Download - Amplifying

  • 1. amplifying community value


  • Current situation

Client X has been a great success in raising awareness, increasing engagement, getting sponsorship and donation funding through its social networks however it has created the impression of closed communities leaving many potential members feeling left out which reduces the reach and impact of Client X. 3.

  • The opportunity

Increase the capabilities of Client X to reach a broader grass roots audience that can work to build awareness and donation base as well as creating more potential sponsor opportunities by connecting its multiple online communities through shared values and goals. 4. Opening up the community could be seen as creating a mess of connections 5.

  • or we can understand that online communities are controlled by the individual


  • and that people will self select


  • and respond to the opportunity to grow and connect


  • and people are already finding a way to do what they want

[Redacted examples of people creating their own work arounds] 9.

  • Client X could be like Apple or the RIAA

[Support user needs] [sue them] 10.

  • We have lived in a world of print media

Awareness building vs. Community building [Client X advertisement removed] 11.

  • Which makes it hard to think about how ad models work in online communities

Key Words Contextual Link development Embedding Linking Other 12.

  • Online communities cant be controlled and delivered to marketers


  • They need to be given tools and the opportunity to grow


  • Emerging principles of marketing to online communities

Ads create awareness of products not a purpose for existing. Community members self select. Provide options. Sponsorship must match community values to get engagement. Focus on shared values to get the most benefit. Marketers can feel comfort in knowing who is on the site. Capture demographics at registration and through behavior Observe traffic patterns and communicate them to sponsors. Limiting the KCA community limits more sponsorship opportunities. 15.

  • Client X needs to provide the ingredients

Passion + Platform + Content Get out of the way!

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