Page 1: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease
Page 2: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease.

Your IBO Support Site is equipped with tools designed to allow you, the IBO, to run a smooth and efficient business operation. Using these tools, we will show you how to access the information for your personal memberships as well as your sales group, track the business that they do, and access and interpret your earnings and accounting information.

Other featured screens will allow you to download forms and documents used in your day-to-day business. Make sure before downloading any programs, that you have Adobe Acrobat Reader version 6.0., which can be downloaded for free by clicking the link above the forms or accessing

This site was created with our users in mind. With this training, you will become comfortable utilizing all the tools available to you.

Page 3: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease
Page 4: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease
Page 5: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Home Page

On the Home page of the IBO Support Website, an IBO is able to access his or her AmeriCAM™ Business Center (Top Right). Also on the front page are various banners and icons. Clicking on these directs an IBO to different areas of the IBO Support Website.

En Español - all Spanish material can be accessed by clicking on this icon. Upcoming events –this icon directs an IBO to the AmeriPlan® Events Calendar which lists scheduled

meetings like Super Saturdays, Barrel of Ca$h™, Conferences and Conventions. AmeriPlan® IBO Benefits Program - this icon directs an IBO to the listing of all the free and optional

cost benefits an IBO receives for being an Independent Business Owner. Top Producers Trip - this icon allows IBOs to check their rankings and how many points they have

earned towards the contest. Business Builder Award and Chairman Advisory Board – an IBO can check the points he or she has

earned towards this contest. AmeriPlan® Council of Eagles – by clicking the golden eagle icon, an IBO can check to see the number

of DVPC, CDHC and IBOs that have been submitted and counted towards this contest. Take a Tour of the Corporate Office – here an IBO can take a 3D photo tour of AmeriPlan's corporate

office. Alternate Website Registration –An IBO can register his or her alternate website here. Alternate

websites are those that AmeriPlan® does not own or operate. Examples are replicated sites like or websites that IBOs create on their own.

Page 6: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

New AmeriPlan® Leads - this icon links IBOs to AmeriPlan’s lead purchasing area. IBOs may purchase leads from AmeriPlan® here.

Talk AmeriPlan™ - this directs IBOs to the Talk AmeriPlan™ webpage where they can obtain information on pricing and promotions for their phone needs.

New Recruiting Tool - this area allows IBOs to download the order form to setup an auto-ship for the “Your Business at Home” magazine. IBOs can view a brochure that gives suggestions on its use.

Managing General Representative - this gives an overview on the MGR Program; it explains who is eligible and the commission structure.

Totally Free Conference Call - an IBO can register to hold his or her own free private conference calls.

Upcoming Business Briefing and Medical Trainings - this area has downloadable flyers with information on upcoming Business Briefings and Medical Trainings.

AmeriPlan Health® - IBOs can download the AmeriPlan Health® training manual as well as view FAQs on AmeriPlan Health® Benefits.

AmeriPlan® Sales Aids Store - the Sales Aid Store is where an IBO may purchase supplies like brochures, Dual Discs and business cards. All orders placed online must be paid by credit card or by ACH Bank Draft . Bloom Bucks may not be used on an order placed online.

Approved Vendors - this directs you to approved vendors of alternate websites. IBOs can sign up for these sites by clicking on the links provided.

Free AmeriCAM™ Trial - this directs an IBO to Earnware’s AmeriCAM™ website. Training calls and reference guides help an IBO get more familiar with his or her AmeriCAM™ Business Center.

Announcements - any special corporate announcements or changes will be listed in this area.

Page 7: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

My Profile This area contains an IBO’s personal information. Here an IBO can see whose Sales Group he or she is in

as well as his or her activation date, account balance, draft amount, next draft date and Sales Group Monthly Revenue.

Page 8: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Personal Activity In Personal Activity, an IBO can see a summary of any members/IBOs he or she signed up whether their

status is active, canceled, inactive, pending or active audit. Downline IBOs are listed by rank. This also shows if the IBO has any Representatives.

By clicking on the numbers under the membership summary, the IBO causes to appear a list of all the members/IBOs signed up.

Page 9: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Personal Activity Cont…

Page 10: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Personal Activity Cont… Clicking on a member’s/IBO’s identification number pulls up that member’s/IBO’s personal information to

include name, address, phone number and plan type.

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Search IBOs This page allows IBOs to search for other IBOs throughout their downlines by name, city, state identification

number, zip code and status.

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Search Members An IBO can search for members throughout his or her downline by name, identification number, city, state,

zip code and status.

Page 13: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Team Messaging Team messaging allows IBOs to communicate with IBOs in their downlines. It allows the IBO to run a

search using various criteria to find IBOs in his or her downline. He/she can then send a message to all that meet that search criteria. Clicking the area to the top right (Click here for important instructions) brings up step-by-step instructions on the Team Messaging system.

