Page 1: An extremum principle of evaporation - Oregon State · PDF fileAn extremum principle of evaporation Jingfeng Wang Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute

An extremum principle of evaporation

Jingfeng Wang

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,Massachusetts, USA

Guido D. Salvucci

Department of Earth Sciences and Geography, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Rafael L. Bras

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,Massachusetts, USA

Received 9 February 2004; revised 4 May 2004; accepted 14 May 2004; published 9 September 2004.

[1] It is proposed, on the basis of an argument of thermodynamic equilibrium, thatland-atmosphere interactive processes lead to thermal and hydrologic states of the landsurface that maximize evaporation in a given meteorological environment. Theextremum principle leads to general equations linking surface energy fluxes to surfacetemperature and soil moisture. The hypothesis of maximum evaporation has been testedwith data from three field experiments. We found strong evidence suggesting thatevaporation is maximized and furthermore that it is determined by the state variables(temperature, soil moisture, and sensible heat flux into the atmosphere) and relativelyinsensitive to water vapor pressure deficit. The theory allows an independent estimate ofthe coefficient in the Priestley-Taylor formula for potential evaporation, which isconsistent with the widely accepted value of 1.26. INDEX TERMS: 3322 Meteorology and

Atmospheric Dynamics: Land/atmosphere interactions; 1818 Hydrology: Evapotranspiration; 1836

Hydrology: Hydrologic budget (1655); 1878 Hydrology: Water/energy interactions; KEYWORDS: evaporation,

extremum principle, surface heat fluxes, surface soil moisture, surface temperature

Citation: Wang, J., G. D. Salvucci, and R. L. Bras (2004), An extremum principle of evaporation, Water Resour. Res., 40,

W09303, doi:10.1029/2004WR003087.

1. Introduction

[2] Evaporation (conversion of liquid water into watervapor) is a unique hydrologic process that couples thedynamics of water and energy cycles over the Earth’ssurface. The foundation of the contemporary theory ofevaporation is built on the pioneering work of Penman[1948]. Penman’s theory has been playing a central role inparameterizing surface hydrology in climatic models over awide range of time and space scales and vegetation con-ditions. It is impossible to summarize in this paper the vastnumber of publications by many research groups. Oneimportant text is the seminal monograph by Brutsaert[1982] that offers a paramount view of the subject. Overthe past decades, advancement in the theoretical and obser-vational study of evaporation after Penman has beenachieved mainly with the help of the similarity theory[Obukhov, 1946; Businger et al., 1971] in modeling waterand heat transfer in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL)as well as progress in experimental technologies such as theinvention of the eddy correlation method [Dyer and Maher,1965]. Fruitful results have been obtained on the effect ofadvection and atmospheric stability on the transport ofwater vapor [e.g., Bouchet, 1963; Brutsaert and Sticker,

1979; Mahrt and Ek, 1984; Katul and Parlange, 1992;Parlange and Katul, 1992] and on the interaction betweenthe land surface and the boundary layer [McNaughton andSpriggs, 1986; Kim and Entekhabi, 1997], and comprehen-sive field experiments such as FIFE [Kanemasu et al.,1992], HAPEX-SAHEL [Goutorbe et al., 1994], and SGP(available at, to namebut a couple, have been performed.[3] Vigorous discussions are still nevertheless ongoing

about some of the fundamental concepts like potentialevaporation. Raupach [2001] recently offered a comprehen-sive review of the concept of equilibrium evaporation anddiscussed some of the difficulties and contradictionsstill faced by the evaporation theory. The recent debate[Brutsaert and Parlange, 1998; Roderick and Farquhar,2002] on the apparent paradox implied by decreasing panevaporation observations around the world highlights thefact that misinterpretation of Penman’s equation could leadto contrasting conclusions. Studies of climate [Delworthand Manabe, 1989] have found that accurate assessment ofthe water and energy balance at the land-atmosphere inter-face is crucial for modeling the Earth’s climate system. Arecent report by Pielke et al. [2002] further suggests that thesurface energy budget may play a more important role thanthe carbon cycle in the climate at regional as well as globalscales. Yet deficiencies in evaporation theory have ham-pered progress in understanding and modeling surface water

Copyright 2004 by the American Geophysical Union.0043-1397/04/2004WR003087$09.00


WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, VOL. 40, W09303, doi:10.1029/2004WR003087, 2004

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Page 2: An extremum principle of evaporation - Oregon State · PDF fileAn extremum principle of evaporation Jingfeng Wang Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute

and energy balance. Accurate measurement and predictionof evaporation over the land surface remain daunting tasks[Desborough et al., 1996; Henderson-Sellers et al., 2003].[4] Here we will seek to define an extremum principle

behind the process of evaporation. The goal is to establish aself-contained theory of evaporation, in parallel with theclassic similarity theory of water vapor transport in theABL, that provides an alternative solution to the energybudget at the land-atmosphere interface. The theory empha-sizes the energetics of phase change, and as such the (watervapor) transport mechanism is only one of the necessaryconditions for the occurrence of evaporation. We start fromthe concept of thermodynamic equilibrium between twophases of a substance. A two-phase physical system oftenevolves at the fastest rate (or in the shortest time) toward apotential equilibrium state, and hence the evolution can becouched in terms of maximum (or minimum) principle.Early efforts in seeking extremum principles in variousphysical disciplines [e.g., Weinstock, 1952; Sieniutycz andSalamon, 1990; Ozawa et al., 2003] have revealed thatnature often seeks efficient, optimal paths to potentialequilibriums. Extension of this concept to the evaporationprocess over land surfaces would imply that liquid water insoil continuously evaporates, tending to saturate the air incontact with the soil. This eventual state of equilibriumwould be reached, theoretically, as quickly as possible bymaximizing the evaporation rate. It is widely accepted thatthe evaporation process consists of a climate-control stagefollowed by a soil-control stage depending on the soilmoisture conditions [Jackson et al., 1976; Brutsaert,1982; Salvucci, 1997]. The two-stage theory of evaporationimplies that evaporation, at least during the climate-controlled stage, is largely controlled by meteorologicalenvironments. Although such treatment is useful in model-ing the effect of soil moisture on evaporation, we willdemonstrate that categorizing evaporation according to soilmoisture conditions may not be necessary. Here we postu-late and test the following hypothesis: Over a nonvegetatedland surface the dynamics of water and heat exchange at theland-atmosphere interface leads to such surface hydrologicstates that evaporation is always maximized under givenconditions of radiative energy input, surface roughness, andphysical properties of soil.[5] Section 2 presents the theoretical development of the

