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Submitted by :- Mona Gulati


Human Resource is the most critical resource for any association and it is the wellspring of

accomplishing upper hand. Overseeing HR is extremely testing when contrasted with

overseeing innovation or capital and for its compelling administration, association requires

successful HRM framework. HRM framework ought to be moved down by sound HRM

hones. HRM hones allude to hierarchical exercises coordinated at dealing with the pool of

HR and guaranteeing that the assets are utilized towards the satisfaction of authoritative

objectives. This paper has been intended to audit the current writing accessible on HRM

Practices. The reason for this paper is to build up a comprehension of HRM Practices and to

look at the one of a kind HRM hones executed by various organizations.

In the wake of investigating the current writing on HRM rehearses, the scientists have found

that HRM hones get influenced by outside and interior components and straightforwardly or

in a roundabout way influence different variables, for example, worker's demeanor,

representative business relations, monetary execution, worker profitability and so on and at

last add to general corporate execution. On the premise of the writing assessed, a

regularizing system has been developed showing how HRM practices leads to overall

corporate performance.

Keywords: Human resource management, HRM practices, Organisations , Innovative

practices, Employees performance.

JEL Classification: Z000



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HR are the wellspring of accomplishing upper hand due to its ability to change over

alternate assets (cash, machine, techniques and material) into yield (item/benefit). The

contender can mirror different assets like innovation and capital however the human asset

are special.

By (1999), individuals are a standout amongst the most essential elements giving

adaptability and versatility to associations. Rundle (1997) contends that one needs to

shoulder personality a top priority that individuals (directors), not the firm, are the versatile

system in deciding how the firm will react to the aggressive environment.

A few researchers have noticed that overseeing individuals is more troublesome than

overseeing innovation or capital (Barney, 1991; Lado and Wilson, 1994). However those

organizations that have learnt how to deal with their HR well would have an edge over

others for quite a while to come since gaining and conveying HR viably is unwieldy and

takes any longer (Wright et al., 1994).

The compelling administration of HR requires sound Human Resource Management

frameworks. Story (1995) characterizes HRM as an unmistakable way to deal with business

administration which tries to get upper hand through the organization of a very dedicated

and gifted workforce, utilizing a variety of procedures.

HRM can offer firms some assistance with improving hierarchical conduct in such ranges as

staff responsibility, competency and adaptability, which thusly prompts enhanced staff

execution (Koch and McGrath, 1996).

Keeping in mind the end goal to build up a sound HRM framework , the association ought to

have successful Human Resource Management practices.HRM hones allude to hierarchical

exercises coordinated at dealing with the pool of HR and guaranteeing that the assets are

utilized towards the satisfaction of authoritative objectives (Schuler and Jackson, 1987;


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Schuler and MacMillan, 1984; Wright and Snell, 1991). HRM practices might vary starting

with one association then onto the next and starting with one nation then onto the next.

The following segment of the paper will talk about the sorts of HRM practices, trailed by the

point by point discourse of the variables influencing HRM rehearses and different models of

HRM practices. The relationship between HRM rehearses and other imperative authoritative

variables is then displayed including the HR best practices of Indian organizations. The

specialists have additionally added to a reasonable structure on the premise of audit of the

present studies and suggestions have been proposed for HR divisions. Toward the end of the

paper a blend of the audit of writing has been given.

II. Types of HRM Practices

Numerous looks into on HRM rehearses have been led every once in a while and analysts

have recognized distinctive practices by various names. As cited in (Kok Jan de et al.,2003),

specialists differently allude to specific arrangements of HRM practices affected by the

HRM calling as "best practice," or "elite" (Huselid, 1995), "formal" (Aldrich and Langton,

1997; de Kok and Uhlaner, 2001; Heneman and Berkley, 1999), "refined" (Golhar and

Deshpande, 1997; Hornsby and Kuratko, 1990; Goss et al., 1994; Wagner, 1998) or as

"expert" (Gnan and Songini, 2003; Matlay, 1999). Pfeffer (1994; 1998), contended the most

proper term is "Best HRM Practices" .

In any case, as indicated by Chandler and McEvoy (2000) , one of the waiting inquiries in

HRM examination is regardless of whether there is a solitary arrangement of strategies or

practices that speaks to an 'all around predominant methodology' to overseeing individuals .

