
Amnesia: The Dark Descent: FAQ/Walkthrough by Mr_Popadopalis Version 1.0, Last Updated 2010-09-14 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameF AQs Return to Amnesia: The Dark Descent (PC) FAQs & Guides Liked this FAQ? Click here to recommend this item to other users. Amnesia: The Dark Descent Walkthrough/Guide By Walter White/Mr_Popadopalis September 10th, 2010 Contact - plopadopgfaqs at hotmail dot com Version History September 14th, 2010 - V1 Basic guide completed, probably several error throughout. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Foreward [am00] 2. Walkthrough Rainy Hall........................................................[am01] Old Archives......................................................[am02] Entrance Hall.....................................................[am03] Laboratory 1......................................................[am04] Archives..........................................................[am05] Wine Cellar/Laboratory 2..........................................[am06] Refinery..........................................................[am07] Cellar Archives...................................................[am08] Archive Tunnels...................................................[am09] Back Hall.........................................................[am10] Study.............................................................[am11] Guest Room........................................................[am12] Storage...........................................................[am13] Machine Room......................................................[am14] Prison - Southern Block...........................................[am15] Prison - Northern Block...........................................[am16] Entrance to Cistern...............................................[am17] Control Room......................................................[am18] Cistern...........................................................[am19] Morgue............................................................[am20] Sewer.............................................................[am21] Nave..............................................................[am22] Choir.............................................................[am23] Transcept.........................................................[am24] Chancel...........................................................[am25] Nave 2............................................................[am26] Cells.............................................................[am27] Nave 3............................................................[am28] Chancel...........................................................[am29] Inner Sanctum.....................................................[am30] Orb Chamber/Endings...............................................[am31] 3. FAQs [am32] 4. Closing [am33] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Foreward [am00] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Amnesia: The Dark Descent is the latest game from the makers of the Penumbra series, Frictional Games. This game puts us in the roll of Daniel, a man who finds himself trapped inside of a massive castle sometime in the 1830's. He has little to no memory of how he got to where he is now. The only clue is a letter he wrote to himself prior to losing his memory, explaining that there is an unstoppable shadow hunting him and that he is to kill a man named Alexander. Amnesia is a adventure/horror survival game. It has placed a large emphasis on atmosphere and immersion. It's best to play the game at night, alone, inside of a dark room, and wearing headphones. To increase the feeling of helplessness the game features no weapons and no ways to kill the shadow chasing after him. To get the best experience you should try to play this game on your own. Don't follow the guide word for word. Doing that ruins the immersion, something the developers spent a lot of time working on. You should use this guide as a last resort, such as if you aren't sure where to go next or how to solve a puzzle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------RAINY HALL [am01]

It is time to begin. Are you excited? I know I am! Sit back and watch as our main character, Daniel, walks through the halls of the castle, slowly losing his memory. You can slightly control Daniel during this, in fact I believe it's encouraged that you do. When you wake up you'll be treated to rose pedals lightly falling, a trail of mysterious liquid on the floor, and a nice soft thunderstorm outside. When you get up a memento will be added to your journal. These mementos act as hints or reminders as to what you need to do to proceed. Press "m" to look at them, or press "j" and then select Mementos. This particular memento tells us to "Follow the liquid trail and find its source." So...let's do that. The hallway to your left is blocked by rubble. Behind you is a door. Open it up and grab your very first TINDERBOX. These tinderboxes are one of your greatest assets in the game. They can be used to light candles, torches, or lamps. They are not re-usable, however, so try to use them somewhat sparingly. Turn right and continue to follow the liquid trail. As you progress a door will swing open. Grab the TINDERBOX inside of the cabinet to your right, and then proceed through the door that had just swung open and grab the TINDERBOX that's sitting on the table. Leave this room and continue on following the trail of liquid, making sure to grab another TINDERBOX in the other cabinet. Go up the stairs and follow the hallway until you find yourself in a larger room with an overturned cabinet. There's a TINDERBOX on the far wall in the first room on the right, but make sure not to stay in there for too long as the darkness drain your sanity. As your sanity gets lower and lower it will be harder to move around and see exactly what you're doing, and it can eventually kill you too. Just don't stay in the darkness for too long and you should be okay. The next room will affirm the point about staying out of the darkness. Leave this room and follow that liquid trail, down the stairs, and into the... OLD ARCHIVES [am02]

Continue on forward. In the room that swings open you'll find two TINDERBOXES on the wall opposite the door. Like before, try to make your trip into the darkness as brief as possible. Continue to follow the liquid trail into the next room. In the chest on your left you'll find a TINDERBOX, and on the floor beside the table you will find the LANTERN. The lantern is, by far, one of the very most important items in the game. Make sure you don't miss it. It will create a light source for you without having to use a tinderbox, but it requires oil to maintain its light. You can find these jars of oil scattered around the game, but like the tinderboxes try to use it somewhat sparingly. You can activate it by pushing "f". This next little corridor is dark. You can either use your lantern (at the cost of losing oil), use one of your tinderboxes to light a torch along the left wall (at the cost of losing a tinderbox), or you can just plain old run (left shift is the default) on through. I suggest just running through it. Not too cabinet trail. sure to much in this next little room, except for a TINDERBOX inside the by the fireplace. Continue on and there we go, the end of the liquid The game seems to want you to read that note. So, do that. Also make grab the JAR OF OIL next to the letter.

Turn left and flick on that lantern. Along the left wall you should see a lever. Pull it. A secret passage will open up to your right. Nifty, huh? Go on through the passage until you find a door that leads to the... ENTRANCE HALL [am03]

Walk into this next big chamber. In the center of the room you'll hear a flashback; a conversation between yourself and somebody named Alexander, the person the note to yourself told you to kill. It sounds like he's in a place called the Inner Sanctum. Wanna take a guess as to what our ultimate goal is? Turn around and go down the large hallway behind you. To your left you'll find a chest with a TINDERBOX and a JAR OF OIL in it. One of the bookshelves, also on the left side, has a TINDERBOX too. If you want you can try and leave through the big doors. A big fleshly looking growth will stop you though. :( Turn around and go down the stairs. When you open the door you'll be treated with the same fleshy growths that were on the door. Approach it, touch it, and you'll learn that it is an organic compound. Daniel wonders if it can be dissolved. Turn around and go to the little hallway off to your right. To your left, down the stairs, you'll find the Wine Cellar. It's locked right now though, so let's forget about it and head up the stairs to get to the... LABORATORY [am04]

It will be dark in here, so either take out your lantern or run over to the torch on the wall and use one of your tinderboxes. To your right you'll find a JAR OF OIL next to the cave-in of rocks. Leave through the only other door in this bottom area and go down the stairs. Light the torch in front of you. When you find yourself in a smaller area where you know you'll be spending some time, whether it be solving a puzzle or otherwise, it's always smarter just to light a candle rather than waste all of your oil while standing around. Check the little hallway to the right of you. You should find two TINDERBOXES; one sitting on the ground amongst the boxes,

and another inside a chest on the right. Swing around the corner to the other side of the room. You'll be treated to another auditory flashback. Pick up the note on the table. It details four chemicals that can be combined in order to make some sort of acid. This is quite relevant to our current situation. Pick up the CHEMISTRY POT next to the note. Search the drawers of the desk to find a TINDERBOX, and search the compartment on the right to find a neat (and if you've played the Penumbra games an oddly familiar) artifact. There's a TINDERBOX on the shelves to the left, and a JAR OF OIL on the shelves to the right. Go to the table with all the fancy looking lab equipment and pick up the note. It seems the ingredients we require to mix our concoction are in the wine cellar. Go back to the start of this area and re-enter the... ENTRANCE HALL The wine cellar is locked and requires a key. Let's look for one, shall we? Head back into the main area and go up the stairs and to the end of the hallway. The little staircase off to the right has a blocked doorway, but also a TINDERBOX sitting near the bottom steps. Grab it and go to the only other available door, the entrance to the... ARCHIVES [am05]

