what I may be able to do

you a turn some of these days?"

a. The mouse would give the lion some food b. The mouse would help the lion some day c. The mouse release the lion from a dangerd. The mouse would not run over the lion’s facee. The mouse would turn to the left direction

4. What did the mouse do to help the lion?

a. She ran up and down on his face b. She cried and begged the lion c. She cut the ropes with a knifed. She asked the hunters to help here. She gnawed the ropes

5. “…she went up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound the King of

the Beasts, and then she said, "Was I not right …” (last line). What does the

underlined word refer to?

a. The lion b. The mouse c. The King d. The hunters e. The monster

6. What is the moral lesson from the text?

a.Don’t look at someone because of his clothes b,It is best to prepare for the days of necessity c.Common people may prove great ones d.United we stand, divided we fall e.Honesty begins at home.

7. Paragraph three mainly tells that….

a.the little mouse asked forgiveness b.the hunters carried the lion alive to the king

c.the lion was tied to a tree by the hunters d.the little mouse could prove that he could help the lion e.from the first, the lion believed in what the little mouse said

8. What did the little mouse do to prove his words?

a.He would never forget the lion. b.He tried hard to help the lion free. c.He ran up and down upon the lion d.He asked for apology to the king of the beast

e.He tied the lion to the tree so that the hunters could carry him

9. The word “huge” (p.1) means very….. a. old b. large c. tall d.Tiny e .giant

10. At the end of the story, how was the lion herd? a. angry b. sad c. happy d.dead e. Dissapointed

11. What is the type of the text above?a. Recount b. Narrativec. Procedured. Reporte. New Items

12. What is the setting for the storya. It is a wellb. It is a housec. It is forestd. It is gardene. It is goat

13. What is the type of the text? a. Myths

b. Fablec. Foltakesd. Modern Fantasye. Play

14. Who was Lion?

a. The king forestb. The cruel kingc. White liond. The Mousee. A young wise man

15. Who are the main characther in this fable?a. The lion and Taipan the snakeb. The lion and The mousec. The king forest and the moused. The mouse and The crocodilee. The goat

16. The generic structure of the text is.....a. Orientation > Complication > Resolution > Re-Orientationb. Orientation > Events > Re- Orientationc. General Classification > Descriptiond. Identification > Descriptione. Newsworthy Events > Background Events > Sources

17. What is the characther of the mouse?a. It is lazyb. It is cleverc. It is stupidd. It is smarte. It is handsome

18. What is the dominant structure used in the text ?a. The simple present tenseb. The simple past tensec. The present continuous tensed. Passive voicee. Imperative

19. The lion was proud of his…a. hairb. eyesc. teethd. pawse. strength

20. What do you thing of the animal on the well?

a. The image of the lion himself.b. An intolerable braggart.c. A stronger animal.d. Another lion.e. His neighbor.

Pertanyaan pembuka untuk post test I

1. Pernahkah kamu melihat burung beo? Jika ya, dimana?

2. Sebutkan salah satu ciri dari burung beo?

3. Tahukah kamu Kenapa burung beo sering di jadikan hewan peliharaan? Apa


4. Dimanakah biasanya pemburu mencari hewan buruannya?

5. Burung apakah yang memiliki bulu putih dan cantik?

6. Bagaimanakah cara semut hidup?

7. Tuliskan 2 hal yang bisa kita lakukan untuk menjaga binatang-binatang peliharaan



Reading Text 2The Smartest Parrot

A man in Puerto Rico had a wonderful parrot. There was no another parrot

like it. It was very, very smart. This parrot would say any word-except one. He would

not say the name of the town where he was born. The name of the town was Catano.

The man tried to teach the parrot to say Catano. But the bird would not say the word.

At first the man was very nice, but then he got angry. “You are a stupid bird! Why

can’t you say the word? Sat CAtano, or I will kill you!” but the parrot would not say

it. Then the man got to so angry that the shouted over and over, “Say Catano, or I’ll

kill you!” but the bird wouldn’t talk.

One day after trying for many hours to make the bird say Catano, the man got

very angry. He picked up the bird and threw him into the chicken house. “You are

more stupid than the chickens. Soon I will eat them, and I will eat you, too.”

