  • 8/2/2019 Ajay Pratap Singh Kaurav (Thesis) Chapter 3





    In this chapter the selection of subject ,criterion measures,

    administration of test, administration of training program, research

    design of the study, reliability, selection of data and statistical

    analysis of data have been explain.

    Selection of the Subjects

    For the present investigation selected forty (40) students (20

    Pharmacy and 20 Engineering students) were selected randomly

    from Institute of Professional Studies, Gwalior (M.P.) and their age

    ranged between 20 to 28 years.

    Selection of Variables

    For the present study research scholar has taken following

    variables to reach up to the valid conclusion.

    1. Strength2. Speed3. Endurance

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    4. Coordination abilityExperimental Design

    Researcher needs proper planning and preparation of

    appropriate research design. Research design was blue print of

    what is to be done and how it is done. It is the path which wills be

    followed by the researcher to reach the target. The ultimate success

    of a research work greatly depends upon the design of the study. It

    avoids aimless wandering, saves time and economizes the effort of


    The subjects for this study were selected randomly from

    Pharmacy and Engineering departments. The one shot research

    design was used for analysis of the data.

    Administration of the test

    The tests were administered to the subjects at their

    respective ground. Tester got help from physical Education

    Teacher and Coaches. The subjects were explained about the tests

    and demonstration of all the test items were given to them. They

    were allowed to warm up on their own, for 5 to 10 minutes before

    the actual test were administered. A gap of rest was given before

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    the administrations of each test in remaining test item were not

    influenced by the previous item. Measuring tape, stopwatch,

    whistle, pen, paper, wooden blocks was used as instruments for the

    tests to collect the data.

    American Alliance for Health, Physical Education,

    Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) Youth Physical

    Fitness Test

    Purpose: To measure status and achievement in physical fitness.

    In 1958, the research committee of American Alliance for

    health, Physical Education and Recreation constructed a youth

    physical fitness test battery for the nation wide use for assessing

    the fitness level of American boys and girls. Subsequently

    extensive data was collected and national norms were revised

    (AAPHER 1965) this test battery included the following seven test


    1 on

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    AAHPER Fitness Test has following items

    1. Medicine Ball Throw2. Bent Knee Sit Ups3. Shuttle Run4. Standing Broad Jump5. 50 Yard Run6. 600Yards Run Walk or 1Run Walk.

    Medicine Ball Throw

    Purpose: This test measures upper body strength and explosive


    Equipment required: 2.4 kg medicine ball depending on the age

    group being tested, measuring tape.

    Procedure: The subject stands at a line with the feet side by side

    and slightly apart, and facing the direction to which the ball is to

    be thrown. The ball is held with the hands on the side and slightly

    behind the center. The throwing action is similar to that used for a

    soccer/football sideline throw-in. The ball is brought back behind
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    the head, and then thrown vigorously forward as far as possible.

    The subject is permitted to step forward over the line after the ball

    is released, and is in fact encouraged to do so in maximizing the

    distance of the throw. Three attempts are allowed.

    Bent Knee Sit Ups (1min.)

    Purpose: To measure the abdominal strength and endurance.

    Facilities and Equipment: Mats and stop watch.

    Procedure: The subject laid was on his back with knee bent held

    feet on the floor and heels not more than 12 inches from the

    buttocks. The subject then put her hands on the back of the neck

    with finger clasped and placed elbow square by on the mat.

    Feet were held by a partner to keep them in contact with the floor.

    The subject tightened her abdominal muscles and brought her head

    and elbows forward by curling up and finally touched the elbows

    to the knees.

    This exercise was repeat as many times as possible in the time

    requirement. After giving the above mentioned demonstration to

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    the subject, a signal start was give to a specific subject. At the

    signal start the performer starts sit-ups and the timer starts the

    watch. The performer continues performing the sit-ups at her best

    possible speed till the timer gives a stop signal after 60 seconds.

    Scoring: One point was scored for each correct sit-up. The score

    was the maximum number of sit-ups completed in 60 seconds.

    Shuttle Run (410 Meters)

    Purpose: To measure speed and agility

    Facilities and Equipment: To lines parallel to each other and 30

    feet apart was marked on the field. Stop watch, wooden blocks and

    whistle were the equipments.

    Procedure: The subject was stand in front of one of the lines with

    two wooden blocks beyond the other line. On the signal start the

    subjects was run to the box, take one, and returns to the second

    block, which he was carry across the starting line on the way back

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    Scoring: The score was the total time taken to complete the course

    recorded to 1/10th of a second.

    Standing Broad Jump

    Purpose: To measure strength & power of the legs muscles.

    Facilities and Equipment: Measuring tape and space on the floor

    or an outdoor jumping pit.

    Procedure: The subject stands behind a takeoff line with his feet

    several inches apart. Before, jumping the student dips at the knees

    and swings the arms backward. She then jumps forward by

    simultaneously extending the knees and swinging the arms

    forward. Two trials are permitted. Measurement was from the

    closest heel mark to the takeoff line.

    Scoring: The score was the best of three distances recorded in

    centimeters and meters only the Best trial was recorded.

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    50 Mts DashRun

    Purpose: To measure speed of subjects.

    Facilities and Equipment: Athletics track with starting line, a 50

    yard course and a finish line and two stopwatches.

    Procedure: After a short warm up period the subject takes a

    position behind the starting line. Best results are obtained one line

    was used as a starting line and the other as the finish line on the

    signal Ready? Go! The subjects start running at their best to reach

    the finish line at their earliest.

    Scoring: The score was the time taken to complete the course to

    the nearest 1 /10th of a second between the starting signal and the

    instant the subjects crossed the finishing line.

    600 Mts run / walk.

    Purpose: To measure the endurance.

    Facilities and Equipment: Stopwatch, Athletics track, pen &


    Procedure: The subjects were asked to take a standing start. At

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    the signal ready? Go! The subjects start running the 600 yard

    distance, subjects may run individually or they may run in group of

    a dozen or more. When students run in groups, they should be

    paired into partners. While one subjects runs, the partner likens.

    Time when he crosses the finish line and ready this time considers


    Scoring: The score was the time taken to complete the course in

    minutes and seconds.

    Statistical Technique Used

    To analyze the collected data of Pharmacy and Engineering

    students of their Physical Fitness, descriptive analysis and

    independent T-test was applied and level of significance was set at


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