


Katya Stoycheva

Institute of Psychology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Research report

September 1996 - December 1997

This research has been realised with the financial help of Johann Jacobs Foundation of

Switzerland. This research report has been included in the ERIC database (ERIC

Document Reproduction Services No. ED 422 547).

Sofia, June 1998



My deepest thanks go to Hayganoush Silguidjian (Department of

General, Experimental and Genetic Psychology, University of Sofia),

Krastinka Petkova (Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

and to my colleagues from the Institute of Psychology of the Bulgarian

Academy of Sciences Dimitar Stetinski, Margarita Dilova and Elena

Paspalanova for the readiness to share their expertise and provide the

professional support I needed in my work.

I am particularly grateful to Marina Vulova, Metodka Petrova,

Kalina Popova, Evgenia Markova, Rina Bajdekova, Rossitza

Nikolova, Tzvetanka Dimitrova, Grozdanka Kovalenko and Lili

Bebova for their valuable assistance in data collection and analyses throughout

the realisation of the project.

I wish to especially thank Laurie McLeod for her precious and timely

help with the psychological literature.

Katya Stoycheva




1. Pilot Study: Adaptation of MAT - 50 for use with Bulgarian population

1.1. Translation and adaptation of MAT - 50 in Bulgarian

1.2. Pilot testing

1.3. Analyses of the pilot data

2. Study One: Cross sectional analysis of the development of ambiguity tolerance in the

age interval 15 - 25 years 2.1. Psychometric characteristics of MAT-50/BG-2

2.2. Differences in ambiguity tolerance related to subjects‟ sex, age and education

3. Study Two: How ambiguity tolerant adolescents compare with those who are

intolerant of ambiguity on different cognitive and personality characteristics ?

3.1. Selection of the group of high and low ambiguity tolerant adolescents

3.2. Method

3.3. Results

4. Study Three: How the attitudes of teachers and parents influence the

development of ambiguity tolerance in adolescents ?

4.1. Method

4.2. Differences in ambiguity tolerance related to subjects‟ sex, age and settlement

4.3. Differences in AT - AInT encouragement by students, teachers and parents

4.4. Relationships between students‟ ambiguity tolerance and AT - AInT values

and perceived AT - AInT encouragement in teachers and parents

4.5. Relationships between students‟ AT - AInT values and parents‟ self-reported

AT - AInT encouragement

4.6. Relationships between students‟ ambiguity tolerance and parents‟

self-reported AT - AInT encouragement

Discussion Conclusions References Summary




Tolerance - intolerance of ambiguity refers to the capacity to withstand the

uncertainty, to tolerate the discomfort of an ambiguous situation - a situation

containing a great deal of novelty, complexity, contradiction and/or lack of structure.

The significance of human abilities to handle ambiguity increases in the present

situation of growing technological and cultural diversity and complexity. Adolescence

as a stage of human development involves a major expasion in the range and

complexity of the personal experience and social life and brings a lot of confusion and

changes among both the young and adults, therefore challenging their abilities to deal

with uncertainty (Jackson and Rodriguez-Tome, 1993).

Adolescents today have to live with incoherence for longer periods than before

and that makes ambiguity tolerance a socially significant personality dimension. This is

particularly true for Bulgarian adolescents who suffer mostly from the negative

psychological consequences of the dramatic changes in our society during the last five

years. Uncertainty is inherent to almost any one situation they are confronted with in

their individual and social development and knowing how to cope with influences the

way young people approach specific developmental tasks. Being ambiguity tolerant can

prevent adolescents from black-and-white solutions and premature reactions to

indefinite and/or challenging situations. The personality growth and social integration

of young people is facilitated through development of individual's willingness to

accommodate or adapt, but not avoid, to encounters with ambiguous situations, events

or ideas.

Tolerance - intolerance of ambiguity as a personality trait was originally

identified by Frenkel - Brunswick (1949) in the context of research on the authoritarian

personality. Tolerance - intolerance of ambiguity is defined as a tendency to perceive

or interpret ambiguous situations, events or ideas as source of psychological discomfort

or threat (AInT) or as desirable, challenging and interesting (AT). AInT was associated

with prejudice and mental rigidity. AT individuals seeks out ambiguity and enjoy it;

they have mental flexibility, less rigid defences and more psychological openness, can

tolerate the discomfort of an ambiguous situation long enough to find out the

appropriate solution and/or interpretation therefore excelling in the performance of

ambiguous tasks. Ambiguity tolerance (AT) has been investigated across a wide age

range, but almost no age comparisons have been made. The aim of this research project

is to study the personality dimension of tolerance of ambiguity from a developmental

perspective. Topic of particular interest for us is the age interval of 15 - 25 years.


To the extent that ambiguity tolerance outgrows of the overall psycho-social

development of the individual, the formative influences of the social environment

should be considered as well. One of the most powerful ways in which a culture

encourages or discourages certain behaviour is the way by which teachers and parents

reward or punish certain personality characteristics as they develop in children or the

behaviours which manifest those characteristics. That is why this research work will

also focus on the question whether and to what extent teachers and parents encourage

behaviours related to ambiguity tolerance in adolescents.

Thus the research project aims at:

1. Cross -sectional analysis of ambiguity tolerance in the age interval 15 - 25 years

2. To examine how ambiguity tolerant adolescents compare with those who are

intolerant of ambiguity on different cognitive and personality characteristics.

3. To assess the influence of teachers' and parents' reward strategies on the

development of ambiguity tolerance in adolescents.

4. Adaptation of a personality questionnaire for measuring individual difference in

ambiguity tolerance ( MAT - 50 of Robert Norton).

5. Construction and approbation of a psychological instrument assessing adults'

reward strategies toward ambiguity tolerant - intolerant behaviour in adolescents.


1. PILOT STUDY: Adaptation of MAT - 50 for use with Bulgarian population

September - October 1996

The questionnaire of Robert Norton MAT-50 (Norton, 1975) has been chosen

as a measure of individual differences in ambiguity tolerance in this project. Norton

defines the construct of ambiguity intolerance as follows: "Intolerance of ambiguity is

a tendency to perceive or interpret information marked by vague, incomplete,

fragmented, multiple, probable, unstructured, uncertain, inconsistent, contrary,

contradictory, or unclear meanings as actual or potential sources of psychological

discomfort or threat " (Norton, 1975, 608). MAT - 50 is a paper-and-pencil self-report

inventory and consists of 61 items. Each item reflects a potentially ambiguous situation

and incorporates some function of tolerance (7 items) or intolerance (54 items) of this

situation. The items are drawn from 8 content areas: philosophy, interpersonal

communication, public image, job-related, problem-solving, social, habits and art

forms. The questionnaire is scored for ambiguity tolerance: the higher score indicates

higher ambiguity tolerance.

1.1. Translation and adaptation of MAT - 50 in Bulgarian

Five independent translations of MAT - 50 in Bulgarian were provided by the

experts in the project. Then, on a group expert meeting the different translations were

read, compared and the final formulation of each item in Bulgarian was agreed upon.

At this stage the writing of the items in Bulgarian was guided by the following

principles: 1) to keep them as close as possible to the original wording of the author; 2)

a smooth, everyday formulation in Bulgarian was looked for that can be understood by

an average reader, and 3) a slight change in the content of some of the original items

was made to adapt them to the Bulgarian cultural reality. For example, miles have been

changed into kilometres. Also, "If I miss the beginning of a good movie, I like to stay

to see the start of it" has been transformed to ".....I would like to be able to stay to see

the start of it". In Bulgarian cinemas the organisation is different from the American

ones: you get a ticket that is valid for one session only and you cannot just stay for

the next show of the movie.

In this way the first Bulgarian version of MAT - 50 was produced. It was

labelled MAT - 50 / BG - 1.


Five and seven-point rating scales have been used by R. Norton himself with

MAT - 50 which ranged from "very strong agreement" to "very strong disagreement".

A 4 - point rating scale had been adopted for use with the Bulgarian adaptation of his

questionnaire MAT - 50 / BG - 1, from "it is true " to "it is not true". The choice of

this rating scale was based on author's and experts' experience in personality testing

within the Bulgarian population. The 4-point rating scale has revealed itself as an

appropriate answering format since it is both enough elaborated and contains no

meaningless "can't decide " middle point which is usually chosen by subjects who, for

whatever reasons, avoid making a real choice out of the available alternatives.

1.2. Pilot testing

In September and October 1996, the MAT - 50 / BG - 1 questionnaire was

administered to 472 subjects. The sample is relatively well balanced by sex and age

group (Table 1) with university male students been slightly underrepresented. The age

of the sample ranges from 14 to 43 with 95% of the subjects being within the age

interval 14 - 26 years.

Table 1.1. Distribution of the pilot sample by sex and age group

Boys Girls Total

High school


113 113 226



91 155 246

Total 204 268 472

The high school subsample was drawn from 4 public schools in Sofia: 95th

Secondary School (N=88), 96th Secondary School (N=83), 36th Secondary School

(N=39) and National High School in Mathematics and Science (N=16). It includes

students from grades 9th (N=58), 10th (N=86), 11th (N=65) and 12th (N=17). They

were tested in group sessions within the regular classroom context.

The university subsample was drawn from the University of Sofia (N=100), the

National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts - NATFIZ (N=119) and the New


Bulgarian University (N=27). It includes students at their first (N=82), second (N=42),

third (N=65), fourth (N=39) or fifth (N=20) year of education. They were tested in

group sessions (before or after they have had lectures, on the basis of an agreement

with the lecturer) or individually (to fill in the questionnaire at home and return it to the

psychologist in a appropriate for both of them time).

1.3. Analyses of the pilot data

Item analysis was performed separately for each subgroup: boys, girls, high

school pupils and university students. Item reliability was examined on the basis of the

following criteria:

- item difficulty, i.e. the proportion of subjects who accept - reject the item;

- the distribution of subjects' answers into the different categories of the rating scale,


- item correlation with the total score derived from the questionnaire.

Unreliable items, i.e. items that have asymmetrical distribution and/or low

correlation with the total score have been reformulated to improve the verbal

expression in Bulgarian of their psychological content. Below are given some


1. "Generally, the more meanings a poem has, the better I like it." The item

correlates very low, from 0.06 to 0.14, with the total score derived from MAT - 50 /

BG - 1 and has marked asymmetric distribution, especially in girls and university

students: 78% and 82% respectively disagree with it. Our suggestion was that girls and

university students, being personally more involved in poetry, have answered it

according to their specific preferences: they like poems they understand in their own

and beloved way. To improve the content of the item and, therefore, its distribution, it

was changed into: "Generally, the more meanings an art form has, the better I like it."

2. "I get very anxious waiting to hear the election results". The item correlates very

low, from 0.08 to 0.14, with the total score derived from MAT - 50 / BG - 1 and has

asymmetric distribution: 63% of the boys, 62% of the girls, 62% of high school pupils

and 64% of the university students say "it is not true". The specific Bulgarian social

and political context may have influenced these results. The high hopes and enthusiasm

from the first years of democratic changes in our country were followed by a deepening

economic crisis and a very serious drop in the standard of life of the population. As a


result, the disappointment and disengagement from the newly adopted democratic

procedures is growing in the Bulgarian society, especially among its young

generations. To make this item working, we decided to avoid the specific content

concerning elections while keeping the worries about the uncertain outcome of

something as an indicator of ambiguity intolerance. The item has been changed into: "I

get very anxious waiting to hear the results of something very important to me".

3. "Almost every problem has a solution". The item practically has no correlation with

the total score ( from 0.00 to 0.07) and is considered to be true by 67% to 72% of the

subjects in the different subgroups. To improve its psychometric characteristics, the

item has been strengthened in its expression: "With no exception every problem has a


All items were reviewed and most of them were reformulated to improve their

relevance to the underlying psychological constructs. At this stage the writing of the

items was guided by the following principles: 1) to structure their content as close as

possible to the author's definition of intolerance of ambiguity; in several cases this

implied some departure of the Bulgarian formulation from the original wording of the

item; 2) to make the item a more or less salient expression of a symptom in order to

improve the distribution of subjects' answers alongside the rating scale. Some of the

items were rearranged to eliminate possible interference in subjects' answers to

neighbouring items; and 3) to achieve a formulation that will make the item equally

acceptable for boys and girls, for younger and older adolescents.

Thus an improved version of MAT - 50 for use with the Bulgarian population

was created . It was labelled MAT - 50 / BG - 2. MAT-50 / BG - 2 was used in the

further implementation of this research project.


2. STUDY ONE: Cross sectional analysis of the development of ambiguity tolerance

in the age interval 15 - 25 years

November 1996 - March 1997

In November and December 1996, MAT-50 / BG-2 was administered to 935

high school pupils, university students and working adolescents (Table 2.1). The age of

the subjects varies from 14 to 28 with a mean of 19.14 and standard deviation of 3.06.

Of them, 97 % are 15 - 25 years old.

Table 2.1. Distribution of the sample by sex and descriptive statistics for age of the

groups of subjects

Sample High school







Boys 155 221 64 440

Girls 237 206 52 495

Total 392 427 116 935


14 - 18

M = 16.2

SD = 0.98

17 - 28

M = 21.05

SD = 2.02

18 - 26

M = 22.10

SD = 2.43

14 - 28

M = 19.14

SD = 3.06

The high school subsample (Table 2.2.) was drawn from two secondary schools

in Sofia: 127th Secondary school (N=128) and Language School No 33 (N=127) and

from Secondary School "Hristo Botev" in the town of Nova Zagora in the southern

eastern part of Bulgaria (N=137). The sample is balanced by sex and age groups with

male students being slightly underrepresented. Students were tested in group sessions

within the regular classroom context. The age of the students varies from 14 to 18 with

a mean of 16.2 and standard deviation of 0.98. The mean age of the students in the

different grades is as follows: 9th grade - 15.2 (0.65); 10th grade - 16.2 (0.66); 11th

grade - 17.04 (0.64).