extremum principle. Section 3 focuses on testing the hy-pothesis of maximum evaporation by validating the govern-ing equations derived in section 2 using observations fromthree field experiments. Section 4 illustrates the usefulnessof the theory by estimating the empirical coefficient in thePriestley-Taylor formula for potential evaporation using theextremum principle. Conclusions and thoughts are given insection 5.

2. Theoretical Development

2.1. Physics of Evaporation

[6] The physics of evaporation has four essential elements:the supply of energy, the supply of water, fugacity (escapingtendency of liquid water molecules [e.g., Prausnitz, 1969]),and the turbulent transport mechanism. The source of energyfor evaporation in natural Earth systems generally comesfrom solar radiation. Fugacity is measured by the saturated

vapor pressure at the liquid-vapor interface, which is deter-mined by surface water temperature and water potential[Edlefsen and Anderson, 1943]. Water potential is function-ally related to volumetric soil water content [e.g., Bras,1990]. Supply of water depends on the soil wetness. Theturbulent transport of water vapor (and heat) depends onwind speed and the thermal instability of the surface layer[Obukhov, 1946]. These physical processes associated withthe four elements are well defined at the land-atmosphereinterface. Here they are characterized by radiative fluxes,surface soil moisture, surface soil temperature, and turbulentsensible heat flux into the atmosphere, respectively. There-fore the rate of evaporation for a given radiative energy inputcorresponds to a particular combination of these state vari-ables, i.e., surface soil moisture, surface soil temperature,and sensible heat flux, resulting from dynamic feedbacksamong them through water and heat exchange across theland surface. Note that there are many combinations ofground, sensible heat fluxes, and evaporation that with netradiation could satisfy energy balance. We argue that thehighly coupled land-atmosphere and the resulting feedbackamong the various processes actually favor a surface energybudget that maximizes evaporation.[7] In the land-atmosphere system, atmospheric humidity

is closely coupled with evaporation. Water vapor pressuredeficit is often used in flux-gradient models of water vaportransport. Although strongly affected by synoptic advectionof moisture, the near-surface vapor pressure deficit ispotentially part of the feedback of the land-atmospheresystem [e.g., Bouchet, 1963]: Greater evaporation increasesthe atmospheric humidity, which tends to reduce thegradient of water vapor pressure, leading to decreasingrate of evaporation. We will argue that the water vaporpressure deficit is a somewhat redundant variable of theevaporation function. We argue that this is because theland surface states contain the essential signal of near-surface atmospheric conditions as the result of strong land-atmosphere interaction.

2.2. Fluxes and the Surface State Variables

2.2.1. Evaporation (Latent Heat Flux)[8] On the basis of discussion in section 2.1, the follow-

ing fundamental variables are selected in the diagnosticequation of E: surface soil moisture qs, surface soil temper-ature Ts, and sensible heat flux into the atmosphere H at agiven level of (radiative) energy input at the surface, R,

E ¼ E qs; Ts;H ;Rð Þ; ð1Þ

where other external parameters (defined as those notinvolving the land-atmosphere interaction dynamics) suchas roughness of land surface are omitted for the sake ofbrevity. The justification of equation (1) without explicitlyincluding water vapor pressure deficit will be discussed laterin the paper. The theory development below will beindependent of the functional form of E.2.2.2. Ground Heat Flux[9] It has been shown [Sellers et al., 1992; Wang and

Bras, 1999] that ground heat flux G is determined by (thetime history of) surface soil temperature and soil moisture,

G ¼ G Ts; qs;Rð Þ; ð2Þ

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where Ts is a time series of soil temperature up to the currenttime of G. An analytical solution of G in terms of timehistory of Ts is given by Wang and Bras [1999]. The effectof soil moisture on G is included in soil properties [de Vries,1963] through the thermal inertia parameter. The signifi-cance of including R as a parameter in equation (2) will beelucidated in section Sensible Heat Flux[10] H is selected as an independent variable of E to

represent the transport mechanism, one of the four essentialelements of comparable importance for the evaporationprocess. Therefore H cannot be substituted mathematicallyby the other independent variables Ts and qs even though H,resulting from the combined effect of forced and freeconvection, is physically related to them. We believe thatH is more appropriate than other choices such as the Monin-Obuhkov length or friction velocity in the similarity theoriesof turbulent transport [e.g., Stull, 1988]. Basically, equation(1) is a diagnostic equation analogous to the concept of theBowen ratio where E is formulated diagnostically in termsof H (and moisture and temperature variables) but is notdirectly linked to any turbulent related parameters. In thelinear nonequilibrium thermodynamics [e.g., Kondepudiand Prigogine, 1998, p. 351], heat fluxes are used asindependent variables in formulating the entropy productionfunction with the Onsager reciprocal relations. Furthermore,the choice of H as a state variable explicitly leads topartition of radiative input as a result of the optimizationwithout specifying specific models for H. This nonparame-tric formulation allows the central hypothesis to be testedwithout specifying a turbulence transport model and itsparameters. Indeed, modeling turbulence is irrelevant tothe validity of the hypothesis.

