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A Review of the Pakistani Government’s “White Paper”: Qadiyaniyyat—

A Grave Threat to Islam

Replies to Some Allegations


An Admonitory Sign

M i r z a T a h i r A h m a d Page i Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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A Review of the Pakistani Government’s “White Paper”: Qadiyaniyyat—

A Grave Threat to Islam

Replies to Some Allegations


An Admonitory Sign

An English translation ofthe Friday sermon delivered by

Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IVrta

on May 31, 1985at the Fadl Mosque, London Page iii Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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(18)An Admonitory Sign

An English translation of the Friday sermon delivered in Urdu by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IV (rahmatullah ‘alaih), on May 31, 1985,at the Fadl Mosque, London.

Translated by: Dr. Nasim RehmatullahRevised by: Tasnif Team—Jama‘at-e-Ahmadiyyah USA

First Published in Urdu in the United Kingdom in 1985 as:Eik Nishan, Eik Intibah

Present English translation published in UK in 2008.

© Islam International Publications Ltd.

Published by:Islam International Publications Ltd.“Islamabad” Sheephatch LaneTilford, Surrey GU10 2AQ UK

Printed in the UK at:Raqeem PressTilford, Surrey GU10 2AQ

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the Publisher.

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ISBN: 1 85372 829 2 Page iv Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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Table of Contents

�Preface ................................................................................viiAbout the Author.............................................................. xiii

An Admonitory SignAn Astonishing Dream .......................................................2

A Magnificent Supporting Sign..........................................3

A Frightful Heavenly Warning ...........................................5

An Incident of Extraordinary Significance ........................7

Hidden Lessons in the Unexpected Storm.........................9

Terrible End of the Imprudent People.............................12

Not Able to Pray for the Leaders of the Apostasy............16

Early Warnings of Future Chastisements ........................19

The Bright Future of Ahmadiyyat ....................................20

A Strong Warning to the Enemies of Righteousness

And Truth ........................................................................22

Glossary of Important Terms..............................................25 Page v Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful


�A perfect example of the cruel treatment of theAhmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at by the government ofPakistan is the White Paper. This document, published bythe government of Pakistan under the title Qadiya-niyyat—A Grave Threat to Islam, was written in support ofthe federal ordinance dated April 26, 1984.

By publishing the White Paper, this ‘Islamic Republic’has set aside all Islamic values and has done away withmany basic human rights including religious social free-doms of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at. Using theWhite Paper as a crutch, the government of Pakistanclaims the beliefs of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘atcompel it to impose restrictions upon the AhmadiMuslims.

As far as the allegations and accusations made in theWhite Paper are concerned, they are a repetition of thesame baseless allegations and accusations that theAhmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at has responded to in the paston the basis of the Holy Qur’an and the Ahadith. Page vii Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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Since much of our literature is currently being confis-cated by the government of Pakistan, sincere seekers oftruth may have difficulty finding the answers. This series ofFriday sermons present the response to these allegations byHadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IVrta, thethen Imam of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at, to theseallegations.

This response to the White Paper was first published inUrdu in 1985 and the English translation is being publishednow. This sermon was delivered on May 31, 1985 at theFadl Mosque, London.

The translation of this Friday sermon was done by Dr.Nasim Rehmatullah. The translation team headed byMunawar Ahmed Saeed—under the direction of Vakalat-e-Tasnif London—finalized this series of Friday sermons forpublication. Important contributions were made by FouziaShah, Khalil Malik, Wasim Malik, Karimullah Zirvi andseveral other team members. May Allah bless them all.Amin.

This book uses the system of transliteration adopted by the Royal Asiatic Society.

at the beginning of a word, pronounced as a, i, u pre-ceded by a very slight aspiration, like h in the English word honour.

th, pronounced like th in the English word thing. Page viii Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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h, a guttural aspirate, stronger than h.

kh, pronounced like the Scotch ch in loch.

dh, pronounced like the English th in that.

s, strongly articulated s.

d, similar to the English th in this.

t, strongly articulated palatal t.

z, strongly articulated z.

‘, a strong guttural sound, the pronunciation of which must be learnt by the ear.

gh, a sound approached very nearly by r in the French grasseye and also the German r. It requires the muscles of the throat to be in the gargling position whilst pro-nouncing it.

q, a deep guttural k sound.

’ , a sort of catch in the voice.