Enter the first door on the right and pick up the diary entry. Go across the hall and light a candle or two. You can always use the lantern too, but as I previously mentioned it's probably just easier to use a tinderbox. Pick up the letter on the bookcase to the right, and search the drawers of the desk to find a TINDERBOX. Leave this room through the door to the right of the desk and go across the hall into the Old Tomes room. By this point I think that you can figure it out on your own whether or not you should light a candle or use the lantern, so I'm not going to point it out. Just use your best judgment, I know you can do it! The chest behind desk holds a JAR OF OIL and a TINDERBOX. That's it for this room. Go back to the hallway and try to enter the Local History Room. Locked. Drats. The memento suggests that we might have to find another way in. Head to the right and enter the large hallway/chamber sort of thing. I'm not sure what to call it. Turn left and follow the path until you come across a piano and a table with a JAR OF OIL next to it. Continue on and enter the room to the right, Floor Plans. Approach the display in the middle of the three little corridors and a flashback will occur. The corridor on the left contains a TINDERBOX on the shelf, and the corridor on the right has a chest with another TINDERBOX and a JAR OF OIL. Leave this room and go across the hall to the Maps room. Search the desk drawers for a TINDERBOX and grab the note to be transported away. If you've been reading the notes (if you haven't been then you're really missing out on a massive portion of this game. Seriously, read them.) you should be somewhat familiar with where you are. Just approach the blue light and try to pick up the orb. You'll wake up in the same room as before. Exit it and turn to your left. A not so cleverly disguised hole should greet you. If you interact with it you'll find that it can't be broken by hand. A rock from that nearby pile of rubble should do nicely though. Go grab one, carry it over, and throw it (by

using right mouse whilst holding it) at the hole. Now you should be able to fit through the previously out-of-bounds Local History Room. A flashback should give you a nice little hint on what you need to do in here. Take a look at the bookcase to your right...there's obviously a hallway behind it. Now take a look at the first bookshelf along the left wall, right next to the hole in the wall. There should be a book that stands out from the rest. It is brighter in color and slightly glowing. Pull it. You should hear a familiar voice. Now run across to the other side of the room. There are two more glowing books that you need to pull out before the time limit is up. One is on the bookshelf closest to the three glass cases, and one is on the bookshelf closest to the suspicious bookcase. If you pull all three fast enough the suspicious looking bookcase will move, revealing a "hidden" room. The drawers of the desk should yield a note. However, the most important object in this room is the KEY. Pick it up. Fantastic, now we can enter the Wine Cellar and grab the chemicals we need to make our acid!! Go back and you'll find that the previous locked door has now mysteriously opened. This is the door that we previously tried on our way in and found it locked, remember? Time to navigate back to the Wine Cellar. If you back to the big hallway/ chamber area you'll catch a glimpse of a strange looking thing walk into a doorway. That is actually the quickest way back to the entrance hall, so go exactly where he went, turn left, and return once again to the... ENTRANCE HALL Oh boy, it's our pals again! Go down the stairs, to the right, and use our fresh from the archives key. To use the key you'll first have to get it out of your inventory (tab, then double clicking on the key). The game will tell you this too though, so no worries. Unlock the door and open it up to go to the... WINE CELLAR [am06]

Once again the game will warn you about not staying in the darkness for too long. Go to the bottom of the stairs and you'll be treated to a flashback. If you're interested the map of this area is on the wall to the right. From looking at the map spin around 180 degrees and go through the door that was directly behind you. Beyond all your best judgment open up and go through the scary door in this next room. Approach the chest for a rather disturbing flashback. Inside the chest is a TINDERBOX. Go to the room on your left and pick up the note and the AQUA REGIA bottle on the desk. Go back to the main area and enter the slightly opened door to your left. To the right you'll find a barrel containing "a few drops of oil" which you can use with your lantern. There's also a TINDERBOX on the shelf next to the barrel. Another TINDERBOX can be found on the desk with the big piece of rope on it. However, the most important item in this room is on the floor next to the overturned table. A JAR OF CALAMINE. Pick it up. Fantastic. Pick up the pieces of rubble and push them away from door as you would a regular object. A couple of rocks and two support beams later you should be able to open up the door and re-enter the main area. Swing around to the other side of the stairs and enter the door along the back wall.

Turn left and check the shelf at the end of the hallway. There will be some LAUDANUM waiting for you. Laudanum is the healing item for this game. They can be used to heal your physical wounds if you ever get hurt. Continue on to the area where our friend was standing, picking up the TINDERBOX on the shelf near the door along the way. Enter this next room, head to the back area, and pick up the ORPIMENT JAR. You can also grab a TINDERBOX on the bottom area of one of the shelves. Re-enter the main area. Now it's finally time to go to that door at the bottom of the stairs. Grab the JAR OF CUPRITE sitting on the desk. And now we are done here. Leave this room, go back up the stairs, and go back to the... ENTRANCE HALL We've got all four of the ingredients we set out to gather. Go up the stairs to the... LABORATORY Head on down to the fancy looking lab equipment. There's four empty spots and we have four ingredients from the wine cellar. Go into your inventory and place the ingredients we just found into their respective jars. Next you'll want to place the CHEMISTRY POT at the end of the chain of chemicals. Turn the valve that's next to the jars and you'll turn on the burner. Turn each of the valves above the jars and voila! You're officially a chemist. Pick up the POT OF ACID and leave this room. Uh oh, that doesn't look good. Go to the corner of the room and grab yourself one of those boxes. Bring it over to the large piece of fallen staircase and place it down. Jump on top of the crate and give yourself a running jump to land on the rightmost piece of wood. Now you're able to continue to the... ENTRANCE HALL At long last we can finally get rid of that pesky growth that was blocking our way earlier. Go to the bottom of the stairs and use the POT OF ACID on the growth. Finally, all of that hard work paid off. Now you're free to enter the door to the... REFINERY [am07]

A dark, spooky hallway. Oh boy. Follow the hallway's twists and turns while listening to a flashback. When you reach the main room you'll see a familiar sight. This Grunt is now walking around this area with you. If you ever find yourself near him turn off your lantern and find a hiding spot. Those cabinets work perfectly, and for the most part so do dark corners and places behind crates. Just make sure that when you're hiding you're crouched and around no light source. Oh, and don't look at the thing for too long as it will lower your sanity level. Go to where the monster was and turn right. Enter the door at the end of the hallway and close the door behind you. It's a good idea to shut all the doors to the room you're in when there's monsters afoot. A TINERBOX can be found on the lower part of a cabinet on the right, and a diary page on the table next to it. Enter the next room. There's a TINDERBOX on the shelf to your left. Continue to the next room. Behind the lone crate to your left you can find a TINDERBOX.