2.3. The Extremum Principle of Evaporation

[11] The maximized E and the associated optimal surfacefluxes and state variables can be obtained by solving amaximization problem with an imposed constraint of sur-face energy balance,

E � max E qs; Ts;H ;Rð Þ j E þ H þ G ¼ Rnf g 8 qs; Ts;Hð Þ; ð3Þ

where Rn is the net radiation at the surface, and the ‘‘for all’’symbol means for all possible combinations (of theindependent variables qs, Ts, and H). Rn has short-waveand long-wave radiation components,

Rn ¼ Rsd Rsu þ Rld Rlu; ð4Þ

where Rsd is the incoming short-wave radiation, Rsu is thereflected short-wave radiation, Rld is the downward long-wave radiation, and Rlu is the emitted long-wave radiationfrom the surface. All terms except Rsd are affected bysurface temperature and soil moisture.[12] The optimization of E, according to equation (3),

may be carried out in various ways depending on thespecification of parameter R. We will study three cases ofgiven R parameter: (1) R = Rn G, (2) R = Rn, and (3) R =Rsd. The first case of given nonturbulent energy flux(available energy) reveals the turbulent energy budget, afeature commonly described by the Bowen ratio. Thesecond case elucidates the partition of net radiation intoheat fluxes of latent, sensible, and ground. The third casedeals with the budget of all the surface energy fluxes.

[13] It is important to emphasize that equation (3) is aunique statement of energy balance. Given a level of energyinput, what this hypothesis argues is that there is a uniquepartitioning of that energy into the various surface fluxes.That partitioning is predicated on the land-surface atmo-sphere tendency to achieve thermodynamic equilibrium asquickly as possible. Clarity in this concept will help tounderstand why the formulation is not explicitly dependenton near-surface atmospheric moisture.

2.4. Governing Equations

[14] The Lagrangian multiplier method is used to derivethe governing equations for E. Maximum E corresponds tovanishing partial derivatives of its Lagrangian function withrespect to all independent variables including the Lagrangianmultiplier. The Lagrangian function f may be defined as

f qs; Ts;H ;l;Rð Þ � E qs; Ts;H ;Rð Þ þ l Rn½ E qs; Ts;H ;Rð Þ H

G qs; Ts;Rð Þ�; ð5Þ

where l is the Lagrangian multiplier. The Lagrangemultiplier method will select, among all possible combina-tions of Ts, qs, and H that satisfy the surface energy balance,the optimal solutions of Ts, qs, and H that maximize E.2.4.1. Given Available Energy Rn G[15] Differentiating f in equation (5) with respect to qs, Ts,

H, and l and setting the corresponding (partial) derivativesto zero while keeping R = Rn G constant lead to




qs;H ;l

� @E




þ l





!¼ 0 ð6Þ




Ts;H ;l

� @E




þ l





!¼ 0 ð7Þ




qs;Ts ;l

� @E




þ l






!¼ 0 ð8Þ




qs;Ts ;H

� Rn Gð Þ E H ¼ 0; ð9Þ

where the superscripts specify the given parameter and thesubscripts emphasize the nondifferentiating independentvariables of the dependent variables. Ts here is thetemperature at the current time of the flux variables. Theabove equations yield


@Ts¼ 0 ð10Þ


@qs¼ 0 ð11Þ

Rn G ¼ E þ H ð12Þ

l ¼"1þ




; ð13Þ


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where the given parameter R = Rn G in the superscriptsand the nondifferentiating independent variables in thesubscripts are omitted for conciseness. Keep in mind that allderivatives in equations (10)–(13) are understood as underthe condition of given R = Rn G. The derivative for acertain given R is referred to as a conditional derivativehereinafter.[16] Equations (10)–(12) are used to solve for an optimal

solution of qs, Ts, and H that maximizes E. For the case ofgiven Rn G, the optimal solution of qs and Ts (i.e.,observed values of qs and Ts) has been implicitly included inG and the radiative flux terms in equation (4). Interestingly,maximizing E without the energy constraint leads to thesame equations as (10) and (11). However, vanishingderivatives of E with respect to qs and Ts are only possiblewith limited energy supply. Unconditional derivatives of Ewith respect to Ts and qs are positive since greater fugacityor water supply will always enhance evaporation.2.4.2. Given Net Radiation Rn

[17] Differentiating f in equation (5) with respect to qs, Ts,H, and l and setting the corresponding (partial) derivativesto zero while keeping R = Rn constant lead to




qs ;H ;l

� @E




þ l









!¼ 0 ð14Þ




Ts ;H ;l

� @E




þ l




Ts ;H




Ts ;H

!¼ 0 ð15Þ





� @E




þ l






!¼ 0 ð16Þ




qs ;Ts;H

� Rn E H G ¼ 0: ð17Þ

The governing equations for E now become


@Ts¼ @E





@qs¼ @E




Rn ¼ E þ H þ G ð20Þ

l ¼"1þ




: ð21Þ

It is important to emphasize again that all derivativeterms in equations (18) and (19) are conditionalderivatives for a given R = Rn. The given parameter R = Rn

in the superscripts and the nondifferentiating variables inthe subscripts are again omitted for brevity. Like theprevious case, given R = Rn assumes that the optimalsolution of Ts and qs is implicitly reflected in the

observed Rn in equation (20) although the individualvalues of Ts and qs remain unspecified at the moment.[18] Equations (18) and (19) reveal how the three compo-

nents of the surface energy balance compete for the netradiative energy flux to maximize evaporation. Equation (18)indicates that the enhancement of evaporation due to highersurface temperature (or greater fugacity) is proportional tothat due to enhanced turbulent transport. The relative mag-nitudes are determined by the conductive heat loss into thesoil. This feature highlights the role of land surface in thepartition of net radiation into surface heat fluxes since groundheat flux is closely related to the soil properties. Thereforeheat and/or water transfer in the soil layer play a critical rolein the water and heat exchange across the land surface.2.4.3. Given Solar Radiation Rsd

[19] Contrary to the previous two cases where the effectof the surface conditions on the given parameter Rn isimplicitly represented by the optimal solutions of qs and Ts,Rsd as the given parameter is independent of the surfacevariables. Consequently, maximum E and the associatedsurface fluxes and variables are solved under the leastrestrictive constraint. Theoretically, all other radiative fluxesin equation (4) are related to the surface variables. Soilmoisture has an appreciable effect on albedo or reflectedsolar radiation [Idso et al., 1975]. Emitted long-waveradiation from the surface is a strong function of surfacetemperature. Downward long-wave radiation is a functionof integrated atmospheric temperature and moisture profiles,which are closely coupled with the surface conditions.[20] Following the above procedure and assuming the

dependence of Rsu, Rld, and Rld on qs and Ts, the governingequations for E given incoming short-wave radiation are


