

Evaluating Molecular Biomarkers for the Early Detection of LungCancer: When Is a Biomarker Ready for Clinical Use?An Official American Thoracic Society Policy StatementPeter J. Mazzone, Catherine Rufatto Sears, Doug A. Arenberg, Mina Gaga, Michael K. Gould, Pierre P. Massion,Vish S. Nair, Charles A. Powell, Gerard A. Silvestri, Anil Vachani, and Renda Soylemez Wiener; on behalf of the ATSAssembly on Thoracic Oncology


Background:Molecular biomarkers have the potential to improve thecurrent stateof early lungcancerdetection.Thegoal of this projectwas todevelop a policy statement that provides guidance about the level ofevidence required to determine that a molecular biomarker, used tosupport early lung cancer detection, is appropriate for clinical use.

Methods: An ad hoc project steering committee was formed, toinclude individualswith expertise in the early detectionof lung cancerand molecular biomarker development, from inside and outside ofthe Assembly on Thoracic Oncology. Key questions, generated fromthe results of a survey of the project steering committee, werediscussed at an in-person meeting. Results of the discussion weresummarized in a policy statement that was circulated to the steeringcommittee and revised multiple times to achieve consensus.

Results:With a focus on the clinical applications of lung cancerscreening and lung nodule evaluation, the policy statement outlinescategories of results that should be reported in the early phases of

molecular biomarker development, discusses the level of evidencethat would support study of the clinical utility, describes theoutcomes that should be proven to consider a molecularbiomarker clinically useful, and suggests study designs capable ofassessing these outcomes.

Conclusions:The applicationofmolecular biomarkers to assistwiththe early detection of lung cancer has the potential to substantiallyimprove our ability to select patients for lung cancer screening,and to assist with the characterization of indeterminate lungnodules. We have described relevant considerations and havesuggested standards to apply when determining whether a molecularbiomarker for the early detection of lung cancer is ready forclinical use.

Keywords: clinical utility; outcomes; study design; lung cancerscreening; lung nodules


Clinical Utility Phase ofBiomarker Development


ResultsDiscussion: Clinical Applications ofMolecular Biomarkers for the EarlyDetection of Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer ScreeningLung Nodule Evaluation

ConclusionsAppendix 1: DefinitionsAppendix 2: Additional ReferencesUsed during the Project


Molecular biomarkers, developed to assistwith the early detection of lung cancer, maybe applied in the settings of lung cancerscreening and lung nodule evaluation. True-positive and -negative results may benefitpatients, whereas false-positive and-negative results may lead to harm. To haveclinical utility, the molecular biomarkermust affect clinical management decisions

An Executive Summary of this document is available at

Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Peter J. Mazzone, M.D., M.P.H., Respiratory Institute, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Avenue,A90, Cleveland, OH 44195. E-mail: [email protected]

Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 196, Iss 7, pp e15–e29, Oct 1, 2017

Copyright © 2017 by the American Thoracic Society

DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201708-1678ST

Internet address:

American Thoracic Society Documents e15

in a manner that improves clinicaloutcomes. This policy statement describesitems to consider when determiningwhether the evidence supports clinical use ofan early lung cancer detection molecularbiomarker. Key points made in thestatement include the following:

d Key results from studies in all phases ofbiomarker development may influence theinterpretation of clinical utility. A list ofresults that should be reported is provided.

d Calculations are available to helpdetermine the minimal accuracy of amolecular biomarker that could lead to afavorable clinical impact, and thus justifyinvestment in a clinical utility study. Anexample is provided.

d A clinically useful molecular biomarkerapplied as the initial test for lung cancerscreening may improve the balance ofbenefit to harm by identifying those mostlikely to benefit from screening whileminimizing exposure to the harmsamong those least likely to benefit.

d To be considered clinically useful, amolecular biomarker used to identifypatients eligible for lung cancer screeningmust lead to:∘ Fewer lung cancer deaths in thepopulation tested compared with thecurrent standard of care for thatpopulation, without substantiallyincreasing harms and expense, or

∘ A similar number of lung cancer deathsin the population tested compared withthe current standard of care for thatpopulation, with fewer harms or lessexpense.

d A clinically useful molecular biomarkerapplied to the evaluation of lung nodulesmay lead to expedited therapy for earlylung cancer and/or fewer aggressiveinterventions in patients with benignlung nodules.

d To be considered clinically useful, amolecular biomarker used to assist withlung nodule management must lead to:∘ Earlier diagnosis of malignant noduleswithout substantially increasing thenumber of procedures performed onpatients with benign nodules, or

∘ Fewer procedures for patients withbenign nodules without substantiallydelaying the diagnosis of cancer inpatients with malignant nodules.

d Biomarker-stratified, enrichment, andbiomarker strategy study designs mayprovide the evidence required to assess

the outcomes of interest whendetermining whether a lung cancerscreening or lung nodule managementmolecular biomarker is clinically useful.


Molecular biomarkers have the potentialto improve the current state of early lungcancer detection. Biomarkers capable ofidentifying the presence of presymptomaticlung cancer may help to optimize patientselection for lung cancer screening.Biomarkers capable of characterizingpulmonary nodules may help to expeditetherapy of early-stage lung cancerswhile minimizing the harms of evaluatingpatients with benign disease.

A new lung cancer biomarkerwill be clinically useful if it fulfills anunmet clinical need or provides anadvantage over standard practice (e.g.,more accurate, simpler to use, providesresults more rapidly, lowers costs). Theultimate measure of lung cancer biomarkerperformance is whether and how the resultaffects clinical management decisionsand clinical outcomes (1). Even biomarkersthat are sensitive and specific enough tobe considered accurate by most cliniciansmay not impact clinical care, or mayadversely impact clinical care (e.g., Table 1).

The goal of this project was to developa policy statement that provides guidanceabout the evidence required to determinewhether a molecular biomarker for theearly detection of lung cancer isappropriate for clinical use.


During the first stage of the project, theproject co-chairs (P.J.M. and C.R.S.)developed an overview of biomarker

development principles and the currentstate of lung cancer risk prediction, earlydetection, and diagnosis, as well as a surveywith questions related to each of the phasesof biomarker development. A conferencecall was held to introduce the project to thesteering committee. The documents werethen circulated to the steering committee forreview. The survey was completed andreturned by 11 of the 12 steering committeemembers, and the results were collated. Thesurvey responses were used to generatediscussion questions.

The project ad hoc steering committeewas selected to include individuals withan interest in lung cancer biomarkerdevelopment and expertise in the variousphases of biomarker development.Representatives of American Thoracic Societyinternational partner societies (ChineseThoracic Society, European RespiratorySociety, and Japanese Respiratory Society)and the U.S. Food and Drug Administrationwere invited to participate on the steeringcommittee. Potential conflicts of interest weredisclosed and managed in accordance withthe policies and procedures of the AmericanThoracic Society. The committee had a face-to-face meeting on May 13, 2016 at theannual international conference of theAmerican Thoracic Society. The meetingincluded a presentation from a patientadvocate, and presentations related to thephases of biomarker development. The formalpresentations were followed by discussionsguided by questions generated from thesurvey responses (see below).

