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My name is Nadinne and I run a Group Fitness Boxing session in a small country town in South

Australia. I completed Certificate III in Fitness two years ago along with Bootcamps Australia Trainer

2 day course, Punchfit® Trainer Course and Punchfit® GROUPX® Bootcamp course. There were not

any fitness classes, gym, or any form of fitness if you weren’t involved in Saturday sports such as

Tennis, Netball or Football so I decided to study in my spare time and become a trainer to start up a

fitness session one night a week. Boxing was the fitness of choice as it allows people of all ages to

participate and they can work as hard as they like. I love boxing for its conditioning, agility, speed,

coordination, endurance and strength all rolled into a challenging and enjoyable workout. Boxing

was also aimed at both men and women in the town.

When starting out as a group fitness instructor I found it very daunting as you don’t really come out

of the course with 1 hour session plans, you have to create them! This required a lot of time

researching, scanning the internet and modifying fitness sessions that I had participated in, in the

past to formulate a one hour boxing session. I work full time and this was very time consuming.

This is why after two years of producing boxing for fitness sessions I have created this eBook to

hopefully help others like me who are looking for exciting and fun fitness sessions for their PT or

group fitness clients or even if you are just an individual and want to practice boxing for fitness with

a partner in the comfort of your own home.

I do recommend that if you are an individual you have at least attended a boxing fitness class before.

Or if you are a PT or group fitness instructor I highly recommend attending a Boxing trainers course

before added boxing into your workouts to ensure you have learnt the correct technique for

punches and also pad holding to minimise chance of injuries. This way you will be teaching the

correct techniques to your clients.

The one thing I didn’t want my clients to be during one of my boxing sessions was BORED! When I do

fitness sessions I need variety, different challenges and variations to keep me interested otherwise I

do get bored. This is why my boxing sessions consist of a warm up, 5 rounds of short high intensity

boxing drills, a group drill and finish with core exercises and stretches.

Boxing enables the clients to work as hard as they can (or want to) as they know they will get an

active rest when they hold the focus pads. The short bursts of intense exercise helps the heart rate

elevate, lower and then elevate again throughout the workout. Rather than having clients work at

50-60% of their maximum ability for the whole hour, you have clients working at 80-90% of their

maximum throughout the boxing rounds and then active rest during the pad holding.

I have found this style of workout runs extremely well and you can mix and match different rounds

each week so that the whole hour is different every week and will keep your clients guessing and not

know what is coming next. Boxing is a super workout of high intensity interval training and loads of


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All Boxing workouts have been used in previous sessions with real people. Therefore each round should be

adapted and modified to suit the fitness level and ability of each individual client. This can be done by reducing

the amount of punches in each round if they are a beginner or new to fitness. Exercises can be regressed if

needed for lower level of fitness or exercises can be progressed for the advanced or experienced fitness levels.

The fitness level and ability of each client should be taken into account for each drill and different options

should be provided when needed. The environmental conditions and space used should also be considered

when selecting the intensity of each workout.

For Group fitness instructors and Personal Trainers who choose to use the Boxing workouts it is recommended

they have some formal type of instructor course related to boxing so they are able to teach clients the correct

techniques for punching and pad holding. Any of the workouts performed are done at your own risk and the

risks of their clients.

Boxing works best when matching boxers and pad holders who are similar height and build.

All clients MUST wear Glove inners inside of Boxing Gloves for good hygiene. The glove inners are owned by

each client and it is their responsibility to wash them each week.

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Each one Hour session should contain:

Warm Up: 5 mins

Warm up joints and body to get the heart rate pumping and blood


Combos: 5 mins

Choose one Combo round to get the brain thinking and concentrate

on correct technique

Rounds: 5-10 mins each round

Choose 4 Rounds. 1st

Boxer works and finishes round, then change

over for second boxers turn

Have a drink after each round

Group Drill: 10 mins

Throughout the Boxing workout or at the end you can choose a

group drill to get all clients involved together and have fun

interacting with each other

Core exercises: 5 mins

Choose x3 core exercises of x20 reps each exercise to let the body’s

heart rate come back down

Stretches: 5 mins

Stretch all muscles used throughout the workout

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How to read the boxing tables

x 50 JC x 10 Uppers x 5 Right knee to pads x 5 Left knee to pads

x 40 JC x 20 Uppers x 5 Right knee to pads x 5 Left knee to pads

x 30 JC x 30 Uppers x 5 Right knee to pads x 5 Left knee to pads

x 20 JC x 40 Uppers x 5 Right knee to pads x 5 Left knee to pads

x 10 JC x 50 Uppers x 5 Right knee to pads x 5 Left knee to pads

First boxer starts:

Read from top left and complete punches in the first row from left to right.

Once complete drop to the next column down and start again left to right

Boxer 1 must complete the whole table and then change over and the second boxer starts

at the top left again.

Boxer 1: Perform in the following order:

x50 JC (straight punches)

x 10 Uppers

Both Boxer & Pad holder:

x5 Right knee to pads

x5 Left knee to pads

Boxer 1:

x40 JC

x20 Uppers

Both Boxer & Pad Holder

x5 Right knee to pads

x5 Left knee to pads and so on

Once Boxer 1 has completed the last row, change over and repeat for Boxer 2

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Abbreviations & explanations

Boxers Stance: Feet shoulder width apart. If right handed put right foot back (orthodox), if left handed put

your left foot back (southpaw). Feet on two tracks, shoulder width apart for balance. Approx 70% of weight on

front foot and remainder on back foot. Front foot faces target, back foot 45o degree angle. Knees bent. Engage

core. Back fist resting on chin/jawline. Front hand out at cheek height. Elbows in. Chin down. Relax shoulders.

Pad Holders tips: Pair up with someone of similar height and build. Catch punches, never strike forwards at the

punch. Provide resistance and catch the punch. Elbows in, brace core on impact. Stand in same boxers stance

as your partner.

Punching tips: Punch with whole body including hips following the punch. Keep wrists straight as you punch

through the pad. Punches start from your chin, release and come back to your chin. Other arm is up in guard

position while not punching. Exhale sharply when you punch. If the boxer is not comfortable with where the

pads are, ask the pad holder to adjust them. Left hand punch goes to left hand pad of pad holder. Right hand

punch goes to right pad of pad holder. Therefore you are crossing punches always for all punches JC, U, H OH


Counting punches: Try to get Pad Holders to count the number of punches the boxer is performing so the

boxer can concentrate on punching. When performing straight punches (JC), uppercuts, overheads, hooks etc

always start with front hand/less dominant hand. For example straight punches would start with a Jab then

Cross (if right handed this is a left handed punch from front arm). When counting, miss the jab and count the

second punch (cross, dominant hand) and count up in two’s.

For example: Two, Four, Six, Eight, Ten, Two, Four, Six, Eight, Twenty, Two, Four, Six, Eight, Thirty…

PH: Pad holder

B: Boxer

J = Jab: Punch from the front hand, left if they are right handed and right if they are left handed. Keep elbow

soft, don’t lock it out straight. Punch through the pad. Target area: nose

C = Cross: Punch from the back hand, most powerful, preferred hand. Twist hips into the punch as well. Target

area: Front of face

LH = Left Hook: Roll upright fist from vertical to horizontal position while lifting left heel off ground, weight on

back foot and twisting the body. Elbow must be in line with the fist and at shoulder height. Target area: Jaw


RH = Right Hook: As above but raise your right heel and weight on front foot

LU = Left Upper Cut: Fist travels from outside of body into the centre in an upward movement. Bends knees

and get hips into the punch. Twist body right. Feet remain in boxer’s stance) Target area: Chin

RU = Right Upper Cut: As above but with right hand ad twist body left.

OH = Over Heads: Pads are held above the PH head and boxer punches high punches and reaches to pads.

