Page 1: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-122-Caliphate-al-Zawahiri-10-14-Russia

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-122-Caliphate-al-Zawahiri-10-14-Russia

There can be no "moderate" terrorists, President Putin said. Putin told al-Assad: “We believe that, based on positive results of military action, a long-term solution in Syria may be achieved through a political process involving different political, ethnic and religious groups.” General Secretary of the Palestine National Initiative Mustafa Barghouti said: "Russia is doing what is necessary regarding the ISIL, something others are not doing. Nobody can blame Russia. You can’t ask someone to do nothing when you’re not doing anything yourself," he added.

Putin would not invite and publicly honor al-Assad if the latter was expected to step down anytime soon.

Russia has other plans for Syria. Last week, the deputy chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, chief of the main operational directorate Colonel-General Andrei Kartapolov, who is apparently the overall coordinator of Russian military activity in Syria and the larger Middle East, told reporters Moscow is planning to create a joint permanent naval, army and air force base in Syria. This base would unite its long-time naval logistical support facility in Tartus and the newly established airbase in Latakia—both on the Syrian Mediterranean coast. (C At the mouth of the Suez Canal outlet; also remember Al Suri 1)

"The Iraqis welcomes Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi's request from Russia for direct intervention in the anti-ISIL fight and our country does not need the American troops."

Hesham al-Hashemi said the Baghdad government would ask for Russia's direct military assistance in the fight against the ISIL in the coming days.

"The parliament fractions are calling on the Iraqi government to request Russian airstrikes and use it to attack the ISIL military bases and oil centers,"

1 Cees remember the al-Suri plan if the AQSL longer-term strategy: Strategic move in Phase VI; DAR AL HARB to start in 2016. As noted and mentioned in AQ master strategist Abu Mus'ab As-Suri his manifesto; The Call to Global Islamic Resistance, So, the most important enemy targets in detail: Third: The straits and the main sea passages: On the Earth there are five (5) important straits, four of them are in the countries of the Arabs and the Muslims. The fifth one is in America, and it is the Panama Canal. These straits are: 1. The Strait of Hormuz, the oil gate in the Arab-Persian Gulf. 2. The Suez Canal in Egypt. 3 . The Bab el Mandib between Yemen and the African continent. 4. The Gibraltar Strait in Morocco. -- Most of the Western world's economy, in terms of trade and oil, passes through these sea passages

1The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston Churchill

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Page 2: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-122-Caliphate-al-Zawahiri-10-14-Russia

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

Rubaie, who is now a senior legislator at the Iraqi parliament, told FNA on Tuesday. "The US air force doesn’t cooperate with Iraq's federal government and security and armed forces and refrains from providing any intelligence on ISIL's concentration and field camps," he added.

Deputy Secretary General of Iraq's Badr Organization Abdolkarim al-Ansari blasted the US-led Anti-ISIL Coalition's poor performance in fighting the Takfiri terrorists, and said his country does no more want Washington's help in the war against the militant group.

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said the Kuril base would be developed along with four Arctic bases. Six Arctic airfields are being modernised, and should be completed by 2017, the minister said.

Russia has sent warships to an Arctic region where new naval infrastructure is being built, including an air defence base on Sredniy Island.

There can be no "moderate" terrorists, President Putin said, speaking on the situation in the Middle East at the Valdai discussion forum.

A whole "snarl" of terrorist groups act in the region, who fight also against each other for "sources of income" and not for ideology, Putin said, adding that the weapons provided to "moderate" opposition in the region had ended in the hands of terrorists.

Russia has sent warships to an Arctic region where new naval infrastructure is being built, including an air defence base on Sredniy Island.

Russia says it will expand its military presence on the Kuril Islands, which lie off Japan's northern coast and are claimed by Japan.