Short vowels are represented by a for (like u in bud); ifor (like i in bid); u for (like oo in wood); the longvowels by a for or (like a in father); i for or (like ee in deep); ai for (like i in site); u for (likeoo in root): au for, (resembling ou in sound). Page ix Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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Please note that in transliterated words the letter e is to bepronounced as in prey which rhymes with day; however thepronunciation is flat without the element of English diph-thong. If in Urdu and Persian, the letter e is lengthened a bitmore, it is transliterated as ei to be pronounced as ei in feignwithout the element of diphthong; thus is transliteratedas Kei. For the nasal sound of n, we have used the symbol n.Thus the Urdu word would be transliterated as mein.

The consonants not included in the above list have thesame phonetic value as in the principal languages of Europe.

The following abbreviations have been used. Readers are urged to recite the full salutations when reading the book:

sa sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, meaning ‘may thepeace and blessings of Allah be upon him’ iswritten after the name of the Holy ProphetMuhammadsa.

as ‘alaihis salam, meaning ‘may peace be uponhim’ is written after the name of Prophetsother than the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa.

ra radi-Allaho ‘anhu/‘anha/‘anhum, meaning‘may Allah be pleased with him/her/them’ iswritten after the names of the Companions ofthe Holy Prophet Muhammadsa or of thePromised Messiahas. Page x Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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rta rahmatullah ‘alaih, meaning ‘may Allahshower His mercy upon him’ is written afterthe names of deceased pious Muslims who arenot Companions of the Holy ProphetMuhammadsa or of the Promised Messiahas.

Please note that in referencing the Holy Qur’an, we havecounted ‘In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful’as the first verse of the chapter in which it appears. We prayto God that this message may reach all people who have agenuine desire to study these issues. May Allah make this asource of guidance for them. Amin.

Munir-ud-Din ShamsAdditional Vakil-ut-Tasnif

London, UK, February 2008 Page xi Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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About the Author

�HADRAT MIRZA TAHIR AHMADrta was born inQadian, India, in 1928 to Hadrat Mirza Bashir-ud-DinMahmud Ahmadra and Hadrat Maryam Begumra. Hereceived his early schooling in Qadian. After graduatingfrom the Ahmadiyyah Missionary College, Rabwah withdistinction, he obtained an honours degree in Arabic fromPunjab University.

In 1955, he visited England for the first time with hisfather, who suggested that he remain behind to improvehis knowledge of the English language and Europeansocial habits. He secured admission at the School ofOriental and African Studies (SOAS), University ofLondon, where he remained for two and a half years. Bythe end of 1957, Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrta had seenmost of Western Europe. He traveled extensively inEngland, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

The experience that he gained during these yearswould play a crucial role later in his life, when administer-ing his great responsibilities as Khalifatul Masih IV, thefourth Head of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at. He was Page xiii Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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elected to this office in 1982, one day after the demise of hispredecessor, Hadrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrta.

The anti-Ahmadiyyah ordinance of April 1984, promul-gated by General Zia-ul-Haq, compelled Hadrat MirzaTahir Ahmadrta to leave Pakistan. He decided to migrate toEngland where he established his transitory base in exile.Within a few years, he trained and organised thousands ofvolunteers to help him discharge his global responsibilities.Of all his achievements in England, MTA (Muslim Televi-sion Ahmadiyyah) international is one of the greatest.Through MTA international, numerous training programsare televised twenty-four hours a day. His activities sincedeparture from Pakistan helped proliferate and spread theAhmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at to over 150 countries of theworld.

Apart from being a religious leader, he was also ahomeopathic physician, a prolific writer, a gifted poet, anda sportsman.

Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrta passed away on April 19,2003 at the age of 74. He is succeeded by Hadrat MirzaMasroor Ahmad [may Allah be his help], the present Headof the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at. Page xiv Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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After reciting tashahhud, ta‘awwudh,and surah al-Fatihah, Hudurrta recited the following versesof the Holy Qur’an:1

Hudurrta said:A long period that spanned over several months was

spent in replying to the so called ‘White Paper’ publishedby the government of Pakistan. Almost all of my sermons,with a few exceptions, were devoted to the response to thealleged White Paper.

1. Say, ‘Travel in the earth and see how evil was the end of thesinful!’ And grieve you not for them, nor be you in distressat what they plot. And they say, ‘When will this promise befulfilled, if you are truthful?’ Say, ‘It may be some of thatpromised punishment, which you arrogantly demand tobefall you forthwith, is already at your heels.’ And, truly,your Lord is gracious to mankind, but most of them are notgrateful. (Surah al-Naml, 27:70–74) Page 1 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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An Astonishing Dream

A few days ago, Amir Sahib of Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘atof Daska2 (Pakistan), in his letter, mentioned a revelationthat had been recorded in the notebook of the revelationsof the Promised Messiahas. The revelation is that ofSeptember 10, 1903 and is recorded on page 404 of Tadh-kirah. He wrote that in his opinion the vision related to theresponse being given to the ‘White Paper’.

