
Greg Alkire/Brian Smith 197 MAPLD 20051

An Ultra Low Power Reconfigurable Task Processor

for Space

Brian Smith, Greg Alkire – PicoDyne Inc.

Wes Powell – NASA GSFC

Greg Alkire/Brian Smith 197 MAPLD 20052


• Project Overview

• Goals

• Architecture

• Implementation Approach

• Conclusion

Greg Alkire/Brian Smith 197 MAPLD 20053

Project Overview

• Phase II SBIR for Nano-Sat Computing

• Proposed joining our existing FPGA work with a microcontroller on a single chip in Radiation Tolerant CMOS.

• During Phase I, decided that Cool-RAD™ and a full 32-bit processor would result in a more versatile chip.

Greg Alkire/Brian Smith 197 MAPLD 20054

Project Goals

• Combine RAM- configurable logic array with a common processor and standard I/O

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Project Goals

• FPGA of Suitable size for simple filters, state machines, and I/O protocol logic functions

48x48 Cell Logic Array

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Project Goals

• Processor powerful enough for primary processor on NanoSat missions

32-bit SPARC Leon2

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Project Goals

• Radiation Tolerant and Low Power.

• PicoDyne’s Cool-RAD™ process operates at 0.5V Core Voltage for low power, is very total dose hard, and uses Radiation Tolerant circuit design for low SEUs

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• 0.35um Cool-RAD™• SEU tolerance

achieved by using Single Event Resistant Topology (SERT) cell, developed by UNM/CAMBR and through adequate spacing of critical nodes

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• Cool-RAD™• Low Power by using

Ultra Low Power CMOS process developed under CULPRiT program

• Total Dose Tolerance of this process

> 200 krad (Si)

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• Leon 2 version of SPARC V8 architecture with 5-stage pipeline.

• Synthesized using STD Cell Library and standard tools.

• Laid out for minimal delay to FPGA core & I/O

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• Features:– 2 UARTS, interrupt driven– 16 bit programmable I/O– Interrupt Controller– 3 Timers (1 watchdog)– 8/16/32 bit memory controller– I-Cache – D-Cache

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• Basic logic block is a mux-based universal logic block

• Implements 50 functions.

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• Input and output multiplexers route signal in and out of the logic section.

• Each mux, for logic and routing, has it’s own configuration register

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• Fine-grain architecture

• Each configuration register is accessible in memory map

• The function of each logic and routing cell is configurable on-the-fly

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• Hierarchical architecture• First we developed individual logic cells• Then built configuration logic• Began placing adjacent cells and designing

interconnect• Array is made up of some number of 16x16 cells

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• Created 4x4 blocks of cells

• Then 16x16

• Configuration and routing take up very large percentage of die area

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• FPGA placed on memory bus of LEON

• I/O to die pads

• FPGA configured through memory writes by processor software

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• Development of user logic for array begins with HDL synthesis using std tools.

• Layout done with custom tool-set

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• Example designs include Filter implementation

• (4-pole CIC)

• Synthesized, placed, routed, and simulated

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Potential Uses

• Central Processor for nanosats

• Data processor for miniaturized instruments

• Embedded processor for subsystems

• I/O, instrument interface, comm protocol

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• FPGA verification performed via extraction and conversion to verilog netlist for simulation against original RTL testbench

• Memory Cell verification two-fold basic functional via extraction and SPICE simulation

• SPARC verification via IP test suites and focused implementation simulation.

• RTP verification at interface level

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• RTP will enable compression of board space for a computational node used in nanosats or as embedded or peripheral processor in larger spacecraft

• Ultra Low Power implementation means less thermal noise to instruments, can be embedded closer to sensors

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