In the chicken house there are four old chickens. They were for Sunday’s dinner. The

man put the parrot in the chicken house and left.

The next day the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and

stopped. He was very surprised at what he saw!

He saw three dead chickens on the floor. The parrot was screaming at the fourth

chicken, “Say Catano, or I’ll kill you!

(sumber: detik-detik UN bahasa Inggris; 2005/2006; Intan Pariwara)

Vocabularies: wonderful: hebat, parrot: burung beo, bird: burung, picked up:mengambil, throw: melemparkan, stupid: bodoh, put: menaruh, saw: melihat, scream:berteriak, smart: pandai1. Where does the story take place?

a. London c. Jakartab. Puerto Rico d. Buenos Aires

2. What is the word that the parrot cannot say?a. Catano c. Canatob. Tacano d. Nacato

3. How often did the owner teach the bird how to say the word?a. Always c. Many timesb. Everyday d. Every second

4. Which statement is true according to the text?a. The parrot could say Catano b. At last the parrot could say Catanoc. Catano was the name at the parrotd. The man never got angry at the parrot

5. What does the man do to the bird because the bird cannot say the name of a place.a. The man ate the bird.b. The sold the bird.c. The man killed the bird.d. The man taught the bird.

6. It is most likely that ….a. The bird killed the three chickens.b. The three chickens killed the bird.c. The bird played with the chicken.d. The bird killed one of the three chickens.

7. What is the story about?a. A parrot and a catb. A parrot and a chickenc. A parrot and the ownerd. A parrot, the owner, and chickens

8. “It was very, very smart”The underlined word refers to ….a. The manb. The birdc. The chickend. Puerto Rico

9. “The parrot was very, very smart”The word ‘smart’ means ….a. Stupid c. Stubbornb. Clever d. Beautiful

10. “The parrot was screaming at the fourth chickens”What does the underlined word mean?a. Smiling c. Shouting b. Crying d. Laugh

11. What can we learn from the story?a. Be a good smartb. Don’t be so stupidc. We must help each otherd. An enemy can be a good friende. A friend in need is a friend indeed

12. What is the type the text above?a. Narrativeb. Procedurec. Reportd. Recounte. Descriptive

13. What happened at last?a. The parrot was screamingb. The parrot saw three dead chickenc. The three chickens killed the bird.d. The bird played with the chicken.e. The bird killed one of the three chickens

14. The first paragraph is called?a. Complicationb. Orientationc. Resolutiond. Re-orientatione. Coda

Reading Text 3DOVE AND ANT

Once upon a time there was a man who liked hunting very much. He oftenwent to the forest to hunt any animal he met.

One day he went hunting into the forest. He intended to shoot any animal hesaw. He brought his gun with him. When he was searching for his pre, suddenly hesaw a bird perching on a branch of a tree. It was a dove. When he was aiming his gunat the dove, suddenly an ant came and bit his foot. He was so startled that he didn’tshoot the dove. It was safe and then flew away.

Several days later, the dove was flying over a lake. He saw an ant floating onthe surface of the water. It was the ant that had saved the dove’s life from the hunter.The ant was almost drowned. The dove got an idea, he picked up a big leaf anddropped it onto the surface of the water near the ant. Luckily the ant could get on theleaf.

The ant tried to bring the leaf to the edge of the lake and landed on theground. The ant was safe because the dove helped him.

15. The hunter was very … when the ant bit his foot.a. Angry c. Shockedb. Furious d. Surprisede. Disappointed

16. Which one of the following sentences INCORRECT or IRRELEVANT withthe text above?

a. The man hunted some animal that he met in the forestb. The hunter saw a dove on the branch of tree

c. The man didn’t shoot the dove because of a policemand. The dove helped the ant that on the surface of watere. The dove ant was safe because of the dove

17. One day he went hunting into the forest (2nd paragraph) The synonym of underlined word (forest) is…

a. Animal b. Jungle c. Lake d. River e. Sea

18. The purpose of the text above is to…a. tell the readers of the storyb. to explain the readers of the storyc. to entertain the readers of the storyd. to inform the readers of the storye. to retell the readers of the story