Table 2.2. Distribution by sex and age of the high school subsample

9th grade 10th grade 11th grade Total

Boys 48 53 54 155

Girls 69 84 84 237

Total 117 137 138 392


The university subsample (Table 2.3.) was drawn from 4 higher education

institutions in Sofia: National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts (students in acting

who have not been involved in the pilot study) - N = 108; University of Sofia ( students

in Bulgarian philology and in History who have not been involved in the pilot study) -

N = 35; Medical University - N=118; Technical University - N=166. It is very well

balanced by sex and age groups. Students were tested in group sessions (before or after

they have had lectures, on the basis of an agreement with the lecturer) or individually

(to fill in the questionnaire at home and return it to the psychologist in a appropriate for

both of them time). The age range of the sample is from 17 to 27 with a mean of 21.05

and standard deviation of 2.02. The mean age of the students of the different years of

education varies as follows: 1st year = 19.4 (1.54); 2nd year = 20.2 (1.41); 3rd year

= 21.7 (1.59); 4th year = 22.8 (1.57).

Table 2.3. Distribution by sex and age of the university subsample

1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year Total

Boys 50 55 52 64 221

Girls 55 51 50 50 206

Total 105 106 102 114 427

The subsample of working adolescents was gathered in Sofia. It includes

individuals who have no university degree and actually do not study at a university

level. Subjects were given the test individually to be fill in at home and returned to the

psychologist in an appropriate for both of them time. The age of the subjects in this

group varies from 18 to 26 with a mean of 22.10 and standard deviation of 2.43. Boys

(M=22.2; SD=2.48, N=64) and girls (M=21.9; SD=2.38, N=52) do not differ with

respect to their age - t = 0.69, ns.

2.1. Psychometric characteristics of MAT - 50/BG - 2

2.1.1. Internal consistency

To examine the reliability of a MAT - 50 / BG - 2 as a measure of the individual

differences in ambiguity tolerance, a study of its internal consistency was carried out.

Table 2.4 shows the Alpha coefficients of Cronbach that were obtained for the whole

scale of 61 items. Although they were very high and indicated an acceptable internal


consistency of the scale, there were several unreliable items which correlated very low

(below 0.10) with the total score derived from the scale. These unreliable items (No 7,

8, 11, 12, 24, 26, 49, 51, 61 ) were omitted in a stepwise procedure to obtain the best

possible combination of items, i.e. the set of items which yields the highest Alpha


Table 2.4. Cronbach's Alpha coefficients of internal consistency for MAT-50/BG-2

Group N Alpha

Total 935 0.85

Boys 440 0.85

Girls 495 0.85

High school students 392 0.82

University students 427 0.87

Of the 9 items that were eliminated, 4 concern social relations and interpersonal

communication and 2 others belong to the category of "philosophy" - two areas in

which cross cultural differences are salient. For example, the item "Whenever I am in

a new group, I usually take the initiative to introduce myself" has a very low rate of

acceptance - 26 to 31% in the different subgroups of the sample, and is practically

unrelated to the total score. All this probably because it describes a rather atypical

behaviour for Bulgarian adolescents. When they go to a new place or join a new group,

very seldom it happens in a way that involves uncertainty. Usually they are

accompanied by a friend who is already known there and who introduce them.

A philosophy item that was dropped out is "With no exception every problem

has a solution". Although reformulated during the revision of the first questionnaire

MAT - 50/BG -1, it still has marked asymmetrical distribution (up to 77% of

acceptance) and correlates zero with the total score from the scale. It may be seen as a

common truth, a very general and stereotypical statement which hardly relates to

personal style of life and individual's experience of complexity and uncertainty.

For the rest of 52 items the psychometric characteristics that were obtained are

given in Table 2.5. The internal consistency of the scale has slightly improved as a

result of the elimination of the unreliable items and matches very well the internal

reliability reported by Norton (1975) which is r = 0.88 (Kuder - Richardson). Since

further elimination of items would only decrease the Alpha coefficient this 52-item

version of MAT - 50/BG - 2 was adopted as a measure for ambiguity tolerance (AT) in


this study. It has very good internal consistency in the sample as a whole and in its

subgroups as well what makes it a good instrument for examining sex and age

differences in ambiguity tolerance.

Table 2.5. Cronbach's Alpha coefficients of internal consistency for the shortened

52-item version of MAT - 50/BG - 2

Group N Alpha - Cronbach

Total 935 0.86

Boys 440 0.86

Girls 495 0.87

High school students 392 0.84

University students 427 0.88

2.1.2. Test - retest reliability

In March 1997, after a 3-month interval, a part of the initial sample was

re-tested to ensure the stability of the measurement. A total of 188 subjects were given

MAT - 50 / BG - 2 again, of them 50 % are boys and 57% are high school pupils.

Students from the Medical University and the National Academy for Theatre and Film

Arts were retested. High school students were retested in the Language school No 33 in


Pearson correlations for the 50-item version of MAT - 50/BG - 2 were

computed between the individual scores in the first and the second testing. The

obtained coefficients of correlation provided measures of reliability for the ambiguity

tolerance scores from the shortened version of MAT - 50/BG - 2 questionnaire. The

results are given in Table 2.6.

Table 2.6. Pearson coefficients of correlation for a 3-months time interval of test -

retest with the shortened version of MAT - 50/ BG -2. N R p

Total 188 0.80 0.000

Boys 94 0.81 0.000

Girls 94 0.79 0.000

High school tudents 107 0.80 0.000

University students 81 0.78 0.000


The observed correlations are all statistically significant at the highest level of

significance and range from 0.78 to 0.81. They are close to the test -retest reliability of

0.86 reported by Norton (1975) for a 10 to 12 week period. The stability of the

measurement of AT provided by the shortened version of MAT - 50 / BG - 2 is also

supported by the comparison of the mean scores obtained in the first and the second

testing. The method t-test for paired samples was used. The obtained results show that

there are no significant change in AT scores of the sample as a whole and within its

subgroups during this 3 month interval (Table 2.7). These findings match very well the

adopted psychometric standards for test - retest reliability and gives support for the

further use of the 52 item version of MAT - 50 / BG - 2 as a reliable measure of

individual differences in ambiguity tolerance.

Table 2.7. Means, standard deviations and t-criteria for the first and the second testing

with MAT - 50/BG - 2 in a 3 - month period

AT - 1st testing AT - 2nd testing T, p

Total N = 188 M =131.5

SD = 18.7

M =131.4

SD = 18.5

0.12, ns

Boys N = 94 M =132.2

SD = 19.1

M =132.4

SD = 18.8

0.18, ns

Girls N = 94 M =130.7

SD = 18.3

M =130.3

SD = 18.3

0.34, ns

High school students

N = 107

M =128.1

SD = 17.8

M =127.7

SD = 18.6

0.31, ns

University students

N = 81

M =135.9

SD = 18.9

M =136.1

SD = 17.5

0.15, ns

2.1.3. Content validity

Hierarchical cluster analysis was performed on the 52 item version of MAT -

50/BG - 2. The cluster analysis revealed the existence of groups of interrelated items as

well as of items that remain independent of this clustering. They are weekly

interrelated among themselves and appear separately as different indicators of

ambiguity tolerant / intolerant behaviour.

The first cluster covers a group of items describing beliefs and attitudes about

perceived ambiguity in arts and in life in general. For example, "In arts I tend to like

obscure or hidden meanings", "In a good novel it should always be clear who is the


good and who is the bad character" or "People's behaviour can always be evaluated as

"right - wrong" and "Ambiguous situations appeal to me".

The second cluster gathers items which emphasise the subjective emotional

reactions to ambiguous situations which can be passive under the form of anxiety and

different worries or active like being irritated or angry. Examples: "In a decision

-making situation in which there is not enough information to process the problem, I

feel very uncomfortable"; "It bothers me a lot when different close friends of mine had

conflicting opinions of me". Three subclusters emerge in this cluster according to the

type of ambiguous situations: 1) ambiguity associated with interpersonal relations -

"It intensely disturbs me when I am uncertain of how my actions affect others"; 2)

unclear social context - "I can't enjoy parties when I don't know most of the people

there", and 3) common everyday situations like "It really bothers me when a person

shows up late for an appointment without an explanation".

A third, small cluster includes everyday habits concerning time and order like

"It matters to me to know what day it is" and "Whenever I go on a long trip, I like to

keep track of the kilometres to go".

The results of the cluster analysis give further support for the content validity of

MAT - 50/BG - 2. It indicates that the internal structure of the questionnaire, although

not clearly defined, relates to the main psychological components of the concept of

ambiguity tolerance: cognition ( perception of a situation as a source of ambiguity) and

emotion (subject's positive or negative reaction to and experience of this situation).

In the psychological literature a theoretical discussion takes place concerning

the multidimensionality of the concept of ambiguity tolerance. The multi-componential

approach was adopted by R. Norton himself in the process of construction of MAT -

50. He however reported no empirical data confirming the 8 - dimensional structure of

ambiguity tolerance he postulated. Our findings provide some empirical evidence in

this sense and prove interesting a further study of the internal structure of the

questionnaire. This is however not implied by the aims of this project; that is why we

will stick up to the way the author himself applies the questionnaire and will use the

total score from the shortened 52 item version of MAT - 50/BG - 2 as a measure of

ambiguity tolerance in our analyses.

2.1.4. Distribution of the individual scores

For the 52 - item version of MAT - 50 / BG - 2 the highest possible score is 208

and the lowest - 52. The empirically observed distribution of individual scores varies

from 76 to 187. The following characteristics of the empirical distribution of the


sample N = 935 were obtained: Mean = 128.01, SD = 19.4, Median = 127, Mode =


The mean being so close to the mode and the median suggests a normal

distribution of the row scores which is very well illustrated on Figure 1. 16 % of the

cases score lower than one standard deviation below the mean and also 16% of the

subjects have scores higher than one standard deviation above the mean.









1 2 0

1 0 0

8 0

6 0

4 0

2 0


Figure 2.1. Histogram of ambiguity tolerance scores from the 52-item version of MAT

- 50/ BG - 2 compared to the normal curve

2.2. Differences in ambiguity tolerance related to subjects' sex, age and


2.2.1. Sex differences

No significant sex differences were found in the Bulgarian adolescent

population as a whole (Table 2.8), neither between boys and girls in the high school

and university subsamples. It should be noticed that in the subsample of working

adolescents boys score higher than girls and this difference is just close to statistical

significance. It is difficult to suggest some satisfactory explanation of this result. This


group is smaller than the two others and the finding needs further replication. After

leaving the secondary school, these boys and girls live in sometimes very different

worlds. It might be that the different professional and life opportunities available for

boys and girls account for this difference in ambiguity tolerance among them.

Table 2.8. Means, standard deviations and t-criteria for boys and girls in the sample as

a whole and within the different subgroups.

High school







Boys M = 127.4

SD = 18.3

N = 155

M = 129.9

SD = 19.6

N = 221

M = 128.7

SD = 20

N = 64

M = 128.8

SD = 19.2

N = 440

Girls M = 126.9

SD = 18.4

N = 237

M = 129.2

SD = 20.5

N = 206

M = 121.2

SD = 20.6

N = 52

M = 127.3

SD = 19.6

N = 495

t , p 0.23, ns 0.33, ns 1.97, p=0.051 1.20, ns

2.2.2. Age differences

Age and ambiguity tolerance (AT) scores are unrelated. None of the computed

Pearson coefficients of correlation is significantly different from zero: in the sample as

a whole (r=0.03); among high school pupils (r=0.08), university students (r=- 0.05) or

working adolescents (r=0.10)

University students tend to score higher on ambiguity tolerance (M=129.6;

SD=20, N=427) than high school students (M=127.1; SD=18.3; N=392) but this

difference does not reach statistical significance - t = 1.83, p=0.067.

Within the high school subsample, no significant differences were found in

ambiguity tolerance scores between different grades (Table 2.9) - F = 0.33, df=2, ns.

Table 2.9. Means and standard deviations for AT by school grade

AT 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade

Mean 127.1 126.2 128

SD 19.4 17.3 18.5

N 117 137 138


Two-way analysis of variance by sex and grade confirmed the previous results

that there are no significant sex and age differences in ambiguity tolerance in high

school students neither these two factors interact:

F (sex) = 0.05, df=1, ns

F(grade) = 0.33, df=2, ns

F(sex*grade) = 0.28 df=2, ns

Table 2.10 shows the results of one-way ANOVA by year of education in the

university students subsample which indicate statistically significant age differences - F

= 4.30, df=3, p=0.005.

Table 2.10. Means and standard deviations for AT by year of education

AT 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year

Mean 135.2 126.1 127.5 129.5

SD 18.2 21.5 20.1 19.2

N 105 106 102 114

There is a significant drop in ambiguity tolerance from the first to the second

year of university education which is thereafter compensated by gradually increasing

up in the third and fourth years of education to achieve AT scores at the end of the

university studies that are very close to the average values for the examined population.

To illustrate this dynamics, t-test comparisons between mean AT scores per year of

education are given below:

T (1st - 2nd year) = 3.32, p=0.001

T (1st - 3rd year) = 2.90, p=0.004

T (1st - 4th year) = 2.26, p=0.025

T (2nd - 4th year) = 1.23, ns

Two-way analysis of variance by sex and year of education confirmed the

previous results that there are no significant sex differences in ambiguity tolerance in

university students but there are statistically significant age differences. These two

factors do not interact as it has been already shown for the high school subsample:

F (sex) = 0.20, df=1, ns

F(grade) = 4.33, df=3, p=0.005

F(sex*grade) = 1.21, df=3, ns

Does tolerance of ambiguity vary with age? Our data do not reveal the age of

the subjects to be responsible for the differences in ambiguity tolerance among them.


To the extent that age-related differences in AT scores are observed they are probably

due to associated with the age differences in the position of the adolescent in the social

and educational structures. Tatzel (1980) has identified age differences in adult

college students in the direction that the age group 25-29 years score significantly

lower (p<0.05) on AT both than younger (24 years and below) and older (30-34 years)

students. There were no other significant comparisons, so the author concludes that “for

most of adulthood, the trait remains steady” (Tatzel, 1980, 378).