Bob: Bob down and bend both knees into a squat position keeping feet in boxers stance. Knees at 90o. Bob

down as though you are ducking under a punch. PH can swoop arm and pad above boxers head to make sure

you duck without hitting the boxer.

Left Reach Knee: Raise gloves to the right above your head with one glove on top of the other. In one swift

motion, move your gloves downwards. At the same time raise your left knee to hip height and make contact

with your gloves and knee at hip height. Raise arms and lower leg at same time and repeat. Breathe out as you

make contact with knee. Imagine you are grabbing opponents head and slamming it down on to your knee.

Right reach knee: Same as above but opposite side, reach gloves above head to the left side and raise right


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Left Swing knee: Raise gloves to the right above your head with one glove on top of the other. In one swift

motion, move your gloves downwards and across your body to the left. At the same time raise your left knee

to hip height. There is no contact; your gloves should be on the outside of the knee as it’s raised. Work

obliques. Raise arms and lower leg at same time and repeat. Breathe out as you lower arms and raise knee.

Imagine you are swinging your opponent over your knee.

Right Swing Knee: Same as above but opposite side, reach gloves above head to the left side and raise right


HS: Hammer Slam Feet parallel and shoulder width apart. Boxer puts gloves together in front of stomach with

thumbs facing up. Raise both arms up above head height. Move both arms & fists down in a powerful motion

towards Pads. Brace core as bring arms down and make contact with pads and sharp breath out. Contact is

made with bottom of your fists with thumbs facing up. Pads are held by pad holder with palms facing up,

elbows bent at hip height.

JC: Performing alternating Jab and Cross or straight punches; a jab followed by a cross and so on. For example:

x10 JC = x1 J(1), x1 C (2), x1 J (3), x1 C (4), x1 J (5) up to (10). Boxer will have performed x5 J and x5 C

alternating the punches from J to C and back to J.

U: Alternating Uppercuts; left uppercut followed by a right uppercut and so on

H: Alternating Hooks; left hook followed by a right hook and so on

Cross Jump: Jump up. On landing touch right hand to left toe. Stand and in same motion jump up. On way

down touch left hand to right toe and repeat.

Scissor shuffle: In boxers stance, both feet facing forwards though. Left foot forward and right foot back, jump

up and switch feet while jumping. Land with left foot back and right foot forward. Jump again and switch feet


Burpee: Jump up. Bend down hands on the ground. Jump feet back into full plank position with arms straight.

Straight back from head through to toes, nice straight line. Jump feet back to hands. Stand up into a jump.

Broad Jumps: Large two footed jump forwards. Jump as far as you can with two feet. Use arms to launch you.

Squat walk: Perform a squat 90o from the direction you want to travel, turn & pivot on foot closest to cone &

spin 180o & perform another squat. Turn & Pivot again on foot closest to cone 180

o and perform another

squat. Continue this slow moving exercise until you reach the cone.

Sit-up Slam: Boxer lies on ground, knees bent and back on floor. PH can be standing slightly on boxers toes for

ease of sitting up. PH bent over and hold focus pads with palms facing up just above Boxers knees. Boxer

performs sit up using core to roll up. Once up reaches gloves above head and then slams them down on to the

focus pads with the bottom of the fists, thumbs facing up. Rolls back down slowly using core.

Lunge Hops: Backward lunge with Right leg (for example). Then as you move to standing position, swing right

leg forward and raise right knee in front to hip height and add a hop on left foot if you can. Lower right leg

backwards into backward lunge.

Lunge Pulses: In a Backward lunge position, legs nice and wide apart, pulse up and down, bending knees

slightly to absorb the bounce

Tuck Jump: Bend over into a slight squat position with feet shoulder width apart, use arms and then propel

yourself up in the air as high as you can and bring knees to chest and bend knees when you land to absorb


Russian Twist: In a V-sit position, bum on ground, knees bent up, feet on ground. Tilt back and create a V with

your back and quads. Brace core and twist from side to side. You can touch the ground on either side left to

right. Breathe out as you twist to each side.

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Wall sit: Lean against a wall with back on wall, knees bent at 90 degrees, feet under knees. Back flat on wall

and hold for designated time.

Squat with push Kick: Perform a squat, with feet shoulder width apart, chest up, bum back. As you stand back

up raise right leg in front, bending knee up first, when knee is at hip height, raise foot and kick it out with heel

being the ‘imaginary’ point of contact. Toes pointing up. Lower leg and squat down again, as stand up raise left

leg and repeat.

Sprawl: In boxers stance, bend over, hands on ground, jump both feet backwards out in to full plank position,

jump feet back to boxers stance and stand up. Same as a burpee but with no jump.

Power Jack: A harder version of a star jump. With feet together, bend over into a squat position, arms down,

explode up into a star jump, kick feet out and arms up in the air, then lower feet and arms and land back with

feet together, lower arms and bend knees back into squat position.

Mountain Climbers: In full plank position/ top of push up position, arms straight, body in straight line from

neck through back down to heels.

Speed Skaters: Imagine you are ice skating. Big Lateral jump to the left landing on your left foot and swinging

your arms in front of your body and twisting at the torso, while your right leg swings behind your body. Swing

your right leg back and jump to the left for a big lateral jump landing on your right foot. Left leg swings behind

body and arms in front to the right hand side and twist torso.

Sumo Squat & touch ankles: Legs wide apart feet facing out on an angle, bend knees and sit into a Sumo

Squat. Hold this position and reach your left arm down to your left ankle behind your left leg so your chest is

upright. Then reach your right hand to your right ankle and lean. Legs stay where they are in sumo squat

position, arms and torso move side to side. Chest kept upright.

Squat Jump: Feet shoulder width apart. Bend down into a squat, chest up, knees don’t go past toes, push bum

back and then propel up into a jump in the air and land softly onto both feet with soft knees and bend down

into a squat again.

Warm Ups: Should be performed after warming up joints to increase heart rate & get blood

flowing. Choose one warm up for each one hour session or perform a warm up of your own making sure the

body is nice and warm

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Warm Up 1: Skipping with rope

Normal skipping (two footed jumping) 30 seconds

High knees while skipping 30 seconds

Star jumps while skipping, jump feet in & out 30 seconds

Jogging while skipping rope 30 seconds

Pepper (fast as you can go) 30 seconds

Warm Up 2: 3 minutes, Walk > Jog > Run

1. Set up two lines of cones about 20m apart & move from one cone to the next & back again

2. Make sure you keep an eye on time and tell everyone when to change intensity

Walk 30 seconds

Power walk & pump arms 30 seconds

Slow jog/Shuffle 30 seconds

Full Jog 30 seconds

¾ pace jogging 30 seconds

Sprint fast as you can 30 seconds

Warm up 3: I like to Move it!