19. Where does the story take place?a. Houseb. Gardenc. Forestd. Treee. Jungle

20. How can the dove be describeda. She is beautifulb. She is helped each otherc. She is always tricky d. She is bravee. She is clever

Pertanyaan pembuka untuk post test II

1. Tahukah kamu hewan apa yang memiliki cangkang dan berjalan dengan lambat?

2. Apakah yang selalu melindungi tubuhnya? Jelaskan?

3. Kemampuan atau kepandaian apa yang dimiliki bebek?

4. Dimanakah gajan dan tikus tinggal?

5. Bagaimana cara gajah hidup?

6. Apakah yang gajah makan?

7. Apakah kamu binatang peliharaan di rumahmu?

8. Binatang apa yang biasa dijadikan sebagai penjaga di rumah?


Reading Text 4


The turtle, as you know always bring his house on his back, he never leave his

house. Anyone says that the god of Jupiter has punished him because the turtle is very

lazy and prefer living in the house and doesn’t go to the wedding party of Jupiter,

though Jupiter has invited him specially.

After years, the turtle hope that he can attend the wedding party. When he

sees the birds flying happily on the sky, the rabbit, the squirrel, goats, cow, and

buffaloes eat the grass on the meadow and others animal run, he wants to become

skillful the another animal. In another place, he also sees geese, ducks, and chicken

seek the worms in the swamp. The turtle is very sad and unsatisfied. He will see the

world too, but he has the house on his back and his feet are too small.

One day, he meet a couple of ducks and tell of his problem. “We can help you

to see the world.” the duck say. “Hold to this world with your teeth and we will bring

you upward to the sky where you can see all of the land. But you must be silent and

don’t talk and you will regret”.

The turtle is very happy. He hold the wood quickly with his teeth. The couple

of ducks hold the edge of wood with their mouth, and fly upward to the sky.

On that time, the crow fly through on them. He amazes what he see and say:

“You must be the king of the turtles!”

“Of course.........................” the turtle say

But when he open his mouth for saying it, he lost he hold to be wood and fall to the

ground. Finally, he his thrown down to the stones.

1. How many animals are mentioned in the story?

a. 11 b. 12 c. 13 d. 14

2. The story above tells about a turtle,

a. Bebek c. Kelinci

b. Kura-kura d. Kambing

3. Is the turtle is very lazy animal?

a. No, he isn’t c. No, he is

b. Yes, he is d. Yes, he isn’t

4. From the story above, it’s mentioned goats. What the meaning goat?

a. Kambing c. Kerbau

b. Sapi d. Kelinci

5. What is the meaning of rabbit?

a. Kambing c. Kerbau

b. Sapi d. Kelinci

6. What is the meaning of duck?

a. Ayam c. Bebek

b. Angsa d. Burung

7. What is the English of Tupai?

a. Crow c. Bird

b. Squirrel d. Duck

8. What is the English of Burung?

a. Crow c. Bird

b. Squirrel d. Duck

9. What is the English of Burung gagak?

a. Crow c. Bird

b. Squirrel d. Duck

10. Why is the turtle very sad?

a. Because he can’t eat the delicious food

b. Because he can’t see the world

c. Because he can’t go to the meadow

d. Because he can’t attend the wedding party

11. Who do help the turtle for seeing the world?

a. Ducks c. Rabbit

b. Crow d. Squirrel

12. Who is flying on the sky

a. Bird c. Rabbit

b. Worm d. Turtle

13. Can we get pleasure by reading?

a. Yes, we do c. No, we don’t

b. Yes, we can d. No, we aren’t


Once upon a time, there lived a group mice under a tree in peace. However, a

group of elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the homes of all the

rats. Many of them were crushed to death.

Then the king of rats decided to approach the elephant’s chief and request him

to guide his herd through another route. On hearing the sad story, the elephant’s king

apologized and agreed to take another route. And so the lives the rats were saved.

One day elephant hunters came to the jungle and tripped a group of elephants

in huge nets. Then the elephant king suddenly remembered the king of rats. He

summoned one of the elephant of his herd which had not been trapped, to go seek

help from the king and told him about the trapped elephants.

