
It’s time to speak, it’s time to act

Biase De Gregorio

SMART 2016


Are business leaders just focused on the challenges they face in their enterprises or are they actively keeping a low profile?



Time for change


We must help the youth


Smart – 5 findings from the 2016 report

The National Development Plan needs a significant boost, and an almost business-like application before it can hope to have its intended impact. We examine how the NDP can be implemented more efficiently and effectively in an agile way.

Empowering black individuals, most especially entrepreneurs and small to medium-sized enterprises through Enterprise Development (ED) not only contributes to BEE criteria, but as we will discuss, actively grows the economy and society.

The global trend of digitisation poses a mass of possibilities and new realms of potential. We profile how Digital Transformation is necessary in South Africa to expand the economy, to meet the future as it rushes onwards, and to capture the benefits.

When embraced, Commercialisation of State-Owned Enterprises, including partial privatisation, has been successful in South Africa. We investigate the middle ground for SOEs and how to capitalize on leading examples.

Though it is no panacea for the nation’s ills, enhancing Education Outcomes is the most pertinent area in which reform and improvement can manifest rapidly. We will explore positive trends and discuss how these can be amplified to address the crisis in education in South Africa.



National Development Plan

• Established in 2010 – National Planning commission (Trevor Manuel)

• Eliminate poverty and reduce inequality by 2030

• There has been advances in:

– Building an inclusive society

– Rolling back the shadow of Apartheid

– Broadening opportunities for all

• “A country where opportunity is not determined by birth but by ability, education and hard work”

• 15 Chapters – 489 pages

• Over 180 ‘Actions’ Source: National Planning Commission, 2012


Critical Actions of the NDP

Source: National Planning Commission, 2012

• Outcome 1: Improved quality of basic education.

• Outcome 2: A long and healthy life for all South Africans.

• Outcome 3: All people in South Africa are and feel safe.

• Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth.

• Outcome 5: A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path.

• Outcome 6: An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network.

• Outcome 7: Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities with food security for all.

• Outcome 8: Sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life.

• Outcome 9: A responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local government system.

• Outcome 10: Environmental assets and natural resources that are well protected and continually enhanced.

• Outcome 11: Create a better South Africa and contribute to a better and safer Africa and World.

• Outcome 12: An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive



The Leaders Guide to Radical Management –Steve Denning (adapted)

Illustrated by: Talia Lancaster, IQ Business(

Seven principles of Radical Management


It isn’t enough for the people to be passively satisfied – they must be delighted!

Focus work on delighting the people that matter


“Knowledge workers have to manage themselves. They have to have autonomy”, leadership guru Peter Drucker states in his Management Challenges for the 21st Century.

Do work through self-organising teams


Do work in client driven iterations, incrementally


Stop Starting, Start Finishing

Prioritise and Deliver value to the people that matter in each iteration


Be totally open about impediments to improvement

Radical Transparency


Fail Fast,Fail Early,Recover quickly

Facilitate continuous self improvements by the team


Open communication –public / private

Interactive Communication / Collaboration


• Break into groups –7 teams

• Discuss the principle and provide ideas on how Government can apply the principle – 10 minutes

• Provide feedback and have a conversation



Email: [email protected]: @biased77Website: http://www.iqbusiness.netagility@IQ: http://agility.iqbusiness.netPhone number: +27 11 259 4000

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