Page 1: An a to Z Guide to Understanding and Implementing SAP Content Server

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An A to Z Guide to Understanding and Implementing SAP Content Server and Third-Party Content Management Tools

Deepak SoodAuritas


What We’ll Cover …

• What is Content Management?• Content management linked applications• Third-party storage options• SAP Content Server• Comparing storage option features• Case study• Wrap-up


What Is Content Management?

• Content management is a set of processes and technologies that support the evolutionary lifecycle of digital information

• The scope of content management has increased from simple document imaging and data archiving to include:

WorkflowDMS (Document Management System)PLM (Product Lifecycle Management)KM (Knowledge Management)Knowledge Provider (KPro)cFolders (Collaboration Folders)































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What Is Content Management? (cont.)

• Content Management historically has been referred to as:

ScanningImagingWorkflowGroupware Intranet solutionsElectronic archivingOutput management…


Content Management Components

• Enterprise Document ManagementCheck-in/check-out Version management Access protection Routing (workflow) Self-descriptive information objects

• Web Content ManagementRenditionStreaming of digital content (image, audio, video … )

• Data ManagementData archivingResidence, retention, and destruction

• Digital Asset Management


Enterprise Document Management in SAP

• SAP ImagingIncoming document imaging

Early archivingLate archivingLate archiving with bar code

Outgoing document imagingPurchase orderBilling documentsDunning

• SAP DMSAttributes, relationships, versions, context resolution, and content models































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Web Content Management in SAP

• K-Pro• Knowledge Management• Knowledge Warehouse• SAP Records Management• SAP Portals

PersonalizationContent authorizationsPermissionsWorkflowCollaboration folders (cFolders)Knowledge catalog


Data Management in SAP

• Information Lifecycle ManagementData archivingData retentionData destructionFile routing


Do You Need Content Management?

• Content Management systems solve the time consuming and expensive nature of managing content

• Content Management organizes data and documents on a single platform

• Content Management improves the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures

• Content Management is becoming critical for corporate and criminal fraud accountability, auditor independence, and corporate responsibility































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What We’ll Cover …

• What is Content Management?• Content management linked applications• Third-party storage options• SAP Content Server• Comparing storage option features• Case study• Wrap-up


Content Management-Linked Applications in SAP

• SAP R/3• SAP Solution Manager• SAP NetWeaver® BI, SRM, CRM• SAP Portal• SAP NetWeaver

Knowledge ManagementKnowledge WarehouseCollaboration folders


What Is ArchiveLink?

• An interface, as well as a service, for facilitating the process-driven management of business documents

• A service integrated in the SAP Web Application Server for linking archived documents and the application documents entered in the SAP system

• Use it to link to and retrieve business-related documents from application objects, attributes, and workflow

• Retrieve non-business-related documents via attributes or even via full text search (if provided by a third-party tool) of the external content management system

Further search functions are provided with the Document Finder, generally available with SAP Web Application Server Release 6.10































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Use SAP’s ArchiveLink to Integrate Documents



Print lists


Archive Files








SAP Content Server


What We’ll Cover …

• What is Content Management?• Content management linked applications• Third-party storage options• SAP Content Server• Comparing storage option features• Case study• Wrap-up


Third-Party Solutions

• 135 ArchiveLink certified solutions worldwide• More than 50 vendors worldwide• 29 solutions and 21 ArchiveLink vendors in the United
































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Third-Party Solution Vendors

• Commonly used third-party solution vendorsOpen TextIBM CommonStoreEMC DocumentumFileNet (acquired by IBM)Easy SoftwareSAPERIONMobiusAXS-One


Third-Party Solution Vendors (cont.)



Typical Architecture of Third-Party Storage Medium

ClientClient Index DatabaseIndex Database



Jukebox (Worm)

Jukebox (Worm) Hard DiskHard Disk EMC, Hitachi, IBM

Storage solutionsEMC, Hitachi, IBMStorage solutions

Archiving Retrieval User Administration Mirroring


Event Logging


Migration System

Document Mgmt.

Cartridge Mgmt.































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What We’ll Cover …

• What is Content Management?• Content management linked applications• Third-party storage options• SAP Content Server• Comparing storage option features• Case study• Wrap-up


SAP Content Server

• SAP Content Server is a separate server instance used to store documents or other types of content related to SAP applications

• It can be accessed via the Knowledge Provider (KPro) or via ArchiveLink

KPro and ArchiveLink are central ABAP-implemented (business) services of SAP Web Application Server

• KPro and ArchiveLink make use of a common interface, the HTTP Content Server Interface


SAP Content Server Details

• Latest versionSAP Content Server 6.40

• Operating systemsUnix, Windows, Linux

• SAP Note 622509• Storage options

Database (SAPDB) or file system• Single instance max footprint

64 terabytes































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SAP Content Server Details (cont.)

