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13 October 2010

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Vortex Optics Provides Supportfor NSSF’s First ShotsOCT 12, 2010 05:30P.M.

Vortex Optics Provides Support for NSSF’s First Shots


National Shooting Sports Foundation

NEWTOWN, Conn --( Newcomers to the shooting

sports will be assured of a clear view of their target thanks to Vortex

Optics, which has generously pledged its support to First Shot, the

introductory shooting program developed by the National Shooting

Sports Foundation.

NSSF is proud to add Vortex Optics to the growing list of industry

supporters of First Shots, which helps shooting ranges nationwide

provide introductory seminars in handgun, rifle and shotgun.

Vortex has been in the optics business since 1986 and is one of the few

family owned and operated U.S. companies in the industry. A staff of

about 40 dedicated and hard-working employees manufactures rifle

scopes, binoculars, spotting scopes, red-dot scopes and other optics

products. All products are designed to the company’s own specifications

and inspected and serviced at a modern facility located in Middleton,


“Introducing and recruiting new participants to the shooting

sports in a safe, positive and fun format is something Vortex

Optics believes in,” said company president Dan Hamilton.

“NSSF First Shots is dedicated to facilitating just that. Their

mission aligns perfectly with our company’s core values.

Supporting the NSSF First Shots program simply makes

sense, and we are proud and excited to be working with


Said Cynthia Dalena, manager of the First Shots program,

“NSSF greatly appreciates the support of Vortex Optics and

the contribution their fine products will make toward

growing the ranks of recreational shooters.”

Vortex Optics

Hosted by independent shooting facilities, First Shots seminars provide

participants with a comprehensive introduction to shooting by qualified

range operators and instructors. The seminars cover firearm safety, local

ownership requirements, shooting fundamentals, hands-on instruction

and information on how and where to continue shooting.

First Shots is one of many NSSF programs working to increase

awareness of and participation in the shooting sports. For more

information on First Shots, visit

About NSSF

The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the

firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve

hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a

membership of more than 5,500 manufacturers, distributors, firearms

retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers. For

more information, log on to

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Vortex Optics Provides Support for NSSF’s First Shots

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Shooting Industry News, Vortex Optics


Connecticut Citizens DefenseLeague Releases Fall 2010Political EndorsementsOCT 12, 2010 05:21P.M.

Connecticut Citizens Defense League Releases Fall 2010

Political Endorsements

Connecticut Citizens Defense League

Groton, CT --( The Connecticut Citizens Defense

League has released a comprehensive list of endorsed candidates for the

fall 2010 elections, as a service to their members and voters interested in

their second amendment rights statewide.

Each of these candidates has demonstrated through their voting record

or current actions and mindset that they are the best pro-second-

amendment choice in their respective race.

The CCDL reminds its members that the only way to ensure we continue

to live in a just and free society is to make every effort to vote for

representatives that support personal liberty.

Please contact your town’s registrar of voters to ensure that you will be

able to cast your vote come November 2nd.

The endorsed candidates are:

Governor of Connecticut:

• Tom Foley –

Attorney General of Connecticut:

• Martha Dean –

US Congress:

• 3rd Congressional District – Jerry Labriola

• 2nd Congressional District – Janet Peckinpaugh

State of Connecticut – House Districts:

• District #39 – Andrew Lockwood

• District #41 – Tim Plungis

• District #44 – Mike Struzik

• District #46 – William Nash

• District #47 – Christopher Coutu

• District #61 – Malvi Lennon

• District #64 – Kathy Lauretano

• District #70 – Rosa Rebimbas

• District #80 – John “Corky” Mazurek

• District #80 – Robert Sampson

• District #81 – Rusty Haigh

• District #85 – Mike Vitali

• District #89 – Kathy Brown

• District #103 – Al Adinolfi

• District #123 – TR Rowe

• District #126 – James Keyser

• District #131 – Dave Labriola

• District #139 – Leon Moore

**District #80 Has two very strong pro-2A candidates for office. Either

candidate is exceptional for firearms rights. John Mazurek has a long

history of voting on behalf of gun owners, and Robert Sampson has

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disclosed his 2A views, which are also unwavering.

State of Connecticut – Senate Districts:

• District #6 – Henry Zembko

• District #13 – Len Suzio

• District #15 – Joan Hartley

• District #16 – Joe Markley

• District #20 – Daniel Docker

This list represents the best of our knowledge at this time. For more

information please visit

The Connecticut Citizens Defense League is a non-partisan, grassroots

organization devoted to advocating rights affirmed by the Constitutions

of the United States of America and the State of Connecticut. We are

especially dedicated to protecting the unalienable right of all citizens to

keep and bear arms, for the defense of both self and state, through public

enlightenment and legislative action.