@Ts¼ @E



@Tsþ @Rsu

@Tsþ@ Rlu Rld� �




@qs¼ @E



@qsþ @Rsu

@qsþ@ Rlu Rld� �



Rsd ¼ E þ H þ Gþ Rsu Rld þ Rlu ð24Þ

l ¼"1þ




: ð25Þ

Once again, all the derivatives in the above equations areconditioned on a given R = Rsd.[21] Equations (22)–(24) provide the most general de-

scription of partition of solar radiation into turbulent andnonturbulent energy fluxes to maximize evaporation. Herewe only assume the radiative fluxes Rsu, Rlu, and Rld inequations (22)–(24) are functions of Ts and qs, but nospecific models are used. Once E, G, Rsu, Rlu, and Rld areparameterized in terms of Ts and qs, equations (22)–(24)yield an optimal solution of all surface energy fluxes andsurface temperature and soil moisture that maximizes E.[22] The three sets of governing equations based on the

extremum principle of evaporation shed new light on theland-atmosphere interaction. Equations (10)–(12) describethe detailed balance between the turbulent fluxes. Equa-tions (18)–(20) further reveal the partition of net radiationinto turbulent and conductive heat fluxes. They highlight

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the role of land surface in the energy balance through theground heat flux term. Ground heat flux is often consid-ered of secondary importance compared with the turbulentheat fluxes. Equations (18)–(20) suggest that ground heatflux plays an equally important role to that of the turbulentfluxes in the exchange of water and heat at the surface.Equations (22)–(24) provide a comprehensive descriptionof surface energy balance by linking all conductive,turbulent, and radiative energy fluxes to the surface tem-perature and soil moisture states.

3. Test of the Hypothesis

[23] The hypothesis was tested by validating the threesets of governing equations obtained in the previous section.The main task is to calculate the conditional derivativesappearing in the extremality expressions.

3.1. Calculation of the Conditional Derivatives

[24] Time series measurements of surface heat fluxes andsurface soil moisture and temperature have to be used tocalculate the conditional derivatives. The first step incalculating the conditional derivatives is to translate thetime series measurements from field experiments into newsequences. The new sequences are obtained by rearrangingall the measured time series variables in the ascending (ordescending) order of the given parameter R. For example,we may sort the original time series in the ascending orderof Rn for calculating the conditional derivatives inequations (18) and (19). Then the resulting sequences aredivided into a number of subsequences with equal numberof data points. Now these new subsequences are condi-tioned within a narrow range of a certain given R.[25] The conditional derivatives of a flux variable can be

obtained from the regression coefficients of a first-orderapproximation of its total differential. We use E as anexample to illustrate the algorithm. According toequation (1), we can write the total differential of E as

Ei E0 ¼ @E

@TsT is T0


� �þ @E

@qsqis q0s� �

þ @E

@HHi H0� �

i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ;m; ð26Þ

where superscript 0 stands for a reference point of asubsequence at which the derivatives are defined, i is theith point of a certain subsequence, and m is the numberof data points in the subsequence. The derivatives ofother energy fluxes including G, Rsu, and Rlu arecalculated in the same manner except that H is not anindependent variable of these fluxes. A linear regressionprocedure will be used to obtain the three derivativeterms in equation (26) from m equations (m > 3). Sinceequation (26) is linear in the unknowns (derivatives), thereference points Ts

0, qs0, and H 0 need not be specified.

3.2. Data

3.2.1. HAPEX-SAHEL[26] Data from the Hydrology-Atmosphere Pilot Experi-

ment in the Sahel experiment (1990–1992) [Goutorbe etal., 1994] are used in this study (Figure 1). The SouthernSupersite Tiger Bush site (13�11.890N, 2�14.370E) is locatedin a bare soil region where turbulent heat fluxes weremeasured. Ground heat flux was derived from measure-

ments of soil heat flux plates and temperature probes. Theheat fluxes and soil temperature data have a 20-min and10-min resolution, respectively. Surface soil moisture wassampled daily. An interpolation procedure was carried outto create a series of soil moisture sequences to match thetemporal resolution of the other variables. Obviously, sucha derived soil moisture sequence does not resolve itsdiurnal variability. Nevertheless, the derived product doescover the entire spectrum of soil moisture ranging fromsaturation to nearly dry. Over the period of 3–24September 1992, the soil experienced several wetting-drying cycles followed by a long drying-down period.Depending on the given energy supply parameter, the timeseries shown in Figure 1 will be rearranged to produce threedifferent sequences (not shown) to calculate the correspond-ing conditional derivatives.3.2.2. SGP97[27] Data from the Southern Great Plains ’97 field

experiment (data are available online at willalso be used in the hypothesis test, but limited to evaluateequations (10) and (18). (Readers are referred to for a complete description ofthe field experiment.) The measured surface heat fluxes andair temperature are illustrated in Figure 2. This site (centralfacility CF01) is located in an area partially covered bygrazed pasture with significant bare soil exposed. Therewere a number of rain events through the observationperiod. Surface soil moisture was assumed to stay at arelatively high level with reduced diurnal variability, as thecontinuous record of surface soil moisture is not available.Near-surface air temperature is used to obtain missingsurface (soil) temperature exploiting the cross correlationbetween them. Although less ideal, this data set is valuableas a second site to test the hypothesis.3.2.3. University of California, Davis[28] A field experiment was conducted at the University

of California, Davis, in 1990. The research site was locatedwithin a bare soil region. The soil was kept wet by anirrigation system. Two lysimeters (weighting and floating)were used to measure evaporation on a 20-min basis.Ground heat flux was measured with two soil heat fluxplates installed 0.5 cm below the surface. Skin temperaturewas not measured. Near-surface air temperature at 0.8 mabove the surface will be used instead. Other measurementsinclude net radiation, wind speed, relative humidity, etc., allsampled at 20-min intervals. Since sensible heat flux wasnot directly measured, it will be calculated as the residual ofsurface energy balance. The measured variables used in thisanalysis are shown in Figure 3. We select Julian days 257,297, 324, and 351, which correspond to the moist surfaceconditions (i.e., near-saturated surface soil moisture con-ditions according to Parlange and Katul [1992]). Onlypositive lysimeter data points are used here. Readers arereferred to Katul and Parlange [1992] for a full descriptionof the experiment.

