
Melvin AlvarezProfessional Communication and Presentation

Professional Personal Project

Becoming a Father

Personally owned photograph

PART ONE: WHY I DO WHAT I DO. !Having become a father and never having met my own has made me appreciate every single moment I spend with my son. Everything I do, I do for him.

Value of Hard Work

Part One: Why I Do What I Do. !He reminds me a lot of myself when I was just a little boy except that when I was just two years older than him, he’s three, I learned the value of hard work.

No Running Water

PART Two - Root: !At five years old I learned what it was like to work hard for a simple human need. I did not have running water and because of that I had to work hard for it. !!

Hauling clean water 1/2 a mile away at five

Part Two - Root: !That meant having to walk half a mile up a hill with two empty gallons and back once they were filled.

Family Man

PART Two - Root: What do you want to create? !Being a family man now, I want to create the life for my son that I never had.

Driven by my education because it is my future

PART Two - Root: What ideas drive you? !I’m driven by many things but what inspires me and helps me wake up in the morning, is knowing that my education is going to help me create the life I want for my family.


PART Two - Root: Who do you want to help or impact? !Because of all the struggles I’ve been through in my life, I want to help those who are struggling. I want to help them create a job for themselves using the methods I’ve learned in my education.

Looking back

PART Two - Root: What changes do you want to create in the world? !Before I leave this earth I want to look back at my life and know that I made a difference in other people’s lives by freely sharing what I know. What I want to share is my education in order to pass on to others what I have learned.

I value life

PART Two - Root: What do you value? !Something that is worth more than all the money and gold in the world is a good friend. Aside from a good friend, I value honesty and integrity but most of all I value life, because it’s beautiful. !


PART Two - Root: What do you believe, and why do you believe it? !It might sound cliche but I believe in love. I believe that love is all there is. If you have love in your life; friends, family and a job you can be passionate about, you have love on your side. !!

One man army

PART Two - Root: What problems do you want to solve? !I am a one man army and what I intend is to help others find jobs by teaching them to become financially independent.

Motivated by Hard Work

PART Two - Root: What drives you to act? What motivates you? !I am driven when I feel stagnant because I need to move and I’m motivated by the fact that all my hard work now, is going to pay off in the end.

Brand Mantra


Part Three: Brand Mantra !The lines between traditional marketing and digital marketing are blurring. Traditional marketing is quickly becoming a thing of the past, making Internet Marketing the new way of the future. I am the new type of marketer. I am a “Neomarketer”

People Person

How have I gone about developing myself? !Part Four: What are your skills, strengths, and ideas? !I’m a people person and I’m also a computer geek; I have been building and troubleshooting my own computers for over 19 years. I love technology. My skills lie in knowing how to talk to people and being open minded.

Car Washing at 10

What makes you an ideal professional? !Simply put, I’m a hard worker. When I was ten years old my step father owned a car wash and he made me work there. I hated it, but now I appreciate that he encouraged me do it because it taught me to appreciate the value of a dollar. It also made me develop a good work ethic. !


What life experiences make you unique, talented, and capable? !I’ve been broken: Broken friendships, broken heart and a broken ankle.

What life experiences make you unique, talented, and capable? !All these experiences are to me in a sense like falling down and getting back up; they have taught me perseverance.

Self Growth

What do you do to promote self-growth? !I walk three miles a day to relax and clear my head; I practice meditation to give my mind a break and every day I read something new.

Competitive Advantage

What’s your competitive advantage? !My competitive advantage is my personality, my honestly and humility. I have very tough skin, I also appreciate constructive criticism. I’ve learned enough from my mistakes to consider them lessons for me to improve.

Work Experience

What do I do as a professional? !Part Five: Work Experience !Tigerdirect: Sales/Customer service. This is where I started to fine tune my computer knowledge skills and grew tough skin while working in a sales/customer service role.

Work Experience

Work Experience !Alienware: Sales/Customer service/Tech Advisor. Here I broadened my computer skills further and learned to build and troubleshoot a truly amazing machine of my own. The geek in me was working in full force because I was amongst other geeks.

Work Experience

Work Experience !Discovery: Broadcasting Coordinator - here I learned about the world of broadcasting as well as the ins and outs of what it takes to put together a 24 hour schedule for one channel; it was a good crash course on ad sales.

Work Experience

Work Experience !Comcast Spotlight: Ad Sales Coordinator - I was fully consumed in the Ad sales world while working here. I learned more about ad sales and advertising as well as a good amount of marketing in general, mainly traditional marketing.

Work Experience

Work Experience !Media Distributors: Sales Account Executive - Sold film to producers and directors. This was a fun job because of the type of people I got to meet. It taught me what was like in a changing industry going from a physical to a digital medium.

Team Player

Why should others work with you? !I’m easy going, I’m funny, I am polite and I will l go the extra mile to help you if I can. You want to work with me because I love being part of a good team and you need me on yours.

Mission Driven

Why/how have you excelled professionally in the past? !I’m driven and I work well under pressure. I work best with those with the same type of drive and ideals. I’ve been an employee now I’m ready to be a freelancer and entrepreneur. I’ve excelled because of my hard work ethic.

My Blog

Part Six: Work Samples !Over the years I’ve developed a love for writing. I especially like telling a good story. !

Video Podcast

Part Six: Work Samples !Video Podcast created for Art History class.

No Limits

Part Seven: Define what success means for you. !To me success means having the time to do whatever I want; it means having no limits to to how much money I can spend or how much time I can take off. !


Identify specific personal goals for the future. Where will you be and who will you be when you are “successful?” !Before I finish my degree at Full Sail I see myself working either independently, as a freelancer, or for a company where I can put my passion for Internet Marketing to good use. !!


My name is Melvin Alvarez and I am a Neomarketer !!

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