Sincerely, Bennett Prescott

Public Relations Coordinator

Connecticut Citizens Defense League

[email protected]

Cell: (518) 488-7190


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Connecticut Citizens Defense League Releases Fall 2010 Political


Tags: CCDL, Connecticut, Connecticut Citizens Defense League,

Elections, Endorsements, Gun Politics, Gun Voters


Politician’s Stand On TheSecond AmendmentDetermines If You Are A SubjectOr A CitizenOCT 12, 2010 04:45P.M.

A Politician’s Stand On The Second Amendment Determines If

You Are A Subject Or A Citizen

Letters to the AmmoLand Editor: Got something on your mind? Let us

know and you can see it here.

Manasquan, NJ --( Texas legislator Dr. Suzanne

Gratia-Hupp said, “How a politician stands on the Second Amendment

tells you how he or she views you as an individual… as a trustworthy

and productive citizen, or as part of an unruly crowd that needs to be

lorded over, controlled, supervised, and taken care of.”

Every election cycle we see candidates with marginal commitment to gun

owners doing a masquerade intended to deceive voters. A standard buzz-

phrase these candidates use is “hunter access,” words designed to bait

unsuspecting gun owners into thinking the candidate is truly committed

to the right to bear arms.

Don’t take the bait for that particular trap, and don’t fall for the on-

paper-only, hunting-sounding “groups” that emerge only shortly before

each election to offer political cover for candidates who do not fully

support the right to bear arms.

Rather, trust the entities that have been in the trenches for decades

fighting for your rights – the Montana Shooting Sports Association and

the National Rifle Association. Both MSSA and the NRA evaluate

candidates for you. Find the MSSA evaluations at or at, and the NRA evaluations at

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Don’t get sucked in by the photo op candidates who borrow a shotgun for

a campaign photo. In Montana we call that “All hat and no cows.” Check

candidates out carefully or trust MSSA and the NRA to have done a good

job evaluating candidates for you.

As Dr. Gratia-Hupp implies, a candidate’s true attitude about

your gun rights is a litmus for much else about that


Gary Marbut, president

Montana Shooting Sports Association

P.O. Box 4924

Missoula, Montana 59806

406-549-1252 (Office)

406-544-1252 (Mobile)

Author, Gun Laws of Montan


Brian Judy

State Liaison for Montana

National Rifle Association

555 Capitol Mall, Suite 455

Sacramento, CA 95814

916-446-2455 (Office)

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Politician’s Stand On The Second Amendment Determines If You Are A

Subject Or A Citizen

Tags: Anti Gun Politicians, Gary Marbut, Gun Politics, Gun Voters,

Montana Shooting Sports Association, MSSA, NRA


Register Now for NovemberBabes with Bullets PremiereRifle CampOCT 12, 2010 04:30P.M.

Register Now for November Babes with Bullets Premiere Rifle


Babes with Bullets

Princeton, Louisiana -( You may register under the

wire and get a place at the premiere rifle camp for women, offered by

Babes with Bullets at Head Instructor Kay Miculek’s private range near

Shreveport, La., from Wed., Nov. 3 through Sat., Nov. 6, 2010.

This three-day immersion camp concludes with a private match.

Many in the gun industry and the nation are aware of Babes with Bullet

ladies action-shooting pistol camps, held since April 2004 under the

supervision of Miculek – a 14-time national champion in rifle, pistol and

shotgun – who recruited many of the top female shooters in the country,

instructors that offer the unique ability to reach out to novice female

shooters. This camp is the first in a series of rifle camps, added to the


Camp Director Deb Ferns attended the first camp in 2004 as one of the

novice shooters. Since 2004, Ferns and Miculek have worked as

partners, along with senior instructor, Lisa Munson, to host dozens of

camps across the US. To date more than 1,200 novice ladies have joined

in the camps, which have been underwritten by Smith & Wesson since

2004. Along with financial support, Smith & Wesson also donates all the

firearms – including their new M&P 15/AR-15 and M&P 22′s. This gives

campers the opportunity to “try before they buy.” According to Ferns, an

aggressive 3-gun competitor, “Of all the rifles I’ve used, the AR-15 is the

most fun and easiest rifle to shoot. So many women are intimidated by

the word ‘rifle’ and that’s due to the influence of mainstream media and

has nothing to do with reality!”

HiViz Shooting Systems, along with Nikon and Insight Technology, help

make the upcoming Babes with Bullets rifle camp available to more

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women through three-$200 scholarships. Please contact Deb Ferns,

camp director, at [email protected] to see if a scholarship is

available. See the website at to register for

the upcoming rifle camp, or any of the other camps for 2010 and 2011.