3.3. Results

3.3.1. The HAPEX-SAHEL Site3.3.1.1. Given Rn G[29] The histograms of the two conditional derivatives in

equations (10) and (11) are illustrated in Figure 4. Each ofthe derivatives has values concentrated within a narrow


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domain around zero. ‘‘Zero’’ is defined relative to a refer-ence called ‘‘nominal’’ value. As shown in Figure 1, a�100 W m2 change in E corresponds to a �10�K changein Ts. Therefore the nominal value of the partial derivativeETs

is �10 W m2 K1, which is 3 orders of magnitudegreater than the mean ETs

given Rn G, �0.01 W m2 K1

(see Figure 4a). Similarly, the ‘‘nominal’’ value of thepartial derivative Eqs, �103 W m2, is also 3 orders ofmagnitude greater than the mean Eqs given Rn G, �1 Wm2 (see Figure 4b). We conclude that the derivatives areequal to zero as predicted by equations (10) and (11). Wenote that the quality of the soil moisture data (interpolatedfrom daily observations) has little negative impact on thecalculation of Eqs under the condition of given Rn G. Thisfeature may be attributed to the fact that observed Gcontains a strong signal of soil moisture that compensatesthe errors in the interpolated soil moisture series. Given Rn

[30] The validity of equation (18) is clearly demonstratedby Figure 5a visually and statistically. Linear functionsanalysis [e.g., Davies and Goldsmith, 1984] yields a meanslope �b = 0.883 with 95% confidence interval of �b (1.041,0.731) (see Figure 5a), suggesting the calculated tempera-ture derivatives follow the relationship predicted inequation (18). The result is robust, as the close agreementbetween the both sides of equation (18) is not affected bythe bin size (i.e., the number of data points in computing theregression coefficients). The validity of equation (19) is alsosuggested by Figure 5b, although the statistical analysisshows a moderate bias in the mean slope in the moisturederivative terms. The poorer result exhibited in thevalidation of soil-moisture-related conditional derivatives(Figure 5b) compared to the temperature-related conditionalderivatives (Figure 5a) is likely due to the lack of diurnal

Figure 1. (a) Surface heat fluxes, E, H, and G (W m2). (b) Soil water content, qs, (kg (H2O)(kg (soil))1). (c) Surface temperature, Ts (�C). Measurements from HAPEX-SAHEL experiment at abare soil site, 3–24 September 1992. See color version of this figure in the HTML.

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variability in the interpolated soil moisture data. Further-more, the signal of soil moisture contained in Rn isprobably not strong enough to correct the errors in theinterpolated soil moisture series. Nonetheless, the testbased on this data set presents encouraging evidence insupport of equations (18) and (19). Given Rsd

[31] Observed radiative fluxes Rsu and Rld (not shown)are used to compute the conditional derivatives in equations(22) and (23). Since the data set does not provide directmeasurements of emitted long-wave radiation from thesurface, Rlu is parameterized as Rlu = �sTs

4 where surfaceemmisivity � is assumed to be 0.98 and s is the Stefan-Boltzmann’s constant. Figure 6a suggests the validity ofequation (18) according to the statistics. A regressionanalysis gives a mean regression slope �b = 0.738 with 95%confidence interval of �b (1.034, 0.467). These computedderivatives have greater bias and scatter than those for thecase of given Rn (Figure 5a). A likely cause is that the addedderivative terms in equation (22) compared with equation(18) introduce extra estimation errors. Nonetheless, this dataset offers positive evidence to support equation (22).Justification of equation (23) based on the statistics maybe inconclusive, although Figure 6b is visually suggestive.Regression analysis leads to a relatively large bias in themean slope (�b = 0.261). We contend that a definiteconclusion will require more accurate soil moisturemeasurements.[32] Note that models of the surface energy fluxes (except

for emitted long-wave radiation due to lack of directmeasurements) were not assumed. In other words, the testof the hypothesis is model-independent, meaning it is notaffected by the parameterizations of turbulent transport in

the ABL. Model independence makes the test of thehypothesis powerful and convincing since the results arerobust and generalizable. We realize that the three sets ofgoverning equations are the necessary, instead of thesufficient, conditions for E to be maximum (as opposedto a minimum). Nevertheless, the physics of evaporationdiscussed earlier in this paper makes it plausible to arguethat E described by these equations should be maximum.3.3.2. The SGP97 Site[33] The test presented below offers a partial evaluation

of the governing equations derived in section 2.4. Since thedesired measurement of surface soil moisture is not avail-able, the qs related term cannot be included in equation (26)to calculate the other derivative terms in equations (10) and(18), and equations (11) and (19) cannot be tested at all atthis location. Measurements of individual long- and short-wave radiative fluxes are not available to test the governingequations for the case of given Rsd. Given Rn G[34] The histogram of the derivatives in equation (10) is

displayed in Figure 7. The estimated derivatives areconfined within narrow ranges centered around the theoret-ical value of zero. The calculated mean of the conditional@E/@Ts, �0.004 W m2 K1 is 4 orders of magnitudessmaller than the corresponding nominal value. Conse-quently, the derivative is statistically equal to zero. The testsupports the validity of equation (10). Given Rn

[35] The validity of equation (18) is evident visually andstatistically with �b = 1.02 and the 95% confidence intervalof �b = [1.14, 0.88] (Figure 8). Remember that the test usednear-surface air temperature as a substitute when surfacesoil temperature is unavailable.