2.2.3. Differences related to subjects' education Differences related to subjects' educational level

Working adolescents aged 18 - 25 years score lower on ambiguity tolerance

(M=125.4, SD=20.5, N=116) than university students of the same age group

(M=129.6, SD=20; N=427) and this difference is great enough to be statistically

significant - T = 2.00, p=0.046. In the examined age group - 18 - 25 years, the

educational level (secondary vs. university education) seems to influence the individual

differences in ambiguity tolerance. This finding is in line with the above mentioned

influences of the educational context on the individual differences in ambiguity


1 2 0

1 2 1

1 2 2

1 2 3

1 2 4

1 2 5

1 2 6

1 2 7

1 2 8

1 2 9

1 3 0

U n i v e r s i t y N o u n i v e r s i t y

B o y s G i r l s

Figure 2.2. AT scores for boys and girls who do and do not study at a university level


The observed difference is mainly due to the significantly lower scores of girls

non enrolled in a university - t = 2.52, p = 0.012 (Figure 2.2). This result goes in line

with the observed close to significance gender differences in the subsample of working

adolescents. Girls who don‟t study in a university have the lowest AT scores in the age

interval 18 - 25 years. Since nothing but sex and age was gathered as a biographical

information from this group, we can only hypothesise which are these differences in the

life status in boys and girls not going to a university which may relate to differences in

AT. Differences related to the high school setting

There are differences between the AT scores of the students in Sofia and

outside the capital (Table 2.11) that tend to be significant - F = 2.53, df=2, p=0.08.

High school students in the small town score lower on AT from both the regular

secondary school in the capital (T=1.86, p=0.06) and the one specialised in foreign

languages (T=2.07, p=0.04), the second difference being statistically significant. This

finding further support the contextual influences on the development of ambiguity


Table 2.11. Means and standard deviations for AT by school setting

AT Secondary school

No 127 in Sofia

H. Botev Secondary

school in Nova


Language school

No 33 in Sofia

Mean 128.5 124.3 128.8

SD 19.7 17.1 17.9

N 128 137 127

The different social context (big capital city vs. small provincial town) implies

different life experiences for adolescents, different life perspectives and possibilities to

cope with developmental challenges. Boys and girls in Nova Zagora can hardly be

unaware of their restricted opportunities for professional, educational and personal

realisation. For them, the choice to be made out of alternatives for the future is more

difficult: it may involve change of the place to live, separation from the family and the

friends and also serious financial problems.

Page 21: AMBIGUITY TOLERANCE: ADOLESCENTS' RESPONSES TO ... - … Differences related to the type of university education

There are significant differences between the AT scores of the students coming

from different universities (Table 2.12) - F = 10.05, df=3, p=0.000.

Table 2.12. Means and standard deviations for AT by university

AT Theatre & Film

Arts Academy

University of






Mean 138.1 131.2 126.6 125.8

SD 17.2 22.4 19.5 20.1

N 108 35 118 166

Students in arts score significantly higher on AT than both medical (t = 4.67,

p=0.000) and technical students (t = 5.25, p=0.000) and also tend to be more ambiguity

tolerant than their colleagues from the University of Sofia ( t = 1.91, p=0.058). This

finding further supports the suggestion that the development of ambiguity tolerance is

moderated by contextual factors. AT is related to student‟ s chosen field of study.

Tatzel (1980) also report that students in Arts score significantly higher in AT than

Business students on Budner‟s scale, finding she sees as supporting the linkage of AT

with creativity and mental flexibility.

To examine further this question, age differences between students from

different years of education were analysed separately for each university (Figure 2.3).

The University of Sofia students were excluded from this analysis since this is a very

small group.

Table 2.13. Means and standard deviations for AT per year of education in the

Theatre and Film Arts Academy

AT 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year

Mean 142 138.4 129.8 140.1

SD 15 16.9 20.5 15.6

N 32 23 23 30

The one way ANOVA by year of education reveals just close to the statistically

significant level age differences in the AT scores: F = 2.59, df=3, p=0.057. Third year


1 1 0

1 1 5

1 2 0

1 2 5

1 3 0

1 3 5

1 4 0

1 4 5

1 s t y e a r 2 n d y e a r 3 r d y e a r 4 t h y e a r

A r t s

M e d i c i n e

T e c h n i c s

Figure 2.3. AT scores of students from 1st to 4

th year of education from different



students in acting score significantly lower than 1st year students (T=2.56 p=0.013) and

4th year students (t=2.08, p=0.043).

Table 2.14. Means and standard deviations for AT per year of education in the

Medical University

AT 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year

Mean 135.3 124.3 123.6 123.9

SD 16.8 21.5 18.9 18.7

N 28 30 23 37

There are differences in AT scores of the different age groups that just miss

significance - F = 2.54, df=3, p=0.06. First year medical students score significantly

higher than any other group: t (1st - 2nd year) = 2.17, p=0.034; t (1st - 3rd year ) =

2.35, p=0.023; t (1st - 4th year ) = 2.55, p=0.013

In the Technical University (Table 2.15) there are no significant differences

between the examined age groups: F = 1.13, df=3, ns, although the general tendency

for 2nd year students to be less tolerant of ambiguity than others can be observed in this

university too.

Table 2.15. Means and standard deviations for AT per year of education in the

Technical University

AT 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year

Mean 128.3 121.8 128.2 125.6

SD 18.5 21.6 19.9 19.1

N 42 53 44 27

The reported empirical data support our expectations that age-related

differences in AT among university students depend on the type of university. It is

difficult to say why on the basis of our data only. Many factors may contribute to these

differences: the nature of education students receive; instructional methods that are

used; to what extent the education stresses the personality development or the

acquisition of instrumental professional skills; students - professors relationships and

the social climate; different opportunities for professional realisation in the future.

Research on psychological environmental presses in a university setting on personality

development of students (Adams and Fitch, 1983) suggests prospective lines of future

investigations in this field.


3. STUDY TWO: How ambiguity tolerant adolescents compare with those who are

intolerant of ambiguity on different cognitive and personality characteristics ?

May - July 1997

3.1. Selection of the group of high and low ambiguity tolerant adolescents

51 low AT students and 55 high AT students took part in the second stage of

the study (Table 2.1). The proportion of boys vs. girls in the groups reflects the

proportion of boys vs. girls in the whole high school sample. They come from all

three schools that have been involved in the first study (Table 2.2). Their is no

statistically significant difference between the mean age of Low AT (M=15.78,

SD=0.76) and High AT (M=15.85, SD=0.76) students - t =0.48.

Table 2.1. Distribution of the sample by sex and AT groups

Gender/ AT group Low AT High AT

Boys 19 32

Girls 19 36

Table 2.2. Distribution of the sample by school and AT groups

School / AT group Low AT High AT

127 Secondary School in


12 16

33 Language School in


19 20

Secondary School "H.

Botev" in Nova Zagora

20 19

Subjects were selected on the basis of their AT scores from the first study as

those scoring below or above half standard deviation from the mean of the high school

subsample (N=392, M=127.10, SD=18.32). t-test comparison of the mean AT scores of

the two groups yielded a statistically significant difference - t=23.85, p=0.000.

Therefore, the way groups were selected provided us with subjects to be examined who

really differ in their tolerance to uncertainty and who represent the two contrasting

strategies with respect to ambiguous situations, events and ideas very well (Table 2.3).


Table 2.3. Descriptive statistics and t-value for High and Low At groups

Sample Low AT Group High AT Group t

N 51 55

AT score M=104.61, SD=7.88 M=149.76, SD=11.41 23.85 ***

Subjects were selected on the basis of their AT scores from the first study as

those scoring below or above half standard deviation from the mean of the high school

subsample (N=392, M=127.10, SD=18.32). In each group about 50% of the subjects

have AT scores below/above one standard deviation from the mean of the high school

subsample. They come from all three schools involved in the first study and 36% of

them are boys.

The Low AT group has a mean score in AT 104.61 and standard deviation 7.88.

This mean score is itself below one standard deviation below the mean of the high

school subsample. Also, 55% of the subjects in this group have AT scores below one

standard deviation below the mean of the high school subsample.

The High AT group has a mean score in AT 149.76 and standard deviation

11.41. This mean score is itself above one standard deviation above the mean of the

high school subsample. Also, 53% of the subjects in this group have AT scores above

one standard deviation above the mean of the high school subsample.

3.2. Method

The High and Low AT adolescents were compared on cognitive and personality

measures that have been revealed to relate to ambiguity tolerance (Jonassen and

Grabowski, 1993). The instruments that were used have been chosen for their

popularity in the psychological literature, acknowledged reliability and validity and

availability of Bulgarian adaptations.

Cognitive measures: CF.2A Tests of Intelligence of R.B.Cattell, standardised for

Bulgarian population by Paspalanova and Stetinski (1985);

- Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, Verbal and Figural Forms, adapted for use

with Bulgarian population Stoycheva (1988, 1990).

Personality Measures: Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), standardised for

Bulgarian population by Eysenck, Paspalanov and Stetinski (1984). Provides scores

on extroversion, emotional stability, psychotism and social desirability (lie);

- STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) of C. Spielberger, standardised for Bulgarian

population by Stetinski and Paspalanov. (1989);


- Questionnaire for measuring need of achievement, constructed and standardised for

Bulgarian population by Paspalanov and Stetinski (1988);

- Offer Self-Image Questionnaire for Adolescents (OSIQ), standardised for Bulgarian

population by Sylguidjan and Gerganov (Sylguidjan, in press).

Procedure. Subjects were given the tests in 4 consequent sessions:

1 session: STAI of Spielberger, followed by CF.2A test of Intelligence of Cattell in a

group testing format;

2 session: personality questionnaires for need for achievement, EPQ and OSIQ.

3 session: Verbal Form A of TTCT, Activities 4 to 7, for 30 min of group testing.

4 session: Figural Form B of TTCT, for 30 min of group testing.

Each session was scheduled for a different day. The testing was done within the

regular classroom context. In some cases personality questionnaires were given to be

filled in at home, individually. Since not all of the subjects were present at all testing

sessions, for each of the following analyses is indicated the number of cases it is

performed on.

3.3. Results

3.3.1. Intelligence

High AT students (M=32.44, SD=4.27, N=52) score better than Low AT

students (M=29.40; SD=6.92, N=48) - t =2.62, p=0.01. It should be mentioned that

both means are within the average scoring zone for the general Bulgarian population of

this age. Compared to the Bulgarian norms, 23% in the both AT groups score high in

intelligence (one standard deviation above the mean) i.e. the differences are due to the

greater number of low scorers (one standard deviation below the mean) in the Low AT

group - 27% vs. 4% in the High AT group. This result conforms to the findings that

High AT individuals perform better on complex tasks and to the theoretical postulates

that relate AT with cognitive complexity - simplicity.

3.3.2. Creative thinking skills

The Verbal Form of the TTCT is scored for fluency (the number of the

generated solutions to the problem), flexibility (defined as a change in the subject's

approach to the task, shifts in attitudes or focus on the problem) and originality (the

degree to which unusual, unique ideas are generated, that are away from the obvious

and commonplace).


Table 2.4. Means, standard deviations and t-criteria for verbal creativity

Indicators/AT groups Low AT N = 34 High AT N = 38 t, p

Verbal fluency M=28.29, SD=12.33 M=31.37, SD=12.30 1.06, ns

Verbal flexibility M=13.21, SD=4.76 M=14.42, SD=5.53 0.99, ns

Verbal originality M=18.71, SD=10.66 M=27.18, SD=17.20 2.48, p=.016

As it is shown in Table 2.4, high AT students score higher on all verbal

indicators but the difference is statistically significant for originality only: they

generate more original, non-trivial, unusual ideas and solutions to open-ended verbal

tasks. The greater variance in the High AT group (F=3.85, p=0.054) is due just to the

individuals with very high scores on originality.

The Figural Form is scored for fluency, originality, elaboration (the number of

details used to elaborate the pictures), abstractness of titles (the degree to which the

titles given by the children to their pictures go beyond what can be seen) and resistance

to premature closure (a measure of the ability to "keep open" and to resist to natural

psychological urge to close the incompleteness by the simplest, easiest solution).

With respect to the results on the Figural form, High AT students score

significantly higher on Abstracness of titles (Table 2.5): they produce more creative,

inventive, imaginative and abstract titles to the pictures than do Low AT students. Here

again the greater variance in the High AT group (F=15.39, p=0.000) is due just to the

individuals with very high scores on this parameter.

Table 2.5. Means, standard deviations and t-criteria for non-verbal creativity



Low AT N =


High AT N = 34 t, p

Figural fluency M=16.83, SD=7.16 M=17.00, SD=4.96 0.12, ns

Figural originality M=12.51, SD=5.53 M=12.21, SD=5.08 0.24, ns

Elaboration M=77.63, SD=34.11 M=92.53, SD=55.05 1.36, ns

Abstractness of titles M=3.80, SD=2.68 M=7.00, SD=4.91 3.35, p=.002

Resistance to closure M=9.74, SD=3.57 M=8.56, SD=3.01 1.49, ns

3.3.3. Anxiety

The obtained results (Table 2.6) follow both the empirical findings about

ambiguity tolerance as a personality variable and the theoretical descriptions of the

syndrome of ambiguity intolerance as being manifested in increased anxiety.


Table 2. 6. Means, standard deviations and t-criteria for anxiety

Indicator/AT groups Low AT N=48 High AT N=49 t, p

State anxiety M=39.08, SD=11.76 M=36.92, SD=9.24 1.01, ns

Trait anxiety M=44.47, SD=11.02 M=39.59, SD=9.40 2.34, p=.022

AT scores are negatively correlated with trait anxiety for the sample as a whole

as well - r = - 0.29 (p< 0.01), suggesting a linear relationship between the two

measures, while the correlation with state anxiety does not reach significance (r = -

0.17, p< 0.09). In both groups trait and state anxiety are strongly positively correlated -

Low AT group has r = 0.74 (p < 0.001) and High AT group has r = 0.60 (p < 0.001).

For the sample as a whole the score is r = 0.68 (p < 0.001).