(I do this a lot as its easy and gets everyone moving & warmed up quickly)

1. Choose various movements and perform for 15-20 seconds to get everyone’s heart rates up.

2. Choose 4-5 for each one hour session

Jogging on the spot Fast feet – pump arms High knees

Star jumps Twist jumps Front kicks

Pendulum Swings Scissor shuffles Lateral jumps side to side

Forward and back jumps Kick bums with Heels Cross Jumps

Warm Up 4: Shadow Boxing

1. Without gloves on yet, you can instruct clients to perform different punches with no pads

and just by themselves for practice and for warming up

2. Yell out different punches and number of punches to perform

3. Have everyone start scissor shuffling

4. Yell out a punch to perform: Hooks, Upper Cuts, straight punches, over heads

5. And then yell out a number for them to perform the amount of punches

6. Example: HOOKS: 2, 6, 4, 10, 2, UPPERCUTS: 4, 8, 12, 4, 6, Straight punches: 10, 2, 6, 2, etc

7. All the time the everyone is scissor shuffling once they’ve completed the set number of

punches and they are waiting to hear next number

8. Give everyone enough time so that they all finish the number of punches and are scissor

shuffling by the time you call the next number. This gives them time to reset and keep

everyone moving and get their heart rates up

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Rounds: choose any 4 for each hour session

Round 1: Ab crunch pyramid

1. PH can stand on boxers tips of toes to help them crunch up

2. Boxer in sit up position. Perform x2 sit ups/crunches

3. On the second crunch come up and perform the amount of punches then lower back down

4. Always two crunches and on second crunch perform punches

5. PH will need to bend over and place pads at comfortable height for Boxer to punch while in

sit up position

Round 2: Punch’n’Run

1. Set up two cones approx 10-15m apart, depending on your clients fitness level

2. Partners start in middle of cones

3. When meeting your partner again they do not have to be in the middle

4. Depending on fitness level clients can walk, jog or sprint to cones & back

x2 crunches x2 punches

x2 crunches x4 punches

x2 crunches x6 punches

x2 crunches x8 punches

x2 crunches x10 punches

x2 crunches x8 punches

x2 crunches x6 punches

x2 crunches x4 punches

x2 crunches x2 punches

x100 Straight punches (JC) Turn & Jog 10m & back

x80 Straight punches Jog 10m & back

x60 Straight Punches Jog 10m & back

x40 Straight Punches Jog 10m & back

x20 Straight Punches Jog 10m & back

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Round 3: Lunge to cones

x50 Uppers x10 Hooks Walking Lunges to cone Jog back to partner

x40 Uppers x10 Hooks Walking Lunges to cone Jog back to partner

x30 Uppers x10 Hooks Walking Lunges to cone Jog back to partner

x20 Uppers x10 Hooks Walking Lunges to cone Jog back to partner

x10 Uppers x10 Hooks Walking Lunges to cone Jog back to partner

1. Set up two cones 10-15m apart depending on clients fitness level

2. Partners start in middle of cones

3. You can change walking lunges to Squat walk for second boxer

Round 4: Power & Speed

x10 J Hard & powerful x10 C Hard & Powerful x20 JC Fast

x8 J Hard & powerful x8 C Hard & Powerful x16 JC Fast

x6 J Hard & powerful x6 C Hard & Powerful x12 JC Fast

x4 J Hard & powerful x4 C Hard & Powerful x8 JC Fast

x2 J Hard & powerful x2 C Hard & Powerful x4 JC Fast

1. Can repeat with Upper Cuts instead of straight punches & use as another round later

Round 5: Scissor Pyramid

x10 JC (Straight punches) x10 Scissor Shuffles

x20 JC x10 Scissor Shuffles

x30 JC x10 Scissor Shuffles

x40 JC x10 Scissor Shuffles

x50 JC x10 Scissor Shuffles

x40 JC x10 Scissor Shuffles

x30 JC x10 Scissor Shuffles

x20 JC x10 Scissor Shuffles

x10 JC x10 Scissor Shuffles

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Round 6: 20-10 Tabata

• Boxer works hard for 20 seconds then rests for 10 seconds

• During 10 seconds rest for boxer, the PH works

• Timer can go for 2 minutes (4 rounds), 3 minutes (6 rounds) or 4 minutes (8 rounds)

depending on fitness levels

• Need to make sure you are watching timer to change exactly at 20 seconds and 10 seconds.

• Gymboss is a great app to set a timer that will beep at intervals, which you create

• Use one Tabata row below as one round (ie 6 round ideas below)

Tabata Boxer 20 seconds Pad Holder 10 seconds

Tabata 1 x2 Hard LU, x2 Hard RU, x4 U fast Burpees

Tabata 2 LH RH x4 JC Scissor shuffles

Tabata 3 x4 U, x1 Hammer Slam Cross Jumps

Tabata 4 J C J Bob C J C Bob High knees

Tabata 5 J C LH RU Mountain Climbers

Tabata 6 x10 U, x4 Scissor Shuffles, x4 Twist Jumps Squat Jumps

Round 7: Three Sprints

Boxer Pad Holder

Both Start at A x40 JC Sprint to B Sprint to A Sprint to B Broad Jumps to B

Both Start at B x30 JC Sprint to A Sprint to B Sprint to A Broad Jumps to A

Both Start at A x20 JC Sprint to B Sprint to A Sprint to B Broad Jumps to B

Both Start at B x10 JC Sprint to A Sprint to B Sprint to A Broad Jumps to A

1. Set up two cones approx 10-15m apart

2. Boxer will perform punches then run three times between cones while PH broad jumps to

next cone to meet boxer once finished running.

3. PH can jump on spot if waiting for boxer to finish running




PH: Broad Jumps


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Round 8: No rest for the Boxer

Boxer Pad Holder

Level 1 Level 2

x100 JC Walking lunges Backward lunges Jumping Lunges

x80 JC Broad Jumps Lateral jump – side to side Twist jumps

x60 JC Squat Walk Squat Squat Jump

x40 JC Skipping Push Ups on knees Push ups on toes

x20 JC Sprint Jog on spot High knees

1. Set up cones 10-15m apart

2. Both start at cone 1

3. Boxer turns and performs movement exercise towards cone 2 and can either do the same

back to PH or jog back

4. PH performs stationary exercise at cone while waiting for boxer to return

5. PH chooses which level of exercise they would like to do Level 1 or Level 2

6. Write exercises on cards so everyone knows what exercise is next

Round 9: Sit up > Kneel > Stand

x1 Sit up x2 JC Kneeling R knee x2 JC Stand up x2 JC

x1 Sit up x4 JC Kneeling R knee x4 JC Stand up x4 JC

x1 Sit up x6 JC Kneeling R knee x6 JC Stand up x6 JC

x1 Sit up x8 JC Kneeling R knee x8 JC Stand up x8 JC

x1 Sit up x10 JC Kneeling R knee x10 JC Stand up x10 JC

x1 Sit up x8 JC Kneeling L knee x8 JC Stand up x8 JC

x1 Sit up x6 JC Kneeling L knee x6 JC Stand up x6 JC

x1 Sit up x4 JC Kneeling L knee x4 JC Stand up x4 JC

x1 Sit up x2 JC Kneeling L knee x2 JC Stand up x2 JC

1. From sit up position, bring one leg forward into a kneeling position (use a mat)

2. Bring back leg forward and stand up into boxers stance

3. Get back down into sit up position and repeat with increasing number of punches each time

4. Once ten punches is reached reduce punches by two and change legs you are kneeling on

5. PH will need to move Focus Pads so they are in line with shoulders of boxer for each set of


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Round 10: Shuttle Run

Punching 30 seconds Boxer Pad Holder

Out to cone Back to PH

1 JC – Straight punches Broad Jumps Burpee Jog Push ups on

knee or toes

2 Uppers Walking Lunges Jog Push ups

3 LH, Bob, RH, Bob Sprint Jog Push ups

4 J C LH RU Walking Lunges Jog Push ups

5 J C Hard, J C J C Fast

Broad Jump Burpee Jog Push ups

1. Set up cones as above for a shuttle run

2. Above is each round numbered for the boxer but the boxer & PH will stay in the same

position on the line. Picture used to show the distance boxer runs after each round of


3. All boxers start boxing for 30 seconds. Once 30 seconds is up, boxers move to cone as

per table above to 1st

cone and back. As soon as boxer arrives at PH they start boxing.

