  • 8/11/2019 Allergy Free Meal Plan












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    Written & Created by Kim Maes

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    C O M E S E E

  • 8/11/2019 Allergy Free Meal Plan




    Grilled Citrus HoneyChicken Thighs

    Easy HealthyMexican Pizza Recipe

    Meatloaf Mufns W

    Brown Sugar GlazGluten-Free, Dair(Easily Egg-Free)

    Meatloaf Subs n Easy Peasy Night

    Wild Salmon withTomatoes, Basil,and Garlic

    Cross off what you already have on hand. You will likely havemany of these ingredients already. These recipes are based ona family of four, so adjust according to your family size.

    ***Make sure to check every item for your Allergen Safety***

    Pantry Items:

    mHoney mSea Salt and PeppermRoasted Red Chili Paste mSalsa

    mBrown Sugar mKetchup

    mOlive Oil mBrown Rice

    mCoconut Oil mGarlic Salt

    mAllergy Friendly Barbeque SaucemAllergy-Safe Crackers (for crumbs for meatloaf)

    mRefried Black Beans (such as Amys Organic)

    mGluten-Free Soy Sauce, or for Soy-Free: Coconut SecretsCoconut Aminos

    m2 of your favorite pre-made Allergy-friendly Pizza Crusts

    Produce Items:

    m1 inch Piece of Fresh Ginger m1 Head Garlic

    m1 Bunch Scallions m1 Red Onion

    m1 Yellow Onion m1 Lemon

    m2 Oranges mMicro GreensmLettuce for Salad m1 Bunch Celery

    mFresh Oregano and Fresh Basil m1-2 bunches Asparagusm3 pounds Fingerling Potatoes m1 pound Carrots

    m2 Heirloom Tomatoes


    m3-4 lb Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts,preferably organic

    m2 lb Wild Salmon Filetsm3 lb Ground Beef, preferably Organic


    mMilk Your favorite Allergy-Safe Version

    mDairy or Dairy Free Cheese, such as Daiya(this is optional for the pizza recipe)

    m1 Egg (for Egg-free, use Flax meal instead




  • 8/11/2019 Allergy Free Meal Plan


    Ingredients:1 1/2 cup Freshly squeezed orange juice

    (Can also use store-bought Orange Juice)

    4 Tbsp. Gluten-Free soy sauce, such as Organic TamaGluten-Free Soy Sauce (For Soy-Free: Use CoconSe-crets Raw Coconut Aminos)

    2 Tbsp. Fresh local honey1 tsp. Minced ginger1 tsp. Crushed garlic1 tsp. Sea salt1/4 tsp. Roasted red chili paste (optional)3 Scallions, roughly chopped3 lb. Boneless, skinless chicken thighs

    (Preferably organic and free-range)

    Directions:1.In medium bowl, create marinade. Whisk together: orange jsoy sauce (or soy-free option), honey, ginger, garlic, sea salt, chpaste, and scallions. 2.Place Chicken in a glass bowl or baking that just ts chicken pieces. Pour Marinade over chicken so allpieces are covered in marinade. Marinade at least 1 hour and uto 8 hours. 3.Preheat grill. Remove chicken from marinade.Season chicken on both sides generously with sea salt andcracked pepper. Grill Chicken over medium-high heat for abou9-10 minutes per side. Reserve about 1 lb. of chicken for pizzaon Night 2.

    Honey Roasted Carrots

    Ingredients:1 lb. Baby carrots, or regular carrots peeled and

    diced into 1-2 inch pieces2 Tbsp. Coconut oil or olive oil1-2 Tbsp. Honey1/2 tsp. Sea salt and pepper

    Directions:1. Preheat oven to 375. 2.Place carrots on rimmed baking shDrizzle with oil, honey, salt, and pepper. Toss to evenly coat.3.Roast in oven for about 35-40 minutes, until just tender, or your desired degree of doneness is reached.



    N I G H T O N E

  • 8/11/2019 Allergy Free Meal Plan


    Ingredients:2 Allergy-friendly prepared pizza crusts

    such as Sunour Mills allergy-friendly pizza crust;

    or Udis gluten-free, dairy-free pizza crust

    1 cup Refried black beans(I used Amys Organic Refried Black Beans)

    1/2 cup Salsa, your favorite allergy-friendly versionworks ne

    Optional:1/2-1 cup Cheese, preferably Organic - either dairy or

    dairy-free such as Daiya - the cheese can betotally left out here as this is not a cheesebased type of pizza

    2 cups Diced cooked chicken (you can use the leftoverchicken from the night before)

    1 cup Frozen sweet corn,preferably organic

    1/2 Red onion, nely chopped1 cup Micro-greens1/2 tsp. Garlic salt

    Directions:1.Preheat oven to 400. Line a baking sheet with parchmentpaper. 2.Take the 2 Crusts and place them on your baking sheet.Spread the refried black beans evenly over each crust. Then topeach with the salsa. Then add the dairy or dairy-free cheese ifusing (this is a very optional ingredient for this recipe).Spread the chicken, corn,red onion, micro-greens,and garlic salt evenly overeach pizza. 3.Place bakingsheet in preheated ovenfor about 10 minutes untilthe pizzas are warmedthrough and the cheese,if using, is melted andbeginning to bubble.4.After removing fromoven, place slices of freshavocado evenly over thepizza and then squeezethe lime wedges evenlyover the pizzas beforeserving. Enjoy!

