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An Introduction to AGILE


Sunil Phaltankar

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Before we start …

One good news – More and more projects are moving to AGILE.

• Why ?

• One not-so good news

 – Many AGILE projects do not end up in getting the

benefits, that is expected by following AGILE

• Why ?

• One question

 – What makes AGILE project success?

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Why AGILE• What is AGILE

• Phases of AGILE

• AGILE Methods• AGILE Scrum

• Scalability

Duration : ~ 2 hours

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80%* of all software projects fail to deliverworking software on time and within budget

• Top 5 Reasons:


Lack of customer involvement – Poor or vague requirements

 – Unrealistic schedules

 – Lack of change management

 – Lack of sufficient testing

 – Inflexible processes

* IEEE estimate

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Agile: Dictionary meaning

adj.• Characterized by quickness, lightness, and ease of 

movement; nimble.

• Mentally quick or alert: an agile mind.

[French, from Latin agilis, from agere, to drive, do.]

• agilely ag'ile·ly adv.

• agileness ag'ile·ness n.

Agile is a light-weight methodology that allows teams to develop

software in the face of vague and rapidly changing requirements

What is AGILE?

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How AGILE addresses top 5 reasons?

• Lack of customer involvement 

 – Agile made customer a member of the team.

• Poor or vague requirements

 – Requirements are written as acceptance tests (user stories) justbefore any code is written.

• Unrealistic schedules

 – Agile make estimating & scheduling a collaborative processbetween customer & development team.

• Lack of change management 

 – Change is crux of Agile. Anything can change except deliverydate. Everyone has to be realistic about change.

• Lack of testing

 – Agile involves continuous build and testing of the code.

• Inflexible processes

 – Agile integrates project management into the process.

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What is AGILE Methodology?

• Software development is – Incremental & Iterative

• small software releases, with rapid cycles

 – Co-operative• Customers and developers working constantly together with

close communication – Straightforward

• the method itself is easy to learn and to modify, welldocumented

 – Adaptive• able to make last moment changes

Iterative and incremental development, where requirements

and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-

organizing, cross-functional teams

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Agile Manifesto


 Individuals &


Working Software



 Responding to


Processes & Tools




Following a Plan





A statement of values

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AGILE Characteristics

• Break task into small increments with minimal planning

• Iterations are short time-frames (time-boxes)

• Each iteration involves: Planning, RequirementAnalysis, Design, Coding, Unit Testing, and AcceptanceTesting (full SDLC)

• Multiple iterations may be required to release newfeatures

• Minimizes overall risk

• Allows the project to adopt to changes quickly

• Cross-functional and Self-organizing teams

• Team members take responsibility for tasks thatdelivers the functionality

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Phases of AGILE

AGILE Planning• AGILE Design

• AGILE Development

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AGILE Planning

• Project Scope: – Customer Requirements may change frequently

 – No focus on clear cut project scope

 – Project scope is frozen only for current iteration

• Estimation: – limited for particular feature in particular iteration

 – Done by the team, collaboratively with customer

 – More realistic

 – Previous experiences may be utilized

• Project Duration: – Fixed by customer and deadline is sacred

 – Features may be added, removed or scaled down toadhere to deadline.

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AGILE Planning – cont.

Agile Plan:

• Created & owned by Agile Team

• In consultation with all stakeholders

• High Level Plan – Overall Objectives & Goals of product/project

 – Schedule for the same – In consultation with team

 – Feature based

• Comprehensive Plan

 – Detailed plan – By team, during periodic team meeting

 – Complements high level plan

• Plans are updated once tasks are completed by team

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AGILE Design

• Software architecture & design that provide room for

 future additions & enhancements – Modularize

 – Keep Clean & simple

• UML used to define and represent system architecture

& workflow• Logically dividing complex tasks into smaller sub-tasks

• Focus on code structures than design diagrams

• Object oriented design strategy –

Code Abstraction – Inheritance

 – Week coupling

 – High Cohesion

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AGILE Development

• Iterative & incremental development

• Each iteration involves full SDLC: – Planning:

• Scope (features) identification

• Requirement Analysis

• Designing – Coding:

• Coding and unit testing

• Continuous integration & Acceptance Testing

• Refactoring

 – Review:• Presentation & Review of completed work

• Feedback from customer

• Acceptance / Rejection of work by customer

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AGILE methods

Well-known agile software development methods:

 – Agile Modeling

 – Agile Unified Process (AUP)

 – Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)

 – Essential Unified Process (EssUP)

 – Extreme Programming (XP)

 – Feature Driven Development (FDD)

 –Open Unified Process (OpenUP)

 – Scrum

 – Velocity tracking

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AGILE Development Method

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Scrum is an iterative, incremental methodologyfor project management.

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AGILE Scrum - Characteristics

• Iteration: 2-4 weeks ‘sprint’

• Incremental: Product progresses in a series of ‘sprints’

• Self-organizing teams, team collaboration

through daily scrum meetings• Constant Customer involvement from

requirement definition till acceptance

• Requirements are captured as items in a list of ‘product backlog’

• No specific engineering practices prescribed(Team can use any or none)

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Scrum iteration• 2 –4 weeks or a calendar month at most

• A constant duration leads to a better rhythm

•Product is designed, coded, and tested duringthe sprint

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AGILE Scrum - Development

Source: “The New Product Development Game” by Takeuchi and Nonaka. Harvard Business Review, January 1986.

Rather than doing all of 

one thing at a time...

Rather than doing all of 

one thing at a time...