4. Timer starts once last boxer is back with their PH and boxing.

5. Time for another 30 seconds then boxers move to second cone and back as per above

movements in table

6. This continues in a pyramid form

Round 11: Squat Faster

Boxer Pad Holder

Punches Level 1 Level 2

x100 JC Plank on elbows x15 Squats x15 Jump Squats

x80 JC Plank on elbows x15 Squats x15 Jump Squats

x60 JC Plank on elbows x15 Squats x15 Jump Squats

x40 JC Plank on elbows x15 Squats x15 Jump Squats

x20 JC Plank on elbows x15 Squats x15 Jump Squats

1. Pad holder chooses Level 1 or Level 2 depending on fitness level

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Round 12: Push the Pad Holder

x50 Upper cuts x5 Hammer Slams Push PH to cone 2

x40 Upper cuts x5 Hammer Slams Push PH to cone 1

x30 Upper cuts x5 Hammer Slams Push PH to cone 2

x20 Upper cuts x5 Hammer Slams Push PH to cone 1

x10 Upper cuts x5 Hammer Slams Push PH to cone 2

1. Set up two cones approx 15 m apart. Start at cone 1

2. Boxer performs punches then PH puts focus pads out with elbows bent in close to their

3. body to protect them, facing towards boxer and travelling backwards to the cone

3. Boxer can cross arms and push against pads of PH and try to push them backwards using

their whole body, and travelling forwards towards the cone

4. The movement is continuous so it is not one brutal force to try and push the PH over

5. PH provides enough force so the boxer has to work but allows them to move towards


6. Once complete change over and repeat. This time start at cone 2 and should finish at

cone 1

Round 13Kris Kross will make you….Jump!


Boxer 2nd


x10 Straight punches x4 Big lateral side jumps x4 Big forward & back jumps

x20 Straight punches x4 Big lateral side jumps x4 Big forward & back jumps

x30 Straight punches x4 Big lateral side jumps x4 Big forward & back jumps

x40 Straight punches x4 Big lateral side jumps x4 Big forward & back jumps

x50 Straight punches x4 Big lateral side jumps x4 Big forward & back jumps

x40 Straight punches x4 Big forward & back jumps x4 Big lateral side jumps

x30 Straight punches x4 Big forward & back jumps x4 Big lateral side jumps

x20 Straight punches x4 Big forward & back jumps x4 Big lateral side jumps

x10 Straight punches x4 Big forward & back jumps x4 Big lateral side jumps

1. B performs x10 JC and then both PH and B perform x4 big side lateral jumps

2. Use arms and jump as far as you can left, right, left and right again

3. Continue using lateral jumps until you start to go back down x40 JC then change jumps to 1

big forward jump using arms, as far as you can. Then jump backwards as far as you can,

forward and backwards.

4. Once complete changeover then repeat but change order of jumps. (2nd

Boxer) Perform

forward and back jumps first while increasing punches then lateral jumps while going down.

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Round 14: Walking Upper Cuts

x50 Upper Cuts Walking Upper cuts to cone

x40 Upper Cuts Walking Upper cuts to cone

x30 Upper Cuts Walking Upper cuts to cone

x20 Upper Cuts Walking Upper cuts to cone

x10 Upper Cuts Walking Upper cuts to cone

1. Set up two cones approx 10-15m apart

2. Boxer faces towards opposite cone, PH faces with back to opposite cone.

3. Boxer performs one powerful right uppercut (both in orthodox stance)

4. Boxer takes one step forward with right foot, PH takes one step backwards with left

foot. Both should now be in south paw stance

5. Boxer performs one powerful left uppercut and so on until they reach next cone

6. Performs x40 Uppers then walking uppercuts back to first cone and continue until x10

uppercuts, then change and repeat

Round 15: Four Combos

Cone 1 x8 x2 J C LH C

Cone 2 x8 J RH LU RU

Cone 3 x8 J C LH RU

Cone 4 x8 J C LU ROH

1. Set up four cones approx 2-3m apart in a square. Four cones for each pair

2. Boxer & PH start at cone 1 & perform allocated combo for cone 1

3. Both shuffle feet in boxers stance to cone 2 & perform allocated combo

4. Continue to cone 3 and cone 4 then back to cone 1

5. Now head in the opposite direction from cone 1 to cone 4 to cone 3 to cone 2 and then

shuffle to cone 1 and change over and repeat

6. Perform x8 of each combo while you are at each cone

7. Boxer & PH should go to each cone twice. Have cards at each cone with combos


1 2


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Round 16: 4 minutes flat

Boxer 1 Boxer 2

30 seconds Hooks 30 seconds Hooks

30 seconds Push Ups Knees or Toes 30 seconds Plank on elbows

30 seconds Fast Uppers 30 seconds Fast Uppers

30 seconds Squats/Squat Jumps 30 seconds Squats with push kick

30 seconds Powerful RU (1 sec count) 30 seconds Powerful RU (1 sec count)

30 seconds Mountain Climbers 30 seconds 1 big jump forward, 2 jumps back

30 seconds Powerful LU (1 sec count) 30 seconds Powerful LU (1 sec count)

30 seconds Russian Twists 30 seconds Bicycle crunches

1. In pairs perform the punches and both Boxer & PH perform the exercise together.

2. Have a timer set to beep every 30 seconds & keep a close eye on the clock to make sure

everyone is changing straight away with no break

3. Make sure everyone knows what exercise or punches are coming up so there is minimal

change over time wasted

4. Boxer 1 goes through box 1 below and PH performs exercise as well

5. Once done, complete change over the exercises for Boxer 2’s round

Round 17: Pad holder Up Downs

x50 Overheads x10 Uppers x6 Lateral Jumps over PH legs

x40 Overheads x10 Uppers x6 Lateral Jumps over PH legs

x30 Overheads x10 Uppers x6 Lateral Jumps over PH legs

x20 Overheads x10 Uppers x6 Lateral Jumps over PH legs

x10 Overheads x10 Uppers x6 Lateral Jumps over PH legs

1. Lateral Jumps: PH sits on ground with legs out straight and boxer jumps over legs, two feet

together jumping over and back x6 jumps total

Round 18: Whistle blower PH work

Punches 30 seconds Boxer Pad Holder

Round 1 JC Sprints out x6 Squat with L push kick, Squat with R push kick

Round 2 U Sprints out x3 Lunge pulses L leg, x3 Lunge pulses R leg

Round 3 OH Sprints out x6 Squat Jumps

Round 4 H Sprints out x6 Star Jumps or Power Jacks

1. After 30 seconds of punches blow a whistle & boxer sprints out away from PH as fast as they


2. They can’t turn around an come back until PH has completed the number of exercises in

table above, then PH yells out to their boxer to come back and start boxing

3. PH fast feet while waiting for boxer to come back

4. As soon as boxer arrives at PH they start boxing, once everyone in group back start 30


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Round 19: Curse the Whistle

Punches Whistle blow

Round 1 Straight punches x1 Sprawl

Round 2 Uppers x1 Tuck Jump

Round 3 Straight Punches x2 High Knees

Round 4 Uppers x1 push Up

Round 5 x6 JC, x4 scissor shuffles Straight arm plank until whistle blown again

1. Timer set for 1-2 minute

2. All boxers start straight punching as fast as they can

3. Whenever instructor blows whistle everyone (B & PH) must perform one sprawl

4. Once complete get straight back up and start punching

5. Continue to blow the whistle at varying intervals throughout the minute

6. Once 1 minute is up rest and change punches and change exercise

7. Examples of different ideas you can use for a round depending on amount of time

Round 20: Cone & Dice

1. Each pair flips a cone (or coin if your cones aren’t flippable)

2. Upright (heads) = Standing Uppercuts

3. Upside-down (tails) = Seated overheads (as shown)

4. Then roll a dice for the number of punches

o 1 = x10 punches

o 2 = x20 punches

o 3 = x30 punches

o 4 = x40 punches

o 5 = x50 punches

o 6 = x60 punches

5. Flip cone and roll dice x5 times and then swap PH and B and repeat x5 times.

Round 21: Hurry the Step Ups

Boxer PH

x100 Uppers x5 Step ups each side (x10 total) Wall sit while B Step ups

x80 Uppers x5 Step ups each side (x10 total) Wall sit

x60 Uppers x5 Step ups each side (x10 total) Wall sit

x40 Uppers x5 Step ups each side (x10 total) Wall sit

x20 Uppers x5 Step ups each side (x10 total) Wall sit

1. Set up cones about 20m apart

2. If you have a wall or posts that clients can perform a wall sit against this is great

3. Step ups can use a bench, steps or portable steps if you have them

Wall Sit Step Ups

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Round 22: Climb the mountain