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Register Now for November Babes with Bullets Premiere Rifle Camp

Tags: Babes with Bullets, Shooting Camps, Shooting News


Primetime Bucks 14 Features 26Hunts And Over 3 ½ Hours OfHunting ActionOCT 12, 2010 04:23P.M.

Hunters Specialties Prime time bucks

Primetime Bucks 14 Features 26 Hunts And Over 3 ½ Hours Of

Hunting Action

Hunter’s Specialties

Cedar Rapids, IA-( Once again the Hunter’s

Specialties® Pro Staff and friends hit the road in search of America’s

favorite game animal – the whitetail deer.

Matt Morrett, Eddie Salter, Rick White, Phillip Vanderpool, Steve Criner

and Al Morris all log hundreds of miles driving across the country in

search of the biggest bucks.

Primetime Bucks® 14 features whitetail hunts in deer hunting hotspots

like Iowa, Illinois and Kansas, along with Nebraska, Oklahoma,

Missouri, Texas, Florida, North Dakota and Mexico. Al Morris throws in

a great spot and stalk hunt for a trophy mule deer in Nevada to round

out the action.

The DVD features plenty of tips for both novice and experienced hunters

to help them be more successful this fall.

Whether it’s early season hunts for bucks in velvet, the middle of the rut,

or freezing cold late season deer, the Hunter’s Specialties Pro Staff

continues to bring viewers some of the best video footage available.

Primetime Bucks 14 sells for a suggested retail price of $ 14.99.

For more information about other Hunter’s Specialties products, log

onto the Hunter’s Specialties website at

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Primetime Bucks 14 Features 26 Hunts And Over 3 ½ Hours Of Hunting


Tags: Deer Hunting, Hunter's Specialties, hunting video


Rodney May of Team SIG TakesHome Third Place in LimitedDivision at 2010 TennesseeSectional ChampionshipOCT 12, 2010 02:26P.M.

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Team SIG SAUER Shooter Rodney May

Rodney May of Team SIG Takes Home Third Place in Limited

Division at 2010 Tennessee Sectional Championship


EXETER, NH -( Team SIG shooter Rodney May

secured a third place finish in Limited Division in the 2010 Tennessee

Sectional Championship held September 24-26, 2010 in Nashville, TN.

As the reigning 2009 Limited Division Tennessee Champion and 2008

Production Division Tennessee Champion, May decided to spice things

up this year and challenge himself by competing in the Limited Division

with a production gun.

The match, comprised of 129 competitors, consisted of nine challenging

courses of fire with over 80 pieces of steel.

“In a little more than two weeks I’ll be competing at the USPSA

Nationals in Las Vegas as part of a super squad team. I really wanted to

challenge myself and practice for that upcoming match by using a

production gun in the Limited Division here at the Tennessee Sectional,”

commented May. “I think any shooter worth his salt wants to be

challenged and this was a great match with quality stages throughout

that really made you fight for points.”

A native of Tennessee, May locked up his third place finish amongst a

field of 50 competitors in the Limited Division with a score of 1059.8250,

or 92.69%. May finished in the top five in nine of the stages and came in

first in two of the other stages.

May will be competing next at the Mississippi 3-Gun at the Cross Roads

Sport Shooting Association in Glen, MS on October 8-10, 2010.

To follow Rodney May and Team SIG, click on the Team SIG SAUER

Website .

About Rodney May:

While working as a Nuclear Technician, Rodney May started his shooting

career as a hobby. Impressed by his shooting skills, Mid-South Institute

of Self-Defense Shooting approached him in 2003 to join their ranks. For

the past seven years he has served as a Firearms Instructor, teaching

Navy SEALS, Army Special Forces and various Federal Agencies. May

specializes in 3-Gun style competitions and has recently won the

Alabama 3 Gun Match Overall in the Limited Division and placed 2nd in

the Production Division at the USPSA Area 6 Championships. May is a

Grand Master Production Shooter and is in the process of becoming a

Grand Master Limited Shooter.


SIG SAUER, Inc. is the largest member of a worldwide business group of

firearms manufacturers that includes J.P. Sauer & Sohn and Blaser

GmbH in Germany and Swiss Arms AG in Switzerland. This global

network of companies gives SIG SAUER a world-class firearms

knowledge base, unparalleled design expertise, and extensive

manufacturing capacity, enabling the company to respond quickly and

effectively to changing market conditions and the needs of its military,

law enforcement, and commercial markets worldwide. SIG SAUER is an

ISO 9001: 2000 certified company with over 370 employees. For more

information on SIG SAUER or any of its products, or the SIG SAUER

Academy, log on to

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Rodney May of Team SIG Takes Home Third Place in Limited Division at

2010 Tennessee Sectional Championship

Tags: Competition Shooters, Competitive Shooting News, Rodney MAY,

Sig Sauer

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PILLA High PerformanceEyewear Debuts New Web SiteOCT 12, 2010 01:47P.M.