Thu Oct 22, 2015 Russia's Role in Syrian Regulation to Increase after Putin-Assad Talks TEHRAN (FNA)- General Secretary of the Palestine National Initiative Mustafa Barghouti said that the West could not accuse Russia of inciting Syrian conflict or demand that it halt its military operation. Russia’s role in the settlement of the Syrian crisis will be more constructive after the meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad, a Palestinian official told Sputnik on Wednesday.On Tuesday evening, Assad visited Moscow to hold talks with Putin and high-ranking Russian officials. "After the meeting of Assad and Putin, Russia could play an especially constructive role in the settlement of the Syrian crisis. This decision could help in the establishment of democracy in Syria and bringing the country together with the involvement of all political forces," General Secretary of the Palestine National Initiative Mustafa Barghouti said. Barghouti stressed that the West could not accuse Russia of inciting conflict or demand that it halt its military operation."Russia is doing what is necessary regarding the ISIL, something others are not doing. Nobody can blame Russia. You can’t ask someone to do nothing when you’re not doing anything yourself," he added. "In my opinion this is the most realistic political and constructive effort. And I see that Russia is doing this effort," Barghouti said on the sidelines of the Valdai International Discussion Club in the Russian city of Sochi.He added that Russia deals in Syria "with an issue which is very dangerous, which is ISIL." The US-led international coalition has been conducting airstrikes against ISIL extremists in Syria since 2014 without the approval of either the UN Security Council or Damascus. Earlier this month, Assad claimed that ISIL had expanded its territories, and that the number of insurgents had increased since the beginning of the US-led bombing campaign. "The Western countries, in particular the United States, have failed in dealing with this matter, so they should not blame others when they have to make

2The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston Churchill

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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

the effort to stop the phenomenon that is very dangerous and could affect the whole region," Barghouti pointed out. Besides anti-ISIL efforts, Moscow has concurrently promoted a political settlement in Syria, hosting two rounds of intra-Syrian talks between representatives of the Syrian government and the country's opposition in 2015.

Al-Assad Leaves Moscow, Assured of the Kremlin’s Unequivocal Support This week (October 20), Syrian President Bashar al-Assad visited Moscow for talks with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, in the Kremlin. Russia began an aerial bombing campaign in Syria on September 30, to suppress the Syrian opposition forces, which Moscow and Damascus indiscriminately designate as “terrorists.” Three weeks later, Al-Assad came to Moscow to discuss further joint military action. According to footage provided by the Kremlin press service, Putin told al-Assad: “We believe that, based on positive results of military action, a long-term solution in Syria may be achieved through a political process involving different political, ethnic and religious groups.” Al-Assad agreed that military action must be followed by political moves and that “the people must decide” (TV Channel One, October 21). Most likely, putting the decision back in the hands of “the people” implies the use of traditional Middle Eastern rigged elections to reinstate the present regime. President al-Assad reportedly spent over three hours in the Kremlin, meeting Putin, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, as well as security and intelligence chiefs. This was the first foreign visit by al-Assad since 2011, when the Syrian uprising and ensuing bloody civil war began. The visit was officially announced one day after al-Assad returned to Damascus. The Syrian leader’s airplane apparently flew to Moscow over Iraq, Iran and the Caspian Sea—the route used by Russian military and transport aircraft to deploy forces in Syria and bring reinforcements. Al-Assad’s probable air route took him over northern Syria and Iraq, where jets of the United States and its allies conduct daily operations and Islamic State (IS) forces are on the ground. He was most likely flying to Moscow and back on a Russian plane to minimize risks, according to a Kremlin-connected website (Vzglyad, October 21). Putin’s sudden summoning of al-Assad to Moscow was interpreted by some in the West—like French President François Hollande—as a possible beginning of a new political initiative to end the Syrian civil war by pressing Syria’s president to make concessions and step down (Kommersant, October 22). Such wishes seem farfetched: Putin would not invite and publicly honor al-Assad if the latter was expected to step down anytime soon. Kremlin rulers (going all the way back to the tsars) do not have a habit of publicly meeting and personally pampering disgraced leaders, even if they are eventually given refuge in Russia (say, like former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych)—contacting a disgraced former ruler could infect the tsar with bad luck. According to Kremlin-connected sources, al-Assad’s visit was deliberately made public to demonstrate Moscow’s full unequivocal support in the war effort to wipe out the Syrian opposition, while talk of al-Assad “stepping down” must end. Russia is backing al-Assad militarily and will not tolerate any regime change by any means. The West and Sunni Muslim countries in the Middle East must accept al-Assad at the helm in Syria as a sounder alternative to the Islamic State, while Russia and its allies wipe out the armed Syrian opposition. Putin’s Russia must be internationally accepted as a dominant power in the Middle East on par with the US (Kommersant, October 22). 