Separately, the steering committeereviewed definitions, reportingconsiderations, target conditions, targetpopulations, reference standards, and thepotential impact of true-positive/-negativeand false-positive/-negative results withineach potential clinical application. A draftof the current document was developed by

Table 1. Potential for Harm from an Accurate Biomarker

Nodule Malignant Nodule Benign Total

Test result positive 9 99 108Test result negative 1 891 892Total 10 990 1,000

If a molecular biomarker is 90% sensitive and 90% specific for the detection of a malignant lungnodule, it would generally be considered an accurate test. If applied to a population of patients withlung nodules with a 1% probability of malignancy (e.g., solid nodules 4–8 mm in diameter), 92% of allpositive test results would be false positive, potentially leading to more aggressive evaluation of manypatients without lung cancer, with physical, social, and behavioral consequences.


e16 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 196 Number 7 | October 1 2017

the project co-chairs and then circulated forreview. The draft was modified severaltimes, based on written feedback from theproject steering committee and on feedbackreceived during a phone conference. Relevantdefinitions and additional references arepresented in Appendices 1 and 2.


Clinical Utility Phase of BiomarkerDevelopmentThe clinical utility phase of biomarkerdevelopment follows successful completionof biomarker discovery, analytical validationof the biomarker assay, and clinicalvalidation of the accuracy of the biomarker(Figure 1). A biomarker should be used inclinical practice only if it reliably adds to aclinician’s judgment, resulting in a morefavorable clinical outcome for the targetpopulation. Biomarker accuracy is not enoughto imply clinical utility. Clinical utility isdependent on how the test result affectssubsequent clinical decisions and outcomes.Both the benefit of clinical decisions influencedby true-positive and true-negative results, aswell as the harms of clinical decisionsinfluenced by false-positive and false-negativeresults, must be considered. Clinical decisionsbased on misleading biomarker results mayexpose the patient to adverse consequencesand increase the cost of care.

Outcomes of relevance in clinical utilitytesting include the frequency and manner inwhich the biomarker impacts clinicaldecisions (use of other testing, treatmentdecisions) and the consequences of thosedecisions (complications from testing andtreatment, patient quality of life, timelinessof accurate diagnosis, survival). There aremany challenges to evaluating the clinicalutility of a biomarker in randomizedcontrolled trials, as is typically required fordetermination of the therapeutic efficacy ofa drug or intervention.

Research designs capable ofdetermining the clinical utility of abiomarker have been described (2–5)(Figures 2 and 4):

1. Biomarker stratified: All patients arerandomly assigned to one of two ormore management options regardless ofbiomarker status. This design is themost efficient way to determine the bestmanagement option for each biomarkersubgroup when there is no evidence thatone option is preferred. Biomarker-stratified designs include the following:a. Prospective controlled clinical trials

where the test result is used tostratify patients who are thenrandomized to the managementoptions being studied. Thebiomarker is not used for patientmanagement, but the primaryobjective of the clinical trial is toassess the clinical utility of the testfor its intended use. Limitations ofthis pathway include the potential forbias from randomly missing testresults (can be minimized in thestatistical analysis), limited statisticalpower to detect small effects, and aninability to test strategies with a largenumber of management options.

b. Prospective–retrospective studiesusing archived specimens frompreviously conducted controlledclinical trials that address theintended use of the test. Thispathway is the least time andresource intensive. It is appropriatefor biomarkers that can be evaluatedretrospectively in a reliable way.Limitations of this pathway includethe difficulty in finding adequatearchived specimens (quality andnumber) and the potential for biasfrom randomly missing test results.Because missing specimens may notbe equally distributed between therandomized management arms, the

study design must ensure that anadequate number of patient samples isavailable for each biomarker subgroup.

2. Enrichment: Patients in one biomarker-defined subgroup (e.g., biomarkerpositive) are randomly assigned to oneof two or more management options,and the other biomarker-definedsubgroup (e.g., biomarker negative) ismanaged on the basis of standard of carefor the population. This design isapplicable in settings where there isevidence to suggest that the benefit of amanagement option would be limited toone biomarker-defined subgroup. Theenrichment study design can onlyaddress questions about the bestmanagement strategy within thebiomarker-defined subgroup that israndomized to the studied managementoptions. It is an efficient study designwhen the assumption that benefit willonly be seen in one biomarker-definedsubgroup is correct, and when theincidence of the condition in question islow. This design cannot completelyaddress clinical utility as it does notassess the potential utility of themanagement strategies in the otherbiomarker-defined subgroup.

3. Biomarker strategy: Patients arerandomly assigned to a biomarker-directed arm where the managementstrategy is based on the biomarkerresult, or to a control arm. Patients inthe control arm may be assigned tostandard of care management, or berandomly assigned to one of twoor more management strategies,independent of the biomarker result.This design determines whetherbiomarker-directed management isbetter than standard of care management.This design most directly assesses theclinical utility of a biomarker but isthe most resource and time intensiveand carries the highest risk to the studyparticipants. This design may notcompletely assess clinical utility asit does not determine whether themanagement strategies assessed in thebiomarker-directed arm are better thanstandard of care regardless of thebiomarker result.

Evidence of clinical utility may notresult in widespread adoption of abiomarker, particularly if measurement ofthe biomarker is costly, requires nonroutine

Clinical UtilityClinical ValidationDiscovery Analytical Validation

Pre-Analytical Analytical Post-Analytical

Figure 1. Phases of biomarker development. (Top row) Phases of biomarker development. (Bottomrow) Process considerations. This applies to the development of all categories of biomarkers: riskprediction, cancer detection, and diagnosis.


American Thoracic Society Documents e17

sample collection, is technically difficult, orrequires a change in the culture of clinicalpractice.

Cost-EffectivenessCost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) is animportant tool in determining the impact ofthe use of a biomarker. CEA measures maybe used to guide the development ofrecommendations for clinical use of abiomarker from professional societies,government, and industry payer sources.Some regulatory authorities (e.g., the U.S.Food and Drug Administration) do notordinarily consider monetary costs (e.g.,medical bills, societal or insurer costs), buthave considered health costs (e.g., mortalityor morbidity) (6). This practice is likely toevolve, with monetary costs more routinelyconsidered by payers.