Speculations on best practices or high responsibility hypotheses recommend that all around,

certain HRM hones, either independently or in blend are connected with enhanced

hierarchical execution. Analysts have additionally observed that those generously

compensated, very much inspired laborers, working in an environment of commonality and


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trust, create higher efficiency picks up and bring down unit costs (Boxall, 1996; Lowe and

Oliver, 1991; Pfeffer, 1994).

A few endeavors have been produced using time to time by various analysts to distinguish

the sort of HRM practices in various divisions. At first Pfeffer (1994) recognized 16 hones

which mean best practice. This was later refined to the accompanying seven practices:

1. Employment security

2. Selective contracting

3. Self-oversaw groups/group working

4. High pay dependent upon hierarchical execution

5. Extensive preparing

6. Reduction in status distinction

7. Sharing data

In each other study, Redman and Matthews (1998) distinguish a 'HRM group' of key

practices which bolster administration associations quality methodologies, these being:

1. Careful enrollment and determination, for instance, 'absolute quality enlistment',

'zero deformities enrollment', 'right first time enlistment'.

2. Extensive compensation frameworks, for instance, rewards accessible for staff

willing to be multi-talented.

3. Team working and adaptable occupation outline, for instance, empowering a feeling

of cohesiveness and planning engaged employments.


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4. Training and learning, for instance, bleeding edge staff having upgraded

interpersonal and social abilities.

5. Employee contribution, for instance, keeping representatives educated of key

changes in the association.

6. Performance evaluations with connections to unexpected prize frameworks, for

instance, gathering client input to perceive the work by representatives far beyond their

normal obligations, which thus is prone to prompt a reward for staff.

As of late, Saxena and Tiwari (2009) inspected the HRM Practices actualized by driving IT

Companies, for example, TATA, Infosys and Wipro in India. They added to the 3cTER

Framework of HRM practices and recognized Training and Development, Employer-

Employee Relations, Recognition through Rewards, Culture building, Career Development,

Compensation and Benefits as critical HRM Practices.

III. Factors affecting HRM Practices

HRM practices differ from one country to another and the factors which affect the HRM

practices include external and internal factors. As quoted by Ozutku and Ozturkler (2009),

external and internal factors affecting HR practices differs significantly across

countries.Some of the major potential influences are as follows:

External Factors

Kane and Palmer (1995) opine that outside elements influencing HR practices are those

weights on firms that can't be controlled and changed favorably in the short run. These

elements incorporate the accompanying:

Financial Changes: Satow and Wang (1994) found that as a consequence of improvement of

the worldwide economy, the universal measurement of HR practices has turned out to be


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more critical

.The center of HR practices has moved from conventional themes, for example, inner

determination and prizes to ideas, for example, globalization and worldwide rivalry.

Mechanical Changes: Technology influences HRM to a more noteworthy degree due to high

level of communication in the middle of innovation and HR. Innovation changes the way we

work, the parts we embrace and the cooperations through which work completes (DeFillippi,

2002). Verkinderen and Altman (2002) contended that innovation encourages the

development of a multinational venture yet produces synchronous issue of "unpluggedness"

among a geologically scattered workforce. Garavan et al. (2008) recommended that

innovation lies at the heart of assembling industry. It gives a progression of business

favorable circumstances. Mechanical improvements modify the connection of HR practices

and the way they are actualized.

National Culture: Chandrakumara and Sparrow (2004) found that culture has significant

significance in associations inclinations in creating suitable structure and strategies for HR

rehearses affectivity.

Industry/Sector Characteristics: Organizations can be arranged into assembling and

administration associations with the end goal of dissecting the HRM hones. The thought

behind this characterization is the way that diverse creation forms requires distinctive HR


Enactments/Regulations: Legislations and regulations are habitually refered to as directly

affecting HR rehearses (Kane and Palmer, 1995). Each nation has built up an arrangement of

regulations for the administration of HR, in this way, the HRM rehearses must be composed

or altered by regulations.

Activities of Competitors: There are numerous courses in which organizations can pick up a


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focused edge or an enduring and maintained point of interest over their rivals, among them

being the improvement of far reaching human asset rehearses (Jackson et al., 1989; Kane

and Palmer 1995; Poole and Jenkins, 1996; Narsimha, 2000).

Activity of Unions: Kochan et al. (1984) opine that the vicinity or nonappearance of unions

in associations is a notable variable known not connected with some HR.

