Page 1: Alpha Singapore News January 2011

ALPHA NEWSMICA (P) 129/08/2010

The Alpha Singapore NewsletterJanuary - April 2011

In this edition:

Senior Alpha at Bethesda Bedok-Tampines Church

Catholic Alpha Testimonies & AACT Update

Stay in touch withAlpha Singapore via our Facebook Community

Thankful. Renewed. Strengthened. Privileged. These are just some of the sentiments that repeat themselves in the stories shared by guests at the end of their Alpha Courses. Whether young or old, new Christians or a re-committed Christian life, we give all the glory to God for the lives that have been touched and transformed through the Alpha Course.

Over 90 courses were run by 55 churches and 10 work-places during the 2010 Alpha Invitation and the warm friendships formed during that time have led some guests wondering “what do I do now?”

Alpha Singapore posed this question to some churches to discover how Alpha graduates are being integrated in the life of the Christian community.

Courses are a popular way: “We encourage our Alpha grad-uates to go on to Baptism classes, Cleansing Stream and Crossway courses,” said Joseph Kwok, St. Pauls Church.

Michael Khoo, Alpha Coordinator at Bethesda (Katong) Church said, “We started immediately with a Basic Chris-tian Living course every week for the new Christians. On


finishing the course in December, we intend to keep them together in a group and have someone lead them in Bible study. The intention is that this will form the nucleus of a new small group or care group as we call it at our church.” (continued inside)...

Photos, clockwise from left: Alpha Graduation ceremony at Sengkang Methodist Church; Alpha Weekend Away at Charis Methodist ; New Discovery Group at Covenant Presbyterian Church

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On one occasion, I asked him to take a bath as an outward sign that he is a new creation (II Cor 5:17). After some hesitation, he complied. We all ap-plauded when he finally bathed and washed his hair– after going in and out of the bathroom 3 times (a symp-tom of psychosis is general neglect towards personal appearance and hygiene and he had not bathed for 2 weeks since he came to Singapore).

Prior to his conversion, he flatly refused to leave his room to visit a psychiatrist in Singapore. After he received Christ, coupled with prayers from friends and family, he became

amenable to visit a psy-chiatrist. With the aid of medication, his condi-tion improved.

Within a couple of weeks upon his return to England, he was able to revert to normal school hours and he was also encouraged by good results of the GCSE

Mathematics that he took just before his trip, where he scored an A.

He also attended a Youth session in church. He continues to need a great amount of prayer in order to hold tight to his faith. Indeed, even youths grow weary, stumble and fall. However, with Christ in Timothy, there is hope of glory. Do pray with us for Timothy for full recovery and to fully renew his strength and regain the full vigour of youth.

However, as the video started, he be-came perceptibly quiet, and listened intently to Nicky Gumbel. Having been born and bred in England, he could identify with the English social context and chuckled at the English jokes. I believed the Word of God, essentially, John 14:6 that only the Lord can satisfy our deepest needs, struck a chord in him. Towards the end of the video, I noticed a struggle within him as the altar call was given. He tried to get out of the room but I managed to stop him.

After he got home he searched the In-ternet about Christianity and his aunt

Eunice discovered he wanted to know about Jesus and how God could help him with some of his struggles. Using the Bridge illustration, Eunice led him to receive Christ. She was quick to ask him if he really wanted to receive Christ on his own volition. He replied, “yes” and slowly prayed the sinner’s prayer.

That night marked a turning point in his life. He showed interest in the Bible and spent some nights read-ing the Bible, some devotionals and Christian books. He also watched most of the videos on Alpha and I had Bible Study with him on the assur-ances of salvation, answered prayer, forgiveness, guidance and victory over temptation.