Figure 2. (a) Surface heat fluxes (Wm2). (b) Surface (air) temperature (�C). Measurements from SGP97experiment at the CF01 ARM2 site, 1–30 July 1997. See color version of this figure in the HTML.


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3.3.3. The University of California, Davis, Site[36] Test of the hypothesis is limited to validating equa-

tion (18) since equation (19) becomes trivial over saturatedsoil. The noisy lysimeter data (see Figure 3b) further limitthe test to the case of given Rn. The cases of given Rn Gand Rns will not be tested due to the lack of measurementsof H and Rld. Again, Figure 9 offers good visual andstatistical evidence of the validity of equation (18).

3.4. Justification of Equation (1)

[37] It is widely known that evaporation can be estimatedusing the water vapor pressure deficit vd as an independentvariable. Yet the development of our theory assumes E is afunction of surface variables only. The physical basis of thisargument is that the effect of atmospheric conditions on

evaporation has been represented by the surface variablesdue to the strong interaction between the land and theatmosphere. Here we offer a mathematical proof usingthe parameter restriction methodology combined with themeta-analysis technique [e.g., Schulze et al., 2003].The statistical analysis will tell us whether includingthe water vapor deficit vd as an additional independentvariable of E,

E ¼ E qs; Ts;H ; vd ;Rð Þ; ð27Þ

leads to significant improvement of the predictabilitycompared to that of equation (1). The null hypothesisunder test, H0, is that vd does not significantly increasethe predictability of evaporation.

Figure 3. Observations demonstrated consecutively under moist surface conditions. (a) Surface heatfluxes. (b) Evaporation from the weighting lysimeter. (c) Near-surface air temperature. The Campbellfield at the University of California, Davis, Julian days 257, 297, 324, and 351, 1990. See color version ofthis figure in the HTML.

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[38] The parameter restriction analysis includes the fol-lowing steps:[39] 1. Divide the entire multidimensional domain of

observed variables, qs, Ts, H, vd, and R, into N subdomainsassuming that E can be approximated by piecewise linearfunctions over the subdomains.[40] 2. Estimate a linear regression function Ei of the

unrestricted model in equation (27) for all subdomains i = 1,2, . . ., N.

[41] 3. Calculate the unrestricted residual sum of squarederrors,

RSSu ¼XNi¼1

Eio Ei� �2


where Eio is the observed value of E.[42] 4. Estimate a linear regression function Ei of the

restricted model in equation (1) for the same subdomains.This is called restricted since the regression coefficient of vdis restricted to be zero.

Figure 4. Validation of equations (10) and (11).(a) Histogram of conditioned partial derivative of E withrespect to Ts on given Rn G, ETs

, with a mean mETs=

0.012 and a standard deviation sETs= 0.098. (b) Histogram

of conditioned partial derivative of E with respect to qs ongiven Rn G, Eqs, with a mean mEqs

= 1.019 and a standarddeviation sEqs

= 18.367. In the captions, EH = @E/@H, GTs=

@G/@Ts, etc. Data from the HAPEX-SAHEL experimentshown in Figure 1. See color version of this figure in theHTML.

Figure 5. Validation of equations (18) and (19). (a) Meanregression slope �b = 0.998, 95% confidence interval of �b(1.189, 0.808). (b) Validation of equation (19), meanregression slope �b = 0.747, 95% confidence interval of�b (0.959, 0.529). The statistics are obtained by theanalysis of linear functional relationships [e.g., Daviesand Goldsmith, 1984]. Data from the HAPEX-SAHELexperiment shown in Figure 1. See color version of thisfigure in the HTML.


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[43] 5. Calculate the restricted residual sum of squarederrors,

RSSr ¼XNi¼1

Eio Ei� �2


[44] 6. Form a test statistic

w ¼ RSSr

RSSu 1

!T k


where T is the number of observations used in calculatingthe regression coefficients, k is the number of regressors inthe unrestricted model (i.e., five in equation (1)), and s is thenumber of regressors restricted to zero in the restricted

model (i.e., one in equation (27)) for each of the Nsubdomains.[45] It can be shown [e.g., Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 1998,

p. 134] that w follows the F distribution, Fs,Tk, under thenull hypothesis. Large w indicates a large decrease inthe predictive capability of the restricted model relative tothe disadvantage built in by having one fewer regressor. A pvalue associated with the w can be defined as

p ¼ 1Zw1

Fs;Tk xð Þdx;

Figure 6. The hypothesis test for the case of given Rsd.(a) Validation of equation (22): �b = 1.124, 95% confidenceinterval of �b (1.399, 0.862). (b) Validation of equation (23):�b = 0.266, 95% confidence interval of �b (0.445, 0.07). Datafrom the HAPEX-SAHEL experiment shown in Figure 1.See color version of this figure in the HTML.

Figure 7. The hypothesis test for the case of given Rn G. Validation of equation (10): histogram of @E/@Ts (m =0.0043 and s = 0.069). Data from SGP97 experiment shownin Figure 2. See color version of this figure in the HTML.

Figure 8. The hypothesis test for the case of given Rn.Validation of equation (18): �b = 0.98, 95% confidenceinterval of �b = [1.18, 0.77]. Data from SGP97 experimentshown in Figure 2. See color version of this figure in theHTML.