Pilla Eyewear Panther

PILLA High Performance Eyewear Debuts New Web Site

PILLA Eyewear

Ridgefield, CT -( PILLA High Performance Eyewear,

the leading performance eyewear for the competitive athlete, announced

the launch of its new web site .

“We are very excited about our new web site which reflects our full range

of innovative eyewear, creating a completely customizable vision

experience,” said Philip Pilla, chief executive officer and lead designer of

PILLA High Performance Eyewear. “A growing number of professional

and amateur athletes have turned to our Italian crafted performance

eyewear for a distinct competitive advantage,” stated Pilla.

The newly designed web site was created in response to the growing

number of athletes and consumers interested in PILLA’s industry

leading glasses. ”Visitors to our website will find the entire line of PILLA

glasses as well as detailed information on our unparalleled lens

technology,” added Pilla. “The new website allows visitors to access

customer service support from specially trained eyewear professionals to

customize fit, prescription and assist in model and lens selection.”

With four simple clicks, consumers are now able to safely and securely

custom order PILLA eyewear on-line. Other features of the easy to

navigate site are the latest PILLA news, upcoming PILLA events and

background of the world class athletes currently using PILLA eyewear.

About PILLA High Performance Eyewear:

PILLA High Performance Eyewear has become the authority in

performance eyewear for the competitive athlete. Designed for athletes

by athletes, PILLA utilizes cutting-edge materials with superior clarity,

sun protection capability and a proprietary contrast technology to

enhance visual acuity and depth of field, both critical to maximizing

focus and minimizing eye fatigue. With lenses available in a variety of

prescription options and frames specifically and custom designed for

shooting, hunting, golf, equestrian, rodeo, race car driving and aviation,

PILLA High Performance Eyewear is the leading Technical Vision

Provider for the Sports Enthusiast.

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PILLA High Performance Eyewear Debuts New Web Site

Tags: Gun Gear, PILLA Eyewear


Weaver Optics Introduces FastHandling Scout ScopeOCT 12, 2010 12:17P.M.

Weaver Optics Scout Scope

New Classic K-Series Scope Ideal for Popular Scout Rifles

Provides Generous Eye Relief and Fixed Power Perfect for Spot & Stalk

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Weaver Optics

ONALASKA, WI -( Weaver® is one of the most

trusted names in optics, rings and bases. A new scope for hunters who

enjoy shooting scout rifles is now available from this industry mainstay.

The Weaver Scout Scope (MSRP: $254.95) is a Classic® K-Series™ optic

with a fixed power of 4x28mm and is on shelves now.

Fast target acquisition for fast action

As the perfect addition to fast handling scout rifles, Weaver’s new Classic

K-Series Scout Scope is a forward mounting optic that offers an extended

eye relief of 8.5” to 9.5”. Required to be mounted much farther forward

than traditional scopes, the Weaver Scout Scope has been carefully built

to maintain the ideal balance between firearm and optic. An ideal choice

for spot and stalk hunts, where close quarter shooting is common and

jumping bedded deer requires rapid target acquisition, the Scout Scope

offers precision and reliability.

With a Dual-X reticle and fixed 4x28mm power, the new Scout Scope

provides shooters with a clean, uncluttered sight picture and clear field

of view. Fully multi-coated lenses, fogproof/waterproof/shockproof

construction and black matte finish make this scope rugged enough for

any hunting adventure.

For more information visit

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Weaver Optics Introduces Fast Handling Scout Scope

Tags: Gun Gear, Optics, Weaver Optics


Ruger SR40 Pistol IntroductionOCT 12, 2010 11:09A.M.

Ruger SR40 Pistol Introduction

Ruger SR40 Pistol

Ruger Firearms

Southport, CT --( Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc.

(NYSE:RGR) is proud to announce the Ruge SR40. pistol, the latest

extension of the SR Series, striker-fired line of pistols. The SR40 now

provides a large caliber option in one of the slimmest and most

ergonomic fullsized pistols on the market today.

“The SR40 represents the next logical step in striker-fired

pistols from Ruger, remarked Bob Gates, Ruger ’s Director of

Law Enforcement, Military and International Sales. The

outstanding ergonomics and value of the SR9R are now

available to officers and civilians in the effective and proven

.40 caliber chambering. An added bonus is the surprisingly

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light recoil, which makes the SR40 easy and comfortable to

shoot. ”

The SR40 is built on the same high-performance glass-filled nylon frame

as the SR9, offering all the great ergonomic features that made the SR9 a

success: a slim, narrow frame with a short trigger reach, reversible

backstrap for an arched or flat configuration, and fully ambidextrous


The through-hardened, stainless steel slide on the SR40 is .060 h wider

than that of the SR9; the added mass of the slide reduces slide velocity

during cycling, reducing recoil and improving service life.