The measurement and interpretation ofcost-effectiveness is complex. It requiresaccurate estimates of the net cost ofimplementing a biomarker for a givenoutcome. CEA is only relevant if clinicalutility has been proven (e.g., reducedmortality in a cancer screening trial). CEAuses data from published studies todetermine measures such as sensitivity,specificity, and disease prevalence. It isimperative that CEA be measured in thecorrect clinical context across diverse ethnicand social groups, and be compared withaccepted clinical practices (incremental cost-effectiveness ratio). It is difficult to comparethe cost-effectiveness of one biomarker orintervention with another if differentmeasures are used. For that reason, uniformmeasurement and reporting of cost-effectiveness using quality-adjusted life-years(QALYs) or similar measures arerecommended. For example, sensitivityanalyses should be performed and cost-effectiveness acceptability curves published toaccount for variability in the costs andoutcomes by location, population, andclinical context (7–11).


The following questions were discussed,with group consensus summarized aftereach question:

1. Should we organize our comments bybiomarker category (risk assessment,cancer detection, and diagnosis) or bypotential clinical use (risk mitigation,

screening, and symptom and lungnodule evaluation)?

The project steering committee recognizedthat biomarkers within a given biomarkercategory may have more than one clinicaluse (Table 2). As this statement is intendedto be a guide to help determine when amolecular biomarker is ready for clinicaluse for the early detection of lung cancer,the committee determined that it wasbest to organize our comments by themost relevant clinical applications (lungcancer screening and lung noduleevaluation).

2. What level of evidence would supportthe clinical use of a validated lungcancer biomarker? Does the level ofevidence differ based on the intendedclinical use?

Large, well-designed and conductedstudies, capable of determining the impactof testing on clinical decisions andoutcomes, are required to confirm theclinical utility of a molecular biomarker.The clinical application, intended usepopulation, consequences of true and falseresults, and current state of clinical care inthe field can influence the required level ofevidence. The steering committee hasprovided guidance about the level ofevidence (study outcomes and study design)that would support the clinical use of abiomarker for lung cancer screening andlung nodule evaluation (fit for purpose) inthe clinical application sections of theDISCUSSION portion of this document.

3. a. What amount of time before adiagnosis of lung cancer wouldbe considered adequate toseparate a risk predictionbiomarker from a cancerdetection biomarker?

b. Should a biomarker of risk of“being diagnosed” with lung canceror of “dying of” lung cancer bedefined?

c. Is “being diagnosed” with lungcancer or “developing” lung cancera better way to define a riskprediction biomarker?

The steering committee recognized thatit is difficult to distinguish between abiomarker that predicts the risk of lungcancer developing over a period of time anda cancer detection biomarker. A biomarkerwhose intended use is to determine the risk

of developing lung cancer, may identify lungcancer that is present but cannot be detectedby currently available means. To be definedas a biomarker of risk, the referencestandard available at the time the biomarkersample is collected should be used to excludethe presence of lung cancer. A time intervalbetween when the biomarker sample wascollected and lung cancer was identified maybe established to add further reassurancethat the cancer was not present at the timeof sample collection, or the accuracy ofthe biomarker at various time intervalsfrom collection to diagnosis can beassessed.

There are different arguments for andagainst defining a risk prediction biomarkeras one that would predict the risk ofdeveloping, being diagnosed with, or dyingof lung cancer. The accuracy of thebiomarker would be influenced by thedefinition. Not all lung cancers will bediagnosed, making it impossible to confirmhow many cancers develop (althoughstatistical models can be used to estimatethe number). A definition that requiresdeath from lung cancer would excludeoverdiagnosed cancers but would not be ableto address the influence of treatment orcompeting risks of death on the accuracy ofthe biomarker. The steering committeeconcluded that it is more important that thedefinition of a risk prediction biomarker beclearly described when it is used or studiedthan it is to mandate a single standardizeddefinition. A general definition is providedin Table 2.

4. a. How do we define early detection oflung cancer?

b. Should we add language aboutpotential lethality of the cancer?Should biomarkers applied for theearly detection of lung cancer beconsidered only for asymptomaticindividuals or include a group withsymptoms undergoing evaluation?

The World Health Organization describestwo components of early detection ofcancer (12). The first is early diagnosisthrough prompt action when symptoms orsigns of cancer are present. The second isthrough screening someone at risk forhaving cancer but who is free of symptomsor signs. The steering committee recognizedthese and other acceptable definitions, suchas diagnosing lung cancer at a stage that ismore amenable to successful treatment(e.g., stage I, localized or locoregional) or


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diagnosing lung cancer earlier than it wouldotherwise have been diagnosed. There wassubstantial debate about whether thedefinition of early detection of lung cancershould include lung cancer diagnosis whensymptoms or signs of cancer are present, oronly include lung cancer diagnosis inasymptomatic individuals. A consensusdefinition of early detection of lung cancerwas not developed. We concluded that it ismore important that the definition of earlydetection be clearly described within studiesassessing the individual biomarkers, withdistinction between biomarker-detectedlung cancer in patients with and withoutsymptoms.

To be clinically useful, an earlydetection biomarker should detect lungcancer that could be lethal if not detectedand treated early. This should be consideredwhen interpreting studies of early detectionbiomarkers. For the reasons described inquestion 3 above, the steering committee didnot believe it was practical to mandatethat lethality of the cancer be includedin the definition of an early detectionbiomarker.

5. Should we include guidance about howaccurate a clinically validatedbiomarker should be to considerevaluating it for clinical utility for each

potential clinical use of the biomarker?Do we compare potentially usefulaccuracies with current standardpractice, prediction tools, and otherbiomarkers currently in use (e.g.,positron emission tomography [PET]for lung nodule management)?

To justify the investment required tocomplete the clinical utility phase ofbiomarker development, the steeringcommittee members agreed that it would behelpful to provide guidance about theminimal accuracy, as assessed in the clinicalvalidation phase, that could lead to a positiveclinical impact. This minimal accuracywould vary by clinical application, and beguided by an understanding of theconsequences of true and false results (13).Several methods have been described toassist with the estimate of minimalaccuracy, such as calculation of theoptimal slope of the receiver operatingcharacteristic curve (14). Here we describea formula to help with this estimate (15).

Biomarkers are frequently optimizedfor sensitivity or specificity based on theirintended clinical application. For testswhere a positive biomarker result leads toan action whereas a negative biomarkerresult is associated with standard of carefor the population, the formula states:

sensitivity/(12 specificity)> [(12prevalence)/prevalence]3 harm/benefit,where harm/benefit is the ratio of the netharm of a falsely positive test result to thenet benefit of a true-positive test result.

For tests where a negative result leads toan action other than standard of care for thepopulation, the formula states:specificity/(12 sensitivity)>[prevalence/(12 prevalence)]3harm/benefit, where harm/benefit is theratio of the net harm of a falsely negativetest result to the net benefit of a true-negative test result.