PH Boxer

x50 Uppers x10 Over heads Mountain Climbers Sprints to cone and back

x40 Uppers x10 Over heads Mountain Climbers Sprints to cone and back

x30 Uppers x10 Over heads Mountain Climbers Sprints to cone and back

x20 Uppers x10 Over heads Mountain Climbers Sprints to cone and back

x10 Uppers x10 Over heads Mountain Climbers Sprints to cone and back

1. Set up cones 10-15m apart

Round 23: Four corners

Boxer PH

x30 JC Runs to diagonal opposite cone and back to meet PH Side steps to next cone

1. Set up cones in a square approx 5-10 m apart. One square per pair

2. Perform x30 straight punches at starting cone

3. B then runs to opposite diagonal cone, around it and then to next cone in anti-clockwise


4. PH side steps to next cone in anti-clockwise direction as shown above

5. Continue this motion until you get back to starting cone and then repeat but move in a

clockwise direction

6. Once aback to starting cone change over and repeat

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Round 24: Stay Seated

x10 Seated Overheads x5 Sit-up Slams

x8 Seated Overheads x5 Sit-up Slams

x6 Seated Overheads x5 Sit-up Slams

x4 Seated Overheads x5 Sit-up Slams

x2 Seated Overheads x5 Sit-up Slams

1. PH stands over Boxer who is sitting and performs x10 seated overheads

2. PH moves to B feet and can stand on tips of toes to help them sit up

3. Focus pads held with palms facing up

4. B performs sit up and then slams fists together, down onto pads with thumbs facing up

Round 25: Complete 10

Boxer 1 Boxer 2

30 seconds JC 30 seconds JC

x10 Lunge Hops Right leg x10 Lunge Pulses R leg forward

30 seconds Hooks 30 seconds Hooks

x10 Lunge Hops Left leg x10 Lunge Pulses L leg forward

30 seconds Uppers 30 seconds Uppers

x10 Squat/Squat Jumps x10 Sumo Squats

30 seconds J C LH RU 30 seconds J C LH RU

x10 Star Jumps/Power Jack x10 High Knees

1. As soon as individual has completed x10 exercises they start the next round of punches

straight away, no break. Write out punches and exercises on a card so everyone can see

2. If performing in a group: 30 seconds timer starts once everyone is boxing therefore people

who finish exercises faster will be boxing for longer than 30 seconds

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Round 26: Ten to One

First Second

x 10 J x 1 C x 10 C x 1 J

x 9 J x 1 C x 9 C x 1 J

x 8 J x 1 C x 8 C x 1 J

x 7 J x 1 C x 7 C x 1 J

x 6 J x 1 C x 6 C x 1 J

x 5 J x 1 C x 5 C x 1 J

x 4 J x 1 C x 4 C x 1 J

x 3 J x 1 C x 3 C x 1 J

x 2 J x 1 C x 2 C x 1 J

x 1 J x 1 C x 1 C x 1 J

1. First Boxer will complete First Box: x10 Jabs and 1 Cross, then x9 jabs and 1 cross etc and

then complete second box by changing Jab to a Cross.

2. Change Boxer & Pad holder and repeat

Round 27: Down by two punches

Punches Level 1


Padholder Level 2


Level 3


x 20 JC x 1 Squat Scissor Shuffles x 1 Sprawl x 1 Burpee

x 18 JC x 1 Squat Scissor Shuffles x 1 Sprawl x 1 Burpee

x 16 JC x 1 Squat Scissor Shuffles x 1 Sprawl x 1 Burpee

x 14 JC x 1 Squat Scissor Shuffles x 1 Sprawl x 1 Burpee

x 12 JC x 1 Squat Scissor Shuffles OR x 1 Sprawl OR x 1 Burpee

x 10 JC x 1 Squat Scissor Shuffles x 1 Sprawl x 1 Burpee

x 8 JC x 1 Squat Scissor Shuffles x 1 Sprawl x 1 Burpee

x 6 JC x 1 Squat Scissor Shuffles x 1 Sprawl x 1 Burpee

x 4 JC x 1 Squat Scissor Shuffles x 1 Sprawl x 1 Burpee

x 2 JC x 1 Squat Scissor Shuffles x 1 Sprawl x 1 Burpee

1. Boxers & Pad Holders choose what level exercise they would like to do Level 1, 2 or Level 3

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Round 28: 60 Punches

x 50 JC x 10 Uppers x 5 Right Reach knee x 5 Left Reach knee

x 40 JC x 20 Uppers x 5 Right Reach knee x 5 Left Reach knee

x 30 JC x 30 Uppers x 5 Right Reach knee x 5 Left Reach knee

x 20 JC x 40 Uppers x 5 Right Reach knee x 5 Left Reach knee

x 10 JC x 50 Uppers x 5 Right Reach knee x 5 Left Reach knee

1. Punches always add up to 60

2. Both PH and Boxer can perform reach knees together

Round 29: Over, Middle, Under

x 50 OH x 50 JC x 50 U x 5 Squat Jumps

x 40 OH x 40 JC x 40 U x 4 Squat Jumps

x 30 OH x 30 JC x 30 U x 3 Squat Jumps

x 20 OH x 20 JC x 20 U x 2 Squat Jumps

x 10 OH x 10 JC x 10 U x 1 Squat Jumps

1. Both Boxer & PH can perform the exercise (squat jump)

2. A Squat can be performed for level 1, Squat jump for level 2

3. For second boxer change the exercise to a Star jump (level 1) or Power Jack (Level 2)

4. Fitter clients can start at x50 punches. Lower fitness level clients can start at x40 or x30


Round 30: Get those knees up

Both Boxer & Pad Holder

x100 U x5 Right reach knees x5 Left Reach Knees Squat Walk to cone & jog back

x80 U x5 Right reach knees x5 Left Reach Knees Squat Walk to cone & jog back

x60 U x5 Right reach knees x5 Left Reach Knees Squat Walk to cone & jog back

x40 U x5 Right reach knees x5 Left Reach Knees Squat Walk to cone & jog back

x20 U x5 Right reach knees x5 Left Reach Knees Squat Walk to cone & jog back

1. Can change Squat Walk to walking lunges for second boxer

10-15m 10-15m

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Round 31: Take the long way around

1. Set up cones approx 5-10m apart in a square. One square for each pair

2. Boxer performs x30 JC then both PH and B jog in a clockwise direction ¾ of the way around

the square until they get to the next cone in an anticlockwise direction to where they started

3. Perform x30 JC as explained above and so on until they arrive back at the starting cone then

change directions and repeat

Round 32: Circuit: 4 stations

Station 1 x20 Hard Uppers x10 Crunches x20 Overheads

Station 2 x10 J C LH RH x10 Cross Jumps x30 JC

Station 3 x10 Hammer Slams x30 High knees x40 Uppers

Station 4 x20 Reach knees (x10 each side) x10: x6 JC, x6 High knees x10: RH Bob LH Bob

1. Set up four cones 10-15m apart in one square and place one station at each cone with

cards/laminated paper explaining drills for each station

2. 1st

boxer completes all four stations and then change over

3. PH performs exercises as well

4. If group fitness everyone uses same square start at different stations to spread them around

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Round 33: Side step right, left and right again