The SR40 weighs 27.25 ounces (with an empty magazine) and ships

with two fifteen round, flush-fit magazines. A loading tool is also

provided, although an anti-friction coating applied to the magazine body

greatly reduces the force required to load the magazines to full capacity.

The SR40 features a 4.1 h barrel length, fully adjustable three-dot sights,

and an integral accessory rail. The SR40 offers modern safety features

such as a visual and tactile loaded chamber indicator, striker blocker,

trigger safety, magazine disconnect, and a frame mounted ambidextrous

manual safety.

For more information on the new SR40, or to learn more about the

extensive line of Ruger firearms, visit To find

accessories for the SR40 or other Ruger firearms, visit

Ruger SR40 pistol

About Sturm Ruger:

Sturm, Ruger was founded in 1949 and is one of the nation fs leading

manufacturers of high-quality firearms for the commercial sporting

market. Sturm, Ruger is headquartered in Southport, CT, with

manufacturing facilities located in Newport, NH and Prescott, AZ.

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Ruger SR40 Pistol Introduction

Tags: Firearms News, New Guns, Ruger


Agencies & Partners IntensifyWhite Nose Syndrome ResearchTo Save BatsOCT 12, 2010 10:55A.M.

Agencies & Partners Intensify White Nose Syndrome Research

To Save Bats

Bats continue to disappear across Pennsylvania and the Northeast.

White-Nose Syndrome In Bats

Pennsylvania Game Commission

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HARRISBURG, PA --( State wildlife agencies in the

Northeast, including the Pennsylvania Game Commission, are ratcheting

up their response to White Nose Syndrome as they enter their fourth

year of researching this disorder in cave bat populations with an aim to

better understand, and hopefully slow, its spread to other states.

Working with 10 other wildlife agencies, the Game Commission

announced that its interstate response team is broadening the coalition

of partners to include researchers at Pennsylvania’s Bucknell University,

Northern Kentucky University and Cummings School of Veterinary

Medicine at Tufts University in Massachusetts

In essence, these researchers have been involved in the WNS response

for the past few years, particularly Dr. DeeAnn Reeder at Bucknell. All

have made significant contributions to the effort to shed light on how

WNS affects bats. That involvement made these universities perfect

partners in the ongoing interstate probe, which is funded by state

wildlife agencies and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Competitive

State Wildlife Grants Program.

“The Competitive SWG grant of 2009 included $200,000 for

high-priority research,” explained Lisa Williams, coordinator

for the grant for the Game Commission. “Our partners

unanimously identified treatment and control of White Nose

Syndrome as their highest priority, but we wanted to wait

until the timing was right to use the funding most effectively.

At this point, preliminary WNS treatment studies have been

completed, and we are at a point where targeted funds should

help us move forward in the search for an agent to prevent or

control the impacts of WNS.”

“White-Nose Syndrome has spread rapidly since first being

identified near Albany, New York, in 2007, and the best

course of action for Northeast and Mid-Atlantic wildlife

managers is to continue combining forces and resources to

search for answers to this complex problem,” said Carl G.

Roe, Game Commission executive director. “Time is of the

essence, because mortality has been extensive, bats aren’t

overly plentiful and their reproductive rates are extremely

low – one pup per adult female per year.”

A multi-state review team selected the two projects from eight high-

quality proposals received in response to a competitive call for projects

announced in June. Proposals were reviewed and selected by

representatives from the Pennsylvania Game Commission, Connecticut

Department of Environmental Protection, Delaware Division of Fish and

Wildlife, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, New Hampshire

Fish and Game Department, New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife,

New York Department of Environmental Conservation, Virginia

Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Vermont Fish and Wildlife

Department, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and West

Virginia Division of Natural Resources.

The focus of both projects is to further the development of prevention

and treatment options for wildlife managers facing White Nose

Syndrome. To date, there has been little recourse to combat this disorder

in bat hibernacula. Wildlife managers have been eliminating or limiting

visits and disturbances to colonies and studying the carcasses of afflicted

bats to learn more about this disorder’s cataclysmic consequences. Many

managers, particularly those on the leading edge of WNS, have wished

for a more active way to combat the threat.

“We understand that there is little possibility of treating bats

effectively throughout the entire Northeast even if these

projects are incredibly successful,” noted Cal Butchkoski, the

Pennsylvania Game Commission’s Diversity Section biologist

who was involved in project selection. “But development of a

prevention or treatment tactic could be useful in protecting

specific high-priority colonies of bats threatened by WNS.”

