  • Alan Davies and Sarah Perry

  • Administering Visual AnalyticsSarah Perry

  • Topics

    • Loading data

    • Auditing in Visual Analytics

    • Row level security

    • Supporting stored processes

    • What’s new in 7.4

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  • Our aim

    To give an overview of some of the administrative tasks for VA 7.3

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    ObjectivesAims and Requirements

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    Administering Visual Analytics 7.3

    • Visual Analytics Administrator

    • SAS Management Console

    • SAS Environment Manager

    Most commonly used administrative tools

  • Loading data

    Loading dataIt is relatively easy for everyday users to import data. Data is loaded into memory in the SAS LASR Server and the tables remain in memory until they are unloaded or the server stops.

    SAS Visual Analytics uses data that is loaded to memory in a SAS LASR Analytic Server. Tables remain in memory until they are unloaded or the associated server stops. The following features help

    keep data available:

    Feature Trigger Result (Automated Action)

    Autoload A time interval elapses In-memory data synchronizes against a designated directory.

    Autostart A load or import is requested The associated server starts.

    Reload-on-start A server starts Participating tables reload.

    Methods of loading dataThe way in which data is loaded varies depending on the data source.

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  • Loading data

    SAS® Visual Analytics:Loading data into memory.

    SAS Visual Data Builder: enables you to set up jobs to join tables and to load data into memory.

    Log in to SAS Visual Analytics with a user ID that has data administrator permissions.

    To access SAS Visual Data Builder, select Create Data Query from the home page.

    The next window is the “Prepare Data” window. You can either work with data defined through a

    metadata library (and in the metadata tree on the left hand pane), or you can select File → Import→SAS Data Set

    on the server

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  • Loading data

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    You can bring in data through the metadata library and use SAS Management Console

    to define the library and register the table in metadata. Simply drag and drop the table

    into the Design workspace.

    Now you can select individual variables to add to your

    query, or go ahead and right click the table and select

    Add All Columns.

    Now you’ll see options in the

    Design pane that will let you

    build out a traditional query.

  • Loading data

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    When your query has been built, save it by selecting the disk icon in the upper left

    hand corner of the design pane.

    The data is now ready to be loaded into memory

    Once you’ve completed your query, you can begin setting the options to load the data into the memory

    of the SAS® LASR™ Analytics Server. Give the table a name and choose the location on the SAS

    LASR Analytics Server for placement.

    You can either preview or run your query. Do this by selecting the arrow icon and then selecting

    Preview or Run and selecting Yes when asked if you’d like to view the results.

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    Auditing in Visual Analytics

    Audit Reports Overview

    With all instances of SAS Visual Analytics there are three administration reports that access the different auditing areas that can be configured with SAS.

    Consider these available reports as an entry point into the auditing data, as you can improve on them to give you a higher level of detail regarding how

    users interact with Visual Analytics.

    The Administration reports can be found under the following path in SAS metadata: SAS Folders\Product\SAS Visual Analytics


    The table below includes a list of the reports and the data sources that are used in its construction:

    Although the definition of these reports is present in all installations of SAS Visual Analytics, the data feeding these reports is not automatically available,

    and extra configuration is needed to enable each of them.

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    Row Level Security

    Row-level security in SAS Visual Analytics refers to selectively granting the ability to use particular rows within the LASR tables used in SAS Visual Analytics

    explorations and reports. To end users who have restricted access to certain rows, it is as if only those rows exist. These permission conditions are stored in

    the SAS® Metadata Server.

    It is important to note that permission conditions must be applied on a per LASR table basis. Also, each LASR table must be registered in the SAS Metadata


    Users for whom you want to apply permission conditions must have a SAS metadata identity

    to access and use SAS Visual Analytics, users must belong to a SAS Visual Analytics group (or groups). To set row-level security on a LASR table, an

    administrator must belong to a SAS Visual Analytics Data Administrators group.

    First, on the SAS Visual Analytics Home page, click the Administrator icon.

  • Row Level Security

    On the Authorization page, you have to add identities first. You can select multiple

    users or groups at once. Then modify the user Read permissions to include conditional grant.

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    Next, on the Manage Environment page, right-click the LASR table to get to the Authorization page.

    Be sure to navigate to the LASR folder location to select the LASR table and not to the INPUT table.

  • Row Level Security

    In the New Permission Condition window, select the Visual tab to specify your condition.

    It is important to save the changes you made to the object, otherwise your changes won’t take effect. In this example, UserA’s Read permission is modified

    with a conditional grant to include only rows with Country values of “U.S.A.”.

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  • Row Level Security

    To use the Text tab option, follow steps 1 through 3 just as in the previous section.

    In the New Permission Condition window, click the Text tab and enter your expression.

    Now, UserA can see sales numbers for all product types only in East region. USA.

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  • • You can use stored processes to extend SAS Visual Analytics capabilities. For example, you can use stored processes to produce charts or perform specific calculations that you cannot find in SAS Visual

    Analytics Designer. There are two ways you can add a stored process to a report.

    • SAS Visual Analytics Designer. The first way is by dragging the Stored Process

    report object and embedding it into the report.

    Users can enter and pass parameters to stored

    processes via prompt interface, which is available

    in edit and view modes.

    Stored processes added to SAS Visual Analytics

    reports via this method are executed whenever the

    reports are opened, refreshed, or a user changes

    the stored process parameters.

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    Stored Processes

  • Stored Processes

    • Add Stored Process as an external link.

    The second way to use a stored process in SAS Visual Analytics is to add it as an external link. Parameters can be passed from other report objects to the stored process as part of the external link. Note that

    external links can be created from report objects such as charts, tables, images, and texts.

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  • Copyright © 2016 Real Numbers Australia All Rights Reserved 17

    What’s new in 7.4

    VIEWER• Data can be exported to Microsoft Excel or to a CSV file.

    • An image of a graph can be exported to a PNG file.

    • The context of a report filter can be displayed.

    • There is now an option to expand all hierarchies in crosstabs.

    • Pages (or sections) in report can be navigated using tabs.

    • You can select all or clear all selections for list prompt controls using the right mouse button.

    • You can sort on graphs.

    • There is a redesigned landing page, which includes new features. For example, you can e-mail and print a report from the landing page without actually

    opening the report.

  • What’s new in 7.4

    DESIGNER• A new dynamic text feature.

    • Calculations have been enhanced.

    • Parameters have been enhanced.

    • There are now cascading prompts.

    • You can now synchronize prompt values and parameters across linked reports.

    • The CumulativePeriod operator for aggregated measures now enables you to customize the starting month for each year.

    • Periodic operators for aggregated measures have a new parameter that enables them to be calculated before datetime filters are applied.

    • Slider controls have two new properties that enable you to set dynamic minimum and maximum values for the slider.

    • Custom shape files for geo maps are now supported

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    SAS Global Forum 2017 proceedings

    The SAS® Visual Analytics Environment

    Visual Analytics 7.4 User Guide

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    Sarah Perry

    m: 0400 275 396

    e: [email protected]

    Get in Touch

    We love to hear about new projects, discuss

    trends and play with new technology. Drop us a

    line and tell us a little about your project and

    what your looking for in a SAS partner.

    We’ll gladly get back to you to discuss your

    needs and how we can help make your project

    a reality

    [email protected]

    Phone1 300 734 743

    AddressLevel 11, 149 Wickham Terrace,

    Brisbane, QLD 4000

    Alan Davies

    m: 0427 663 358

    e: [email protected]


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