The rat’s king immediately took his entire group of rats and they cut the nets

which had trapped the elephant’s herd. The elephant’s herd was totally set free. They

danced with joy and thanked the rats.

14. What destroyed the homes of all rats?

a. Group of mice did.

b. The hunters did.

c. Elephant hunters did.

d. A group of elephants did

e. Elephant’s herd did.

15. helped the elephant’s herd free?

a. The elephant’s herd did.

b. The hunter did.

c. A trapped elephant did.

d. A group of kings did.

e. Entire group of rats did.

16.When did the story occur?

a. Deep in the writer’s mind

b. In the jungle

c. In the black forest

d. In the home of mice group

e. In the nests which had trapped the elephant’s herd

17. At the end of the story, how was the elephants’ herd?

a. angry b. sad c. happy

d. dead e. disappointed

18. The word “ summoned” means ….

a. ordered to come b. asked to do

c. offered to come d. got to make

Reading Text 6


A dog, to which the butcher had thrown a bone, was hurrying home with his

prize as fast as he could go. As he crossed a narrow footbridge, he happened to look

down and saw himself reflected in the quiet water as if in a mirror. But the greedy

dog thought he saw a real dog carrying a bone much bigger than his own.

If he had stopped to think he would have known better. But instead of

thinking, he dropped his bone and sprang at the dog in the river, only to find himself

swimming for dear life to reach the shore. At last he managed to scramble out, and as

he stood sadly thinking about the good bone he had lost, he realized what a stupid dog

he had been.

19. The moral of the story relates to:

a. Greedb. Vanityc. Laziness d. Smarte. Reflection

20.The dog looked in the water and saw:

a. A catb. A fishc. His reflectiond. Another doge. Other dog’s piece of meat



1. B 11. B 1. B 11. A 1. C 11. A

2. D 12. B 2. A 12. A 2. B 12. A

3. B 13. B 3. C 13. A 3. B 13. C

4. E 14. A 4. B 14. B 4. A 14. D

5. A 15. B 5. D 15. A 5. D 15. E

6. A 16. A 6. A 16. C 6. C 16. B

7. B 17. D 7. C 17. B 7. B 17. C

8. B 18. B 8. B 18. D 8. C 18. B

9. B 19. E 9. B 19. C 9. A 19. A

10. C 20. C 10. C 20. A 10.B 20.C

Name :

Class :



1. …................................................................................................................................

2. …….............................................................................................................................

3. ...................................................................................................................................

4. …...............................................................................................................................

5. …..............................................................................................................................

6. …...............................................................................................................................

7. …..............................................................................................................................

Name :

Class :

1. A B C D E2. A B C D E3. A B C D E4. A B C D E5. A B C D E6. A B C D E7. A B C D E8. A B C D E9. A B C D E10

.A B C D E


.A B C D E


.A B C D E


.A B C D E


.A B C D E


.A B C D E


.A B C D E


.A B C D E


.A B C D E


.A B C D E

20 A B C D E



Cycle I

Subject : English

Text/type : Narrative Text

Class/ Semester : VIII/ I

Time Allocation : 6 x 40 Minutes (three meetings)

I. Standard Competency

Understanding the meaning of short functional text and essay form of a narrative,

spoof and hortatory exposition in the context of everyday life and to access


II. Basic Competency

Responding meaning and rhetorical steps in the essay that uses written language

diversity accurately, fluently and acceptable in the context of everyday life and to

access knowledge in the form of a narrative, spoof, and hortatory exposition.

III. Indicator

1. Responding the meaning of text monolog especially in a narrative form

2. Identify existing meaning in narrative text that reads

3. Identify the steps rhetoric of the text

IV. Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to identify the various aspects of the text such as content,

structure of the text.

2. Students can identify the meaning of the text is read

3. Students can identify the steps rhetoric of the text

V. The Learning Material

Narrative Text

Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The purpose of the

text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story.

The generic structure of Narrative text:

1. Orientation: It set the scene and introduce the participants (it answers the

question: who, when, what, and where).

2. Complication: Tells the problems of the story and how the main characters

solve them.

3. Series of events: The story continues through a series of expected and

unexpected events.