The projects selected by the interstate panel of wildlife managers were:

• Terbinafine dosage and safety in WNS infected Myotis

lucifugus: Correlation of survival, drug tissue levels, and toxic

effects. Alison Robbins. Michael H. Court and Flo Tseng. Tufts

Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, Massachusetts. The

purpose of this project is to determine dosages of the antifungal

drug terbinafine in WNS-infected little brown bats that increase

survival rates during hibernation.

• Fighting the good fight against Geomyces destructans:

Evaluating non-invasive anti-Gd treatments and testing the ability

of WNS-rehabilitated bats to resist Gd infection during

hibernation. DeeAnn Reeder of Bucknell University and Hazel A.

Barton of Northern Kentucky University. The purpose of this

project is to: 1.) test the efficacy and safety of non-invasive

antifungal treatments for two species of bats, and 2.) test whether

affected bats that have been successfully rehabilitated have

effectively shed the fungus and can hibernate in a clean

environment without regrowth of the fungus.

“This heightened multi-state response improves what wildlife

agencies already had set into motion in the northeastern

United States, but as WNS advances into more states, the

potential for harm and the consequences associated with

having fewer bats become greater,” explained Williams. “If

the large bat colonies to the south of us encounter WNS,

funding will need to rise dramatically to meet the threat

head-on. At stake are our Eastern bats, with several species

imperiled. What remains unclear is whether WNS can be

stopped and if we have the resources needed to do it.”

In Pennsylvania, when it strikes a hibernating population of bats, WNS

typically results in greater than 95 percent mortality after just two years

of infection. But what has been seemingly unstoppable in bats appears to

have no ill-effect on humans, with the exception that folks are finding

dead and dying bats around their homes and occasionally afield.

For more information on WNS, Pennsylvania cave bats or to report a sick

bat in your area, visit the Game Commission’s website

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( Hyperlinks to all of these areas can be found

either on the website’s homepage or in the “Wildlife” section under

“Wildlife Diseases.”

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Agencies & Partners Intensify White Nose Syndrome Research To Save


Tags: Bats, Fish and Game, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Game

Commission, White Nose, Wildlife Biologists, WNS


NRA-ILA Investigates CitibankGun Owner DiscriminationIssueOCT 12, 2010 10:25A.M.

NRA-ILA Investigates Citibank Gun Owner Discrimination


At this time, it does not appear that Citibank is actively discriminating

against firearm-related businesses.

National Rifle Association

Charlotte, NC --( This week, NRA-ILA and NRA’s

Publications Division learned of an issue regarding the disapproval of

credit by Citibank South Dakota for a respected manufacturer of scope

mounts for firearms.

Upon investigation with Citibank, it appears that the initial disapproval

was based on the type of business the company is engaged in. Citibank

applies an industry code to every business that seeks credit and it

appears that the company was assigned a code that Citibank does not

lend to.

However, we believe this code was misapplied in this case.

At this time, it does not appear that Citibank is actively denying banking

services or credit in an attempt to discriminate against firearm-related

businesses. Rather, we believe that there was a misunderstanding as to

the nature of this particular company’s business.

NRA-ILA staff will continue to work with Citibank to resolve this

situation and to help prevent similar problems in the future.


Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest

civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Four million members strong, NRA

continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and to

advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce

crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education

and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the

military. Visit:

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NRA-ILA Investigates Citibank Gun Owner Discrimination Issue

Tags: Civil Rights, Gun Owner Discrimination, NRA-ILA


Congress to Clinton: RevisitDecision on M1 Rifles and M1CarbinesOCT 12, 2010 10:20A.M.

Congress to Clinton: Revisit Decision on M1 Rifles and M1


Clinton Blocking Return Of Surplus M1 Garands Rifles From Korea

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National Rifle Association

Charlotte, NC --( U.S. senators and representatives

from both sides of the aisle are urging Secretary of State Hillary Rodham

Clinton to revisit the State Department’s March 2010 decision

disallowing the importation of M1 rifles and M1 carbines from South


In a letter to Secretary Clinton, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) and 15 other

senators state that the importation disapproval “amounts to no more

than a backdoor gun ban that lacks any basis or justification under

current Federal law and policy” and “violates law-abiding citizens’

constitutional right, protected under the Second Amendment, to

purchase these firearms for legitimate purposes such as target

shooting, hunting, collecting, and self-protection.”

The senators question the department’s opinion that the rifles “could

potentially be exploited by individuals seeking firearms for illicit

purposes,” and request from Secretary Clinton “an explanation of your

reasons for blocking the importation and sale of American-made rifles

from South Korea.”

In a separate letter to Secretary Clinton, Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) also

disagreed with the department’s opinion that importation of the rifles

would constitute a public safety risk, saying “The importation of these

antique rifles . . . does not pose a security threat to our nation.” Sen.