    You can truly top pizzas with anything. They are a great way toget a variety of vegetables into you and your family.

    Serve with a Simple Salad or some raw carrots, celery, sugar snappeas, etc.




    N I G H T T W O

  • 8/11/2019 Allergy Free Meal Plan


    Ingredients:1/2 cup Brown sugar2/3 cup Organic ketchup (such as Annies)3 lb. Ground beef (organic, grass-fed, preferably)5 Cloves garlic, minced1 cup Milk (for dairy-free version: use any non-dairy plain

    avored milk alternative)

    2 Eggs (for egg-free version: mix together4 Tbsp. of organic ketchup with 2 Tbsp. HOTwater, then add 2 Tbsp. ax meal. Let sit for5 minutes or more until becomes gel-like)

    1/2 cup Celery, nely chopped

    1 cup Onion, nely chopped2 tsp. Salt1/2 tsp. Ground black pepper,

    or to taste2 cup Gluten free cracker

    crumbs, (such as Glutinocrackers or pretzels crushed into crumbs-the

    Glutino pretzels give a really buttery avor to this)

    2-3 Tbsp. Gluten-free barbeque sauce or organic ketchup

    Directions:1.Preheat oven to 350 F (175 C). 2.Press a small amount ofthe brown sugar in the bottom of each tin of the pan (dividingequally between the tins) and spread the ketchup over thesugar in each. 3 pounds of meat should make about 18 mufns3.In a bowl, mix thoroughly all remaining ingredients, except forthe last 1-2 Tbsp. of GF Barbeque Sauce (or additional Ketchup).4.Press meat mixture on top of the ketchup and sugar, llingeach mufn cup to the top. Then with a spoon make a little wellin the top of each meat-lled mufn tin and place a small dollopof the Barbeque Sauce (or additional ketchup) in each little well.5.Bake in preheated oven for 25-30 minutes or until juices areclear. Serve with simple brown rice and a salad.

    Save the leftovers for the Meatloaf Subs for the following night.


    BrownSugar Glaze


    N I G H T T H R E E & F O U R

    SubsMeatloafAn EasyPeasy Night!Ingredients: Leftover Meatloaf Mufns from the previous night,sliced into inch thick pieces

    Favorite allergy-friendly barbeque sauce Micro-greens, or other favorite lettuce, such as Arugula 1 avocado, pitted, peeled, and sliced Favorite allergy-friendly bread slices, toasted

    Directions:1.Spread Barbeque Sauce on breadslices, place 2-3 slices of meatloafon the bread, layer withmicro-greens (or favorite lettuce)and Avocado Slices. Servewith fresh fruit and/or a salad.

    Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Easily Egg Free

  • 8/11/2019 Allergy Free Meal Plan


    Ingredients:2 lbs. Wild salmon llet3 Cloves of garlic, minced3 Tbsp. Olive oil1 1/2 tsp. Sea salt, or more to taste, divided1 cup Fresh basil, divided

    (1/2 cup chopped ne; other 1/2 very thinly slivered)

    2 Organic heirloom tomatoes,very thinly sliced

    1/2 tsp. Fresh ground blackor white pepper

    Directions:1.Preheat your grill to mediumhigh. 2.In a bowl, mash yourminced garlic, 1 tsp. sea salt, and1/2 cup nely chopped basil(reserving the slivered basil for the end)with the back of a spoon until you get anice paste. Then add in the olive oil and blend together. 3.Lighoil a heavy piece of aluminum foil that is slightly larger than yosalmon llet. Place the salmon on it, skin side down, and thenspread your garlic basil paste all over the top of the sh. Then,top of the paste, layer your thinly sl iced heirlooms to cover thentire salmon. 4.Sprinkle with the remaining sea salt and freshpepper and then transfer salmon, on the foil, to the grill. Cookabout 10-14 minutes, or until salmon akes easily with a fork. C

    also roast in 400 oven on a baking sheet, for about 12-14 minor until sh akes easily with fork. 5. When sh is done, slideoff the foil onto your serving platterand top with the reservedslivered basil. Serve with Roasted Fingerling Potatoes.

    Roasted Fingerling PotatoesIngredients:3 lb. Fingerling potatoes, preferably organic quart3 Tbsp. Olive oil2 tsp. Sea salt1 tsp. Garlic salt2-3 tsp. Chopped fresh oregano (or dried)

    Directions:1. Preheat oven to 400.Line rimmed baking sheetwith foil. Toss potatoes,olive oil, sea salt, garlic salt, andoregano into well-combined.Spread evenly on baking sheetso potatoes are not touching.Bake in pre-heated oven for35-40 minutes, until potatoesare golden brown. Serve.

    N I G H T F I V E

    SalmonWild Tomatoes,

    Basil & Gar


    Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Egg Free, Nut Free, Soy Free

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