Punches Low Side steps both B and PH

x100 JC x10 Hooks To right cone To left cone Right to meet partner

x80 JC x10 Hooks To right cone To left cone Right to meet partner

x60 JC x10 Hooks To right cone To left cone Right to meet partner

x40 JC x10 Hooks To right cone To left cone Right to meet partner

x20 JC x10 Hooks To right cone To left cone Right to meet partner

1. Set up 2 cones 10-15m apart

2. PH and B face each other in middle with cones to their left and right

3. After punches completed PH side step to their right and B to their right which should be in

opposite directions

Round 34: Got the Shuffles

Combo Boxer PH

x10 J C LH Bob Shuffles around pad holder Scissor shuffles

x9 J C LH Bob Shuffles around pad holder Scissor shuffles

x8 J C LH Bob Shuffles around pad holder Scissor shuffles

x7 J C LH Bob Shuffles around pad holder Scissor shuffles

x6 J C LH Bob Shuffles around pad holder Scissor shuffles

x5 J C LH Bob Shuffles around pad holder Scissor shuffles

x4 J C LH Bob Shuffles around pad holder Scissor shuffles

x3 J C LH Bob Shuffles around pad holder Scissor shuffles

x2 J C LH Bob Shuffles around pad holder Scissor shuffles

x1 J C LH Bob Shuffles around pad holder Scissor shuffles

1. B performs combo x10 times then shuffles around PH in a circle with feet in boxers stance,

small shuffles with feet while facing same way the whole way around

2. When back to starting position perform combo x9

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Round 35: 200 punches

1st Boxer 2nd


x20 JC x10 Cross Jumps x10 Burpees

x20 JC x9 Cross Jumps x9 Burpees

x20 JC x8 Cross Jumps x8 Burpees

x20 JC x7 Cross Jumps x7 Burpees

x20 JC x6 Cross Jumps x6 Burpees

x20 JC x5 Cross Jumps x5 Burpees

x20 JC x4 Cross Jumps x4 Burpees

x20 JC x3 Cross Jumps x3 Burpees

x20 JC x2 Cross Jumps x2 Burpees

x20 JC x1 Cross Jumps x1 Burpees

1. Both B & PH perform exercise together

Round 36: Rest while jogging

x50 U x6 Hooks Jog to cone x1 Burpee Jog back to middle

x40 U x6 Hooks Jog to cone x1 Burpee Jog back to middle

x30 U x6 Hooks Jog to cone x1 Burpee Jog back to middle

x20 U x6 Hooks Jog to cone x1 Burpee Jog back to middle

x10 U x6 Hooks Jog to cone x1 Burpee Jog back to middle

1. Change exercise to a Tuck Jump instead of Burpee for second boxer

Round 37: Heavy Arms

Boxer Pad Holder

x100 JC Push Ups Runs to cone x10 Burpees Run back to Boxer

x80 JC Push Ups Runs to cone x8 Burpees Run back to Boxer

x60 JC Push Ups Runs to cone x6 Burpees Run back to Boxer

x40 JC Push Ups Runs to cone x4 Burpees Run back to Boxer

x20 JC Push Ups Runs to cone x2 Burpees Run back to Boxer

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Round 38: Over, Up & Over

x 50 Overheads x 10 Uppers x 4 Jumps over partners legs

x 40 Overheads x 20 Uppers x 4 Jumps over partners legs

x 30 Overheads x 30 Uppers x 4 Jumps over partners legs

x 20 Overheads x 40 Uppers x 4 Jumps over partners legs

x 10 Overheads x 50 Uppers x 4 Jumps over partners legs

1. PH sits on ground with legs out straight and B jumps over legs

2. Punches always add up to 60

Round 39: Fast as you can


Boxer 2nd


x20 High Knees x10 Scissor Shuffles

x30 JC x30 JC

x10 Speed Skaters x10 Russian Twists

x20 Hooks x20 Hooks

x10 Bicycle Crunches x10 Sumo Squat ankle reaches

x20 Upper cuts x20 Upper cuts

1. Set timer for 2 minutes (can increase if you wish)

2. Continuously go through all exercises in first box in order until 2 minutes is up

3. Eg, once finished x20 Uppers go back to start x20 high knees

4. B & PH both complete exercises together as fast as they can

5. Work flat out for 2 minutes then change over and also change exercises to second box

Round 40 : Half the high knees

Pad Holder Boxer

x100 Uppers x10 Overheads x50 High knees Plank on elbows

x80 Uppers x10 Overheads x40 High knees Plank on elbows

x60 Uppers x10 Overheads x30 High knees Plank on elbows

x40 Uppers x10 Overheads x20 High knees Plank on elbows

x20 Uppers x10 Overheads x10 High knees Plank on elbows

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Round 41: Dirty Thirty

30 seconds plank Jog to meet partner 30 seconds Overheads Jog back to cone

30 seconds plank Jog to meet partner 30 seconds JC Jog back to cone

30 seconds plank Jog to meet partner 30 seconds J C LH RU Jog back to cone

30 seconds plank Jog to meet partner 30 seconds Hard Uppers Jog back to cone

1. Change plank on elbows to mountain climbers for second boxer if you like

Round 42: 100 High knees

Pad Holder Boxer

x50 JC x20 High Knees x10 Squat Jumps Push Ups knees or toes

x40 JC x20 High Knees x10 Squat Jumps Push Ups knees or toes

x30 JC x20 High Knees x10 Squat Jumps Push Ups knees or toes

x20 JC x20 High Knees x10 Squat Jumps Push Ups knees or toes

x10 JC x20 High Knees x10 Squat Jumps Push Ups knees or toes

1. Both PH & B perform high knees

Round 43: Captain Hook

Level 1 Level 2

x50 Hooks x10 Squat rotations x6 Squat & step turn 180o Jog to cone & back

x40 Hooks x10 Squat rotations OR x6 Squat & step turn 180o Jog to cone & back

x30 Hooks x10 Squat rotations x6 Squat & step turn 180o Jog to cone & back

x20 Hooks x10 Squat rotations x6 Squat & step turn 180o Jog to cone & back

x10 Hooks x10 Squat rotations x6 Squat & step turn 180o Jog to cone & back

1. Choose either level 1 or level 2 for the exercise dependent of level of fitness

2. Change exercise to x10 Lunge jumps or x6 static lunges for second boxer

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Round 44: MC Hammered

Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

x50 JC x10 Hammer Slams x10 arse to grass & vertical jump Squat jump Squat & calf raise

x40 JC x10 Hammer Slams x8 arse to grass & vertical jump Squat jump Squat & calf raise

x30 JC x10 Hammer Slams x6 arse to grass & vertical jump Squat jump Squat & calf raise

x20 JC x10 Hammer Slams x4 arse to grass & vertical jump Squat jump Squat & calf raise

x10 JC x10 Hammer Slams x10 arse to grass & vertical jump Squat jump Squat & calf raise

1. Exercise choose level 1, 2 or 3 dependent of fitness level

2. Both PH & B perform exercise

3. Change exercise to Burpee, Sprawl or step legs back to push up position if needed or keep as


Round 45: Up 2, Back 1

x30 JC Jog up two cones Jog back one cone x30 JC

1. Set up 6 cones as above approx 5m apart

2. Continue the up two cones and back one cone x4 times one way then turn and come back

the other way to where you started

Round 46: Roll Up, Roll Up

x10 J RH LU C x1 Squat x1 Rolling Get Up

x9 J RH LU C x1 Squat x1 Rolling Get Up

x8 J RH LU C x1 Squat x1 Rolling Get Up

x7 J RH LU C x1 Squat x1 Rolling Get Up

x6 J RH LU C x1 Squat x1 Rolling Get Up

x5 J RH LU C x1 Squat x1 Rolling Get Up

x4 J RH LU C x1 Squat x1 Rolling Get Up

x3 J RH LU C x1 Squat x1 Rolling Get Up

x2 J RH LU C x1 Squat x1 Rolling Get Up

x1 J RH LU C x1 Squat x1 Rolling Get Up

1. Use mats for rolling get up if your ground is not soft

2. Rolling Get Up (Roll Up) as seen in Bootcamp ideas #30bcideas

3. PH keeps squatting while Boxer does Rolling Get Up

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Combos: choose one Combo round for each 1 hour session

1. Boxer 1 performs first row of punches (combo) in order for the certain number of times in

purple (x 15)

2. Once x15 of the first combo have been completed. Move on to the second row of the combo

and another punch will be introduced. Repeat for the nominated amount of times.

