  • 1. AMAZON WEB SERVICES Presented by Ariel Krinitsa

2. Goals What is Cloud Computing? How can an organization benefit from cloud computing? The Cloud Scales Amazon Web Services Building blocks Common Use Cases 3. Cloud Computing? 4. What is Cloud Computing? An analogy: think of electricity services You simply plug into a vast electrical grid managed by experts to get a low cost ,reliable power supply available to your with much greater efficiency than your could generate on your own.Power is a utility service availableto your on-demand and you pay onlyfor what you use. 5. What is Cloud Computing? Cloud Computing is also a utility service giving your access to technology resources managed by experts and available on-demand.You simply access these services overthe internet, with no up-front costs andyou pay only for the resources you use. 6. Organization benefit 7. Attributes of Cloud ComputingTrue elastic capacity; Scale up and down 8. Attributes of Cloud ComputingTrue elastic capacity; Scale up and down Maintains Performance Operationally efficient Resilient Cost-Effective 9. Attributes of Cloud ComputingTrue elastic capacity; Scale up and down Scaling Out (Horizontal) Scaling Up (Vertical) 10. Attributes of Cloud ComputingNo capital ExpenditurePay as your go and pay only for what you use 11. Attributes of Cloud ComputingElasticity and ScaleVideo editing App 12. Attributes of Cloud ComputingPay-Per-DemandWall Street App 13. Attributes of Cloud ComputingFocus on your businessYou get to focus your engineering resources on what differentiatesyou VS. managing the undifferentiated infrastructure resources The 70/30 Switch 14. Attributes of Cloud ComputingFocus on your business Cloud Based Infrastructure On-Premise Infrastructure 15. Attributes of Cloud ComputingFaster time to market 16. Inside the Engine 17. AWS global presenceAWS CloudFront LocationsMultiple Availability Zones 18. AWS building blocks Infrastructure 19. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Amazon EC2 = Virtual Machine Amazon EC2: on-demand compute power Obtain and boot new server instances in minutes Quickly scale capacity up and down Servers from 0.02$ (2 cents!) per hour On Demand, Reserved and Spot Pricing Key features: Support for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and OpenSolaris Supports all major web and application platforms Deploy across Availability Zones for reliability CloudFront monitors status and usage 20. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud 21. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Amazon EC2 = Virtual Machine Amazon EC2: on-demand compute power Obtain and boot new server instances in minutes Quickly scale capacity up and down Servers from 0.02$ (2 cents!) per hour On Demand, Reserved and Spot Pricing Key features: Support for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and OpenSolaris Supports all major web and application platforms Deploy across Availability Zones for reliability CloudFront monitors status and usage 22. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Amazon EC2 = Virtual Machine Amazon EC2: on-demand compute power Obtain and boot new server instances in minutes Quickly scale capacity up and down Servers from 0.02$ (2 cents!) per hour On Demand, Reserved and Spot Pricing Key features: Support for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and OpenSolaris Supports all major web and application platforms Deploy across Availability Zones for reliability CloudFront monitors status and usage 23. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Amazon EC2 = Virtual Machine Amazon EC2: on-demand compute power Obtain and boot new server instances in minutes Quickly scale capacity up and down Servers from 0.02$ (2 cents!) per hour On Demand, Reserved and Spot Pricing Key features: Support for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and OpenSolaris Supports all major web and application platforms Deploy across Availability Zones for reliability CloudFront monitors status and usage 24. AWS building blocks Infrastructure 25. Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) You can use Amazon EBS as you would use an hard drive on aphysical server. Amazon EBS is particularly well-suited for use as the primarystorage for a file system, database or for any applications thatrequire fine granular updates and access to raw , unformattedblock-level storage. 26. Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) In Traditional on-premise applications , this type of data wouldordinarily be maintained on SAN or NAS. However , a cloud-basedmechanism such as Amazon S3 is far more agile, flexible andgeo-redundant. Amazon S3 is highly scalable, durable and available distributed object store designed for mission-critical and primary data storage with an easy to use web service interface 27. S3 API Ruby Example Service: ListAllMyBuckets require S3 Buckets: AWS_ACCESS_KEY = CreateBucket AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = DeleteBucket ListBucket conn = GetBucketAccessControlPolicy, SetBucketAccessControlPolicy AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,false) GetBucketLoggingStatus SetBucketLoggingStatusBUCKET_NAME = Objects: conn.create_bucket(BUCKET_NAME) PutObject PutObjectInlinedatafile = GetObjectKey = path.basename; GetObjectExtendedconn.put(BUCKET_NAME, key,, DeleteObject {"Content-Type" => mime,"Content-Length" => GetObjectAccessControlPolicy File.size(path).to_s,"x-amz-acl" => "public-read"}) SetObjectAccessControlPolicy 28. AWS building blocks Infrastructure 29. AWS building blocks Infrastructure 30. Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) Amazon RDS = MySQL and Oracle 11g Managed Database Amazon RDS automates common administrative tasks to reduce the complexity and total cost of ownership. Amazon RDS automatically backs up your database and maintains your database software , allowing you to spend more time on application development 31. Amazon SimpleDB (SDB) Use Domains Instead of Tables Data-Sharing betweenSocial Networks Dont Have Fixed Schemas Easily Add or Meta-dataRemove Columns Store files in S3 and Variable Number of Fields per Record (Row)metadata in SimpleDB Each Record is a List of Name / Value Pairs Lookup Contacts, Directories and Everything is a StringAddress mapContacts, Record Indexed By A Unique Item IDmaps Implements Most SQL Calls Logging Maintained By Amazon Web Services ClickStreams, StatusData Catalogs Product catalogs Other Emails/IM/Feeds 32. Amazon SimpleDB (SDB) Domain: Collection of similar items Query language Any number of items per domain (10 GB beta limit) 100 domains per account Item: Collection of key-value pairs (attributes) Multiple values per attribute Up to 256 attributes per item Up to 1024 bytes per value Billing: Data storage CPU utilization Data storage 33. Amazon SimpleDB (SDB) API Domains: CreateDomain ListDomains DeleteDomain Items: PutAttributes GetAttributes QueryQuery Language (samples):[Title = The Right Stuff][Number of Pages < 00310][Rating = *** or Rating = *****][Year > 1950 and Year < 1960 or Year starts-with 193 or Year = 2007][Keyword = Frank Miller] union [Rating starts-with ****] 34. API - Connecting to Amazon SimpleDBprivate static AmazonSimpleDB sdb = null;public static AmazonSimpleDB getInstance(){ if ( sdb == null ) { // pass in the authenication credentialssdb = new AmazonSimpleDBClient( AWSDemo.credentials ); // set the node we want to usesdb.setEndpoint("");}return sdb;} 35. API Domain Creation & Data INSERTpublic void createDomain(String domainName){sdb.createDomain(new CreateDomainRequest(domainName));}// each row is keyed with a replaceable item id followed by attributes i.e. name / value pairs// construct a list of items to be insertedList dataList = new ArrayList();// populate the list using the item id and the attribute name / value pairsdataList.add(new ReplaceableItem(05-123).withAttributes( new ReplaceableAttribute(DBFields.STATE, CO, true), new ReplaceableAttribute(DBFields.COUNTY, Weld, true), new ReplaceableAttribute(DBFields.DRILLING_DATE, 05-11-2011, true));// batch insert the list into the SimpleDB databasesdb.batchPutAttributes(new BatchPutAttributesRequest(my_domain, dataList )); 36. API RETRIEVE dataselect output_list from domain_name [where expression] [sort_instructions] [limit limit]// build your SQL select statementString selectExpression = select * from + domain + where + itemName() + = 05-123 ;// construct a select requestSelectRequest selectRequest = new SelectRequest(selectExpression);// retrieve a list of matching items (records)List itemList =;// loop through each record and extract the attributes from each itemfor (int i = 0; i < itemList.size(); i++){Item item = (Item) itemList.get(i);ArrayList attributeList = (ArrayList)item.getAttributes();} 37. AWS building blocks Platform Infrastructure 38. Example Video Encoding Decoupling 39. Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)Queues: Queues: Named message container Persistent ListQueues DeleteQueueMessages: SetVisibilityTimeout Up to 256KB of data per message GetVisibilityTimeout Peek / Lock access model Messages:Scalable: SendMessage Unlimited number of queues per account Unlimited number of messages per queue ReceiveMessage DeleteMessage PeekMessage Security: AddGrant$.10 per 1000 ListGrants RemoveGrantmessages $.10 - $.18 per GBdata transfer 40. AWS building blocks Tools toaccess services Cross Service Features Platform Infrastructure 41. Web ManagementConsole HTTPS (encrypted) Multi-Factor Auth (MFA) Amazon Web Services API 42. Web ManagementSoftware LibrariesConsole and SDK Java, PHP , Ruby , Python , .NET Mobile: Android, iOS Eclipse ToolKit Amazon Web Services API 43. Web ManagementSoftware Libraries Command LineConsole and SDKinterface Amazon Web Services API 44. Web ManagementSoftware Libraries Command LineResourceConsole and SDKinterfaceManagement Tools E.g.: Puppet Chef PyChef Fabric Cuisine Etc Amazon Web Services API 45. AWS building blocks Tools toaccess services Cross Service Features Platform Infrastructure 46. Architectural Examples 47. Thank You

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