...Scrum teams do a little

of everything all the time

...Scrum teams do a little

of everything all the time

Requirements Design Code Test

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Scrum Framework

•Product owner


•Scrum Master


•Sprint Planning

•Daily Scrum Meeting

•Sprint Review

•Sprint Retrospective


•Product Backlog

•Sprint Backlog

•Burn down


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Scrum Framework

•Product owner


•Scrum Master


•Daily Scrum Meeting

•Sprint Planning

•Sprint Review

•Sprint Retrospective


•Product Backlog

•Sprint Backlog

•Burn down


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Product Owner

• Voice of the customer

• Decide on release date and content

• Defines sprint goals

• Defines the features (user stories) of the product

• Prioritize features according to market value

• Adjust features and priority every iteration, asneeded

•Accept or reject work results

• Be responsible for the profitability of the product(ROI)

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The Team

• Responsibility to deliver product

• Typically 5-9 people

• Cross-functional:

 – Programmers, testers, user experience designers,


• Members should be full-time

 – May be exceptions (e.g., database administrator)

• Teams are self-organizing• Membership should change only between


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The Scrum Master

• Removes impediments

• Shield the team from external interferences

• Enable close cooperation across all roles andfunctions

• Responsible for enacting Scrum values andpractices

• Ensure that the team is fully functional and

productive• Represents management to the project

(though not a leader of the team)

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Scrum Framework

•Scrum Master

•Product owner



•Sprint Planning

•Daily Scrum Meeting

•Sprint Review

•Sprint Retrospective


•Product Backlog

•Sprint Backlog

•Burn down


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Sprint Planning Meeting

• Team selects items from the product backlog they

can commit to completing

• Sprint backlog is created

 – Tasks are identified and each is estimated (1-16 hours)


Collaboratively, not done alone by the Scrum Master• High-level design is considered

As a vacation

planner, I wantto see photos ofthe hotels.

As a vacation

planner, I wantto see photos ofthe hotels.

1. Code the middle tier (8)

2. Code the user interface (4)3. Write test fixtures (4)

4. Code the foo class (6)

5. Update performance tests (4)

1. Code the middle tier (8)

2. Code the user interface (4)3. Write test fixtures (4)

4. Code the foo class (6)

5. Update performance tests (4)

Product Backlog Sprint Backlog

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Sprint Planning Meeting – cont.

Sprint planning meeting

Sprint prioritization

• Analyze and evaluate product


• Select sprint goal

Sprint planning

• Decide how to achieve sprint goal

(design)• Create sprint backlog (tasks) from

product backlog items (user stories

/ features)

• Estimate sprint backlog in hours











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The Daily Scrum Meeting

• Called a ‘daily scrum’ or ‘daily stand-up’ meeting

• Parameters

 – Daily at same time, same location

 – 15-minutes max.


• Not for problem solving

• Whole world is invited

Only team members, Scrum Master, productowner, can talk

• Helps avoid other unnecessary meetings

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The Daily Scrum Meeting – cont.

• Everyone answers 3 questions :

• These are not status for the Scrum Master

• They are commitments in front of peers

What did you do yesterday?What did you do yesterday?11

What will you do today?What will you do today?22

Is anything in your way?Is anything in your way?33

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Sprint Review Meeting

• Review the completed & non-completed work

• Present completed work during the sprint – A demo of new features or underlying architecture

• In-complete work may or may not be carried overto next sprint

• Informal – Max 4 hour

 – 2-hour prep time

 – No slides

• Whole team participates

• Invite the world

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Sprint Retrospective Meeting

• Done after every sprint (after sprint review

meeting)• All team members reflect on past sprint

• Make continuous process improvements

• Whole team, Scrum Master, Product Ownerparticipates

• Other stakeholders may attend

• Two questions asked: –

What went well during sprint? – What can be improved in the next sprint?

• Max 3 hours

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Product Backlog

• The Requirements

• A list of all desired work / features on the


Ideally expressed such that each item hasvalue to the users or customers of the product

(in the form of user stories)

• Prioritized by the product owner

• Reprioritized at the start of each sprint

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Sample Product Backlog

Backlog Items Estimate

Allow a guest to make a reservation 3

As a guest, I want to cancel a reservation. 5

As a guest, I want to change the dates of a reservation. 3

As a hotel employee, I can run RevPAR reports



Improve exception handling 8

… 30

… 30

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Sprint Backlog

• Product backlog items selected for the sprint

• Tasks & subtasks created for sprint backlog items

• Individuals take up tasks – never assigned

• Team estimates each task and updates sprint

backlog• Estimated work remaining is updated daily

• Any team member can add, delete or change any

task of sprint backlog• If not clear, assign max time to backlog item, then

later break it down to tasks & subtasks andupdate the estimate

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Sample Sprint Backlog

Task Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

Code the user interface 8 4 8

Code the middle tier 16 12 10 4

Test the middle tier 8 16 16 11 8

Write online help 12Write the foo class 8 8 8 8 8

Add error logging 8 4 4

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Sprint Burn-down chart












Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

Estimated Work Remaining

       H     o     u     r     s

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• Called Scrum of Scrums

• Individual team is 7 ± 2 people

 – Scalability comes from team of teams

Factors in scaling: – Type of application

 – Team size

 – Team dispersion

 – Project duration

• Scrum has been used on multiple 500+ person


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• What makes AGILE project Success ?

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Some portions of this presentation are from:

A presentation by: Mike Cohn

Mountain Goat Software, LLC

(720) 890-6110

A presentation by: Mike Cohn

Mountain Goat Software, LLC

(720) 890-6110

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Thank You

Sunil Phaltankar

[email protected]

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