3.3.4 Temperament

There is no significant differences on any of the dimensions what is in fact a

good concurrent validity evidence for the dimension of ambiguity tolerance and its

measurement through MAT-50/BG-2 questionnaire (Table 2.7).

Table 2.7. Means, standard deviations and t-criteria for EPQ parameters

E P Q/ groups Low AT N = 41 High AT N = 48 t, p

Extroversion M=14.51, SD=4.43 M=15.29, SD=4.11 0.86, ns

Emotional stability M=12.12, SD=5.30 M=10.27, SD=5.60 1.59, ns

Social desirability M=6.59, SD=3.41 M=6.29, SD=3.43 0.40, ns

Psychotism M=4.51, SD=2.19 M=5.06, SD=3.97 0.83, ns

3.3.5. Need for achievement

There is no significant difference between the strength of achievement

orientation in the two groups: Low AT students (M=12.73, SD=3.85, N=40) and High

AT students (M=12.13, SD=4.43, N=48). Both scores don‟t differ significantly from a

general high school sample data. Paspalanov and Stetinski (1985) report the following

data: boys (M=13.52, SD=4.38, N=115) and girls (M=13.15, SD=4.18, N=73).

Stoycheva and Zelyazkova (1992) have obtained for a sample of 117 high school

students M=12.03 and SD=4.20. Therefore, with respect to achievement orientation,


the two groups neither differ from each other nor from the general Bulgarian high

school population.

3.3.6. Self - concept

Significant differences were found in the self-concept of Low and High AT

students that are summarised in Table 2.8.

Table 2.8. Means, standard deviations and t-criteria for self-concept parameters

Indicators/AT groups Low AT N = 38 High AT N = 46 t, p

PS-1 Impulse control M=2.98, SD=0.86 M=2.81, SD=0.78 0.95, ns

PS-2 Emotional tone M=2.81, SD=0.98 M=2.62, SD=0.98 0.85, ns

PS-3 Body & Self


M=2.90, SD=0.81 M=2.83, SD=0.73 0.41, ns

SS-1 Social


M=2.57, SD=0.92 M=2.06, SD=0.67 2.95, p=.004

SS-2 Morals M=2.91, SD=0.44 M=2.77, SD=0.66 1.17, ns

SS-3 Vocational &

Educational goals

M=2.40, SD=0.50 M=2.25, SD=0.71 1.08, ns

SxS Sexual attitudes M=2.78, SD=0.84 M=2.65, SD=0.63 0.79, ns

FS Family relations M=2.61, SD=0.76 M=2.28, SD=0.75 1.95, p=.055

CS-1 Mastery of the

External World

M=2.60, SD=0.73 M=2.38, SD=0.62 1.54, ns

CS-2 Psychopathology M=2.65, SD=0.71 M=2.23, SD=0.64 2.86, p=.005

CS-3 Superior adjust


M=2.62, SD=0.61 M=2.46, SD=0.63 1.24, ns

CS-4 Idealism M=3.47, SD=0.77 M=3.18, SD=0.74 1.73, p=.087

High AT students report less overt symptoms of psychopathology in their

self-descriptions; they report having better social relations, better developed capacity

for empathy with others and better object relations. They also tend to be more idealistic

in their self-projections in the future and see themselves as having better relations with

their parents - they report more often to get along with them well.

The 2 - way analyses of variance by sex and AT group confirmed the significant

main effect of AT level on verbal intelligence scores (F=6.87, df=1, p=0.01), verbal

originality (F=5.86, df=1, p=0.02) and abstractness of titles given to pictures (F=11.50,


df=1, p=0.001), psychopathology symptoms (F=9.44, df=1, p=0.003), trait anxiety

(F=5.48, df=1, p=0.02) and the social self (F=8.80, df=1, p=0.004). ANOVA revealed

only one significant interaction between subjects‟ gender and AT level and it concerns

nAch scores (Figure 3.1). High AT boys scores higher on nAch while High AT girls

have lower scores than their same-gender peers with Low AT. The size of this

differences is nonsignificant for both sexes: boys (t=1.19, ns) and girls (t=1.90,

p=0.06). This is an interesting finding which points out to possible differences in the

way AT is integrated in the personality structure of adolescents boys and girls; it

needs however further replication with larger samples.

1 0 . 5

1 1

1 1 . 5

1 2

1 2 . 5

1 3

1 3 . 5

1 4

B o y s G i r l s

H i g h A T L o w A T

Figure 3.1. nAch scores for High and Low AT boys and girls

Discriminant analyses were performed to find out to what extent the examined

individual differences in intelligence, creativity and personality can predict

adolescents‟ AT level. The canonical discriminant function defined by the used set of

variables correlates 0.84 with the grouping criteria (Wilks‟ lambda = 0.29, chi-square =

45.7, df=28, p=0.02) and can correctly classify as High or Low AT 74% of the

subjects. The elimination of whatever variable, even among those unrelated to AT,

decreases the predictive power of the function. The stepwise variable selection

procedure revealed abstractness of titles (Step 1, Wilks‟ lambda = 0.86, p=0.005) and

morals meaning sense of duty, responsibility to others, superego and conscienceness

(Step 2, Wilks‟ lambda = 0.78, p=0.002) to be the best single predictors of differences

in AT. The canonical discriminant function they define however correlates less with the

grouping criteria - 0.47 (Wilks‟ lambda = 0.78, chi-square = 12.3, df=2, p=-.002) and


can correctly classify into AT groups no more than 58% of the subjects. These results

provide further evidence for both the cognitive component in AT and the role

self-perception and self-regulation play in its development.


4. STUDY THREE: How the attitudes of teachers and parents influence

the development of ambiguity tolerance in adolescents ?

October - December 1997

4.1. Method

Subjects were drawn from 55th

Secondary School in the capital Sofia and from

the Natural Sciences and Mathematics School “Assen Zlatarov” in the town of

Botevgrad in the north west of Bulgaria. They are students in grades 9th

(n = 102), 10th

(n = 105), 11th

(n = 71) and 12th

(n = 25) aged 14 to 19 (Mean = 16.5, SD = 0.97). In

Table 4.1. is shown the distribution of the sample by sex and type of settlement.

Table 4.1. Distribution of the sample by sex and type of settlement

Sample Capital city Small town Total

Boys 64 67 131

Girls 79 93 172

Total 143 160 303

Their teachers (n = 52) and parents (n = 236) took part in the study as well. The

group of parents is balanced by educational level (53 % are university degree holders)

and type of settlement (40 % are from Sofia). Their age ranges from 33 to 61 (Mean =

42, SD = 5) and 71% of those who filled in and returned the forms are mothers.

Occasionally, the survey was answered by both parents (4%) or by other relatives

whom the child lives with (1 %).

In the study were involved 27 teachers in Sofia and 25 teachers in Botevgrad

what in fact is more than 90 % of all teachers having classes with the examined

students. Their age ranges from 24 to 55 (Mean = 37.7, SD = 8.2). They have from 1 to

32 years of teaching experience in school (Mean = 11.9, SD = 8.2) and 25% of them

are men .

In this study were used the following instruments:

a) MAT-50/BG-3 - the third Bulgarian version of Norton‟s AT questionnaire MAT-50

containing these 52 items of MAT-50/BG-2 which have been used in the two previous

studies as a measure of individual differences in AT.


b) Parents - Teachers AT Survey (PTATS) - an original instrument designed to assess

adults‟ encouragement for ambiguity tolerant - intolerant (AT - AInT) behaviours in

adolescents. A detailed description of the procedure of its construction is given in the

Appendix to this report.

PTATS consists of 7 items describing ambiguity tolerant behaviours and 7

items describing ambiguity intolerant behaviours. Parents and teachers were given

PTATS with the instruction to indicate how often they encourage these behaviours on a

4 point Likert type scale from 1 - “almost always encourage” to 4 - “almost never

encourage”. Students were asked 1) to indicate the importance they assign to these 14

behaviours on a 4 point rating scale from 1 - “it is important” to 4 - “it is not

important”; 2) to rate on a 4 point scale from 1 - “almost always encourage” to 4 -

“almost never encourage” how their teachers encourage these behaviours, and 3) to

rate on a 4 point scale from 1 - “almost always encourage” to 4 - “almost never

encourage” how their parents encourage these behaviours. Parents‟ form as well as

Children-about-Parents form ask “whether and to what extent do you encourage (are

encouraged) these characteristics within your family” and not just about the particular

point of view of a parent. All PTATS forms are therefore Parents‟ form, Teachers‟

form, Children-about-Children form, Children-about-Teachers form and

Children-about-Parents form.

Procedure. Students were tested in a group session within the regular classroom

context. They were all first administered MAT-50/BG-3. Then they were given the

three children‟s PTATS forms alternating their sequence in order to avoid an eventual

halo effect of the different reference groups the instruction point on. At the end of the

testing session students were given the Parents‟ PTATS form to be filled in at home by

a volunteering parent and brought back to the school tomorrow. Parents‟ response rate

varies from 65 % in Sofia to 86% in the small town. Teachers were tested either in a

group (at teachers‟ room in the school) or individually (to fill in the questionnaire at

home and return it to the psychologist in a appropriate for both of them time).

4.2. Differences in ambiguity tolerance related to subjects’ sex, age and


Coefficient Alpha of Cronbach of 0.83 was computed for this sample (0.84 for

boys and 0.82 for girls) that indicates a high stability in the internal consistency

measures of the Bulgarian adaptation of Norton‟s questionnaire for high school


population. Also, the distribution of AT row scores in this study is very similar to the

AT scores distribution among high school students in Study One (Mean = 123.3, SD =

17.6, Median = 123, Mode = 124, N = 255), therefore cross validating MAT-50/BG-3

scores as a measure of individual differences in AT.

Table 4.2. Means, standard deviations and t-criteria for boys and girls

Total Boys Girls t, p

M = 123.3

SD = 17.6

N = 255

M = 123.4

SD = 18.7

N = 108

M = 123.2

SD = 16.7

N = 147

0.11, ns

As it was found in the previous study, there are no gender differences in AT

scores (Table 4.2) and age and AT scores are unrelated - r = 0.07, ns. Similarly, the

one-way analysis of variance by school grade (Table 4.3) revealed no significant

differences in students‟ AT scores - F = 1.47, df = 2, ns. For the purposes of these

analyses, the small number of 12th

graders (coming from the school in Sofia only) was

added to 11th

graders since for all these students this is their last year in the secondary

school. Although high school students in Sofia score higher in AT than their peers in

the small town, this difference does not reach statistical significance - t = 1.37, ns.

Table 4.3. Means and standard deviations for AT by school grade

AT 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade

Mean 122.1 125.8 121.7

SD 16.7 18.1 17.8

N 81 89 85

Two-way analysis of variance by sex and grade confirmed the previous results

that there are no significant sex and age differences in ambiguity tolerance in high

school students neither these two factors interact:

F (sex) = 0.02, df = 1, ns

F(grade) = 1.44, df = 2, ns

F(sex*grade) = 0.01 df = 2, ns


Summarising the empirical data from the two studies reported here we can say

that high school population is homogenous as to what sex and age differences in AT

are concerned. Further research is needed to establish whether the differences between

schools in the capital and outside the capital are school-based differences or due to the

type of settlement per se.

4.3. Differences in AT - AInT encouragement by students, teachers and


Tables 4.4 to 4.8 summarise the information obtained with PTATS from both

students and their teachers and parents. For each of the AT - AInT characteristics are

shown the observed frequency (in %) of the different answers‟ categories in the

respective group of subjects, their mean scores and standard deviations.

In the group of teachers few differences related to subjects‟ sex and settlement

were found. Female teachers encourage to a greater extent students‟ non-traditional

aesthetic preferences (t = 3.94, p = 0.000) and occupational choices (t = 2.00, p = 0.05).

Teachers working in Sofia are more inclined than their colleagues in the small town to

support pupils‟ willingness to participate in new and risky endeavours (t = 2.22, p =


Parents with higher education less emphasise their children‟s preference for

being on the safe side (t = 3.39, p = 0.001) and dealing with well known certain things (

t = 3.45, p = 0.001). Those living in the small town are more unanimous in their

stronger encouragement of norm-obliging behaviour in adolescents (t= 2.21, p=0.03)

and of choosing situations with clear chances for success (t = 2.54, p = 0.01) than

parents in the big city do.

Students are rather homogeneous as a group in their attitudes toward AT - AInT

behaviours. Boys assign less importance than girls to preferences for well known,

certain things (t = 1.98, p = 0.049). No differences were found with respect to high

school settlement. 9th graders more than older students consider “being on the safe

side” important as a personality characteristic (F = 3.47, df = 2, p = 0.03).

Female students more than male ones see their teachers as encouraging them

towards well established aesthetic values (t = 2.31, p = 0.02) and definite opinions

about things ( t = 2.21, p = 0.03). Students in Sofia describe their teachers as being

more tolerant of non-traditional aesthetic values than do those in Botevgrad (t = 2.16, p

= 0.03). 9th

graders perceive their teachers as encouraging preferences for traditional

aesthetes values ( F = 3.99, df = 2 , p = 0.02) less and for unexpected situations and

surprises (F = 4.69, df = 2, p = 0.01) more than older students do.


Boys describe their parents as more supportive for their willingness to take risk

and initiate new activities than girls do - t = 2.42, p = 0.02. Students in Sofia see their

parents as more tolerant towards their non-traditional vocational interests than their

agemates in Botevgrad do - t = 2.00, p = 0.047.

Table 4.4. Teachers‟ degree of encouragement for AT - AInT behaviors

AT - AInT characteristics 1 (%) 2


3 (%) 4 (%) Mean SD

1.Puts to test him(her)self by

experimenting in different situations.

35 59 4 2 1.73 0.63

2.Prefers well established aesthetic


48 40 12 0 1.64 0.69

3.Holds definite opinion and judgments

about most things.

25 48 21 6 2.08 0.84

4.Enjoys unexpected situations and


25 59 10 6 1.96 0.77

5. Chooses situations with clear chances

for success.