When I studied the original words of that vision, I wasamazed to note that the vision does, indeed, apply to thisevent in a remarkable way. I had not felt that much satisfac-tion with these answers during all this time and had not feltsuch exceptional joy as I did when I studied that vision. Thereassurance I felt cannot be described in words.

It is the amazing grace of Allah the Almighty that eighty-two or eighty-three years ago, He had informed thePromised Messiahas that an event of this nature was going totake place and that by the power that would be given byAllah the Almighty, a decisive and effective reply would begiven. Thus mentioning this dream, the Promised Messiahas


I saw in a dream that I was holding in my hand abook written by some opponent of mine. I was wash-ing it out and someone was pouring water over it.

2. Malik Hamidullah Khan. Page 2 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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Then I noticed that the whole of the writing in it hadbeen washed out and that the paper was now com-pletely white without any writing on it, except on thetitle page where a name or something like it had beenleft. (Tadhkirah, edition 4, p. 404)

A Magnificent Supporting Sign

These words are amazingly applicable to the whole incidentthat took place with the name of the ‘White Paper’. The firstthing worth noticing is that many ordinary books havebeen written by the opponents of the Jama‘at from thebeginning and they will keep writing them. It is a serial thatis spread all over the pages of history. This reference doesnot seem to be applicable to any one of them because theredoes not seem to be any reason to single out any book inparticular. However when a book is published in Pakistanby the government of the time in opposition to theAhmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at, that book gains an extraordi-nary significance. And it stands out from ordinary hostilebooks. Here, indeed, such a book is mentioned that has anextraordinary significance. In this entire period that isspread over 100 years, this is the first incident in the oppo-sition of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at where the gov-ernment of a country has published a book in opposition.Apparently this vision seems to refer to this so called ‘WhitePaper’. Page 3 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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Moreover the Promised Messiahas has said:

I was washing it out and someone was pouring waterover it.

In Pakistan, it was my usual practice, as was that of the pre-vious Khulafa’, that they would seek help from more thanone scholar of the Community to research a topic whenneeded. Besides, there were libraries and other means avail-able. Therefore a scholar in a particular subject wasassigned some task to help find the relevant references. But,here in London, due to the lack of these resources, we hadto work with what was available, and with whateverresources God had provided us. All other missionaries etc.,were so busy that they could not be spared for this work.Therefore I selected only one person, Hadi ‘Ali, forresearching the references. Thus, during this time he car-ried out, under my guidance, the search and provided thereferences wherever I pointed out.

Thus to mention in the dream that a man is pouringwater and only one person is pouring it, is an extraordinarything. It is something with special meaning that has beenmentioned in this vision. During all this time only one per-son kept pouring the water, meaning that he kept helpingme in washing this book. Then, the following words arealso quiet significant. It is like a ‘Bull’s eye’ shot. He saidthat as the book was washed, a white paper emerged. Thisis amazing. White paper cannot be depicted better than Page 4 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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saying that it is the White Paper but after washing, nothingis left. It became totally white. It was rendered spotless byGod, the Almighty. Only something written on the titleremains but as far as the subject matter is concerned, noth-ing of it is left.

Since it was a grand sign of support from GodAlmighty, I thought I should include the Jama‘at in thisspiritual pleasure. How can a nation be defeated whoseGod is such a Magnificent and All-Knowing God and Whosupports it in this manner time and time again. Our God isour Guardian. He is with us. He is such an All-KnowingGod that He already knew, even before our birth, what wasgoing to happen. He had given us the news about the dis-tant future beforehand in order to support our hearts.Therefore these people can continue to scorn and continueto ridicule that ‘when will the promises be fulfilled and howwould they be fulfilled.’ Scorn and derision is part of theirlife and is matter of their lot. But we are living with thepromises that are fulfilled every day. They are, indeed, ourair we breathe and are, indeed, the water for our suste-nance. Therefore they cannot even imagine the conditionour Jama‘at is in, how are we alive and why are we alive.

A Frightful Heavenly Warning

I had thought I would draw the attention of the countrytowards a grave danger, that is the danger of mulla’ism Page 5 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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[religious extremism], that has put its claws into almostevery area of the national life. Now the carotid artery of thenational life is in its claws. This is happening not in just onecountry. Instead ‘mulla’ism’ is being thrust upon thenational life in accordance with a deliberate conspiracy bythe anti-Islamic forces.

As far as Pakistan is concerned, I had thought I wouldwarn my countrymen of this threat. But this morning anincident took place due to which, for now, I will put it off.For now, I will inform you of the incident that took placethis morning.