Globalization : As an aftereffect of globalization, the entire world has turned into a solitary

market, the organizations have crossed the limits of their nation of starting point and opened

their operations in different nations. This has made a test for the association as far as

administration of HR, a few organizations have attempted to exchange the HRM rehearses

starting with one nation then onto the next yet it has been found that a few practices can be

exchanged crosswise over countries practically with no change yet some must be adjusted to

wind up workable in some other setting and some are all the more profoundly culture-

particular and may not generally be transferable. The discoveries of the study led by Tayeb

(1998) support the argument that multinational companies’ HRM practices are more prone

to local cultural influences than are their overall policies and strategies. Moreover, some of

the practices which the company had imported from abroad had to be modified to make

them workable, given its local cultural and non-cultural contexts.

Internal Factors

The Internal environment of associations firmly influence their HR rehearses. By (and

Boudreau, 1991) specialists have incorporated an extensive rundown of hierarchical

qualities identified with HR rehearses. The critical inner elements are as per the following:

Associations Size: According to (McPherson,2008) proof proposes that there is an expansive

number of little firms that don't establish formal HR rehearses in huge associations , for each

utilitarian level there might a requirement for an alternate HR division (Jackson et al.,1989;


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Kaynak et al., 1998).

Hierarchical Structure: An association's system and structure are essential in deciding HR

hones adaptability and coordination. There are critical basic contrasts among firms that

influence the route in which HR practices are outlined and actualized (Garwin, 1986;

Tomer,1995;Hudson et al.,2001).

Business Strategy: To increase upper hand, firms use diverse aggressive

methodologies .These techniques are more profitable when they are methodicallly loved

with human asset administration rehearses Companies can enhance their surroundings by

settling on productive decisions about human asset hones that reliably bolster their picked

system (Milkovich and Boudreau,1991;Schuler,1992).

Human Resource Strategy: HR technique is a critical determinant of both power and

assorted qualities of HR practices (Gravan et al., 2008). Generally speaking HR practices are

formed as per HR system.

History, Tradition and past practices: various firmly related variables, for example, history,

customs and past practices have a tendency to produce imperviousness to change in many

associations (Kane and Palmer, 1995; Pardo and Fuentes, 2003).

Top Management: The impact of top administration on HR practices is recognized by most

authors, regardless of the fact that just to the degree of prompting that top administrations

backing ought to be available (Ondrack and Nininger, 1984; Kane and Palmer, 1995) in

outlining and executing HR arrangements.

Line Management: Line Management cooperation in outlining and executing HR exercises

is the way to hierarchical achievement. Since line chiefs are in charge of making quality,


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they ought to coordinate HR hones in their work (Okpara and Wynn, 2008; Alas et al.,


Force and Politics: Tsui and Milkovich (1987) found that hierarchical force and legislative

issues as practiced by different bodies electorate are essential determinants of HR practices.

Scholastic and Professional impact on HR Practices: HR staffs are frequently included in the

choice making process about HR strategies and practices. Their insight about option HR

practices might speak to vital variables in their own privilege (Kane and Palmer, 1995).

VI- Various Models of Human Resource Management

Various models of HRM have been developed from time to time by different teams of the

researchers. All these models have helped the HR practitioner to effectively manage the

human resources. Some of the important models have been discussed as follows:

Harvard Model

The Harvard model (Beer et al.1984) works as a strategic map to guide all managers in their

relations with employees and concentrates on the human or soft aspect of HRM. It strives at

employee commitment not control. It also works on the premise that employees needed to be

congruent, competent and cost effective.

Michigan Model

The Michigan model (Devanna et al.,1984) concentrates on hard HRM. It holds that

individuals ought to be overseen like some other assets thus gotten economically, utilized

sparingly, created and abused completely. It additionally underlined the interrelatedness of

HRM exercises. By model, determination, evaluation, improvement and prizes were adapted

towards authoritative execution.


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Guest Model

Visitor relative model (Guest, 1997) chips away at the reason that an arrangement of

incorporated HRM practices will result to prevalent individual and authoritative execution. It

advocates a noteworthy distinction of HRM from PM. It holds that HRM procedures like

separation, advancement, the emphasis on Quality and cost lessening will prompt practices

like better training,appraisal, choice, rewards, work plans, contribution, and security

prompting more quality results; responsibility and adaptability. It will then influence

execution in that profitability will expand; development will be accomplished and

constrained nonappearances, work turnover, strife or client protests.,

Warwick Model

This model was produced by Hendry and Pettigrew (1990) at community for technique and

change, Warwick University in mid 1990s. It stresses on explanatory way to deal with

HRM. It additionally perceives the effect of the part of the work force capacities on the

human asset system content. The specialist centered their examination on mapping the

connection, distinguishing the internal (authoritative) and outer (ecological) setting.