Sensitivity/(12 specificity) is knownas the positive likelihood ratio, andspecificity/(12 sensitivity) is 1 divided bythe negative likelihood ratio. Prevalencerefers to the percentage of cases in theintended use population. The harm/benefitratio in the formulas can be articulated inone of two ways:

a. 1/N, where in the first scenario N is themaximum number of control subjectstesting positive that is tolerated to benefitone case subject testing positive (or in thesecond formula, the maximum numberof case subjects testing negative that isworth the benefit of one control subjecttesting negative). For example, if thebiomarker is used as an upfront lung

Table 2. Biomarker Categories, Definitions, and Clinical Applications: Clinical Validation

BiomarkerCategory Biomarker Definition Study Definitions Clinical Applications

Risk prediction Cancer is not present, based on currentstandards; biomarker assesses theprobability of cancer developing andbeing diagnosed over time

Target condition: The diagnosis of lungcancer after a defined period of time

Risk mitigation

Target population: Individuals withoutsymptoms, signs, or current imagingevidence of the presence of lungcancer


Reference standard: Biopsy-confirmed lungcancer after a defined period of time

Cancer detection Cancer is present but has not beendetected. The patient may or may nothave symptoms; biomarker identifiesthe potential presence of cancer

Target condition: Undetected lung cancer ScreeningTarget population: Individuals with orwithout symptoms or signs of thepresence of lung cancer

Symptom evaluation

Reference standard: Biopsy-confirmedlung cancer

Diagnosis A nodule, mass, or other imaging findingis known to be present, but its etiologyhas not been determined; biomarkerhelps to determine the probability thatthe finding is malignant

Target condition: Indeterminate lungnodule, mass, or other imaging finding

Evaluation of a lungnodule, mass, orother imaging findingTarget population: Individuals with

imaging showing an indeterminate lungnodule, mass, or other imaging finding

Reference standard: Biopsy confirmationor surveillance imaging without growthfor a period of time, in keeping withcurrent guidelines


American Thoracic Society Documents e19

cancer screening test, N could representthe largest acceptable number of patientswithout lung cancer who have a positivetest result and therefore undergocomputed tomography (CT) screeningfor every one patient with lung cancerwho tests positive.

b. R/(12 R), where R is the risk thresholdabove which procedures consequent topositive testing, and below whichavoidance of procedures consequent tonegative testing, seem worthwhile. Forexample, when evaluating a lung nodulewith a biomarker, the risk threshold Rcould be the probability or risk that alung nodule is malignant at which one isindifferent to choosing surveillanceimaging versus active investigation.

It is important to compare andcombine biomarker accuracies with testingavailable in current practice. The accuracyrequired to impact clinical care is dependenton the needs within a clinical applicationand the potential consequences of theresults. This will vary by clinicalapplication, highlighting the need tojudge the utility of the biomarker on afit-for-purpose basis.

6. a. Should we include guidance aboutcost-effectiveness or leave this tosociety and regulators to decide?

b. Is affordability an adequate outcomeat the expense of accuracy?

It is important that cost-effectivenessanalysis be performed and reported within

each clinical application. Ideally, athird-party independent analysis wouldbe performed to avoid the potential forbias. The steering committee membersdecided that defining a threshold of cost-effectiveness that is acceptable to society isbeyond the scope of this statement.

7. Should we include guidance about thecomponents of study design anddetails of study results that should bereported for all phases of biomarkerdevelopment?

As the focus of this project is on clinicalutility of early detection biomarkers, thesteering committee agreed that we shouldsuggest components of the study design anddetails of the study results that should bereported for the phases of biomarkerdevelopment that most directly influencethe interpretation of clinical utility. Thisincludes clinical validation, clinical utility,and cost-effectiveness (Table 3).

Discussion: ClinicalApplications of MolecularBiomarkers for the EarlyDetection of Lung Cancer

The goal of this project is to provideguidance about the evidence required todetermine that a molecular biomarker forearly lung cancer detection is ready forclinical use. The most relevant clinicalapplications of a biomarker for the earlydetection of lung cancer are the selectionof individuals for further lung cancer

Table 3. Results That Should Be Reported in Various Phases of Biomarker Evaluation

Clinical validationd The sensitivity and specificity of a technically validated biomarker, with fixedinterpretation of the biomarker result, applied to the intended use population, ascompared with the reference standard for the clinical application

d The clinical features of the cancer and control groups in clinical validation studies of thebiomarker compared with the intended use population

d Biomarker results for relevant clinical subgroupsd Biomarker performance compared with and combined with clinical calculators,standard practice, and/or clinician judgment

Clinical utilityd The frequency with which the biomarker result impacts a clinical decisiond The impact (benefit and harm) of patient management decisions on patient outcomeswhen the biomarker is used

Cost-effectivenessd The cost-effectiveness of the biomarker compared with the currently acceptedstandards for the clinical application

Table 4. Models of the Risk of Developing Lung Cancer

Bach et al. (19)Spitz

et al. (20)Cassidyet al. (21)

Tammemagiet al. (22)

Hoggartet al. (23)

Katkiet al. (24)

Source CARET MDA LLP PLCO EPIC PLCOSubjects 18,172 3,852 never- and

ever-smokers1,736 never-and ever-smokers



105,556ever-smokers10–60 cpd

for 25–55 yrAge, yr 50–75 20–80 20–80 55–74 35–65 55–74Variables Age Age Age Age Age Age

Asbestos Dust Asbestos BMI Smoking BMISex Emphysema Family history Chest X-ray EducationSmoking Family history Pneumonia COPD Emphysema

Sex Prior cancer Education Family historySmoking Sex Family history Race

Smoking Smoking SexSmoking

Definition of abbreviations: BMI = body mass index; CARET =Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; cpd =cigarettes per day; EPIC = European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition; LLP = Liverpool Lung Project; MDA =M. D. Anderson; PLCO =Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Screening Trial.Reprinted by permission from Reference 39.


e20 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 196 Number 7 | October 1 2017

screening, and assistance with thecharacterization and management of lungnodules. For these two clinical applications,we discuss currently accepted practice, andthen outline (1) the potential clinical utilityand category of the biomarker, (2) thepotential impact of applying thebiomarker, (3) the level of evidence andaccuracy that could support assessmentof clinical utility, and (4) the level ofevidence required to confirm the clinicalutility of the biomarker.

Lung Cancer Screening

Current state. The National Lung ScreeningTrial (NLST) randomized more than 53,000people at high risk of developing lung cancer(ages, 55–74 yr; active or former smokers ofat least 30 pack-years who had smokedwithin the past 15 yr) to receive a baselineand two annual low-radiation-dose chestCT scans or a baseline and two annualchest radiographs. Fewer people in thechest CT arm died of lung cancer (16).

Several potential harms from lungcancer screening have been described. Forexample, lung nodules are frequentlyidentified. Although usually benign, theiridentification leads to patient distress,additional imaging, and nonsurgical andsurgical biopsies, all with potentialcomplications. Radiation exposure duringchest imaging and the evaluation andtreatment of overdiagnosed lung cancers areother harms that have been reported (17, 18).

