  • An optimal trading problemin intraday electricity markets

    Workshop on Commodity Markets and their FinancializationIPAM, Los Angeles May, 2015

    Rene Ad Pierre Gruet Huyen PhamEDF R&D - Finance for Energy Market Research Centre

    LPMA, University Paris Diderot

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  • Agenda

    1 Trading in the intraday marketIntraday marketA problem of optimal trading

    2 Optimal trading modelNo jumps, no delayJumps in the residual demand forecastDelay in generation

    3 Numerical applications and simulations

    4 Conclusion

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  • Disclaimer

    DisclaimerAny views or opinions presented in this presentation are solely those of the authorand do not necessarily represent those of the EDF group.

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  • Trading in the intraday market

    Trading in the intraday market

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  • Trading in the intraday market Intraday market

    A bit of context

    Development of renewable energy in continental Europe

    windfarm: Germany 31 GW of 177 GW total installed capacity, Spain 22 GWof 105 GW

    solar power: Germany 32 GW, Italy 16 GW of 124 GW of installed capacity.

    source: Department Of Energy, Energy Information Agency

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  • Trading in the intraday market Intraday market

    Effects on generation management and trading

    Increasing forecasting error on short time horizon

    root mean square error (RMSE) of the error forecast for the production of awind farm in six hours can reach 20% of its installed capacity (Giebel et al.(2011))

    Producers / retailers endure inbalance costs. Imbalance: difference betweengeneration (plus purchases) and consumption (plus sales).

    They are penalised for their imbalances because the TSO has to buy energyfrom someone else to insure the equilibrium of the system.

    Increasing need for producers to find ways to balance their short-termposition.

    Development of intraday electricity market

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  • Trading in the intraday market Intraday market

    Intraday market

    Intraday market

    Operated by a market operator

    Market for next hours where firms

    exchange power to balance their positionminimize the cost of their imbalances

    Exchanged volume in Epex intraday market in Germany has grown from 2TWh (2008) to 25 TWh (2013).

    EPEX Intraday market

    Continuous trading

    Opens at 15:00 the day before.

    Possibility to buy/sell physical delivery contracts for the 24 periods 0:00 1:00, ..., 23:00 24:00.

    Closes 45 minutes before beginning of delivery.

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  • Trading in the intraday market Intraday market

    Example of the quotation of a given hour of delivery

    15/2248 16/0000 16/0112 16/0224 16/0336 16/0448 16/060060







    Figure: Epex intraday Germany market december 16th 2010, 7 a.m.

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  • Trading in the intraday market Intraday market

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    videoPrix2014115-a.mp4Media File (video/mp4)

  • Trading in the intraday market Intraday market

    Relation between intraday and dayahead prices

    500 0 500 1000 1500 2000200








    Epex dayahead 2012


    ex in


    ay 2


    Figure: Epex intraday and dayahead hourly prices during 2012.

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  • Trading in the intraday market Intraday market

    Liquidity and players

    EpexSpot - for a given hour (2014)

    Total exchanged volumes can reach 3.000 MW

    Average buy/sell volume 350 MWExchanges are cut in orders 20 MW

    EpexSpot - members (2014)

    100 actors on the French intraday market 240 actors on the all Epex intraday markets (France, Germany, Austria,Switzerland)

    Power utilities (EDF, E.On, Enel...), oil companies (BP), agregators(Voltalis), banks and financial institutions (Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan,CitiGroup, Barklays, Merril Lynch Commodities Ltd...)

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  • Trading in the intraday market A problem of optimal trading



    Demand and renewable production forecasts are frequently updated (every 2hours for demand, every 4 hours for wind production)

    Shocks in forecast happens.

    Short-term generation management involves many complex constraints ofpower plants and many different technology costs.

    Mainly, it takes time to mobilize generation.

    QuestionsKnowing that the objectif of a power producer is to minimize the total cost ofproduction and trading, what can be the optimal trading strategy?

    Knowing that shocks may happen, should traders take anticipatedprecautionnary positions?

    Dilemna between waiting for a possible better price and closing immediatlyan imbalanced position.