3. Once completed the number of times. Move to last row of the combo and another punch (or

two) will be introduced.

4. Once all three rows have been completed. Change over and repeat for Boxer 2.

5. PH counts

Combos 1

Left reach knee J C x 15

Left reach knee J C LH x 15

Left reach knee J C LH RU x 15

Combos 2

J RH LU x 15

J RH LU C x 15

J RH LU C LH x 15

Combos 3

J C LH x 15

J C LH RH Bob x 15

J C LH RH Bob C x 15

Combos 4

Right Swing Knee C J x 15

Right Swing Knee C J C x 15

Right Swing Knee C J C LH x 15

Combos 5

Right Swing Knee RU LU x 15

Right Swing Knee RU LU RH x 15

Right Swing Knee RU LU RH J C x 15

Combos 6

R Reach Knee C J x 15

R Reach Knee C J RU x 15

R Reach Knee C J RU LU C x 15

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Combos 7

J C LH x 15

J C LH RH Bob & step out x 15

J C LH RH Bob & step out Step in & C x 15

Bob & Step out is performed in one motion. Bob down, and step back foot backwards and weave

your body as though you are ducking under a punch. Then step back in with your front foot ready to

start next punch.

Combos 8

x2 Quick J C J x 15

x2 Quick J C J RH x 15

x2 Quick J C J RH L Reach knee R Reach knee x 15

Combos 9

Right swing knee C LH x 15

Right swing knee C LH RU x 15

Right swing knee C LH RU J OHC x 15

OHC = Overhead Cross. Overhead punch of strongest hand ie if you are right handed it would be a

right over head cross

Combos 10

J C LH x 15

J C LH Bob RH x 15

J C LH Bob RH LU x 15

Combos 11

Left Swing Knee J RU x 15

Left Swing Knee J RU LU x 15

Left Swing Knee J RU LU RH x 15

Combos 12

Left Swing Knee J C J x 15

Left Swing Knee J C J x2 RU x 15

Left Swing Knee J C J x2 RU LH x 15

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Group Drills Great fun if you have a group of people in your boxing class. It gets them together all performing

the drill as a team and makes it lots of fun

Group Drill 1: Mexican Wave Runner

Boxers PH


Round JC fast Scissor Shuffles


Round C LH Scissor Shuffles


Round J RH Scissor Shuffles


Round U fast Scissor Shuffles

1. Set up a line of cones around 5-8m apart from a line of pad holders

2. All boxers start with first round of punches (JC fast)

3. First boxer in the line turns and runs to the cone and back

4. As soon as Boxer 1 is back & punching, Boxer 2 turns and runs to cone and back

5. This continues down the line like a Mexican wave

6. Once the last boxer in the line has run to cone and back they run twice and the wave starts

again to get back to where it started

7. Whether the last boxer runs twice or once will depend on their fitness level, everyone else

will run twice but will get a rest in between runs

8. If you have a lot of pairs (more than 5-6) you may only need to move the running wave

down the line once and then change punches to round 2

9. PH performs scissor shuffles while waiting for boxer to return from running

10. Quick rest after first round and then perform second round of punches with wave run and so

on until 4 rounds are complete an then change B & PH and repeat

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Group Drill 2: Whistle Blower

• A

• A

1. All boxers start punching the first round of punches

2. Punching continues until whistle is blown by instructor

3. Once whistle is blown the boxer turns and sprints as fast as they can away from the PH

4. The instructor blows a second whistle sound and the boxer then stops, turns and runs

back to the PH (Boxer sprints as far away as they can, so it’s great for varying fitness


5. As soon as boxer gets back to PH they start next round of punches

6. Once all boxers are back punching, instructor decides when to blow next whistle (around

the 30 second mark for punches) and get boxers to sprint out as fast as they can away

from PH again until they hear a second whistle (could be 5 seconds up to 20 seconds) for

them to stop and come back

7. PH Mountain climbers while waiting for boxers to run

Boxers Whistle blown Boxer Pad Holders


Round Overheads SPRINTS Mountain Climbers


Round Hooks SPRINTS Mountain Climbers

3rd Round J C LH RU SPRINTS Mountain Climbers

4th Round JC fast SPRINTS Mountain Climbers

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Group Drill 3: Moving Pad Holders

1. Set up two lines of B with their PH approx 10-15m apart

2. Everyone starts boxing x30 punches

3. Once finished: Boxer turns and runs to other end to find an empty PH

4. PH side-steps from one cone to another until a boxer comes to stop them to perform


5. PH can choose what punches the boxer will do: JC, U, H or OH

6. Boxer can go to any PH, perform punches then turn and run to cones with next line of PH to

find a spare PH

7. Boxer will run 6 times, up and back = 2 times

8. Then change over and repeat





Pad Holders: Side stepping

Pad Holders: Side stepping

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Group Drill 4: Race you Round

Round 1 x10 JC, x10 U

Round 2 J C LH RU

Round 3 x4 Hooks, x1 Bob

1. Set up cones in a circle and each pair has a cone, 5-6 pairs is a good size if more numbers

then split into two smaller circles rather than having one circle with 10 pairs

2. All boxers start boxing the allocated punches for Round 1

3. Choose a pair to start, they will run in opposite directions around the circle and try to race

their partner back to their cone. PH runs clockwise B runs anti-clockwise for example

4. Once they are both back to the cone they start boxing

5. The next pair in the circle (to their right) will then run in opposite directions around the

circle and try to race their partner back to the cone

6. This continues with each pair in a Mexican wave style until each pair has run around the

circle and you are back to the original starting pair then everyone can stop boxing and rest

7. All boxers (except the runner) are performing the punches allocated the whole time while

pairs are running around circle

8. Once everyone has ran then the punches change and the wave running starts again for

round 2

9. Continue for three rounds: three different boxing punches and everyone run three times

around circle

10. Change over and repeat

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Group Drill 5: Move Right

1. Set up cones in a circle with each pair on a cone

2. Boxers on inside of circle and PH on outside

3. Boxer performs x20 JC

4. Boxer sidesteps to their right (anticlockwise) and PH sidesteps to their right (clockwise) to

the next cone they come to & scissor shuffle until new PH arrives

5. With a new PH, perform x20 JC and then continue to sidestep around the circle

6. Time for 1-2 minutes

7. Instructor can yell out CHANGE and have everyone change direction when they sidestep.

Boxers: clockwise and Pad holders: anticlockwise

8. Change over B & PH and repeat

All PH



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Group Drill 6: Create a Combo

1. On pieces of card (laminated paper) write two punches on each card one under the other as

shown above

2. Split the cards into Left hand punches and Right handed punches and group them that way

on the ground with the cards upside down so punches can’t be seen

3. Have everyone planking in a line approx 10-15m away from the cards

4. Everyone planks on elbows while the first pair in the line run to the cards and pad holder

chooses one left card and boxer chooses one right card and brings the cards back to the

group who are planking

5. They read out the boxing combo to the group

6. The above example combo on the cards will be performed in this order: J, RU, LOH, RH

7. Boxers perform x10 of that 4 punch combo then everyone down to plank and second pair

runs out to grab a left and right card and bring back to the group to perform x10 combo