VII- HRM Practices and other Variables

HRM practice directly or indirectly affects several other variables in the organization. The

following relationships have been identified in the literature.

HRM Practices & Competitive Advantage

HRM practices help the organizations to achieve competitive advantage. According to the

resource based view of the firm (Penrose 1995; Barney 1991), competitive advantage can be

developed and sustained by creating value in a way that is rare and difficult for competitors

to imitate and the quality the human resource within is difficult to imitate.


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HRM Practices & Employee-Employer Relationship

Worker business relations can be made enhanced if the association actualizes viable

HRM rehearses. Tzafrir et al. (2004) directed a study to discover the outcomes of powerful

human asset administration hones on workers trust. The outcome demonstrated a positive

and noteworthy impact of strengthening, hierarchical correspondence and procedural equity

as determinants of workers trust in their chiefs. The outcome additionally demonstrated that

procedural equity intercedes the effect of worker improvement on their trust in their

supervisors. The HRM hones help the association to increment common comprehension

between the representatives and the business. Guzzo and Noonan (1994) considered HRM

rehearses as a correspondence channel in the middle of boss and representatives. Rousseau

and Greller (1994) proposed HRM hones as contract-molding occasions.

HRM Practices and Trust

Vanhala and Ahteela (2011) in their study found that worker trust in the entire

association is associated with view of the decency and working of HRM practices. Such

practices can in this way be utilized as a part of request to assemble the unoriginal

measurement of Organizational trust

HRM Practices & Effective utilization of employees

Bailey (1993) displayed a contention for the use of advancing HRM rehearses

because HR are every now and again underutilized. Workers frequently perform underneath

their potential. Bailey brings up that HRM practices might have an impact on worker

aptitudes and inspiration. HRM rehearses impact representative abilities through the

securing and improvement of an organizations human capital. Enlisting methods and

determination administrations will have an impact over the quality and sort of aptitudes new

workers have.


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HRM Practices & Service Quality

Scrutinizes give proof to demonstrate that HRM rehearses help the association to

enhance the nature of administrations Tsaura and Lin (2004) exactly investigated the

relationship among human asset administration hones, administration conduct and

administration quality in the traveler lodgings. The outcomes showed that HRM rehearses

had mostly an immediate impact on client impression of administration quality and a

circuitous impact through workers' administration conduct. This implies administration

conduct just in part intercedes the relationship between human asset administration practices

and administration quality.

HRM Practices and Employee Commitment

The usage of HRM practices in the association prompts upgraded worker duty.

Maheshwari et al. (2005) directed a study to discover the dedication of wellbeing authorities

and its suggestions for HR rehearses in Maharashtra. The study recommends that the area

wellbeing authorities don't impart a forceful passionate bond to their specialization. The

state needs to change its Human Resource Management practices to successfully reinforce

the working of the wellbeing framework. The concentrate additionally proposes that putting

resources into advancement of different techniques for the development and vocation

improvement of wellbeing experts in required. Thus, Smeenk et al. (2006) inspected the

elements which influence hierarchical responsibility among Dutch college workers in two

resources with various scholastic personalities (separatist versus hegemonist,). The

examinations of information uncovers that in the separatist staff decentralization, pay,

preparing/improvement, positional residency and profession portability have noteworthy

impacts. Age, authoritative residency, level of self-governance, working hours, social

association and individual significance essentially influence the representatives' hierarchical

responsibility in the hegemonist workforce. Support, social connections and work level are

variables that are vital in both resources. Shahnawaz and Juyal (2006) looked at different


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HRM rehearses in two distinct associations—a consultancy/research based association and a

style firms. The concentrate additionally went for evaluating the amount of responsibility in

the two commercial enterprises can be ascribed to HRM hones. HRM practices were

discovered fundamentally diverse in two associations and mean scores on different HRM

practices were discovered more in the style association. Relapse results demonstrated that

different HRM practices were altogether anticipating authoritative duty in both associations

furthermore when they were joined. Execution examination and 'demeanors towards HRM

office' were the noteworthy indicators of hierarchical responsibility in both the

organizations.In an another study, Chew and Chan (2008) inspected the effect of HR

practices on changeless worker's authoritative duty and their aim to stay and found that

hierarchical responsibility was decidedly influenced by individual association fit,

compensation, acknowledgment, and a chance to embrace testing job assignments. Aim to

stay was fundamentally identified with individual association fit, compensation

acknowledgment, preparing and vocation advancement. Further, he found that preparation

and profession advancement was not altogether identified with hierarchical responsibility

and testing assignments was not fundamentally identified with expectation to sit tight.