3The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston Churchill

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Page 4: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-122-Caliphate-al-Zawahiri-10-14-Russia

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

After the Putin–al-Assad summit, the Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters: “It is obviously impossible to discuss any political accord in Syria while the terrorist threat dominates and threatens [Syria’s] political and territorial integrity. The first priority is to fight the terrorist extremist organizations and after will come the time of political resolution” (Interfax, October 21). According to the Kremlin’s chief of administration Sergei Ivanov, the land offensive against “terrorists in Syria” must be carried out by the Syrian army loyal to al-Assad and its allies, including Kurdish forces. Ivanov told reporters: “It all depends on good coordination of land force operations and aerial bombing.” Ivanov refused to spell out in detail the talks with al-Assad, but disclosed they were about “coordinating the Russian and Syrian forces and the possible future political resolution.” Ivanov expressed hope that through diplomatic dialogue, Moscow could achieve a good level of cooperation with Middle Eastern countries—Saudi Arabia,

Turkey, Egypt, Iraq and Jordan—as well as the US to work together against “terrorism” and with al-Assad (RIA Novosti, October 22). Apparently, the Kremlin has publicly pledged to back al-Assad until victory in the Syrian civil war, assured with Russian air support. After al-Assad and his allies wipe out the armed Syrian opposition and the government in Damascus reasserts control, some political process may be envisaged, possibly involving new elections, which the incumbent head of state will surely rig and win, regaining legitimacy and one more presidential term. Any move by Putin to force al-Assad to relinquish power seems out of the question: This would be seen as treachery by many influential hardliners in Moscow

(Vzglyad, October 21). According to a recent poll by state-controlled pollster VTsIOM, Putin’s approval rating has reached an all-time high of 89.9 percent, and this is largely the result of armed action in Syria (, October 22). To date, there have been no officially admitted Russian casualties in Syria, the US has been humiliated, and a deafening propaganda onslaught by state-controlled TV is creating a public vision of restored Russian superpower status in the Middle East. While the Russian economy is in the doldrums, the price of oil is low and living standards are falling, it would seem unwise for Moscow to risk shattering this superpower restoration dream by pressing for al-Assad to step down.  In fact, Russia has other plans for Syria. Last week, the deputy chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, chief of the main operational directorate Colonel-

4The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston Churchill

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Page 5: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-122-Caliphate-al-Zawahiri-10-14-Russia

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

General Andrei Kartapolov, who is apparently the overall coordinator of Russian military activity in Syria and the larger Middle East, told reporters Moscow is planning to create a joint permanent naval, army and air force base in Syria. This base would unite its long-time naval logistical support facility in Tartus and the newly established airbase in Latakia—both on the Syrian Mediterranean coast (Komsomolskaya Pravda, October 16). The Syrian authorities immediately agreed the Russians may have any bases they wish, and could even deploy land forces (Interfax, October 16). Of course, the armed Syrian opposition is still resisting, which seems to be the last obstacle that could alter Putin’s grand plans. --Pavel Felgenhauer Wed Oct 21, 2015 Spokesman: Iraq's Hezbollah Battalions Planning to Expel US from Anbar ProvinceTEHRAN (FNA)- Spokesman of Iraq's Kata'ib Hezbollah (Hezbollah Battalions) Jafar al-Hosseini underlined that his forces are planning to win back the city of Ramadi after expelling the American forces from Anbar province. "Our forces have two operations underway; first seizing Ramadi from ISIL and second keeping away the American forces from Anbar province," al-Hosseini told FNA on Wednesday. He underlined that preventing the US forces from getting close to Anbar province will expedite operations for winning back the province, specially after the military operations in Salahuddin province that led to the liberation of the city of Beiji. The Ramadi city is now the scene of massive

military operations of Iraq's joint forces against the ISIL militants. Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province, was attacked by the jihadists in 2014 before being captured in February, 2015. Government forces succeeded in liberating the city in March, but withdrew two months later. Iraq's Western provinces have become a battlefield between Iraqi government forces and the ISIL fighters.

The Iraqi troops captured the refinery city of Beiji in the Western Salahuddin province on the second day of a fresh massive operation on Monday. Iraq's Armed Forces Command Center made an official announcement on the groundbreaking victory on Tuesday.In July, Iraqi armed forces launched a large-scale operation to roll back ISIL insurgency in Anbar province, however, its capital is still controlled by the Takfiris. The messages sent by the US and Russia to Iraq indicate that the Baghdad government is under pressure resulting from the rivalries between the US and Russia over increasing their regional presence. Such pressures will continue until Baghdad takes a final and resolute stance on US or Russian support in fighting the ISIL in the Arab country.Meantime, the present information indicates that the Iraqi government is more inclined to take up a bigger role in the quadrilateral coalition with Russia, Iran and Syria. Washington has not replied to Baghdad's call for serious fight against the ISIL in action, while Moscow, Tehran and Damascus are still the most important supporters of Iraq in the fight against the ISIL; unlike Washington that is trying to weaken the Iraqi volunteer forces in their fight against the ISIL, the Russia, Iran and Syria reiterate strengthening the volunteer forces. The US government in a message to Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi voiced Obama's dissatisfaction with Baghdad's inclination towards Tehran, Moscow and Damascus. In the meantime, the Iraqi groups, specially the volunteer forces, believe he quadrilateral coalition has provided actual aid and backup to Iraq, while the US coalition did not, and this has resulted in Iraq's inclination towards Iran, Russia and Syria.