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which forms a population with a uniform distributionbetween 0 and 1 under the null hypothesis. Hence the nullhypothesis should be rejected at the significance level awhen p < a for an individual subdomain where the linearregression is performed.[46] Now we use a standard meta-analysis procedure to

create an overall p value based on the individual p values,pi, for each of the N subdomains. To do so, we introduce anew statistic G,

G ¼XNi¼1





It turns out that G follows the c2N2 distribution under the null

hypothesis. The overall p value, P, can be defined as

P ¼ 1ZG0

c22N xð Þdx;

so that the null hypothesis should be rejected at thesignificance level a when P < a for the entire domain of theobserved independent variables.[47] Using the data shown in Figure 1 (vd not shown), we

divide the observed variables into N = 50 subdomains. Herewe use the daytime data points corresponding to Rn > 0when significant evaporation occurs. The overall p value isfound to be P = 0.17, suggesting that the null hypothesisshould not be rejected at, say, the 5% significance level. Thehypothesis is only rejected at the 17% or higher level, whichis unusually high in practice. The result is robust in terms ofN. In fact, the overall p value is much greater for N = 10(fewer fitting parameters), P = 0.58, stronger evidence thathypothesis H0 should be accepted. On the basis of thisanalysis, we conclude that water vapor deficit does notsignificantly influence evaporation, and hence equation (1)

suffices. This result is consistent with a recent sensitivitystudy by Lakshmi and Susskind [2001], who also found thatevaporation is not sensitive to atmospheric humidity.

3.5. Discussion

[48] The validity of equation (1) is arguably attributed tothe two distinct intrinsic timescales associated with thedynamics of land-atmosphere interaction: �102 s of tur-bulent eddies in the atmosphere and �103 s of moleculardiffusion in the soil. Because of the wide gap between thetwo timescales, the land surface and the atmosphere are inthe state of (thermal) quasi-equilibrium at all times underusual synoptic conditions. When the equilibrium is per-turbed by the diurnal cycle of radiative forcing and/orchanging meteorological environment, a new equilibriumwill be established very rapidly due to the effectiveness ofturbulent transfer. Therefore the surface fluxes are ade-quately described by the thermodynamic and hydrologicstates of the surface.

4. An Application

[49] Up to this point, the analysis has been independent ofthe functional form of evaporation. No model is assumed.Now we demonstrate how the theory can help in furtherunderstanding the existing models of evaporation. Using thePriestley-Taylor formula for potential evaporation as anexample, we will show that the extremum principle willlead to an estimate of the empirical coefficient in thePriestley-Taylor formula consistent with the consensus.[50] Priestley and Taylor [1972] had shown that potential

evaporation Ep (evaporation under the condition ofunlimited water supply) may be expressed to a goodapproximation as

Ep ¼ aRn G

1þ g=D; ð28Þ

where D is the derivative of saturated vapor pressure withrespect to temperature and g is the psychometric constant.The a is an empirical parameter assumed to be constantwith a ‘‘best’’ value of 1.26. It has been found that thevalues of a in equation (28) from various field experimentsdo vary within a narrow range. Here we demonstrate thatthis variability is consistent with that predicted by ourtheory.[51] Ep in equation (28) can be written as a function of H

and Ts by using equation (20),

Ep ¼aH

1þ g=D a: ð29Þ

Equation (18) must be satisfied if Ep is maximum. Note thatin equation (29)H could be negative when a is greater than1 + g/D. Substituting equation (29) into equation (18) givesthe solution of a,

a ¼ 1þ g

Dþ H








: ð30Þ

Contrary to the earlier studies where a has to be derived asthe regression coefficient according to equation (28) usingobserved Ep, G, and Ts, the extremum principle allows a to

Figure 9. The hypothesis test for the case of given Rn.Validation of equation (18): �b = 1.15, 95% confidenceinterval of �b = [1.39, 0.79]. Data from the University ofCalifornia, Davis, experiment shown in Figure 3. See colorversion of this figure in the HTML.


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be derived independent of Ep. The solution of a inequation (30) is essentially identical to that obtained usingthe classic Penman’s equation [Eichingeret al., 1996] and thatderived using a boundary layer model [de Bruin, 1983]. Sincethe third term in equation (30) is often small, a in equation(30) is essentially equal to that under the isothermal condition(i.e., zero sensible heat flux) [Eagleson, 2002, p. 162].[52] Note that a in equation (28) is supposedly a constant.

Therefore equation (30) should be understood as a con-straint on the surface variables Ts, H, and G, rather than afunctional dependence of a on these variables. Since G is aknown function of Ts, equation (30) implies that H must bea specific function Ts as well. This restrictive condition on Hresults from the empirical nature of the Priestley-Taylorformula and hence is not expected to be exact. Nonetheless,equation (30) does provide a rationale for estimating a.Practically, the theoretical imperfection in Priestley-Taylor’stheory does not seem to hurt its usefulness in modelingpotential evaporation. Such fortuity comes from the limitedvariability in a under natural conditions.[53] Figure 10 displays the estimated a according to

equation (30). Measurements of Ts, H, and G over asaturated soil over the period of 28–31 August 1992 werecollected (not shown) during the HAPEX-SAHEL fieldexperiment at the same location as the data shown inFigure 1. Several features are evident. First, a variesbetween 1.1 and 1.4 with a mean value of 1.287, remarkablyclose to the widely accepted value of 1.26. Second, a movesdiurnally with a rather uniform value about 1.33 overnighttime and down to about 1.2 during daytime. Third, a isdominated by the first two terms in equation (30), which notonly explains why a from various studies consistentlyfluctuates around the 1.26 level, but also why Priestley-Taylor’s formula sometimes predicts an Ep greater than theavailable energy Rn G. The above analysis furthersuggests that although practically useful, Priestley-Taylor’sformula is fundamentally flawed in the sense that there is nounique universal constant a that gives the maximum(potential) evaporation at all times.[54] The success of the Priestley-Taylor equation (al-

though deficient) serves as evidence that the near-surface

vapor pressure is not a ‘‘free’’ external variable that can bearbitrarily imposed. Recall that the Priestley-Taylor equa-tion, or more generally Penman’s equation, is derived byconveniently separating the vapor pressure gradient terminto a saturation gradient term evaluated at the surface and asaturation deficit term prescribed at an arbitrary finitedistance above the surface. Priestley and Taylor realizedthat the saturation deficit term in Penman’s equation can beeliminated by introducing an empirical parameter. Theirfinding implies that the near-surface saturation deficit isclosely correlated with the surface saturation gradient. The‘‘drying power’’ seems to be created by the internal feed-back of the land-atmosphere interaction system rather thanby the external atmospheric conditions. If this is indeed thecase, vapor pressure deficit would be a redundant variablein formulating E. That leads to the conclusion that Eexpressed in equation (1) is more than merely a convenientalternative mathematical formulation.[55] There are scattered publications supporting the argu-