HRM Practices and Organizational Performance

HRM hones upgrades authoritative execution. Rondeau and Wager (2001) inspected

the relationship between HRM hones, work environment atmosphere and view of

hierarchical execution, in a vast example of Canadian nursing homes and found that nursing

homes, which had actualized more "dynamic" HRM practices and which reported a working

environment atmosphere that firmly esteemed worker support, strengthening and

responsibility had a tendency to be seen to for the most part perform better on various

esteemed authoritative results. Chand also, Katou (2007) led a study to research whether

some particular attributes of inns influence hierarchical execution in the lodging business in

India; and to explore whether some HRM frameworks influence authoritative execution


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.They found that lodging execution is emphatically connected with inn classification

and kind of inn and inn execution is absolutely identified with the HRM frameworks of

enlistment and determination, labor arranging ,work plan ,preparing and

improvement ,quality circle, and pay framework.

Joseph and Dai (2009) found that there are critical associations between HRM

practices and firm execution; that the vital arrangement of HRM is likewise a driver for firm


In the study directed by Nayaab et al (2011), it has been found that HRM rehearses

adds to the upgraded banks execution. Further, the outcome showed that HRM rehearses like

preparing, representative cooperation in choice making was discovered fundamentally

related with banks execution. Further, Osman et al (2011) found that the viability of

executing HR hones in an organization does in fact have a noteworthy effect towards an

association's execution. The discoveries likewise demonstrate that HR hones have an effect

of almost 50 percent on firm execution.

HRM Practices & Financial Performance

Huselid (1995) directed a study to assess the connection between frameworks of

High Performance work practices and firm execution and found that these practices have a

measurably huge effect on middle of the road representative results (turnover and efficiency)

and short and long haul measures of corporate budgetary execution. Hyde et al. (2008)

inspected the effect of HRM practices on firm productivity. They found that little backing

for a positive relationship between HRM practices and firm benefit. Fey Carl F. (2000)

explored the relationship between human asset administration (HRM) rehearses and the

execution of 101 outside claimed auxiliaries in Russia. The study's outcomes give backing to

the declaration that interests in HRM practices can significantly offer a firm some assistance

with performing better. Further, diverse HRM hones for administrative and non-


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administrative workers are observed to be fundamentally related with firm execution. Ngo et

al. (2008) inspected SHRM (Strategic Human Resource Management) hones in China to

survey the effect of these practices on firm execution and representative connection

atmosphere and found that SHRM hones have immediate and constructive outcomes on

money related execution, operational execution, and the worker relations atmosphere.

HRM Practices and Employees Productivity

A few studies demonstrate that specific HRM practices, for example, working in

groups, more prominent attentiveness and independence in the working environment and

different representative inclusion and pay plans, do rouse specialists and create higher work

efficiency (Cully et al. 1999; Boselie and Wiele 2002). Workers' association as far as

appointment of obligation and frameworks of gathering proposition from representatives

might positively affect efficiency (Arthur 1994, Wallace 1995). Cross practical groups, work

pivot, quality circles and joining of capacities might all contribute emphatically to work

efficiency. (Broker et al., 1996). HRM exercises giving casual and formal preparing and

enlistment and determination have additionally appeared to affect profitability and business

sector value.(Huselid 1995, Delery and Dotty 1996).

As of late in the study directed by Soomro et al. (2011), it has been found that HRM

works on (preparing, determination, profession arranging, worker support, work definition,

remuneration, execution evaluation) were related emphatically with the representative

execution. Further respondents gave most noteworthy significance to execution evaluation

and afterward to pay among individual HRM hones.