My nephew, Timothy, 14 years old, came from England for a visit with his mother, my sister, Ai Ling dur-ing his summer vacation in July. When he first arrived in Singapore, I observed a stark contrast in him from the cheerful and polite boy with whom we had a wonderful holiday in the Lake District, Eng-land in 2007. He was withdrawn and depressed with little interest to venture anywhere and during the last few months prior to his trip, his school had drastically reduced his schooling hours to cover only a few core subjects. His mother had noticed that occasionally in the evenings he would be thumbing through his Bible for an answer to the awful oppression he seemed to be in. He had been diagnosed with mild psychosis.

For the most part of his stay in Singapore, he refused to venture out of his room at my mother’s home where he stayed. As I sought the Lord in prayer, He impressed upon me that I should invite Timothy to attend our church’s Alpha introduc-tory dinner. That day through much prayer by my sisters and my mother he came to my home. However, he immediately turned down my initial invitation, saying “I rather not go.” Nonetheless, emboldened by the Lord, I persuaded him to just come for dinner to listen to an Englishman speak. At the restaurant, he refused to get out of the car and insisted on being driven home. Thankfully, the Lord sent elder Eng Chuan to greet us. He helped to reach my husband Richard who was there earlier. As we saw Richard approaching, I simply told Timothy, “Look, Uncle Richard is here. Follow him.” As if commanded by the Authority, he followed Richard into the restaurant. He continued his protest by refusing to eat and hiding in the toilet several times.

God is Good indeed! A Testimony about Timothy Chang, by Sharon Tio, his aunt, of Bethesda (Katong) Church

“That night marked a turning point in his life”

Share your story with us today! at

Page 3: Alpha Singapore News January 2011

Bethesda (Bedok-Tampines) Church had 90 partici-pants at their Senior Alpha Course and here are some of their testimonies.

The Alpha Course has been a blessing to me because I saw my sister Lily being ministered to by Corren Toh (our leader), who was vivacious and bubbly and caring. She reached out to my sister who has just lost her husband. Together with Lucy (our helper), they demonstrated such Christian love to Lily that she got out of her grief and resolved to live the rest of her life for Jesus!- Ow Liyen The Alpha Course has been a blessing to me because it has enriched my mental and spiritual life, given me a bet-ter understanding of the Word of God and strengthened my faith in Him. It encourages me to have confidence in God and that He is faithful to all His promises.- Esther Goh The Alpha Course has been a blessing to me because I was so touched and ministered by the Holy Spirit where I experienced tears of love, joy and peace.- Lilian Chia

Seniors delight in Wednesday afternoons at AlphaIt was a privilege to attend the Senior Alpha Course. Our facilitators have indeed spent a lot of time to prepare the lessons. I have been blessed by the sharing in the class especially how to live our Christian life. The illustrations given were also very practical and have helped me in my daily life.- Patsy Lee

那是时候,刚从中国回来不久,偶然地,肖骏阿姨问我要不要参加Alpha Course。起初并不明白它是一个怎样的课程,第一次去就怀着旁听的心情走进了这个温暖的大家庭。去年O水准考完后,我就回国了,一回就是将近四个月的时间。回去的日子虽然无忧无虑,却少了灵修,周五的小组,和周日的敬拜,生命中好像缺少了曾经视为最重要的一部分。

让我再一次经历祂巴耶黎巴堂 杨慧



后来我去了启发营,在Pulai Spring Resort的启发营,我有了更多的收获,很多兄弟姐妹都被圣灵感动了。当天晚上,我和Peace被安排在了一起。在之前的启发课程,我每个礼拜都很愿意和她分享。祷告之前,我把压在心头的这个事宣泄出来了。难以置信的是,Peace以前也与我有相似的经历,她的开导让我轻松了许多。后来我们齐心为这件事祷告,我很强感觉到圣灵的同在,更奇妙的是,祷告过后,我被喜乐充满。一切的忧虑和失望全都不复存在。我也明白了,真正的信靠主,凡事都要交托,降服在主面前。祷告后,也不要再去多想。


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The following people attended an Alpha Course at the Church of St Ignatius,and here are their stories.