This morning the phone rang at tahajjud [pre-dawnvoluntary Prayer] and I learnt that it was an urgent callfrom Karachi in which I was told that the Meteorologicaldepartment in Karachi (that hires some internationalexperts) had issued a warning that is normally notexpected due to the unique geographical location ofPakistan. In this regard it was an unusual event. It was thatan extremely dangerous hurricane was fast moving to thecoast of Karachi in Pakistan. About this, it was expectedthat it would hit the coastal area of Karachi around 10:00a.m. Friday morning. Such hurricanes are usual for Bang-ladesh and they are familiar with them. Hundreds of thou-sands of lives are lost in such hurricanes and billions worthof property is damaged. But for the coastal areas ofKarachi, this was totally strange and unique occurrence.Therefore the entire navy was alerted. All of the civil Page 6 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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defense and volunteers groups geared up. In the latter partof the night and the first half of the morning the evacuationof the population of the coastal areas took place especiallyfrom the Defense Housing Society that is quite spread out.It has several phases. From it hundreds of thousands ofpeople were evacuated. More than half the population ofDefense Housing Society vacated its homes. It all happenedin such confusion that no one had the mind to take theirbelongings. Thus after this news, when I had a telephonecontact with one Ahmadi family, they told me a very inter-esting incident to describe this storm. They said that whenthey got the news to evacuate immediately, this news hadsuch ‘panic’ in it that when they came out without takinganything with them, his young daughter said, ‘Hudur’s let-ters are left behind. We should at least take them with us.’He says that they ran back and picked up the letters so that,even if they could take nothing else, at least those letterswould be saved. This was the state in which the evacuationof the population took place. But Allah showed mercy.Before this storm could play havoc on the widely spreadcoastal areas of Karachi, Allah changed the direction of thestorm and this disaster was averted.

An Incident of Extraordinary Significance

As far as the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at is concerned,this event has gained an extraordinary importance also. Page 7 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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The Ahmadis of Karachi were particularly worried that,although here today is Friday the 11th of Ramadan, inPakistan it is Friday, the 10th of Ramadan. Earlier in aFriday sermon that I gave in Glasgow—I had informed theJama‘at that there are some dreams that seem to indicatethat the vision of ‘Friday the 10th’ that was shown, couldquite possibly be related to the lunar nights. Thus in theinterval since that sermon, a friend from Pakistan, Dr.Tariq wrote of another strange and very interesting dreamthat seems to be related to this also. He writes, ‘one night Iwas greatly distressed and I cried a lot before God and sup-plicated as to when these days of trial will end and to knowwhat is going to happen.’ He says, ‘The layout that I saw inthe dream that night, I cannot comprehend it. But sinceAllah tells you the interpretation of dreams and you arerelated to the affairs of the Jama‘at, therefore I am writingto you. The dream was that on a paper there is a drawing ofa frame and on its upper side the number ‘10’ is writtenand ‘moon’ is written below. On the left side there is anelongated frame and inside that are written dates or num-bers. And the count ends on 31 and the number 31 is shin-ing prominently.’ He did not write any interpretation nordid his mind turn to this. I knew its link with the vision ofFriday the 10th, therefore I clearly understood that May 31will be the 10th of the lunar month and that day is Friday.And on that Friday some such incident is going to takeplace that is related to this vision and also to this dream. Page 8 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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Due to this thought, I had already alerted the Private Secre-tary that he should be on the look out for any unusualevent that would occur on the 10th of Ramadan. Our dearSaifi3 stayed up all night and kept the radio on for the news.But a strange thing happened and the phone call that wasmeant to be for him, came to me by mistake and this newsreached me first instead of him.

Hidden Lessons in the Unexpected Storm

In this event there are many hidden lessons. One lesson isfor certain that the hurricane was such an unusual event.The likes of it has not happened in this area in decades. Inaddition, this event has occurred on a Friday and the 10th ofthe Holy Ramadan. These facts cannot be obliterated by theworld. No one can negate them. Moreover, the threatappeared and then subsided. Regardless of how grave thethreat was, it passed anyway. What does it signify or whatinference should we derive from it? This is the thing thatneeds to be considered. I can think of many inferencesfrom it about which I wish to inform the members of theCommunity.

Firstly, though this vision appears to apply to this par-ticular incident and it is an unusual thing, it is not neces-sary that something should come to pass only once. From

3. Mirza Safir Ahmad, son-in-law of Hadrat Khalifatul Masih IVrta. Page 9 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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God, the Almighty, sometimes there are such visions andrevelations that are fulfilled over and over again. It appearsfrom some verses of the Holy Qur’an that some signs arerecurrent and are fulfilled repeatedly. Therefore there isalso this possibility. Besides this, God Almighty may fulfilthis sign with greater detail if He so desires.

