
Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies | Tunnlandsvägen 65 | Bromma 16836 | Sweden

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies

Who we are

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies

Aivivid is an innovative ICT company based in Stockholm, Sweden. We have established Aivivid in Aug 2011, with a clear aim of targeting developing markets in Middle East and North Africa. ( MENA Region )

Why focusing on the developing markets? Because simply there are not many companies up to the task. Exporting products and services to these countries is not easy to say the least, from operating issues and infrastructure problems to various policies and regulatory issues imposed by different governments make it a real challenge and will stretch some companies abilities and resources to the limit.

Hence, the reward is considerable. From 2.1 Billion current Internet users around the world, approximately one third of them ( around 750 million users ) are connected from developing markets, with very little ICT services provided to them locally, and not much attention from large industry players in Western Europe and North America, Aivivid is trying to fill the gap and address some issues for these markets.

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies

What we do

Aivivid provides a range of professional services to it’s own respective clients.

We are providing the best service possible to IT professionals and colleagues who re-sell the services of other datacenters in their own markets. Our services range is consist of:

• ColocationserviceThis service is aimed to SMEs and our colleagues in ISPs and hosting companies. • DedicatedServersDedicated servers for any use for your business, Web / Mail / FTP / File / Voice / Video and other applications with intense traffic and high availability needs• VirtualPrivateServersAnything you want to do with a small server running in virtualized environment • ResellerwebhostingserviceThis is our best product for small and large web design companies, give them full flexibility and control over the websites they design and operate, maintenance free and very affordable prices• SharedhostingserviceSimply, High quality hosting service

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies

How we do it


Aivivid is a purely technical company. The core team including the management, is consisted of people being in Internet business from it’s very early days, two decades ago. Our experience and competence, merging with industry leading standards and technologies, makes it possible to provide you with the level of professional service you deserve.


Highest and the most modern standards help our staff to be able to deliver our services to the clients. From the best infrastructure and fastest fiber lines in Nordics to our core network equipment and servers to the smallest details in our operations and use of technologies is installed having stability, security and performance in mind.

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies


Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies


Aivivid provides professional colocation services for customers with high demands on reliability and availability. In combination with Aivivid’s IP transit services with high security around the Aivivid’s network, we also offer space in our data center in Stockholm, and our partner datacenters in Malmö in south and Umeå in north of Sweden.

All of our datacenter offerings have high security and are equipped with intrusion protection, state of the art fire protection, UPS systems, backup power systems, and air conditioning.

Aivivid’s NOC monitors server halls around the clock every day of the week (24/7). All connections to both Aivivid’s fiber network as other national and local fiber network is redundant and runs physically separate ways into the computer halls. Overall, this means that all data centers have a very high reliability in case of power failure, attacks, intrusion attempts or sabotage.

Dedicated Servers

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies

Dedicated Servers

Our Dedicated servers are installed in server rooms with the very same standards as our Colocation service, mentioned earlier.

Using all IBM Servers, we use their hardware platform and their BladeCenters, rack mount servers and SAN servers as our cloud infrastructure. We offer a wide range of available dedicated servers in our plans, ready to go.

Different levels of performance, capacity and redundancies are available and can be chosen from.

If a client has special needs, we would be happy to speak to them and accommodate their needs and help their business with a tailor made solution. This includes any type of special equipment or servers our clients may need for any reason or application.

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies

Virtual Private Servers

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies

Virtual Private Servers

From web, database and application servers to storage or any other use, a virtual machine is your 21st century answer to your problems. For many applications, virtualization help saving costs and in the same time increasing reliability and availability by software redundancy, providing on the fly backup and real time mobility of virtual machines.

Using state of the art vmware ESXi virtualization technology on our cloud, we provide our respective clients with a robust, industry leading and cost efficient solution.

With the latest vmware ESXi virtualization technology, you can have the best of all worlds: excellent performance, great backup and redundancy abilities and saving costs while having all these functions.

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies

Reseller Web Hosting

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies

Reseller Web Hosting

Reseller webhosting solution is the answer to the needs of people whom are operating multiple websites. This is an excellent package for small businesses and companies, specially small web design offices all around the globe.

Using very powerful features of cPanel and WHM, this package allow clients to have full control over their hosted websites, their data and their own special configurations. Get them up and running in a few seconds, having full control over absolutely all the features in one centralized control panel.

This low cost but extremely powerful package makes you able to save cost and do more, all at once!

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies

Aivivid Information and Communication Technologies | Tunnlandsvägen 65 | Bromma 16836 | Sweden

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