Rediscovery of faith “Alpha was not a journey I had planned on taking. I signed my husband up, thinking that he being unsure about Christianity despite being a baptised Catholic, needed it.

In the end, God showed me how He makes all things new. I ended up joining the Alpha Course, growing in my relationships with God and with my husband.

In turn, my husband, whom I doubted would make it past the first few weeks, attended almost all the sessions. Through the grace of God, he is now on a journey of rediscovery of his faith and I myself have a renewed awareness of the Holy Spirit working in us.

A big thank you to the Alpha facilitators through whom the Holy Spirit has been working - their kindness, patience and constant prayer has brought back some of His lost sheep.” - Hsin Li Chia

He makes all things new... Stories from St. Ignatius

The Catholic Church in Sin-gapore first introduced the Alpha Course at the Church of St Ignatius in 2000. Today 15 parishes and Catholic groups are running Alpha and the Alpha Advisory & Coordinating Team (AACT), which was formed in May 2010, helps to coordinate the needs between different groups and help disseminate the sharing of resources and experiences.

Renewed hope and peace “I view the Alpha Course as having been a bridge for me to recon-nect myself with Christ and the Church.

The talks by Nicky Gumbel were enlightening and thought-provoking. They made me think of how little knowledge I had of my faith and of how and when I had fallen short as a Christian all this time.

Through the small group sharing, I learnt more about be-ing in a contributing community where members could share and help other members of the small group to un-derstand the meaning and messages behind each topic that the Alpha Course brought up each week.

I feel much better with renewed hope and peace. I had the wonderful opportunity to come to know the Good News better. I have been inspired by the course and now can view Christ as a true and real presence in my life.

I also benefited so much from friends I’ve made through Alpha and the strong faith they have that has reinforced my own faith. I am thankful for having had the oppor-tunity to jump-start my faith and am grateful to all the selfless people of St. Ignatius for providing that avenue of opportunity.” - Michele Niap

Alpha Advisory & Coordinating Team to assist, train and promote Alpha in a Catholic Context

This new committee comes under the spiritual direction of Fr Anthony Hutjes and will work closely with the Alpha Singapore Office. Our hopes and prayers are that we will be able to:

1. Encourage parishes to use Alpha as an evangelisation and re-evangelisa-tion tool. 2. Strengthen and refresh existing courses and assist in reviving lapsed courses by standardising our training and sharing of best tips in running an effective course.3. Create a platform for information sharing by different groups. We believe this will encourage more participation as we help one another. 4. Be the central coordinator for disseminating information from the Church authority, Catholic Alpha groups and from Alpha Singapore. This includes compilation of information on course starting dates from all groups and have them publicized in the Catholic News.5. Assist all groups to move alongside the vision of the Church and play our part in the evangelization, ecumenism, and forming of Small Christian Communities.

To find out how to start an Alpha course in your parish email [email protected]

“...inspired by the course and now can view Christ as a true and real presence in my life.”

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The Global Alpha Team (GAT) team from Wesley Methodist Church comprising of Nijendra, James Tan and Philip Oh were accompanied by Rev Then Chee Min from Alpha Asia Pacific, as they made a three-day trip to Parapat, a town overlooking Lake Toba in North Sumatra to conduct an Alpha training event for a group of 30 Lutheran Batak pastors and leaders. To prepare for the trip, the team went through two brief-ing and training sessions with Rev Then which were designed to equip these experienced Alpha leaders with the training content and delivery methods appropriate to training pastors and leaders in another congregation outside their own church in a foreign country.

Upon their arrival the GAT team bonded quickly with the pastors and leaders who were from the United Evan-gelical Mission (UEM), an umbrella organization for five Lutheran denominations in North Sumatra.

Over the course of two days, the GAT team covered all the basic Alpha team training modules, such as What is Alpha?, Principles of Alpha, Leading Small Groups, Pas-toral Care and Ministry on Alpha, including the Practicali-ties of Alpha.