Secondly when we reflect on this incident, many lessonsare found in it. First is this that when God Almightydecides to apprehend any nation, the chastisement takesmany ways. Sometimes He apprehends them from an ave-nue that the nation could not even expect, or imagine thatany untoward event will happen from that quarter. Afterthe riots of 1974, the nation was repeatedly caught by var-ied trials. For example, as the result of unexpected rains onthe barren hills of Balochistan, such a flood came to Sindh.No one could have ever imagined that the dry mountainsof Balochistan would become the cause of the flood. Butdue to the flood of the mountains of Balochistan, a largearea of Sindh was ruined. Thus prominent headlines to thiseffect were printed in the newspapers. So when the chas-tisement of Allah the Almighty comes, no one can predict itas He has many different ways to chastise. He is all Powerfuland Omnipotent. He shows sign of His prowess. He canorder anything on earth whenever He desires. Then theplace that was supposed to be source of security, becomesthe cause of danger. Therefore when God determines toapprehend someone, he cannot stay safe. This subject, too, Page 10 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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has been explained in great detail in different verses of theHoly Qur’an. How can you remain immune to the decreeof God? He is not bound. He may decide to catch you inwhichever way He desires. Then you will have no way toescape.

In the sudden appearance of this extremely formidablethreat and the fact that it subsided, there is good news also.And that is that God Almighty is not pleased with punish-ing. He cautions and warns with threats and gives the peo-ple an opportunity to repent. If people ask forgiveness andrepent and turn towards Allah, Allah is not pleased indestroying them. He is Gracious even in seizing and dealscompassionately. He shows so much mercy that, at many atime, it appears on the surface as if the Prophets were liars.And the world gets an opportunity to scorn and ridiculethem. Yet Allah the Almighty still shows lenience in seizingthem and treats with extraordinary forgiveness. Thus if thiswas the same sign that was promised by Allah theAlmighty, then there is an element of joy for the Commu-nity and the nation too. The cause for joy is that a way isstill open for redemption. A sample of the grave dangerswas shown. But if the people repent and mend their ways,Allah may still save these people. This is what we wish andpray for.

The lesson that can be drawn from this is that a warninghas been given and a sample has been shown of how Allahis going to treat you if you do not desist. Now the matter Page 11 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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has reached that stage where you will be seized by nationalcalamities and repeated chastisements. If you do not desistand repent, and continue in arrogance like this, and do notrefrain from ridiculing and deriding the holy men of Godthe Almighty, then this is only a small sample that has beenshown to you. And in the future similar treatment for youby God is going to manifest. But when it begins to unfoldthere is no stopping. There is no hand that can stop it frommoving. God’s retribution, once it starts to grind, cannotbe stopped by anybody. These are all the signs or lessonsthat we find while reflecting on this incident.

Terrible End of the Imprudent People

We find the same theme in the verses that I have selected.Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an:4

That is, O Muhammadsa, tell them to travel in the earth asmuch as they like. One thing they will observe with cer-tainty and it is that the wicked never had a good ending.

Those people who are guilty of offenses and commitexcesses and use cruelty, those whose lives are full of con-tradictions, who say one thing with their mouths and their

4. Say, ‘Travel in the earth and see how evil was the end of thesinful!’ (al-Naml, 27:70) Page 12 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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actions show otherwise, their entire lives are afflicted withindecencies and they cloak themselves with evil garmentswhile speaking of virtues. Every kind of un-Islamic act iscommitted in the name of Islam. For these people there is atime appointed. When will that hour come? That is a sepa-rate discussion. But if you reflect and look at their faces inthe mirror of history, you will see one thing with certaintythat they never had a good end. They have always had a ter-rible ending. God again says:5

That is, do not grieve over the fact that We give respite tothese people and We have continued to give them opportu-nity to scheme. They are doing every kind of schemingagainst you, but you should not think that we have aban-doned you. Know for sure that your destiny is good andtheir fate is certainly going to be bad if they do not desist.They ridicule you and make fun of you.6

They tease you that ‘tell us when the promise of God will befulfilled. Tell us when will we be caught? If you are truthfulthen show us; where is that calamity? Where did God’s

5. And grieve you not for them, nor be you in distress at whatthey plot. (Surah al-Naml, 27:71)

6. And they say, ‘When will this promise be fulfilled, if you aretruthful?’ (Surah al-Naml, 27:72)

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chastisement go?’ Allah says, in response to this, just tellthem:7

It is possible that you have not realized it, but an event mayalready have begun to unfold. These are the things that youare demanding. A portion of them may have alreadystarted to pursue you and you have no awareness thatGod’s chastisement has already started to chase you and itis not going to leave you. But why is it chasing you and whyis it not seizing you. Why is this respite being given? Allahsays:8