The door on the left leads back to the bigger area and the door on the right is blocked by something on the other side. Walk past the big table and into the next room. Pick up the diary page off of the table and the LAUDANUM off of the wine rack. The next room over holds a JAR OF OIL on the bottom of the only shelf in the room. Return back to the area that contains the door that is blocked from the other side. To the right of the door you should see a stack of crates. Move them aside and you'll find yourself a hole in the wall. Crawl on through. On your right there's a barrel with a bit of oil in it. On one of the bookshelves you'll also find a TINDERBOX. Next to the two barrels that were blocking the door from before you should see a crank. Follow the rope that the crank is attached to and you'll see a trap door. If you try and use the crank you'll find that something appears to be hindering its ability to open the trap door. Look up and you should see something stuck in one of the pulleys. Grab a crate from somewhere in the room and drag it underneath the troublesome pulley. Jump up onto the crate and slide to obstruction back and forth until it breaks free. Now you're able to turn the crank and open the trap door. Crawl on through the trap door and follow the hallway until you reach the... CELLAR ARCHIVES [am08]

Walk forward and you'll find that shit just got real. Run and hop onto one of the crates to your right. As long as you don't go into the water those things, waterlurkers, won't be able to get you. Make running jumps from crate to crate to traverse this area. If you have to go into the water (and you unfortunately will) get in and out as fast as you can. Jump across to the room on the right. You're going to have to jump in the water to get to the first crate in there though. Do it fast. Pull the lever on the wall up and listen to the sounds of a mechanism starting up. The good news is that this will open up the exit at the end of this flooded hallway. Hooray! The bad news is that this door is timed and you'll have to make your way there quickly if you want to make it through. Boo! It will probably take you a few practice runs to get there in time/still slive so don't fret if you don't make it the first time you try. But, let's give it our best anyways. Exit the room, dipping into the water briefly to re-enter the corridor. Jump forward and then to your left. The next set of crates across from you will also require you to go into the water. Jump and splash your way to them as quickly as possible. In the room to your left you can find a Laudanum in the back right hand corner. You won't have time to grab it if you plan on making it to the door in time, but if you're just practicing/getting the route down you might as well grab it. Or not. It's your call. Jump forward, forward, and then to the right. The rest of the route is pretty much in a nice straight line for you. At the end of it all you should see the gate. If you were quick enough you can zip on through. If not you're going to have to go back to the room at the start of this area, pull the lever, and try again. When you manage to make it through enter the next area and hop onto the crates on the right. On the other side of the room you'll see another gate. Unlike the last one this one is not timed. It's opened by turning a wheel. However,

to turn this wheel you'll have to stand in the water, which I'm certain you've realized is not a good idea. See that pile of dead flesh next to you? You Waterlurker. Pick a piece up and throw it as can. Wait until you actually see or hear the If you jump into the water while he's heading it and chase after you instead. can use that to distract the far away from you as you possibly monster start to eat the flesh. towards it he'll forget all about

When he's occupied with his snack silently drop (no jumping or diving) into the water. Wade your way through the water until you reach the next set of crates by the gate. When your monster is finished eating his current meal throw him another hunk of flesh as far away as you can. Repeat the process the same as before, silently dropping in and completing your objective. This time you'll want to turn the wheel as fast as you fucking can though. Keep in mind that you only need to open it enough so that you can crawl through. Squeeze through and open the next door. Jump on the crates to your left and grab the HOLLOW NEEDLE off of the shelf. Take it out of your inventory and use it on the door. Phew, now we can enter the... ARCHIVE TUNNELS [am09]

Hmm, water again. Doesn't sound like there's any monsters though. You might actually be safe now... Maybe not. This monster is going to give chase to you so hold down that left shift button and run like hell. Make sure to shut the doors behind you as it can buy you extra time. At the first fork in the road turn left, as the right path will lead you to a dead end. You'll see a bunch of debris in the water if you went the right way. Turn left and keep booking it. Jump over the debris and soon you'll see salvation in the form of the door to the... BACK HALL [am10]

Take a second to catch your breath if you need to. Once you're ready to proceed head up the stairs and you'll enter a large chamber. The game will change your focus to the door on the left. Take a look at the cool/spooky looking fountain first and then head to the left. You'll receive a flashback that talks of an elevator. If you enter the elevator and try to pull the lever you'll be told that it isn't working. Let's see if we can fix it. Head back and look along the right wall until you come across a strange looking door. This leads to the Machine Room, but it's locked at the moment. Go back to the main area and up the stairs. Take the first door to the... STUDY [am11]

Take the first door on the right. You'll find a TINDERBOX to your left as you enter, and also a chest at the far end of the room containing another TINDERBOX. Leave this room and go across note on the table. Exit this JAR OF OIL at the base of the break, but not enough for our the hall to the next room. Pick up and read the room and continue down the hallway. There's a window. Approach the window and it will slightly purposes. Enter the door to the right.

If you go to the right side of the room and look at the table with the dog's

head you'll receive a flashback. Progress to the other side of the room and enter the little study. To your right you'll find a note sitting on a table in the corner. See that portrait next to the note? That's our buddy Alexander. Look through his desk to find a TINDERBOX and a cute little surprise. Our next step is to smash the glass window. You can use pretty much anything, from one of the skulls to the hammer in the next room and even the decapitated dog head, if you're into that sort of thing. Whatever works I guess. Throw the object of your choosing at the window, shattering it. Step out onto the ledge. Catch a breath of fresh air, pick up the TINDERBOX at your feet, and enjoy the only time you'll be outside this entire game. Start to bunny hop across the ledges until you're able to reach another smashed window. In this room you'll running an elevator table. In the next to start up/fix the it. There's also a find various diagrams showing off the complexities of in the good ol' days. There's also another artifact on the room over you'll find a (very important) note detailing how elevator. Next to the note is the FLOW CYCLE ROD. Grab barrel of oil to the right.

There are two TINDERBOXES in the next room. They're in a chest on your left. When you've gathered everything that you need and you've had your fill of the elevator schematics hop back out the window and go all the way back to the... BACK HALL Go to the next room over and enter the... GUEST ROOM [am12]

You'll immediately be greeted with a flashback. Once it's over grab the JAR OF OIL on the bookshelf to the right, pick up the LAUDANUM from the desk drawers and pick up the diary page. Next go to the bedroom on your left. Above the fireplace is a TINDERBOX. If you interact with the bed you'll receive another flashback. Pick up the diary page from the table and grab the CROWBAR and TINDERBOX off of/from inside the desk. Now head back and try to open the other door in the room. Good thing we have that crowbar! Take it out of your inventory and pull it towards the door until it flies open. After the flashback you'll probably be treated to scary music and noises coming from the other room. Jump into the cabinet and shut both of its doors. Turn around, crouch, and be still. Eventually whatever it is will leave the room, meaning it's safe for you to come out. Pick up the diary page on the table and interact with the not-so-leveled picture on the wall. You'll get a flashback. Rip the thing off of the wall, pick up the glass jar, and throw it against the wall. Voila, we have ourselves the MACHINE ROOM KEY. Our time in the guest room is done. Go back to the... BACK HALL There's one last stop we have to make before we can go to the machine room. Go down the stairs and open the door to your right. It's time to go down the

stairs and spend some time in... STORAGE Go down the stairs memento telling us Grab the tinderbox passageways on the [am13] and walk to the little counter in the middle of the room. A that the darkness feels "strange and unnatural" will pop up. on the counter and continue on forward, ignoring the other sides on the room for now.