Apart from presentations, the GAT team also conducted sample sessions where the delegates were put into small groups to simulate actual Alpha sessions. The delegates also watched two of Nicky Gumbel’s talks on DVD which were translated into Bahasa Indonesia.

“The Holy Spirit worked powerfully. Many of the partici-pants expressed a lot of joy during the ice breakers and over meals,” said James. “It has been a long time since I have seen people, some of whom were quite elderly, enjoying themselves so much over a simple game. The

Global Alpha Team (GAT) from Singapore trains pastors and leaders in North Sumatra

humility and love amongst the participants were very clear for everyone to see.” “The most important aspect of this entire training pro-gram was how nearly all the pastors and leaders devel-oped a new zeal and passion about evangelism at the end of the two days,” said Nijendra. “They were all very excited about starting Alpha Courses in their churches.”

Philip said, “The local team was wonderful – hospitable and helpful in every way. What caught my attention was how they let their hair down as they learnt about and played ice-breaker games. They were happy, full of joy and involved in a way that we do not frequently see in Singapore. Praise God for their willingness to ‘get into the spirit’ of the games, during which God certainly blessed them. It was a privilege to serve with the teams, both Singapore and local, as we could feel the leading of the Holy Spirit in what we did for the short time we were there.”

GAT: How To Get Started Q: What is Global Alpha Training (GAT)?A: GAT is an initiative to send teams from churches with experience in running Alpha to train leaders in other countries who have yet to run the course.

Q: How does it work?A: There are two ways to do GAT. The first is through an Alpha-matched GAT opportunity, where Alpha Singapore has identified a need in another country and you partici-pate in the GAT event. The second way is through Self-Matched GAT where your church has already established relationships through its missions program; Alpha can then equip you to train leaders in the Alpha course as you visit your mission partners.

Q: How do I get trained to do GAT? A: Alpha Singapore provides cross-cultural orientation, detailed programs and transcripts for the GAT training event.

Q: Are there any benefits in doing GAT? A: One of the benefits is when GAT teams return home after their trips, they are renewed and energized for Christ, His Church and His Cause, resulting in increased interest to improve their own local Alpha courses and to reach their own communities for Christ.

For any GAT enquiries, you can reach us at [email protected]

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Nicky and Sila Lee travelled to Beijing in the final week of October to conduct a Family Life Conference with more than 100 leaders of the Three-Self Church and representatives of NGOs and the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

The Marriage Course has been adopted as an official tool of the Three-Self Church as it looks to combat growing rates of marriage-breakdown and divorce. Marriage rela-tionships in China are suffering under social and economic pressures related to China’s rise, and divorce has become an easy option after divorce procedures were simplified in 2003. More than 2.46 million couples divorced last year - nearly twice the number in 2001.

Most divorce cases in China cite personality clashes as a key reason for divorce, and extra-marital relationships have also been a significant factor. Marriage counsellers indicate that there is confusion about what is right and wrong with regard to marriage and extra-marital relationships, and experts suggest that the the one-child generation is ill-prepared for the realities of sharing life with another person.

Adding to these issues are increased social, geographic and employ-ment mobility, as well as a diminishing social stigma related to divorce, and the recipe for a rapid degradation in the institution of marriage across the nation is created. With the breakdown of marriage, there is potential for a broader breakdown in the social fabric as single adults face the pressures of providing for parents and at least one grandparent - often in other parts of the country - while their own children grow-up in single-adult homes.

There is therefore a great need for effective teaching about the fundamental importance of the marriage relationship, and the way has certainly been opened to Nicky and Sila Lee for such a time as this. Co-inciding with Nicky and Sila’s visit was the release of their book, The Marriage Book, which has had an initial printing of 5,000 copies after it was approved by China’s publications agency. The Marriage Course DVD and Manual were also approved for distribution, and the resources will now be available to the public through secular bookstores and via online channels - including China’s ver-sions of Ebay and Amazon.