Allah is extremely kind to men. He is slow in punishing. Hedoes not derive any pleasure from punishing people.Therefore many a time, He makes such provisions that, iftransgressors do not desist, God’s wrath that had alreadystarted pursuing them, catches them before the transgres-sors can claim their victory. But before such chastisementtakes place, Allah the Almighty wishes that they might seewhat is right, that the blessing and bounty of God should

7. Say, ‘It may be some of that promised punishment, which youarrogantly demand to befall you forthwith, is already at yourheels.’ (Surah al-Naml, 27:73)

8. And, truly, your Lord is Gracious to mankind, but most ofthem are not grateful. (Surah al-Naml, 27:74)

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descend upon them. All of those forces that are used forGod’s chastisement can very well be used for God’s bless-ings. They can become the means of His Mercy. Thus Godthe Almighty describes this subject with greater detail insurah Nuh. Prophet Noahas submits to God: ‘I have warnedmy people very openly. And I have also told them that thewater to come from the sky can become the means of bless-ings. It is not necessary that it should become the cause ofpunishment. God will rain such bounties, the blessings ofwhich you will continue to enjoy forever. And you will getto receive spiritual and material blessings. But all myadmonitions, all my continuous advice, and all myspeeches, have had no effect on them.’ Thus it is one pain-ful scene that Prophet Noahas presents before God. Hesubmits:9

‘He said, “My Lord, I have called my people night andday, but my calling them has only made them flee

9. (Surah Nuh, 71:6–11) Page 15 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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from me all the more. And every time I called themthat You mightest forgive them, they put their fingersin their ears, and wrapped their garments aroundthem and persisted in their iniquity, and behave withexceeding arrogance. Then I invited them to yourpath openly. Then I preached to them in public, andalso spoke to them private. And I said, ‘Seek forgive-ness of your Lord; for He is exceedingly Forgiving.’

Then is the prayer that I have intentionally left out becauseI do not wish to ask for Allah’s chastisement as ProphetNoahas did, which brought an end to his people. It is anextremely terrifying prayer. Prophet Noahas, as I havedescribed earlier, would have never asked His Lord of it ifGod had not permitted it after informing him of theimpending fate of his people. Anyway, history repeats itself,but not word for word. In it there are many warnings; thereare many lessons such that prudent nations can benefit ifthey so choose.

Not Able to Pray for the Leaders of the Apostasy

Thus I do not like to invoke those prayers against my peo-ple that were invoked by Prophet Noahas against his people,nor do I permit the Ahmadis in or outside Pakistan to prayagainst the Pakistani people. However the most that can beprayed for, since we have been left with no other choice, isthat, ‘O God! Among the opponents of the Community Page 16 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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those who are the ringleaders in issuing a verdict of Apos-tasy, do punish them and do make them an example for theothers so that the future generations should be admon-ished.’ But as far as the general public is concerned, they arethe victims. They are unaware of the reality and areunaware of the truth. That means the majority of the peo-ple does not know what the mulla is saying. Many lies havebeen spread against the Community and much fabricationhas been employed. Some time ago a friend told me that ina city like Karachi, in a gathering of educated people whohave known the Community and are supposedly wellinformed, he once said, in protest, that as far as the kalimahtayyabah or kalimah shahadah10 is concerned it is a com-mon denominator in the entire world of Islam. It is such acommon factor that Allah the Almighty invites even theoutsiders and, invites the Christians that they should cometo agree on this common kalimah and join at least in itsfirst portion. This kalimah is being erased with force, it isbeing defiled. How does Islam give you this license. Givesome justification. He says that in that meeting of educatedpeople, one gentleman said, ‘the reason for it is that you sayone kalimah with your tongue but have a different kalimah

10. The declaration of the Islamic faith: to bear witness that thereis none worthy of worship except Allah, He is One, withoutany associate, and to bear witness that the Holy ProphetMuhammadsa is His servant and His Messenger; also knownas the first pillar of Islam. Page 17 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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in your heart. With mouth you utter the name ofMuhammadsa, but in your heart you have the name ofMirza Ghulam Ahmad.’ There should be a limit to lie andfabrication, but the mullas have lied with such frequencyand have utilized such fabrication that it has poisoned thePakistani society from top to bottom and has made eventhe scholars behave as ignorant. These cruel mullas havelied so profusely and have had no regard for the fate of theirnation. It seems they have never thought of the evil conse-quences of the despicable behaviour for them. They areplaying with the life of the nation.