Multiple models exist to help estimatethe risk of developing lung cancer (Table 4)(19–24). One model, PLCO (Prostate,Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian ScreeningTrial, 2012), was evaluated in comparisonwith the NLST criteria, showing marginallyimproved sensitivity with similar specificityfor identifying patients with lung cancer(25). At this time, it is not clear whetherhaving a risk of developing lung cancerequal to that of the cohort obtained usingNLST criteria, based on factors included ina risk model, will result in a similar balanceof benefit to harm from lung cancerscreening.

The cost-effectiveness of lung cancerscreening by low-dose CT, based on theNLST data, was estimated to be $81,000 perQALY gained, which is within the rangetypically considered cost-effective.Sensitivity analysis showed a range of$32,000–$615,000. Factors associated withthis variability included the patient’s lung

cancer risk, sex, age, and smoking status atthe time of screening (26).

Potential clinical utility of a molecularbiomarker applied as an initial test in ascreening context. A clinically usefulmolecular biomarker applied as the initialtest for lung cancer screening may improvethe balance of benefit to harm of lung cancerscreening by identifying those most likely tobenefit from screening while minimizingexposure to harm among those least likely tobenefit.

Category of biomarker. A molecularbiomarker applied as an initial test in ascreening context would be either a riskprediction or cancer detection biomarker.

Potential impact of applying amolecular biomarker as the initial test in ascreening context.d True-positive results—more individuals

with lung cancer could be identified atcurable stages.

d True-negative results—individuals withoutlung cancer (or at low risk of developinglung cancer) could avoid the harmsassociated with low-dose CT screening.

d False-positive results—individualswithout lung cancer (or at low risk ofdeveloping lung cancer) could be enrolledin a low-dose CT screening program andbe exposed to the associated harms.

d False-negative results—individuals with(or who will develop) lung cancer maynot be enrolled in, and thus not have anopportunity to benefit from, a low-doseCT–based lung cancer screening program.Level of evidence suggested to determine

whether a biomarker applied to lung cancerscreening justifies an assessment of clinicalutility.d The biomarker should be more accurate

at identifying patients with (or who willdevelop) potentially curable lung cancer

than current eligibility criteria andavailable clinical risk predictioncalculators, alone or in combination.

d If the biomarker is applied to thepopulation that is currently eligible forscreening, a judgment of an acceptableharm/benefit ratio of using thebiomarker would have to be made. Anexample of trade-offs based on testaccuracies is provided in Table 5.

d If the biomarker is applied to thepopulation that is currently not eligiblefor lung cancer screening, an estimateof the required biomarker accuracy canbe calculated by applying the acceptedharm/benefit balance within thecurrently eligible group to the intendeduse population. For example, thepopulation currently eligible for lungcancer screening was based on the NLSTresults, where the incidence of lungcancer was approximately 1 out of 120participants (0.83%) during the activescreening years (27). This can representan accepted risk threshold level. If weset a goal of expanding the eligiblepopulation for screening to include alower risk population, such as those with

Table 5. Trade-Offs with Biomarker Use before Computed Tomography Screeningamong People Who Meet the National Lung Screening Trial Screening Criteria

Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PPV (%) NNTS NPV (%) Cancers Found (%)

90 90 7.0 14 99.91 9080 80 3.2 31 99.79 8080 40 1.1 91 99.58 80

Definition of abbreviations: NNTS = number needed to screen; NPV = negative predictive value;PPV = positive predictive value.The NNTS to diagnose lung cancer is lower than screening all currently eligible patients (prevalence,0.83%; NNTS of 120 during the years of active screening in the National Lung Screening Trial),whereas the percentage of cancers found is lower than what would be diagnosed according tocurrent eligibility standards. This assumes that all lung cancers in patients with true-positive biomarkerresults are identified by subsequent computed tomography imaging.

Table 6. Representative BiomarkerAccuracies That Would Satisfy theCalculation Yielding a Sensitivity/(12Specificity)> 4.18

Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)

40 90.450 88.060 85.670 83.480 80.9


American Thoracic Society Documents e21

a clinical risk of 1 out of 500 participants(0.2%) having lung cancer, the formuladescribed in question 5 of RESULTS showsthe minimum positive likelihood ratioas sensitivity/(12 specificity)> [(1 –0.002)/0.002]3 0.0083/(1 – 0.0083) =4.18. Representative biomarker accuraciesthat would meet this standard areshown in Table 6.Evidence required for a molecular

biomarker to be considered clinically usefulin the context of lung cancer screening. Tobe considered clinically useful, a molecularbiomarker used to identify patients eligiblefor lung cancer screening must lead to:

d Fewer lung cancer deaths in thepopulation tested compared with thecurrent standard of care for thatpopulation, without substantiallyincreasing harms and expense, or

d A similar number of lung cancer deathsin the population tested compared withthe current standard of care for thatpopulation, with fewer harms or less expense.

It can be difficult, time consuming, andresource intensive to perform studies capableof proving clinical utility. Examples of studydesigns that could be used to obtain the aboveoutcomes include the following (Figure 2):

BIOMARKER STRATIFIED.d A molecular biomarker is measured

retrospectively from archived samplesobtained prospectively during acontrolled trial of lung cancer screening.

d A molecular biomarker is measuredprospectively during a controlled trial oflung cancer screening in which thebiomarker result is not used to guidewhich lung cancer screening interventionthe patient is assigned to.

d A molecular biomarker is measuredprospectively, and the result is used tostratify patients into two arms (positiveresult and negative result). Patients in eacharm are then randomized to one of twoscreening interventions (one of which maybe standard of care for the population).

Note: These designs can be incorporatedinto any controlled trial of lung cancerscreening.

ENRICHMENT.d A molecular biomarker is measured

prospectively, and the result is used tostratify patients into two arms (positiveresult and negative result). Patients inthe biomarker-positive arm are then

randomized to one of two screeninginterventions (one of which may bestandard of care for the population).Patients in the biomarker-negative armreceive standard of care for the studypopulation.

Note: This design may be preferredin study cohorts at very low risk of havinglung cancer as it may not be practical torandomize those with a negative biomarker

result to a screening intervention other thanstandard of care.

BIOMARKER STRATEGY.d A prospective controlled trial in which

study subjects are randomized to a studyarm where the receipt of the screeningintervention is based on the result of amolecular biomarker, and a second armwhere subjects receive standard of carefor the study population.