The hope now is that couples, groups and churches will purchase the books and DVDs and run the course themselves.

The Marriage Course is officially adopted by state-sanctioned Church in China

To find out how to start a Marriage Course, please email: [email protected]

To purchase The Marriage Book in English, as well as other Family Life resources, please contact Alpha Singapore: [email protected]

Look out for The Marriage Course Training Conference later this year!




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The Marriage Course is officially adopted by state-sanctioned Church in China




BECOME AN ALPHA FRIEND! An Alpha Friend is one who makes it possible for Alpha Singapore to carry out its life transforming mission through a one-time donation or a monthly donation by credit card. By becoming an Alpha Friend, you will have the joy of knowing that you are making a meaningful difference, and that you are changing people’s lives forever by leaving a legacy of peace, love, joy and purpose for them.

“Freely you have received, freely give...” Matthew 10:8b

In gratitude to God for His blessings, I would like to support Alpha Singapore: One-time Donation: $ _____________________________________ Monthly Donation: $10 p/m $30 p/m ($1/day) $60 p/m ($2/day) $100 p/m Other amount: $ _______ p/m

Please mail to: Alpha Singapore, 179A Thomson Road, Goldhill Centre, Singapore 307626


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Over at Kampong Kapor Methodist Church, Alpha “graduates” have a choice to continue their journey by joining an Evening LifeGroup, or to attend a six-session follow-up course called ‘The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus’ which aims to help attendees understand the Bible better. Alpha coordinator Lyndon Gan said “Several of our guests have had prior exposure to Christ but did not attend church. After the Alpha Course, they are attending church regularly and even joining a bible study.”

Another church with a similar approach is Covenant Presbyterian Church. “We encourage our “graduates” to be part of a Discovery Group,” said Pastor Christina Ong, “where they can continue their jour-ney in a familiar environment and feel free to ask their questions and learn more about God and about the church.”

“We have several programmes that help our Alpha graduates integrate into the life and ministry of the church,” said Edwin Seow, Alpha Coor-dinator of Charis Methodist Church. “On Sundays, there are follow-up classes in the Alpha-style where we use materials such as ‘A Life Worth Living’. They also have an option to join Alpha Ripples which is our dedicated cell group catering to Alpha “graduates” or they can join a church cell group”.

“Sometimes our Alpha ‘graduates’ want to help out and we encourage them to come back as helpers,” said Cynthia Ko, Alpha coordinator at Wesley Methodist Church. “As they have recently done the Alpha course, they make wonderful helpers because they are sensitive to the doubts and anxieties of new guests in their groups.”

“It is heartening to hear about the variety of post-Alpha choices, said Vinnie Tang, Acting National Director, Alpha Singapore. “Whether join-ing a cell group or becoming a helper, the wonderful and key thing is how each person’s journey of faith continues so that lives are being re-newed and churches transformed to be the salt and light to the world.”

continued from page 1


© Alpha International 2007 Email [email protected]

Nicky Gumbel shows how Paul’s letter to the Philippians gives clear andpowerful answers to many of the questions and needs of those living intoday’s society.

Each talk explains how it is possible to live the Christian life positively, prac-tically and joyfully and is aimed specifically at those who are starting out inthe Christian life.

This nine-week course was filmed at Holy Trinity Brompton in 1998 and ispresented by Nicky Gumbel. It is designed to be used as a follow-up courseto Alpha and is ideal for use in small groups.

DVD1 DVD 2• New Heart • New Confidence • New Purpose • New Ambitions • New Attitude • New Resources • New Responsibilities • New Generosity • New Friendships

Each talk is approx. 35min in length

a life



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An official follow-up to the Alpha course





Did you know that Alpha has follow-up re-sources available for you to use once your Alpha course is over? For more information about the A Life Worth Living and Challen-gin Lifestyle courses, please [email protected]

Page 8: Alpha Singapore News January 2011

The Alpha course - an opportunity to explore the meaning of life

Dear Friends

Happy New Year to you and your family! All of us at Alpha Singapore are looking forward with great antici-pation to discovering God’s greatness in 2011!