ment that evaporation is reasonably insensitive to atmo-spheric humidity. Brutsaert [1982, p. 168] offered ananalytical solution of E expressed as a function of specifichumidity and its infinitesimal gradient at the surface for thecase of advection from a relatively dry surface over a wetsurface of finite dimension. The implication of that exampleis that E would be the same for any humidity profiles atfinite height as long as the local gradients of the humidityprofiles are identical at the surface. This theoretical study isconsistent with observations. Parlange and Katul [1992]conducted a field experiment to investigate the evaporationover a saturated soil. They noted (p. 131) that ‘‘because ofan increase in the afternoon wind speed (5 m s1), large-scale advection was important even though the minimum airrelative humidity could be considered high (52%).’’ Theirresult may be interpreted as that the enhanced evaporation iscaused by the increased wind speed (i.e., sronger transportmechanism), rather than by the reduced atmospherichumidity. The so-called ‘‘oasis effect’’ (i.e., enhancedevaporation over an isolated wet and cool plot surroundedby dry and warm land) [e.g., Miller, 1977, p. 285] is oftenobserved during windy days [Tsukamoto et al., 1995],

Figure 10. (a) Sequential series of the calculated a from equation (30). (b) Histogram of the calculateda. The ma = 1.287, sa = 0.058. Data of Ts, G, and H from HAPEX-SAHEL experiment at the SouthernTiger Bush site, 28–31 August 1992. See color version of this figure in the HTML.

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suggesting that evaporation is directly responding to thetransport mechanism due to the strong wind rather than tothe change in the atmospheric moisture. Ye and Pielke[1993] compared several commonly used humidity gradientbased evaporation algorithms. They concluded that themodel more consistent with the gradient-flux theory givespoorer estimates of evaporation. Recently, Lakshmi andSusskind [2001] investigated regional evaporation usingremote sensing observations and found little sensitivity ofevaporation to the near-surface atmospheric humidity. Thesestudies offer worthy evidence for a critical evaluation of thetraditional view on the effect of atmospheric humidity onevaporation.

5. Conclusions

[56] This study leads to two major findings: (1) Evapo-ration is always maximized in balancing the surface energybudget, and (2) evaporation, well described by the surfacestate variables, is insensitive to water vapor pressure deficitat a finite height.[57] The proposed extremum principle of evaporation has

two distinctive features. First, the theory builds on afundamental concept of thermodynamic equilibrium. Theproposition that the land-atmosphere interaction systemevolves following an optimal path toward a potentialliquid-vapor equilibrium is motivated by many well-estab-lished maximum principles that exist in the natural physicalsystems. Second, the development of the theory is indepen-dent of turbulent transport and radiative transfer models.Consequently the extremum principle leads to a genericphysically based description of the surface energy budgetand the surface temperature and soil mositure states. Wehope this paper will inspire more research to furtherevaluate these findings.[58] It is important to emphasize that the second conclu-

sion does not contradict the concept of down-gradienttransport of water vapor. Exclusion of atmospheric humidityin our formulation of evaporation by no means implies aweakened land-atmosphere interaction. We view it as anindication of strong land-atmosphere interaction. Such aclose coupling implies that the signal of atmospheric hu-midity conditions is inherent in the surface variables likesoil moisture and temperature. The gradients of temperatureand humidity at the surface associated with the fluxes ofheat and water vapor are driven and maintained by thedemand of maximum evaporation toward a potential liquid-vapor equilibrium.[59] From a practical perspective, the extremum princi-

ple supports a unified and versatile framework for mod-eling land surface processes. Although developing a newland surface scheme is beyond the scope of this paper,the proposed theory offers fresh possibilities to do so.‘‘Unified’’ here means that the theory makes it possible toparameterize evaporation (and the other heat fluxes)diagnostically for the entire range of soil moisture withoutseparating the soil-controlled stage from the climate-controlled stage. The surface heat fluxes as the solutionof the governing equations will be guaranteed to balancethe energy budget. Surface temperature and soil moisturewill be product rather than input as in many commonlyused hydrological models. Such formulated land surfaceschemes will distinguish themselves, among other things,

by allowing the surface fluxes, temperature, and soilmoisture to be derived without solving prognostic equa-tions as in the popular force-restore method and the like.‘‘Versatile’’ means that the extremum principle is genericand independent of turbulent transport models. Nonpara-metric formulation of the theory will allow an objectivejudgment of the existing diagnostic and/or prognosticmodels that often produce inconsistent estimates of thesurface heat fluxes. One possible application is to use thegoverning equations as constraints on the estimation ofmodel parameters. A particularly attractive feature of thetheory is the minimum input of radiative energy fluxes,which makes it a suitable tool for remote sensing ofhydrologic cycles. We expect our proposed theory to bepotentially helpful to the study of large-scale hydrologyas remote sensing observations are becoming more readilyavailable with ever improving quality.

[60] Acknowledgments. This work was supported by NSF grantsEAR-9804996 and EAR-0309594 and a NASATRMM project under grantNAG5-3726. We benefited enormously from discussions with DaraEntekhabi and Alar Toomre of MIT. We are grateful to Gabriel Katul ofDuke University and Marc Parlange of Johns Hopkins University forpreparing the UC Davis field measurement data used in our analysis. Wethank our colleagues Steven Margulis, Enrique Vivoni, Frederic Chagnon,and Susan Dune for their assistance during this study. The data sets used inthis study are from the HAPEX-SAHEL Information System and SGP97data archive where the data products are made available to the public by thescientists of the field campaigns. We sincerely thank Marc Parlange andWilliam Eichinger and an anonymous reviewer, whose comments greatlyimproved the quality of this paper.

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R. L. Bras and J. Wang, Department of Environmental Engineering,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.([email protected])

G. D. Salvucci, Department of Earth Sciences and Geography, BostonUniversity, Boston, MA 02215, USA.

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