Biomarker stratified

Study population

Lung cancer screening intervention #2

Lung cancer screening intervention #1


Lung cancer screening intervention #1

Lung cancer screening intervention #2

Lung cancer screening intervention #1

Lung cancer screening intervention #2

Biomarker positive

Biomarker negative

Study population



Lung cancer screening intervention #1

Lung cancer screening intervention #2

Standard of care for the study population

Biomarker positive

Biomarker negative

Study population


Biomarker strategy

Lung cancer screening intervention #1

Lung cancer screening intervention #2

Standard of care for the study population

Biomarker positive

Biomarker negativeStudy population


Figure 2. Examples of study designs capable of assessing the study outcomes of interest in a trialassessing the clinical utility of a lung cancer screening molecular biomarker. “Lung cancer screeningintervention” may represent low-dose computed tomography screening, no screening, standard ofcare for the population, or another screening test. Biomarker stratified: (A) Biomarker (orange circle)is measured retrospectively from prospectively collected archived samples, or is measuredprospectively, but the results are not used to determine the study arm. (B) Biomarker (blue circle) ismeasured prospectively, and the result is used to stratify patients. Ideally, both biomarker-positiveand biomarker-negative patients are randomized to one of the screening interventions. Enrichment:(C) In populations at very low risk of having lung cancer it may not be practical to randomize thosein the biomarker-negative arm to a screening intervention other than standard of care for thestudied population. Biomarker strategy: (D) The study population is randomized to a biomarker (bluecircle)–strategy arm, where the receipt of the screening intervention is based on the biomarker results,and an arm where all receive standard of care for the study population.


e22 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 196 Number 7 | October 1 2017

Note: This design can be used incurrently eligible or ineligible populations.It is less efficient than biomarker-stratifieddesigns and cannot address whether thescreening intervention is effective regardlessof biomarker status.

Cost-effectiveness considerations for alung cancer screening biomarker.d It is important to consider whether the

additional costs of the test would resultin enough benefit to prove cost-effective(e.g., based on QALYs or incrementalcost-effectiveness ratio) in comparison withcurrently practiced screening strategiesalone within the intended use population.

d To be cost-effective, a test applied to a largepopulation with a relatively low incidenceof lung cancer (such as in screening) wouldneed to be relatively inexpensive.

Lung Nodule Evaluation

Current state. Lung nodule managementalgorithms, based on the probability ofmalignancy, are available for solidsubcentimeter nodules, solid larger (1- to 3-cm)nodules, and for subsolid nodules (28–31).

Solid subcentimeter lung nodules have alow probability of being malignant and aredifficult to characterize by additional imagingor nonsurgical biopsies. Thus, surveillanceimaging is the most appropriate managementstrategy. The interval and duration ofsurveillance are based on the size of the nodule.

Solid nodules larger than 1 cm have ahigher probability of malignancy. Lungnodule risk calculators have been developedfor this group (32, 33). Additional imagingand nonsurgical biopsies are more helpfulfor characterizing these nodules as benignor malignant. Very low–risk nodules entera surveillance strategy, low- to moderate-risknodules can be further characterized by PETimaging and/or nonsurgical biopsy, whereashigh-risk nodules may proceed directly tosurgical resection. PET imaging has asensitivity for malignancy near 90%, whereasthe specificity is lower and more variable(61–77%) (34). Nonsurgical biopsies have ayield of 60–80% and carry risks of bleedingand pneumothorax (35, 36). Approximatelyone out of four surgical biopsies is performedfor a benign nodule (37).

Subsolid nodules have a higher baselinerisk of malignancy than solid nodules ofequal size, but are generally more indolentin their behavior when malignant. The higherprobability of malignancy and less aggressivebehavior inform the management algorithm

for subsolid nodules. Growth in the total sizeof a subsolid nodule, or growth of the solidcomponent, strongly suggests the noduleis malignant. The low metabolic activityleads to a low yield from PET imaging.Nonsurgical biopsies also have a relativelylow yield (38).

Potential clinical utility of a molecularbiomarker applied to assist with thecharacterization of a lung nodule. Aclinically useful molecular biomarker applied tothe evaluation of lung nodules may lead toexpedited therapy for early lung cancer and/or

fewer aggressive interventions in patients withbenign lung nodules.

Category of biomarker. A molecularbiomarker applied to assist with thecharacterization of a lung nodule would bein the diagnosis biomarker category.

Potential impact of applying amolecular biomarker for lung nodulemanagement.d True-positive results—individuals with

malignant lung nodules could beidentified sooner or with fewer costlyand/or invasive interventions.

Table 7. Pretest Probabilities Required for the Stated Test Accuracies to Impact aClinical Decision if the Test Result Is Positive or Negative

Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)PrTP to GivePoTP > 65%

PrTP toGive PoTP < 10%

90 90 .17% ,50%80 80 .32% ,31%80 40 .58% ,18%

Definition of abbreviations: PoTP = posttest probability; PrTP = pretest probability.Assuming for a given patient that an aggressive approach will be taken if the posttest probabilityis greater than 65% and a surveillance approach if the posttest probability is less than 10%,the values listed in the table represent the pretest probabilities required for the stated testaccuracies to impact a clinical decision if the test is positive (third column) or negative (fourth column).

Sensitivity Specificity Probability Expedite Rx Avoid RxOveraggressive

Evaluation Delay Rx




















































Figure 3. Trade-offs associated with lung nodule management biomarker accuracies. For the threetest accuracies listed, the test is applied to a theoretical cohort of 1,000 patients with a probability ofmalignancy of 1, 40, and 90%. The numbers represent the impact of clinical decisions based on aninterpretation of the test result as positive or negative, where positive leads to more aggressivemanagement and negative to less aggressive management. It is assumed that for those with aprobability of malignancy of 1% surveillance would have been recommended without the test, and forthose with a probability of malignancy of 90% an aggressive management approach would have beenadvised. Black numbers suggest no change in management based on the test result. Green numberssuggest benefit, whereas red numbers suggest potentially avoidable harm. Rx = treatment.


American Thoracic Society Documents e23

d True-negative results—individuals withbenign lung nodules could avoid costlyand/or invasive testing.

d False-positive results—individuals withbenign lung nodules could undergocostly and/or invasive testing includingsurgical resection.

d False-negative results—individuals withmalignant lung nodules may not receivean aggressive diagnostic evaluation,potentially delaying treatment.Level of evidence suggested to determine

whether a biomarker applied to lung nodulemanagement justifies an assessment ofclinical utility.d A lung nodule molecular biomarker

should improve on the accuracy ofclinician judgment, lung nodule riskcalculators, and fludeoxyglucose F18–PET imaging, alone or in combination.

d The accuracy of the biomarker should behigh enough to suggest that it couldmove the pretest probability ofmalignancy beyond a clinical decisionthreshold (Table 7). For example, onecan categorize the probability that thenodule is malignant based on theinterventions recommended in eachcategory—surveillance imaging,additional testing (imaging ornonsurgical biopsy), and surgicalresection. The biomarker should be ableto shift a patient from one category ofintervention to another. The result ofthis shift should lead to improved clinicaloutcomes in the intended use population.

d On balance, the consequences ofapplying the biomarker, if the result wasinterpreted as a dichotomous positive ornegative, are likely to lead to improvedclinical outcomes. The values of thebenefits and harms of clinical decisionsthat are impacted by test results are notequivalent, and thus a judgment aboutacceptable trade-offs must be considered(Figure 3).