Webb added, “Hundreds of thousands of these firearms are already in

the United States, and substantially more advanced and powerful

firearms are already available.”

In another letter to Clinton, Congressman John Boozman (R-Ark.) and

65 other members of the House also objected to the department’s stated

concern that the rifles might be “exploited . . . for illicit purposes,” calling

it “a reiteration of tired arguments by gun control advocates.” The

Boozman letter also noted “these are the very same types of rifles that

have been sold by the federal government to civilians for decades

through the Civlian Marksmanship Program.”

In yet another letter to Clinton, Congressman Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) and

44 other members of the House of Representatives noted that “the M1 is

one of the two rifles most commonly used at the National Matches, a

marksmanship competition authorized by federal law” and that “there

are separate competitions dedicated to each of the two rifles” (the M1

rifle and the M1 carbine). Rep. Donnelly’s letter, like Sen. Cornyn’s,

noted that NICS checks would be required on any of the rifles sold in the

United States, as would be the case with any imported firearm.

Meanwhile Congresswoman Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), who signed Rep.

Donnelly’s letter, has introduced H.R. 6240, The Collectible Firearms

Protection Act, which would allow for the importation of lawfully

importable U.S.-origin surplus firearms without the approval of the

Departments of State or Defense.

Of course, anti gun Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy (D-

N.Y.), who on several occasions has introduced legislation

that would ban the M1 rifle and the M1 carbine as “assault

weapons” didn’t sign either the Boozman or Donnelly letters.


Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest

civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Four million members strong, NRA

continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and to

advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce

crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education

and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the

military. Visit:

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Congress to Clinton: Revisit Decision on M1 Rifles and M1 Carbines

Tags: Anti Gun Politicians, Antique Guns, Gun Banners, Gun Bans, High

Power Rifles, M-1 Garands, M1 Carbine

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Firearms Sales Jump 6% InSeptember Over Same MonthLast YearOCT 12, 2010 10:04A.M.

Firearms Sales Jump 6% In September Over Same Month Last


Firearms Sales Jump 6% In September Over Same Month Last Year

Buckeye Firearms Foundation

Ohio --( The FBI has released its National Instant

Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figures for September 2010.

NSSF-adjusted figures (770,310) show a 6 percent increase over

September of last year (726,572).

The adjusted NICS data were derived by NSSF by subtracting out NICS

purpose-code permit checks used by several states such as Kentucky and

Utah for CCW permit application checks as well as checks on active CCW

permit databases.

Though not a direct correlation to firearms sales, the NSSF-adjusted

NICS data provide a more accurate picture of current market conditions.

…In addition to other purposes, NICS is used to check transactions of

firearms sales and transfers on new and used handguns and long guns.


Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots political action committee

dedicated to defending and advancing the right of Ohio citizens to own

and use firearms for all legal activities. Visit:

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Firearms Sales Jump 6% In September Over Same Month Last Year

Tags: Background Checks, BFA, Buckeye Firearms Association, FBI, Gun

Sales, National Instant Criminal Background Check System, NICS, NSSF


Action Target FirearmsProficiency Skill LevelsOCT 12, 2010 09:46A.M.

Firearms Proficiency Skill Levels (part 1)

By Benjamin Kurata

Action Target

Provo UT, -( When we talk about using firearms

against lethal force threats, there is only one real measure of proficiency

and an endless number of pseudo measurements. I do not say that in a

negative way, as pseudo measurements save a lot of wear and tear on our

personnel. However, we have to remember not to substitute the pseudo

measurements for the real measurement.

The only real measurement of firearms proficiency in the realm of

engaging and stopping lethal force threats is this: Did the officer /

operator win the fight, and the threat(s) to the officer / operator lose the

fight? Sub measurements of proficiency that fall under this can include:

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Action Target Handgun training

Number of rounds fired / hits on threat(s);

Number of rounds fired by threat(s) / hits on officer / operator;

Unintentional hits on non-involved bystanders;

Unintentional hits on property (cars, houses, storefronts, etc.)

Any other measurement is a pseudo measurement. Within this broad

area of pseudo measurements, some come closer to simulating actual

fighting conditions and some have very little to do with actual fighting

conditions. These include:

Qualification courses;

“Tactical” courses of fire;

Formal competition;

Please note that I do not see any of the above as a negative. Any time you

are pressing trigger and getting hits on target you are reinforcing

fundamental skills, and that is a good thing.

In my opinion, the most accurate, predictive live fire activity that the

officer / operator can engage in short of an actual gunfight is force-on-

force scenarios using dye marking cartridges and converted service

weapons. Here, the hit ratio is very close to the actual hit ratio in gun

fights. However, force-on-force scenarios have to be carefully scripted

and controlled or they quickly degenerate into very expensive paintball

games. An integral part of a well scripted scenario includes specific

behavioral performance measurements that the trainer can document

while the scenario is in progress.