5The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston Churchill

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Page 6: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-122-Caliphate-al-Zawahiri-10-14-Russia

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

Iraq's Former National Security Adviser Mowaffak al-Rubaie underlined the necessity for replacing Washington with Moscow for joint war on terrorist groups. "The parliament fractions are calling on the Iraqi government to request Russian airstrikes and use it to attack the ISIL military bases and oil centers," Rubaie, who is now a senior legislator at the Iraqi parliament, told FNA on Tuesday. "The US air force doesn’t cooperate with Iraq's federal government and security and armed forces and refrains from providing any intelligence on ISIL's concentration and field camps," he added. Rubaie complained that in every 10 flight missions conducted by the US-led coalition planes, ISIL positions come under attack in only two missions, while nothing special happens in the remaining 8 missions. In relevant remarks on Monday, Iraqi security expert Hesham al-Hashemi said the Baghdad government would ask for Russia's direct military assistance in the fight against the ISIL in the coming days, adding that further military advances by Iraq's joint forces would be a great achievement for the quadrilateral coalition. "If the Iraqi security forces achieve considerable advances in their fight against the ISIL in the Northern parts of Salahudin province, Iraq will surely ask for Russia's military aid to help them in the fight agaist the ISIL," Al-Hashemi told FNA. The Iraqi security expert reiterated that the Iraqi air force desperately needed the Russian air force's help in the fight against the ISIL.He pointed to a security agreement signed between Iraq and the US, and said, "The Baghdad-Washington agreement will not prevent Iraq from asking for further military aid in the ongoing fight against terrorism from any third country." On Saturday, Russia's Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov told reporters after the 6th Xiangshan Security Forum in Beijing that Moscow had not received a request for military assistance in fight against the outlawed ISIL terrorist group, and it is ready to consider it. "What I can say now is that as of today we do not have a request from Iraq like the one we have from (Syria’s President) Bashar Assad," he said. "In case we receive a request, we shall consider it accordingly." "As there are very many insinuations about Syria, I would like to stress we have a written request from Bashar Assad for a military and military-technical assistance in fighting IS(IL)," he said. "We stress we are acting on a legal base and in compliance with the international law."

TEHRAN (FNA 21 0ct )- Deputy Secretary General of Iraq's Badr Organization Abdolkarim al-Ansari blasted the US-led Anti-ISIL Coalition's poor performance in fighting the Takfiri terrorists, and said his country does no more want Washington's help in the war against the militant group."What the international coalition has done to fight the ISIL over the past year has been much smaller than what the (Iraqi) volunteer forces have achieved in the same period," Al-Ansari told FNA on Wednesday. He reiterated that the Iraqi volunteer forces have achieved great victories in all fronts while they have had none of the the equipment and satellites that the so-called coalition has for surveilling and controlling the ISIL in all regions."Yet, the US-led coalition has done nothing important since its formation and none of its attacks has been desirable and effective; even in some cases it has targeted the (Iraqi) volunteer forces," Al-Ansari said. He, meantime, appreciated the role played by the quadrilateral coalition comprising Syria, Russia, Iran and Iraq against the ISIL, and said, "The Iraqis welcomes Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi's request from Russia for direct intervention in the anti-ISIL fight and our country does not need the American troops."Earlier today, a member of the State of Law Coalition revealed that Iraq's parliament is planning to vote whether or not the country should request the support of the Russian Air Force in fighting the ISIL Takfiri terrorist group by the end of this month.