Down the hallway you'll see a sign that says "Machine Parts", something that sounds like it will help us out on our quest to fix the elevator. You'll get a flashback as you walk down this hall. Go down the stairs and you'll see a bit of a roadblock. Let's take care of that, shall we? Get the TINDERBOX sitting on the ground next to the lit candle and go back up the stairs. Ignore the room to your left, it won't budge. Go back to the main room and go to the room on the right. Shut the door behind you. On the shelves to your left you'll find two TINDERBOXES and a DRILL PART. There's now a monster walking around in Storage with you. Go to the other side of the room and grab the TINDERBOX off of the shelf. Listen outside the door and wait until the coast is clear. If you aren't sure whether it's safe or not crouch and open the door a tad to lean out and take a look. When it's all good cross to the other side of the room and go down the stairs. The sign above us tells us that we're going to enter the "Equipment" area. Enter the first door immediately on the right. Take the TINDERBOX and the note on the table. Sounds like we're gonna get to blow the roadblock up. You'll need two different liquids, each of them found inside vats in the next room. Leave this room and walk across to the door on the other side of the room. There's a TINDERBOX on the shelf to your right, and another DRILL PART on your left. Leave this room and go to the other room that we haven't entered yet, the one with the door already slightly opened. Two TINDERBOXES can be found to your left, one TINDERBOX on the shelf to your right, and inside the chest in the back right hand corner is yet another TINDERBOX, a JAR OF OIL, and a LAUDANUM. Time to go to the last room in this area. On the crates to the right is a TINDERBOX, and right next to it will be another TINDERBOX and the final DRILL PART. Take it and open up your inventory. Drag each of the parts together until you have a fully functional HAND DRILL. Leave this room and turn immediately to your right. You should see a big vat with the sign "Secondary" above it. If you try the valve you'll find it to be rusted shut. Take out the newly acquired HAND DRILL and use it on the vat. The liquid inside will start to pour out. Take out your empty CHEMISTRY POT and place it underneath the stream. You'll get the PARTIALLY FILLED POT. Go to the "Primary" vat now. It's to the right of the staircase in this room. Follow the same procedure as before and you'll have created the explosive. Backtrack all the way back to the roadblock. Place the explosive at the base of it. Turn around and go up the stairs. Pick up a piece of debris, such as a rock or a bone, and throw it at the jar. Make sure you're back a fair distance and...well, I think you can guess what comes next. Continue on the new path until you enter a new room. On the right side of the counter is a TINDERBOX. Grab it then go through the

door on the left side. You'll get a flashback as you walk down this hallway. Enter the room to your right and you'll be treated to a bunch of hanging meat. There's a TINDERBOX in here too. Leave the room and continue right. There's a TINDERBOX on the shelf here. I'm not too sure if it's scripted or not but at the time of writing this guide when I opened the next door there was a monster staring right back at me. I'm 99% sure that the monster spawns are supposed to be random, but if this IS a scripted one then run away and hide until he leaves the room and it's safe to enter. If you want you can just skip the room altogether as it isn't necessary to go in there. While you wait for him to leave you can grab the TINDERBOX on the other side of the counter too. Enter the room and grab the two TINDERBOXES off the shelf on the left and the one of the right. Leave the room and go up the stairs with the sign "Machine Parts" next to it. You'll get a flashback. Walk past the now lit up torch and go into the next room. Pick up the note telling us the location of third rod, but we don't need to worry about it since we've already found it. Take the FOUR PHASE AMPLITUDE ROD and the TRINITY STEAM ROD. Spin around to the other side of the crates and get the TINDERBOX. The monster will now be wandering around down here. Since he doesn't act the same each time you play I can't really tell you how to get past him exactly. Just use your wits and common sense to sneak past him, sticking behind crates and walls, always crouching. Backtrack down the stairs, past the area you used the explosives on, and back up to the main area (taking care to sneak past the other monster in here) and out to the... BACK HALL Walk up the stairs and past the now even more cool/spooky looking fountain. Keep on truckin' until you get to the previously locked door. Use the key in your inventory and enter the... MACHINE ROOM [am14]

Walk down the hall and enter the door on the right. Grab the diary page on the table to your left and approach the machine with the sign "Pressure" above it. If you recall one of the notes from earlier you have to pull the levers so that the sums of the numbers on the top row and the bottom row are both eight. Try giving it a shot yourself, but if you can't get it the solution is down, down, up, up, up, down, or V, I, and II on the top and I, V, and II on the bottom. When done correctly a message will pop up. Get the two TINDERBOXES on the crates to the right and leave this room. Go down the stairs into the next room. Pick up the diary page and the note telling you where to find the other two rods that we've already collected. The chest on the other side of the room contains two TINDERBOXES. Now it's time for our next puzzle. There are three holes on the "Flow" machine, each with a shape above them. We have three rods in our inventory that will fit nicely. But, which rod goes where? Take a closer look at the names of the rod and the shapes above each hole. The names of rod each hint at its proper placement. "Flow CYCLE", "TRInity Steam", and "FOUR" Phase Amplitude". Now count the number of sides on each of the shapes. Match up the corresponding rods. Flow Cycle Rod goes with the circle, Trinity Steam Rod goes with the triangle, and Four Phase Amplitude Rod goes with the square. Once all of the rods are in place you'll get a message confirming it. Good

job! Go to the back right corner of the room and pick up the big gear that's still intact. It won't be added to your inventory so you'll have to carry it with you. Leave the room and bring the gear down the stairs and drop it in the room at the bottom of the stairs. Go back towards the room with the rods. Right when you get to the top of the stairs stop and look to your left to find another similar looking gear leaning against some pipes. Pick it up and bring it to the other gear. The two gears can be placed on their respective spokes on the big machine on the right side of the room. You'll still need a third gear though. No worries, just turn around and look behind the crate and barrel to your right for the third. Now that we're all geared up (dohoho) we still have one more task to complete before we can get this elevator working. Go to the room on the left. Get yourself some oil from the barrel, grab the TINDERBOX off the right shelf, and grab one of the pieces of coal off the ground. Bring it with you back into the main room. Next to the big machine is an incinerator or furnace of sorts with a lever next to it. Open the hatch and drop your piece of coal into it. You'll need three pieces in total. Once you have enough close the hatch and pull the lever. Go over to the big machine and pull its lever. The gears will begin to turn and the machine will run. You know what that means? At long last the elevator finally works. Go back up the stairs and return to the... BACK HALL We probably shouldn't spend too much time here. Get into the elevator and pull the lever. Enjoy the nice little ride. When you regain consciousness you'll be in the... PRISON - SOUTHERN BLOCK [am15]

Jeez, after all of our hard work getting that thing to work we just ended up getting shafted...pun intended. Walk forward and listen to the flashback. Move the debris out of the way and open the door. In this next area there are going to be servants walking about. I can't tell you exactly where they'll be so as you read the next section just keep in mind that you should be sneaking around. If you are confronted by a monster just hide until he moves elsewhere so you can continue on. At the first fork in the road turn down the hallway to your right. Grab the TINDERBOX near the cave in, and another TINDERBOX inside the cell. Return to the fork and ignore the stairs for now. The door at the very end of the hallway can't be opened, so instead go into the doorless cell to your right. Pick up the HAMMER, then go across the hall to the other cell and pick up the JAR OF OIL. Return to the fork and go up the stairs. Grab the JAR OF OIL on the chair and try the door at the end of the hallway. The lock to the door is corroded and weak. Let's work on breaking it. Turn around, back to the top of the stairs, and turn left. Follow this hallway until yet another fork. The doorless way on the right has a TINDERBOX and a LAUDANUM on the ground. The door at the bottom of the stairs is locked with a padlock that is in "good shape". There's a TINDERBOX on the ground near it though.