d Calculations can be performed on thebasis of an estimate of the relative benefitof a true-positive (or -negative) result tothat of a false-positive (or -negative)result to estimate the accuracy requiredfor a biomarker to have clinical benefit.The estimate of required accuracy willdiffer, based on whether the test will beused to rule in or rule out cancer, as therelative benefit of true and false resultsfor each use is not the same.∘ For example, for an intermediate-risklung nodule with 40% probability of

malignancy, the benefit of a true-positive result would be to expeditetreatment of a localized lung cancer,whereas the harm of a false-positiveresult may be aggressive managementof a benign nodule (surgical resection)that would otherwise have been

evaluated as an intermediate-risknodule (imaging or nonsurgical biopsy).If the cost–benefit ratio of aggressivemanagement versus management asan intermediate-risk nodule is valued at5:1 (one false-positive control to justifyfive true-positive cases), the minimal

Biomarker stratified

Study population

Lung nodule management strategy #2

Lung nodule management strategy #1


Lung nodule management strategy #1

Lung nodule management strategy #2

Lung nodule management strategy #1

Lung nodule management strategy #2

Biomarker positive

Biomarker negative

Study population



Lung nodule management strategy #1

Lung nodule management strategy #2

Standard of care for the study population

Biomarker category 1

Biomarker category 2

Study population


Biomarker strategy

Lung nodule management strategy #1

Lung nodule management strategy #2

Standard of care for the study population

Biomarker positive

Biomarker negativeStudy population


Figure 4. Examples of study designs capable of assessing the study outcomes of interest in a trialassessing the clinical utility of a lung nodule management molecular biomarker. “Lung nodulemanagement strategy” could be surveillance imaging at a set interval, [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose–positron emission tomography imaging, nonsurgical biopsy, surgical resection, or clinician decision.Biomarker stratified: (A) Biomarker (orange circle) is measured retrospectively from prospectivelycollected archived samples, or is measured prospectively, but the results are not used to determinethe study arm. (B) Biomarker (blue circle) is measured prospectively and the result is used to stratifypatients. Both biomarker-positive and biomarker-negative patients are randomized to one of the lungnodule management strategies. Enrichment: (C) In populations with very low–risk or very high–risklung nodules it may not be practical to randomize those in the biomarker-negative arm (for thoseat very low risk) or biomarker-positive arm (for those at very high risk) to a screening interventionother than standard of care for the studied population. Biomarker strategy: (D) The study population israndomized to a biomarker (blue circle)–strategy arm, where the lung nodule management strategyis based on the biomarker results, and an arm where all receive standard of care for the studypopulation. Those in the second arm could also be randomized to different lung nodule managementstrategies. Alternatively, the biomarker could be measured for the entire study population but onlyused to determine the management strategy for a defined portion of the study population.


e24 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 196 Number 7 | October 1 2017

positive likelihood ratio, calculatedusing the above formula, would be asfollows: sensitivity/12 specificity>[(1 – 0.4)/0.4]3 5 = 7.5. For example, asensitivity of 75% and specificity of90% (12 specificity = 10%) wouldequal 7.5.

∘ Conversely, the benefit of a true-negativeresult may be to avoid standardevaluation of an intermediate-risknodule in favor of surveillance, and theharm of a false-negative result may be todelay the diagnosis of a localized lungcancer. If the cost–benefit ratio ofsurveillance versus evaluation of anintermediate-risk nodule is valued at 3:1(one false-negative case to justify threetrue-negative controls), a calculationusing the above formula would show arequirement that the specificity/(12sensitivity)> [0.4/(1 – 0.4)]3 3 = 2. Forexample, a specificity of 40% andsensitivity of 80% (12 sensitivity =20%) would equal 2.Level of evidence required for a

molecular biomarker to be consideredclinically useful in the context of lung nodulemanagement. To be considered clinicallyuseful, a molecular biomarker used to assistwith lung nodule management must lead to:

d Earlier diagnosis of malignant noduleswithout substantially increasing thenumber of procedures performed onpatients with benign nodules, or

d Fewer procedures for patients withbenign nodules without substantiallydelaying the diagnosis of cancer inpatients with malignant nodules.

Examples of study designs that could beused to obtain the above outcomes includethe following (Figure 4):

BIOMARKER STRATIFIED.d A molecular biomarker is measured

retrospectively from archived samplesobtained prospectively during a controlledtrial of lung nodule management strategies.

d A molecular biomarker is measuredprospectively during a controlled trial oflung nodule management strategies inwhich the biomarker result is not used toguide which lung nodule managementstrategy the patient is assigned to.

d A molecular biomarker is measuredprospectively, and the result is used tostratify patients into two arms (positiveresult and negative result). Patients ineach arm are then randomized to one oftwo lung nodule management strategies.

Note: These designs can beincorporated into any controlled trial oflung nodule management strategies.

ENRICHMENT.d A molecular biomarker is measured

prospectively, and the result is used tostratify patients into two arms (positiveresult and negative result). Patients in one ofthe arms (biomarker positive or biomarkernegative) are then randomized to one oftwo lung nodule management strategies.Patients in the other biomarker arm receivestandard of care for the study population.

Note: This design may be preferredin study cohorts with very low– or veryhigh–risk lung nodules as it may not bepractical to randomize those with a negativebiomarker result (in a very low–risk nodulecohort) or positive biomarker result (in a veryhigh–risk cohort) to a nodule managementstrategy other than standard of care.

BIOMARKER STRATEGY.d A prospective controlled trial in which study

subjects are randomized to one of two studyarms. In the first, the nodule managementstrategy is based on the result of a molecularbiomarker. In the second, subjects couldeither receive standard of care for the studypopulation or be randomized to nodulemanagement strategies without use of thebiomarker. Alternatively, the biomarkercould be measured for the entire studypopulation but only used to determine the

management strategy for a defined portionof the study population.

Note: This design can be used toaddress whether a biomarker-drivenstrategy is better than a standardmanagement strategy. It is less efficientthan biomarker-stratified designs andcannot address whether the nodulemanagement strategy is effectiveregardless of biomarker status.

Cost-effectiveness considerations for abiomarker used for the evaluation of lungnodules.d The costs related to nodule evaluation

may vary, based on differences inpractice location, resources, clinicaljudgment, and patient populations.

d Cost-effectiveness analyses shouldinclude a description of the study setting,costs, benefits, and how they werecalculated. A sensitivity analysis isparticularly important.


The application of molecular biomarkers toassist with the early detection of lung cancerhas the potential to substantially improveour ability to select patients for lung cancerscreening, and to assist with thecharacterization of indeterminate lungnodules. To support the application ofmolecular biomarkers in these clinicalsettings there must be evidence that themolecular biomarker leads to clinicaldecisions whose benefits outweigh theirharms. Although it is tempting to applynovel testing based on promisingdiscovery or validation level studies, thelung cancer community should insist onadditional evidence of clinical utilitybefore changing practice. We havedescribed relevant considerations and havesuggested standards to apply whendetermining whether a molecular biomarkerfor the early detection of lung cancer is readyfor clinical use. n

This official statement was prepared by an ad hoc subcommittee of the Assembly on Thoracic Oncology.