With regard to such people our heart has reached thatstage at which even if we try, we cannot pray for their good.We do pray in general that ‘O Allah guide the majority, savethe majority and stop them from committing excesses.These people have been continuously ruthless and are con-tinuing to hurl obscenities at the Promised Messiahas, dostop them from it. But let there be a few among them whoshould become an example of Your punishment for thebenefit of others so that the hearts of the Community couldbe cooled. They have suffered a lot at the hands of the abu-sive mullas. May God seize them soon and may their exem-plary punishment become a means for the deliverance ofthe whole nation.’ This should be the purpose of thisprayer. It should not be just a vengeful prayer. Its purposeshould be that with it the great majority of the nationwould find the guidance. Page 18 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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Early Warnings of Future Chastisements

As I have explained, it is saddening that these people arenot stopping. They are advancing every day in their absti-nence and insolence. And this warning that God has giventhem today, it appears that they will not benefit from it.Instead they will deride and ridicule and will say that thestorm was after all averted, we deserve that we should besaved, as if this sign has appeared in their favour, that, infact, it is not a warning for them as such events haveoccurred in the past. The real warning is that if they do notdesist even now, the chastisement from God shall come insuch a way that:11

you will have no room to step back or step to the right orthe left. There will be no room to move forward. These aresuch signs of chastisement that always appear and areshown as a warning. Indeed they point to the events yet tocome. Only if someone would benefit from them.

But it appears that, as it was the fate of the people ofthe past, even today people would deny after seeing thesign. Therefore I discharge my duty by warning thisnation in the words of the Promised Messiahas. This will bea warning in the religious sense. It is possible that they willnot understand these things because they have not seen

11. …but it was no longer the time for escape. (Surah Sad, 38:4)

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God the way we have seen Him, time and time again in theform of a living reality in our homes and in His treatmentof our daily routine. This is the world we are living in. Theyhave not seen that God. Therefore it is possible that theymay not understand these things. These things may bebeyond their comprehension. Therefore I have kept it asthe second aspect of warning. And that is to warn themabout the consequences of the domination of mullas and Ishould explain it in a manner that they will comprehend it.I should explain it in terms used by the rest of world. Ishould tell them by presenting the history of the world thatwhen ‘fanaticism’ takes hold of any nation, to whatextremes it takes that nation to. On this topic the Fridaysermon will be in the future, insha’Allah. At this time Iwarn them from a spiritual and religious perspective,whether they understand it or not, because this is our lan-guage and we do so in this language first.

The Bright Future of Ahmadiyyat

I have selected a few writings of the Promised Messiahas

which do not require any explanation. He says:

You can see that despite your severe opposition andinimical prayers, God has not abandoned me. He hasbeen my Supporter in every field. He took upon HisHands every stone that was cast upon me. Hereturned to the enemies every arrow that was thrownat me. I was helpless, He gave me refuge. I was all Page 20 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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alone, he took me in His lap. I was nothing, He gaveme fame with honour and made millions my faithfulfollowers. Then He says in the same Holy Revelationthat: “When My help shall reach you and words ofMy Mouth shall be fulfilled [that is, mankind will payattention and monetary helps shall come about] thenit will be said to the disbelievers ‘Look! Haven’t thosethings come to pass about which you used to hasten?”(Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah, vol. 5, p. 61–62, RuhaniKhaza’in, vol. 21, p. 79, London edition, printed in1984)

The Promised Messiahas says further:

God has informed me again and again that He willgrant me great glory and will instil my love in peo-ple's hearts. He shall spread my Jama‘at all over theworld and shall make my sect triumphant over allother sects. The members of my sect shall so excel inknowledge and insight that they will confound every-one with the light of their truth, and by dint of theirarguments and signs. Every nation will drink of thisfountain, and this Jama‘at will spread and blossomuntil it rapidly encompasses the entire world. Manytribulations and obstacles shall come, but God willremove them all and will fulfil His promise. Godaddressed me and said:

(Urdu): I shall grant thee blessing upon blessing untilkings shall seek blessings from your garments! Page 21 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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So O ye listen! remember these things and keep theseprophecies safe in your boxes, for they are the wordsof God that will one day come to pass. (Tajalliyat-e-Ilahiyyah, pp. 17–18, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 20, pp.409–410)

With the blessing and mercy of God Almighty, this is thefuture of Ahmadiyyat which we see moving in the samedirection and have been seeing it continuously. At the hourof every trial, of every hardship and of every darkness,there has never come even a single moment when themarch of the Community to this future stopped. With theblessing of God, the Community has continued to advanceeven in the shadow of the swords of the enemies. And theCommunity has continued to advance further and furthertowards this destination, even under the storm of abuses.Enemies continued to abuse, continued to torture and con-tinued to fabricate in every way possible but Allah theAlmighty did not permit the speed of the Community’sadvance to this future to slow down. On the contrary, Hehas continued to advance it further. This is the decree thatthe enemies can never change.