Continue down the hallway. Enter the cell directly in front of you and get the JAR OF OIL and the TINDERBOX. Turn right and walk past the door with the weak lock and enter the cell at the end of the hall. In here you'll get a flashback and you'll find the CHIPPER on the ground. Open your inventory and combine the HAMMER and the CHIPPER together. Use the HAMMER AND CHIPPER to open up the door with the weak lock. Get the oil from the barrel and turn left. Head to the cell at the end of the hall. Once again you'll get a flashback. You can touch the bloody clothing on the floor to get a funky thing to happen to. Following the hint you got in the flashback push the bed to the side revealing a hole in the floor. This hole was big enough for a little girl to enter, but unfortunately for us Daniel is not a little girl. Use the HAMMER AND CHIPPER to make the hole bigger and jump on in to go to the... PRISON - NOTHERN BLOCK [am16]

Crawl through the passageway, turning right at the fork. The left path leads to a dead end. Push the rocks out of the way and climb out. Turn left and go up the stairs. At the fork there's a sign that tells us "Storage" is to the right. Ignore that for now and go left. Turn left again and follow the pathway to the opened and lit cell at the end of the hall. Pick up the diary page, then go to the other two cells. One contains a JAR OF OIL, a TINDERBOX, and a naked dead man. The other one contains a TINDERBOX and a very sad flashback. Turning left this area, a flashback, a TINDERBOX on you'll find a door with a worn padlock blocking the way out of TINDERBOX on the ground next to the worn padlock door, a door that won't budge, a door with an excellent padlock, and a the ground. Backtrack and continue on, turning left.

Continue on until you can turn left again. Along the left wall there should be another "Storage" sign. The already opened cell on the right contains a TINDERBOX and a diary entry, and the closed cell on the left contains a JAR OF OIL and a TINDERBOX in the back room. Proceed down the hallway. If you look to your left you'll see the door with the excellent padlock that we saw before. Follow the sign and go right, down the stairs, and into the storage room. The chest in here contains two TINDERBOXES and a JAR OF OIL. The shelf on the right also holds two TINDERBOXES. Pick up the GLASS JAR and leave this place. Backtrack all the way back to the start of this area (up the stairs, left, left, left, right, down the stairs, and past the hole in the wall). Turn to your right and you'll find a door that won't budge and the padlocked door from the Southern Block. Proceed on, go up the stairs, and you'll find yourself in the kitchen. Pick up the diary page on your right, the JAR OF OIL next to the fire pit, two TINDERBOXES on the shelves to the right, and the LAUDANUM on the next set of shelves to the right. Use your GLASS JAR to pick up some of that conveniently placed green acid that's bubbling away in the barrel. Turn around and go down the stairs, past the hole in the wall, up the next set of stairs, right, forward, right, and go to the door we found before with the weak padlock. Use the acid on the padlock and finish it off with the HAMMER AND CHIPPER. Walk on through and make certain that your body is ready to enter the...



Ahh, refreshing light. Enjoy it while it lasts. Walk forward to listen to a flashback. You won't be able to open those big doors, but you can try if you'd like to. If you go down the hallway to your right you'll find a flooded pathway. Since we don't have any plumbers around it looks like it's up to you to drain it. On your way back to the main area of the room look to your left to find a pipe that has a black substance pouring out of it. This substance is oil. Use your now empty GLASS JAR to collect it. Pick up the GLASS JAR OF OIL and approach the big pillar in the center of the room. This pillar has a lever just asking to be pulled, but it is stuck. Its gears need to be lubricated. Your GLASS JAR OF OIL should do the trick. Grease that shit up and pull the lever to drop a ladder. Or maybe not. Pesky pipes. Pull the lever back up to raise the ladder, then pull it down again to slam the ladder into the pipe. Repeat once more and the pipe will give way, allowing you to climb on up. On your way up you might notice two platforms suspended in midair. Once you reach the top you'll see two doors off to the side that can't be reached. Yet. We'll have to lower the platforms first. Walk forward and pull the lever on the right to lower the western bridge. Enter the door to the... CONTROL ROOM [am18]

Walk forward and you'll get a flashback. Continue on and you should find yourself two doors on either side of the hall. Enter the right one first. Take special note of that pipe on the ground, you will need to collect it in the same way you collected those gears earlier. However, for now just pay attention to the positions of the three weights hanging from the ceiling. The left one being the lowest of the bunch, the middle one being the highest, and the right one being in the middle of the two. You cannot move the valves in this room as the weights are already in the correct positions, and it would be silly for you to mess with them. Get the TINDERBOX in the back right stack of crates, pick up that aforementioned pipe off of the ground, and take it and yourself out of this room. Drop the pipe for now and walk across the hall. In this next area you might experience a bit of deja vu. Pick up the TINDERBOX and look near the valves to find another pipe. Move it into the main room next to the other one and return to the valves. Your job here is to make the position of the three weights in this room match the ones in the other room. Turn the left valve very slowly until you hear a faint click. Repeat for the other two valves, turning them until you hear a click. When you have it so that the left weight is the lowest, the middle one is the highest, and the right one is in the middle the game will let you know that you got it right. Leave the room and look at the door on the wall. To open it up you'll have to turn the valve next to it. The door will not stay open though; it will slowly shut. If you want to you can stack up some crates to keep it open. Open it up and move the two pipes and then yourself through to the next area. You should notice two more doors on either side of the room, just as before. Enter the right one, go down the stairs, and look behind you at either side of

the stairs. On one side you'll find a JAR OF OIL, and the other a TINDERBOX and a note. There's also a pipe by the table. Pick it up and return bring to its other two companions. Go back down and look at the position of the levers. Keep them in mind as you walk back up the stairs and go to the room across the hall. To your right you'll find a WOODEN CRANK sitting on the table. Grab it. Walk over to the levers and, just as the previous puzzle, make it so that they match the ones in the other room. The outermost two should be in the low position and the middle two should be in the high position (down, up, up, down). The machine will whirl to life and levers will become stuck in place. Go up the stairs and open the door to your left. Carry the three pipes into this room and approach the holes in the wall on the left. The longer, skinnier pipe should be placed vertically in middle slot. The biggest "[" shaped pipe should go horizontally in the middle slot so that it overlaps the vertical one. The last pipe should go vertically in the slot to the left. The gears will start turning now. Leave this place and go back to the... ENTRANCE TO CISTERN You can now lower the eastern bridge by pulling the lever. Drats, almost had it. Ignore this problem for now. Go across the way to the... CISTERN [am19]

More water? You know what that means! Walk along this path until you get a flashback. Hop across the water to the right and go up the next set of stairs. Jump across the two pillars, go forward, jump across two more pillars, and take a look at the valve with the sign "Redirect Sewer Water" above it. Collect the note and turn the valve. Turn around and hop over the first two pillars, but turn right instead of forward to find yourself a chest. Inside is a JAR OF OIL and a TINDERBOX. Now you can proceed back to jump over the other two pillars. Across the water you should see two sets of stairs; one set that you entered the room from and one set directly across from you. Run through the water and jump up onto the latter set. Cross the first bridge and you'll notice another raised bridge. Daniel doesn't appear to have the strength to push it down himself. The game will give you a hint though, telling you that the bridge is attached to a rusty chain. Turn around and pick up one of the rocks sitting near either side of the other bridge and throw it up at the chain. The chain will break, the bridge will drop, and you will be pleased. Cross the bridge, jump the pillars, and jump through the debris until you get to the next valve. Grab the diary page first and then turn it. Once the lights go out make your way back to the intersection of bridges. Look over to your left and you should see some stairs out in the distance, along with some pipes shooting out some steam. Cheese it over there. This steam is super hot and will hurt you if you touch it. If you touch the pipes you will also get burnt. Get over to the right and wait for the steam to shut off. When it does run through and wait for the next one to shut off.