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  • Trading in the intraday market A problem of optimal trading

    Previous works


    Henriot (2014): discrete time model with wind production error forecast asonly source of randomness

    Garnier and Madlener (2014): continuous time model analysing the trade-offbetween entering into a deal right now and waiting for a better quote. Windfollows a arithmetic Brownian motion and intraday prices a geometricBrownian motion.

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  • Trading in the intraday market A problem of optimal trading

    This talk

    Analysis of the problem with a stylised model simplifying the generation side andyet preserving the main feature of the dilemna, the information structure

    The producer minimises the expected total cost of production using

    Thermal plants (oil, gas, nuclear): can be dispatched with anticipation (delay)

    + trading costs

    + Penalization of the imbalance with residual demand.

    Model inspired by Almgren-Chriss (2000) optimal execution model withmarket impact

    Here, random target, as we only have a forecast of final residual demand

    Residual demand: total final demand minus renewable energy production.

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  • Optimal trading model

    Optimal trading model

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  • Optimal trading model


    Xt : net sale/buy position (inventory) on the intraday market with tradingrate control qt = Xt

    Xt = X0 +



    Transactions occur at price

    Pt(q) = Pt +


    qsds Yt :=observable quoted price

    +qt ,

    Pt : unaffected price on (,F , (Ft)t ,P) permanent impact factor, : instantaneous impact factor.

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  • Optimal trading model

    Demand, generation and penalization

    DT residual demand at time T . Continuously updated forecast (Dt)0tT .

    Thermal production is chosen at time T h. Length h is the delay inproduction.

    cost function c() = 2 2, > 0.

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  • Optimal trading model

    Objective function of the agent

    Minimize over trading rates q A: F-adapted and generation L0+(FTh)

    E( T


    qsPs(q)ds trading cost



    generation cost


    2(DT XT )2

    imbalance penalization



    C (DT XT , ) := 2 2 + 2 (DT XT )

    2 is the cost of holding XT whilethe final demand is DT and the production has been chosen.

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  • Optimal trading model No jumps, no delay

    Case with no jumps and no delay

    We assume that thermal production can be decided instantaneously. Theproduction decision has to be made at final time T .

    The unaffected price process is

    Pt = P0 + 0Wt , thus dYt = qtdt + 0dWt ,

    the residual demand forecast has dynamics

    dDt = dt + ddBt ,

    with R, 0 > 0, d > 0 and d t= dt, [1, 1].

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  • Optimal trading model No jumps, no delay

    Dynamical formulation

    Value function:v(t, x , y , d) = inf

    qAtL0+(FT )

    J(t, x , y , d ;q, )


    J(t, x , y , d ;q, ) = E( T


    qs(Yt,ys + qs)ds + C (D

    t,dT X

    t,xT , )


    At being the set of adapted processes q such that E( T

    tq2s ds

    )< +.

    Note: The production quantity is chosen at time T , after the choice of thewhole trajectory q.

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  • Optimal trading model No jumps, no delay

    Solving the problem

    v(t, x , y , d) = infqAt

    E( T


    qs(Yt,ys + qs)ds+ inf

    L0+(FT )C (Dt,dT X

    t,xT , )

    )Optimal generation:

    T =

    + (Dt,dT X

    t,xT )1Dt,dT X

    t,xT 0

    =: +(Dt,dT Xt,xT )


    v(t, x , y , d) = infqAt

    E( T


    qs(Yt,ys + qs)ds +

    2+(Dt,dT X

    t,xT )



    2(Dt,dT X


    +(Dt,dT Xt,xT ))


    We do not expect to get an explicit formula, due to the indicator function.FiME Lab Trading on intraday electricity models 21 / 50

  • Optimal trading model No jumps, no delay

    Auxiliary relaxed problem

    Relax the positivity constraint on the production :

    v(t, x , y , d) = infqAt

    L0(FT )

    J(t, x , y , d ;q, ).

    Optimal generation level:

    (Dt,dT Xt,xT ) =

    + (Dt,dT X

    t,xT )

    New value function expression:

    v(t, x , y , d) = infqAt

    E( T


    qs(Yt,ys + qs)ds +



    + (Dt,dT X

    t,xT )


    Linear-quadratic problem. Value function is quadratic. Straightforward but tedious computations.

