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Page 2: Aliens

One summer evening in July 1947, people in the town of Roswell, New Mexico,saw a glowing round object in the sky … what was it?

In the morning, a farmer called Mac Brazel went out and discovered a large hole in the ground … there were pieces of metal in it.

The pieces of metal were very strong and they were all very different: they were dark grey, long and slim, some were large and flat,

on some pieces there were strange symbols. The next day he went to the police station. He told the sheriff about these pieces of metal:

he was sure they were the remains of a "flying saucer". The sheriff thought they were wrecks from an airplane because there was a Military Air Base near Roswell;

so the sheriff informed the Military Officer M. Marcel about the fact. Two experts from the air base went to Mac’s farm because

they did not believe the pieces were from an airplane: M. Marcel in particular thought the metal came from the space!

He had the metal analysed in a laboratory in Ohio. The Army Air Force Base examined the pieces and said they didn’t come from a UFO,

but from a hot-air balloon with a weather-radar. The local newspapers were already talking about aliens, but no copy of the original newspaper exists today.

Even radio declarations were censored by the FBI. Every fragment of the mysterious remains was quickly removed.

All these events started the “legend” of Roswell. Many books and articles were published about Roswell, but the story is often ambiguous: there are lots of different versions and unexplained mysteries.

Years later, Marcel said that the metal they analysed in Ohio wasn’t the same metal that Mac Brazel had discovered!

What has happened? Where is the real metal now?

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