A Strong Warning to the Enemies of Righteousness And Truth

There is another decree that is also operative. It is the des-tiny of the enemies of God that shows itself upon them Page 22 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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sooner or later. The decree that God Almighty has alwaysissued about the enemies of righteousness and truth, listento it too. The Promised Messiahas says:

Those who repent shall find security and those whofear before the calamity overtakes them will be shownmercy. Do you think that you will be safe from theseearthquakes, or that you can save yourselves by yourown designs? No, you cannot. All human designs willcome to naught that day. Do not imagine that onlyAmerica etc. have been shaken by the earthquake andthat you are safe, for you may experience even greatercalamities. O Europe! you are not in peace, O Asia!you are not secure, O you who dwell in the Islands,no artificial god will come to your aid. I see the citiesfalling and I see the habitations in ruin. The One andthe Unique has long remained silent. Abominationswere committed before His eyes and yet He remainedsilent. But now He shall reveal His countenance in anawe-striking manner. He who has ears to hear, lethim hear! The hour is not far. I tried to bring every-one under the security of God, but the decrees of des-tiny had to be fulfilled. Assuredly, I say that thiscountry’s turn is also drawing near. The days of Noahshall appear before your eyes, and you will see withyour own eyes what happened to the land of Lot. ButGod is slow to show His wrath. Repent so that you areshown mercy. He who abandons God is a worm, nota man, and he who does not fear Him is dead, notalive. (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, pp. 256–257, RuhaniKhaza’in, vol. 22, pp. 268–269) Page 23 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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Glossary of Important Terms

�Allah—Allah is the personal name of God in Islam. To

show proper reverence to Him, Muslims often addTa‘ala, ‘the Most High’, when saying His Holy name.

Ahmadi Muslim or Ahmadi— A m e m b e r o f t h eAhmadiyyah Muslim Community.

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at—(Also Ahmadiyyah)The Community of Muslims who accept the claims ofHadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian as thePromised Messiah and Mahdi. The Jama‘at establishedby Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, now lead by his fifthKhalifah, Hadrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad [may Allah behis help].

Hadith—A saying of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa.The plural is ahadith.

Hadrat—A term of respect used for a person of estab-lished righteousness and piety.

Holy Prophetsa—A term used exclusively for HadratMuhammadsa, the Prophet of Islam.

Hudur—Your Holiness; His Holiness. Page 25 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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Holy Qur’an—The Book sent by Allah for the guidance ofmankind. It was revealed to the Holy Prophetsa over aperiod of 23 years.

Imam—The Arabic word for a leader. The head of theAhmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at is also referred to as theImam.

Insha’Allah—An Arabic term meaning ‘God-willing’.

Jama‘at—Jama‘at means community. Although the wordJama‘at itself may refer to any community, in this book,Jama‘at specifically refers to the Ahmadiyyah MuslimJama‘at.

Khalifah—Caliph is derived from the Arabic word Khali-fah, which herein means the successor. Khulafa’ is theplural of Khalifah.

Khalifatul Masih II—Hadrat Khalifatul Masih II (1889–1965), Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra. He isalso called Musleh-e-Mau‘ud (the Promised Reformer)because he was born in accordance with the prophecymade by the Promised Messiahas in 1886 regarding thebirth of a righteous son who would be endowed withspecial abilities, attributes, and powers.

Khalifatul Masih IV—Hadrat Khalifatul Masih IV, MirzaTahir Ahmadrta (1928–2003) was the fourth successorand a grandson of the Promised Messiahas, the Founder Page 26 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama‘at, Hadrat MirzaGhulam Ahmad.

Mahdi—‘The Guided One’. This is the title given by theHoly Prophetsa to the awaited Reformer of Latter Days.

Maulavi, Mulla or Maulana—A Muslim religious cleric.

Promised Messiah—The Founder of the AhmadiyyahMuslim Jama‘at, Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas ofQadian, India, who made his claim in fulfilment of theprophecies of the Holy Prophetsa regarding the coming ofa Mahdi and Messiah from among the Muslims.

Sahib—A term of respect, similar to the diversity ofEnglish terms like mister or sir.

Sunnah—Traditions/Practices of the Holy ProphetMuhammadsa.

Surah—Arabic word for designating the chapters of theHoly Qur’an.

Tahajjud—Optional Prayer of great merit offered in thelatter part of the night; pre-dawn formal Islamic worship. Page 27 Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM

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