HRM Practices and Effective Management of Employees

Tripathy and Tripathy (2008) found that most of the IT organizations examined,

foundation such HRM rehearses that are mind boggling in nature and a greater part of the IT

organizations do take after such HRM hones which can be termed as versatile in nature. 15

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They proposed that offering work in addition to instruction referral enrollment, online and

open house tests (if there should be an occurrence of enlistment and determination),

adaptable preparing decision, aptitudes and undertaking driven preparing (in the event of

preparing and improvement) and in conclusion, straightforward evaluation frameworks,

above normal pay, more non-compensation advantages, flexi timing and open door for

development are a portion of the specific practices which, if took after with meticulousness,

would help overseeing upgrade HR of an IT company.Tripathy and Tripathy (2008) found

that most of the IT organizations examined, foundation such HRM rehearses that are mind

boggling in nature and a dominant part of the IT organizations do take after such HRM

hones which can be termed as versatile in nature. They proposed that offering work in

addition to instruction referral enlistment, online and open house tests (if there should arise

an occurrence of enrollment and determination), adaptable preparing decision, abilities and

task driven preparing (if there should be an occurrence of preparing and advancement) and

in conclusion, straightforward evaluation frameworks, above normal compensation, more

non-pay advantages, flexi timing and open door for development are a portion of the

particular practices which, if took after with meticulousness, would help overseeing improve

HR of an IT organization.

HRM Practices and Growth and Innovations

Panayotopoulou and Papalexandris (2004) found that HRM affects

development/advancement files instead of money related execution. Li et al (2005) inspected

the relationship between HRM, innovation development and execution in China and found

that worker preparing, insignificant inspiration and procedure control effectsly affect

mechanical advancement, while material inspiration and result control impact innovative

development. It is likewise found that mechanical development is emphatically related with


HRM Practices & HRD Climate


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It has been found that the HRM hones help the association to grow better HRD

atmosphere in the association. Hassan et al. (2006) measured worker's impression of HRD

practices, to investigate whether ISO confirmation prompts any change in HRD atmosphere

and inspected the part of HRD practices on representative's formative atmosphere and

quality introduction in the association. They observed that ISO confirmed organizations

acquired higher means on some HRD variables when contrasted with others. Associations

with better learning, preparing and advancement frameworks, prize and acknowledgment,

and data frameworks advanced a positive HRD atmosphere. Quality introduction was

anticipated via profession arranging, execution direction and advancement, part viability and

prize and acknowledgment framework.

HRM Practices and Technology

HRM practices and Technology influences one another. On one side HRM rehearses

influences execution of the innovation on the grounds that the accomplishment of data

innovation (IT) anticipates is exceedingly indigent upon the end-clients' conduct. Whether

end-clients are capable and willing to work with recently presented programming

applications is key. Consequently, a key issue is supporting focused on workers of recently

presented programming applications in their legitimate utilisation.HRM hones can possibly

give such bolster (Bondarouk and Ruel, 2008).

On the other side Lawler and Mohrman, (2003) contended that with the

development of data innovation, a significant part of the regulatory parts of human asset

administration can be expert through innovation arrangements facilitated by the organization

or outsourced. As innovation authorizes HR from a few of its routine tasks, there is a greater

opportunity for HR professionals to become a strategic partner (Ulrich, 1997).

HRM Practices and Job Satisfaction

HRM practices also affect the level of job satisfaction of the employees. Petrescu 17

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and Simmons (2008) examined the relationship between HRM practices and workers overall

job satisfaction and their satisfaction with pay. The result indicated that several HRM

practices raise workers overall job satisfaction and their satisfaction with pay.

HRM Practices and Employees Intention to Leave

Worker turnover is a noteworthy test for the association yet the organizations actualizing

powerful HRM practices can lessen the rate of the representative turnover. Abeysekera

(2007) experimentally assessed six HR hones (practical occupation data, work examination,

work family adjust, vocation advancement, pay and boss backing) and their conceivable

effect on showcasing administrators expectation to leave (MEIL) in the Sri Lankan renting

organizations. The outcome demonstrated occupation examination, pay, vocation

advancement, practical employment data variables were adversely and essentially related

with MEIL. The work family adjust was not contrarily connected with MEIL. Aftereffects of

relapsing the HR hones on MEIL demonstrated that pay and occupation examination are

solid indicators of MEIL.

VIII-HR Best Practices of Indian Companies: Leading Examples

HRM practices differs from one organization to another and from one country to another but

the outcome remains the same i.e. HRM practices leads to increase in the productivity and

performance of employees as well as of the organization. In addition to the traditional HRM

practices, many organizations have implemented unique HRM practices according to their

needs. The HRM practices depicted in Table 1 are some of the innovative HRM practices

implemented by the companies.



