
THE PROBLEM:Highly contagious and with a fatality rate of 70%, Ebola outbreaks can quickly escalate from a domestic problem to a global threat. How can we improve the management of future Ebola outbreaks, from prevention and diagnosis to faster notice and isolation, in areas with a limited access to medical services and a poor technological infrastructure? THE INSIGHT:A major part of the pA major part of the problem are the widespread myths that surround the disease and the lack of trust in authorities. It’s a known fact that when it comes to such important matters people tend to be trustful to the ones closer to them (friends, colleagues, relatives) rather than to the official sources. People trust more a contact in their agenda than the goverment. THE SOLUTION:We created ALOBE, the first emergency social network in the world. How does it work?

1. 1. We develop a pan-continental network of "community angels", contacts that can be activated in case of emergency. The database will be built through push-sms to a large pool of ordinary subscribers. Everyone is free to join, registering their data (name, location, contact) in exchange for a small reward (pack of free SMS).

2. When an instance of Ebola index case suspicion occurs (as validated by authorities), ALOBE will provide through a daily series of SMS a complete guide of identifying and monitoring the symptoms, quarantine procedures and basic treatment until professional assistance can be made available.

3.3. The role of the "community angels" will be to diseminate the information to their contact list, forwarding the messages received from ALOBE. The system will remain open, allowing every new informed person to become himself an "angel", join the fight against the disease, protect his loved ones and benefit the rewards.

4. The "angels" can forward the SMS from ALOBE free of charge, by adding a "fake" hashtag: in the recipient list the short number of ALOBE, #1245, allways has to be present. This will allow us, in cooperation with the telecom operators, to track the flow of information and reward the angels (with SMS, voice or data bundles, to be used at their choosing).

5.5. ALOBE will function also as a virtual doctor, where you can report that someone near you may be infected and ask for personalised step by step instructions that will be delivered by SMS and day to day tracking of the evolution of the pacient.

This solution will lead to a fast spread of extremely vital information, but even more will allow us to react promptly and offer remote assistance where it is most needed.

EBOLA ALERT IN YOUR AREA. Inform your loved ones and join the fight against the disease. Other SMS will follow. For every SMS you forward to a number in your contact list, you receive a free list, you receive a free SMS. Just add #1245 next to the recipient list.

Ebola is spread via direct contact with patients, specifically the blood and secretions of an infected patient. Contact with objects such as clothing, bedding, and needles is also risky. Join the fight also risky. Join the fight against Ebola and win free sms.

Symptoms of the disease: Fever, Headache, Joint and muscle aches, Weakness, Diarrhoea, Vomiting, Stomach pain, Lack of appetite. If you know somebody that might be ill, contact ALOBE now. Join ill, contact ALOBE now. Join the fight against Ebola and win free sms.

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