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  • Optimal trading model No jumps, no delay

    Optimal strategy in the auxiliary problem

    Optimal trading rate

    qt =r(, )(Dt + (T t) Xt) Yt

    (r(, ) + )(T t) + 2

    where r(, ) := + and Xt , Yt designate the inventory and price trajectory withqt as a control.

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  • Optimal trading model No jumps, no delay


    Define the forecast final production seen from time t s T :s =


    (Ds + (T s) qs(T s) Xs

    )The optimal trading rate satisfies:

    Ys + qs(T s) + 2qs = c (s).

    The optimal trading strategy consists in making the forecast marginal costsequal to the forecast price.

    Close to the operational strategy.

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  • Optimal trading model No jumps, no delay



    Suppose that at time 0, the intraday price is equal to the day-ahead spotprice and the producer is balanced.

    Thus Y0 = c(D0 + T X0)

    Thus the initial trading rate is null No anticipated precautionnary positionis needed.

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  • Optimal trading model No jumps, no delay

    A nice property of the optimal trading rate in the auxiliaryproblem


    The optimal trading rate is a martingale.


    Itos lemma applied to qs = q(T s,Ds Xs , Ys


    dqs =(D2q

    )ddBs +


    )0dWs .


    The expected inventory is thus a linear function of time: E(Xs)

    = X0 + q0s.

    Constant trading rate in Almgren and Chriss (2000).

    Previous forecasts keeping the same control are thus pertinent.

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  • Optimal trading model No jumps, no delay

    Quality of the approximation of the original problem

    The production has to be positive.

    Suggested strategy:1 First follow strategy (qs)tsT of the auxiliary problem.2 Then choose production level + (= 10).


    E1(t, x , y , d) = J(t, x , y , d ; q, +

    ) v(t, x , y , d),

    E2(t, x , y , d) = v(t, x , y , d) v(t, x , y , d).

    Bounds of Ei show very low error.

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  • Optimal trading model Jumps in the residual demand forecast

    Incorporation of jumps on demand

    Add a compound Poisson process (N+t ,Nt )t with intensity , counting

    positive and negative jumps, to the residual demand forecast.

    At each jump time t,

    with probability p+, (N+t )t has a jump.with probability p = 1 p+, (Nt )t has a jump.

    New dynamics of demand:

    dDt = dt + ddBt + +dN+t +


    with + > 0 and < 0

    Impact on intraday price:

    dYt = qtdt + 0dWt + +dN+t +


    with + > 0 and < 0.

    Let := p++ + p and := p++ + p.

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  • Optimal trading model Jumps in the residual demand forecast

    Value function and auxiliary problem

    Value function:

    v ()(t, x , y , d) = infq()AtL0+(FT )

    J(t, x , y , d ;q, ).

    Auxiliary problem, relaxing the constraint of positivity of the production:

    v ()(t, x , y , d) = infq()AtL0(FT )

    J(t, x , y , d ;q, ).

    The solution to that problem is again explicit.

    Yet straigthforward but (much more) tedious computations.


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  • Optimal trading model Jumps in the residual demand forecast

    Value function and auxiliary problem

    Value function:

    v ()(t, x , y , d) = infq()AtL0+(FT )

    J(t, x , y , d ;q, ).

    Auxiliary problem, relaxing the constraint of positivity of the production:

    v ()(t, x , y , d) = infq()AtL0(FT )

    J(t, x , y , d ;q, ).

    The solution to that problem is again explicit.

    Yet straigthforward but (much more) tedious computations.


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  • Optimal trading model Jumps in the residual demand forecast

    Value function and auxiliary problem

    Value function:

    v ()(t, x , y , d) = infq()AtL0+(FT )

    J(t, x , y , d ;q, ).

    Auxiliary problem, relaxing the constraint of positivity of the production:

    v ()(t, x , y , d) = infq()AtL0(FT )

    J(t, x , y , d ;q, ).

    The solution to that problem is again explicit.