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1 JK Lakshmi Cement Special Task Force, Young Leaders Forum,and Periodic Blood Pressure check up camps,Quiz competitions, Open HouseCommunication meetings and outboundtraining programmes.

2 Grasim Industries Limited It has been awarded as the best place to work,by Hewitt’s and Economic times in the year2007 and has implemented several innovativeHRM Practices.

3 TATA AIG General Insurance Co.Ltd. Friday Movie Mania (Popular movies arescreened on demand), indoor games andcompetition annual theme parties like WOW(World of World ) where the children of theemployees can spend time in their parentsplace of work, a rewards and recognitionprogram ,called “The Success Matrix”,rewards employees on monthly, quarterly andannual basis along with on spot recognitionalso. At all branches citations and awards aredisplayed on the “Wall of Fame”.

4 Maruti Udyog Limited (MUL) Maruti has changed the whole perspective ofHR from merely being paper pusher andtime keeper to a more active strategicbusiness partner. Newer initiatives wereadapted in performance appraisalscompetency mapping and job rotations.Communication become more open andtransparent by involving active participationof the people in the whole process, excellentteams emerged and the best compensationwas offered in the industry for motivating theworkforce.

4 HCL Technologies Ltd. HCL Technologies gave birth to new conceptcalled as Employee First, Customer Second(EFCS), which focuses on giving people,whatever they need to succeed.CEO Connectin which he is personally available to eachand every employee that works in HCL.Functional heads hold down hall meetingsthrough “Employee first governing council”that collectively addresses all the issues and


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questions of its employees.

5 LG India LG India spends close to Rs.15-17 crores in ayear on HR Training .The basic idea behindthis is to make employees believe thatnothing is impossible.

6 Pantaloons (India) Limited. Pantaloon Retails has talent managementprograms like ‘GURUKUL’ for trainingfrontline staff just before they join.

These innovative HRM practices have resulted into building image of the company in the mind of the employees and it is very clear that these companies are performing well in their sectors.

IX- HRM Practices Framework

On the basis of the review of the several studies and various models of HRM which have been developed from time to time, the researchers have designed the following framework providing an overview of HRM practices.


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The structure shows how outer and inner elements influence HRM practices and how these

HRM hones create into specific advantages for the association and eventually prompt

general corporate execution.

The survey of different studies led on HRM rehearses demonstrates that there are a few

components in side and outside the association that influence HRM hones and the HR

troughs ought to painstakingly break down these variables while planning the HRM hones.

The accompanying things ought to specifically be remembered by discoveries of our writing



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1. Due thought ought to be given to connect the HRM rehearses with the long haul

goals and the techniques of the association.

2. The HRM practices ought to be assessed every now and then by leading an

overview among the representatives and the procurements ought to be rolled out to fuse

improvements now and again.

3. The customs of the association and the past practices ought to be remembered while

planning and actualizing HRM rehearses.

4. The top administration ought to give fullest conceivable backing (budgetary and in

addition good) to the HR office in outlining and actualizing the HRM hones.

5. The HR chiefs ought to stay up with the latest with condition of workmanship HRM


6. The HRM rehearses vary starting with one nation then onto the next and starting

with one association then onto the next, so due thought ought to be given to the association

and the nation's particular surroundings.

7. The line directors ought to be included during the time spent the configuration of the

HRM rehearses on the grounds that line supervisors are the general population who manage

the workers in their area of expertise and they can give significant bits of knowledge.

8. There is a need to fundamentally look at the activities of the contenders since it

specifically or in a roundabout way influences the association.

9. The force focus and the legislative issues that is winning in the association ought to

be legitimately concentrated on.


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10. If exchange unions exist in the association, then the correct chance of representation

ought to be given to them.


The survey of the writing on HRM hones have demonstrated that to adequately deal with the

HR the associations need to actualize imaginative HRM rehearses. The associations which

actualizes such practices with devotion, stays in front of their rivals in light of the fact that

such practices influences different variables, for example, upper hand, work fulfillment,

money related execution, representative turnover, administration quality, worker

responsibility and so forth in a positive way and prompts general corporate execution. While

planning and actualizing such practices, one critical thing is to be remembered that the HRM

practices ought to be broke down every once in a while and it ought to be overhauled in like

manner. Line supervisors ought to be included in planning HRM practices and overview

ought to be directed among workers to know their assessment about HRM hones. This will

help the association to take remedial activities at the perfect time.


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