Download - Albert Einstein

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Albert Einstein on Our Thinking

“The Problems of TodayWere Created by

The Thinking of Yesterday”

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Milton Model

“You can pretend anything and master

it.” Milton Erickson

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Kasner said“Belief + Expectation = Hypnosis”

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Don’t think of a pink elephant


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What you believe is true


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• Theta brain waves, measured at 4-7 Hz, are the brain state of REM sleep (dreams), hypnosis, lucid dreaming, and the barely conscious state just before sleeping and just after waking

• While in the Theta state, the mind is capable of deep and profound learning, healing, and growth

Theta Hypnotherapy

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Therapies & Techniques

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Powerful Use of Language

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NLP Communications Model

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Hypnosis Model

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• Swish Pattern• Chaining Anchors• Logical Levels• Belief Change• 6 Step Reframe• Parts Integartion• VK Dissociation• Reframing

Techniques used in NLP

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Reframing• Reframing is a technique in Neuro-Linguistic Programming

(NLP) where an undesirable behaviour or trait is conferred a positive intention.

• A knife is but a knife …

• Context Reframe:– A: "I procrastinate all the time; I just can't get things done."

B: "That's a great skill to have; especially when you apply it to overeating - just put off having that second helping. Lucky you."

• Content Reframe:– How can going to college improve your hockey?

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• Trance Preparation (Have you ever been …)• Indirect Suggestions• Catalepsy• Suggestibility Tests• Induction• Post Hypnotic Suggestion• Reframing

Techniques used in Hypnosis

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Meta Model

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Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind

• Stores memories• Organises all your memories• Represses memories with unresolved negative emotions• Presents repressed memories for resolution• Runs the body

– Has the blueprint of the body now & of perfect health • Preserves the body - maintains the integrity of the body• Makes associations (links similar things and ideas), and learns quickly• May keep the repressed emotions repressed for protection• Is the domain of the emotions• Is a highly moral being (the morality you were taught and accepted)• Enjoys serving, needs clear orders to follow• Perception:

– controls and maintain all perceptions – regular and telepathic – receives and transmits perceptions to the conscious mind

• Generates, stores, distributes and transmits "energy"• Maintains instincts and generates habits• Needs repetition until the habit is installed• Functions best as a whole integrated unit - does not need parts to function• Is symbolic - uses and responds to symbols• Takes everything personally. (The basis of Perception is Projection)• Does not process negatives

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• Mother Theresa believed “peace begins with a smile.”

• Paramahamsa Yogananda’s prayer to, “Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts.”

• Wishing you a lifetime of smiles.

Inner Smile

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• LIST OF PREDICATE PHRASES• VISUAL AUDITORY KINESTHETIC• An eyeful Afterthought All washed up• Appears to me Blabbermouth Boils down to• Beyond a shadow of a doubt Clear as a bell Chip off the old block• Bird’s eye view Clearly expressed Come to grips with• Catch a glimpse of Call on Control yourself• Clear cut Describe in detail Cool/calm/collected• Dim view Earful Firm foundations• Flashed on Give an account of Get a handle on• Get a perspective on Give me your ear Get a load of this• Get a scope on Grant an audience Get in touch with• Hazy Idea Heard voices Get the drift of• Horse of a different color Hidden messageGet your goat• In light of Hold your tongue Hand in hand• In person Idle talk Hang in there• In view of Inquire into Heated argument• Looks like Keynote speakerHold it!• Make a scene Loud and clear Hold on!


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• VISUAL AUDITORY KINESTHETIC• Mental image Manner of speaking Hothead• Mental picture Pay attention to Keep your shirt on• Mind’s eyePower of speechKnow-how• Naked eye Purrs like a kitten Lay cards on table• Paint a picture State your purpose Pain-in the neck• See to it Tattle-tale Pull some strings• Short sighted To tell the truth Sharp as a tack• Showing off Tongue-tied Slipped my mind• Sight for sore eyes Tuned in/tuned out Smooth operator• Staring off into space Unheard of So-so• Take a peek Utterly Start from scratch• Tunnel vision Voiced an opinion Stiff upper lip• Under your nose Well informed Stuffed shirt• Up front Within hearing Too much of a hassle• Well defined Word for word Topsy-turvy


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Predicate Test

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The arrows indicate the tone of voice used in the sentence.

W W W. = Question

W W W. = Statement

W W W. = Command You can also form a sentence in a syntactic pattern in the form of Question, Statement and Command, while using any of the

above tonalities. By far, the most powerful syntax in the English Language is a Questioning Syntax and a Command Tonality

Intonation Patterns

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Choice• C > E

The best you can do for someone is to take them back to choice

• Reframing:Changing the contextThe knife is but a knife – surgeon vs murderer

• If at first you don’t succeed – change your strategyStory: Blind Man & Art Director

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