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  • AMERICA AND WORLD WAR I Chapter 19 in The Americans
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  • Essential Questions: What were the causes of WWI? Why did America become involved in WWI? What were the consequences of WWI for America and the world?
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  • Four Main Causes of WWI Militarism: The development of armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy An arms race developed between world powers when countries all tried to get better and stronger weapons than the others Imperialism: The process of becoming a more powerful nation by getting control over weaker nations Led to competition for colonies between European nations and eventually America Nationalism : A devotion to the interests and culture of ones nation. Led to competitive rivalries between nations in Europe Alliances: a formal agreement of union between nations
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  • System of Alliances Triple Entente: The Allies France Britain Russia Triple Alliance: Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary Italy Ottoman Empire These alliances grouped together and when the war started they all supported each other
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  • WWI Leaders The Big Four Wilson: American President George Clemenceau: French leader David Lloyd George: British Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando: Italian Prime Minister
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  • German Leader: Kaiser Wilhelm II Wilhelm II Bio at: lm_kaiser_ii.shtml lm_kaiser_ii.shtml
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  • Assassination Sparks War The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand: Heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne This caused Austria Hungary and its allies to declare war Serbia and its Allies Assassin Gavrilo Princip Archduke Franz Ferdninand
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  • Lead Up to American Involvement Lusitania: A British liner that was sunk by the Germans in which 1,198 people died (128 Americans) Zimmerman Note: a note from Germany revealing German support for Mexico against the US if the US entered the war Convoy System: a system in which merchant ships would cross the Atlantic in large groups to prevent enemy attack
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  • American Troops Selective Service Act: required men to register with the government for a random draft (24 million men registered, 3 million were called up) American Expeditionary Force (AEF): The American forces led by General John J. Pershing Conscientious Objector: a person who opposes a war on moral grounds Pacifist: a person who objects to all wars Mobilization: When a country prepares for war
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  • Fighting WWI No mans land: A space between the two sides trenches that was extremely dangerous for a person to be in Trench warfare: when soldiers dug into the field and fought for yards of land at a time (extremely deadly way to fight) U-Boat: German submarines; often used against merchant ships
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  • War Technology French BiPane German TriPlane Tanks Grenades Machine Guns
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  • Cost of War 22 million dead (1/2 civilians) 20 million wounded 10 million refugees $338 billion spent on war 48,000 Americans killed in battle 62,000 Americans killed by disease 200,000 Americans wounded
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  • American Homefront War Industries Board: committees set up to efficiently make supplies for the war effort led by Bernard Baruch War Bonds: sold to raise money for the war effort Committee on Public Information: sent out biased messages called propaganda to the American people in an effort to get them to support the war; led by George Creel Propaganda: information spread to gain support for the war Espionage and Sedition Act: a person could be punished for saying anything disloyal or for interfering with the war effort Food Administration: led by Herbert Hoover, promoted rationing National War Labor Board: created to limit labor disputes and maximize production Great Migration: when hundreds of thousands of black Americans moved from the South to cities in the North during the war
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  • Russian Revolution Vladmir Lenin: Led a coup of the Russian government by the Bolsheviks. G3w&feature=relmfu G3w&feature=relmfu WA&feature=relmfu WA&feature=relmfu This event took Russia out of World War I
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  • Armistice At 11 a.m. on 11 November 1918, (the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month), a ceasefire came into effect. This is the date Americans celebrate Veterans Day.
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  • Fourteen Points: A speech given by Wilson to Congress about how the war should end First 5 points about how to avoid a war like this in the future No secret treaties among nations Freedom of the seas for all Tariffs and other economic barriers should be removed between countries to promote free trade Arms should be reduced to the lowest amount possible while still maintaining domestic safety Colonials powers should consider the interests of colonists as well as their own interests Next 8 points dealt with boundary changes that called for self- determination (the right for people to make their own countries) The 14 th Point was a call to create a League of Nations (a group of reps for all countries that could meet and discuss problems to prevent them from escalating to war)
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  • Treaty of Versailles Agreement after WWI Established 9 new nations (including Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia) Carved 5 areas out of the Ottoman Empire and gave them the France and England as temporary colonies until they were ready for self-rule Barred Germany from maintaining an army Made Germany return Alsace and Lorraine to France Made Germany pay 33 billion dollars to the allies as reparations (war damages) Included a war-guilt clause: forced Germany to admit sole responsibility for starting WWI

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