6The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston Churchill

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Page 7: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-122-Caliphate-al-Zawahiri-10-14-Russia

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

Iraq's parliament is planning to vote to request support from Russia in fighting the ISIL by the end of the month, a member of the State of Law Coalition told Sputnik on Wednesday.The State of Law Coalition is Iraq's largest political party, led by former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, and is part of the ruling coalition. The legislator also told Sputnik that the vote is expected to pass with majority support. The US has been increasingly concerned about Russian influence in Iraq, and has sent envoys to the country to dissuade further cooperation. Legislator Mowaffak Rubaie said the bill will definitely receive a positive vote as the parliament's ruling majority already supports its approval.Rubaie is also a former national security adviser in Nouri al-Maliki's government. Iraq has spent over $20 billion on US military training since the 2003 US invasion which toppled Saddam Hussein. The new army has been unable to counter ISIL and has a dire lack of heavy equipment, such as artillery and helicopters. In relevant remarks on Tuesday, al-Rubaie underlined the necessity for replacing Washington with Moscow for joint war on terrorist groups."The parliament fractions are calling on the Iraqi government to request Russian airstrikes and use it to attack the ISIL military bases and oil centers," Rubaie told FNA."The US air force doesn’t cooperate with Iraq's federal government and security and armed forces and refrains from providing any intelligence on ISIL's concentration and field camps," he added. Rubaie complained that in every 10 flight missions conducted by the US-led coalition planes, ISIL positions come under attack in only two missions, while nothing special happens in the remaining 8 missions.In relevant remarks on Monday, Iraqi security expert Hesham al-Hashemi said the Baghdad government would ask for Russia's direct military assistance in the fight against the ISIL in the coming days, adding that further military advances by Iraq's joint forces would be a great achievement for the quadrilateral coalition. "If the Iraqi security forces achieve considerable advances in their fight against the ISIL in the Northern parts of Salahudin province, Iraq will surely ask for Russia's military aid to help them in the fight against the ISIL," Al-Hashemi told FNA. The Iraqi security expert reiterated that the Iraqi air force desperately needed the Russian air force's help in the fight against the ISIL.He pointed to a security agreement signed between Iraq and the US, and said, "The Baghdad-Washington agreement will not prevent Iraq from asking for further military aid in the ongoing fight against terrorism from any third country."On Saturday, Russia's Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov told reporters after the 6th Xiangshan Security Forum in Beijing that Moscow had not received a request for military assistance in fight against the outlawed ISIL terrorist group, and it is ready to consider it. "What I can say now is that as of today we do not have a request from Iraq like the one we have from (Syria’s President) Bashar Assad," he said. "In case we receive a request, we shall consider it accordingly." "As there are very many insinuations about Syria, I would like to stress we have a written request from Bashar Assad for a military and military-technical assistance in fighting IS(IL)," he said. "We stress we are acting on a legal base and in compliance with the international law."Iraq has recently purchased TOS-1 multiple rocket launcher systems and Mi-28 helicopter gunships from Russia to strengthen its army in the fight against the notorious terrorist group. At the same time, US airstrikes in the country have failed to help the Iraqi government mount an offensive against ISIL.

Russia says it will expand its military presence on the Kuril Islands, which lie off Japan's northern coast and are claimed by Japan.Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said the Kuril base would be developed along

7The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston Churchill

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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

with four Arctic bases. Six Arctic airfields are being modernised, and should be completed by 2017, the minister said. MiG-31 fighters will be deployed at Tiksi airfield and Anadyr. The row blocked a peace treaty between Russia and Japan after World War Two.In July Mr Shoigu said two garrisons were being built on Kunashir and Iturup - the main islands in the group near Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost island.Japan protested when Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev visited Kunashir and Iturup in August. The Kurils are called the Northern Territories in Japan.The Soviet Union seized the islands in 1945, shortly before Japan's surrender in World War Two. According to Mr Shoigu, the military infrastructure on the Kurils will include leisure facilities for the soldiers and their families, including cinemas, modern housing, hospitals, and new roads. A new airport has been opened on Iturup. He was quoted by the Russian armed forces channel TV Zvezda. A separate report, on the Russian news website, said the backbone of the military presence already on the islands was the 18th machine-gun artillery division, numbering 3,500. It is equipped with T-80 tanks and Buk M-1 anti-aircraft missiles. The islands also host a submarine base which described as "the most significant element for Russia - they can guard against the possible appearance of foreign submarines in the Sea of Okhotsk".Of all the new bases under construction, the biggest is on Kotelny Island in the Arctic, in the Novosibirsk archipelago. Mr Shoigu says it is bigger than any base the Soviet Union had in the region. The other bases are being built on Wrangel Island, Cape Schmidt and on the east coast of Chukotka.