    Yet straigthforward but (much more) tedious computations.


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  • Optimal trading model Jumps in the residual demand forecast

    Value function and auxiliary problem

    Value function:

    v ()(t, x , y , d) = infq()AtL0+(FT )

    J(t, x , y , d ;q, ).

    Auxiliary problem, relaxing the constraint of positivity of the production:

    v ()(t, x , y , d) = infq()AtL0(FT )

    J(t, x , y , d ;q, ).

    The solution to that problem is again explicit.

    Yet straigthforward but (much more) tedious computations.


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  • Optimal trading model Jumps in the residual demand forecast

    Value function and auxiliary problem

    Value function:

    v ()(t, x , y , d) = infq()AtL0+(FT )

    J(t, x , y , d ;q, ).

    Auxiliary problem, relaxing the constraint of positivity of the production:

    v ()(t, x , y , d) = infq()AtL0(FT )

    J(t, x , y , d ;q, ).

    The solution to that problem is again explicit.

    Yet straigthforward but (much more) tedious computations.


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  • Optimal trading model Jumps in the residual demand forecast

    Pierre Gruets handmade computation

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  • Optimal trading model Jumps in the residual demand forecast

    Pierre Gruets handmade computation

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  • Optimal trading model Jumps in the residual demand forecast

    Optimal control in the auxiliary problem

    Optimal trading rate

    q()s = q(0)s +

    r(, )(T s) + 4 (r(, ) + )(T s)2

    (r(, ) + )(T s) + 2


    q()s :=(q()s +

    2(s t)


    is a martingale:

    if > 0, then (q()s )s is a supermartingale.

    if < 0, then (q()s )s is a submartingale.

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  • Optimal trading model Jumps in the residual demand forecast


    Expected demand at final time T seen at time t is

    Dt := Dt + (T t) + (T t),

    Expectation of XT seen at time t is

    X t := Xt + q()t (T t)

    4(T t)2

    Expectation of the final price plus marginal cost of getting q()T is

    Y t := Yt +(T t) +(q()t (T t)

    4(T t)2

    )+ 2


    2(T t)


    Y t = c(Dt X t)

    Optimal trading strategy is still to make the forecast marginal cost equal tothe forecast price.

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  • Optimal trading model Jumps in the residual demand forecast



    Suppose that at time 0, the intraday price is equal to the day-ahead spotprice and the producer is balanced.

    Here, balanced means:

    Y0 + T = c(D0 X0)

    Thus, at time 0 shoud be taken the precautionnary position:

    q()0 =

    T + 4 (r(, ) + )T2

    (r(, ) + )T + 2

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  • Optimal trading model Delay in generation

    Delay h in generation

    Consider the auxilary relaxed problem without jumps.

    It is always better to wait until T h to take the generation decision.Between T h and T , we face an optimal trading problem with nogeneration and with inventory XTh + .

    Knowing the optimal trading rate as function of , it is possible to computethe optimal generation level.

    Knowing the optimal generation level to be applied at time T h and theoptimal trading rate between T h and T , we are brougth back to aninstance of our problem between 0 and T h with a (slightly) more complexterminal cost function.

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  • Optimal trading model Delay in generation


    After tedious computations, we found that:

    Between 0 and T h, the control with and without delay is the same.Only the value functions differ.

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  • Numerical applications and simulations

    Numerical applications andsimulations

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  • Numerical applications and simulations

    Parameter values for nice simulations

    Time period T = 24 hInitial inventory level X0 = 0 MWhInitial demand forecast D0 = 50, 000 MWhInitial intraday price Y0 = 50 e(MWh)1Demand forecast trend = 0 MWhs1Intraday price volatility 0 = 1/60 e(MWh)1 s1/2Demand forecast volatility d = 1000/60 MWhs1/2Correlation = 0.8Cost function parameter = 0.002 e(MWh)2Inbalance penality = 200 e(MWh)2Permanent impact = 4.00 105 e(MWh)2Instantaneous impact = 2.22 es(MWh)2Probability of positive jumps p+ = 1Intensity of jump = 1.5/(3600 24) s1Size of the price jump + = 10 e(MWh)1Size of the demand forecast jump + = 1500 MWh

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  • Numerical applications and simulations

    No jumps, no delay Optimal trading rate

    Cont r ol









    0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000

    Final oscillation to adjust production and demand.