Turn the valve in front of you and the steam will be shut off. Steam and Valves, huh? Sounds familiar... Continue on, picking up the diary page and turning the third and final valve. Good job, we've drained the water. We're halfway ready to enter the Sewers. Backtrack your way back to the door, making sure to grab the TINDERBOX on the little pathway to the left by the door, and re-enter the... ENTRANCE TO CISTERN Now it's time to deal with that eastern bridge once and for all. Run back to the door that leads to the control room, but don't enter it. Push the lever for the western bridge to the up position and run back to jump on the bridge before it starts to go up. As it starts to raise wait for it to be at a high enough level to safely allow you to jump across to the eastern bridge, but not so high that you'll break your legs and die. Step back a bit, get a running start, and...wee! Your (hopefully) 10/10 landing will make the bridge lower all the way down, granting you access to the... MORGUE [am20]

As per the norm you'll get a flashback as you walk forward into this area. Ignore the right path for now and follow the winding hallway to get another flashback. On the shelf get the LAUDANUM and the COPPER TUBE, and also the TINDERBOX on the floor. Make your way back to the previously unexplored path. Open the door and say hello to another naked dead guy. If you try to touch the body (as I'm sure you will) you'll be alerted to the fact that it is stiff with rigor mortis, and that is only a day old. Spooky. On the shelves you'll find a TINDERBOX and a Sewers. Grab the note on the desk that lets of somebody who has been vaccinated will you sewers safely. In the drawers you'll find a neat artifact. note about the poison in the you know that injecting the blood enough time to pass through the LAUDANUM, a TINDERBOX, and another

The door to your right contains a slightly flooded room with a big ol' pile of naked dead people in it. The other door also contains more naked dead bodies, but without the flooding. You shouldn't really be too shocked though. This IS a morgue after all. Go into your inventory and combine the COPPER TUBE and the HOLLOW NEEDLE from way back when to make the SYRINGE. Use your HAND CRANK on the dead man's head to make a steady stream of blood appear. Use the SYRINGE on the stream and proceed to do something that is very very unsafe to do in this day and age. Try to leave the room and you'll find a Servant trying to get in. Turn around and go into the non-flooded body room and hide behind the railing of the staircase. Or you can hide wherever else you want. I just like this spot personally. Wait for the monster to pass. When the coast is clear sneak your way on through back to the door leading to the... ENTRANCE TO CISTERN Cross the bridge and drop down the ladder. Go over to the little side passageway and you'll see the fruits of our labor. The hallway will no longer be flooded and we won't be killed by poisonous fumes, which is always nice.

Go down the stairs and enter the... SEWER [am21]

Open the gate and go down the ladder. As you start to walk an all too familiar face will show up. Great. Keep in mind that you aren't alone in this sewer, so take heed. Approach the spinning wheel and you'll get a flashback. The wheel is turning much too fast for us to pass through in one piece. Since our spooky friend went down the right path let's go to the left. Follow the path and turn to the right. Go through the rusted gate and all the way to the end of the hallway. Turn left, go up the stairs, and enter the next room. Get the oil from the barrel. The machine on the wall controls the speed of the water wheel. The sound of the gears should give you a hint as to where each lever needs to go in order to reduce the wheel's speed. To get the wheel to turn at its slowest set the left lever to the small gear (left) and the right lever to the large gear (right). Return to the now slower spinning wheel. We still can't pass through it though, so head down the other path now. Ignore the right path as it is a dead end. Pick up the TINDERBOX from inside the pipe and continue on. In front of you should be a pipe that's barely attached to the wall. Grab it and wiggle it until it pops out. Return back to the water wheel and use the pipe to stop it from spinning. Squeeze on through and proceed on. You'll find a gate that is "impossible to get through", which isn't too good for us. Go up the stairs on the right and enter the fleshy room. There's some LAUDANUM on the ground, along with some dead flesh. There's not much else in this room so head down the stairs. A Brute, the scarier version of the Grunt, will burst from the previously impossible to get through gate. Run back to hide in the previous room, most likely in the corner by the cave in. Once the Servant is gone make your way through the gate. Once you reach the fork in the road go straight. To your left will be where you need to go, but another Servant guards it. Round the corner and look along the left wall. There you will find some LAUDANUM and some rocks. Pick up one of the rocks and lob it into the water in front of you, preferably just before the corner up ahead leading to the left. This will act as a distraction for the monster. Run around back to the opposite side of this square path and sneak past him, up the stairs, and towards the door. Just like in the Archive Tunnels you're going to need to run here. Make sure to close each door behind you and make your way up the ladder to the area known as the... NAVE [am22]

You'll find yourself surrounded by four rooms. So many options. Before going anywhere though look at your feet and pick up the TINDERBOX. First enter the door that's already slightly opened. Go to the end of the hall and pick up the TINDERBOX, then return. Check the door to your left and you'll find that it won't budge. Check the next door (the one that has a torch lit next to it) and follow the path. Grab some oil from the barrel and get the TINDERBOX off of the desk. Grab the diary page off the other table and check the levers on the wall. The machinery isn't working, as usual. Head back to

the main room now. Go through the only door we haven't visited yet. You'll find yourself in a large chamber with a spiral staircase. Descend it, then spin around to your left and check along the right wall. There's two TINDERBOXES on a crate near the backside of the stairs. Proceed through the door at the bottom of the staircase. You'll get a flashback. To your right there's another Laboratory, only this one is boarded up. No worries, we'll come back later. Open the gate and walk down the stairs. Hey, look, he isn't naked! Walk up to him and he'll wake up. Do as he instructs and turn the switch to your right. The man will introduce himself as Agrippa, a name and character that should be at least slightly familiar if you've been following the notes and flashbacks. He tells you that in order to reach the Inner Sanctum where Alexander is you must reconstruct an orb to overpower the defenses. Pieces of the orb are scattered in the next couple of areas, but those areas are currently off limits to us. Grab a crate and put it on the table that has the JAR OF OIL on it. Jump on top and look up. Open the trap door on the ceiling and move one of the gears so that the machinery begins turning. Now those levers from before should be working. Agrippa will also inform you that there may be a way to help him. He needs a tonic created. This is entirely optional, but if you're going for the good ending you should follow his instructions. Go back up the stairs in this room, back up the spiral staircase, and back to the levers from before. Push them up and you'll hear something being opened. Those two previously unavailable areas are now available to us. Go back to Agrippa. You know have three places you're able to access. You can go to them and complete their tasks in any order you want. Let's go to the right first though. Follow the path until you come across a room on your left. Grab the TINDERBOX and the LAUDANUM off of the shelves and the TINDERBOX in the drawer. You can also touch the artifact in the usual place if you wish. Read the note now. It let's you know the three items needed to create Agrippa's tonic. Leave the room and go left to enter the... CHOIR - ENTRANCE Ignore the two doors for now and proceed down the stairs to the... CHOIR - MAIN HALL This place can get pretty confusing. The size of it, along with the fact that a lot of the room looks the same as the rest, can get you lost pretty easily. Hug the right wall until you come across a bridge. Cross it and continue to hug the right wall. When you come to a corner you'll come across a TINDERBOX. Continue on hugging the right wall and you should find a path leading off to the right. Go down that way. Turn right at the crossroad and enter the room at the end. Down the hall you go, getting a flashback along the way. When you enter this [am23]