We are all creatures of (1) comfort, (2) habit. We tend to do what is

comfortable to us and avoid what is uncomfortable. If we receive enough

positive feedback while performing what is comfortable to us, it becomes

ingrained or a habit.

The same is true with shooting. We tend to rise to our individual level of

comfort and then rationalize our level of performance. (“That’s close /

good enough.”) We choose and repeat goals that we know we can

routinely achieve.

(Author’s Note: I started this article in 2000, but shelved it because

nobody in my organization at that time was interested in discussing

proficiency. Recently, a nationally published writer called and asked us

about proficiency levels and evaluation, so it might be a good time to

visit this subject again.)

*Note: Action Target has recently been offering firearm training manuals

for sale at our online store. We only charge the cost to produce and ship

the item. There are no hidden fees. We believe that your safety is that

important, so we elect not to capitalize on the manuals. To get your own

hard copies of these training manuals, please click here.

Please remember, this entry was the first of a two-part article. You can

read the remainder of this article in next week’s Action Target newsletter


About Action Targets:

Action Target is a privately owned business headquartered about 40

miles south of Salt Lake City in Provo, Utah. For the last 20 plus years,

Action Target has been the dominant force in shooting range equipment

design and manufacturing for law enforcement, military, and

commercial ranges around the world. We are proud of our commitment

to deliver advanced firearms training products that help prepare our

men and women in uniform for the heroic job of defending our safety

and our freedom.

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Action Target Firearms Proficiency Skill Levels

Tags: Action Target, Firearms Training, Handgun Training, Shooting



Longthorne Gunmakers LtdNew Kids On The ‘Mono’ Block(AKA Into The Breech)OCT 12, 2010 09:09A.M.

Longthorne Gunmakers Ltd New Kids On The ‘Mono’ Block

(AKA Into The Breech)

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Longthorne Gunmakers Over Under Shotguns

Longthorne Gunmakers Ltd

Billinge, Wigan UK --( Newly formed English

gunmakers Longthorne (Gunmakers) Ltd have produced a 12 bore over

and under shotgun with sidelock ejector, auto safe and single selective


On their current model the barrels are 30” and of a ‘novel’ construction

that is to say that the barrels involve an innovative method of

construction which utilises neither chopper lumps nor mono-blocks, in

that they are manufactured from a solid piece of high grade material ,

and are unified and calculated to shoot at a given point of impact at a

distance of 40 yards.

When further questioned as to the reasoning behind their construction

Director James Longthorne stewart commented that ‘barrels which are

born together stay together’.

Longthorne have used only the best quality materials and specifications

to produce their wholly British made shotgun produced entirely in-house

by the manufacturing arm of the company. The company has been

conscious of the fact that there is somewhat of an imbalance between the

number of imported shotguns and the number currently produced in the

UK and is keen to redress this as Britain was once considered the

traditional centre of the gun making industry, these days it is not

uncommon for guns to be manufactured overseas and rebranded with an

English brand name.

The Company are eager to make their mark and, their aim has been to

inject some much needed technology at manufacturing level thus

enhancing traditional methods of manufacture, not unlike many of their

foreign contemporaries, and in so doing have produced a high end,

traditional English shotgun of unquestionable quality and for reasonable

cost, bringing excellence and accuracy to a much wider marketplace. The

gun will retail for £12,500.00, including current UK vat of 17.5%,

($19,795.00 current USD) which represents excellent value for a good

quality English gun.

From its concept in June 2006 until its current completion the company

has endeavored to encompass into the design as many ‘desirable’

features as possible although naturally this is always going to be a

subjective issue. However, after having launched it recently at The CLA

Gamefair in England, the feedback has been nothing short of positive.

The internal mechanism and fit of the action have been manufactured to

extremely close tolerances and the barrels are honed to such a level of

tolerance (keeping to a cylindricity, parallelism and roundness of 10-15

microns over a length of 760mm) normally only seen in high end rifles

which improves straightness and roundness. The gun has been proofed

for 3” steel.

Longthorne Gunmakers Over Under Shotguns

James (Longthorne) Stewart has been involved in precision

manufacturing for various sectors of industry including manufacture of

firearms components, for the past 28 years his forte being those

elements of design and production and he and co-director and wife,

Elaine have ran engineering companies both in the UK and Australia

where they lived for 10 years.

For more information visit their website at:

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Longthorne Gunmakers Ltd New Kids On The ‘Mono’ Block (AKA Into

The Breech)

Tags: Custom Guns, Firearms News, Longthorne Gunmakers, New Guns,

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Over Under Shotguns, Shot Guns

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