25 28 37 10 2.31 0.97

6.Prefers situations with no strict rules

and no prescribed ways of doing things.

25 38 29 8 2.19 0.91

7. Apt to non-traditional profession. 27 52 19 2 1.96 0.74

8.Avoids risks. 8 31 51 10 2.63 0.77

9.Puts to test his (her) abilities with

complex tasks which he (she) might not

succeed to solve.

46 35 17 2 1.75 0.81

10.Strictly follows the norms and the

rules set at home and at school.

39 46 15 0 1.77 0.70

11.Prefers to be on the safe side. 21 46 25 8 2.19 0.86

12.Willing to participate in new

endeavours and to take risk.

38 48 14 0 1.75 0.68

13.Prefers the well known certain things. 4 42 44 10 2.60 0.72

14.He (she) is rather original and

non-traditional in his (her) tastes and


46 44 6 4 1.67 0.76

1- almost always encouraged

2- often encouraged

3- often not encouraged

4- almost never encouraged


Table 4.5. Parents‟ degree of encouragement for AT - AInT behaviors

AT - AInT characteristics 1 (%) 2 (%) 3 (%) 4 (%) Mean SD

1. Puts to test him(her)self by

experimenting in different situations.

36 49 9 6 1.84 0.81

2. Prefers well established aesthetic


47 38 11 4 1.72 0.82

3. Holds definite opinion and

judgments about most things.

54 30 12 4 1.66 0.83

4. Enjoys unexpected situations and


25 59 10 6 2.37 0.96

5. Chooses situations with clear

chances for success.

51 36 9 4 1.66 0.80

6. Prefers situations with no strict rules

and no prescribed ways of doing things.

19 36 30 15 2.42 0.97

7. Apt to non-traditional profession. 21 32 24 23 2.48 1.07

8. Avoids risks. 39 32 21 8 2.00 0.97

9. Puts to test his (her) abilities with

complex tasks which he (she) might not

succeed to solve.

42 45 9 4 1.75 0.78

10. Strictly follows the norms and the

rules set at home and at school.

58 35 5 2 1.50 0.69

11. Prefers to be on the safe side. 50 39 10 1 1.62 0.72

12. Willing to participate in new

endeavours and to take risk.

20 43 24 13 2.30 0.93

13. Prefers the well known certain


44 40 14 2 1.73 0.76

14. He (she) is rather original and

non-traditional in his (her) tastes and


28 46 17 9 2.06 0.89

1- almost always encouraged

2- often encouraged

3- often not encouraged

4- almost never encouraged


Table 4.6. Importance students assign to AT - AInT behaviors

AT - AInT characteristics 1 (%) 2 (%) 3 (%) 4 (%) Mean SD

1. Puts to test him(her)self by

experimenting in different situations.

46 34 14 5 1.79 0.88

2. Prefers well established aesthetic


17 31 38 14 2.50 0.93

3. Holds definite opinion and

judgments about most things.

44 40 11 5 1.79 0.85

4. Enjoys unexpected situations and


43 31 20 6 1.89 0.93

5. Chooses situations with clear

chances for success.

48 35 11 6 1.75 0.88

6. Prefers situations with no strict

rules and no prescribed ways of doing


30 34 24 12 2.17 0.99

7. Apt to non-traditional profession. 23 21 36 20 2.53 1.05

8. Avoids risks. 25 27 25 23 2.47 1.10

9. Puts to test his (her) abilities with

complex tasks which he (she) might

not succeed to solve.

37 30 19 14 2.10 1.06

10. Strictly follows the norms and the

rules set at home and at school.

11 38 30 21 2.61 0.94

11. Prefers to be on the safe side. 39 33 20 8 1.97 0.95

12. Willing to participate in new

endeavours and to take risk.

37 33 25 5 1.99 0.92

13. Prefers the well known certain


24 34 31 11 2.29 0.95

14. He (she( is rather original and

non-traditional in his (her) tastes and


39 32 22 7 1.98 0.95

1- it is important

2- it is more important than unimportant

3- it is more unimportant than important

4- it is not important


Table 4.7. Teachers‟ degree of encouragement for AT - AInT behaviours

as perceived by students

AT - AInT characteristics 1 (%) 2 (%) 3 (%) 4 (%) Mean SD

1. Puts to test him(her)self by

experimenting in different situations.

18 29 30 23 2.57 1.04

2. Prefers well established aesthetic


32 48 14 6 1.94 0.84

3. Holds definite opinion and

judgments about most things.

46 36 13 5 1.77 0.87

4. Enjoys unexpected situations and


9 18 42 31 2.96 0.93

5. Chooses situations with clear

chances for success.

48 33 12 7 1.79 0.92

6. Prefers situations with no strict rules

and no prescribed ways of doing


14 13 49 24 2.82 0.96

7. Apt to non-traditional profession. 8 25 40 27 2.85 0.92

8. Avoids risks. 36 35 16 13 2.05 1.02

9. Puts to test his(her) abilities with

complex tasks which he (she) might

not succed to solve.

38 36 15 11 1.98 0.98

10. Strictly follows the norms and the

rules set at home and at school.

67 21 5 7 1.52 0.87

11. Prefers to be on the safe side. 50 38 10 2 1.65 0.75

12. Willing to participate in new

endeavours and to take risk.

15 29 39 17 2.59 0.95

13. Prefers the well known certain


43 42 10 5 1.77 0.82

14. He (she) is rather original and

non-traditional in his (her) tastes and


12 21 34 33 2.87 1.01

1- almost always encouraged

2- often encouraged

3- often not encouraged

4- almost never encouraged


Table 4.8. Parents‟ degree of encouragement for AT - AInT behaviours as perceived

by students

AT - AInT characteristics 1 (%) 2 (%) 3 (%) 4 (%) Mean SD

1. Puts to test him(her)self by

experimenting in different situations.

25 39 23 13 2.23 0.97

2. Prefers well established aesthetic


32 49 15 4 1.91 0.79

3. Holds definite opinion and

judgments about most things.

45 33 18 4 1.82 0.88

4. Enjoys unexpected situations and


19 25 35 21 2.57 1.02

5. Chooses situations with clear

chances for success.

56 33 7 4 1.59 0.79

6. Prefers situations with no strict

rules and no prescribed ways of doing


16 31 36 17 2.53 0.96

7. Apt to non-traditional profession. 14 24 36 26 2.74 1.00

8. Avoids risks. 46 31 11 12 1.89 1.02

9. Puts to test his(her) abilities with

complex tasks which he (she) might

not succed to solve.

33 36 19 12 2.11 1.00

10. Strictly follows the norms and the

rules set at home and at school.

50 33 12 5 1.72 0.86

11. Prefers to be on the safe side. 59 32 6 3 1.53 0.74

12. Willing to participate in new

endeavours and to take risk.

13 33 38 16 2.58 0.91

13. Prefers the well known certain


46 39 12 3 1.72 0.79

14. He (she) is rather original and

non-traditional in his (her) tastes and


25 31 31 13 2.33 1.00

1- almost always encouraged

2- often encouraged

3- often not encouraged

4- almost never encouraged

Next Table 4.9 shows the results of the evaluation of the internal consistency of

the PTATS scales.


Table 4.9. Cronbach's Alpha coefficients of internal consistency for PTATS scales

Group N Alpha - Cronbach

all items AT items AInT items

Teachers 52 0.74



Parents 236 0.62



Students 282 0.70

0.62 0.69

Students‟ perception of


276 0.65

0.63 0.63

Students‟ perception of


274 0.70

0.67 0.68

The obtained coefficients of internal consistency range from 0.62 to 0.74 which

values are acceptably high for this length of the scales. It is also important to notice that

items making up the subscales are purposely designed to describe different areas of

functioning, e.g. problem solving, social relations, vocational interests etc. In view of

this diversity of the items the obtained Alpha coefficients indicate a reliability of the

scale that is satisfactorily good.

The AT and AInT items have been treated separately to make two different

subscores - AT Encouragement and AInT Encouragement, for each of the PTATS

scales. Table 4.10 shows the differences between AT Encouragement and AInT

Encouragement scores within each of the groups and the Pearson correlations between

the two scores.

Male and female teachers are equally supportive to AInT behaviours but

women stronger encourage AT behaviours in their students ( t = 2.45, p = 0.02). This

effect is mainly due to women's support for non-traditional vocational and aesthetic

interests. Although older teachers tend to be more restrictive and certainty oriented in

their reward strategies than younger ones and those with less experience at school, no

statistically significant relations were found between teachers‟ age and years of

teaching experience and the degree of encouragement of AT - AInT behaviours. There

are no significant differences between the two types of settlement as well.


Table 4.10. Descriptive statistics, t - values and coefficients of correlations for the AT

- AInT Encouragement scores of the different groups

Groups AT Encouragement AInT Encouragement t r


n = 50

M = 13.12

SD = 2.97

M = 15.16

SD = 3.48

2.76** -.31*


n = 224

M = 15.19

SD = 3.69

M = 11.92

SD = 3.17

9.85*** -.04


n = 282

M = 14.44

SD = 3.75

M = 15.42

SD = 3.88

2.73** -.26***

Teachers as

perceived by

students n = 276

M = 18.74

SD = 3.80

M = 12.49

SD = 3.43

18.93*** -.15*

Parents as

perceived by

students n = 274

M = 17.09

SD = 3.98

M = 12.17

SD = 3.47

14.01*** -.21***

NB. Greater encouragement / importance is indicated by a lower score.

* - p< 0.05

** - p<0.01

*** - p<0.001

Parents with secondary education encourage AInT behaviours more than do

those with university education - t = 2.53, p = 0.01; the two groups however do not

differ in their attitudes towards AT characteristics. Parents in Sofia less emphasise

AInT behaviours than those living in the small town (t = 2.66, p = 0.009) and do not

differ from each other as to what AT behaviours are concerned. Parents with less

education and those in the small town show greater appreciation for risks avoiding and

certainty seeking behaviours in their children than university degree holders and big

city‟s inhabitants. No significant differences in AT - AInT rewarding strategies were

found with respect to parents‟ age and sex.

In the group of students were found no significant differences in AT - AInT

Encouragement level related to subjects‟ sex, age and place of living, with two

exceptions: 1) girls feel their parents encourage AInT behaviours more than boys do - t

= 2.25, p = 0.025, and 2) 9th

graders assign more importance to AInT values than 10th

graders do - F = 3.67, df= 2, p = 0.027.


As it might be expected, the AT - AInT Encouragement levels are significantly

and inversely related. The size of the correlations is not very high, however, and in the

group of parents it is even non-significant. From a methodological point of view this

finding justify the decision to consider the two scores separately. From a psychological

point of view it suggests that there are evaluative standards operating with respect to

avoidance behaviours aimed at minimising the negative effects of encounters with

ambiguity and different ones are activated when parents think about adolescents‟

attempts to explore and handle ambiguity.

Table 4.11 presents the results of the t-tests carried out to compare the degree of

AT and AInT Encouragement in the different groups (see also Figure 4.1).

Table 4.11. t - comparisons of AT - AInT Encouragement level in the different groups

Groups compared AT Encouragement AInT


Teachers - Parents 3.97 *** 6.53 ***

Students - Teachers 2.61 ** 0.44

Students - Parents 2.28 * 11.40 ***

Teachers - Perceived Teachers 10.22 *** 5.11 ***

Parents - Perceived Parents 5.52 *** 0.96

Students - Perceived Teachers 13.82 *** 9.76 ***

Students - Perceived Parents 10.07 *** 12.62 ***

Perceived Teachers - Perceived Parents 5.60 *** 1.20

* - p< 0.05

** - p<0.01

*** - p<0.001

Students value ambiguity tolerance more than ambiguity intolerance: ambiguity

tolerant characteristics are rated as more important than those indicating ambiguity

intolerant behaviours. Students perceive both their teachers and parents as being

encouraging ambiguity intolerance more than ambiguity tolerance. They also describe

adults as more intolerant of ambiguity than they are themselves. Especially the teachers

- teachers‟ perceived AT Encouragement is the lowest of all scores. Adolescents feel

parents and teachers put equally strong emphasis on risk avoiding and certainty







1 0

1 2

1 4

1 6

1 8

2 0

T e a c h e r s P a r e n t s S t u d e n t s P e r c e i v e d T e a c h e r s P e r c e i v e d P a r e n t s

A T A I n T

* Greater encouragement / importance is indicated by a lower score.

Figure 4.1. AT - AInT encouragement in students, teachers and parents


seeking, but consider teachers as being significantly more discouraging orientations

toward uncertain outcomes and uncommon choices.

Adults‟ self-reports clearly differentiate AT - AInT reward strategies of the two

groups. Teachers report encouraging ambiguity tolerance to a greater extent while

parents favour more ambiguity intolerant behaviours. Teachers‟ encouragement of

ambiguity tolerance outpasses that of parents, and parents‟ AInT score exceeds

teachers‟ respective score. Teachers report also encouraging ambiguity tolerance to a

greater extent than students do it - teachers‟ self-reported degree of AT

Encouragement is the highest of all scores for AT Encouragement. On the other side,

parents are the group that most strongly support certainty oriented choices and


Therefore, there is a strong discrepancy between adults‟ self-reported AT -

AInT Encouragement and the way their reward strategies are perceived by students.

Teachers see themselves as rather open to new and unusual ways of doing among their

students, although they keep on the traditional, well known practice. Parents clearly

emphasize certainty while not really opposing them to adolescents‟ life innovations. On

the other side, adolescents think both their parents and teachers want them avoiding

risks and uncertain outcomes but parents are also seen to have more favorable attitudes

towards experimenting and going away from common models and activities.

Tables 4.12 to 4.14 show the relationships between children‟s scales of

PTATS. In children‟s perceptions, the AT - AInT attitudes of parents and teachers are

very similar, suggesting a generalized attitude towards “what adults are, think and say”

among adolescents. However, children see themselves being closer to their parents than

to their teachers. How important children see AT- AInT behaviors is significantly

correlated with what they perceive to be their parents‟ encouragement of these


No systematic relations are found among students‟ AT - AInT values and

perceived teachers‟ attitudes. The highest obtained correlations however point to a

quite different mechanism. Children‟s AT values are unrelated to teachers‟ evaluation

of AT characteristics but to teachers‟ AInT score - students who value AT higher think

their teachers emphasize risk avoiding and certainty seeking behaviors to a lesser

extent, especially the oldest children.