torture chamber, and any of the other ones that we're going to come across, try not to stay inside of them for too long. Even with the lights on it will wreak havoc on your sanity level. To the left of the big wheel is a purple glowing object. Grab it, for it is our first PIECE OF ORB. You can also interact with the wheel in this room to receive a little anecdote presented in the style of the artifacts. Leave this room and backtrack to the crossroads. Go straight. You should come across a big pillar that has been knocked over. At the base of it is a TINDERBOX. Go to the left side of it, jump onto the raised part of the edge of the cliff, and use that slight height advantage to jump onto the pillar. Cross the chasm, then jump off of the pillar and turn around. On the right is another TINDERBOX. Continue on, turning right at the intersection. As you approach the door at the end of this pathway you should see some blue fungi growing off to the side. Use your HAMMER AND CHIPPER on the large one and pick up the POISON GLAND, one of the three ingredients needed for our Agrippa tonic. Go through the door and approach the brass bull. In the back right corner, behind the pillar, is our next PIECE OF ORB. There is also a TINERBOX in the front left corner. Pick both of these items up, interact with the torture device if you wish, and leave the room. Continue going straight until you once again return to the big open part of the Choir. Hug the left wall, keeping an eye on the sights to your right. When you see the bridge, cross it. From the bridge walk straight until you come to a door. Don't enter it though, that's the exit. Instead turn right and hug the wall. In the corner by the rocks is a TINDERBOX. Continue to follow the wall until it's possible to turn left. Do that and keep walking to our final stop in this place. Approach the alter and look to your left. In this little wing there's a TINDERBOX. In the other little wing across the way is a LAUDANUM. Approach the torture device and look in the little hallway that's back and to the left. Back...and to the left. There you should find the final PIECE OF ORB in this area. Now, I'm sure that's there is a bunch of other tinderboxes and stuff in this area, but I don't think it's worth your while to go on a big scavenger hunt for them. You should have enough tinderboxes as it is anyways. Return to the exit by going straight all the way until the collapsed pillar/ bridge, then right. Return to the... CHOIR - ENTRANCE Now we can check out those two rooms. Enter the left one first. Inspect the table in the center, then get the TINDERBOX to the left. Spin around and go across the hall to the other room. Pick up the diary page off of the table. As the scene progresses you will be instructed to pick up the dagger on the table. When the time comes interact with the man. When the flashback is over the door will open and you can show yourself the way out. To be honest you can and probably expected that you witness this scene before going to the Choir's Main Hall, but watching this scene drops your sanity a bit. You don't want to be caught up in the big confusing area with low sanity.

Exit this place and return to the... NAVE Go back to the main area. Listen to Agrippa if you want but then continue to the left path. You'll come across a room with a well in it. Ignore it for now. Keep walking until you get to the entrance to the... TRANSCEPT [am24]

Nice place, huh? First make your way up the spiral staircase, listening to a flashback on the way. There's another picture of Alexander on the wall. Make your way inside his study. To your left is a TINDERBOX and on the shelf to the right is a JAR OF OIL. On the desk is some string, which you'll require fairly soon if you wish to save Agrippa. Inside of the drawers is a note and another cool artifact. Return down the staircase and take the right path first. At the end of the hall is our first torture chamber of this area. As before don't stay in here for too long. To the left you'll find the PIECE OF ORB for this room. Open up your inventory and combine the string with your GLASS JAR. Open the grate on the floor and use our new contraption to get a GLASS JAR OF BLOOD, the second of three items needed for the tonic. Exit this room and take the upper path now. You'll get a flashback. In this next room there is a TINDERBOX on the chair to the left. On the right you'll have to move some of the white bags out of the way to pick up our penultimate PIECE OF ORB. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Before you go to get the last orb piece you should know that once you pick it up you will be unable to check out a section of the Chancel. Once you receive all of the orb pieces a path becomes inaccessible. If you wish to check it out return to the Nave, then take the upper path, through the prison area, into the Chancel, then take the right path. Inside is a note on the table, some goodies like TINDERBOXES and junk, and a few other interesting tidbits. Once you've had your fill return to the Transcept and continue on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Return to the main section and take the only path we have yet to explore. In the torture room grab the TINDERBOX to your left, and open the cabinet to your right. Inside is our final PIECE OF ORB. Hooray! There's another interesting thing you can witness in this area. If your sanity level is low enough the picture of Alexander at the top of the staircase turns all Silent Hill-esque. Stand around in one of the torture rooms until your sanity is low enough and trek to the top of the stairs to see it. It really spooks you when you enter his study while the picture is normal, then when you go to leave you're greeted with that thing. Well, at least it spooked me. Backtrack all the way to the exit. It's time to end this. But first, let's go through the... NAVE [am26]

As we return Agrippa will compliment us on finding all six pieces of the orb. That's so nice of him. :3 Go through the last path now. Open the gate and you'll find yourself inside a prison area. The door directly to your right has a TINDERBOX. Go up the

stairs and check all four of the areas. One contains a spooky scene, one a TINDERBOX, one a flashback, and one contains nothing. Poor guy. On the table there's a piece of MEAT. Grab it and go back down the stairs. Remember that room on the way to the Transcept that has the well in it? Go there. Take the MEAT out of your inventory and attach it to the piece of rope dangling above the well. Spin around and turn the crank to lower the meat into the well. After our buddy has had his or her fill turn the crank again so that you can retrieve the REMAINS, the final item needed for Agrippa's tonic. The door to the laboratory is still not available so don't bother checking. Go back to the prison area and go on straight through to the... CHANCEL Up the stairs you go. Open the door, get on the floor, and get mauled by a bunch of Brutes. Don't worry about dying here, it's supposed to happen. You'll get knocked out, and when you awaken you'll be in the... CELLS [am27]

This doesn't look good. When you're able to move look in the back corner of your cell and get the JAR OF OIL. There's a couple of ways you can escape from this cell. If you check the left wall you'll see that some of the bricks are loose. Use your HAMMER AND CHIPPER to make the hole bigger. Pull the support beam towards you and the wall will crumble. You can also wiggle the loose pipe from the top of the cell free and then push the bed over to it. Jump onto the bed and crouch through the hole. Either method works. Just choose whichever one you like. Once you're free check the cell on the back wall to get a note. Head into the next cell over and watch the little scene. There's a TINDERBOX on either side of the room; one behind the bed and one in with the debris. The last cell contains a LAUDANUM, a TINDERBOX, and an EMPTY BUCKET. Take all three of these items and approach the well in the center of the room. Attach the EMPTY BUCKET to the rope and crank it down until you hear a splash. Bring it back up and collect the BUCKET OF WATER. Go and inspect the door to get out of this place. Surprise surprise, it's locked. Directly to the right of the door are some slightly broken pipes. Use the BUCKET OF WATER on these pipes and collect the KEY that flows out. Use it to open the door and continue on your quest. Now it is time to run. Clear the debris out of the way of the door and turn left when you get to the intersection. Keep running, splashing through the water and bolting up the stairs to reach the door to the... NAVE [am28]

