
An investment projectCreation of a demonstration object of energy

effective office building

According to the project, the following modern energy effective technologies are supposed to be used:-embedding of automatic control system of energetic complex of the building;-installation of modern heat devices and individual temperature control;-installation of modern energy effective lighting system;-installation of solar helioheater system for heat load of hot water supply;-installation of heat pump units;-installation of photoelectric units;-installation of wind-power generatordecreasing of energy consumption of the construction 3-5 times as much, separate heating energy consumption will make no more than 30 kilowatt/sq.m per year.

Description of the projectAccording to the project a demonstration object of energy effective

administrative building on the bases of the reconstructive building of Republican Scientific Production Unitary EnterpriseRepublican Scientific Production Unitary Enterprise «Institute of power

system of National Academy of sciences of Belarus» is planned to be built.

heat pump units solar helioheater

photoelectric units wind-power generator

As a result of fulfilling of the investment project the investor will get in As a result of fulfilling of the investment project the investor will get in his property:his property:3 floors, which will be used for offices (total area -2539 sq.m. and 3 floors, which will be used for offices (total area -2539 sq.m. and market price – 3mln. euros)market price – 3mln. euros)

The investor will get 3 floors (totalarea 2539 his property

Current state of the project, explaining the need for Current state of the project, explaining the need for investment, plan of the project realizationinvestment, plan of the project realization

The project is in the stage of realizationThe project is in the stage of realizationThe following work has been done:The following work has been done:-pre-project offer has been developed , project work is being -pre-project offer has been developed , project work is being done, construction documents will be finished by done, construction documents will be finished by IV quarter of IV quarter of 2011 2011 гг.;.;-economic potential of energy saving after embedding modern -economic potential of energy saving after embedding modern engineering innovations, termorenovations of the building, engineering innovations, termorenovations of the building, utilization of secondary energy resources, using of renewable utilization of secondary energy resources, using of renewable energy sources and embedding of automatic control systemenergy sources and embedding of automatic control system

The approximate sum of investment for reconstruction of the The approximate sum of investment for reconstruction of the building is 2.1 mln. Eurosbuilding is 2.1 mln. Euros

STAGE 30,75 mln. euros

STAGE 21,2 mln.euros

STAGE 10,15 mln.euros

3 quarter 4 quarter1



3 quarter

4 quarter

3 quarter

2011 2012 2013

Realization of the project has 3 stages

Stage 1. Development of construction documents;Stage 2. Buying equipment, materials, reconstruction of the old building of the institute (buying energy effective equipment from the investor is possible)Stage 3. Building and assembly jobs of construction of 3 floors of the new building and annex. 

Terms of the project realization - 3 years

The investor will get 3 floors in his property.The procedure of giving the estate property to the investor is based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus from 06.08.2010 « About creation additional conditions for investment in the Republic of Belarus»

Signing the investment contract with Institute of energetics taking into account permission of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Realization of the project financing (2.1 mln. euros)

Law legalization of relations between the investor and Institute of energetics

Estimation of the cost of area, given to the investor

Cost 1 м2 : 1.2 thousand euros(fixed market price in the centre of Minsk)

3 floors total area 2539 m2

Market price of given areas – 3 млн. евро



Procedure of profit gaining by the investor-selling of the real property;-leasing of the real property (the rent of 1 sq.m. in the fiven area is 12.5 euros per a month);-joint commercial activities with Institute of energetics;-establishment of an education centre for preparation of specialists of equipment serving and exploitation ( in case the investor produce energy saving or other equipment);-other possible variants.

Initiator of the project Initiator of the project Republican Scientific Production Unitary Enterprise «Institute of power system of Republican Scientific Production Unitary Enterprise «Institute of power system of National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Belarus» was established in National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Belarus» was established in 2008 as a result of uniting of profile subdivisions of state scientific establishment 2008 as a result of uniting of profile subdivisions of state scientific establishment «Institute of heat exchange and mass exchange named in honor of A.V. «Institute of heat exchange and mass exchange named in honor of A.V. Lynkov», state scientific establishment «Institute of nature management of Lynkov», state scientific establishment «Institute of nature management of National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Belarus», state scientific National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Belarus», state scientific establishment «Joint Institute for energy and nuclear research» - «Sosny» of establishment «Joint Institute for energy and nuclear research» - «Sosny» of National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Belarus» and Republican National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Belarus» and Republican Unitary Enterprise «BelIKO».Unitary Enterprise «BelIKO». The main activities of «Institute of power system of National Academy of The main activities of «Institute of power system of National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Belarus»:sciences of the Republic of Belarus»:--scientific explanation of the strategy of sustainable development of energetic scientific explanation of the strategy of sustainable development of energetic complex and guarantee of energy security of the Republic of Belarus;complex and guarantee of energy security of the Republic of Belarus;-- development, projecting and production of high-efficiency equipment; development, projecting and production of high-efficiency equipment;--energetic examination of enterprises and organizations;energetic examination of enterprises and organizations;--to work out measures to increase effectiveness of fuel and energy resources to work out measures to increase effectiveness of fuel and energy resources using.using.

Director :  G.M. Dmitriev candidate of technological sciences

Tel..: +375 17 294 94 72; Mob.: +375 29 776 05 47;fax: +375 17 284 13 26;

е-mail: [email protected]

Contact person:

V.M. MalkoCandidate of technological sciences, the leading research worker of the laboratory «Energobezopasnost»

Tel +375 17 332 15 09; Mob.:+375 29 360 19 05;

e-mail: [email protected]

Contact informationContact information

The address of the organization

Republican Scientific Production Unitary Enterprise «Institute of power system of National Republican Scientific Production Unitary Enterprise «Institute of power system of National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Belarus»Academy of sciences of the Republic of Belarus».

Republic of Belarus, 220072, Minsk, 15/2 Akademicheskaja st.

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