Table 4.12. Interrelations between students AT - AInT values and perceived AT -

AInT Encouragement in parents

Students' AT Importance Students' AInT Importance

Perceived Parents' AT Encouragement

Total 0.32 *** - 0.02


1. Boys

2. Girls

0.35 ***

0.31 ***


- 0.05


1.Capital city

2.Small town

0.26 **

0.37 ***


- 0.08


1. 9th


2. 10th


3. 11th


0.30 **

0.38 ***

0.28 **

- 0.19

- 0.03


Perceived Parents' AInT Encouragement

Total 0.01 0.31***





- 0.03

0.28 **

0.33 ***


1. Capital city

2. Small town



0.36 ***

0.25 ***




2. 10th


3. 11th


- 0.01

- 0.10



0.45 ***


0.33 **

NB. Greater encouragement / importance is indicated by a lower score.

* - p < 0.05

** - p < 0.01

*** - p < 0.001


Table 4.13. Interrelations between students‟ AT - AInT values and perceived AT -

AInT Encouragement in teachers

Students' AT Importance Students' AInT Importance

Perceived Teachers AT Encouragement

Total 0.08 0.13*







0.16 *


1. Capital city

2. Small town




0.19 *




2. 10th


3. 11th







- 0.05

0.25 *

Perceived Teachers‟ AInT Encouragement

Total 0.19 ** 0.07




0.21 *

0.16 *




1. Capital city

2. Small town


0.23 **






2. 10th


3. 11th




0.41 ***





NB. Greater encouragement / importance is indicated by a lower score.

* - p < 0.05

** - p < 0.01

*** - p < 0.001


Table 4.14. Interrelations between perceived AT - AInT Encouragement in parents and


Perceived Teachers‟ AT


Perceived Teachers‟ AInT


Perceived Parents' AT Encouragement

Total 0.31 *** 0.05


1. Boys

2. Girls

0.37 ***

0.26 **

0.20 *

- 0.07


1.Capital city

2.Small town

0.32 ***

0.30 ***




1. 9th


2. 10th


3. 11th


0.38 ***

0.27 **

0.30 **


- 0.05


Perceived Parents' AInT Encouragement

Total 0.04 0.45 ***






0.52 ***

0.35 ***


1. Capital city

2. Small town



0.46 ***

0.43 ***




2. 10th


3. 11th






0.49 ***

0.44 ***

0.42 ***

NB. Greater encouragement / importance is indicated by a lower score.

* - p < 0.05

** - p < 0.01

*** - p < 0.001


4.4. Relationships between students’ ambiguity tolerance and AT - AInT

values and perceived AT - AInT encouragement in teachers and parents

The relationship between students‟ scores on AT questionnaire MAT-50/BG-3

and PTATS scales for students, teachers and parents were examined through

correlational analyses first. The coefficients of correlation for the sample as a whole are

reported and within each of the examined subgroups as well in the search of variations

in this relationship associated with the grouping variables. Then the group of students

was divided into High and Low AT groups by the mean score of the empirical

distribution. The Low AT group scores up to 124 points on MAT-50/BG-3 (n = 138)

and the High AT group scores 125 points and above (n = 117). 4 - way analyses of

variance of AT - AInT Encouragement by AT group (High and Low AT), sex (boys

and girls), age (9th

, 10th

and 11th

graders) and type of settlement (capital city and

small town) were then performed.

Table 4.15. Coefficients of correlation of students‟ AT scores on MAT-50/BG-3

with their perceptions of AT - AInT significance for themselves, their parents and

teachers for the group as a whole and by gender

Total Boys Girls

Students' AT


- 0.06 - 0.04 - 0.08

Students' AInT


0.48 *** 0.44 *** 0.52 ***

Perceived Parents' AT


- 0.04 0.05 - 0.09

Perceived Parents' AInT


0.24* ** 0.22 * 0.28 **

Perceived Teachers' AT


0.14 * 0.17 0.12

Perceived Teachers'

AInT Encouragement

0.13 * 0.12 0.15

NB. Greater encouragement / importance is indicated by a lower score.

* - p < 0.05

** - p < 0.01

*** - p < 0.001

Students‟ scores on AT questionnaire MAT-50/BG-3 correlate moderately with

their perception of AInT importance, correlate low with their perceptions of AInT


encouragement from their parents and seems practically unrelated to their perceptions

of the encouragement of AT - AInT behaviours from their teachers (Table 4.15). Boys

and girls with higher ambiguity tolerance also value risk-avoiding and certainty seeking

strategies less. This finding, being a correlational fact, may be interpreted in both

directions. Students who are less frustrated with ambiguous situations and events can

afford being more tolerant with respect to certainty requirements. On the other hand,

students‟ evaluative standards enable them to develop respective appropriate

personality characteristics.

A very important point to mention is that this relationship concerns students‟

values for AInT behaviours while AT Encouragement is unrelated to individual

differences in AT in all of the analyses. This suggests that more or less severe certainty

pressures are in fact the process which corresponds to the development of AT in

adolescents and not that much the development of specific strategies for coping with

uncertainty and ambiguity of life.

Table 4.16. Coefficients of correlation of students‟ AT scores on MAT-50/BG-3 with

their perceptions of AT - AInT significance for themselves, their parents and teachers

by subgroups of settlement

Capital city Small town

Students' AT


- 0.05 - 0.06

Students' AInT


0.45 *** 0.50 ***

Perceived Parents' AT


0.03 - 0.07

Perceived Parents' AInT


0.23 * 0.25 **

Perceived Teachers' AT


0.07 0.21 *

Perceived Teachers'

AInT Encouragement

0.19 * 0.08

NB. Greater encouragement / importance is indicated by a lower score.

* - p < 0.05;

** - p < 0.01;

*** - p < 0.001


The observed relationships do not depend on the place of living of the

adolescents (Table 4.16). The analyses of variance revealed no significant 2-way

interactions between AT group and students‟ settlement.

Table 4.17 Coefficients of correlation of students‟ AT scores on MAT-50/BG-3 with

their perceptions of AT - AInT significance for themselves, their parents and teachers

by age


grade 10th

grade 11th


Students' AT


0.05 - 0.19 0.00

Students' AInT


0.37 ** 0.50 *** 0.53 ***

Perceived Parents' AT


- 0.11 - 0.00 - 0.02

Perceived Parents' AInT


0.30 ** 0.14 0.28 *

Perceived Teachers' AT


0.21 0.18 0.05

Perceived Teachers'

AInT Encouragement

0.07 0.10 0.22

NB. Greater encouragement / importance is indicated by a lower score.

* - p < 0.05

** - p < 0.01

*** - p < 0.001

Both at the beginning and at the end of the high school cycle, students seem

being more related to parents‟ standards than in its middle point, i.e. grade 10th


During the high school the interconnectedness between individual‟ personality

characteristics and attitudes and beliefs tend to increase as we can see from the

augmenting coefficients of correlations between children‟s ambiguity tolerance and

their devaluation of certainty seeking and risk avoiding behaviours (Table 4.17). Close

to significance 2-way interaction between AT group and students‟ grade was found as

well - F = 2.76, df = 2, p = 0.07. Students with high and low ambiguity tolerance

differ more and more in their attitudes towards AInT values which become less and less

important for High AT group.


The 4 - way analyses of variance (AT group X sex X age X settlement) of AT -

AInT importance for students revealed 1) significant main effect of AT group on

students‟ perception of AInT values only ( F = 44.98, df = 1, p = 0.000) - as it has been

already noted, students with higher ambiguity tolerance value AInT behaviours less

than those with low ambiguity tolerance; 2) no significant 2 - way interactions between

the AT group and subjects‟ sex, age and settlement.

The 4 - way analyses of variance (AT group X sex X age X settlement) of

perceived AT - AInT Encouragement in parents revealed 1) significant main effect of

AT group on students‟ perception of AInT Encouragement only ( F = 12.23, df = 1, p =

0.001) - students with low ambiguity tolerance perceive their parents as more

encouraging AInT behaviours than do those with high ambiguity tolerance; 2) no

significant 2 - way interactions between the AT group and subjects‟ sex, age and


The 4 - way analyses of variance (AT group X sex X age X settlement) of

perceived AT - AInT Encouragement in teachers revealed 1) significant main effect of

AT group on students‟ perception of whether and to what extent their teachers

encourage AT behaviours ( F = 6.40, df = 1, p = 0.012) and AInT characteristics (F =

4.12, df = 1, p = 0.044) - students with higher ambiguity tolerance perceive their

teachers as encouraging less both AT and AInT values; 2) no significant 2 - way

interactions between the AT group and subjects‟ sex, age and settlement.

4.5. Relationship between students’ AT - AInT values and parents’

self-reported AT - AInT encouragement

The importance students‟ assign to ambiguity tolerance - intolerance values

correlate significantly but very low with parents‟ self-reported encouragement of AT -

AInT behaviours in their children (Table 4.18). This relation depends on students‟ sex,

age and settlement. It is stronger for boys, adolescents living in the capital and older

students. AT - AInT values of girls, younger students and those from the small town

appear unrelated to their parents‟ encouragement of respective behaviours and

personality characteristics.


Table 4.18. Coefficients of correlation of students‟ AT - AInT values with their

parents‟ AT - AInT Encouragement for the sample as a whole and by subgroups of

gender, settlement and age

Students' AT Importance Students' AInT Importance

Parents' AT Encouragement

Total 0.18 ** - 0.03


1. Boys

2. Girls

0.25 *





1.Capital city

2.Small town

0.21 *



- 0.11


1. 9th


2. 10th


3. 11th




0.36 **


- 0.13


Parents' AInT Encouragement

Total - 0.01 0.16*






0.27 **



1. Capital city

2. Small town


- 0.06

0.21 *





2. 10th


3. 11th



- 0.18




0.27 *


NB. Greater encouragement / importance is indicated by a lower score.

* - p < 0.05;

** - p < 0.01;

*** - p < 0.001;


4.6. Relationship between students’ ambiguity tolerance and parents’

self-reported AT - AInT encouragement.

Students‟ row scores on AT questionnaire are unrelated to parents‟

encouragement for AT - AInT behaviours (Table 4.19). Significant but low positive

correlation between parents‟ non-encouragement of certainty seeking behaviours and

students‟ AT scores was found for boys, those living in the big city and 10th


Whether or not parents encourage coping with ambiguity and support child‟s initiatives

and risk taking, in most cases is irrelevant to their children‟s ambiguity tolerance.

Table 4.19. Coefficients of correlation of students‟ AT row scores on MAT-50/BG-3

with their parents‟ AT - AInT Encouragement for the group as a whole and by

subgroups of gender, settlement and age

Parents' AT Encouragement Parents' AInT Encouragement

Total - 0.14 0.08


1. Boys

2. Girls

- 0.08

0.20 *

0.26 *



1. Capital city

2. Small town

- 0.13

- 0.15


- 0.06








- 0.13

- 0.17

- 0.10


0.26 *

- 0.06

NB. Greater encouragement / importance is indicated by a lower score.

* - p < 0.05

** - p < 0.01

*** - p < 0.001


4 - way analysis of variance ( AT group X sex X age X settlement) of parents‟

AT - AInT Encouragement revealed: 1) no significant main effect of AT group; 2) no

significant interaction between AT group and subjects‟ age, and 3) significant 2 - way

interactions of AT group X settlement ( F = 3.90, df = 1, p = 0.05) and AT group X

sex (F = 4.06, df = 1, p = 0.046) for parents‟ encouragement of ambiguity intolerance.

Figure 4.2 illustrates the differences between High and Low AT groups in the

two different types of settlement. High AT students from Sofia have parents who are

least bound to AInT values (t = 2.33, p = 0.02) while in the small town there are no

significant differences between parents‟ AInT Encouragement level of students with

High and Low AT (t = 1.15, ns).

Figure 4.3 shows how subjects‟ gender moderates the relationship between

ambiguity tolerance and parent‟s AInT Encouragement level. Boys with High AT have

parents who are significantly less focused on AInT values (t = 2.45, p = 0.02), while

among girls the opposite tend to be true - High AT girls have parents who emphasise

AInT more than parents of Low AT girls ( t = 1.85, p =0.07). Here again we have the

paradox of high AT girls who have parents less supportive of ambiguity tolerance in

their child!

The connection between AT scores from MAT-50/BG-3 and AInT

Encouragement is again confirmed. This is probably due to the fact that most of the

items in the questionnaire MAT-50 describe ambiguity intolerance, i.e. the high AT

score on this test means a systematic rejection by a given individual of the different

reactions of intolerance to ambiguous situations, events and ideas. The high AT

individual, on the basis of this test, is the one who says in fact “ I am not intolerant of

ambiguity”. This fact is a strong content-validating finding with respect to both the test

and PTATS scales.


1 0

1 1

1 2

1 3

1 4

1 5

C a p i t a l c i t y S m a l l t o w n

H i g h A T

L o w A T

NB. Greater encouragement / importance is indicated by a lower score.

Figure 4.2. Parents‟ AInT Encouragement in High and Low AT students in different

types of settlement

1 0

1 1

1 2

1 3

1 4

1 5

B o y s G i r l s

H i g h A T

L o w A T

NB. Greater encouragement / importance is indicated by a lower score.

Figure 4.3. Differences in parents‟ AInT Encouragement between boys and girls

with High and Low ambiguity tolerance



It is always very difficult to draw implications about the development of a

personality disposition from cross sectional data. When testing is done in a single point

in time and it is not possible to evaluate cohort-based differences, it is even more

difficult. Despite the limitations of the cross sectional design in the developmental

study of personality, it provides large set of empirical data and helps identify the

relevant individual factors and contextual influences. The results obtained in the study

of the development of ambiguity tolerance in adolescents will be summarised in line

with these considerations.