Last year we saw His marvelous work through the Alpha Invitation. Stories of changed lives continue to pour in and we are greatly inspired by many guests continuing their spiritual journey as disciples of Jesus Christ! In this newsletter, we are delighted to share wonderful practices from various churches on how they continue to build into these new lives.

Late last year, we also connected with over 40 new churches through Introduc-tory Seminars for Alpha in the Indian context, Youth Alpha and The Marriage Course, and our team is gearing up to partner with these churches.

One particular area that we sense God is steering us towards is developing healthy families through The Marriage Course. We receive many enquiries from people who want to attend The Marriage Course or The Marriage Preparation Course, so if you are organizing one please let us know.

You will also read about the experiences of a GAT team from Wesley Methodist Church which we hope will encourage more teams to go out and serve the na-tions this year.

By God’s grace Alpha Singapore is celebrating our 11th anniversary this year. Our local ministry has expanded beyond our expectations into the Asia Pacific region. Words fail to capture the length, breadth and scope of God at work through Alpha and the complementary courses – transforming lives by the power of the Holy Spirit; marriages are being restored and young people are finding significance in the Lord.

All the glory, honour and blessing belong to our God! Vinnie Tang - Acting National Director

Stay in touch with Alpha SingaporeFacebook: || Twitter: Friends Website: Alpha Singapore 179A Thomson Road, Goldhill Centre, Singapore 307626Tel: +65 6469 5085 | Fax: +65 6469 5084 | Email: [email protected]

[Newsletter Publisher: Alpha Singapore | Chief Editor: Vinnie Tang | Editor: Chiam Ai-Ling | Printer: Hock Cheong Printing Pte Ltd]

UPCOMING EVENTSAlpha Team TrainingDates: Friday 28 and Saturday 29 JanuaryTime: Friday: 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm, Saturday: 9.00 am to 5.00 pmCost: S$30/- per person (inclusive of Alpha Team Training materials, dinner, lunch and tea break) 10% discount for groups of 10 or more.Venue: Fairfield Methodist ChurchTrack 1 is for new Alpha team members. It is also a good refresher for those who have not run Alpha for a season: • What is Alpha? • Principles & Practicalities of Alpha • Leading Small Groups • Pastoral Care and Ministry on Alpha Track 2 is for experienced Alpha leaders who want to improve and maximize their Alpha Courses: • Post-Alpha strategies - What to do once

the Alpha course is over • Best practices to help improve how Alpha

is run • There will be also be an “Alpha Weekend”

demo including tips on how to care and pray for guests

Track 3 Alpha in a Chinese Context

GAT Partner Church Training Date: Saturday, 2 March

Alpha Golf DayDate: Friday, 6 May (Raffles Country Club)

Youth Alpha IntroductionDate: Saturday, 26 March

Youth Alpha TrainingDate: Saturday, 2 April

Register for all these events online at

Register your Course today! Registration helps us keep in touch with you. Your course will also be listed on our website, enabling potential guests to contact you.

Name of your church: _________________________________________________ Denomination: ______________________________

Your church address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Tel: ______________________________Web Address: _________________________________________________________________

Course contact Name: ____________________________Email: __________________________Contact Tel: ____________________

Course Name (choose one): Alpha Course / Alpha for Prisons / Alpha in the Catholic Context / Senior Alpha / Youth Alpha / Alpha in the Workplace / The Marriage Course / The Marriage Preparation Course

Language (choose one): Bahasa Malaysia / Chinese / Chinese - for PRC students & working adults / English / Tamil

Start Date: ______________________________

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