Members of the subcommittee are asfollows:







Author disclosures: P.J.M. received researchsupport from InDi, 20/20 Genesystems,Metabolomx, and Oncimmune; and served onan advisory committee for Genentech USA,Grail, InDi, Nucleix, and Oncimmune. D.A.A.served on an advisory committee for Nucleix


American Thoracic Society Documents e25

and VisionGate. M.G. served on an advisorycommittee for AstraZeneca, Chiesi,GlaxoSmithKline, Menarini, Novartis, andPharmaten; served as a consultant forBoehringer Ingelheim; served as a speaker forTeva; and received research support fromAstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Chiesi,Elpen, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, and Teva.M.K.G. received author royalties fromUpToDate and received research support fromMedial. C.A.P. served on the advisory

committee for Genentech USA; and served asa consultant for Genentech USA, Nucleix,Siemen, Chugai Pharmaceutical, and TakedaPharmaceutical. G.A.S. received researchsupport from Integrated Diagnostics,Oncocyte, and Exact Sciences. A.V. servedon an advisory committee for AllegroDiagnostics and Veracyte; received researchsupport from Allegro Diagnostics, IntegratedDiagnostics, Janssen Research andDevelopment, MagArray, and Viomics; and

provided expert testimony for Ford MotorCompany and Honeywell International.C.R.S., P.P.M., V.S.N., and R.S.W. reportedno relationships with relevant commercialinterests.

Acknowledgment: The writing committee isgrateful for the guidance of Gene Pennello andStuart Baker and the inspiration provided byDennis O’Brien.


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Appendix 1: Definitions

Analytical performance: The ability of a biomarker assay to measure the underlying biomarker quantity under a variety of conditions.

Analytical specificity: The ability of a biomarker assay to measure solely the biomarker of interest without interference by othersubstances or cross-reactivity with other analytes.

Analytical validity: Acceptable performance in the measurement or detection of characteristics of a biomarker; how well the test measuresor identifies molecular changes in a person.

Bias: A systematic difference between the compared groups that impacts results in a manner that does not reflect an underlying reality.The systematic erroneous association of a characteristic with a group in a way that distorts a comparison with another group.

Biomarker: A characteristic that is objectively measured and evaluated as an indicator of normal biological processes, pathogenicprocesses, or pharmacological responses to a therapeutic intervention; a biological molecule found in blood, other body fluids, or tissuesthat is a sign of a normal or abnormal process, or of a condition or disease.

Clinical performance: The ability of the biomarker to inform about a clinical condition of interest.

Clinical reference standard: The best available method for establishing the presence or absence of the target condition.

Clinical utility: A biomarker’s ability to improve clinical outcomes when measured and used as directed for its intended use.

Clinical validity: The demonstrated association of a test result with the presence or absence of the target condition.

Companion diagnostic: A biomarker that is essential for the safe and effective use of a therapy.

Confidence intervals: An interval about a point estimate that quantifies the statistical uncertainty in the true value being estimated (e.g.,an accuracy metric) due to variability in the subject/sample selection process. A 1 – a level confidence interval contains the true value in100(1 – a)% of applications (but in any given application either contains it or does not).

Context of use: What the test measures, why, and in what population(s) it should be used.

Cost-effectiveness analysis: An evaluation that compares the net cost of an intervention with the benefits gained by that intervention.

Diagnostic accuracy: The extent of agreement between the outcome of the new test and the reference standard.

Diagnostic marker: A test used in people with signs or symptoms to aid in assessing whether they have a condition.

External validity: The generalizability of the comparison results to persons outside of the study.

Fundamental comparison: The process of arranging and analyzing groups of subjects and specimens to learn whether a differenceobserved in the compared groups is related to a particular condition.

Independent validation: The assessment of analytical and clinical performance on a set of subjects that is independent of the data set usedin the development of the test.

Index test: The test under evaluation.

Intended use of the test: The population, condition, and question for which the biomarker is being developed (e.g., diagnosis, staging,screening, surveillance, prediction, prognosis).

Intention to diagnose analysis: An analysis that includes all study subjects, whether or not all of their test results are available.

Intermediate precision: Precision when some conditions vary and others are held constant.

Internal validity: The strength or fairness of the comparison of groups within the study.

Lead time: The length of time the diagnosis is advanced by testing with the biomarker.


American Thoracic Society Documents e27

Limit of detection: The lowest assay level at which the presence of the analyte is detected with reliability in repeated measurement.

Linearity: The ability to provide results directly proportional to the amount of analyte in the test sample within a given measuring range.

Measurement accuracy: The closeness of agreement between a measurement result and an accepted reference value; an aggregate oftrueness and precision.

Measurement trueness: The closeness of agreement between the average of an infinite number of replicate test results and the referencevalue. Trueness is usually expressed numerically by the statistical measure bias.

Medical tests: Results of a clinical, imaging, or laboratory-based assay that are used alone or with other information to help assess asubject’s health condition of interest, or target condition.

Negative predictive value (NPV): The predictive value of a negative result; the proportion of subjects with a negative test result who donot have the target condition.

Performance around the cutoff: The measurement accuracy of an assay at biomarker levels near the threshold chosen to distinguish apositive and negative result for the intended use of the test.

Positive predictive value (PPV): The predictive value of a positive result; the proportion of subjects with a positive test result who havethe target condition.Precision: The closeness of agreement of replicate test results under stipulated conditions.

Predictive marker: A biomarker that assesses the safety or efficacy of a specific therapy.

Prognostic marker: A biomarker used in subjects diagnosed with a condition to predict subsequent outcomes, such as disease recurrenceor progression.

Qualitative result: A biomarker result consisting of a set number of possible responses (often two).

Quantitative result: A biomarker result that is numerical in amount or level of a physical quantity.

Repeatability: Precision when replicate measurements are taken under the same conditions (within a run).

Reproducibility: Precision when one of the conditions being varied is the laboratory for an in vitro diagnostic measurement.

Role of the test: The position of the index test relative to other tests for the same condition.

Screening marker: A biomarker used in asymptomatic people to detect a disease or condition at an early stage.

Semiquantitative: Results of a test that fall into an approximate range of values.

Sensitivity: The proportion of subjects with the target condition in whom the test result is positive.

Signature: Multiple variables combined to provide a single result.

Specificity: The proportion of subjects without the target condition in whom the test result is negative.

Target condition: The disease or condition that the index test is expected to detect.

Tumor marker: A qualitative or quantitative alteration or deviation from normal of a molecule, substance, or process that can be detectedby some type of assay; surrogate indicators that increase or decrease the clinician’s suspicion that future clinically important events, suchas cancer onset, recurrence, progression or patient death, will or will not happen, and/or that a specific treatment will decrease the risk ofsuch events.

Appendix 2: Additional References Used during the Project

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