One more important methodological point needs to be mentioned. When the

individual differences in ambiguity tolerance measured with the Bulgarian adaptation

of MAT - 50 (Norton, 1975) are concerned, the results we have can be treated as

reliable and representative for the Bulgarian adolescent population. The internal

consistency of the scale and the row scores distribution have been cross-validated on

two different samples with more than 1,000 subjects. The stability of the scores over

time has been estimated as well and proved to be very high. The main effects of gender,

age and educational setting have been re-confirmed as well. Bulgarian data compare to

what has been reported in the psychological literature about ambiguity tolerance as a

personality trait as well as to the very scarce results available on ambiguity tolerance in


The situation is rather different when PTATS is considered. This is an original

instrument, created purposely for this study and it has no analogue in the psychological

literature. No research data are available to compare our results with. The data gathered

in our study give support to PTATS validity in a very promising way, but nevertheless

findings about At - AInT encouragement will be treated in the subsequent analyses

with much more caution.

By the age of 15, ambiguity tolerance is already a rather stable personality

characteristic and does not change with the age in the next ten years of life. The

development of ambiguity tolerance as a personality disposition goes in line with the

adoption of appropriate values and beliefs. High school students in Bulgaria value

ambiguity tolerance more than ambiguity intolerance which is also accepted. Although

preferring situations with clear chances for success, they think it is important to test

themselves by taking risks, experimenting in different situations and participating in

new endeavours. Unexpected situations and surprises are enjoyable, but it is also

important to be on the safe side and to build up a definite opinion about things in life.

Boys and girls don‟t differ in their reactions to novel, complex, contradictory or


incongruent information, but high school students in the small experience more

difficulties in adapting to encounters with ambiguous situations, ideas and events.

Being ambiguity tolerant help adolescents to better handle cognitive and

emotional complexity, facilitate their personality growth and social integration. High

ambiguity tolerant adolescents score higher on intelligence, generate more original

solutions to open-ended verbal problems, give more creative titles to pictures and

perform better on an anagram test (MacDonald, 1970). Raphael, Moss and Cross (1978)

report a significant correlation between high school females‟ scores on ambiguity

tolerance and intelligence. They suggest that, if tolerance of ambiguity viewed as a

component of individual‟s repertoire of coping skills, intelligence would provide an

important contribution to such skills. Ambiguity tolerance helps having more positive

self-image and better social relationships: high ambiguity tolerant students see their

relations with the peers and the parents as more favourable. On the other hand, low

ambiguity tolerant students are more anxious and feel more uncomfortable with

themselves and with their psychic life.

What makes the differences in ambiguity tolerance? The definition of ambiguity

tolerance - intolerance implies that “both environmental demands and the individual‟s

coping resources will affect it” (Budner, 1978, 638). Our results have shown that

temperament is not a significantly differentiating factor among high and low ambiguity

tolerance. The positive self-image and capacity for cognitively complex processing of

information seem be relevant to building up individual resources in coping with


What effect have school and home on adolescents‟ abilities to cope with

uncertainty? Adolescents perceive both their teachers and parents as being encouraging

ambiguity intolerance more than ambiguity tolerance. Students also perceive adults as

being more intolerant of ambiguity than they are themselves, especially teachers. Is this

perception biased by the specific developmental situation in adolescence ? Might be, it

is difficult to give a clear answer on the basis of our data only. In any case, adults

themselves quite don‟t agree with this picture.

Teachers both in the capital and outside of it report encouraging the

exploration of ambiguity more than certainty seeking. Female teachers encourage

ambiguity tolerant behaviours in their students more than male teachers do. This effect

is mainly due to women's support for non-traditional vocational and aesthetic interests.

There is some tendency for older teachers and those with more years of teaching

experience to be more restrictive and certainty oriented in their reward strategies than

younger ones. Nevertheless, teachers‟ encouragement for ambiguity tolerance is the

highest one obtained in our study. Their professional status may have contributed to a


better understanding of what promotes adolescent‟s development in school and

successful adaptation to the working and social life afterwards.

Parents, mothers as well as fathers, younger or older, are those who most

strongly support certainty oriented behaviours and show least encouragement for

getting involved with new, unknown and uncertain situations. Parents with higher

education and living in the capital are less bound to risk avoiding preferences than

those from the small town and with secondary education. Coleman (1993) reports

evidence that parents of adolescence report this stage to be the most problematic and

anxiety provoking of all the stages of parenthood. Might this be an explanation for their

ambiguity intolerance? A study of ambiguity tolerance with larger sample of parents

having children at different ages could give some answers to this question. The very

unstable situation in our country during the last years and all concomitant problems

might have contributed to the building up of parents‟ opinion aas well.

To what extent evaluative standards at school and at home influence ambiguity

tolerance in adolescents? The degree of encouragement parents report for ambiguity

tolerance - intolerance is slightly related to how important students perceive these

values to be for themselves. This relation is recognised and accepted by students who

perceive their parents‟ encouragement or discouragement for ambiguity tolerance to be

similar to their own judgements. This is not the case however when teachers‟ reward

strategies are concerned. More students assign importance to ambiguity tolerant

behaviours more they see their teachers emphasising intolerant behaviours. It seems

like students adopt values similar to those of their parents but in opposition to their

teachers‟ perceived expectations.

Also, high ambiguity tolerant students perceive their teachers as being

encouraging both ambiguity tolerance and intolerance more than low ambiguity

tolerant students do. What might the explanation be? Is this a generalised adolescents‟

perception of evaluative pressures coming from their teachers? A study by Chabassol

and Thomas (1975) suggest it might be due, in fact, to ambiguity tolerance itself: they

have found significant and negative correlation between students AT scores and their

needs for structure, i.e. guidance, advice, information, clarity or direction offered by an

adult figure of authority.

Or, are teachers unable to identify ambiguity tolerance as it manifests itself in

adolescent‟s behaviour and therefore unable to offer them the support they believe

should be given them? This is a point that hadn‟t been examined in our study. Tatzel

(1980) found that six months after students enrolled in the college, faculty were able to

evaluate them on characteristics associated with ambiguity tolerance (e.g. need for

structure, openness to new ideas). The correlation of faculty evaluations and students‟


scores on Budner‟s scale was 0.45 (p<0.01), suggesting that this a dimension faculty

are sensitive to (11 faculty and 24 students).

As to ambiguity tolerance as a personality disposition, students„ ambiguity

tolerance seems being unrelated to parents‟ reward strategies. Although boys and girls

don‟t differ in their ambiguity tolerance, girls feel their parents encourage ambiguity

intolerance more. High ambiguity tolerant girls have no support for their positive

orientation toward exploring and mastering ambiguity: their parents are emphasising

certainty seeking even more that the parents of low ambiguity tolerant girls. The same

is true for high ambiguity tolerant adolescents in the small town. High ambiguity

tolerant boys and students in the big city have parents who are most willing to accept

uncertainty in their children‟s life.

What is the impact of education on ambiguity tolerance after adolescents leave

high school and go or not to university? This choice seems being related to ambiguity

tolerance: adolescents who do not study at a university level have lower ambiguity

tolerance than university students. What is the cause and where is the effect is difficult

to say. Ambiguity tolerance seems related to a cluster of traits and abilities that are

desirable in college-level learning: some of these are openness to new ideas,

exploratory orientation, cognitive complexity, the ability to analyse a text or topic

along several lines of interpretation, and creativity (Tatzel, 1980). On the other hand,

ambiguity tolerance helps to better adapt to a new style of life, new social group(s) and

to a different, more complex learning environment.

Girls who don‟t go to the university tend to have lower ambiguity tolerance

than boys in this situation. Comparative data are available for 90 Grade 12 girls‟ whose

scores on ambiguity intolerance were correlated with 3-year follow-up data (Raphael

and Chasen, 1980). Authors‟ results indicate predictive validity of AInT scores for

some life outcomes: 1) working women, either working or studying, who live away

from home have lower scores on AInT than subjects living at home, but there is no

significant difference related to status (working vs. being student); 2) AInT is

significantly correlated (r = - .24 and .21, p<0.05) to socio-economic level and

traditionalism of desired vocation; 3) there are no differences relating AInT to plans to

integrate childrearing with employment, projected future employment status, life

satisfaction or adjustment. The traditional perception of the woman‟s role is rejecting

for many of the ambiguity tolerant behaviours. Away from the university education

carrier path, girls seem being more under the pressures of the gender-role stereotypes.

There are some empirical research relating ambiguity tolerance to identity

development in female adolescents. 100 high school girls were tested with Budner‟s

AInT scale (Budner, 1962) and AInT was found to significantly relate to identity style


(Raphael, 1978). Both Forseclosure and Diffusion status females are more intolerant of

ambiguity than Moratorium status females. Being aware of alternatives and willing to

consider them in the areas of someone‟s future plans, beliefs and interests is enabled by

/conducive to greater capacity to withstand uncertainty and tolerate the discomfort of

an ambiguous situation.

Among university students, freshmen significantly outscore all others. Being

successful in intellectual pursuit like the highly selective entrance exams and being

taken in a university is a personal and social value of great importance in Bulgaria.

Increased self-esteem, positive expectations about the future, unrealistic beliefs,

personal goals and hopes result in both the first-year-students high scores in AT and

their significant decrease during the second year in the university. Freshman

enthusiasm, the stimulation of the novel situation and the self-perception of

omnipotence come down when confronted with realities far away from adolescents'

dreams. The normative regulation of the secondary school is changed by an educational

context which emphasises self-initiating learning that require changes in the system of

self-regulation as well.

Students in arts outscore those from the business and in the medical and

technical universities. Do high ambiguity tolerant students prefer this field of study or

the educational setting channels students‟ personality in that particular way? The

personalised and flexible learning process, using ambiguity as a creative challenge,

favours ambiguity tolerance more than the group adherence to structured anonymous

knowledge in the traditional educational context.



This project has been a pioneering investigation of ambiguity tolerance in

adolescents in Bulgaria. Very little research relating ambiguity tolerance to

developmental issues has been completed elsewhere too. That is why let us first focus

on the scientific benefits from its realisation. In terms of enriching our knowledge

about adolescence it provides systematic data on youth's responses to uncertainty in

life and factors influencing them. Extensive information has been gathered about the

development of ambiguity tolerance in male and female adolescents, high school

students in and outside the capital, within the context of high school and of the

university, among working and studying adolescents. Parents‟ and teachers‟ reward

strategies toward ambiguity tolerance were examined in relation to both adolescents‟

ambiguity tolerance values and ambiguity tolerant - intolerant behaviours. The obtained

results have been publicised to the scientific psychological community through

presentations at international scientific conferences: 8th

European Conference on

Developmental Psychology, 7th

Biennial Meetings of the Society for Research on

Adolescence, 6th

Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on

Adolescence and 9th European Conference on Personality.

The research work largely contributes to the better understanding of ambiguity

tolerance as a personality variable. The observed differentiation between ambiguity

tolerance and ambiguity intolerance as both values and behavioural dispositions can

become an important tool in dealing with several “hot” issues in personality research,

like e.g. the inconsistent results obtained with different measures of ambiguity

tolerance, the multidimensionality of the construct, etc. The study of the personality

and cognitive characteristics of high and low ambiguity tolerant adolescents provided

not only validity evidence for the MAT-50 questionnaire, but also a more differentiated

picture of the psychological concomitants of ambiguity tolerance.

Several methodological innovations outgrew from the project. The obtained

results characterise the Bulgarian adaptation of the MAT - 50 questionnaire as a very

good psychometric instrument to assess individual differences in ambiguity tolerance.

It provides valid and reliable measurement of ambiguity tolerance as a general

personality trait. It is susceptible to individual differences in ambiguity tolerance

related to subjects‟ sex, age and education as well. The construction and initial

approbation of PTATS as an original instrument for assessment of parents and teachers

encouragement for ambiguity tolerance - intolerance should be mention as well. The

separation of ambiguity tolerant - intolerant behaviours in the construction of PTATS

proved to be an effective approach since different psychological dynamics for rejecting


intolerance and supporting positive models of dealing with uncertainty respectively

were found. Both future research and the work of the professional psychologists will

benefit from the available large set of collected data and the questionnaire MAT-50 that

has been adapted for use with Bulgarian population in the age interval 15 - 25 years.

The obtained results help delineating some prospective areas of future research

on ambiguity tolerance. Introducing the cross cultural perspective is but one of them.

The effects of the university setting on the development of ambiguity tolerance will be

of great interest not only in the context of the research on adolescence but also in view

of the reforms that have been undertaken in Bulgarian higher education toward its

greater openness and flexibility, objective evaluation of the outcomes and self-initiated

innovation in the learning process. The study of ambiguity tolerance can further clarify

the interaction of cognitive and personality factors in the development of the

individual, his/her creativity, interpersonal relations and social behaviour.

The practical benefits of this project are related to its educational implications.

Important, although negative finding is that the potential teachers have as promoters of

adolescent development is strongly undermined by the way the role of the teacher is

presented to and/or perceived by students. Today Bulgarian school owes both teachers

and students a more co-operative and open learning environment.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states that education should be

directed to full and harmonious development of child's personality and abilities, to

preparation of the child for an individual and responsible life in a free society. The

secondary school, more than any other educational setting, may contribute to the

realisation of these goals and help children grow in this complex and rapidly changing

world. The obtained results help educators to find better answers to the questions: How

to identify and stimulate dispositions and skills related to ambiguity tolerance in

students? What is the best way to cultivate ambiguity tolerance in boys compared to

girls? Which personality characteristics to reward in order to develop positive reactions

toward ambiguity? The project and its outcomes bring attention to the problems school

faces and to the potential it has to empower young people in their exploration of novel,

challenging and complex situations.



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Reports, 43(2), 638.

Chabassol, D. J. and Thomas, D. (1975) Needs for structure, tolerance of ambiguity

and dogmatism in adolescents, Psychological Reports, 37(2), 507-510 .

Coleman, J. (1993) Adolescence in a changing world, in: Jackson, S. and

Rodriguez-Tome, H. (Eds.) Adolescence and its social worlds (pp.251-268). Hillsdale,

NJ: Erlbaum.