Ahh, doors...the shadow's only weakness. Pick up the TINDERBOX and the note off of the table. Another interactive flashback will occur. Just walk forward and listen to Daniel's anecdote. When the scene is over continue to the next room. Hey, this looks familiar. Grab the TINDERBOX from the ladder and check the first door to your left. Get the TINDERBOX inside. Go to the only other door available in this area and continue on. Crouch underneath the support beam and go down the spiral staircase. At the bottom of the stairs jump over the barrel

and turn to the right. Remember the laboratory that we couldn't enter before? Well now we can. Get the TINDERBOX off of the shelf and get to work. Put the GLASS JAR OF BLOOD on the burner and turn it on. It will become the INCOMPLETE TONIC. Move to the next station to your left. Place the INCOMPLETE TONIC at the end of the pipe to collect whatever is about to come out. Open the little compartment and place the REMAINS inside. Close it up and pull the lever. After all of the ooze has been extracted pick up the INCOMPLETE TONIC and move to the final station. Place the POISON GLAND in the machine and the INCOMPLETE TONIC underneath. Crank the handle until we get all the juices we need. Pick up WEYER'S TONIC. Return down the stairs to Agrippa. To the left of him there's a hole in the wall. Pick up the TINDERBOX in front of it and crawl through. Get the BONESAW off of the shelf to the right. Head back to Agrippa. This doesn't sound very good. Give him the tonic, then use the bonesaw on him. Gross. Pick up AGRIPPA'S HEAD. We're almost there now. Truck through the forward path and return to the... CHANCEL [am29]

Go up the stairs and open the door. Don't worry, you won't get swarmed again. The bridge connecting the right path has now collapsed. If you haven't been here yet you'll get a flashback as you approach the center of this area. Take the left path. Watch out though, there's a Brute walking around this area now. You'll have to use your advanced stealth tactics to sneak past it. You can check out the other area of the Chancel if you wish too. On the table you'll find yourself a diary page, and on the shelf a TINDERBOX and a BUCKET OF TAR. Pick up one of the larger rocks (that you can still pick up, that is) from the pile of debris and bring it down the stairs. Throw it at the gears of the machine to break it. Alexander's final security measure is almost down now. Doesn't it feel nice to destroy a big machine for once, rather then going on a big search and rescue mission for its many parts that have been scattered in the scariest parts of the castle? Go back to the center of the Chancel and turn left. In front of you is the path to the Inner Sanctum, but you can't get through just yet. To your left is a pedestal with a "hemispherical depression" on top. Can you guess what goes here? Lay down some tar from the BUCKET OF TAR on the pedestal, then lay each PIECE OF ORB until you've got yourself one completed orb. Wait a moment and the orb will give you the all clear to cross the bridge and, at long last, enter the... INNER SANCTUM [am30]

We're here! We're finally here! This dark descent has almost reached its close. Go down the stairs and pull the lever to your left. Follow the left path and pick up the last diary page. Interact with the little pool of water at the front of the room. Once the lights go out spin around and stand beneath the big emblem on the wall until you hear a confirmation noise. It should take a few seconds so be patient. Once all the lights are off leave the room and head across to the other very similar looking room. Repeat the same process of inspecting the little pool then standing beneath the emblem.

If you've done all of the steps correctly the room should now be taken over by the shadow, but the door will also have opened. Once you can stand up again make your way through the new pathway to the... ORB CHAMBER [am31]

There he is, Alexander himself. Spooky looking dude. You now have three options as to how you want to proceed, depending on which ending you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------GOOD ENDING Wait for Alexander to prepare the portal. As he makes his speech it will get more and more power. Keep a close eye on it. When it opens take AGRIPPA'S HEAD out of your inventory and place it in the portal. The shadow will consume Alexander and Daniel both, but you'll find yourself floating in a void. Agrippa's voice can be heard amidst the darkness, asking Weyer to help you. He tells Daniel that everything will be alright and the screen fades to white as the credits roll. Password obtained: odn314 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------------------------REVENGE ENDING At any time before the portal opens simply knock over the three pillars that are supplying its energy. Alexander will be consumed by the shadow, and Daniel will make way back through the castle. For the first time in a long time he is finally outside in the sunlight, and safe from the shadow to boot. The screen fades to white as the credits roll. Password obtained: lke271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------------------------BAD ENDING Wait for Alexander to open the portal. He'll enter it, leaving Daniel to be consumed by the shadow and all of the people he harmed in his journey. Password obtained: tyr299 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------And there you have it, you have completed Amnesia: The Dark Descent. How was it? Hopefully you didn't follow this guide TOO much, as the experience is kind of ruined if you go through the game holding somebody's hand. Oh, and if you pirated this game you should really consider purchasing it, or at least making a small donation to Frictional Games. These guys worked really, really hard on this game and they really do deserve to make a profit...especially if you ever want to see something made by them again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------FAQs [am32] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q. Can you really not kill any of the enemies in the game? A. Correct. You'll either have to hide or run away. Q. How long is this game? A. The average seems to be about 6-8 hours for the first time through. Q. I can't solve X puzzle or find Y item. A. Since there's a massive amount of puzzles and items to find it would be a waste of time to list all of them here. Just look at where you are (if you are unsure hit Save and Exit, and then Load Game and look at the most recent save file). Then Ctrl+F that location and follow the guide. Q. Can I buy a physical copy of this game? A. If you're very lucky then yes. The great majority of the games' sales are electronic...whether it be through Steam or otherwise. Physical copies DO exist as far as I know, but as of the time or writing this guide they are only available in Europe. Q. I'm too scared to play this game. Anything I can do? A. Play with the lights on, or with other people. If you still can't handle it then perhaps the horror genre isn't for you? Q. Are there multiple endings for this game? A. Yes, check the Endings section ([am31]) to see what they are and how to get them. Q. What's this about a "super_secret.rar"? A. Look at the folder you have all of the Amnesia files installed. Either in the "redist" folder or just amongst the rest of the files you'll find "super_secret.rar". It's a password protected file. The password can be found from a combination of the three endings. When you combine them all together you get a password of lke271tyr299odn314. The archive is full of extras such as artwork and early beta test videos and the like. Q. I've run out of oil/tinderboxes/both. What do I do? A. Check the guide to see if there's any that you might have missed, or any that might be coming up soon. If not, just push on ahead until you find some more. If you really cannot make progress you might want to consider starting over. It shouldn't take you very long to get back to where you were, seeing as you've already read all of the notes and solved the puzzles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Closing [am33] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------This guide was written by and is copyrighted by Mr_Popadopalis, 2010. The guide is intended as a free help for those struggling with the game. You should not have to pay any money for it, and if you find any place charging money for it please let me know through email. Thanks to Frictional Games for putting all of their hard work into making this gem, and to the Amnesia message board at GameFAQs for helping me out with a puzzle that had me stuck on my first run through. And thank YOU, for actually reading the closing/the guide. Amnesia: The Dark Descent: FAQ/Walkthrough by Mr_Popadopalis Version 1.0, Last Updated 2010-09-14 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameF AQs Return to Amnesia: The Dark Descent (PC) FAQs & Guides

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