8. Go through until all pairs have collected a card each and then change over and repeat

Suggested punches for each car:





























Left Right



Example of cards: Left and right


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Group Drill 7: Backwards and Forwards

1. Have the pad holders stand in a line about 5m apart

2. Boxers starts at their partner, performs x20 Straight punches

3. Then all boxers jog backwards together on an angle away from Pad holder to cones that are

behind them in a line parallel to Pad Holders approx 6m away

4. Once they’ve reached the cone line, jog forwards on an angle towards the next pad holder in


5. Pad Holders star jumping while waiting for boxers to arrive

6. Once at the end of the line run around the outside and back to the start to first pad holder

7. Looks great when all boxers are in sync with one another punching & jogging at the same


8. Depending how many clients you have, boxers can do a full round once or twice then change

boxers and pad holders over

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Group Drill 8: Choose your own Destiny

Green: numbers Purple: Exercise

x10 JC

x15 Sit-up Slams

x20 Hooks

x25 Uppers

x30 Hammer Slams

x35 Overheads

1. Set up cones in a circle and write on cards or laminated paper the suggestions above. One

set of cards has a number written on it and the other has the punches or exercise to perform

2. Make sure they are upside down so no one can see what’s on the cards and on the side

showing put a green or purple cross relating to what’s on the underside of the card

3. Everyone starts planking on elbows around the circle

4. First pair run in and B grabs a green card and PH grabs a purple card

5. Runs back out and lets everyone know punches/exercise they’ll be doing and how many

6. Perform the first cards and then everyone down planking again and next pair goes into

middle to choose two cards

7. Go around the circle until each pair has chosen a card and then change over B and PH and


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Group Drill 9: One Less Circle

1. PH’s in middle facing out

2. B performs x20 JC

3. B runs around circle in clockwise direction to one person less than where they started

4. B performs x20 JC and runs around circle again to one less PH where they just were

5. Once B back to starting position can change direction and repeat

6. Change over and repeat

7. PH scissor shuffles on same cone while waiting for next B to arrive

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Group Drill 10: Cross Over Drill

Similar to ‘Kaizen Outdoor Fitness’ Cross over drill but with punches

1. Perform punches and then PH and B run in opposite directions around the circle until they

meet, they then perform next set of punches and run in opposite directions again.

2. Multiple drills you can use in the cross over drill, here are some examples below

Round 1: x10 J C LH RU, run, x9 J C LH RU, run, x8 J C LH RU, run... x2 J C LH RU, run, x1 J C LH RU run

Round 2: x100 U, x5 sit-up slams, run, x80 U, x5 sit-up slams, run, x60 U, x5 sit up slams, run….x20 U,

x5 sit-up slams

Round 3: x50 JC, x10 OH, run, x40 JC, x10 OH, run….x20 JC, x10 OH, run, x10 JC, x10 OH, run

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Group Drill 11: Pad Holders Squared

Boxer Pad Holder

x20 JC Jog backwards to cone Sprint to next


x20 JC Repeat around the

square x6

Star Jumps

while waiting

for boxer

1. In groups of four set up around one square as shown above.

2. Boxers start at same time and both work their way around the square to each PH

3. PH stays at cone and performs Star Jumps

Group Drill 12: Count your punches

Team A = 1st

Boxers 30 seconds JC Fast as


PH counts boxers


Add up all punches

of Team A

Team B aim to beat Team A’s score

Team B = 2nd

Boxers 30 seconds JC fast as


PH counts boxers


Add up all punches

of Team B

Repeat as above but this time Team A & Team B try to beat their individual score from their 1st


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Group Drill 13: Gettin’ Dizzy – Zig Zag Circles

x20 JC Jog to next PH in zig zag Jog around PH inside to outside x20 JC Jog & circle next PH

1. Go through twice and change over

2. Works well with at least 5-6 pairs

3. Move to each PH in a zig zag motion

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Group Drill 14: First to 5 Burpees

Pad Holder Boxer

x100 JC Jog to cone & Scissor Shuffles First to x5 Burpees Sprint to Boxer

x80 JC Jog to cone & Scissor Shuffles First to x5 Burpees Sprint to Boxer

x60 JC Jog to cone & Scissor Shuffles First to x5 Burpees Sprint to Boxer

x40 JC Jog to cone & Scissor Shuffles First to x5 Burpees Sprint to Boxer

x20 JC Jog to cone & Scissor Shuffles First to x5 Burpees Sprint to Boxer

1. Once boxer completed punches they start to perform Burpees

2. The first Boxer to complete x5 Burpees yells out ‘done’ & then all boxers can run at same

time to other end to meet PH and start next lot of punches

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Group Drill 15: Pay it Forward

x30 JC Jog forward to next cone x5 star jumps x30 JC

= PH move forward = Boxer move forward

1. Line up in pairs so you are facing in same direction as the cones are running for example,

cones running East-West, boxer faces West, PH faces East

2. After punches both jog forward to next cone, B & PH will be moving in opposite directions

3. If there are no cones left to move forward jog to start of your line

4. Perform x5 star jumps before starting next x30 JC

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Group Drill 16: Pass the Sprawl

Punches Everyone in circle Mexican wave style

30 secs Fast JC High Knees Pass the Sprawl around the circle

30 secs Overheads High Knees Pass the Sprawl around the circle

30 secs Low punches in squat position High Knees Pass the Sprawl around the circle

30 secs Uppers High Knees Pass the Sprawl around the circle

1. Once 30 seconds of punching completed, everyone create a circle and start high knees

2. One person start by completing x1 Sprawl, once complete, person to their left do a Sprawl

3. Continue this until everyone in the circle has completed one sprawl one at a time

4. Once back to the starting person start next 30 seconds of punches and repeat with passing

sprawl around circle, Mexican wave style

5. Change over and change Sprawl to arse to grass & vertical jump

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Group Drill 17: In Sync Punches

1. All boxers start boxing together and move to next PH once done punches and start star


2. Once all boxers are doing star jumps you can let them know they can start boxing again and

increase punches to x20 JC

3. Repeat this drill until you have increased the number of punches to match the amount of PH

you have in the line. For example if there are x8 PH you would go up to x80 JC then change

over and new boxers start at x10 JC

4. PH performs fast feet while they are waiting for boxers to finish star jumps

Boxer Pad Holder

x10 JC Move to next PH Star Jumps Fast Feet

x20 JC Move to next PH Star Jumps Fast Feet

x30 JC Move to next PH Star Jumps Fast Feet

x40 JC Move to next PH Star Jumps Fast Feet

x50 JC Move to next PH Star Jumps Fast Feet

x60 JC Move to next PH Star Jumps Fast Feet

x70 JC Move to next PH Star Jumps Fast Feet

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Group Drill 18: Keep on Jogging

Boxer Pad Holder

x40 Over Heads x40 JC x40 Uppers Jog to Green cones Jog to purple cones

x30 Over Heads x30 JC x30 Uppers Jog to Green cones Jog to purple cones

x20 Over Heads x20 JC x20 Uppers Jog to Green cones Jog to purple cones

x10 Over Heads x10 JC x10 Uppers Jog to Green cones Jog to purple cones

1. Spread pairs around circle set up as above with alternating coloured cones

2. Once boxers finished the first lot of punches x40 of each, start jogging to green cones & pad

holder jogs to purple cones

3. Must not jog to a coloured cone adjacent the cone you are at

4. Keep jogging until instructor blows whistle

5. Can either find original partner or find a new partner who is closet

6. Vary jogging times after each round of punches

Thank you for investing in my manuals. I hope these sessions provide you with some fun and

challenging new workouts.

If you have any questions about the drills please contact me at [email protected]

Kind Regards and happy boxing


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