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  • Numerical applications and simulations

    No jumps, no delay Inventory

    Int r aday inventor y and f inal pr oduct ion

    For ecast r esidual demand








    0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000

    Linear growth of the inventory with final generation to adjust to demand.

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  • Numerical applications and simulations

    No jumps, no delay Prices

    Pr ice w ithout impact

    Pr ice w ith impact











    0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000

    Small yet persistent impact on prices.

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  • Numerical applications and simulations

    No jumps, no delay Marginal cost and price

    The marginal cost decreases until it reaches the increasing price.

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  • Numerical applications and simulations

    Jumps > 0, no delay Optimal trading rate

    Cont r ol










    0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000

    Decreasing trading rate. Starts with positive value (buy), at some point in time,becomes negative (sell).

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  • Numerical applications and simulations

    Jumps > 0, no delay Inventory

    Int r aday inventor y and f inal pr oduct ion

    For ecast r esidual demand








    0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000

    First, increasing inventory, then decreasing inventory, and final generation toadjust to demand.

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  • Numerical applications and simulations

    Jumps, no delay Marginal cost and price

    Pr ice w ith impactFor eseen mar ginal cost







    0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000

    First decreasing forecast marginal cost (positive large inventory means less to beproduced at maturity) then, increasing forecast marginal cost.

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  • Numerical applications and simulations

    Delay h = 4 hours Optimal trading rate

    Cont r ol







    0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000

    Trading rate after time T h is the only tool to fit the demand. Thus becomesmore volatile.

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  • Numerical applications and simulations

    Delay h = 4 hours Inventory

    Cont r acts bought on mar ket

    For ecast r esidual demand








    0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000

    At T h, the rate at which the inventory increases suddenly changes.

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  • Numerical applications and simulations

    Application Precautionnary position

    QuestionWhat is the size of the anticipated precautionary position that should be taken inthe case of jumps in the residual demand forecast?


    q()0 =

    T + 4 (r(, ) + )T2

    (r(, ) + )T + 2

    with reasonnable parameter values: = 1.5 105 (1 jump per month), = 2 eh(MWh)2, = 0.1 e(MWh)2, = 500 e/MWh, = 200 e/MWh, = 2.0 103 e/MW2, T = 24 hours.

    q()0 3.6 MWh/h

    For one jump per week, the precautionnary position is 14 MWh/h.

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  • Conclusion


    ConclusionAnalysis of electricity intraday trading with a small and tractable stochasticcontrol model.

    Extension of Almgren and Chriss (2000) optimal execution model with linearimpact to stochastic target.

    Confort the operational strategy.

    Jumps in the residual demand process lead to non-zero yet smallprecautionnary initial position.


    Intraday prices models.

    Statistical arbitrage.

    Risk management.

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  • Conclusion


    Talk based on paper An optimal trading problem in intraday electricitymarket available on arXiv and to appear in Mathematical and FinancialEconomics.

    All presented data on intraday electricity markets are available on demand atEpexSpot website

    R. Almgren and N. Chriss. Optimal execution of portfolio transactions.Journal of Risk. 2000.

    E. Garnier and R. Madlener. Balancing forecast errors in continuous-tradeintraday markets. FCN WP 2/2014, RWTH Aachen University School ofBusiness and Economics, 2014.

    G. Giebel, G. Kariniotakis, R. Brownsword, M. Denhard and C. Draxl. Thestate-of-the-art in short-term prediction of wind power. A literature overview.2nd Edition. In Deliverable Report D1.2 of the Anemos Project(ENK5-CT-2002-00665), 2011.

    A. Henriot. Market design with centralised wind power management:handling low-predictability in intraday markets. The Energy Journal. 2014.

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    Trading in the intraday marketIntraday marketA problem of optimal trading

    Optimal trading modelNo jumps, no delayJumps in the residual demand forecastDelay in generation

    Numerical applications and simulationsConclusion

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