4. Resolution: The crisis is revolved, for better or worse.

5. Re-orientation: The ending of the story.

VI. Teaching Learning Activities

Pre Activities:

1. Greeting to the students.

2. Check the attendance list.

3. Apersepsi

4. Motivating students

5. Delivering learning objectives

6. Delivering a range of material and descriptions of activities

While Activities

1. Students read examples of narrative text that is displayed, shared, or from


2. Students and teachers discuss the matter of the narrative text

3. The teacher explains the elements and steps characteristic rhetoric and Lexico

grammatical in narrative text

4. The teacher explains step creation narrative text.

Post Activities:

1. Review the lesson.

2. Make inferences about the material they have learned that day.

3. Teacher asks students to reading in narrative text as a homework assignment.

4. To reflect on the course of the learning process on that day.

5. Teachers submit lesson plans to come.

VII. Source :

1. Dictionary

2. Material Internet

3. Books interlanguage

VIII. Evaluation :

1. Give the students’ oral test and written reading test

2. Instruction:

a. Answer essay questions (pre-questioning) of the text with a short reading

b. Please read carefully reading the text then answer multiple-choice

questions properly

Approach by The guardian teacher Metro, September 2012

The Researcher


Approach byThe Headmaster of

SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Metro

MISLAN NBM. 837 333


Cycle II

Subject : English

Text/type : Narrative Text

Class/ Semester : VIII/ I

Time Allocation : 6x40 Minutes (three meetings)

I. Standard Competency

Understanding the meaning of short functional text and essay form of a narrative,

spoof and hortatory exposition in the context of everyday life and to access


II. Basic Competency

Responding meaning and rhetorical steps in the essay that uses written language

diversity accurately, fluently and acceptable in the context of everyday life and to

access knowledge in the form of a narrative, spoof, and hortatory exposition.

III. Indicator

1. Responding the meaning of text monolog especially in a narrative form

2. Identify existing meaning in narrative text that reads

3. Identify the steps rhetoric of the text

4. Using Simple past tense

IV. Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to identify the various aspects of the text such as content,

structure of the text.

2. Students can identify the meaning of the text is read

3. Students can identify the steps rhetoric of the text

V. The Learning Material

Narrative Text

Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The purpose of the

text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story.

The generic structure of Narrative text:

1. Orientation: It set the scene and introduce the participants (it answers the

question: who, when, what, and where).

2. Complication: Tells the problems of the story and how the main characters

solve them.

3. Series of events: The story continues through a series of expected and

unexpected events.

4. Resolution: The crisis is revolved, for better or worse.

5. Re-orientation: The ending of the story.

VI. Teaching Learning Activities

Pre Activities:

1. Greeting to the students.

2. Check the attendance list.

3. Motivating students

4. Delivering learning objectives

5. Delivering a range of material and descriptions of activities

While Activities

1. Students read examples of narrative text that is displayed, shared, or from


2. Students and teachers discuss the matter of the narrative text

3. The teacher explains the elements and steps characteristic rhetoric and Lexico

grammatical in narrative text

4. The teacher explains about the use of simple past tense

Post Activities:

1. Review the lesson.

2. Clossing the meeting

VII. Source :

1. Dictionary

2. Material Internet

3. Books Interlangguage

VIII. Evaluation :

1. Give the students’ oral test and written reading test

2. Instruction:

a. Answer essay questions (pre-questioning) of the text with a short reading

b. Please read carefully reading the text then answer multiple-choice

questions properly

Approach by The guardian teacher Metro, September 2012

The Researcher


Approach byThe Headmaster of

SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Metro

MISLAN NBM. 837 333


Name of the School : SMP MUHAMMADIYAH 4 METROegeri 1 MajalengkaGrade/Semester : Eight (VIII )/ISubject : EnglishStandard of competency : Reading

Understanding the meaning of short functional text and essay form of a narrative, spoof and hortatory exposition in the context of everyday life and to access knowledge

Basic CompetencyThe MainMaterial

The LearningProcess


AssessmentTime Allocation

SourceCultural Values and Character Nation

TechniqueForm of Instruments

Example ofInstruments

11.1 Responding meaning and rhetorical steps in the essay that uses writtenlanguage diversity accurately, fluently and acceptable in the context of everyday life and to access knowledge in the form of a narrative, spoof, and hortatory exposition