Russia has sent warships to an Arctic region where new naval infrastructure is being built, including an air defence base on Sredniy Island.An icebreaker carved a channel through the ice for the Northern Fleet flotilla, Interfax news agency said.Besides Sredniy, five island bases are being built by 1,500 workers - at Alexandra Land, Rogachevo, Cape Schmidt, Wrangel and Kotelny.Russia sees the Arctic as a strategic priority in its new naval doctrine.The fleet's vice-admiral, Viktor Sokolov, inspected the construction site on Sredniy, flying there by military helicopter when the

8The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston Churchill

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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

flotilla reached the Kara Sea. During the Cold War the USSR tested nuclear weapons in the area.Russia says it is bolstering its forces in the Arctic in response to Nato expansion up to Russia's borders.Experts say the melting of Arctic sea ice - generally attributed to climate change - is making the polar seas more accessible for shipping. That could make it easier to prospect for untapped energy and minerals in the region.

Russia will strengthen its naval forces in the Arctic and Atlantic as a response to Nato activities close to Russia's borders, the Kremlin says.Russia's plans are outlined in a new naval doctrine, launched on Sunday as the nation celebrated Navy Day. The navy will get a fleet of new icebreakers, because the Arctic region gives Russia unrestricted access to the Atlantic and Pacific, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said.The Arctic is also rich in minerals. The new doctrine calls for close co-operation with China in the Pacific region and India in the Indian Ocean. At a ceremony by the Baltic Sea, attended by President Vladimir Putin, Mr Rogozin said "the main emphasis is in two directions - the Arctic and Atlantic". "The Atlantic emphasis is linked to the fact that recently there has been a quite active development of Nato and it has approached our borders. The Russian Federation will of course respond to that."The ceremony took place at Baltiysk, a major naval base in Kaliningrad, a Russian territory sandwiched between Nato members Poland and Lithuania.

Russia has almost finished building a new jumbo Arctic military base on Kotelny Island, off the eastern Siberian coast. There was no such base there in Soviet times, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said."We are not keeping this a secret: we have practically built a base on the Novosibirsk Islands, the Island of Kotelny," said Shoigu. "This is a big military base, there was no such base there in the Soviet period." Kotelny is the largest island in the Novosibirsk Archipelago, located in the Laptev Sea. Back in the Soviet days the military deployed an observation post and a radar station there. With the fall of the USSR, all the troops were eventually withdrawn leaving behind only a civilian meteorological station. After decades

9The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston Churchill

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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

of desolation, the former military base is being rebuilt. Engineers of the Russian Northern Fleet began construction works in 2013, cleaning up rusty barrels and broken vehicles abandoned on the island, and constructing among other things, a landing strip for supplies to be airlifted rather than air-dropped. The temporary base has become the new home for the 99th Arctic tactical group, the Navy’s permanent unit serving at the barely livable island, much of which is a flat rocky bed of pebbles covering a layer of permafrost. Last year RT traveled to Kotelny with a fleet of warships and support ships that delivered the troops and their military hardware, including brand new armored vehicles. “The conditions are certainly harsh, but we are coping. We have housing and equipment, so we’ll survive just fine,” Yury Popov, an engineer with the 99th told RT’s Murad Gazdiev. Russian troops will be deployed in the Arctic by 2018, equipped with all the necessary high-tech weaponry, the minister said. A series of smaller bases would also be created on Wrangel Island, on the eastern coast of Chukotka, on the Kuril Islands and at Cape Schmidt. The construction of six airfields will be also finished in 2016-2017.Restoration of the Russian military infrastructure in the Arctic began in 2012. The Defense Ministry is building or restoring facilities on the continent and the Arctic islands, from Franz Josef Land to the Bering Strait. In addition to construction and repair works, the military is busy eliminating the consequences of pollution in the Arctic.

Regards Cees: Zawahiri and it’s staff must be smiling; Putin telling the `US there are No Moderates, Iraq trying to get Russia in on the expenses of the US. But also Russia seriously attacking and decimating DAESH, opening the AQSL door for the long anticipated moment to fill the void. Moreover the rising tension between NATO and Russia will drag further attention away from AQ; Divide and Rule: Al-Qaeda continues to enable the violence of others, orient that violence towards the United States and its allies in a distributed game of attrition warfare, and foster a dichotomous “us versus them” narrative between the Muslim world and the rest of the international community.

10The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston Churchill

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