Page 14: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

My Upline This page shows an IBO his/her upline information and gives him/her the option to opt-out of receiving

Team Messaging correspondence from chosen upline team members.

Page 15: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Earnings The earnings area gives the IBO access to his/her Trust Detail, Checks, Statements and Chargebacks. Earnings automatically opens into an IBO’s check summary.

Page 16: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Trust Details This gives IBOs access to their Trust Totals and shows them what the Trust Balance includes.

Page 17: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Check Summary Check summary consists of all checks/deposits that have been released to an IBO. By clicking the check

number the IBO can access a full breakdown of that check or deposit.

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Check Summary Cont…

Page 19: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Statements This section allows an IBO to see if any statements have been sent to him or her. Clicking on the

statement number brings up a complete breakdown of what is included on the statement.

Page 20: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Statements Cont…

Page 21: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Chargebacks Chargebacks lists all the chargebacks an IBO has received from members/IBOs. The chargebacks are

listed with the amount, amount owed and on whom the IBO received the chargeback.

Page 22: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Chargebacks by Month Chargebacks by month lists the total chargebacks that an IBO has accumulated for a given month. These

will be listed by month and year along with the total amount added for the month and the total owed for the month.

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AmeriCredit Details Listed here are any AmeriCredits an IBO recieves.

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Reports In the Reports area, an IBO may access many different reports. These reports help an IBO keep

appropriate records; an IBO can see business on which he or she is receiving commissions and overrides. IBOs may select the type and month of the reports they wish to have sent to them.

Page 25: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Reports Cont… Once a report is selected, the IBO should select Email this report to me. Once this is done, the report

is placed in queue and sent out. These reports are sent within 48 hours.

Page 26: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Reports Cont… In reports, an IBO is able to see any reports that have been requested in the past. They can also request

to have these reports resent to them.

Page 27: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Events The Events section has a listing of any events AmeriPlanUSA® is hosting. This listing contains the date,

time and location of each event.

Page 28: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Customer Service This area contains AmeriPlan USA’s corporate contact information along with a listing of the Divisional

Sales Managers and Regional Office Information. IBOs may download the IBO Policies and Procedure Manual, various user guides, applications and agreements. The AmeriPlan® Sales Aids Store and Promotional Store can be accessed here as well. IBOs can change their email addresses, passwords and commission selections.

Page 29: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Customer Service Cont…

Page 30: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Group Resources Group Resources contains a list of forms and proposals that can be downloaded in PDF format. These

forms assist an IBO when signing up a group. The email for the Group Department is listed here. A link is provided to view the groups an IBO has signed up as well as the members in each group.

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Group Resource Cont…

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Provider Search An IBO can search for any of AmeriPlan USA’s network providers in this section.

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ICP Sites The ICP site area allows an IBO to access the profiles and usernames for any of the five (5) websites

he or she receives from AmeriPlan USA®. IBOs are able to change the information on their on-line profiles and their usernames by selecting the profile or username they would like to update. An IBO can also check the traffic that his or her site has received under the Website Statistics option.

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ICP Sites Cont…

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ICP Sites Cont… Website statistics An IBO can run reports on the total visitors he or she has received to his or her site over a period of time.

They can also search the number of visitors specific sites have received.

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Website Statistics Cont.

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Alternate Site The alternate site area is used when registering websites that AmeriPlan USA® does not own or operate.

These sites can be registered two (2) different ways. If an IBO creates a website and wants to use it for AmeriPlan® business, it needs to be registered through the “Register Your Website” option. There is an annual fee of $25 for this registration and it is charged to the IBO’s Trust Account.

If the site is from one of our approved vendors, it must be registered as a “Replicated Site”. An annual fee of $25 is charged to the IBO’s Trust Account to have this site reviewed and approved by AmeriPlan®. Once the site is reviewed and approved, the IBO receives an email with the approval code which provides the link to the AmeriPlan USA® Eagle-seal that is placed on the website.

Page 38: AmeriPlan USA® IBO Support website was created to help you monitor and maintain your personal business while allowing your business to grow with ease

Online Applications This is where an IBO submits applications for new IBOs and new members. An IBO can also upgrade to add the

medical benefits for his or her family as well as upgrade an existing member’s account to include medical.

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No Call List The no call list is used to verify that the people being contacted (prospects) are not on the National Do

Not Call List. An IBO can also add numbers to this list.

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IBO Benefits Listed here are the free and optional cost benefits available to an IBO. By clicking on the benefit name, the

IBO is re-directed to information on how to utilize these benefits.

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IBO Benefits Cont…

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Site Index Site Index is another way to navigate the IBO support website. This page has all the areas categorized. By

clicking on a selection, an IBO goes to various parts of the IBO Support Website.

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