Text essay narrative

The characteristic of narrativetext

Theoretical steps of narrative

Review the characteristicof narrative text

Improving the theoretical ofnarrative

Making draft of narrative

Read shortand simple text in narrative with the right theoreticalstep

Identify the step rhetoric ofthe text

Oral and written reading test

Essay and Multiple choice

Read the the textaloud and clearly

Answer thefollowing questionsbased on the text

Choose the bestoption based on the text

6x40 minutes

Relevan text book


Material Internet


Communicative, Thorough,Creative, hard work,


Topic : Narrative Text (fable story) Lesson : EnglishClass : Eight (VIII) Cycle : I


1. Pre Teaching :a. Prepare the lesson planb. Prepare the media that will be usedc. Ability in opening the learning process

2. While Activity :a. Informing the objective of learningb. Explaining the material in chronologicalc. Guide the students follow the lessond. Practice the students to answer the question about material

3. Post Teaching :a. Conclude the result of learningb. Close the learning activity

Tick (√) for each positive effect

Metro, September 2012Collaborator The Researcher



Topic : Narrative Text (fable story) Lesson : EnglishClass : Eight (VIII) Cycle : II


1. Pre Teaching :d. Prepare the lesson plane. Prepare the media that will be usedf. Ability in opening the learning process

2. While Activity :e. Informing the objective of learningf. Explaining the material in chronologicalg. Guide the students follow the lessonh. Practice the students to answer the question about material

3. Post Teaching :c. Conclude the result of learningd. Close the learning activity

Tick (√) for each positive effect

Metro, September 2012Collaborator The Researcher


The observation sheet of the students’ activity cycle I

Lesson : EnglishClass : Eight (VIII)Cycle : I

No Name ofstudents

Total of the activity that observed Total1 2 3 4

1 AB 22 AL 23 BL 24 EK 25 FJ 46 FD 37 FR 28 HE 29 HF 310 HR 211 HN 412 IF 213 IB 314 NN 315 PP 216 RD 217 ST 218 SL 219 ZH 420 ZF 4

Total 18 9 19 6 52 Percentage 90% 45% 95% 30% 260%

Tick (√) for each positive effect

Note :1. Pay attention to the teacher explanation2. Encourage to answer question3. Being able to perform the task4. Ask the teacher about the story

Metro, September 2012

Collaborator The Writer

Heni Noviana, S. Pd Cicilia Novayeri NIP. NPM. 0844887

The observation sheet of the students’ activity cycle II

Lesson : EnglishClass : Eight (VIII) Cycle : II

No Name ofstudents

Total of the activity that observed Total1 2 3 4

1 AB 32 AL 33 BL 44 EK 25 FJ 46 FD 47 FR 38 HE 39 HF 410 HR 411 HN 312 IF 413 IB 414 NN 415 PP 316 RD 417 ST 318 SL 319 ZH 420 ZF 4

Total 20 18 20 12 70 Percentage 100% 90% 100% 60% 350%

Tick (√) for each positive effect

Note :1. Pay attention to the teacher explanation2. Encourage to answer question3. Being able to perform the task4. Ask the teacher about the story

Metro, September 2012 Collaborator The Writer

Heni Noviana, S. Pd Cicilia Novayeri NIP. NPM. 0844887


The writer Cicilia Novayeri was born on 11th November 1988 in Metro. She is the

first daughter in her family. Her parents are Mr. Sudarno and Mrs. Rukiyah. She has

three sister, Rizky Kurniaty, Nur Hidayati Anjani and Ayunda Pramudia Swari. At

present lives in 22 Hadimulyo Timur Metro City.

She began studying at SD N 1 Metro and finished her study in Elementary school at

2001. She continued her study at SMP N 1 Metro and graduated in 2004. Then, she

continued her study at SMA N 1 Metro and graduated in 2007.

She was registered as a students in S1 English Education study Program State Islamic

College Jurai Siwo Metro in academic year 2008/2009. In 2011 she was follow the

KKN program in Gisting, Tanggamus and in Februari 2012 she was follow PPL in

SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Metro.

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