Frenkel-Brunswik, E. (1949) Intolerance of ambiguity as an emotional and perceptual

personality variable, Journal of Personality, 18, 108-143.

Eysenck, S.; Paspalanov, I. and Stetinski, D. (1984) Bulgarian adaptation of the

personality questionnaire of H. Eysenck, Bulgarian Journal of Psychology, 1984, 5,

pp.79-93 (in Bulgarian).

Jackson, S. and Rodriguez-Tome, H. (Eds.) (1993) Adolescence and its social worlds,

Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Jonassen, D. H. and Grabowski, B. L. (1993) Handbook of Individual Differences,

Learning and Instruction, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

MacDonald, A.P. (1970) Revised scale for ambiguity tolerance: Reliability and

validity, Psychological reports, 26, 791-798.


Norton, R. (1975) Measurement of ambiguity tolerance, Journal of Personality

Assessment, 39, 607-619.

Offer, D.; Ostrov, E. and K. I. Howard (1981) The Adolescent: A Psychological

Self-Portait. New York: Basic Books

Raphael, D. (1978) Identity status in high school females, Adolescence, 13(52),


Rapahel, D., Moss, S. and Cross, W. (1978) Budner‟s intolerance of ambiguity: A note

concerning intelligence, Psychological Reports, 43(2), 624-626.

Raphael, D. and Chasen, M. M. (1980) Intolerance of ambiguity and life status during

early adulthood: A three-year follow-up, Psychological Reports, 47(2), 388-390.

Paspalanov, I. and Stetinski, D. (1988) Construction and standardisation of a Bulgarian

scale for measuring nAch, Annual Review of University of Sofia, 1988, 78, pp.29-55

(in Bulgarian).

Paspalanova, E. and Stetinski, D. (1985) Bulgarian standardisation off the culture-free

intelligence test C.F.2A, Bulgarian Journal of Psychology, 1985, 5, pp. 12-22 (in


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Stoycheva, K. (1988) Manual for administration and scoring of the TTCT, Verbal Form

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Tatzel, M. (1980) Tolerance for ambiguity in adult college students, Psychological

Reports, 47(2), 377-378.


Ambiguity Tolerance: Adolescents' Responses to Uncertainty in Life

Katya Stoycheva

This research project investigates the personality dimension of tolerance of

ambiguity from a developmental perspective. In the first study a questionnaire for

measuring ambiguity tolerance, adapted for use with Bulgarian population, was

administered to 392 high school children in Sofia and outside the capital, 472 university

students and 116 18 - 25 year old working adolescents. The second study contrasted two

groups of high-school students, identified as low (n = 51) and high (n = 55) ambiguity

tolerant on the basis of their test scores in the first study. They were compared with

respect to their intelligence, creative thinking abilities, temperament, anxiety, need for

achievement and self-concept. The third study involved 303 high school students from

Sofia and outside the capital, their teachers (n = 52) and parents (n= 236). An original

psychological instrument has been designed and used to assess adults' reward strategies

toward ambiguity tolerant - intolerant behaviour in adolescents.

The cross-sectional analysis of ambiguity tolerance in the age interval 15 - 25

years revealed no gender and age differences in its development but significant effects of

education. High school students in the small town experience more difficulties in

adapting to encounters with ambiguous situations, events and ideas. Girls who don‟t go to

the university score lower than both university students and working male adolescents.

Among university students, freshmen significantly outscore all others. Students in arts

have higher ambiguity tolerance than those in the medical and technical universities and

different patterns of age-related differences in ambiguity tolerance were found among


Being ambiguity tolerant allows adolescents to better handle cognitive and

emotional complexity, facilitate their personality growth and social integration. High

ambiguity tolerant adolescents score higher on intelligence and lower on anxiety,

generate more original solutions to open-ended verbal problems and more creative titles

to pictures, have positive self-image and better social relationships. Ambiguity tolerance

helps to better adapt to a different life style, new social groups and more complex

learning environments.

Students value ambiguity tolerance more than ambiguity intolerance and perceive

adults as more intolerant than tolerant, especially teachers. Girls feel their parents

encourage ambiguity tolerance more as well as the high ambiguity tolerant students in the

small town do. Students‟ ambiguity tolerance as both a value and personality disposition

is slightly related to the encouragement parents report for ambiguity tolerant - intolerant

behaviours and is unrelated to teachers‟ reward strategies.




The review of the psychological literature on ambiguity tolerance revealed no

ready-made instrument to be used for investigation of how parents and teachers

influence the development of AT in adolescence. In fact, this question has not been

investigated at all. Therefore, we had to design an appropriate measure within the

frame of this research project. Parents - Teachers Ambiguity Tolerance Survey

(PTATS) is an original instrument designed to assess adults‟ encouragement for

ambiguity tolerant - intolerant behaviours in adolescents. Detailed description of the

procedure of its construction follows:

Step1. A large sample of behavioural characteristics indicative or contraindicative of

AT was compiled from the research literature ( the AT Expert Checklist 1). Then they

were discussed within the expert group of the project and a list of 30 AT and 30 AInT

behavioural characteristics was drawn. The 60 items were listed in an alphabetic order

and were given to 30 professional psychologists and to 34 graduate students in

psychology at the University of Sofia who served as experts in the evaluation of the

content validity of the items. The AT Expert Checklist 2 provides also a brief

description of the content of the personality construct “ambiguity tolerance” and of the

characteristics of high and low ambiguity tolerant people. The experts were asked to

read the descriptions and to indicate for each of the 60 items whether it describes

ambiguity tolerant behaviour (AT), ambiguity intolerant behaviour (AInT) or to put ?

to items they can‟t decide about or think they are irrelevant to ambiguity tolerance.

Table 1 contains the list of the items translated in English, the type of behaviour they

were designed to describe and the percentage of experts who have assigned this

particular item to its presupposed content category (AT or AInT behaviour). The two

group of experts were very similar in their decisions with one exception only:

students identified item No 60 “Knows how to show his (her) disapproval of a certain

person“ as being indicative of ambiguity tolerance significantly more often than

professional psychologists did.

Out of the initial 60 items, 23 AT and 11 AInT items were selected, the general

rule being to keep items that have been correctly identified by 80% of the experts. An

exception is, for example, item No 46: although being quite clear indication for AT, it

has been dropped since some experts pointed out that it describes more a life


philosophy one achieves or not at a moment in his/her life rather than a behaviour

which can vary among individuals and situations.

Step 2. The remaining 34 items were then evaluated for social desirability by 30

teachers (13 men among them) and 48 parents (of whom 48% are fathers). All teachers

and 50% of the parents are university degree holders. In the AT Expert Card 3 - Parents

and AT Expert Card 3 - Teachers, the formulations of some items are slightly changed

to further improve their content validity - the new formulations are indicated with

asterisk in Table 1. The instruction to the experts says they should: a) read the items

and b) indicate the degree to which parents (teachers) should encourage or not these

behaviors in their children (students) c) using the following scale: ++ (it‟s obligatory to

be encouraged); + (should be encouraged); - - (it‟s obligatory to not be encouraged); -

(should not be encouraged); ? (can‟t decide). The results are given in Table 1.

Step 3. From the 34 items, an equal number of AT and AInT indicators had to be

selected which have 1) similar degree of social desirability and 2) are neither strongly

rejected nor accepted in order to avoid social desirability biases later in the answers of

the experimental subjects. Thus 7 AT and 7 AInT items which are thematically related

and have moderately high social desirability were retained. In Table 1 these items

are given in bold italics. The 14 items constitute PTATS - Parents - Teachers AT

Survey that was then used on the third stage of the research work in this study.


Table 1. Items, type of behaviour they describe and scores for content validity and social desirability of the items

Social desirability in % of experts

Items Type of



identified by

% of experts

+ +




- -

1. Adapts well to the changes. AT 98.4 15.4 80.8 2.5 1.3 0

2.When accepting someone accepts him/her entirely,

when rejecting someone rejects him/her completely.

AInT 81.2 1.3 20.5 6.4 66.7 5.1

3. Quickly forms an opinion about a person or event. AInT 54.7 - - - - -

4. Prefers well established aesthetic values. AInT 92.2 6.4 60.3 3.9 28.2 1.3

5. When in problem situation seeks a quick and concrete


AInT 56.3 - - - - -

6. Is always ready to consider new arguments

and different points of view.

AT 100 32 65.4 0 2.6 0

7. Always tries to find the right way of doing things in a

given situation.

AInT 51.5 - - - - -

8. Refrains from exposing his/her feelings and emotions. AInT 59.4 - - - - -

9. Talks clearly, concisely and concretely. AInT 15.6 - - - - -

10. Acts and thinks with flexibility, according to the


AT 93.8 44.9 53.8 1.3 0 0

11. Dramatises and gives an emotional connotation

to the stories when retailing them.

AT 43.7 - - - - -

12.Behaves naturally without caring for the impression

of his/her conduct.

AT 93.7 6.4 78.2 3.9 11.5 0

13. Puts to test him(her)self by experimenting in

different situations.

AT 98.4 3.9 65.4 9 21.8 0



Social desirability in % of experts

Items Type of




by % of


+ +




- -

14. Does not harbour resentment for people even when

not agreeing with their opinion.

AT 81.2 24.4 68 2.1 6.4 0

15. Chooses situations with clear chances for success. AInT 90.6 5.1 53.6 5.1 35.9 0

16. Has chosen non-traditional, untypical profession.

16*. Apt to non-traditional profession.

AT 87.5 1.3 50 20.5 28.2 0

17. Avoids risks. AInT 96.9 0 37.2 6.4 55.1 1.3

18. Has a clear vision about him/herself, and sticks to it. AInT 50 - - - - -

19. His/her friends are people with different views and


AT 96.9 2.6 84.6 3.9 9 0

20. Has clear differentiation of what is good and bad. AInT 65.6 - - - - -

21. Needs to be fully informed before taking decision

what to do.

AInT 68.7 - - - - -

22. Holds definite opinion and judgements about most


AInT 73.4 2.6 37.2 6.4 51.3 2.6

23. Dreams to travel and discover new unknown places. AT 89.1 19.2 68 6.4 6.4 0

24. Dreams to gain the recognition of people from

his/her environment.

AInT 35.9 - - - - -

25. Thinks out everything in advance and prepares

him/herself for different possibilities.

AInT 56.2 - - - - -

26. Does not rush to form an attitude towards the other


AT 85.9 10.3 71.8 3.9 14.1 0



Social desirability in % of experts

Items Type of



identified by

% of experts

+ +




- -

27. Does not philosophise too much. AInT 29.7 - - - - -

28. Is not afraid to make mistakes. AT 98.4 10.3 75.6 3.9 9 1.3

29. Apt to contemplating about the general questions of

human life and the Universe.

AT 67.2 - - - - -

30. Enjoys meeting people from different walks of


AT 100 9 82.1 1.3 7.7 0

31. Enjoys unexpected situations and surprises. AT 98.4 2.6 53.9 10.3 32.1 1.3

32. Thinks out different solutions in complicated


AT 90.6 26.9 69.2 1.3 2.6 0

33. Associates mainly with people from his (her) circle. AInT 93.7 2.6 43.6 9 39.7 5.1

34. Tries to grasp the whole problem and seeks the final


AT 68.7 - - - - -

35. Puts to test his (her) abilities with complex tasks

which he (she) might not succeed to solve.

AT 98.4 1.1 73.1 1.3 11.5 0

36. He (she) has chosen a typical masculine (feminine)


AInT 71.9 - - - - -

37. Challenges the norms and regulations set by the


AT 73.4 - - - - -

38. Has critical attitude towards the opinion of the


AT 78.1 7.7 66.7 2.6 20.5 2.6

39. Approaches the problems systematically, step by


AInT 35.9 - - - - -

40. Accepts people with both their positive and negative


AT 92.2 15.4 82.1 0 1.3 1.3



Social desirability in % of experts

Items Type of



identified by

% of experts

+ +




- -

41.Sticks to a one and the same way of thinking and


41*. Rarely changes his (her) way of thinking and


AInT 87.5 0 14.1 9 70.5 6.4

42. Prefers to be on the safe side. AInT 96.7 3.9 38.5 14.1 42.3 1.3

43. Prefers the well known certain things. AInT 96.9 1.3 39.7 7.7 50 1.3

44. Prefers situations with no strict rules and no

prescribed ways of doing things.

AT 93.7 3.9 56.4 2.6 35.9 1.3

45. Prefers situations in which the rules and ways of

doing things have been clearly defined


AInT 95.3 1.3 44.9 9 43.6 1.3

46. Has awareness that good an evil are often

interwoven in life.

AT 87.5 - - - - -

47. Counts on his (her) intuition. AT 92.2 6.4 71.8 3.9 18 0

48. Freely expresses his (her) feelings. AT 84.4 14.1 61.5 6.4 18 0

49. Willing to participate in new endeavours and to

take risk.

AT 98.4 7.7 62.8 3.9 25.6 0

50. Strives to grasp the problems in depth. AT 73.4 - - - - -

51. Tries to make good impression when first meets


AInT 67.2 - - - - -

52. Tries to make distinction between good and bad


AInT 68.7 - - - - -

53. Tries never to hurt other people.

AInT 50 - - - - -



Social desirability in % of experts

Items Type of



identified by

% of experts

+ +




- -

54. Obliges the norms and rules set at home and at


54*. Strictly follows the norms and rules set at

home and at school.

AInT 67.2 9 38.5 12.8 38.5 1.3

55. Concentrates on his (her) immediate everyday tasks. AInT 60.9 - - - - -

56. He (she) is rather original and non-traditional in

his (her) tastes and preferences.

AT 96.8 5.1 66.7 6.4 21.8 0

57. Seeks the challenge of difficult tasks. AT 100 14.1 68 1.3 16.7 0

58. Looks for friends who share his (her) views and


AInT 68.7 - - - - -

59. Respects the opinion of the authorities. AInT 60.9 - - - - -

60. Knows how to show his (her) disapproval of a

certain person.

AT 67.2 - - - - -

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