• Web server optionsIIS Server, Apache Webserver

• Works with SAP versions 4.5 and above• ArchiveLink version

Http version only …


SAP Content Server Architecture


SAP Content Server Feature Details

• Built-in featuresPrint listOutgoing documentsDMS documentsDARTPortal accessArchive files

• Customization neededIncoming documentsWrite-once media storage































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SAP Content Server Configuration

• Transaction code: OAC0• Repository configuration in SAP


SAP Content Server Configuration (cont.)

• Transaction code: CSADMIN• Content Server Administration from SAP


Content Server Configuration with Other Environments































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Knowledge Management Platform

Source: SAP


SAP Content Server and the PortalPortal

Portal UI


What We’ll Cover …

• What is Content Management?• Content management linked applications• Third-party storage options• SAP Content Server• Comparing storage option features• Case study• Wrap-up































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Features Requirements for a Storage Solution

• Scalability • Operation systems • Data volume handling • Disaster recovery • Fail over • Performance • Hardware requirements • Pricing • Cost for adding extra modules like imaging, OCR,

outgoing documents, and print list


Features Requirements for a Storage Solution (cont.)

• Ability to manage non-SAP data • OCR and indexing capabilities • Flexibility to store multiple storage media • Language • Company stability • Security • Administration of archive server • Training for software • Complexity of products • Typical issues (technical problems)


Features Requirements for a Storage Solution (cont.)

• Gateway requirements • Communication requirements for multiple SAP instances • Support • Web-interface • View point of customers who installed the software • ISO 9001 standards (if needed) • Compatibility • Environmental issues (power, cooling, space, etc.) • API information































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Summary: SAP Archiving Alternatives

YesYesNoArchive Server (Storage System)

YesYesNoMultiple SAP Systems with Single Server

YesYes (Auritas)NoInbound Documents and Imaging

YesNoNoOptical Media (WORM*, CD) and Tape

YesNoneNoneSoftware Cost

NoYesNoSAP Support

YesNoNoMultiple Media Types with Single Server

YesYesNoOutbound Documents and Print lists

YesYesYesRetrieval Methods

YesYesYesArchive Files and Delete Methods

Third-Party Archiving Solution

SAP Content ServerBasic File System

* WORM = Write Once Read Many


What We’ll Cover …

• What is Content Management?• Content management linked applications• Third-party storage options• SAP Content Server• Comparing storage option features• Case study• Wrap-up


Case Study

• GoalA global chemical manufacturing company faced a challenge to decommission a legacy SAP R/3 3.1I system by migrating business information to an SAP R/3 4.6B environment

• ChallengesTechnical issues

To evaluate the potential approaches and choose the best for strategic direction

Business requirementsTo ensure ready availability of 3.1I data to business whenever required from 4.6B system

Regulatory complianceTo continue to comply with local, state, federal, and internal safety and regulatory requirements































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Existing Software Architecture


Case Study

a) Decent and highly interactive solution

b) Fully regulatory-compliant

c) No additional 4.6B database and hardware load

d) Quicker turn-around time

e) Overall less expensive than other approaches

a) Simple and known technique


a) Additional hardware cost for content server/third-party solution

b) Reporting gap, in certain cases

Migrate 3.1I legacy data to an alternative media that would be readily accessible from 4.6B system

Auritas’ approach (option B)


a) Contradictory with 4.6B data archiving strategy

b) High development and testing cost

c) Slower performance due to additional 3.1I data in 4.6B system

d) More time consuminge) Difficult to reproduce

the old document in as-is form

Migrate 3.1I legacy data to a 4.6B system in as-is format

Conventional approach (option A)


ConsBrief DescriptionAvailable Options


High-Level Project Execution Plan

• Determine precise project scope (which documents/data need migration)

• Prepare project plan and form project team• Develop objects and prepare configuration• Test objects in R/3 3.1I and 4.6B for sanity and stress• Advise stakeholders on proposed plan and

decommissioning date of 3.1I system• Execute mass-migration• Verify 31.I data from 4.6B system• Shut down 31.I system































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Project Post-Mortem

• Migration activity conducted by four-member team (one manager, two technical team members, one lead) in just seven weeks

• No major business issues were revealed during or after the migration

• No increased database load observed on 4.6B system due to the migration

• No issues were found in the performance of existing jobs and processes

• High ROI


What We’ll Cover …

• What is Content Management?• Content management linked applications• Third-party storage options• SAP Content Server• Comparing storage option features• Case study• Wrap-up



• ArchiveLink * * *

• SAP NetWeaver

• SAP NetWeaver Knowledge

• Auritas

* Requires login credentials to the SAP Service Marketplace































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7 Key Points to Take Home

• Perform a detailed analysis to identify the right kind of storage solution for your company’s requirement

• Unified access to data and documents brings high efficiency to business processes

• A storage solution is not required for data archiving implementation

• Outgoing documents and print list can be implemented using SAP Content Server


7 Key Points to Take Home (cont.)

• The out-of-the-box Content Management in Knowledge Management has several layout sets, collection renderers, resource renderers, commands, and properties

• Data destruction is as important as data retentionIdentify a procedure to destroy data once retention has expired

• OCR can accelerate data entry through data capture and integration


Your Turn!

How to contact me:Deepak Sood

[email protected](407) 688-7226































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